Sensory Interaction

We have seen that vision and kinesthesia interact. Actually, none of our senses act alone. All our senses—seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching—eavesdrop on one another, and our brain blends their inputs to interpret the world (Rosenblum, 2013). This is sensory interaction at work. One sense can influence another.

Consider how smell sticks its nose into the business of taste. Hold your nose, close your eyes, and have someone feed you various foods. A slice of apple may be indistinguishable from a chunk of raw potato. A piece of steak may taste like cardboard. Without their smells, a cup of cold coffee may be hard to distinguish from a glass of Gatorade. A big part of taste is right under your nose.

Thus, to savor a taste, we normally breathe the aroma through our nose. Like smoke rising in a chimney, food molecules rise into our nasal cavity. This is why food tastes bland when you have a bad cold. Smell can also change our perception of taste: A drink’s strawberry odor enhances our perception of its sweetness. Even touch can influence our taste. Depending on its texture, a potato chip “tastes” fresh or stale (Smith, 2011). Smell + texture + taste = flavor. Yet perhaps you have noticed: Despite smell’s contribution, flavor feels located in the mouth, not the nose (Stevenson, 2014).

Vision and hearing may similarly interact. A weak flicker of light that we have trouble perceiving becomes more visible when accompanied by a short burst of sound (Kayser, 2007). The reverse is also true: We can hear soft sounds more easily if they are paired with a visual cue. If I [DM], as a person with hearing loss, watch a video with on-screen captions, I have no trouble hearing the words I am seeing. But if I then decide I don’t need the captions and turn them off, I will quickly realize I do need them. The eyes guide the ears (Figure 21.7).

A photo shows a man face timing a woman and a man, who are seen smiling at him on his phone screen.

Figure 21.7 Sensory interaction

Seeing the speaker forming the words, which Apple’s FaceTime video-chat feature allows, makes those words easier to understand for hard-of-hearing listeners (Knight, 2004).

So our senses do not function in isolation; they interact. But what happens if they disagree? What if our eyes see a speaker form one sound but our ears hear another sound? Surprise: Our brain may perceive a third sound that blends both inputs. Seeing mouth movements for ga while hearing ba, we may perceive da. This phenomenon is known as the McGurk effect, after Scottish psychologist Harry McGurk, who, with his assistant John MacDonald, discovered the effect (1976). For all of us, lip reading is part of hearing.

We have seen that our perceptions have two main ingredients: Our bottom-up sensations and our top-down cognitions (such as expectations, attitudes, thoughts, and memories). In everyday life, sensation and perception are two points on a continuum. It’s not surprising, then, that the brain circuits processing our physical sensations sometimes interact with brain circuits responsible for cognition. The result is embodied cognition. We think from within a body. Some examples from playful experiments:

As we attempt to decipher our world, our brain blends inputs from multiple channels. But in a few select individuals, the brain circuits for two or more senses become joined in a phenomenon called synesthesia, where the stimulation of one sense (such as hearing sound) triggers an experience of another (such as seeing color). Early in life, “exuberant neural connectivity” produces some arbitrary associations among the senses, which later are normally—but not always—pruned (Wagner & Dobkins, 2011). Thus, hearing music may activate color-sensitive cortex regions and trigger a sensation of color (Brang et al., 2008; Hubbard et al., 2005). Seeing the number 3 may evoke a taste or color sensation (Newell & Mitchell, 2016). Those who experience such sensory shifts are known as synesthetes.

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For a summary of our sensory systems, see Table 21.2.

TABLE 21.2 Summarizing the Senses

Sensory System Source Receptors Key Brain Areas
Vision Light waves striking the eye Rods and cones in the retina Occipital lobes
Hearing Sound waves striking the outer ear Cochlear hair cells (cilia) in the inner ear Temporal lobes
Touch Pressure, warmth, cold, harmful chemicals Receptors (including painsensitive nociceptors), mostly in the skin, which detect pressure, warmth, cold, and pain Somatosensory cortex
Taste Chemical molecules in the mouth Basic taste receptors for sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami Frontal temporal lobe border
Smell Chemical molecules breathed in through the nose Millions of receptors at top of nasal cavities Olfactory bulb
Body position—kinesthesia Any change in position of a body part, interacting with vision Kinesthetic sensors in joints, tendons, and muscles Cerebellum
Body movement—vestibular sense Movement of fluids in the inner ear caused by head/body movement Hair-like receptors in the ears’ semicircular canals and vestibular sacs Cerebellum
Diagram of the brain showing the location of the five senses in the brain.

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To feel awe, mystery, and a deep reverence for life, we need look no further than our own perceptual system and its capacity for organizing formless nerve impulses into colorful sights, vivid sounds, and evocative smells. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet recognized, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Within our ordinary sensory and perceptual experiences lies much that is truly extraordinary—surely much more than has so far been dreamt of in our psychology.