
1. Henry Cloud at the Winnebago Reservation

2. Henry Cloud holding a camera

3. Henry Cloud at Yale University

4. Henry Cloud, Elizabeth Bender, Emma Bender, and friend Carmen

5. American Indian Institute, originally called Roe Indian Institute

6. Henry, Marion, Mary Razier, Elizabeth, and Anne Woesha

7. Etta and John Hunter with Henry II

8. Henry Cloud with Marion, Anne Woesha, Lillian, and Ramona

9. John and Etta Hunter with Henry and his children

10. The Cloud family at the American Indian Institute

11. American Indian Institute students of 1931

12. Henry Cloud dressed in a suit and ready for work

13. Henry Cloud talking into a microphone

14. Henry Cloud wearing a three-piece suit as Indian agent

15. Henry Cloud at the Pendleton Round-Up

16. Henry Cloud honored with feathered regalia

17. Elizabeth Bender Cloud showing off fish

18. Elizabeth Bender Cloud examining newspaper articles

19. Henry with Anne Woesha Cloud on her graduation day