
High street shops specialising in items for home brewing are pretty rare these days but online suppliers abound. Most have a large range of equipment and ingredients for all types of home brewing available by mail order.

General suppliers

Dorset Homebrew

The Home Brew Shop


The Malt Miller

Supplies many specialist beer ingredients.

The Somerset Distillery

For apple eau de vie.

Black Cow

For a high class vodka made from milk.





Supplier of equipment such as presses and crushers for the cider maker.


US manufacturer of yeasts (available in the UK) with an informative website.

Useful organisations

The Craft Brewers Association

A useful source of information about suppliers, and much more.

Dead Brewers Society

For ancient beer recipes.


The Oxford Companion to Beer

by Garrett Oliver

A very comprehensive guide to beer terminology and history.

Making Sparkling Wines

by John Restall and Donald Hebbs Taking a more serious approach to sparkling wines.

Real Cider Making on a Small Scale

by Michael Pooley and John Lomax Excellent advice and information for the home cider maker.


Page numbers in italic refer to the illustrations

absinthe 73–4

acetaldehyde 171

acetic acid 107, 171

Acetobacter 107, 171

acid blend 98

acid malt 187

acidity: cider-making 156, 164

perry 171

pH-meters 102, 156, 158, 160

acids, wine-making 98

aeration 21, 90, 100, 181

aerobic phase, brewing 13

air locks 21, 101, 158, 160, 181

Alastair’s session bitter 214

alcohol: absolute volume (ABV) 13

beer-making 188

cider-making 155

wine-making 92

ale 176, 191, 193

heather and honey ale 236

Northern mild ale 230

Aleister Crowley’s AK bitter 215

Alexanders: absinthe 73–4

dandelion and burdock beer 238–41

gin Alexanders 76

alpha acids 21, 192

amber: the oldest drink in the world 84

amylase 98, 106, 146

anaerobic phase, brewing 13, 100

apéritif, épine 80

apple crushers 159, 160

apple juice: pasteurising 168

sweet vernal grass cocktail 68

sweetening cider 168

apple mills 160, 164

apple presses 160, 161, 164

apples: cider-making 154–5

crab apple eau de vie 50

crab apple wine 120

juicing for cider 162–4, 163

Aspergillus oryzae 146

autolysis 21, 107, 165, 205

bacteria: ethyl acetate 107

malo-lactic fermentation 165

bag in a box 160, 170

baker’s yeast 13, 193

barley, beer-making 178, 180, 187–8

barley wine 176

barrels 160, 200

base malts 21, 187

beer finings 194

beer-making 11, 174–245

equipment 196, 197–201, 198

extract brewing 179

hygiene 16, 202

ingredients 187–94

kits 179

lager 185

method 180–4, 182–3

problems 202–5

record-keeping 202

specific gravity 14–15, 181, 188

wholegrain brewing 179

beer recipes: Alastair’s session bitter 214

Aleister Crowley’s AK bitter 215

black pearl porter 222

dandelion and burdock beer 238–41

ginger beer 244

heather and honey ale 236

India pale ale 234

John Wright & Sons experimental India beer 220–1

Mark’s Dorset Pilsner 227

Mephisto lager 234

a modern stout 232

nettle beer 243

Northern mild ale 230

oat malt stout 224

orange pale ale 207–10

ordinary bitter 211

puffed wheat beer 226

Rauchbier 228–9

small beer 219

special bitter ale 212

stout 223

strong East India pale ale 216–17

beetroot wine 144–5

bentonite 100

bicarbonate of soda 194

birch sap wine 141–2

bitter 211

Alastair’s session bitter 214

Aleister Crowley’s AK bitter 215

special bitter ale 212

black pearl porter 222

blackberries: blackberry cider 173

blackberry whisky 45

blackberry wine 113

blackthorn leaves: épine apéritif 80

bleach 16–17

blending wine 106

bottle conditioning 166, 184, 210

bottles 102, 201

bottle trees 18, 19

caps 201

Champagne bottles 127

cider-making 158, 165

cleaning and sterilising 17–18

corking 104, 105

sparkling wines 102

bottling: bottle filling attachments 201

cider 170

wine 102

brandy 30

cherry brandy 51

chestnut liqueur 57

dandelion brandy 65

épine apéritif 80

ginger wine 143

strawberry wine 118–19

brewer’s yeast 13, 193

brewing salts 194

brooklime: absinthe 74

buckets, fermenting 101, 158, 160, 197–9, 198

burdock: dandelion and burdock beer 238–41

buttery taste, beer 204

calcium carbonate 194

calendar 24–5

Campden tablets 21

cider-making 157

perry 171

wine-making 90, 98–9, 107

carbon dioxide 13

beer-making 181, 194, 201

cider-making 152, 166, 170

wine-making 101

carbonators 201

carragheen, fining beer 194, 195

carrot wine 144–5

cask conditioning 166, 184, 210

casks 158, 170, 200

Champagne bottles 127

‘cheese’, cider-making 21, 164

cherry brandy 51

cherry plum wine 115

chestnut liqueur 57

cider-making 11, 148–73

adding other fruit or flowers 173

equipment 158–60

ingredients 154–5

juicing apples 162–4, 163

method 152

problems 170

specific gravity 14, 162, 165

types of cider 152

cider recipes: blackberry cider 173

dry sparkling cider 166

dry still cider 152, 165

elderflower cider 173

mulled cider 173

slider 35

sweet fizzy cider 152, 170

sweet still cider 152, 166–70

cider vinegar 157, 165, 170

citric acid 98

cleanliness 16–18, 202

clearing: beer-making 104

cider-making 156

wine-making 92, 100, 106

cloudiness 106–7, 181

cocktails: elderflower cocktail 58

gorse flower cocktail 60

sweet vernal grass cocktail 68

colanders 102, 198, 199

cold sparging 21, 181, 183

conditioning 21

beer-making 184, 194, 210

cider-making 166

lager 185

contamination 16

cooling equipment, beer-making 199

copper, beer-making 197

copper finings 21, 194

copper-up 21, 180

corked wines 107

corks 102

Champagne bottles 127

corkers 102, 104

corking bottles 104, 105

for demi-johns 101, 158

country wines 88

cowslip wine 135

crab apples: cider-making 154, 155

crab apple eau de vie 50

crab apple wine 120

perry 171

crown cappers 201

crown caps 201

crystal malt 178, 187

damson vodka 39

dandelion roots: dandelion and burdock beer 238–41

green walnut grappa 79

a hangover cure 85

dandelion flowers: dandelion brandy 65

dandelion wine 132

défécation 169

degrees Lovibond 176, 187–8

demi-johns 21

air locks 101, 158

cider-making 158

hygiene 16–17

wine-making 90, 91, 101

diacetyl 21, 204

diacetyl rest 21, 185, 204

diastatic power 21

distillation 11, 28

Dorset Pilsner 227

dry-hopping 22, 192

dry sparkling cider 166

dry still cider 152, 165

dry wines 92

reducing over-sweetness 106

sweetening 94–5

East India pale ale 216–17

eau de vie: crab apple eau de vie 50

infusions 30

elderberry wine 111

elderflowers: elderflower and gooseberry wine 124

elderflower cider 173

elderflower cocktail 58

elderflower vodka 58

sparkling elderflower wine 127–9

enzymes: amylase 98, 106, 146

beer-making 178, 180, 187

diastatic power 21

pectic enzyme 90, 98, 107, 156, 171

épine apéritif 80

equipment: beer-making 196, 197–201, 198

cider-making 158–60

infusions 31

sterilising 16–18, 105, 202

wine-making 101–2, 103

essential oils, hops 192

esters 99, 107, 185

ethyl acetate 107, 171

extract brewing 179, 188

fennel: absinthe 73–4

fennel vodka 71

fermentation 13, 14

beer-making 181, 184, 193

dry sparkling cider 166

keeving 169

lager 185

malo-lactic fermentation 165

primary fermentation 23, 90

secondary fermentation 23, 92

specific gravity 14

stuck fermentations 105–6, 170, 205

wine-making 90

fermenting buckets 101, 158, 160, 197–9, 198

fermenting vessels 101, 160, 200

filtering, beer-making 181, 209

filters 107

final gravity (FG) 14–15, 22, 188

finings 22

beer-making 181, 194, 210

wine-making 92, 100, 106

finishing hops 192–3

fizzy cider 152, 170

flowers: adding to cider 173

infusions 29

froth, beer 177, 181

fruit, wine-making 88

fruit acids 90, 98

fruit beers 193

fruit-flavoured cider 173

fruit flies 18

fruit infusions 28

fruit mashers 159, 160

fruit wines, specific gravity 14

funnels 102

gentian root: a hangover cure 85

gin 30

gin Alexanders 76

haw gin 48

oak moss gin 83

sloe gin 33–5

smoked sloe gin 37

ginger beer 244

ginger wine 143

glucose 194

gooseberries: elderflower and gooseberry wine 124

gorse: gorse flower cocktail 60

gorse flower white rum 60

gorse wine 131

grape juice 90, 96

birch sap wine 142

dandelion wine 132

gorse wine 131

rhubarb wine 108

root vegetable wine 144–5

grape yeasts 99

grapes, wine 88

grappa, green walnut 79

gunpowder tea 220–1

gypsum 194

a hangover cure 85

haw gin 48

heat mats 105, 106

heather and honey ale 236

heating equipment, beer-making 200

honey: heather and honey ale 236

mead 136

metheglin 138–9

hops 20, 22, 176, 190, 191–3

adding at different stages 184

adding to boil 180

bittering hops 192

dry-hopping 22

filtering 181, 209

finishing hops 192–3

lager 185

hydrogen peroxide 17

hydrometers 14, 14, 15, 22

beer-making 181, 200

cider-making 158, 160

wine-making 101

hygiene 16–18, 105, 202

India beer, experimental 220–1

India pale ale 234

infusions 11, 22, 26–85

equipment 31

hygiene 16

ingredients 30

types of 28–9

invert sugar 22, 194

John Wright & Sons experimental India beer 220–1

juicers 158, 162

juicing apples 162–4, 163

keeving 22, 169

krausen 177, 181

labels 17, 18

lactic acid 165

Lactobacillus 165

lactose 95, 168

lager 181, 185

Mark’s Dorset Pilsner 227

Mephisto lager 234

Rauchbier 228–9

lambic beers 193

lauter tuns 22

lees (sediment) 22, 107, 181, 210

lemon: elderflower cocktail 58

gorse flower cocktail 60

lemon liqueur 53

lichen: oak moss gin 83

liqueurs 30

chestnut liqueur 57

lemon liqueur 53

orange liqueur 53

liquorice: stout 223

liquoring down, beer-making 22, 181, 210

Lovibond, degrees 176, 187–8

malic acid 98, 156, 165

malo-lactic fermentation 165

malt 22, 178, 178

base malt 21

lager 185

malt extract 22, 179, 188, 189

mashing 179, 180

speciality malt 23

types of 187–8

mango and palm sugar wine 121

Mark’s Dorset Pilsner 227

mash, beer-making 22, 179, 180, 208

mash bags 199

mash tuns 22, 180

mead 136

measuring jugs 101, 197

melon fizz 122

Mephisto lager 234

metheglin 138–9

mild ale, Northern 230

mint: watermint vodka 67

a modern stout 232

mulled cider 173

murky brews 106–7

muslin cloths 102, 199

must 22, 90

adding yeast to 100

sugar content 14–15

musty flavours 107

nettle beer 243

nitrogen 99

Northern mild ale 230

nut infusions 29

oak moss gin 83

oat beers 188

John Wright & Sons experimental India beer 220–1

oat malt stout 224

off-flavours, beer 205

the oldest drink in the world 84

orange liqueur 53

orange pale ale 207–10

original gravity (OG) 14, 22

beer-making 188, 192

sweet wines 94

oxygen: beer-making 181, 201

corked wines 107

wine-making 100

pale ale: India pale ale 234

orange pale ale 207–10

strong East India pale ale 216–17

palm sugar: mango and palm sugar wine 121

parsnip wine 144–5

parti-gyling 22, 184, 219

pasteurising apple juice 168

pears: perry 171

pectic enzyme 90, 98, 107, 156, 171

pectin 169

pectin haze 98, 106–7, 156

pectolase 98

peppermint: a hangover cure 85

perry 156, 171

pH: cider-making 157

wine-making 98

pH meters 23, 102, 156, 158, 160

pH-testing strips 102, 158, 160

Pilsner, Mark’s Dorset 227

pineapple: gorse flower cocktail 60

pink pint 63

pitching 23

beer-making 181, 210

wine-making 90

plant infusions 29

plums: cherry plum wine 115

plum wine 99

pomace 23, 164, 169

pomegranate rum 55

porter, black pearl 222

potassium sorbate 95, 96, 100

primary fermentation 23, 90

priming 23, 194

protein haze 181

Protoflac 194

puffed wheat beer 226

racking/rack off 23

beer-making 181, 210

wine-making 92

raisins: ginger wine 143

wine-making 96

raspberries: pink pint 63

raspberry vodka 47

Rauchbier 228–9

record-keeping 18, 202

recycling bottles 102, 201

restarter yeasts 106, 205

rhubarb: rhubarb vodka 78

rhubarb wine 108

rice wine 99, 146–7

root vegetable wine 144–5

ropiness 107

rose petal vodka 61

pink pint 63

rosehips: pink pint 63

rosehip vodka 43

rosehip wine 117

rum 30

chestnut liqueur 57

gorse flower white rum 60

pomegranate rum 55

rumble 23

Saccharomyces cerevisiae 13, 99, 146, 193

Saccharomyces pastorianus 185

sake 146

sap wine 141–2

scratters 159, 160

screw tops 105

scrumpy 150

sea buckthorn vodka 40

secondary fermentation 23, 92

sediment 22, 107, 181, 210

sieves 102

siphons 102, 158, 160, 200

slider 35

sloes: slider 35

sloe gin (or vodka) 33–5

sloe wine 116

smoked sloe gin (or vodka) 37

small beer 219

smoked malt: Rauchbier 228–9

smoked sloe gin (or vodka) 37

sodium metabisulphite 17, 18, 95, 101, 105, 157

sorbitol 168

sparging 23, 180, 183, 208–9

sparkling cider 166

sparkling wines: bottles 102

sparkling elderflower wine 127–9

special bitter ale 212

speciality malts 23, 187

specific gravity (SG) 14–15, 23

beer-making 181, 188

cider-making 162, 165

final gravity (FG) 14–15, 22, 188

original gravity (OG) 14, 22, 94, 188, 192

sweet wines 94

wine-making 90, 92

spicy metheglin 139

spirits, infusions 30

split-gyling 184

spoons 101, 197

steam cleaning 16

sterilising equipment 16–18, 105, 202

still cider: dry still cider 152, 165

sweet still cider 152, 166–70

storing beer 210

stout 223

a modern stout 232

oat malt stout 224

straining bags 102, 158, 160

strawberry wine 118–19

strong East India pale ale 216–17

stuck fermentations 105–6, 170, 205

sucrose 168

sugar: beer-making 194

cider-making 155–6, 164

conditioning beer 184, 210

conditioning cider 166

dry wines 92

fermentable sugars 13, 14–15

infusions 30

invert sugar 22

over-sweet wine 106

priming 23, 194

sparging 23, 180, 183, 208–9

specific gravity 14–15

sweet fizzy cider 170

sweet still cider 166–70

sweetening dry wines 95

unfermentable sugars 13, 23

wine-making 90, 96

sulphur dioxide 95, 96, 107, 157, 171

sweet fizzy cider 152, 170

sweet still cider 152, 166–70

sweet vernal grass cocktail 68

sweet vernal grass vodka 68

sweet wines 14, 88, 92, 94

swing-top bottles 127, 158

syrup, sweetening dry wines 95

tannin 90, 98, 157

tartaric acid 98

temperature: beer-making 177, 180, 181

lager 185

wine-making 105

terminology 21–3

thermometers 101, 197

thujone 73

trial glasses 101, 200

Tronozymol 106

underletting 23, 184

unfermentable sugars 13–15, 23

vinegar 107, 157, 165, 170

vinegar flies 18, 205

vodka 30

absinthe 73–4

chestnut liqueur 57

crab apple eau de vie 50

damson vodka 39

elderflower vodka 58

fennel vodka 71

a hangover cure 85

lemon liqueur 53

the oldest drink in the world 84

orange liqueur 53

raspberry vodka 47

rhubarb vodka 78

rose petal vodka 61

rosehip vodka 43

sea buckthorn vodka 40

sloe vodka 33–5

smoked sloe vodka 37

sweet vernal grass cocktail 68

sweet vernal grass vodka 68

watermint vodka 67

walnuts: green walnut grappa 79

watermint vodka 67

weighing scales 101, 197

wheat beers 188

puffed wheat beer 226

whisky 30

blackberry whisky 45

whisks 199

wholegrain brewing 179

wild yeasts 99, 193

wine-making 11, 86–147

aeration 90

bottles and bottling 102

hygiene 16, 105

dry wines 92

equipment 101–2, 103

ingredients 88, 96–100

method 90–1

problems 105–7

specific gravity 90

sweet wines 92, 94

wine recipes: birch sap wine 141–2

blackberry wine 113

cherry plum wine 115

cowslip wine 135

crab apple wine 120

dandelion wine 132

elderberry wine 111

elderflower and gooseberry wine 124

épine apéritif 80

ginger wine 143

gorse wine 131

mango and palm sugar wine 121

melon fizz 122

metheglin 138–9

rhubarb wine 108

rice wine 146–7

root vegetable wine 144–5

rosehip wine 117

sloe wine 116

sparkling elderflower wine 127–9

strawberry wine 118–19

wine-thief 101

wooden casks 158, 170

wort 23, 180–1, 184

yeast 13, 14, 23

beer-making 181, 193

Campden tablets and 99

cider-making 152, 156

keeving 169

lager 185

musty flavours 107

restarter yeasts 106, 205

stuck fermentations 106, 170, 205

sweetening dry wines 94–5

temperatures 105

wild yeasts 99, 193

wine-making 90, 99–100

yeast energiser 106

yeast nutrient 99, 156


Few books are written without the assistance of others and this one is most certainly no exception, not even a bit. Chief among them are several notables from the world of brewing. They are, in no particular order: Coreen Barnett of Dorset Homebrew who has been tireless in answering my endless questions; the remarkable, generous and endlessly garrulous Alastair Wallace who knows more about beer than anyone I have ever met; Mark Jenkin of the Mighty Hop Brewery in Dorset who supplied several of the beer recipes and tolerated my questioning with grace; and Julian Temperley of Somerset Cider Brandy, Nigel Stewart of Bridge Farm Cider and the gentle Oliver Strong of Dorset Nectar who advised me on the fine art of cider-making. My sincerest thanks go to them all.

A few whose work does not involve brewing have been a help and an inspiration. Among them are Monica Wilde of Napiers Herbalists, Susanne Masters, collector and student of ethnic recipes and Dr John Cockrill, who has been kind enough to check my work to ensure I will not poison anyone, not too much anyway.

I would like to thank the companies Ritchies and Vigo for their advice and support. I am also most grateful to The Dead Brewers Society, which has been so gracious in allowing the reproduction of versions of their carefully conserved ancient beer recipes.

I have tested the patience of my friends from Bloomsbury more than usual but they have been as supportive, professional and charming as ever, so my thanks go to Xa Shaw Stewart, Natalie Hunt, Richard Atkinson, Marina Asenjo and Alison Glossop. I am also grateful to my project editor, the ever-subtle Janet Illsley, and to designer and beer enthusiast Will Webb.

Gordon Wise of Curtis Brown has been my steadfast guide, so thank you, Gordon. Thanks, also, to Antony Topping of Greene and Heaton, cheers to Rob Love of River Cottage who I hope will not be disappointed and finally, as always, thank you, Hugh, for your introduction and for entrusting me with yet another book.