A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W


Agaricus blazei, 127, 143

agaricus mushroom, 127, 143

aloe, 104, 127

Aloe barbadensis, 104, 127

Aloe ferox, 127

amaranth, 88–89

Ameraucana, 9, 21, 24–25, 29, 158

amprolium, 145

anesthetics, 181

antibiotics, 11, 51, 77, 117

antimicrobial herbal oil spray recipe, 147

antimicrobial wound salve recipe, 168

apple cider vinegar, 104, 126, 135

Araucana, 29, 34

artemisia, 128

Artemisia absinthum, 128

Artemisia annua, 128

Asian breeds, 23

aspergillosis, 165, 173

Australorp, 33

autosexing, 23, 34

auxiliary coops, 59, 129

avian influenza, 164

aviary nets, 68

Azadirachta indica, 130


Bacillus subtilis, 137

baited liquid traps, 180

barley, 90

Barnevelder, 27, 28

battery cages, 78

beneficial microbes (BMs), 84, 104, 135, 137

bentonite clay, 135

Bielefelder, 34

Big Ole Bird Poultry Supplement, 126, 137

biochar, 40, 136

biosecurity, 165

black cumin, 128, 143

black soldier flies, 178

blinders, 56

blowflies, 178

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 21

bokashi, 62, 136, 188

boredom busters, 55–59

botanical remedies, 127–134

bottleflies, 178

Brahma, 21, 23, 26


commercial, 17–19

importance of quality breeding, 20


for backyard, 21–33

commercial, 17–19

dual-purpose, 78

heritage, 21, 23, 28, 30

landrace, 17–19

mixed-flocks, 33

new and unusual, 29

for pets, 30–33

rare, 20

sexual dimorphism, 34


environments with living litter, 40–42

guidelines for healthy, 38–39

litter materials, 39–40

broodiness, 139–142

Brown Leghorn, 26

Buff Orpington, 21, 33

bumblefoot, 169–171


cage-free chickens, 18

calcium, 99

California White, 158

Calliphora vicina, 178

carbohydrates, 83–91, 108–110

care. See also health maintenance

Plymouth Rock, 23

prevention-based approach to, 13, 15

carotid artery laceration, 181

cats, 30, 38, 58, 180

cayenne, 174

cervical dislocation, 181


coop size for growing, 37

daily preventative regimen, 139

feed, 78

guidelines for healthy brooders, 38–39

hazards, 38

keeping warm, 43–45

picking up, 38–45

providing light, 43

sources of, 20

watering, 42–43

children, 23, 30, 38

Chinese Silkie, 19

chrysanthemum, 137

clove oil, 128

coccidiosis, 131, 144–146

Cochin, 23, 30–31

coconut husks, 39, 40, 42

cognitive play, 58

coir, 39, 40

colloidal silver, 125, 136

comfrey, 134

commercial farms, 12, 77, 158

concentrates, 183–185

coop and run maintenance practices, 12–13, 53


auxiliary, 59, 129

day pens, 72–73

discouraging rodents, 64–65

environmental management, 62

hazards, 60–69

litter management, 61

mobile, 51, 69–72, 99

mucking out, 61–64

poop management, 60–61, 63–64

protection, 65–69

PVC, 73–75

siting, 47–50

size, 37

spray, 133, 134, 176

tractor, 71–72, 74

corn, 84

Cornish Cross, 17, 23

cottage cheese, 143

Cream Legbar, 29, 34


dandelions, 99

day pens, 72–73, 99

diatomaceous earth, 129, 136–137, 174, 180

digestive enzymes, 84


egg-related conditions, 152

environmental, 50–51

first aid, 126

gastrointestinal illnesses, 144–152

mock diseases, 139–144

neurological conditions, 171–173

respiratory illnesses, 164–166

disposable gloves, 125

dogs, 30, 38, 49, 57, 66, 67, 180

Dr. Naylor Blu-Kote, 125

dual-purpose breeds, 78

duct tape, 125

DuraStat with Oregano, 126, 145

dust bathing, 176


Effective Microorganisms (EM), 40–42, 62, 84, 104


age of hens and, 157

breeds, 158

California White, 158

clean, 132

colors, 19

conditions, 152–163

dual-purpose breeds, 78–79

egg binding, 152–154

egg-eating hens, 95

feed, 158–159

first-generation hybrids, 34

housing conditions, 160

interior quality, 162–163

missing, 156–163

Orpington, 33

Plymouth Rock, 23, 158

problems leading to shell defects, 162

production, 17

prolapsed vent, 154–155

shell quality, 161–162

sources of light and warmth, 159–160

eggshells, 100

electric fence, 69

electric hen, 45

end-of-life considerations, 179–181

environmental management, 62

epsom salt bath, 126

Escherichia coli (E. coli), 128, 131, 188

Eugenia caryophyllus, 128

external parasites, 174


false stable flies, 178

fats, 91–94


blending your own, 183–186

carbohydrates, 83–91

common feeding problems and solutions, 108–113

concentrates, 183–185

cost, 111

daily feed and supplements by age, 83

fats, 91–94

feeding equipment, 105–107

food play, 57

forage, 13, 80–82, 96–99

fundamentals, 78–80

labels, 78

lack of portion control, 110

mash, 81–82

mineral supplements, 99–100

nontraditional, 100–101

nutrition, 82–105

overfeeding sugars and carbs, 108–110

pellets, 81–82

protein, 94–96

quality, 106

quantity, 106

recipe, 186

rodents, 64–65, 110–111

storage, 107–108

water, 102–105

feeding trough, 107

fencing, 49–50, 67–69

feverfew, 128–129

finger splints, 125

first aid

for illness response and immune support, 126

for wounds, breaks, and topical care, 125–126

first-generation (F1) hybrids, 34

flax seeds, 94

flies, 176–179, 180

food play, 57

foot injury, 169–171

forage, 13, 80–82, 96–99

fowl cholera, 165, 173

French Dominique breeds, 23

full crop, 142


Gallus gallus domesticus, 9

gapeworms, 174

garden fertilizer, 63

garlic, 104, 129–130

gauze, 125

gentian violet, 125

gentian violet and olive oil purge for sour crop, 151

gluten sensitivities, 88

GreenGoo Animal First Aid, 126

greens, 96–99



boredom busters, 55–59

hazards of traditional urban coop, 60–69

mixed-flocks, 53–55

room to roam, 50–53

siting, 47–50

hatcheries, 19, 20, 23, 34

Hawaiian Islands, 9–10, 12, 13

hazards, 38, 49

health maintenance

administering daily supplements, 138–139

chicken physiology, 117

daily preventative regimen, 139

egg-related conditions, 152–163

end-of-life considerations, 179–181

epsom salt bath, 124

first aid for illness response and immune support, 126

first aid for wounds, breaks, and topical care, 125–126

gastrointestinal illnesses, 144–152

mock diseases, 139–144

neurological conditions, 171–173

nonbotanical natural remedies, 135–138

parasites, 173–179

performing basic chicken exam, 118–123

providing supportive care, 145

respiratory illnesses, 164–166

treating hens with botanicals, 127–134

wounds and infections, 167–171

heirloom corn, 86–87

hemp seeds, 94

hens’ probiotic bowl recipe, 138

heritage breeds, 21, 23, 28, 30

Hermetia illucens, 178

homeowners’ association letter, 189

honeybees, 40, 137

honeydew honey, 126, 137

horse flies, 178

houseflies, 179

humic acid, 104

Hurricane Iniki, 9

Hurricane Iwa, 9


impacted crop, 146–147

infections, 167–171

infectious bronchitis, 165

infectious coryza, 165

infrared heat bulbs, 43–44

inhalation agents, 181

insects, 130

internal parasites, 174

iodine, 126


Java, 23, 26


Kauai, 9, 13, 38


labels, 78

Laced Wyandotte, 21, 77

Lactobacillus acidophilus, 137

landrace breeds, 17–19

Lavandula angustifolia, 130

Lavandula officinalis, 130

lavender, 130

lawn moa, 74

laws, 52

laying hens, 20, 23, 78–79

leg binding, 56

Leghorn, 17, 19

leg mites, 174

lice, 174

light, 43

limestone, 99


management, 61, 180

materials, 39–40

lymphoid leukosis, 173


manuka bush, 137

manuka honey, 126, 137

Marek’s disease, 171–172, 173

mash, 81–82

meat-producing chickens, 19, 23, 78

medications, 11–12, 51

Mentha ´piperita, 132

mice, 110–111

microorganisms, 40–42

millet, 90

mineral supplements, 99–100

Minorca, 33

mint, 65, 132–133

mirrors, 57

mites, 128–129, 133, 174

mixed-flocks, 23, 33, 53–55

mobile coops, 51, 69–72, 99

mock diseases, 139–144

mold, 105, 107–108

molting, 119, 142–143, 157

mucking out, 61–64

muck management, 63

muck rakes, 63

Musca domestica, 179

Muscina stabulans, 178

mycoplasmosis, 164–165

mycotoxins, 107–108, 135


neem, 130

neem lice and mite drench recipe, 131

nets, 68

neurological conditions, 171–173

Newcastle disease, 165, 173

Nigella sativa, 128, 143

nipple waterers, 42–43, 65

nonbotanical natural remedies, 135–138

nonspecific respiratory conditions, 165

nontraditional feeds, 100–101

nutrition, 82–105


oats, 90

oregano, 130–132

organic, 134

organic feed, 13

Origanum vulgare, 130–132

Orpington, 9, 21, 32–33, 79

overfeeding, 108–110

oyster shell, 100


parasites, 163, 173–174

parsley, 132

pasted vent, 148–149

Pasteurella multocida, 173

Pearson’s method for two ingredients, 184–185

pecking wounds, 169

peepers, 56

pellets, 81–82

pendulous crop, 149–150

Petroselinum sativum, 132

pets, 20, 30

Plymouth Rock, 21, 22–23, 33, 158

poison, 65

poop management, 60–61, 63–64

popcorn, 86

portion control, 110

potatoes, 89

poultry lice, 176

prebiotics, 137

predators, 65–69

predator wounds, 167–169

Preparation H, 126

probiotics, 137

prolapsed vent, 154–155

propolis, 40

protection, 65–69

protein, 94–96

pumpkin seeds, 174

PVC, 73–75, 103–105

pyrethrin, 128, 133, 137–138

pyrethrum, 129, 133


rabbits, 58

raccoons, 65

rare breeds, 20

rats, 50, 66, 110–111

red mite, 128–129

respiratory illnesses, 164–166

restraining cone / killing cone, 181

Rhode Island Red, 9, 23, 26, 33, 158

Rhode Island White, 26

rice, 90

rodents, 64–65, 105, 110–111, 173

Rooster Booster Vitamins & Electrolytes with Lactobacillus, 126, 137

roosters, 26, 27, 34, 36, 52, 78

rosemary, 133

Rosmarinus officinalis, 133

runs, 48, 53, 59


sage, 133

salmonella, 188

Salvia officinalis, 133

sand, 64

saturated fat, 91

scratch grains, 92–93

seaweed, 96, 100

semi-autosexing, 23

sensory play, 57–58

sexlinks, 34

sexual dimorphism, 34

silage, 100–101

Silver Laced Wyandotte, 77

social play, 58

sorghum, 91

sour crop, 150–151

sprouted grain fodder, 100, 101

Staphylococcus aureus, 169

sticky tape, 180

straw, 39–40, 57

sudden chick sleep syndrome, 143–144

sugars, 83, 108–110

sunflower and corn layer feed mix, 186

sunflower seeds, 94, 95–96

supplements, 99–100, 138–139

sweet corn, 87

sweet wormwood, 128

Symphytum officinale, 134

syringes, 126


Tabanus abactor, 178

Tanacetum cinerariifolium, 128, 133

Tanacetum parthenium, 128–129

thyme essential oil, 104, 133–134

Thymus vulgaris zygis, 133

toxic environments, 51

toxic plants, 98

tractor coops, 71–72, 74

training, 58

treadle feeders, 105–107

treat blocks, 57


unsaturated fat, 91

urban flocks, 34, 49, 52, 60–69


vent gleet, 152

Vetericyn Plus Poultry Care, 126

Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD), 12, 51, 116–117

VetRx Poultry Remedy, 126


water, 42–43, 65, 102–105, 139

water additives, 104, 137

water founts, 103–105

wheat, 87–88

Whiting True Blue, 29

wing clipping, 25

wood shavings, 39

worms, 174

wounds, 167–171