
Page numbers refer to the print edition.

Aillaud, Marcel, 247–48

Albert, Henri: at beginning of investigation, 25, 26, 27; Charles Chenevier on, 243; commenting on length of investigation, 45; communicating with Georges Harzic, 32; Edmond Sébeille and, 34, 45; Émile Pollak on, 263; noticing bullet mark on bridge, 35; ordering crime scene shut off, 89; questioning Yvette Dominici, 64; testifying, 181, 191; wet trousers and, 36–37; on Zézé Perrin, 191

Algeria, xvii–xviii, 240, 271–72

Allaincourt, Louis, 248

Alliance Républicaine Démocratique, 268

Allied Control Commissions for Germany and Austria, 132

Allied Post-War Requirements Bureau, 132

Alliez, Henri, 176

American Public Health Association, 131

apricot sale, 12, 218, 295n5

Araman, Angelin, 200, 229

Araman, Clotilde: answering questions, 163–64; birth of, 140; in Chenevier inquiry, 225; Gaston Dominici and, 215–16, 229, 241, 262; laundering clothes, 36; testifying, 200–201

Armée secrète (Secret Army), 19

Arnaud, Ode, 111

Arniaud, Louis, 143

Aron, Raymond, 277

Around the World with Orson Welles (TV series), 248

Autheville, Roger, 17, 18, 79, 178

Automobile Association, 2, 73

autopsies, 38–42, 60, 112, 117, 175, 286n2

Auzet, Paul, 248

Balmonet, Ida, 138, 254

barking, 151, 152, 157, 180, 188, 189

Barras, Émile, 27, 33

Barth, François: Dominici family and, 78, 163, 216; Edmond Sébeille and, 82–83; at Grand’ Terre, 81, 162; letter from Clovis Dominici and, 163, 164, 191; in PCF (Partie Communiste Française), 17; Yvette Dominici staying with, 70

Barth, Jacky, 80, 81, 92–93, 198–99

Barth, Louise, 70, 100

Barthes, Roland, 171–72, 273

Bartkowski, Wilhelm, 232–38, 265, 280–81

Bastide, Abel, 99, 175

Batigne, Jacques, 240, 241–42, 250, 255

Battestini, Nicolas, 227

Les Baumettes, 217, 222

Bazaine, François-Achille, 156, 292n12

The Beaux’ Stratagem (Farquhar), 279–80

Becker, Jacques, xviii–xix

Belin, Jules, 220

Benedictines, 139

Bernard, Marcel-Jean, 247

Bernard-Aubert, Claude, xviii

Bernier, Commandant, 26, 27, 45, 89, 98

Bernot, Lucien, 273

Besnard, Marie, 211

Beucherie, Gaston, 62–63

Biochemical Studies of Nutritional Problems (Drummond), 126–27

Blanc, Marceau, 67–68, 179

Blanchard, René, 273

blood at crime scene, 40, 42, 86, 117, 161, 178

Blum, Léon, 266, 268–69, 298n5

Bocca, Joseph, 101, 102, 187

bodies being moved, 30–31, 34, 40, 87, 90, 181

Bonino (Léon Dominici’s cousin), 202

Bonnafous, Madame, 257–58

Bonnaire, Mr. (Noël), 17, 21

Boot, Jesse, 134

Boots Pure Drug Company, 1, 55, 132–33

Bottaï, Raoul, 227, 229, 232, 238, 241

Bouchier, Raymond, 25–26

Bourgues, Albert, 25

Bousquet, Marcel: appearance of, 206; bringing Roger Périès to stand, 196; communication style of, 170, 172; Communist Party meeting and, 184; concluding trial, 206–7; dossier and, 168, 184, 217; Edmond Sébeille and, 186; on Gaston Dominici, 169–70; on Gustave Dominici, 193; looking at Hillman stand-in, 196; loudspeaker incident and, 228; misgivings about, 210, 212, 217; oath issue and, 185, 189, 228; questioning Dominici family, 173–74, 176–77, 188–91, 193–94, 196–98, 200; questioning Zézé Perrin, 191–92; refusing to follow procedure, 197; sentencing Gaston Dominici, 207

Bové, José, 274, 298n17

Boyer, Marcel, 15–16, 89–90

bridge over railway, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 30, 35

British Empire Cancer Campaign, 134

British Medical Association, 126

“British Restaurants” (nonprofit communal organization), 130

bullets as evidence, 62–63, 92, 178

bullfight, comic. See charlotade (comic bullfight)

Burton, J., 238

Burton, Norman Henry, 74–75

La Cagoule, 296n7

Caillat, Augusta: answering questions, 225; as bad-tempered person, 78, 80, 100; birth of, 138; confronting Clovis Dominici, 252; Gaston Dominici and, 207–8, 215, 229, 241, 256; laundering clothes, 36; testifying, 199

Caillat, Clément, 199

Caillat, Marie-Claude, 100, 241, 254

Calas, Jean, 206

camera, missing, 256

Cancer Hospital Research Institute, 123

canvas bucket, 13, 86, 183, 190, 192, 231, 257

CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), 270–71, 298n10

carbine: American troops supplying, 99, 102, 110, 161, 175; Clovis Dominici and, 51, 77, 95–97, 151–52, 159, 190, 194–95, 251–52, 255; disposal of, 109, 175; Dr. Morin and, 242–43; as evidence, 44–45, 178–79, 226; Gaston Dominici and, 102, 104–6, 108, 116, 173, 174, 188, 209–10, 253, 289n8; Gustave Dominici and, 93, 99, 111, 114, 151, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 187–88, 218, 223; identification of, 42–43; patched, 44, 149–50, 199, 200; splinter of wood from, 173; storage place of, 98, 100, 108, 116, 149–50, 155, 253, 260; uncertain possession of, 44, 119, 164–65, 199, 201, 217; Yvette Dominici and, 153. See also murder weapon

Carcassonne, Professor, 240–41

Carrera, Martinez, 232

Carrias, Pierre: Charles Chenevier and, 231, 241–44, 246–47, 249, 250; Charles Gillard and, 231, 241–44, 246–47; concerns about Dominici case, 260–61; evidence and, 35; personal characteristics of, 231; press and, 231, 260; starting investigation, 240

Cartier family, 21–22

Cartland, Jeremy, 281

cartridges, 34, 63, 92–93, 94, 105, 109, 112, 178, 181, 209, 289n32

La Cassine, 88, 183, 259

Castaing, Henry, 241, 260

Castaing, René-Marcel, 42–43

Chaillan, Fernand, 82

Chaillan, Louis, 82

Chaillan, Marcel, 80, 82

Chapman, Stanley, 134

Chapus, Jacques, 222, 262

Charles-Alfred, Léon, 168, 187, 194, 196, 205, 215–16

charlotade (comic bullfight), 4, 7, 10, 58, 287n8

Charrier, Pierre: anticipating Gaston Dominici case, 116; defending Gaston Dominici, 181, 183–84, 188, 205, 207; defending Gustave Dominici, 70, 71; Dominici family and, 119, 245; dossier and, 168; frustrated with case, 194; at Grand’ Terre, 80–82; visiting Gaston Dominici in prison, 223–24, 240–41

Chastel, Henri, 67

Château-Arnoux (Provence), 8, 284n13

Chauffeurs de la Drôme, 49

Chauve, Joseph, 44, 150

Chemical Defence Experimental Station (Wiltshire, England), 292n17

chemical factory at Saint-Auban, 8–9, 284n13

Chenevier, Charles: background and career of, 219–20; Bartkowski case and, 233; beginning inquiry, 221–22; gaining rogatory power, 245, 250; on Gaston Dominici’s trial, 198; Louis Pagè on, 249; Pierre Carrias and, 241–44; questioning Dominici family, 224–26, 250–52, 253–55, 258; reports completed by, 226–27, 259–60

Chenevier inquiry, 217, 218, 219, 231, 244, 248, 256

Chirac, Jacques, xiii

Churchill, Winston, 1, 211

civil case, 182, 185, 202, 207

civil law, xiv

Clemenceau, Georges, 48

Cluny Abbey, 139

Cold War, xv, 232, 234, 269, 276, 285n8

collaborators, xii, 17–18, 19, 271

Combas, Roger, 210

Combat (newspaper), 46, 135

Combat (resistance group), 19

Commissariat Général du Plan, 269

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 270–71, 298n10

common law, xiv

Communist Party, 264–65, 267–70, 276–79. See also PCF (Partie Communiste Française)

Confédération Générale du Travail, 268

Conil, Henri, 67, 143

conspiracy theories, xv–xvi, 211, 220, 265, 279–80. See also Bartkowski, Wilhelm; speculation about crime

Constant, Fernand: on conspiracy theories, 178; crime scene reconstruction and, 119; Edmond Sébeille and, 68, 83, 84; Gustave Dominici on, 64; making announcements, 63, 67; methods and style of, 69; “Opération Bergerie” and, 80–81, 82; pursuing leads, 71, 80; questioning Gustave Dominici, 63–64; questioning Marie Dominici, 70

contraband money, 2, 5

contraband weapons, 24, 44

Cornox, 134

corporatism, 266–67

Coty, René, 214, 262

Coudouing, Jean-Claude, 62–63

Council of British Societies for Relief Abroad, 132

Council of Europe, 276

courts of appeal, 148, 165–67, 227, 243

Crespy (gendarme), 27

crime scene: compromising of, 34; not sealed off, 26, 27; reconstruction of, 63, 89–90, 115–19, 205

Criminal Investigation Department (CID), 73, 135

Cullioli, Antoine, 33, 42, 101

Daily Express, 58, 74, 121

Daily Mirror, 214

Daily Telegraph, 214

Daudet, Alphonse, 167

Le Dauphiné Libéré, 57, 209–10

David-Néel, Alexandra, 136

death penalty, xiv–xv, 207, 208, 210, 231, 288n8, 292n12

Debeaurain, André, 210

Degrave, Pierre, 36–37

Della Serra, Capt., 18, 21, 22

Deloitte, Paul, 199

Delorme, Claude, 182–83, 193–94, 202, 203, 295n12

Depardieu, Gérard, 111, 265

Deshays, Jean, 213

Détective (magazine), 220, 247

“Dig for Victory” campaign, 130

Digne, France, 3, 136, 212

Djandoubi, Hamida, 288n8

Domènech, Gabriel, 57–58, 287n15

Dominici, Aimé, 37, 42–43, 145, 146, 201, 257–58

Dominici, Alain, 11, 264–65

Dominici, Clémence, 135–37

Dominici, Clotilde. See Araman, Clotilde

Dominici, Clovis: answering questions, 95–97, 113, 116–17, 149–50, 151–52, 159–60, 251–53; appearance of, 190; birth of, 138; during crime scene visit, 89–90; on day of murder discovery, 15–16; Edmond Sébeille on, 186; Émile Pollak on, 205; in Faustin Roure’s testimony, 180–81; Gaston Dominici and, 84, 145, 156, 255; guns and, 51, 77, 164–65, 199, 230; Gustave Dominici and, 71; in PCF (Partie Communiste Française), 17, 78, 79; relationship with rest of family, 144, 200–201, 226, 229–30, 254; testifying, 190–91, 194–95; writing letter to François Barth, 163, 191, 195

Dominici, Gaston, xiii, xvi, xviii–xix; accusations by, 102, 107, 164, 182–83, 220–21; alcohol problem of, 113, 143, 146; answering questions, 81, 181, 222–24; apprehending Luigi Gualdi, 142, 163; attempting suicide, 118; behavior during trial, 169–70, 178, 186, 188–89, 195, 208–9; Berthe Léotard and, 145–46; changing attitudes toward, 264–65, 274–75, 281; charged with murder, 119; Chenevier inquiry and, 255–56; childhood and youth of, 135–38; Clovis Dominici and, 95–96, 145; comparing self to important people, 140, 148, 165; confessions of, 101–3, 104–7, 108–12, 114–15; court appeal of, 167, 216–18, 226–28; during court proceedings, 155–56; at crime reconstruction, 116–19; on day of murder discovery, 15–16, 26–27, 31; death of, 263; detained, 98; Edmond Sébeille and, 45–46, 51–52, 55, 58, 67, 70, 75–76, 83–84; fighting Mr. Giraud, 142–43; Gustave Dominici and, 19, 93–94, 192, 197–98, 241; incarceration of, 148; marriage of, 138, 262; “medical knowledge” of, 140; as midwife, 140, 174; overhearing conversation, 218; personal characteristics of, 137, 139–40, 145; as poacher, 139; press and, 120–21, 208, 209–10; in prison, 217; relationship with rest of family, 11–13, 142, 143–44, 146–47; release from prison, 262; representing struggling peasantry, 274; requesting René Floriot’s assistance, 245; Roger Périès and, 107–8; “saving” family honor, 102–3, 107, 115, 198; sentence of, 103, 207, 231, 262; speaking in dialect, 289n31, 290n16; stomach problems of, 240–41; as suspect, 67, 77, 84–85; testifying, 172–74, 224–25, 250–51; verdict, 207; violence of, 143; wedding night of, 138; wood splinter and, 35; writing letters to family, 215–16; Yvette Dominici and, 241, 263; Zézé Perrin and, 164, 174, 182–83, 192, 218, 220, 224, 255–56. See also trial of Gaston Dominici

Dominici, Gaston (son), 138–39, 159, 225–26, 229, 252–53

Dominici, Germaine. See Perrin, Germaine

Dominici, Gilbert, 88, 145

Dominici, Gustave, xii; alone with another witness, 97; answering Charles Chenevier’s questions, 249, 253; answering Edmond Sébeille’s questions, 52–53, 55–56, 63, 90–92, 93–94, 99, 156; answering Émile Pollack’s questions, 258; answering Fernand Constant’s questions, 63–65, 69; answering Noël Mével’s questions, 63–65; answering Roger Périès’s questions, 82, 92–94, 113–14, 149–50, 151, 155, 157–62; appearance of, 192–93; appendicitis of, 147; aware Elizabeth Drummond still alive, 69, 94; in bed with doctor’s note, 54–55; birth of, 141; Clovis Dominici and, 200–201, 252–53; collapsing during inquest, 156; court appeal of, 215–17; during crime scene visit, 90; on day before murder discovery, 12–13; on day of murder discovery, 25–27, 46–47, 297n10; divorce of, 263; Edmond Sébeille on, 67; Émile Pollak on, 205–6; family’s opinion of, 201–2; at Feast of the Assumption, 59–60; in FTPF (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans Français), 17, 19, 79; Gaston Dominici and, 11–12, 113, 145, 147, 157, 217–18, 241; guns and, 24, 42–43; marriage of, 70, 83–84; mentioned in trial proceedings, 168, 174, 180–81, 183–84, 186, 187–88, 189–91; as outcast, 216; overheard conversation of, 218; personal characteristics of, 162; press and, 65, 120–21; returning home from jail, 78; revealing information, 84, 93–94; sentence of, 103; as suspect, 67, 96–97; testifying, 192–94, 197–98; trial and sentence of, 71–72; trousers and, 36–37; in young adulthood, 146–47. See also trial of Gustave Dominici

Dominici, Léon (brother), 136–37, 146

Dominici, Léon (nephew), 146, 201–2, 207, 225, 228–30, 241, 244–45

Dominici, Marcel (grandson), 207

Dominici, Marcel (son), 16, 35, 140, 145, 225–26, 229

Dominici, Marie, 11; answering questions, 54, 70, 76–77, 150, 153, 188–89; during crime scene visit, 90; death of, 263; disliking sister-in-law, 146; Gaston Dominici on, 75–76; Jo and, 80–82; keeping Henri Dragon outside, 31, 221; before marriage, 137–38; marriage of, 143; turning off water, 12; wedding night of, 138

Dominici, Marie (daughter-in-law), 201, 229, 252

Dominici, Mauricette, 258

Dominici, Rose, 51, 100, 145, 195

Dominici, Victoria, 229

Dominici, Yvette: answering questions, 100–101, 249, 253; appearance of, 189; on carbine, 117; Charles Gillard and, 258; on day of murder discovery, 25, 26–27; divorce of, 263; at Feast of the Assumption, 59; Gaston Dominici and, 263; Gustave Dominici and, 64; Jean Giono on, 295n13; knowing what to say, 76–77; marriage of, 70, 83–84; “Opération Bergerie” and, 82; overheard conversation of, 218; riding bicycle while pregnant, 25, 47, 111; staying at parents, 70–71; testifying, 152–53, 189–90; wet trousers and, 36, 37; in Zézé Perrin’s testimony, 182

Dominici family, xii, 11; Communist Party helping, 277–78; on day of murder discovery, 46–48; discord among, 78, 148; education of children of, 141; guns of, 164–65; during inquiry, 90; Maillet family and, 78–80, 144–45; normal interval for, 89; and Perrin family, 285n18; reacting to verdict, 207–8; relationships among, 113; violence of, 24

“Dominici: To Die in Prison” (Chapus), 262

Dorgères, Henri. See Halluin, Henri d’

Dormoy, Marx, 219, 296n7

dossier: in appeal decision, 227; Charles Chenevier and, 220; closing of, 165; in French law, 28; omissions in, 184; Pierre Carrias and, 231, 261; “on trial,” 168, 202, 205, 217, 243, 247

Drac, Roger, 15

Dragon, Henri, 30–31, 34, 41, 70, 71, 89, 177–78, 221

Dreyfus, Alfred, 57, 206

Drummond, Anne: Claude Delorme on, 202; on holiday, 3, 4; meeting and marrying Jack Drummond, 126; rumors about, 58, 75; stomach contents, 40

Drummond, Elizabeth: blows to head of, 30, 41–42, 175, 177, 245; Calixte Rozan mentioning, 204; condition of feet of, 30, 41–42, 177, 203, 245; Gaston Dominici and, 118; holiday plans of, 1–2, 3, 4; rigidity of body of, 30, 41, 178; speaking French, 3, 13–14; time of death of, 41, 70–71, 94, 177, 217

Drummond, Jack: in advisory capacity, 128–32; Biochemical Studies of Nutritional Problems, 126–27; childhood of, 123; C. Lovatt Evans and, 292n17; criticism of, 124–25; The Englishman’s Food, 126, 291n7; estate value of, 135; as father, 10; hand wound of, 38–39, 179; health problems of, 1, 123; holiday plans of, 1–2; honors bestowed upon, 131, 132, 291n2; interests of, 134; legacy of, 133; marrying Anne Drummond, 126; obituary of, 131; passing through German lines, 132; personal characteristics of, 124–25, 133, 134–35, 176; rumors about, xv–xvi, 58–59, 66, 214, 232–33, 262–63, 280–81; salary of, 133, 283n4(ch.1); stomach and bladder contents, 39; traveling, 126, 131–32; work life of, 5, 124–28, 132–33

Drummond family: camping, 14; at charlotade (comic bull fight), 7; Claude Delorme on, 202; discovery of bodies of, 15–16; funeral of, 55; missing one and a half hours, 3; obtaining water from Dominici farm, 13, 86, 91, 182, 183, 192, 257, 285n18; possible detour of, 6–7; reputation of, 75; road trip, 3, 4, 5–6, 9–11

Duc brothers, 67

Dupuiche, Jean, 228

Duralumin band, 44, 150, 199

Durance River, 11, 37, 42, 109, 204

Duron, Madame, 175

East Surrey Regiment, 123

Emmanuelli, Mr., 17

Engels, Friedrich, 265

English families, rumored, 8

The Englishman’s Food (Drummond), 126, 291n7

Escudier, Émile, 69, 150–51

Estoublon, Henri, 26, 140

Estrangin, Benoît, 139

European Commission, 270

European Convention on Human Rights, xv

European Court for Human Rights, xiii

European Economic Community, 298n11

Evans, C. Lovatt, 135, 292n17

Evans, Timothy, xii–xiii

executions, extrajudicial, 17, 19–20

Eyre, J. Vargas, 127

Farquhar, George, 279–80

Faure government, 228

Febvre, Captain, 238–39

FFI (Forces françaises de l’intérieur), 19

Le Figaro, 58–59, 120, 214

film, undeveloped, 256

Fine Chemicals Group of the Society of Chemical Industry, 133

Floriot, René, 244–45

Food, Health and Income (Orr), 125

Forces françaises de l’intérieur (FFI), 19

For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 285n9

Fourastié, Jean, 265, 298n2

fox dumped in well, 62

France, xvi–xix; American influence in, 268–69, 270, 278; international events and, 271–72; judicial system of, 171, 210, 212–14, 219, 293n6, 294n6, 295n10, 295n16; legal system of, 27–30, 33, 71, 85, 176, 185, 197; politics in, 265–66, 268, 275–79; post–World War II economy of, 268–71, 275; rural to urban change of, 265–66, 272; sentimentalization of rural, 266–67, 272–75; in Times editorial, 213; writings on, 272–73

France Soir, 221–22, 262

Francs-Tireurs et Partisans Français (FTPF). See FTPF (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans Français)

French Communist Party (PCF). See PCF (Partie Communiste Française)

French Revolution, xviii, 273

French Section of the Workers’ International (Section Française de l’internationale Ouvrière), 266, 268, 285n8

Friedmann, Georges, 273

Friend, G. E., 125–26

FTPF (Francs-Tireurs et Partisans Français): crimes involved with, 18, 20–21, 22–23; local people in, 17, 19, 43, 79; supporting Dominici family, 56, 72

Gabin, Jean, 264

Galizzi, Jean, 199–200, 259

Ganagobie (Provence): description of, 6, 139, 141; as religious center, 139, 140, 142, 264; as resistance base, 19; school at, 141

Garcin, Daniel, 259

Garcin family, 200

Garçon, Maurice, 57

Garola, Suzanne, 220

Gaulle, Charles de, xviii, 262, 268, 271

Gauthier (truck driver), 150

gendarmes, 32, 33–34

Germain, Marie. See Dominici, Marie

Germain, Rose (later Seguin), 137, 139

Germain family, 137–39

Gilbert, Fernand, 24–25

Gillard, Charles: Bartkowski case and, 233, 235, 236–37; beginning inquiry, 221–22; final meeting with Gaston Dominici, 255–56; gaining rogatory power, 245; on Gaston Dominici’s trial, 208; interviewing Yvette Dominici, 258; Louis Pagè on, 249; Pierre Carrias and, 241–42; questioning Augusta Caillat, 225; winding down investigation, 258–59

Giono, Jean, xvi; The Hussar on the Roof, 154; influence of, 6, 171–72, 273; Notes sur l’affaire Dominici, 295n13; on Provence and peasants, 23–24, 65, 167, 261

Girard, Dr., 38–39, 41

Giraud, Mr. (Ganagobie farmer), 142–43

Giraud, Simon, 102

Girolami, César, 33, 36, 37, 118, 257

the glorious thirty, 265, 298n2

Goguillot, Inspector, 221

Le Grand Albert, 140, 292n23

Grand Hotel, 3

Grand’ Terre, 10–11, 76, 141, 143, 264, 275

Gras, Andrè, 22

Gras rifle, 20, 285n6, 289n32

Great Britain: legal and judicial system of, xii, 121, 213, 214, 215; wages in, 283n4(ch.1); World War II and, 1–2, 131, 291n10

Grimaud, Lucien, 81, 120

Grisard, Inspector, 221

Groupi mains sales (Becker), xviii–xix

Gualdi, Luigi, 142, 163

Guérin de Beaumont, Jean Michel, 218–19, 226–27, 296n6

Guérino, Victor, 101–2, 187

Guerrier, Eric, 284n8, 284n17, 286n8, 289n8, 289n31

Guesde, Jules, 265

Guichard, Philippine, 136

Guieu, Gabrielle, 216

guns, 20, 43, 44, 112, 230, 285n6, 286n6, 289n8, 289n32. See also carbine; murder weapon

gunshots, 43–44, 47, 52, 53, 93, 117, 157–58, 172, 179, 180, 224

gunshot wounds, 30, 38–40

Halliburton, W. D., 124

Halluin, Henri d’, 267

Harkis, xvii, 272

Harzic, Georges, 32–33, 57, 60–61, 67, 115, 119

hat mix-up, 118

Hemingway, Ernest, 285n9

Héraud, Marcel, 244, 245–46

Heyriès family, 141

Hillman (Drummond auto): after crime, 46, 169; contents of, 55; description of, 2, 6; distance from Grand’ Terre of, 27; Dominici family noticing, 13; Elizabeth Drummond sleeping in, 14; flesh on rear bumper of, 38–39, 117; people peering inside, 67, 86; returned to crime scene, 89; seen outside hotel, 9; substitute for, at trial, 196; tampered with at crime scene, 34, 68

Hillman, second, 58, 71, 72–74, 75, 288n16

Hirsch, Robert, 121

Hobday, Gordon, 134

Hopkins, Frederick, 124

Horder, Lord, 128

horse with halter, 204

Hotel L’Ermitage, 7

Hot Springs Conference, 131

The Hussar on the Roof (Giono), 65, 154

images d’Épinal, 167, 293n1

incivisme, 275–76

Indochina, xvii, 270, 271

industrial proletariat, 266, 276, 277

“Infortunés Drummond: Rapport d’autopsie,” 286n2

Interpol, 43, 73

Jameson, Wilson, 131, 291n12

Jo (man who spent night at Grand’ Terre), 80, 81–83

Jours de France, 231–32

Jouval, André, 20

Jouve, Paul, 71, 177

judicial police, 26, 28, 29, 32, 48–49, 67, 110, 286n18. See also police, French; Sûreté National

jury concept in French law, 28, 210, 293n6

jury in Dominici case, 168, 174, 196, 204–7, 247–48

Das Kapital (Marx), 265

“kill another” threat, 95, 149, 156, 191, 199, 289n31

Koenig, Marie-Pierre, 19

Krammer, Erich, 236

L’affaire Dominici (film), xviii, 264–65, 281

L’affaire Dominici (Guerrier), 284n8, 284n17, 286n8, 289n8, 289n31

Landru, Henri Désiré, 56, 220

landslide: Faustin Roure examining, 15, 87; Gaston Dominici on, 52, 95, 101, 104, 106, 108, 113, 158; Gustave Dominici on, 47, 53–54, 93, 94, 150; newly formed, 12–13; Zézé Perrin on, 86, 88

Lasker Group Award, 131, 291n12

L’Aurore, 57, 212

Lavender Festival (Digne, France), 4

Le Beau Cyprès, 4

Léger commission, 29–30

Legonge (dog handler), 31

Lend-Lease Act, 131

Léotard, Berthe, 145–46

Léotard, Cyrille, 145–46

Leroy, Nelly, 80–82

Le Roy Ladurie, Jacques, 266–67, 298n6

Lettres de mon moulin (Daudet), 167

L’Humanité, 57, 58, 74

Libération Sud, 19

Llorca, Antoine, 231–32

Lopez, Manuel. See Della Serra, Capt.

Lorenzi, Father, 19, 24, 87, 143

L’Unità, 277

Lure International Meetings, 6, 284n10

Lurs, France, 5–6

Lurs: Toute l’affaire Dominici (Domènech), 287n15

M1 (gun), 44, 112. See also carbine; murder weapon

magistrates: examining, xiii, 28–30, 85, 121, 214, 250, 258; prosecuting, 28–29, 214

Magnan, Pierre, xvi

Magnus, Albertus. See von Bollstädt, Albert

Maillet, Auguste, 79, 137, 141, 144

Maillet, Ginette, 43

Maillet, Paul: anger and violence toward, 79–80; answering questions, 44, 91, 184, 192; during crime reenactment, 118–19; Dominici family reconciliation and, 145; Edmond Sébeille and, 84, 119; guns and, 43–44, 79–80, 178–79, 201; hearing rumors, 103; illegal activities of, 43–44; metal cart theft by, 200, 202; PCF (Partie Communiste Française) and, 17, 18, 78–79; revealing information, 69, 84, 150–51; as schoolboy, 141; as suspect, 76, 151; as threatened fourth victim, 199

Maillet family, 78, 141, 144–45

Maquis, 21, 262–63, 286n6

Marque, Émile, 7–9, 284n12

Marrian, Guy, 1, 4, 73, 133, 178, 183, 192

Marrian, Jacqueline, 4

Marrian, Phyllis, 4, 178, 183, 192

Marrian, Valerie, 4, 6

Marrian family, 55, 256

La Marseillaise, 17, 57, 70, 81, 115, 120

Marshall Plan, 269–70, 276

Martin, Jules, 247

Martinaud-Déplat, Léon, 56, 85, 121

Marty, André, 22–23, 285n9

Marty, Marguerite, 213–14

Marx, Karl, 265, 266

Massot, Marcel, 121, 248

Mattan, Mahmood Hussein, xii–xiii

Mauriac, François, 167

Maurois, André, 167

Mayer, André, 131–32, 165–66, 217, 227–28

McCann, Madeleine, xii

Meade, Geoffrey, 295n12

Medical Research Council, 128

meeting of PCF (French Communist Party), rumored, 66, 184–85

Mendras, Henri, 273

men rumored to be seen, 60, 80–81, 180

Le Méridional, 57–58, 115

Merlan, Dr., 176

Mével, Noël, 63–64

michelines, 284n17

ministerial circular number 32, 33

Ministry of Food, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 291n10

Ministry of Health, 128, 131, 291n12

mobile brigades. See judicial police

Moesto, Roman, 236

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 18, 270

Le Monde, 57, 63, 172

monetary allowance for travel, 3, 283n3(ch.1), 284n6

money changing hands, 80

Monnet, Jean, 269

Monod, Samuel. See Vox, Maximilien

Montarron, Marcel, 247

Moradis (Swiss killer), 236

Morice, André, 248

Morin, Dr., 242–43

Moro-Giafferi, Vincent de, 56–57

motive, xi, xii, xv; as important in French investigations, 26, 37; lacking, 77–78, 83, 122, 212, 232; possible, 32, 59, 106, 114, 175, 203, 217, 224

motorcycle with sidecar, xi, 27, 52, 53, 108, 111, 157

Moulin, Jean, 19

Mouvement Républicain Populaire, 268

Moynier, Joseph, 179

Mucha, Stephan, 48

mulberry tree, 45, 63, 88, 105, 108, 188, 286n8

murder weapon: bullet from, 63; Clovis Dominici and, 92, 186, 195, 202, 205; disposal of, 37, 42; as evidence, 46; Gaston Dominici and, 92, 110; Robert Sébeille and, 49, 50, 186; splinter of wood from, 35, 42, 173, 209; uncertain possession of, 43, 50, 79–80, 150, 205. See also carbine

Muzy, François, 19–20

Muzy, Mrs., 20, 141, 170

Nalin, Paul, 38–39, 177–78

National Health Service, 291n12

“national loaf,” 130–31

National Police. See Sûreté National

News Chronicle, 121, 214

Ninth Mobile Brigade, 32

Nobel Prize, 291n2, 291n12

Notes sur l’affaire Dominici (Giono), 295n13

Nottingham Playhouse, 134

Nouville: Un Village Français (Bernot and Blanchard), 273

oath issue, 185, 189, 212, 227–28, 256

Oddou, Joseph, 218–19

oil for guns, 164–65, 178–79, 194

Olivier, Jean-Marie: on day of murder discovery, 15, 24–25, 47–48, 287n10; in Gustave Dominici’s testimony, 53, 64–65, 94, 158; during inquiry, 89–91; at scene reconstruction, 63; testifying, 180

Ollivier, André, 61, 63, 178–79

“Opération Bergerie,” 81–83

Orr, John Boyd, 125, 131, 291n12

Orsatelli (public prosecutor), 64, 221, 222, 231

Pagè, Louis, 249

Pagnol, Marcel, xvi

Panayotou, Aristide, 60–61, 71, 169, 179–80, 287n24

Le Parisien Libéré, 120, 135

Paris Match, 31, 73

Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 127

Parti Communiste Française (PCF). See Communist Party; PCF (Partie Communiste Française)

Patin, Maurice, 166, 227–28, 296n16

PCF (Partie Communiste Française), xv, 17–20, 23, 56, 57, 78–79, 266. See also Communist Party

peasantry: changing attitudes toward, 272–76; depicted by artists, 273; depicted by writers, 167, 273; French concept of, 298n16; Gaston Dominici representative of, 274; gradual elimination of, 265; industrial proletariat and, 266, 276–77; mentality of, xii, 45, 50–51, 171–72, 258–59, 299n20; misjudged by Edmond Sébeille, 68–69; post–World War II, 275; as seen by Philippe Pétain, 267

Pélabon, Madame, 167

“Penitents” (sandstone columns), 9–10

People’s League of Health, 130

Périès, Roger: Charles Chenevier and, 226; crime scene reconstruction and, 115–16, 118–19; on day of murder discovery, 27, 33; guilty of minor infraction, 166; Gustave Dominici and, 64, 70, 196–97; locating carbine storage place, 99–100; Louis Pagè on, 249; in “Opération Bergerie,” 81, 82; promotion of, 231; questioning Clotilde Araman, 163–64; questioning Clovis Dominici, 96, 112–14, 151–52, 159, 163, 164–65; questioning Gaston Dominici, 107–8, 112–14, 164, 165; questioning Gustave Dominici, 112–14, 149–50, 151, 155, 156–59, 159–62; questioning minor witnesses, 92–94; questioning Yvette Dominici, 100–101, 152–53; questioning Zézé Perrin, 164; starting judicial inquiry, 148–49; suspending inquiry, 88–89; Wilhelm Bartkowski report and, 233

Perrin, Aimé, 6, 25, 44

Perrin, Aimé, Mrs., 25

Perrin, Francis, 6, 75, 81–82, 103

Perrin, Germaine, 13, 26, 85–86, 88, 140, 183–84, 192, 259

Perrin, Louis, 81–82

Perrin, Roger, 13, 26, 199

Perrin, Zézé: answering questions, 85–86, 88, 92, 164; asking for alibi, 199–200; Calixte Rozan on, 201–4; confronting Gaston Dominici, 255–56; on day of murder discovery, 26–27; Dominici family and, 148; Émile Pollak on, 205; Gaston Dominici on, 164, 174, 182–83, 192, 218, 220, 224, 225, 250; Germain Perrin on, 183; Gilbert Dominici’s bicycle and, 88, 182, 190; Gustave Dominici and, 13, 91; as pathological liar, 77, 164, 169, 185, 259; as suspect, 77, 78; testifying, 182, 191–92

Pétain, Philippe, 267

Peyruis (commune), 17, 19, 20–21, 56, 59, 142

photographs/photography: as evidence, 71, 116, 182, 242, 248, 260; needed, but lacking, 38, 117; during trial, 168

Pieds-Noirs, xvii, 272

Pinay, Antoine, 270

Plan de Modernisation de l’Équipement, 269

poaching: Gustave Dominici and, 183, 192, 242; as part of Gaston Dominici persona, 110; Paul Maillet and, 76, 192; in peasant life, 139, 154, 194; in psychic’s vision, 62; Zézé Perrin and, 180, 183, 192

police, British, 73–74, 75

police, French: Algerians and, 241; British press on, 58, 121; carelessness of, 61–62, 71, 100; criticism of, 212–14; gendarmes and, 32, 34; Gustave Dominici on, 64; local residents and, 65, 85; methods and role of, 26, 27, 33–34, 116; PCF (Partie Communiste Française) and, 17–18, 19, 45, 56. See also judicial police; Sûreté National

police dog, 31

Pollak, Émile: clients of, 288n8; in court, 169, 174–75, 176, 178–79, 182, 184; Dominici family and, 119; dossier and, 168; eager to take Dominici case, 116; Edmond Sébeille and, 186; frustrated with case, 159, 192, 194; Gaston Dominici and, 205–6, 223–24, 240–41; Gustave Dominici and, 65, 70, 71, 155–56; on inconsistencies in court case, 187, 188, 205–6; Léon Dominici and, 245; in motor accident, 148; oath issue and, 185, 189; protesting rogatory power, 88; questioning Clovis Dominici, 194–95; requesting dismissal of case, 165; style of, 174; visiting Grand’ Terre, 80–81; Zézé Perrin and, 191

Pompidou, Georges, 270

Popular Front, 266

Porton Down Experimental Station, 127, 280, 292n17

Postes, Télégraphes et Téléphones, 16

potato transaction, 84

press, British, xii, 58, 68, 121, 211, 214

press, French, 68, 120–21, 212, 231–32, 247

Le Provençal, 115

Provençal mentality, 48, 49–50, 65, 167, 258–59

Provence (France), xv, 4, 14, 154, 261, 266, 281

Provisional Government of the French Republic, 268–69

Prudhomme, Pierre, 101–4, 106, 175, 188

psychics, 62–63, 175–76

psychology, 121, 171–72, 176

Puisssant, Pierre, 20

Quesnay, François, 272

Queyrel, Adrien, 72

Queyrel brothers, 21

Radical-Socialistes, 268

railway company: employees of, 13, 15, 25, 43, 51, 89, 144, 175–76; raincoat at station of, 175–76, 263

railway line: fine for obstruction of, 11, 284n17; landslide threatening to obstruct, 12, 13, 47; location of, 11

raincoat at railway station, 175–76

Ranchin, Henri, 33, 42, 51, 76

rationing, 1, 129, 130, 275, 283n1(ch.1)

Rebaudo (gendarme), 27

Reilly, Patrick, 59

Reliquet (attorney), 214

Les Rencontres internationales de Lure, 6, 284n10

Renoir, Claude “Coco,” 18–19

Resistance, xii, 17–20, 23, 57, 58, 66, 72, 216, 271, 278

res judicata, 154

reward money, 58, 61

Reymond, William, 234, 265, 290n27

Ribot, Reine, 175–76, 262–63

Ricard, Jean, 24, 86–87, 89–90, 91–92, 181

Richaud case, 48, 205

Rico, Francis, 100

rifle. See carbine; murder weapon

rigor mortis, 30, 41, 177, 203

Roche, Léone, 147

Roche, Roger, 179

Rockefeller Foundation, 124, 126

Rock-Ola Manufacturing Corporation, 42, 43

rogatory power, 28, 85, 88, 222, 244, 245, 246, 250

Roland, Jeanine, 4

Romanet, Louis, 25–26, 200

Rootes Group, 73

Roure, Faustin: on day of murder discovery, 26, 286n15; during inquiry, 89–90; in PCF (Partie Communiste Française), 17; as railway employee, 13, 14–16; testifying, 180–81, 251; Zézé Perrin and, 86, 200, 259

Roure, Rose, 13, 181

Rozan, Calixte, 168, 175, 180, 193–94, 203–4

Sabatier, Louis: Chenevier inquiry and, 221–22; on day of murder discovery, 27, 33; dossier and, 168; on Gaston Dominici, 202–3; Gustave Dominici and, 64, 70, 193–94, 196; Paul Maillet and, 43

Sabatier, Marius, 101, 102, 103, 107, 188, 289n7

Saint-Auban, France, 8–9, 284n13

Salacrou, Armand, 167

Samedi-Soir, 58, 61

santons, 145, 167, 293n1

Sarrenjani case, 202

Scapel, Mr., 197, 294n6

Schering AG, 134

Schulz, “Serge,” 22

Schuman, Robert, 246–47

Scientific Food Policy Committee, 128–29

scissors crisis, xvii, 275

Scotland Yard, 62, 73, 176, 239

screams, 17, 46, 52, 54, 60, 84, 91, 105, 109, 149, 150, 151, 152

Sébeille, Edmond, xi, xii; Aristide Panayotou and, 60–61, 180; becoming discouraged with case, 57–58, 60; bragging, 121; on day of murder discovery, 32–35, 42; flesh from Hillman and, 39; on Gaston Dominici, 172, 176–77; hearing Gaston Dominici’s official confession, 104; ignoring inconsistencies in confession, 106–7; knowing height of murderer, 82–83; Louis Pagè on, 249; methods of, 69, 83; murder weapon and, 43–45, 50–51; nervous condition of, 68; “Opération Bergerie” and, 81–82; Paul Maillet and, 43–44, 84–85, 119; pinpointing carbine location, 99–100; press and, 45, 56; questioning Dominici family, 51–55; questioning Gaston Dominici, 70, 75–76; questioning Gustave Dominici, 47; questioning Yvette Dominici, 70; questioning Zézé Perrin, 88; reconstructing crime scene, 63; searching for motive, 66; seeking publicity, 49–50; seen as bungler, 217–18; suspecting Gaston Dominici, 67, 77, 84; suspending inquiry, 88–89; taking testimony, 150–51; talking to Gaston Dominici, 45–46, 98, 107; testifying, 186; visiting Grand’ Terre, 83–84; wet trousers and, 36–37, 257; winding down investigation, 85

Sébeille, Robert, 48, 49, 76–78, 156

Secret Army (Armée secrète), 19

secret service, British, xv, 58, 203, 206, 232

Section Française de l’internationale Ouvrière (French Section of the Workers’ International), 266, 268, 285n8

Seguin, “Little Sequin” (Gaston Dominici’s friend), 137–38, 139

Serrault, Michel, 265

La Serre, 13, 141

Simenon, Georges, 167

SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français). See railway company; railway line

socialists, 20, 266, 268, 285n8

Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF). See railway company; railway line

Society of Chemical Industry, 133

Solet, Carlo, 236

Soviet Union, xv; in conspiracy theories, 210, 211, 232, 234, 235, 280; PCF (French Communist Party) and, 58, 220; in World War II, 18, 20, 276

Special Reserve of Officers, 123

speculation about crime, 46, 62, 66, 72–74. See also conspiracy theories

Spinks household, 123

splinter of wood, 35–36, 42, 44, 173. See also carbine; murder weapon

Squillari (raincoat owner), 176

Stalin, Joseph, 23, 276

Standing Interdepartmental Committee, 128

Stansfield, Walter, 66, 288n9

Sten guns, 43, 286n6

Stigny, Commissioner, 22

Straw, Mabel (later Drummond), 123, 135

Sube, Télamon, 248

submachine gun, Russian, 230

Suez crisis, xviii, 271

Sunday Dispatch, 58, 61

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, 132

Sûreté National, 72–73, 74–75, 135, 234. See also judicial police; police, French

Tardieu, Lucien, 33, 161, 185

Temple, Emmanuel, 227

La Terre, 267

Thompson, May Rebecca, xii

Thorez, Maurice, 23, 72, 268, 270, 278

Tillon, Charles, 22–23

The Times, xi, 71, 116, 213, 261, 262

Treaty of Rome, 270–71

les trente glorieuses, 265, 298n2

trial of Gaston Dominici: civil suit component of, 182–84, 202; closing procedures of, 203–8; consequences of, 208–14; inspection of similar Hillman during, 196; language problematic during, 170, 172, 294n7, 294n10, 298n18; loudspeaker incident during, 203, 223; opening procedures of, 167–70; postponed, 166; proceedings of, 172–75, 176–82, 184–85, 186–96, 196–202; psychological aspects of, 171–72

trial of Gustave Dominici, 71–72

Triumph sports cars, 74

trousers, 36–37, 114, 188–89, 257

Truche report, xiii

Ughetto, Joseph, 48

uniform, legionnaire’s, xi, 46

University College London, 124, 132, 292n17

urban-rural differences, xvi, 171, 273, 275

Vailland, Roger, 278

Vendre, Jules, 248

Veyrac, Marius Paul, 220

Vichy government, 18, 71, 210, 267–68, 288n12

Vidocq, François, 48–49

von Bollstädt, Albert, 140, 292n23

Vox, Maximilien, 5–6, 167

watch, missing, 257

Welles, Orson, 248

Wilbraham, Anne. See Drummond, Anne

Wilbraham, Mrs., 2–3, 202, 207, 257

woman in black, rumored, 8–9

women, attitudes toward, 143, 168, 176

Wood, Kingsley, 128–29, 291n9

Woolton, Lord, 128, 131

world news during Dominici affair, xi, 68, 89, 211

World War II, 1–2, 18, 20, 131, 276, 291n10

Wylie, Laurence, 273

X (unknown accomplice), 214, 226, 243, 260–61