Acclaim: 10th 8

Accomplishment: 10th 14

Advancement: 10th 84

Adversity: 12th 54

Advice: 9th 82

Advisors: 9th 82

Aged people/things: 4th 10, 11, 33

Agents: 5th 72, 74

Agriculture: 4th 69

Agriculture: 6th 71

Airborne attacks: 10th 86

Airlines: 9th 83

Alienation: 12th 56

Allies: 2nd 65

Allies of the nation: 11th 87

Ambassadors: 5th 39, 72, 73

Ambition: 11th 40, 87

Ammunition: 2nd 65

Ancestry(ors): 4th 10, 71

Ancestral wealth: 4th 10

Anguish of mind: 8th 30, 80

Anguish of mind: 12th 89

Animals (small): 6th 57-59, 75

Animals (large): 12th xvii, 54, 58-9, 90

Ankles: 11th 88

Anxieties: 8th 81

Anxieties: 12th 54

Appearance: 1st 12, 62

Applause: 10th 13

Archivists: 6th 75

Arguments: 3rd (afflicted) 67

Armed forces

(enforcing): 10th 75

(serving): 6th 75

Arms (body): 3rd 68

Arts: 5th 72

Aspirations: 10th xv, 14

Assets: 2nd 65

Assistants: 2nd 30, 66


(consulting): 7th 77

(generally): 9th 49, 53, 83

Astrology: 9th 49, 53, 82

Astronomy: 9th 49

Asylum seekers: 12th 91

Asylums: 12th 91

Atheism: 9th 53

Attackers: 7th 78

Aunts (father’s side): 6th 75

Au-pairs: 6th 75

Authority: 10th 14, 83, 85

Awards: 10th 84

Back of shoulders: 5th 74

Back: 5th 74

Banished persons: 12th 91

Banks: 2nd 74

Banquets: 5th 39, 72

Beginnings/ends: 4th 10, 69

Beliefs: 9th 82

Benefactors: 11th 40

Besieged cities: 4th 70

Betting on sport: 5th 72

Black: 7th 79

Bladder: 7th 79

Bladder: 8th 82

Blasphemy: 12th 90

Body, defects: 6th 58

Bodily form: 1st 62, 112

Bondage: 12th 90, 91

Book-keepers: 6th 75

Books: 9th 83

Bosses: 10th 85

Boundaries: 4th 69

‘Bowels of earth’: 4th 10, 69

Brand identity: 10th 14, 86

Breasts: 4th 70

Brothers: 3rd iv, 28, 42, 44, 67, 68

Buildings: 4th 69

Burdens: 12th 56

Burials: 4th 33

Buried emotions: 4th 11

Buried treasure: 4th 10

Business partners: 7th 77

Buttocks: 7th 79

Buttocks: 9th 83

Buyer: 1st 63

Calves: 10th 86

Captivity: 12th 89

Career: 10th xv, 14, 28, 84

Caretakers: 6th 75

Cars: 3rd 65, 67

Cattle large: 12th xvii, 54, 90

small: 6th 57-9, 75

Caves: 4th 69

Character: 1st 12, 13, 62

Charisma: 1st 62

Children: 5th iv, xv, xvii, 28, 38, 39, 72

Children (ancient): 10th 13, 14, 85

Children (ancient): 11th 41, 89

Chores: 6th 75

Church: 9th 48, 53, 82, 83

Civil service: 6th 75

Clandestine acts: 12th 55

Clergy: 9th 49, 82

Clothes: 5th 39, 72

Coal: 4th 10

Collector of taxes: 8th 81

Colour of appearance: 1st 62

Comfort and relief: 11th 41, 87

Commanders: 10th 14, 84, 85

Common people: 1st 62

Communications: 3rd 44, 45, 67

Community: 3rd 44

Commuting: 3rd 67

Complexion: 1st 62

Computers: 3rd 67

Concentration camps: 12th 91

Conception: 5th 72

Concubines: 7th 17

Condemned persons: 7th 79

Confidence: 11th 41, 87

Confinement: 12th 58

Conflicts: 7th 77

Conscience: 9th 49

Contentions: 7th 17, 77

Contracts negotiated: 7th 77

written: 3rd 67, 68

Convicts confined: 12th 85

escaped: 7th 77

Correspondence: 3rd 67

Councillors: 11th 87

Councils: 11th 87

Counsellors: 9th 83

County councils: 11th 87

Courts: 10th 85

Cousins: 3rd 44, 67

Cows (oxen): 12th 54, 90

Creativity: 5th 39, 72

Criminals on trial/at large: 7th 77, 79

confined: 12th 91

Crisis: 8th 80

Crops: 6th 75

Cure for an illness: 10th 86

Customers: 7th 77

Dancing: 5th 72

Danger: 12th 54

Dark Colours: 6th 76

Dark Colours: 7th 15, 16

Dark places: 4th 69, 71

Data-clerks: 6th 75

Death: 4th 10, 11, 33, 69-71

Death: 8th iv, ix, xv, xvi, xvii, 15, 21, 24-30, 80

Death: 12th 54

Death ancient: 7th 15, 16, 17

duties: 8th 80

rate: 8th 80

Debates: 3rd 67

Debt: 8th 80-1

Debt: 12th 54

Decay: 8th 80

Decisions: 10th 14, 85

Decline: 8th 26

Deeds (written): 3rd 67, 68

Defendant in lawsuit: 7th 79

Delights: 5th xvii

Deliveries: 3rd 67

Descendants: 4th 11

Dentists: 6th 75

Destination in a journey: 7th 77

Destiny: 9th 48

Dictators: 10th 85

Dignity: 10th 14, 84

Diplomats: 5th 39, 72, 73

Disability allowances: 6th 75

Disease: 6th 56, 58, 63, 75-6

Disease: 12th 54

Disgrace: 12th 54

Disposition: 1st 12

Distinction: 10th 13, 14

Divination: 9th 48, 49, 53, 82

Doctor treating illness: 7th 79

Doctors (generally): 6th 75

Documents: 3rd 68

Domestic chores: 6th 58, 75

Dreams: 9th 48, 49, 54, 82

Drinking (social): 5th 39

Drowning: 4th 10, 33, 69

Drudgery: 6th 57

Dukes/earls: 10th 85

Ears: 1st 63

Earnings: 2nd 65

East: 1st 64

East-north-east: 2nd 66

East-south-east: 12th 92

Ecclesiastical customs: 9th 51

Education higher: 9th 49, 83

personal: 1st 12

system: 3rd 44, 67

system: 5th 67, 73

Elephants: 12th 54, 90

Emails: 3rd 67

Emotional strength: 1st 62

Employees: 6th 57, 75

Employers: 10th 84

End of matter: 4th 69

Enemies, known: 7th xvii, 15, 17, 62, 77

Enemies, unknown: 12th iv, xvii, 29, 54, 55, 77, 90

Enjoyment: 5th 72

Enmity: 6th 58

Enmity: 12th 54

Entertainment: 5th 72

Environment: 3rd 44, 67

Estate: 2nd xvii, 30, 66

Epidemics: 6th 75

Exchequer: 2nd 65

Exile: 12th 54

Expenditure: 8th 30

Explorers: 9th 82

Exports: 2nd 65

Expression, manner: 1st 62

Eyes: 1st 63

Face: 1st 63

Factories: 6th 75

Fame: 10th 13, 14, 84

Family property: 4th 11

Far away places: 9th 49, 50, 82

Farmers: 4th 70

Farmers: 6th 58, 75

Farming: 4th 11, 69

Farming: 6th 57, 58, 75

Fate: 9th 48, 49

Fathers: 4th xvii, 10, 11, 33, 69, 71

Father’s kin: 6th 75

Father’s money: 5th 73

Faxes: 3rd 67

Fear: 8th 30, 81

Fear: 12th 54, 56

Feasts: 5th 72

Feet: 12th 91

Fertility: 5th 73

Financial institutions: 2nd 65

matters: 2nd ix, 30, 65

obligations: 8th 80

Fingers: 3rd 68

Food resources: 2nd 65

pleasurable: 5th 39

Foreign countries/land: 9th 49

office: 9th 83

travel: 9th 49, 82

Foreigners: 9th 49, 82

Foundations: 4th 10, 11, 69

Freedom: 11th 41, 87, 88

Friends related: 3rd 44

unrelated: 11th iv, xvii, 40, 41

Friendship: 11th xii, 41, 87

Fugitives: 7th 78

Funerals: 4th 69

Gain: 2nd 30, 65

Gall-stones: 8th 82

Gambling: 5th 39, 72

Gardens: 4th 69

Gems: 4th 69

Genitals: 8th 82

Gifts: 5th 39, 72

Gifts: 11th 41

Glory: 10th 13, 14, 84

Goals: 11th 87

Goats: 6th 75

God: 9th 28, 49, 54, 84

Good fortune/luck: 5th 39

Good fortune: 11th 87

Gossips: 3rd 67

Government: 10th 14, 85

Government opposition: 4th 70

Grains: 6th 75

Grandchildren: 9th 83

Grandparents: 4th 10, 11, 77

Graves: 4th xvii, 10

Green: 2nd 66

Green: 12th 92

Green (dark): 8th 82

Green (light): 9th 83

Grief: 8th xvi, 81

Groin: 8th 82

Ground, quality of: 4th 69

Guilt/guilty secrets: 12th 90

Guts: 6th 76

Gymnasiums: 5th 72

Haemorrhoids: 8th 82

Hair: 1st 63

Hams: 10th 86

Hands: 3rd 68

Happiness: 11th 41

Hard labour: 12th 89

Head: 1st xiii, 33, 63

Heads of State: 10th 85

Health: 1st 12, 13, 62

Health industry: 6th 75

Heart: 5th 74

Heir to deceased: 8th 80

Hidden matters: 8th 80

things: 4th 10, 71, 112

things/secrets: 12th 55, 89

treasure: 4th 10, 11, 69

Hips: 9th 83

History: 4th 69

Hobbies: 5th 72

Hogs: 6th 75

Holidays: 5th 39, 72

Holy matters/places: 9th 82, 89

Home team: 1st 62

Home: 4th 10, 11, 69

Homeless people: 12th 91

Honey-colour (golden):5th 74

Honours: 10th iv, 13, 14, 84

Hope: 11th xii, 40

Hopes of the nation: 11th 88

Horse-racing: 5th 72

Horses: 12th 54, 90

Hospitals: 12th 91

Hostility: 7th 15

House of Commons: 11th 87

Houses: 4th xvii, 11

Hunted/hunting: 7th 78

Illness: 6th 56, 57, 58, 75, 112

Immorality: 5th (afflicted) 72, 74

Imprisonment: 12th ix, 54, 55, 89, 91

Income: 2nd 30, 65

Husbands: 7th 78

Increase: 2nd 27, 29

Indulgence: 5th 72

Infamy: 10th (afflicted) 84

Infirmity: 6th 28, 51, 58

Infirmity: 12th 51, 54, 55, 89, 91

Inheritance: 8th 30, 80, 81

Initiator of event: 1st 63

Inland transit: 3rd 67

Inns: 5th 72

Insecurity: 8th 81

Inspiration: 9th 53, 82

Insurance: 8th 30

Intellect: 1st 13, 62, 112

Intellectual quests: 9th 53

Internal comms: 3rd 67

International comms: 9th 83

law: 9th 83

Internet: 3rd 67

Invaders: 7th 62, 77

Invisibility: 12th 56

Isolation: 12th 89

Journeys, see travel Joy: 5th 39, 41

Judgements: 10th 14, 85

Judges: 10th 14, 83, 85

Justice, dispensing of: 10th 13, 14

Kidneys: 6th 76

Kindred: 3rd xvii, 44, 67

Kings: 10th 85

Kings (ancient): 9th 49, 50

Knees: 10th 85, 86

Knowledge higher: 9th 49

mundane: 3rd 67

Labour: 6th 56, 57

Labour: 12th 56

Labour party: 6th 75

Labourers: 6th 56, 58, 75

Land: 4th xvii, 10, 11, 69-71

Language (common): 3rd 67-8

(international): 9th 49

Law Society: 9th 83

Law dispensing of: 10th 14, 83, 85

practitioners of: 9th 83

Lawsuits: 7th 17, 77

Lawyers: 9th 83

Learning: 9th 49

Lease agreements: 4th 69

Legacies: 8th xvii, 80

Legs: 11th 88

Leisure industry: 5th 72, 73

Letters: 3rd 44, 67-8

Libraries: 6th 75

Lies: 3rd (afflicted) 68

Life: 1st iv, 12, 28, 62

Lineage: 4th 13

Literature: 3rd 67

Livelihood: 2nd 30

Liver: 5th 74

Loans: 8th 25, 26, 80

Lodgers: 6th 75

Loss: 8th xvi, 26, 30, 65, 80, 81

Lotteries: 5th 72

Love: 5th 39

Love: 11th 41

Love affairs: 5th 72

Lovemaking: 5th 72

Lovers: 7th 24, 73

Lower belly: 6th 76

Lower intestines: 7th 79

Luck, bad: 12th 54

Luck, (chance): 5th 72

Luck, good: 11th 41, 87

Lungs: 4th 70

Luxuries: 5th 72

Magazines (papers): 3rd 67

Magistrates: 10th 83, 85

Maids (housemaids): 6th 56, 58

Malicious hauntings: 12th 90

Malicious motivation: 12th 55

Manners: 1st 12

Market value: 10th 86

Marriage: 7th iv, xv, 17, 28, 77

Marriage (ancient): 10th 85

Marriage/divorce rate: 7th 79

Material possessions: 2nd 29, 65

Meditative experiences:9th 53

Menial tasks: 6th 57

Merriment: 5th 72

Messages: 3rd 44, 45, 67

Messengers: 3rd 67

Messengers (agents): 5th 74

Metals, mining of: 4th 11

Mind: 1st 62

Minerals: 4th 10, 33, 69

Mines: 4th 10, 69

Mining: 4th 10, 11, 33, 70-1

Misery: 6th 56, 58

Misery: 12th 54-56

Missing items: 2nd 65

Mobility skills: 3rd 67

Monasteries: 12th/9th 89

Money lent: 2nd 65

Money markets: 2nd 65

Money of partner/others: 8th 25-26

owed: 8th 80

Monks: 9th/12th 89

Moral ideas: 9th 49

Morbid fears: 8th 80

Mother: 10th xvii, 14, 15, 85

Mother’s kin: 12th 91

Motivation: 11th 87

Mourning: 8th 81

Mouth: 1st 63

Moveable goods: 2nd 65

Mundane chores: 6th 56

Murder: 8th 30, 81

Muses/music: 5th 72

Mysticism: 9th 82

National allies: 11th 87

art galleries: 5th 73

assets: 2nd 65

birth rate: 5th 73

debt: 8th 81

food reserves: 6th 75

health: 1st 62

health service: 6th 76

National reputation: 10th 85

Nationalism: 4th 69

Neck to shoulders: 2nd 66

Neighbourhood: 3rd 67

Neighbours: 3rd 44

Neighbouring nations: 3rd 68

Newspapers: 3rd 67

Nobility: 10th 85

North: 4th 71

North-north-east: 3rd 68

North-north-west: 5th 74

Nose: 1st 63

Notoriety: 10th 84

Nuns: 9th/12th 89

Nurses: 6th 75

Nutriment: 2nd 30

Occult groups: 12th 91

Oil: 4th 10, 69

Old age: 4th 10

people: 4th 11, 33, 69

Opponents: 7th 16, 17, 77-79

Optimism: 11th 40, 87

Orange: 3rd 68

Ores: 4th 10

‘Other person’: 7th 77

Outer image: 1st 12

Outlaws: 7th 78

Overindulgence: 5th (afflicted) 72

Overseas: 9th 82

Overwork: 6th 58

Oxen: 12th 54, 90

Pagan worship: 9th 53

Paranoia: 12th 90

Parents: 4th iv, 10, 11, 28, 44, 69, 71

Parks: 5th 72, 73

Parliament: 11th 87

Parties: 5th 72

Partner’s assets: 8th 30, 80, 81

Partners: 7th 16, 24

Partnerships: 7th xv, 17, 77

Past: 4th 10, 69

Paternity: 4th 11, 80

Patrimony: 4th 33

Patriotism: 4th 69

Periodicals: 3rd 67

Persecution: 12th 89

Personal belongings: 2nd 65

strength: 1st 62

Personality: 1st 12, 62

Pets: 6th 58-59, 75

Philosophy: 9th 49, 82

Physical body: 1st 12, 65

Physician (treating): 7th xvii, 77, 79

Piles: 8th 82

Pilgrims: 9th 82

Pink (red & white): 10th 86

Plays: 5th 39, 72

Pleasant things: 5th 72

Pleasure: 5th 39, 72

Poison: 8th 30, 80, 82

Police as law enforcers:10th 85

as public servants: 6th 75

Political ideals: 11th 87

Popular favour: 10th 13, 14

Possessions: 2nd 30

Post office/service: 3rd 67

Poverty: 8th/12th 30, 55

Power: 10th 14, 84

Pregnancy: 5th ix, xv, 25, 38, 72, 74

Pregnant women: 5th 39

Presidents: 10th 85

Press: 3rd 67

Prestige: 10th 84, 85

Price, of transaction: 10th 86

Prime officers/ministers: 10th 85

Princes: 10th 85

Prison(ers)/system: 12th 54, 89, 91

Private life: 4th 11, 69

Prizes: 10th 84

Profession: 10th 14, 84, 86

Professional ‘selves’: 10th 13

Professors: 9th 83

Profit or loss: 2nd 25-26, 30, 65

Promiscuity: 5th (afflicted) 72

Promotional activities: 10th 14

Propaganda: 3rd 67, 68

Property (ancestral): 4th 10

Property for sale: 4th 69

Property market: 4th 70

Prosecution in lawsuit: 1st 63

Public employees: 6th 75

Public enemies: 7th 78

Public eye/attention: 10th 14, 84

Public mortality: 8th 81

Public opinion: 3rd 67

Public records: 6th 75

Publications: 3rd 67

Publicity: 10th 84

Publishing industry: 9th 83

Pubs: 5th 72

Property: 4th 65

Queens (ancient): 9th 44, 50

Querent: 1st 62

Rabbits: 6th 75

Railways: 3rd 67

Real estate: 4th 65

Recreation: 5th 39

Red: 4th 71

Red & white (pink): 10th 86

Reformatories: 12th 91

Relationship questions: 7th 77

Relatives: 3rd 44

Release: 11th 88

Religion: 9th xvii, 28, 48, 49, 51, 82, 83, 89

Reports: 3rd 44, 67

Reproductive organs: 7th 79

Reputation: 10th xvii, 13, 14, 78, 84

Reputation of family: 4th 11

Resorts: 5th 72

Resources: 2nd 30, 65-6

Restraint/restriction: 12th 55

Retirement: 7th 17

Revelations: 9th 48, 49

Revenue: 2nd 65

Road/river traffic: 3rd 67

Romance: 5th 72-3

Roots: 4th 10, 69

Royalty: 10th 14, 85

Ruling in law court: 10th 13

Rumours: 3rd 44, 45, 67

Runaways: 7th 77

Saboteurs: 12th 91

Sacred grounds: 9th 82

Sacrifice: 12th 54, 56

Sad events: 12th 89

Scandals: 5th 72

Scandals: 12th 90

Scholar(s)/ships: 9th 83

School system: 5th 73

Science: 9th 53, 82

Scientific institutions: 9th 82, 83

Sea traffic: 9th 83

Secrets generally: 12th 89

wishes: 11th 40, 87

Seclusion: 12th 54, 89

Seed (potential): 4th 10

Self-undoing: 12th 54, 55, 56, 89, 91

Servants: 6th xvii, 56-59, 75

Servants: 12th 54

Sexual attitudes: 5th 73

Sex of unborn child: 5th 72

Sexual inhibition: 5th (afflicted) 72

Shame: 12th 90

Sheep: 6th 75

Shepherds: 6th 75

Shins: 10th 86

Shipping: 9th 83

Shoulders: 3rd 68

Sick person (in decumbiture): 1st xvii, 63

Sickness: 6th xvii, 58, 59

Sides of body: 5th 74

Significant other: 7th 16, 23

Sisters: 3rd 44, 67

Slaves/slavery: 6th 56, 58, 59

Slaves/slavery: 12th 54-6, 91, 112

Small intestine: 6th 76

Social occasions: 5th 72

security services: 6th 75

standing acquired: 10th 13, 14

standing born into: 1st 12, 13

views on sex: 5th 73

Solicitors: 9th 83

Soothsaying: 9th 48, 49

Sorrow: 6th/8th 75, 80

Sorrow: 12th 54, 89

Soul: 1st 12

South: 10th 86

South-south-east: 11th 89

South-south-west: 9th 84

Speeches: 3rd 67

Spies: 12th 90, 91

Spirits of the dead: 4th 11

Spiritual matters: 9th 48, 51, 54, 82, 83

Splendour: 10th 13

Sport: 5th xvii, 39, 72

Sporting arenas: 5th 72

Spouse: 7th 78

State of the nation: 1st 62

Stature: 1st 62

Stock exchange: 2nd 65

Stomach: 5th 74

Strangury: 8th 82

Status: 10th 13

Students: 9th 83

Subordinates: 6th 58

Substance: 2nd xvii, 26

Subterfuge: 12th 55

Success: 10th 13, 14, 84

Supporters assistance: 2nd 65

of ruling power:11th 65

Taverns: 5th 39, 72

Taxes: 8th 30, 80, 81

Teeth: 1st 63

Telephones: 3rd 67

Television: 3rd 67

Temperament: 1st 112

Tenants: 6th 69, 75

Tenements: 4th 11

Theatres: 5th 72

Thief/thieves: 7th 17, 77

Thighs: 9th 83

Throat: 2nd xiii, 66

Toil: 6th/12th 51, 54, 56, 57, 58

Tombs: 4th 33

Tongue: 1st 34, 63

Towns: 4th 70

Trade unions: 6th 75

Trade: 10th 84

Trademarks: 10th 86

Tradition: 4th 69

Traitors: 12th 90

Transport system: 3rd 67

Travel, long: 9th iv, ix, vii, 49, 82, 83

short: 3rd 44, 45, 47, 67

Travellers: 3rd 44

Treasure, hidden: 4th 11

Treasury: 2nd 65

Treaties: 7th 79

Treatment in illness: 10th xvii, 86

Tribal community: 3rd 47

Trophies: 10th 84

Trust: 11th 40, 87

Uncles (father’s side): 6th 75

Underground groups: 12th 91

Underground rooms: 4th 69

Underground systems: 4th 67

Underworld: 4th 10

Unemployment insurance: 6th 75

United Nations: 9th 83

Universities: 9th 49, 83

Vice: 5th (afflicted) 74

Visions: 9th 48, 49, 54, 82

Visitors: 3rd 67

Vitality/vital spirit: 1st 12, 13, 62

Vitality, lack of: 6th 75

Voyages: 9th xvii, 82

Vulnerability: 8th 81

War: 7th 77, 79

Water supplies: 4th 11, 69

Weakness: 4th 10

Weakness: 6th 24, 51, 75

Weakness: 7th 15, 16

Weakness: 8th 24, 30

Weakness: 12th 24, 51, 56, 90

Wealth: 2nd iv, ix, 27-29, 65

Wealth ancestral: 4th 10, 11

from hidden sources: 4th 10

Wealth manner of attaining: 2nd 65

Wedlock (ancient): 10th 14, 32

Wells: 4th 69

Welfare state: 12th 91

West: 7th 79

West-north-west: 6th 76

West-south-west: 8th 82

White/pale colours: 1st 13, 63

Widespread diseases: 6th 75

Wife: 7th xvii

Wills: 8th 30, 80

Wisdom: 9th 83

Wishes: 11th 87

Witches/craft: 12th 54, 55, 90

Witnesses for defence: 8th 81

for prosecution: 2nd 66

Womb: 7th 79

Women generally (ancient): 7th 16, 17

Work: 6th 58

Working classes: 6th 75

Writing: 3rd 45, 47

Writs: 3rd 68

Written deeds: 3rd 67-8