Alekhine, Alexander, 745

Aristotle, 22, 79

Arnold, Matthew, 68

Austin, John, 15

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 3, 4, 67

Blake, William, 61; Jerusalem, 60; Tyger, 16; Vala, 5960

Burgess, Anthony, 667

Callimachus (fourth century), 23

Cervantes, Miguel de, 65

Chatman, Seymour, 1011, 723; on Milton, 61

chess, 23, 745

Chomsky, Noam, 47, 54

communication and style, 768

cummings, e e, 61

Demetrius (rhetorician), 22

Demosthenes, 22, 23

Diderot, Denis, 65

Donne, John, 65; The Relic, 27, 313

ego, 810

Epstein, Edmund L., 60

Fairley, Irene, 61

Faulkner, William, 68

Finnegans Wake (James Joyce), 71

Fish, Stanley, 61

Freeman, Donald C., 60

Frost, Robert, 30

Greek criticism, 223, 79

Halle, Morris, 47

Halliday, Michael, 60

Hemingway, Ernest, 68

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 60, 65; To R.B., 27, 301, 32, 33

Huxley, Aldous, 23

‘impersonal’ style, 668

interior monologue, 89

intonation (‘prosody’ Br.), 3757

Jakobson, Roman, 61, 84

James, Henry, 68

Jonson, Ben, 43

Joos, Martin, 40, 44

Joyce, James, 668, 71, 72, 80

Keats, John, 61

Keyser, Samuel Jay, 61

Kiparsky, Paul, 68

Kipling, Rudyard, 357

Lawrence, David Herbert, 1920, 68

Lieberman, Philip, 3940, 47

Lowell, Robert, 5760

Mahler, Gustav, 80

Milic, Louis, 68

Milton, John, 27, 278, 33, 61

modifiers, restrictive and non-restrictive, 623

Nabokov, Vladimir, 48

noun-modifiers, 5860, 623

Ohmann, Richard, 15, 1920, 68, 856

Ong, Walter, S.J., 77, 78

Orwell, George, 69, 71, 72

Othello (William Shakespeare), 17

paralanguage, 52

paraphrase and transformation, 6970

Perloff, Marjorie, 60

Philippe, Charles-Louis, 656

phonology, 2457

pitch and juncture, 4957

Plato, 22

Pope, Alexander, 65, 823; An Essay on Criticism, 4157; The Dunciad, 36; Iliad (trans.), 42

Poulet, Georges, 77

proleptic modifiers, 59

Protagoras, 22

Proust, Marcel, 8

rhetorical figures (metonymy), 52

Riffaterre, Michael, 72, 75

Roman criticism, 234

Searle, John, 15

semi-grammaticality, 536

Shakespeare, William, 17

Shaw, George Bernard, 68

Smith, Henry Lee, Jr., 26, 47

Sophocles, 22

speech-acts, 1418

Spire, André, 28

Spitzer, Leo, 65

Stevens, Wallace, 61

stress, degrees of, 4549

Sweet, Henry, 46

Swift, Jonathan, 68

syntax, 5763

tennis, 46

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 37

Thomas, Dylan, 61

‘too’, rule for the use of, 545

Trager, George L., 26, 47

Ulysses (James Joyce), 71

vowels, articulations of stressed, 2537

Vygotsky, Lev, 12, 1819

Whitman, Walt, 68

Yeats, William Butler, 60, 65, 71, 72; An Irish Airman Foresees His Death, 27, 2830, 33; Lapis Lazuli, 27, 335; The Cold Heaven, 613; Who Goes With Fergus?, 1218