The notion that the rhythms of the moon can govern your emotions and motivations is an age-old belief. In this chapter, we explore the main phases of the moon and just what impact they have on our daily lives.


Phases of the Moon

This book will focus on the four major phases of the moon and show you simple, natural ways to tune in to and honour those phases. Every month, or approximately every 28 to 29 days, the moon will move from new to waxing to full to waning without fail, and each of these phases has its own particular magic. Every phase of the moon really can impact your mood, body and life.

There are also other intermediate and lesser-known phases of the moon, which each have their own energy. However, awareness of the four main phases outlined above is all you really need to strengthen your magical connection to the moon.


New Moon


The new moon is sometimes called the crescent moon. It’s when you can only see a glint of her illumination in the sky, if you can see her at all. During this phase, the moon sits directly in-between the sun and the earth, and the earthward-facing side of the moon is entirely unilluminated (the dark moon) or only partially illuminated so we cannot see her clearly. The absence of light during this phase can feel unsettling but, if you embrace the darkness, you can understand that it can be a doorway to possibility – the energy contained in intentions which is about to manifest.


The new moon is a time of darkness and pause. It embodies the essence of beginnings, the research, pause, preparation and planning that sets everything in motion. The new moon phase can also be seen as a time for the beautiful feminine qualities of reflection and presence to come to the fore, rather than the masculine principles of action and drive.


Use this phase for goal setting and making positive changes that can be developed later. Whatever is left undone or has gone awry during the previous lunar cycle, you now have the opportunity to accept – this is your chance to learn from your mistakes, begin again and start anew.

REST Treat this as a time for rest; put your energy into self-care.

PAUSE Refrain from making big decisions or purchases.

DETOX Take a cleansing bath by candlelight. Add sea salt or Epsom salt to your water for their detoxifying effects.

CLEANSE Use aromatic herbs and aromatherapy oils, such as sage and lavender, to clear the atmosphere of your home.

CONNECT Sit or walk outdoors at night to open yourself up to new ideas promoted by moon energy. Make sure you are in a safe, well-lit area.

UNWIND Keep lights low in the evening and try to avoid screens.

PROTECT Wear or meditate on dark, protective crystals, such as smoky quartz or lapis lazuli.

MEDITATE Spend time in quiet inward-looking activities: meditation, deep breath work, journalling, and on rituals. Treat yourself to a massage.

REFLECT Pay special attention to your dreams, which may have a message from your deepest self. Write them down as soon as you awaken.

Waxing Moon


The waxing moon is the phase when the angle between the moon and the sun increases. The moon begins her movement from being virtually unseen at new moon to being completely visible at full moon. Each night, she reveals more of her beauty and magic. It can feel reassuring to see the moon grow in visibility and to witness her strength and power returning. After the darkness, new light dawns again and this new hope inspires us to move our intentions from the unseen world of possibility to the visible world of positive action.


The waxing moon period is a time for determination. It encourages you to make decisions and commit to putting your best-laid plans into action in the direction of your goals. It is time to water the seeds that have been planted so they can grow. The waxing moon is a moment for the masculine principle of drive to balance the feminine principle of reflection.


Aligning yourself with the increasing energies of the waxing moon, you can use this phase to focus on whatever it is that you want to attract more of into your life – be it love, money, relationships, healing or courage – and then take appropriate action.

ACT Be proactive and productive; put your energy into self-discipline and persevering.

EMPOWER Strengthen relationships and use this time to deal with business and financial matters.

FOCUS Use aromatic herbs and aromatherapy oils to help you concentrate and focus better. Bergamot, wild orange, peppermint and basil can all rekindle your drive.

MOTIVATE Connect to waxing moon energy by reading motivational quotes every day.

ENERGIZE Wear or meditate on energy-boosting crystals, such as clear quartz, jasper or garnet.

REFLECT Light an orange or a yellow candle (energy-giving colours) – and review your life goals by candlelight.

EXERCISE Spend time being more physically active than usual.


Full Moon


The full moon is the most powerful phase of the lunar cycle. It usually happens between 15 and 18 days after the new moon. During this phase we see the moon fully illuminated by the sun as a perfect circle in the sky with a beautiful glow radiating towards us. This is the culmination of the moon cycle, the point when lunar energy reaches its peak. We often feel its effects as increased sensitivity and charge – which is why the full moon has been associated with lunacy (from the word ‘lunar’).


Instinctively, we feel this is a time for dreams to come true and for there to be celebration and fulfilment. However, the full moon’s intensity can sometimes bring an increased risk of anxiety and stress. Everything feels heightened during this phase and emotions come to the surface. When we recognize our feelings for what they are, we can channel this energy and use it to embrace what truly serves us and discard what does not.


The full moon reveals the full power and glory of the sacred feminine energy. With lunar energies at their most abundant and flowing, this is the perfect time to perform moon magic or rituals. It is the ideal time to celebrate your successes, let go of any bitterness and regrets, and fill yourself with gratitude.

REFLECT Focus on positive feelings and what and who you have to be grateful for in your life.

RELEASE Shine a bright light on what is blocking you; let go of what is holding you back; invite what is lacking into your life.

CELEBRATE Plan a party or treat yourself to something.

FORGIVE Let go of any anger or bitterness you have towards others.

UNWIND Walk under the light of the moon. Let mother moon shower you with her love.

REVEL Give your partner a massage or treat yourself to a candlelit bath.

DESIRE Wear or meditate on passion-boosting crystals, such as opal and ruby.

CONNECT Burn sage and tell the moon you are releasing all negativity. Connect with mother moon via a goddess meditation (see here).

EXPRESS Pour out your feelings and your creativity in a journal.


Waning Moon


The waning moon is when the moon begins to decrease its angle from the sun and decreases from full to dark or new again. After the high point, with the full moon lighting up our energies, the waning moon can sometimes feel like an anti-climax, but it is perhaps the most significant of all the moon’s phases. This is when the moonlight shines most brightly on the vital importance of completing tasks, as well as releasing what is unwanted. What we do during this phase of the moon will often determine the success of all the other phases.


The waning moon reveals the moon’s natural instinct to always restore balance and harmony in our lives. Living life in the fast lane all the time will eventually lead to burnout and reckless behaviour. So, the decreasing moon is a signal for us to take the time to breathe, relax, accept ourselves for who we are, and to heal and dream.


The waning period is the time to reflect, learn and stay on track. It is also the perfect time to completely release from your life whatever or whoever is holding you back or no longer serves you. This could be relationships that have grown toxic or habits that are destroying your health.

PERSEVERE Don’t give up now. Keep going and complete projects.

REFLECT Think about all that you have learned and share your wisdom with others.

CLEANSE Tidy up your home and work space. Tidy up your lifestyle by quitting bad or unhealthy habits.

SUPPORT Offer to help someone. Do some volunteer work. Be of service to others.

CONNECT If you have a pet, spend more quality time with them than usual.

REFRESH Spend some time in the outdoors to recharge.

HEAL Wear or meditate on calming and healing crystals, such as amethyst or jade.

RENEW Commit yourself to moving on and going forward with your life. Remember a new moon – and therefore a new beginning – is close by.


Moon Signs

According to astrologers, the sign the sun was positioned in when you were born reveals your character, and maybe even your fate or destiny. Even if you don’t believe in astrology, you probably know what your sun sign (aka star sign) is and perhaps you have often marvelled at how accurately that sign describes you or aspects of you. Unless you are an expert astrologer you may not realize that astrologers also take into account the position of the moon and other planets at the time of birth to reveal deeper aspects of a person’s character. Whereas your sun sign represents the outer you or the way you present yourself to others, your moon sign describes the inner or real you. If you are interested in researching further and discovering your moon sign, see the recommended website shown here.

No matter what your sun or moon sign is, it is important to point out that the moon travels through different astrological signs every few days. Every sign it travels through brings its own energies and influences that can work either for or against you, so knowing which sign the moon is currently in can further enhance the power of your moon work. Outlined here is a brief guide to the influences each sign brings when the moon is travelling through it. As the moon enters each new sign, the characteristics often linked to that sign are more likely to manifest.



















Moon in Aries

New beginnings and taking action are centre stage when the moon is in Aries. Courage, initiative, leadership, originality, spontaneity and challenge are all key words. It’s a time for you to have fun, take risks, enter competitions, apply for jobs, start a new hobby, hog the limelight and state your case. Travel, physical exercise and outdoor adventure are also favoured during this time. The focus is on short-term rather than long-term goals. Avoid becoming too self-centred during this fiery moon phase. It’s also a time to keep your emotions in check and not let them control you. Learn to consider other people’s feelings.

Moon in Taurus

Stability and inner calm are under the spotlight when the moon is in Taurus. Emotional security, charm, consideration, consistency and feeling grounded and relaxed are all key considerations. It’s time for you to be reliable and responsible, to really think about what you want to achieve in life and to consider what matters most to you. This period highlights sensuality and artistic talents and time spent in nature, and it is also a good moment to invest, upgrade, redecorate, reorganize your finances and think about your retirement plans. The focus is on long-term stable relationships. Avoid becoming stubborn and indulgent and learn the importance of going with the flow and letting go of grudges.

Moon in Gemini

Communication is a firm focus when the moon is in Gemini. Intellectual stimulation, entertaining, flexibility and keeping an open-minded interest in the world around you are key influences. It’s time for you talk to yourself and others with honesty. This is the time to concentrate on learning and study, writing speeches and starting new projects. New ideas and travel are favourable during this time and it is also a good time to make friends and meet new people. The energy of this moon phase lends itself well to upgrading everything in your life, from your phone to your self-care routine. Avoid superficiality at this time and if you suffer from a short attention span learn the importance of seeing things through to the end.

Moon in Cancer

Issues surrounding home and family come to the fore when the moon is in Cancer. Emotional management, intuition and psychic development are all strong influences. It’s the ideal time to set your intentions and embark on a personal development programme. Home improvements and long-term romantic commitments are highlighted and it is also a good time to focus on what your feelings are trying to tell you. Anything to do with home life and domesticity lends itself well to this moon phase. Avoid being oversensitive to criticism and overly protective to those you love. Learning to take yourself less seriously and to enjoy life more will help you flourish.

Moon in Leo

Self-confidence and self-expression are in the spotlight during this phase. Friendship, reinvention, generosity, creativity, charisma and celebration come to the fore. It’s time for you to lead and to enjoy rather than fear that feeling of power. Love, laughter, indulgence and extravagance are key during this time, so parties and any kind of social gathering are likely to be a hit. Holidays and spoiling yourself are also recommended but avoid overindulgence; boastfulness and arrogance are traits to hold in check. Learn to see through the flattery of others and draw inner confidence from your sense of self-worth rather than the praise or admiration of others.

Moon in Virgo

When the moon is in Virgo pay close attention to the details of your life. Serving or helping others is another powerful influence that favours the moon in Virgo. It’s the perfect time to take stock of your life and to reorganize your priorities. It’s also a great period to focus on improving your health and to take a close look at your diet and exercise routines, as well as making sure you are getting enough sleep and have effective stress-management techniques in place. Although getting yourself organized and tidying up are favourable activities, you should also think about ways to help, teach, serve or inspire other people. Avoid being overly fastidious and serious and watch your tendency to worry about what other people think.

Moon in Libra

Beauty, the arts, harmony and companionship are centre stage right now. Partnership, negotiation, justice and cooperation are key influences. It’s time for you to pay attention to partnerships of any kind and focus on ways you can be more diplomatic. If anything in your life seems unbalanced right now, see if you can find a way to rebalance the scales while the moon is in Libra. This particularly applies to relationships and making sure that one person isn’t doing all the giving or all the taking. Surround yourself with peace, tranquillity and beauty during this time. Pamper yourself and avoid unpleasantness and indecision as much as possible.

Moon in Scorpio

Intensity, passion and focus are highlighted when the moon is in Scorpio. Everything will feel heightened emotionally and there will also be a focus on mystery and sexuality. It’s the perfect time to focus all your attention on a project or a relationship and to make sure you are in control of what is happening in your life. It’s also a good period in which to make decisions or big changes in your life and to avoid temptation, jealousy and irritability. Although this is an intense time, avoid taking yourself too seriously and try to let go of any grudges. Spend time working on those parts of yourself that you feel least comfortable with.

Moon in Sagittarius

The moonlight shines on freedom and optimism when it is in Sagittarius. Travel and holidays are favoured, as is study or taking up a new hobby or interest. It’s also a time to reflect philosophically on what really matters to you in life and what you feel the true meaning of your life is. Laughter, risk-taking and approaching life in an adventurous open-minded way are key influences. This period is ideal for thinking about all you have to be grateful for in your life and, if you tend towards negative thinking, to counteract that with a more positive mindset. Avoid being irresponsible and tactless, and appearing superficial.

Moon in Capricorn

Responsibility, hard work and reserve are your defining characteristics when the moon enters Capricorn. Efficiency and ambition are other key influences. It’s time to dream less and take a more down-to-earth and practical approach to life and to put in the hours needed to advance your dreams. If you work hard and remain determined, your chances of success in your career or work will improve. It is the perfect moment to showcase your personal self-discipline and willingness to go the extra mile. Avoid becoming overly cynical, controlling and rigid in your thinking. Nothing can hold you back but your own pessimism and lack of flexibility.

Moon in Aquarius

Originality and flair define the moments when the moon is in Aquarius. Sincerity and a desire to serve others are also key influences. This is the time for you to detach emotionally from what does not serve you any more and let go of past hurts and regrets. Pragmatism and detachment are good qualities to exhibit during this time but also try to be imaginative and reinvent yourself if need be. Avoid convention and think right outside the box. Look to your future and assess what changes you need to make. The moonlight also shines on charitable causes. Avoid denying your feelings and becoming so eccentric you lose the support of others.

Moon in Pisces

Mysticism and dreaming are powerful influences when the moon is in Pisces. Compassion and empathy also come to the fore. It’s the moment to focus on acknowledging, understanding and managing your feelings. It’s also a great time to indulge your imagination and see where it takes you. Working on your intuitive ability during this time is key and it is also a time to focus on the meaning of the symbols that appear in your dreams at night. Avoid detaching yourself from reality and becoming too sensitive. Develop your creativity and intuition and meditate lots, but don’t forget to also learn the importance and value of living in the real world.

Moon Power

There are many people who believe what the ancients believed – which modern science is now also proving – that the gravitational pull of the moon influences not just the tides but our moods, minds and bodies, too.

One area on which lunar cycles may have a great impact is fertility levels, with research indicating that more babies are born when the moon is full. Other preliminary studies show that the more a woman’s cycles are coordinated with the moon’s rhythms, the better her health and chances of getting pregnant. It seems that the new moon is the most fertile time for conception – perhaps because in the absence of moonlight, it is dark and therefore easier to fall asleep. A good night’s sleep regulates hormones and your bodily rhythms and therefore enhances fertility.

In recent years, scientists have also become increasingly interested in the relationship between lunar cycles and sleep patterns. It has been shown that humans are more wakeful during full moons, when they have greater exposure to moonlight than during other lunar phases. So, if you are having difficulty sleeping, see which phase the moon is currently in and adjust accordingly. For example, when it’s a full moon, you may want to make sure you wear an eye mask or use blackout blinds to minimize the energy-boosting lunar light and vibrations while you sleep. Alternatively, you could decide to use the extra illumination time to catch up on work, write in your journal or simply indulge yourself and bathe in the healing and empowering moonlight.

It’s not just humans – even animals seem to sense the magic of moonlight. The full moon, for example, is a time when emotions tend to be heightened. If you’ve ever had a cat, dog or other pet, you may have noticed how they become more active when the moon is waxing or full. It often feels like there’s a special energy when there’s a full moon, and animals seem to sense that.

Through working with the moon, and understanding the energy shifts associated with each phase, you can manifest and celebrate your deepest wishes and dearest dreams. Find out how to follow the phases of the moon and different ways to harness lunar power in Chapter 2.
