How do we detect loudness? If you guessed that it’s related to the intensity of a hair cell’s response, you’d be wrong. Rather, a soft, pure tone activates only the few hair cells attuned to its frequency. Given louder sounds, neighboring hair cells also respond. Thus, your brain interprets loudness from the number of activated hair cells.
Hardware for hearing Cochlear implants work by translating sounds into electrical signals that are transmitted to the cochlea and, via the auditory nerve, relayed to the brain.
If a hair cell loses sensitivity to soft sounds, it may still respond to loud sounds. This helps explain another surprise: Really loud sounds may seem loud to people with or without normal hearing. As a person with hearing loss, I [DM] used to wonder what really loud music must sound like to people with normal hearing. Now I realize it sounds much the same; where we differ is in our perception of soft sounds. This is why we hard-of-hearing people do not want all sounds (loud and soft) amplified. We like sound compressed, which means harder-to-hear sounds are amplified more than loud sounds (a feature of today’s digital hearing aids).
Flip It Video: Theories of Hearing
How do we know whether a sound is the high-frequency, high-pitched chirp of a bird or the low-frequency, low-pitched roar of a truck? Current thinking on how we discriminate pitch combines two theories.
So, place theory and frequency theory work together to enable our perception of pitch. Place theory best explains how we sense high pitches. Frequency theory, extended by the volley principle, also explains how we sense low pitches. Finally, some combination of place and frequency theories likely explains how we sense pitches in the intermediate range.
Why don’t we have one big ear—perhaps above our one nose? “All the better to hear you with,” as the wolf said to Little Red Riding Hood. Thanks to the placement of our two ears, we enjoy stereophonic (“three-dimensional”) hearing. Two ears are better than one for at least two reasons (Figure 20.4). If a car to your right honks, your right ear will receive a more intense sound, and it will receive the sound slightly sooner than your left ear.
Figure 20.4 How we locate sounds
Sound waves strike one ear sooner and more intensely than the other. From this information, our nimble brain can compute the sound’s location. As you might therefore expect, people who lose all hearing in one ear often have difficulty locating sounds.
Because sound travels 761 miles per hour and human ears are but 6 inches apart, the intensity difference and the time lag are extremely small. A just noticeable difference in the direction of two sound sources corresponds to a time difference of just 0.000027 second! Lucky for us, our supersensitive auditory system can detect such minute differences—and locate the sound (Brown & Deffenbacher, 1979; Middlebrooks & Green, 1991).