Arnold, Matthew, 68
Austin, John, 15
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 3, 4, 6–7
Blake, William, 61; Jerusalem, 60; Tyger, 16; Vala, 59–60
Callimachus (fourth century), 23
Cervantes, Miguel de, 65
Chatman, Seymour, 10–11, 72–3; on Milton, 61
cummings, e e, 61
Demetrius (rhetorician), 22
Diderot, Denis, 65
Donne, John, 65; The Relic, 27, 31–3
Epstein, Edmund L., 60
Fairley, Irene, 61
Faulkner, William, 68
Finnegans Wake (James Joyce), 71
Fish, Stanley, 61
Freeman, Donald C., 60
Frost, Robert, 30
Halle, Morris, 47
Halliday, Michael, 60
Hemingway, Ernest, 68
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 60, 65; To R.B., 27, 30–1, 32, 33
intonation (‘prosody’ Br.), 37–57
James, Henry, 68
Jonson, Ben, 43
Joyce, James, 66–8, 71, 72, 80
Keats, John, 61
Keyser, Samuel Jay, 61
Kiparsky, Paul, 68
Lawrence, David Herbert, 19–20, 68
Mahler, Gustav, 80
Milic, Louis, 68
Milton, John, 27, 27–8, 33, 61
modifiers, restrictive and non-restrictive, 62–3
Nabokov, Vladimir, 48
Ohmann, Richard, 15, 19–20, 68, 85–6
Othello (William Shakespeare), 17
paralanguage, 52
paraphrase and transformation, 69–70
Perloff, Marjorie, 60
Plato, 22
Pope, Alexander, 65, 82–3; An Essay on Criticism, 41–57; The Dunciad, 36; Iliad (trans.), 42
Poulet, Georges, 77
proleptic modifiers, 59
Protagoras, 22
Proust, Marcel, 8
rhetorical figures (metonymy), 52
Searle, John, 15
Shakespeare, William, 17
Shaw, George Bernard, 68
Sophocles, 22
Spire, André, 28
Spitzer, Leo, 65
Stevens, Wallace, 61
Sweet, Henry, 46
Swift, Jonathan, 68
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 37
Thomas, Dylan, 61
‘too’, rule for the use of, 54–5
Ulysses (James Joyce), 71
vowels, articulations of stressed, 25–37
Whitman, Walt, 68
Yeats, William Butler, 60, 65, 71, 72; An Irish Airman Foresees His Death, 27, 28–30, 33; Lapis Lazuli, 27, 33–5; The Cold Heaven, 61–3; Who Goes With Fergus?, 12–18