Roxanne Myers Spencer and Barbara Fiehn

The ASSURE model of instructional design provides a collection management framework. This model is flexible enough to be adapted for all libraries. As a goal-based model, it provides direction for all functions and levels of staff.

ASSURE is an acronym for an instructional design model used for developing and refining instruction.1 Each letter represents a task in planning for instruction:


Analyze learners

State learning objectives

Select methods, media, and materials

Utilize methods, media, and materials

Require learner participation

Evaluate and revise

Taking an instructional design model out of its original context and applying it to library collection management may seem odd, but it is worth exploring. ASSURE can provide a workable structure for building, analyzing, evaluating, and maintaining library collections:

ASSURE Adapted to Collection Management

Analyze users

State collection objectives

Select methods, media, materials, or format

Utilize selection and deselection methods, media, materials, or format

Recruit library participation

Evaluate and revise regularly


Analyze Users

Despite the familiarity that develops between staff and frequent patrons, library users are not a constant population. Viewed in a collection management context, librarians should consider general user characteristics as well as the specific or unique aspects of user populations: What language or literacy barriers exist? How popular is fiction versus nonfiction? Among student populations, which materials are most popular? Other considerations are learning styles, popular formats, and leisure tastes.

Establishing thumbnail overviews of library patrons can provide helpful information on evolving library clientele. Use on-site or virtual suggestion boxes, exit surveys, or one-question queries. Formal community surveys require planning and encumber funds and staff time. Analyzing current and potential users assures that dollars are spent effectively.

State Collection Objectives

As library communities change, collection requirements change. Keeping pace with technology, formats, and patron preferences is an ever-present challenge. Stating collection objectives clarifies the library’s mission and services on the basis of an understanding of the library’s users. It also provides focus for staff who are selecting materials. Objectives can be measured and flexible and should be reexamined periodically. Alignment between goals and users reduces purchase errors.

Collection mapping—examining and evaluating the collection—helps librarians assess where the collection is weak or does not meet patron needs.2 When time is short, utilize readily available data, such as in-house use and circulation statistics, to guide evaluation and selection processes.3

Select Methods, Media, Materials, or Format

New librarians can be overwhelmed by the multitude of selection resources. Selectors are bombarded by publisher offerings, patron requests, and recommendations in a multiplicity of formats and prices. No collection budget can keep up with the demand or hype associated with the next big title or format. Libraries face an increasingly complex set of demands for delivery of new materials. Devising an inclusive selection process is an opportunity to increase the library’s visibility.

Support for literacy and learning styles applies to all library collections. Librarians can provide literacy support by addressing learning styles and exploring new formats and media.

Academic librarians will be familiar with the Research Libraries Group’s system of five collection levels.4 These levels, simplified and adapted below, can be used by most libraries to address selection scope:

Simplified RLG Selection Scope

0 Out of: Library does not collect at this level; no materials are purchased on this subject.

1 Minimal level: Basic works in a subject only.

2 Basic information level: Up-to-date information that introduces a subject and expands to provide information on the variety of topics.

3 Comprehensive level: Special collections address collecting local history, authors, etc.

Utilize Selection and Weeding Methods, Media, Materials, or Format

All libraries benefit from utilizing varied services and media. Topical book talks, reading clubs, licensed movie performances, and traveling exhibitions may help bring in new patrons. The impact of displays cannot be underestimated in boosting library circulation. An experiment at the Lafayette (Colorado) Public Library showed an increase in circulation of fiction titles by 90 percent and nonfiction by 25 percent when selected duplicate titles were displayed.5

The bookstore model of library layout has been a popular template because of the emphasis on higher visibility of materials. This model can be adapted even when extensive remodeling is not an option.

Recruit Library Participation

In the original ASSURE model, this step is “require learner participation.” Our adaptation is “recruit library participation.” This is particularly important to solo librarians. Address this step by engaging the community. To encourage active participation, recruit Friends groups, students, parents, teachers, and other community members for tasks, such as creating displays or monitoring local newspaper reviews, that do not require specialized library training.

Evaluate and Revise

Continuous evaluation and revision are essential. Assess the model through periodic examination of the processes and procedures:

The six steps of the ASSURE model create an organized system for collection management. Each step can be followed by solo librarians or libraries with staff, providing a flexible structure for examining and developing standardized tasks. The ASSURE model provides each participant with clear direction and opportunities to contribute to building and maintaining a useful library collection.

Selected Resources

American Library Association. 2009. ALA library fact sheet 7: Video and copyright. www.lita.org/ala/professionalresources/libfactsheets/alalibraryfactsheet07.cfm.

Bradburn, Frances Bryant. 1999. Output Measures for School Library Media Programs. New York: Neal-Schuman.

User-friendly and useful how-to book about gathering and using evaluation data.

Burgett, James, John Haar, and Linda L. Phillips. 2004. Collaborative Collection Development: A Practical Guide for Your Library. Chicago: American Library Association.

Theoretical principles along with real-world strategies for developing collaborative work.

Laughlin, Sara. 2003. The Library’s Continuous Improvement Field Book: 29 Ready-to-Use Tools. Chicago: American Library Association.

This guide applies quality management concepts to make library processes more effective.

Rubin, Rhea Joyce. 2005. Demonstrating Results: Using Outcome Measurement in Your Library. Chicago: American Library Association

An information-gathering toolkit to provide a higher, more responsive level of service.


1. Sharon E. Smaldino, Deborah L. Lowther, and James D. Russell, Instructional Technology and Media for Learning (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008).

2. David V. Loertscher. “Collection Mapping: An Evaluation Strategy for Collection Development,” Drexel Library Quarterly 21, no. 2 (1985): 9–21.

3. Alice Crosetto, Laura Kinner, and Lucy Duhon, “Assessment in a Tight Time Frame: Using Readily Available Data to Evaluate Your Collection,” Collection Management 33, nos. 1–2 (2008.): 29–50, http://pdfserve.informaworld.com/551022_788638144_903761953.pdf.

4. Library of Congress, Cataloging and Acquisitions: Collecting Levels, www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/cpc.html.

5. Michele Seipp, Sandra Lindberg, and Keith Curry Lance, “Book Displays Increase Fiction Circulation over 90%, Non-Fiction Circulation 25%,” Fast Facts: Recent Statistics from the Library Research Service, no. 184 (2002).