Awareness of which phase the moon is currently in is vital for your moon work and, alongside that, you also need to know how to connect the moon to your deepest desires or intentions.
The moon is one of the fastest moving celestial presences. When you start noticing and following her in the sky, you may at first find it a little hard to keep up with her constant transformations. No sooner has she eased into one phase than she is shifting forward to the next. Every 28 to 29 or so days, she moves from dark to new to full to hidden again and only spends a few days in each zodiac sign along the way. The moon is a traveller in the most magical sense of the word.
The moon’s vital presence has much to teach us as she moves gracefully from one mysterious phase to the next. When the moon is dark, it is the ideal time to journey within. When there’s a new moon, the moment is ideal for fresh starts and new beginnings, and when the moon is full, emotions and expectations run high. As the moon wanes, it’s the moment to reflect, reassess and release what no longer serves you or is blocking you from moving forward. Tuning your emotions and energy in to the subtle changes in lunar vibrations during each phase can help you connect to your intuition so that you make better life choices. Making decisions about your life when the moon is most favourable for them to be successful can help you connect to the infinite potential within you, so you can manifest and celebrate your deepest desires.
Intentions are your deepest desires or wishes. They may be a specific goal, for example losing weight, or they may be a desire for better health, a new job or attracting a loving long-term partner. Whatever your intentions are, you need to set them and be clear in your mind about what you want to manifest in your life before you ask the moon for her help.
I strongly urge you to spend time reflecting on what your deepest desires, life goals or priorities are before you start working with the moon in earnest. Write down those intentions, because committing things to paper sends a message to your mind that this is for real. The moon needs to know what you want to ask her for. And the more specific you are, the better.
You also need to be realistic in your goal setting. Asking the moon to help you win the lottery isn’t realistic, as the odds are next to impossible, but asking the moon to help you find ways to increase your income is a more sensible intention. You also need to be disciplined and willing to do whatever it takes to manifest your intentions. Wishing under the moon will simply remain a wish. If you want good things to happen in your life, you need to take appropriate action to achieve your goals. Your moon awareness will help you tune in to your intuition so that it guides you towards making the best decisions about what actions to take. Passion and belief are other essential ingredients for success. You need to truly believe that your intentions can become real. When you work with the moon, you are always worthy of success.
Shown here, you will find advice to help you align your intentions to the phases of the moon. You can further enhance your moon work by becoming aware of the zodiac sign that the moon is currently in so that you can modify your intentions according to the energies favoured by that sign (see here).
It’s also beneficial to bear in mind the day of the week on which you are working with the moon. Whether or not you are in tune with or interested in astrology, the specific day of the week that you pick to work with the moon is significant. Each day of the week has its own energy vibrations that can be used to give your lunar intentions another boost.
Monday |
Moon |
Spiritual development, healing, creativity |
Tuesday |
Mars |
New projects, building confidence |
Wednesday |
Mercury |
Communication, work issues |
Thursday |
Jupiter |
Self-improvement, finances, travel |
Friday |
Venus |
Self-care, relationships, love |
Saturday |
Saturn |
Releasing negativity, assessing priorities |
Sunday |
Sun |
Relaxation, holistic well-being |
Each full moon has its own name and energy, too. There are various different names for the full moons, originating from different cultures. Below are some examples:
January |
July |
Wolf Moon |
Favours reflection |
February |
August |
Snow Moon |
Favours preparation |
March |
September |
Worm Moon |
Favours new beginnings |
April |
October |
Pink Moon |
Favours change |
May |
November |
Flower Moon |
Favours growth |
June |
December |
Strawberry Moon |
Favours harmony |
July |
January |
Buck Moon |
Favours relaxation |
August |
February |
Sturgeon Moon |
Favours preservation |
September |
March |
Harvest Moon |
Favours celebration |
October |
April |
Hunter Moon |
Favours release |
November |
May |
Beaver Moon |
Favours inner growth |
December |
June |
Cold Moon |
Favours giving |
Writing down how you feel in a diary can help you better understand and manage your emotions and bring a sense of comfort and security. A moon journal is similar to a diary, although each day you make a note of the phase the moon is currently in and how you feel that phase is helping you move forward with your life. Your moon journal should focus not so much on events going on but on how you feel about yourself and the direction your life is taking. The better you understand yourself the more empowered you are likely to feel.
Assuming your intentions are set and you are aware of the importance of aligning your goals with the phases of the moon, the scene is now set for your moon work to begin in earnest. In Chapter 3, you will find a series of moon fixes: rituals, spells, recipes and meditations you can perform. Location matters, and getting your moon fix outside, preferably at night, when the moon is in her element, is beneficial. You should always make sure you are in a safe, well-lit area. However, for many reasons being outdoors may not be possible: there are still many ways to align with the moon indoors or during the day.
When working indoors, it helps if you have a window that you can see the moon from but, if not, you can use a picture of the moon, which can also inspire. There are plenty of sumptuous pictures to choose from in this book. If you do decide to work with the moon outdoors, your garden can be a good place, as can a local park, beach or woods. Be aware that other people may find what you are doing unusual, so only go to local areas where you feel safe and protected.
Whether you are indoors or outdoors, aim to be alone. Before you begin, remove distractions. Shut off your phone. Sit quietly. Shake your hands to release any negativity. You may want to play relaxing music. A mini-visualization, in which you imagine your body surrounded by protective moonlight, or a mini-meditation, where you simply observe but don’t engage with your thoughts and focus your attention on your breath, can also help bring moonlight into your mind. Do whatever feels right for you to set the scene.
Once you have completed your moon ritual, take as long as you need to readjust. If you are using candles, extinguish them and then do a big stretch to help you return to the present.
A moon altar is a place to quietly reflect, meditate, pray to the moon, set your intentions and hear the moon’s answers. It is also the place to store any items you may choose to use to enhance your moon work. Creating a moon altar is highly recommended for when you perform your moon fixes, but it is not essential.
Your moon altar doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Here are a few ideas for what to use:
• Decorate a cardboard box – a great benefit of this is that it is portable, and also offers space to store your tools.
• A small table, a bookshelf or a corner of the room will also suffice if you want a permanent location.
• Build and carve your own altar out of wood or other natural materials. Avoid metal and plastic as much as possible.
Placing your altar to face a certain direction will enhance your moon work by tuning in to the vibrations of that direction.
North |
Earth |
Health, healing, communicating with spiritual powers |
East |
Air |
New beginnings |
South |
Fire |
Love, relationships |
West |
Water |
Forgiveness, letting go, self-confidence |
Just like lunar power, crystals run on energy vibrations and each one has its own unique energy frequency, which can be used to help restore balance to all aspects of your life by interacting with your own energy, naturally absorbing it or directing it. So, the vibration of a specific crystal, when used in a moon ritual, can help focus lunar power more clearly on your intentions.
There are many wonderful healing crystals you can use in your moon work. You don’t need to buy huge stones and can use small inexpensive ones obtained online or from gift shops. Before you pick a stone to use in your moon work, make sure that you enjoy looking at it and that it feels good when you hold it.
The crystals listed below are particularly excellent for moon work:
• MOONSTONE: igniting intuition
• ROSE QUARTZ: attracting love
• CLEAR QUARTZ: achieving holistic balance
• AMETHYST: boosting concentration
• ANGELITE: enhancing spiritual awareness
• OPAL: boosting health
• CARNELIAN: increasing desire and drive
• GARNET: easing emotional pain
• MALACHITE: increasing energy
• PERIDOT: boosting success
• JADE: attracting abundance
• SELENITE: connecting to inner wisdom
• LAPIS LAZULI: healing
• AQUAMARINE: easing stress
• TURQUOISE: protecting from negativity
• LABRADORITE: enhancing inner strength
If you are uncertain which crystals are best to use in a moon fix, you can’t go wrong with moonstone, rose quartz or clear quartz.
Before using the crystals, you need to ‘charge’ them. Leave them overnight under the light of the moon, either outside or on a windowsill. You can charge your crystals during any of the moon’s phases, but the most potent time is during the waxing moon phase when energy is increasing. Once you have charged your chosen crystal by moonlight, you then need to turbo-charge it with your intentions by holding it in your hand and visualizing whatever it is that you want to manifest in your life.
Using candles, healing herbs and essential oils can enhance all your moon rituals. They are not essential but are useful tools that can help get you into a mystical state of mind.
If you light a candle before performing a ritual, do not leave them unattended; keep them away from flammable materials, children and pets; and extinguish them safely afterwards. Candles symbolize the gift of light and clear sight in the darkness. The candle itself represents life on earth, and the flame spiritual or psychic potential. The colour of the candle is significant because colours carry their own energy vibrations, but if you don’t have any coloured ones, white is perfect for moon rituals because it is the colour of healing, peace and pure potential. Here are the energies associated with various colours:
Burning incense when you perform a ritual can add to the sacred ambience, but it is important that you choose a scent that you find appealing. Here are some recommended herbs and scents for moon work and their common uses, but be sure to find what works best for you. Check with your doctor that there will be no contraindications if using herbs in your diet.
• LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: rose, thyme, musk, apple, cinnamon, vanilla, jasmine
• HEALTH: sage, rosemary, lavender, lemon grass, juniper, pine, ginger
• SPIRITUALITY: sage, rose, sweetgrass, violet, frankincense, jasmine, pine
• SUCCESS: vanilla, almond, juniper, sage, peppermint, orange, allspice
• SELF-CONFIDENCE: chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm, jasmine
• CONCENTRATION: peppermint, orange, rosemary, lemon balm, eyebright
There are certain essential oils that correspond well with each moon phase. You can place a few drops of essential oil in a ritual bath or diffuse or spray it on your clothes or pillow. Essential oils can influence both your mind and your emotions and, when charged with lunar power, they can be even more therapeutic. Below are some suggested scents to get you started. Experiment, though, to find the right oil to match each lunar phase for you. If you are new to using oils, seek expert advice on safe ways to use them before experimenting.
• NEW MOON: ginger and pine
• WAXING MOON: lavender and vanilla
• FULL MOON: rose and jasmine
• WANING MOON: eyebright and rosemary
Moon bathing is incredibly healing and balancing for body and mind and it is especially beneficial if you are feeling run-down physically, mentally or emotionally. The ideal time to do this is when the moon is full or new. Then, her healing potential is at its height and her cleansing potential is at its peak. This can be done either outdoors in a safe environment, or indoors, as long as you can see the moon.
• Moonlight
• 20–30 minutes
1 Wear as few clothes as possible. Bathing nude is recommended in the comfort of your own home, but only if you feel comfortable and it is safe to do so.
2 Shake your hands and feet to release any negativity.
3 While standing, stretch your arms up in the air and your feet to the tips of your toes. Reach for the moon and the stars with your stretch. If you prefer to do this ritual sitting down, straighten your spine and look up at the moon.
4 Then, sit or, better still, lie down somewhere comfortable and close your eyes and relax.
5 Take some slow, deep breaths and let the cooling, calming light of the moon shower down on you and soothe your body, mind and heart.
6 Visualize silver, blue and white light flowing into you and surrounding you.
7 Simply lie or sit there soaking in the illumination of the moon for 20–30 minutes. Feel yourself filling up with her love and lunar power.