Abbott Coalition government 166


agriculture not of interest to 2122

as hunter-gatherers 526

contributions to pastoralism 2426, 68

European sexual relations with 1314, 68

fragmented society of 14

kinship obligations 17

lack of treaties with 1213, 15,194

land rights cases 11, 71

Myall Creek massacre 44

of Cape York 6

omitted from Federalist vision 100

rights of in squatting leases 71

standard of living of 1617

technology used by 810

view of own social status 22

well-being of 2223

‘Advance Australia Fair’ 9899, 146


factors motivating use of 1516, 1820

failure to interest Aborigines in 526

global spread of 5

under Selection Acts 69, 7577

American Revolution 46

Anzac Day celebrations 136, 150

ANZUS treaty 188

arbitration schemes 8586, 158

Argentina, as contrast to Australia 70, 77

Arnhem Land 7

Ashmead-Bartlett, Ellis 132135

Asia see also White Australia

attitudes to 193194

large-scale immigration from 165

assimilation policies 160

asylum seekers, Australian response to 165166

Australia see also Commonwealth Government

absence of civic memory in 193

adopts Statute of Westminster 186

blended ethnicity in 162163

Britain requires assistance from 171172

disputes with Britain 178179

early prosperity of 5988

effect of convicts on national character 122139

effect of immigration on 140166

egalitarianism in 150152

Federalist aspirations for 9899

growth during gold rush 74

high levels of tolerance in 142, 144145, 153154

high standards of living 82

in World War I 132135

Japan seen as threat to 152153, 179180

native-born residents of 110111

obedience to impersonal authority in 152

perceived ‘purity’ of 130131

periods of economic growth 8687

preparations for war 180

republican movement in 167198

taboo on convict origins 129130

transition to democracy 2758

unionism in 84

Australian, The 5051

Australian Constitution

blocks bank nationalisation 119

democratic focus of 103104, 106, 108

drafting of 107, 175

electoral support for 9192

Australian Labor Party see Labor Party

Australian Legend, The 123

Australian Natives’ Association 91, 110111

Australian Republican Movement 191198

Austronesian peoples 2021


Balfour, Arthur 185186

banking industry, nationalisation attempts 119

Barker, Graeme 1819

‘Barmy Army’ 139

Barton, Edmund

Australian Natives’ Association and 111

belief in Divine mission 98

obscurity of 93

role in Federation 92, 113

trade policies 115

Batman, John, Aboriginal ‘treaty’ with 13

Bean, C. E. W. 133

Belich, James 3, 70, 7778

Bellwood, Peter 2

Bigge, John 38, 4345

Biggest Estate on Earth, The 10

Bismarck, Otto von 169

Blacktown, cottages for Aboriginal farmers at 22

Blainey, Geoffrey 1617, 67

Bland, William 54

‘boat people’ see asylum seekers

Boer War 120121, 177

Bourke, Richard

charges squatters licence fee 71

liberal reforms by 4650, 53

orders enquiry into alleged maltreatment of convicts 40

religious policies 145

Brisbane, Thomas 38

Britain see United Kingdom

British government

Australian relations with 178179, 189190

claims Torres Strait Islands 11

emigration sponsored by 81

grants squatter leases 71

Imperial powers devolved by 167168

Japan allies with 180

limited monarchy and 4546

NSW colony financed by 5960, 6265

NSW given autonomy by 5054

NSW granted common law by 3132

‘penal colonies’ established by 28

prevents establishment of ruling class 4546

Reform Bills by 4647

relies on colonial support 170171

repudiates purchase of Port Phillip ‘lease’ 13

sets property qualifications for NSW voters 5556

sovereignty over NSW lands 1112

Bulletin, The 173176

Burke and Wills expedition 9

businesspeople, ex-convicts as 34

Butlin, Noel 65


Cairo, vandalism by Australian troops in 137138

Calwell, Arthur 153158

Canada 183185, 193

Cape York, agriculture in 67, 23

Catholic Church

in NSW, government support for 4849, 53

links to Labor parties 149

opposition to conscription from 148

position of under British rule 143144

school funding withdrawn from 147

Chamberlain, Joseph 176177

Charters Towers 74

Chifley, Ben 156, 157, 189


agriculture in 5

hawker from diagnosed with leprosy 114

immigration from restricted 114115

merchants from in Australia 64, 114115

perceived threat from 117118

settlers from grow rice in NT 7

Chisholm, Caroline 145

Church Act 145

Churchill, Winston 130131, 186188

civic memory, absence of 193

Clark, Manning 191

Collins, Jock 142143, 150, 154

Colonial Office 51, 5455, 72 see also British government

Colonial/Imperial Conferences 171172, 185186

‘colonials,’ perception of 109110

Colony to Reluctant Kingdom 193

Commonwealth Day proposal 193

Commonwealth Government see also Australian Constitution; Federation

early trade policies 96

powers given to 109110, 113114

procedure for resolving deadlocks 106108

proclamation of 92

significance of title 101102

trade policies 115117

women included in franchise for 105106

Commonwealth of Australia Bill 92

conscription debate 148149, 180182

Constitution see Australian Constitution

convicts and ex-convicts

allowed on jury panels after release 4950

as consumers 6364

authority granted to 2931

cases brought to court by 33

certificates of freedom for 45

employed as shepherds 68

floggings of 3536

food production by 6263

further offences committed by 32

‘gentleman convicts’ 39

money made by 33

national character influenced by 122139

‘own time’ system for 30

private employers of 4243

professional positions held by 31, 43

property owned by 32

ration entitlements 40, 64

rebellions by 3940

records of 39

rights on expiry of sentence 4445

treatment of in NSW colony 2830

Western Australia asks for 66

Cook, James 10, 2223

Corowa federalist convention 8991, 96

Country Party, protectionist policies 86

Crisp, Finlay 120

Curtin, John 130, 186189

customs union proposal 9496

Daily Telegraph, opposes Federation 94

Darling, Ralph

attempts to control media 5051

bans women from Norfolk Island 4142

implements penal reform in NSW 38

told to disperse convicts from Sydney 43

Davison, Graeme 3

Deakin, Alfred

at Colonial Conference 171

belief in Divine mission 98

immigration policies 112113, 117118

on ‘Australian Britons’ 178

protectionist policies 86

role in Federation 92

democracy, establishment of in NSW 2758

Dennis, C. J. 136137

deregulation of the economy 8687

Dickson, James 92

dietary restrictions, religious 17

dingo, arrival in Australia 20

Displaced Persons, as immigrants to Australia 155156, 158159

dogs in Aboriginal settlements 18

duck trapping by Aborigines 8

‘dummy’ settlers employed by squatters 7576


egalitarianism in Australia 150151

Eight Hours Day celebrations 8283

Elizabeth II, Queen 189

Emergent Commonwealth, The 113

Empire Council proposals 175176

England see also United Kingdom

rivalries with Scotland and Wales 143, 146

English classes for migrants 164

Eureka Stockade 73

European Community, UK seeks membership of 190

European settlers in Australia see also immigration policies

assert their freedom 125

become pastoralists 2324

encouragement given to 47

political aspirations of 4546

relations with Aborigines 78, 1314, 21

Evans, George Essex 102

ex-convicts see convicts and ex-convicts

Executive Councils 7980


Farrell, John 100101

Federal Convention of 1891: 8990

Federal Council 8990, 170

Federal Leagues, formation of 91

Federation see also Commonwealth Government

low turnout for referendum 112

preparations interrupted by Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee 176177

reasons for 89

rhetoric regarding 97102

Federation Drought 83

‘firestick farming’ 9

First Fleet 36, 60

First World War see World War I

Fisher, Andrew 118119

FitzRoy, Charles 72

‘Four Questions in Australian History’ lecture series 12

France 36, 169170

Fraser Coalition government, asylum seeker policies 165

freemason movement 147148

French Revolution 46

Fysh, Philip 92


Gallipoli landing, proves Australian worth 132135

Gammage, Bill 910

Garibaldi, Guiseppe 97

Germany 95, 169170

Gillard Labor government, asylum seeker policies 165166

gold mining 7273

Governor position 7980 see also names of Governors

Governors of New South Wales 17882010: 80

Great War see World War I

Greek migrants in Australia 141, 159, 161162

Grey, Earl (formerly Viscount Howick) 47, 71

Griffith, Samuel 107, 109, 172

gross domestic product 82

Guinea, as penal colony 36


Hancock, Keith 69

High Court

blocks Labor policies 118119

Mabo case 1112

on date of Australian independence 192193

Wik case 71

History of Australia (by Manning Clark) 191

Holmes, Susannah 33

House of Representatives 104, 108 see also Commonwealth Government

Howard Coalition government 159160, 165166, 195196

Howick, Viscount (later Earl Grey) 47, 71

Howitt, William 124125

Hughes, William Morris

anger at British presumption 179

at Versailles Peace Conference 182184

conscription referendum 148149

Japanese approaches to 180182

Hunter, John 31, 6061

Hunter Valley, develops as free settlement 44

hunter-gatherers, Aborigines as 526

Hyde Park Barracks 30


immigration policies

central to national identity 194

‘divide and rule’ 163164

in colonial era 8081

military motives for 153

political motives for 115116

postwar success of 140166

‘selling’ of by Calwell 156

Immigration Restriction Act 112113

Imperial Federation League 171, 175

Imperial/Colonial Conferences 171172, 185186

imperialism, nationalism as alternative to 97

India 64, 114

industrial disputes 8485

integration policies 160

inter-colonial conference, on federation 90


convicts from 125126

effects of British rule on 48

immigrants from 143146, 148149

Italian migrants in Australia 141, 159, 161

James, John Stanley 128129

Jamestown colony 59


enters World War II 186

immigration from restricted 114, 116

invades Pacific and South East Asia 152153, 186187

perceived as growing threat 179180

supports racial equality declaration 183184

territorial claims by 180182

Jewish refugees 153154

Jones, Rhys 9

Jupp, James 142

jury trials, reforms to 49, 53


Kable, Henry 33, 67

Kangaroo 151

Karskens, Grace 63

Keating, Paul 194

King, Philip Gidley 66

Kingston, Charles, role in Federation 92

Knights of the Southern Cross 147148


La Trobe, Charles 72

Labor Party

abandons White Australia policy 157

anti-republicanism in 176

defence policies 188

early growth of 86

forms after salaries granted to MPs 104

gains in Federal parliament 118119

isolationist policies 185

opposed to Federation 103, 106, 118120

racial exclusion policies 115, 132

split over conscription 149

success in NSW 85

Lake Condah settlement 810

Land Acts 75

land rights cases 11, 71

larrikins 128129, 136138

Lawrence, D. H. 151

Lawson, Henry 102, 136, 174175

Lawson, Louisa 174175

‘Lead Kindly Light’ 150

Legislative Assembly of NSW, creation of 5658

Legislative Council of NSW 51, 5355

Liberal Party of Australia, divided on republic issue 195196

liberalism, in Britain 4647

Lingiari, Vincent 18

Lord, Simeon 67

Lowe, Robert 5556

‘loyal toast’ 190

Lyne, William 177


Mabo, Eddie 1112

Mabo case 11

Macarthur, James 72

Macassan traders 7

Macquarie, Lachlan

attempts to introduce farming to Aborigines 21

on convict labour 30

‘ticket of leave’ system 38

treats ex-convicts as equals 35

magistrates’ courts, convicts brought before 32

Mannix, Daniel 148149

manufacturing industry 8788, 159

Markus, Andrew 142

McDonald, Peter 142

McGrath, Ann 23

McIlwraith, Thomas 170, 172

McLean, Ian 87

Meaney, Neville 180

Medibank 107

medical insurance schemes 111


commercial opposition to Federation in 9396

Federal parliament meets in 92

growth during gold rush 70, 7374

larrikins in 128129

members of parliament, salaries provided for 104

Menzies, Robert 179, 187

Menzies Liberal government 157, 188

Middle East, asylum seekers from 165

migration to Australia see immigration policies

missions to Aborigines 2124

Mitchell, Thomas 89

monarchy, limited 4546

Moreton Bay, penal reform in 4041

Mudie, James 40

Mulligan, Lotte 2

multiculturalism 160162

Murray, Les 139

Murray Island, court on 1112

Murray River, trapping ducks on 8

Muslim immigrants to Australia 162

Myall Creek massacre of Aborigines 44


Napoleonic Wars 66

nardoo plant cultivation 89


among immigrants to Australia 161, 164

civic element in weakened 177178

Federation and 92

imperialism vs. 97

in The Bulletin 173

loses British focus 190191

poetry of 98102

stress on ‘purity’ in 130131

Nationalist Party 149

native police, used against Aborigines 1415

native title, establishing 1112

navvies in Britain 125

‘New Australians’ 154 see also immigration policies

New Caledonia, penal colony on 36

New Guinea

agriculture in 5

becomes Australian protectorate 180, 183

Japanese invasion of 152153

Queensland claims for British Empire 170

New Hebrides, planned French penal settlement in 170

New South Wales (colony)

agriculture in 62, 7677

constitution of 5657

early republican movement 173174

Federal capital to be located in 92

Federation not supported by 9091, 103, 169170

gerrymander clauses in constitution 58

government store rorted in 65

Irish convicts and settlers 144

Labor Party successes in 85

land sales in 4748

penal reform in 38

prosperity of 5988

railway construction in 79

rule of law imposed on 46

Selection Acts 7576

subsidy to reduced 66

trade policies 95

transition to democracy 2758

New South Wales Corps 6264

New South Wales (state), Catholicism linked to Labor party in 149150

New Zealand 105, 135, 193

Norfolk Island, reopened as penal colony 41

Norris, Ron 113

Northern Territory, land rights in 26


O’Farrell, Patrick 148149

‘Old Dead Tree and the Young Tree Green’ 191

Orwell, George 126127


Pacific, European colonies in 169

Pacific Islanders as indentured labourers 116117

Parkes, Henry

Federation poetry by 99

linked with Garibaldi 97

on ‘colonials’ 110

on ‘crimson thread of kinship’ 178

on trade policy 96

republican sympathies 174176

support for Federation 8991


Aborigines engaged in 2426

convicts employed in 4344

effect of land prices on 4748

effect of protectionism on 86

popular opposition to squatters’ rights 7071, 7475

prosperity due to 8182

Paterson, A. B. ‘Banjo’ 102, 136

Phillip, Arthur

authority granted to convicts by 2931

concern for colony’s success 60

plans to import women from Pacific Islands 36

sends Hunter to purchase provisions 6061

plural voting 104

poetry of Federation 98102

politicians, salaries provided for 104

Poole, John 40

Port Arthur, as penal colony 42

Port Macquarie, penal reform in 4041

Port Phillip 13 see also Melbourne

Price, Charles 162163

prison reform movement, effects on NSW 3742

Privy Council 191

protectionism see trade policies

Protestantism, in Australia 147148

‘purity’, nationalistic stress on 130131


Queensland (colony)

Federation not supported by 91

immigration policies 81

railway construction in 79

refuses to fund British navy 172

Queensland (state), indentured labourers in 116117


racial purity, priority given to 131132

railway construction 7779

Rawson, Harry 80


Constitutional support for 107108

for Federation 112

on accepting Constitution 107

on conscription 148, 182

on republic 196197

to increase Commonwealth power 119

refugees, Australian response to 156, 165166

Reid, George 91, 115

religious beliefs

Australian character and 139

Australian tolerance for 144145

combined Anzac Day service 150

government supports equality of 4849

in United Kingdom 143144

Muslim immigrants to Australia 162

of Aborigines 1718

Protestantism 147148

sectarianism 48, 143149

republicanism, failure of in Australia 167198

Returned and Services League 150151

Reynolds, Henry 122123

rice, Aborigines exposed to cultivation of 7

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 187188

Ross, Robert 31

Rudd Labor government, asylum seeker policies 165166

Russell, John Lord 57


Salisbury, Lord 175

Scotland see also United Kingdom

rivalries with England and Wales 143144, 146

sealing industry, economic impact of 6667

Second World War see World War II

sectarianism 48, 143149

Selection Acts 7476


established by Constitution 108

Labor opposed to structure of 118119

universal franchise for 106

Sentimental Bloke, The 136137

Sentimental Nation, The 9394

shepherds, working conditions of 68

Shortest History of Europe, The 1

Singapore naval base 184, 186187

slavery, penal colonies equated with 52

Snowy Mountains scheme 158159

‘Some Religious Stuff I Know About Australia’ 139

South Africa, autonomy of recognised 184185

South Australia (colony)

benefits of gold mining to 73

founded 4748

halts immigration 81

land prices in 48

railway construction in 79

referendums in 104105

self-government extended to 55

wheat growing in 77

women gain right to vote in 105106

squatters see pastoralism

State Library of Victoria 94

Statute of Westminster 186, 192193

sugar industry, indentured labourers in 116117


food shortages in 6061

home of Australian Republican Movement 191192

larrikins in 129

opposition to Federation 9596

response to food robberies 3031

Sydney, Lord 3133, 46, 60

Sydney Cricket Ground, pitch invasion 130


Tasmania (colony) see also Van Diemen’s Land

convict records in 39

proportion of convicts in 122124

self-government extended to 55

transportation redirected to 52

tenant farmers in Argentina 77

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 97

Thomson, Deas 7273

‘ticket of leave’ system 33, 3839

Torres Strait Islanders 6, 11

trade, ex-convicts engaged in 34

trade policies

customs union proposed 94

Federation and 9293, 9697, 109

inter-colony disagreements in 95

protectionism 86

trade unions see unionism

transportation 38, 5153

Treaty of Waitangi 193

trepang collection 7

Turnbull, Malcolm 195

Tyranny of Distance, The 67


Underwood, James 67


Eight Hours Day celebrations 8283

growth in 1880s 8384

immigration policies and 157159

United Kingdom see also British government

character of residents in 126127

growth in unionism 84

insufficient migrants from to fill Australian quota 155156

navvies in 125

social changes in 124

tri-national makeup of 143144, 146

United States

Australia looks to for defence 187189

breaks from British Empire 169

growth in unionism 84

immigration policies 154155

Irish immigrants to 144

isolation of settlers in 69

women gain right to vote in 105

University of the Third Age 12

upper houses in Colonial parliaments 51, 5355, 104106


Van Diemen’s Land see Tasmania (colony)

Versailles Peace Conference 182

Vesteys strike 18

Victoria (colony) see also Melbourne

growth during gold rush 7374

halts immigration 81

land rights in 7173, 75

protectionist policies 95

railway construction in 79

self-government extended to 55

support for Federation in 89

wheat growing in 7677

Victoria (state) see also Melbourne

Returned and Services League 150

Victoria, Queen 92, 173174, 176177

Vietnam, refugees from 165

voting qualifications 54, 103104


Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 4748

Wales see also United Kingdom

rivalries with England and Scotland 143, 146

‘Waltzing Matilda’ 102

Ward, Russel 123124, 128, 136

Wentworth, William

agitates for self-government in NSW 5051

as MLC 54, 56

role in creating NSW constitution 5657

West Africa, plans for convict settlement 11, 2829

Western Australia (colony)

founded 66

gold mining in 74

lack of funding for 66

passes federation referendum 92

requests convicts 66

whaling industry, economic impact of 67

White Australia policy

abandonment of 142

Federation and 112

Japanese objections to 180184

Labor supports 185

‘purity’ seen as goal of 131132

under Calwell 153155

union support for 158

Whitlam Labor government, joint sitting held by 107

Why Australia Prospered 87

Wik case 71

Wiradjuri tribe 24


in colonial NSW 3637

right to vote won by 58, 104105

wool industry see also pastoralism

co-existence with wheat 77

economic impact of 6770

prosperity of 8182

shearing strikes 85

Woomera rocket range, bomb tests at 189

working class

British immigrants from 126128

in Australia, prosperity of 151152

role in Australian culture 138

World War I

Australian soldiers in 132138, 151

Japan an ally of Britain in 180182

World War II

Australia’s ‘close call’ in 152153

Japan enters on Axis side 186


yam cultivation 10, 20

York, Duke of, opens first federal parliament 90