1. intelligence, p. 626
  2. general intelligence (g), p. 626
  3. factor analysis, p. 626
  4. savant syndrome, p. 627
  5. grit, p. 629
  6. emotional intelligence, p. 629
  7. intelligence test, p. 632
  8. achievement test, p. 632
  9. aptitude test, p. 632
  10. mental age, p. 633
  11. Stanford-Binet, p. 634
  12. intelligence quotient (IQ), p. 634
  13. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), p. 635
  14. standardization, p. 635
  15. normal curve, p. 635
  16. reliability, p. 636
  17. validity, p. 636
  18. content validity, p. 637
  19. predictive validity, p. 637
  20. cohort, p. 640
  21. crystallized intelligence, p. 640
  22. fluid intelligence, p. 640
  23. cross-sectional study, p. 640
  24. longitudinal study, p. 640
  25. intellectual disability, p. 644
  26. Down syndrome, p. 644
  27. heritability, p. 647
  28. stereotype threat, p. 657


Charles Spearman, p. 626

L. L. Thurstone, p. 626

Howard Gardner, p. 627

Robert Sternberg, p. 628

Francis Galton, p. 633

Alfred Binet, p. 633

Lewis Terman, p. 634

David Wechsler, p. 635

Carol Dweck, p. 650


Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. People are said to have an intellectual disability if they have difficulty adapting to the demands of independent living and have IQ scores below
    1. 60.
    2. 70.
    3. 80.
    4. 90.
    5. 100.
  2. Charles Spearman’s g refers to
    1. general intelligence.
    2. grouped intelligence factors.
    3. genetic intelligence.
    4. generated creativity.
    5. generalized reliability.
  3. Which of the following individuals would best represent our understanding of fluid versus crystallized intelligence?
    1. James is 80 and has just solved a math equation that has been puzzling him for the last 40 years.
    2. Luis is 22 and has written several successful novels.
    3. Alice is 25 and has discovered a new chemical element.
    4. As a high school student, Alex changed the way people thought about a local homeless man by doing research into his life.
    5. After watching the sky for 50 years Nate finally discovered a new planet.
  4. What would be true of a thermometer that always reads three degrees lower than the actual temperature?
    1. It is valid but not reliable.
    2. It is both reliable and valid.
    3. It is neither reliable nor valid.
    4. It is not valid, but you cannot determine if it is reliable from the information given.
    5. It is reliable but not valid.
  5. What is the benefit of standardizing an intelligence test?
    1. To counter rising intelligence test scores
    2. To measure the extent to which the test actually predicts what it promises
    3. To provide a basis for comparing scores against a pretested group
    4. To determine if the test yields dependably consistent results
    5. To calculate the relative effects of nature and nurture on intelligence
  6. Achievement tests are to aptitude tests as
    1. verbal performance is to spatial performance.
    2. elementary school skills are to secondary school skills.
    3. measurement is to prediction.
    4. reliability is to validity.
    5. general intelligence is to multiple intelligences.
  7. Howard Gardner found evidence of multiple intelligences in individuals who scored low on intelligence but had an area of exceptional ability—for example, to make complex calculations. These people have
    1. the Flynn effect.
    2. savant syndrome.
    3. advanced mental age.
    4. Wechsler syndrome.
    5. intelligence heritability.
  8. Which of the following is one of Robert Sternberg’s types of intelligence?
    1. Naturalistic intelligence
    2. General intelligence
    3. Practical intelligence
    4. Savant intelligence
    5. Kinesthetic intelligence
  9. Researchers studying the effects of genes on intelligence have found that
    1. intelligence is affected by many genes working together.
    2. there is a gene that is involved in the intelligence of men but not women.
    3. there is a gene that is involved in the intelligence of women but not men.
    4. a single gene is involved in the intelligence of both men and women.
    5. there is no evidence that genes play a role in intelligence.
  10. The Flynn effect refers to the
    1. superiority of certain racial and ethnic groups on intelligence tests.
    2. extreme scores (very high and very low scores) that are more common for males than for females on math tests.
    3. stereotype threat that might cause some Black students to underperform on standardized tests.
    4. predictive ability of intelligence tests.
    5. gradual increase in average intelligence score of the general population over the last several decades.
  11. If Lanie is able to tell when her husband is upset by noticing subtle changes in his facial expressions, she might be said to have a high degree of
    1. emotional intelligence.
    2. naturalistic intelligence.
    3. practical intelligence.
    4. spatial intelligence.
    5. adaptive intelligence.
  12. Heritability of intelligence refers to
    1. the extent to which a person’s intelligence is caused by genetics.
    2. the effect of adoption on the intelligence of adopted children.
    3. the amount of group variation in intelligence that can be attributed to genetics.
    4. the extent to which the quality of schools and other environmental factors determine intelligence.
    5. the correlation between intelligence test scores of identical twins.
  13. The most widely used modern intelligence test was developed by
    1. Alfred Binet.
    2. Louis Terman.
    3. Robert Sternberg.
    4. David Wechsler.
    5. Howard Gardner.
  14. Students who do well on college entrance exams generally do well in their first year of college. This helps establish that these exams have
    1. predictive validity.
    2. split-half reliability.
    3. content validity.
    4. test-retest reliability.
    5. standard validity.
  15. The purpose of Alfred Binet’s early intelligence test was to
    1. predict how children would do in school.
    2. identify differences among ethnic and racial groups.
    3. help French graduates find the occupation in which they were most likely to succeed.
    4. establish the scientific definition of intelligence.
    5. facilitate “genetic breeding” experiments.
  16. The original formula for a child’s intelligence quotient compared a child’s
    1. aptitude to his or her school performance.
    2. mental age to his or her chronological age.
    3. intelligence to his or her siblings’ intelligence.
    4. intelligence to his or her parents’ intelligence.
    5. math intelligence to his or her verbal intelligence.
  17. If the scores on an intelligence test form a normal curve with a standard deviation of 15,
    1. the mean, median, and mode are 100.
    2. 68 percent of scores are between 85 and 115.
    3. 60 percent of test-takers earned at least a 100.
    4. a and b only are true.
    5. a, b, and c are true.
  18. If approached on the street by a stranger and asked to make a guess about their IQ score, your best guess would be
    1. 50.
    2. 75.
    3. 100.
    4. 125.
    5. 150.

Free-Response Questions

  1. The principal of a new elementary school wants to give an IQ test to all students when they enter the school. The students will then be placed in groups of students with similar IQ scores. The principal assures the community that this plan is supported by scientific research and will improve education for all students, regardless of their ability.
    • Using evidence, present an argument for or against intelligence testing for children early in life.
    • Using evidence, present an argument for or against schools that “track” children based on intelligence test scores, separating high scorers from those with lower scores.
    • Using evidence, present an argument supporting the claim that environmental influences affect intelligence.
    • Using evidence, present an argument supporting the claim that labeling or tracking students could lead to stereotype threat.

(4 points)

  1. Professor Emic wants to first develop an intelligence test that can be used cross-culturally, and then to assess the reliability and validity of that test.

    Briefly explain how Professor Emic could examine the following characteristics about this new intelligence test:

    • Standardization
    • Reliability
    • Validity
    • Bias

(4 points)