


Debate surrounds the origins of the Ancona. It is without doubt an Italian breed that is named after that country’s province of Ancona, but it came into being when sailors took white Leghorns (see here) with them on their journeys and then returned with other breeds from their trading destinations. There are no records of what was mated with the original Leghorns to create the Ancona, but it is fair to speculate that it was probably a breed that is now extinct.


The Ancona is a light breed, the hen weighing around 4.5 lb. (2 kg). The body is broad to the eye with a full tail that is carried high. The head is carried well back and the comb is either rose or single. In the latter case, the comb should hang elegantly over the face without obstructing vision.

The Ancona exhibits a marked resemblance to another well-known layer of large quantities of white eggs: the Leghorn. It is, however, viewed as a breed in its own right and has its own dedicated following of owners.


The Ancona has black plumage with a white mottling on the tips of the feathers. The black should have a beetle-green tint and the white tip should be as V-shaped as possible. There are “diluted” blue and white variants of the breed, but these are infrequently seen and not recognized in the standards of perfection in all countries.


The Ancona cock is a very typical country fowl or light breed. He weighs around 6 lb. (2.7 kg) and has an alert, active, and gallant appearance. As with the hen, he can have either a rose or single comb, but in the case of the latter it should be upright, of a medium size, and with five to seven serrations.


As with all types of country fowl, Ancona chickens are constantly busy throughout daylight hours and as such it can take some effort to tame them. Given the correct treatment, though, by a patient keeper, it is possible to gain their trust.


Developed for their egg-laying capability and enhanced foraging skills, Anconas are highly capable of flight. They are best suited to a free-range environment, a husbandry system that will see them flourish. They are very tolerant and fit well within most climates, needing little in terms of additional or special care.


The egg of the Ancona is white, and hens will lay a considerable number in a year. They competed in many laying trials during the early part of the 20th century, garnering a strong following with egg producers in some regions. They are not prone to broodiness.



The Araucana originates from Chile in South America, and it is widely held that the name is derived from the Araucanía territory in the north of the country. The indigenous Indians bred this form of jungle fowl and it was later obtained by the Spanish when they traveled to South America. Little is known about its ancestry, and scientists today are still trying to establish if, in its original form, it is linked to the ancestors of the domestic chicken or is in fact completely unrelated.


In North America, the Araucana hen weighs about 4 lb. (about 1.8 kg) and is slightly larger in the rest of the world. The illustration here shows the abundant face muffling for which the breed is known in most countries; in North America, breed has ear tufts but no muff on the face or throat. The hens are infrequent broodies but, should they sit, they make very good mothers.

A majestic and striking breed, the Araucana is famed for the exceptional range of beautiful blue eggs that it lays, along with its distinct appearance. The images here illustrate the type of feathering that is seen on the breed everywhere in the world except in North America.


The Araucana’s face muffling is not seen on birds in North America. Another notable difference in North American Araucanas is the lack of last vertebrae, giving a “tailless” or “rumpless” appearance. Depending on which country’s standards of perfection are used as a reference, the precise characteristics of the breed can vary significantly. In terms of plumage varieties it is most frequently seen in lavender, but a large range of other colors is accepted.


The Araucana cock has an alert and active carriage with a long, deep body that is firm to the hand. Weighing around 5 lb. (2.3 kg) in North America and slightly heavier elsewhere, it is an average-sized bird with large wings. North American males lack the long tail feathers shown in the illustration.


Araucanas are fairly placid birds that can be tamed easily, soon learning to trust their keeper.


The Araucana is a hardy breed that exhibits a high level of vigor. The birds cope well with poor weather conditions and are suited to both free-range and more confined husbandry setups. They are capable of short flight but are not prone to taking to the wing, so medium-height fencing will be sufficient to contain them. The crest size can vary according to the country’s standard of perfection, but care should be taken not to allow it to cause vision impairment, and it should be checked regularly for the presence of lice.


The Araucana egg is one of the most striking in the chicken world. The color can vary through a range of blues, from light pastel to almost olive green. The other unique attribute of the eggs is that the color permeates throughout the shell, inside and out.



The Australorp was developed prior to 1920 in Australia, when some of the first black Orpingtons produced by William Cook in Kent, UK (see here), were taken to Australia. There they were developed further into highly efficient laying birds with good utility qualities. The resulting Australorp breed became an attractive proposition for poultry-keepers in other countries, and it was first exported in the early 1920s.


The Australorp hen is a graceful, well-balanced bird weighing 6–8 lb. (2.7–3.6 kg). With a deep, broad body and sweeping curves, she should appear longer in length than in depth of frame.

The Australorp is probably the most widely distributed breed of chicken with Australian roots. As the name suggests, it is an abbreviation of “Australian Orpington,” although careful breeding has developed subtly different characteristics from its UK progenitor.


The Australorp can be seen in white, blue, and black plumage types in its native land, but the best known color, and the only color recognized in North America, is black. It has a similar outline to its ancestor, the Orpington, but its feathers are tighter to the body, its shape is marginally longer, and its stance is more erect. The breed has also maintained more of its utility qualities than its British predecessor.


The posture of the Australorp cock denotes his active behavior. Weighing 8–10 lb. (3.6–4.5 kg), he is alert, erect, and flowing, and is clean-legged and free from any coarseness in appearance. It is not surprising that “type” is the key point-scorer on the show bench for this breed.


Despite being lively and active, the Australorp is a friendly and mild-mannered breed to keep. The birds are tolerant toward other breeds and, in fact, young males show little if any aggression to each other, enabling the keeper to pen them together. Easy to tame and engaging to keep, they make a good starter breed for beginners, providing the space needed to accommodate this larger layer is available.


Australorps are not keen flyers, so relatively low fencing around 5ft (1.5m) high will be sufficient to contain them should a fixed run be the husbandry option used. They do, however, benefit from a more free-range existence, as they are quite capable foragers. Unlike their cousins, the Orpingtons, the hens rarely sit, so broodiness is seldom an issue.


The Australorp egg falls in the range of tinted to brown. The hens make great layers—they succeeded in many laying trials during the 1930s and 1940s and won a number of major shows at the time.



The Barnevelder was developed in the town of Barneveld in the Netherlands just prior to the onset of World War I, putting it among some of the most recent pure breeds to be created. It is believed that Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans, and Malays constitute part of the Barnevelder’s makeup, along with various undocumented crossbreeds.


The Barnevelder hen is a deep-bodied, medium-length bird with a high-set saddle. She weighs 6–7 lb. (2.7–3.2 kg) and, while she can sit, she is not noted for her broodiness.

The Barnevelder is probably best known on two counts: first, for its beautiful mahogany and black double-laced plumage, which is by far the most popular type seen; and second, for its ability to lay dark brown eggs whose color can surpass that of the eggs laid by its countryman, the Welsummer (see here), and contend with its neighbors, the Marans of France (see here).


The Barnevelder has been seen in a range of plumage types over the years, but it is probably best known for the intricate double-laced variety. Other plumage types commonly seen are the black, partridge, and silver. A well-balanced breed, the Barnevelder has tight feathering, bright, prominent eyes, and a medium-sized single comb and wattles.


The Barnevelder cock weighs 7–8lb. (3.2–3.6 kg) and has an alert, upright carriage with a graceful tail that sweeps into a broad body. Both sexes and all colors have yellow legs.


The Barnevelder has a placid nature, and if handled carefully by the keeper will become tame and trusting. The birds are tolerant toward each other and will also exist happily within a mixed flock of breeds.


As an average-sized breed, the Barnevelder is capable of getting off the ground but is not prone to flight, so a medium-height fence will keep the birds contained within your property. The main downside of this good layer breed is its susceptibility to Marek’s disease (see here). Buyers should consequently look to purchase vaccinated stock to avoid disappointment, and breeders who are serious about rearing Barnevelders should give careful consideration to a vaccination program.


The Barnevelder egg is a dark brown color comparable with that of Marans eggs. Coupling this feature with the sophisticated plumage makes it an attractive breed to keep. Its egg color does, however, fade quickly as the hens’ laying season progresses, so don’t expect consistency throughout the year.



There is debate about the precise origins of the Lakenvelder. Some experts place it as having German roots, whereas others have traced it to Holland as far back as the 1720s. The former believe the name to originate from the fact its coloring resembles the Lakenvelder cow whereas the latter claim that its name comes from Utrecht hamlet of Lakenvelt in the Netherlands.


The Lakenvelder hen weighs 4.5 lb. (2 kg). She carries a neat, compact single comb, which has the unique characteristic of standing upright in the female, and delicate wattles. Her appearance is spritely and her body is long, with the tail carried at a 45-degree angle.

The Lakenvelder (also known as the Lakenfelder) is a striking breed that is both an excellent layer and has very reasonable table qualities. The Lakenvelder has Threatened status with the American Livestock Conservancy. Its belted markings give it a very distinct appearance.


The Lakenvelder is a very attractive-looking bird due to the boldness of its coloring, making it stand out against the surrounding countryside. It is very active, moving around constantly as it forages, and is quite capable of flight, reaching the tops of trees with ease. Although it comes in only one plumage type, it can be very difficult to breed good examples. However, individuals that do meet the mark are extremely handsome birds.


The Lakenvelder cock has a bold, upright posture. Like the hen, his character is spritely and, allowing for the usual differences in feather form between the sexes, he exhibits a similar plumage pattern. He weighs 5 lb. (2.3 kg).


As is the case with the lighter country-fowl breeds, the Lakenvelder is not easily tamed, preferring instead to keep its distance from even the most patient of keepers. As such, it is not really suitable as a beginner’s breed.


Lakenvelders are most definitely better suited to free-range setups—in fact, their spritely, spirited character can lead to them being quite jittery if kept in a confined space. This in turn can impact on their productivity as a laying breed. They are fast-growing and vigorous, and cope well in all weathers. No special care measures are required other than to ensure that run systems have high fencing or are roofed in to contain these competent flyers.


The egg of the Lakenvelder sits in the white to tinted range. The hens are enthusiastic layers and are typically non-sitters, so broodiness is seldom a problem.



The Legbar was created in Cambridge, UK, and is accredited to the breeding work of Reginald Punnett (deviser of the Punnett square) and Michael Pease in the 1930s. They uncovered the basic principles of the barring gene in their experimental work on chicken breeding when trying to establish a mechanism to sex chicks accurately based on plumage appearance. The Legbar is not currently recognized by the American Poultry Association.


The Legbar hen weighs 4.5 lb. (2 kg). She carries her wings tight to the body and her tail at a 45-degree angle to the back. The comb can be upright or fall gracefully to either side of the face, but not so much so as to obstruct eyesight. The crest of the cream Legbar hen tends to be fuller than that of her male counterpart.

The Legbar is an autosexing breed, meaning chicks can be sexed at hatching. The chicks are separated on the basis of their plumage, which differs between males and females thanks to the barring gene inherited from their barred Plymouth Rock (see here) parentage. The Legbar’s other parent breed is the Leghorn (see here), while the cream Legbar is the same cross but with an added “dose” of Araucana (see here) to provide the head crest and interesting egg colors.


The Legbar comes in three varieties: gold, silver, and—probably the most well known today—cream. The latter has a small crest on its head carried well back from the eyes. The comb is large, single, and serrated, and is coupled with thin wattles. The body is wedge-shaped with a long, flat back that slopes slightly toward the tail. The Legbar is an alert breed that lays as well as its constituent breeds.


The Legbar cock has an upright and alert carriage. He weighs in at 6 lb. (2.7 kg), which reflects the Legbar’s status as a light breed. The comb is upright and evenly serrated in each of the gold, silver, and cream varieties, but the cream Legbar cock also carries a crest of feathers on his head.


Legbars can be quite flighty, taking on a lot of the sprightly characteristics of their Leghorn parentage. It is possible for a patient and calm keeper to hand-tame them, but the birds tend to maintain their distance in most cases.


Legbars are hardy birds that are well suited to a free-range existence, as they are excellent foragers. They cope well in most climates and require little specialist help. They are, however, capable of short flight and can reach a reasonable height, so roofing is required if they are to be contained within a run system. The cream Legbar crest does need a little more attention—as with all crests, it can harbor lice and mites more readily.


The eggs of the gold and silver Legbars are white or cream in color. The eggs of the cream Legbar range through blues, greens, and olives due to the presence of Araucana genes within its makeup.



The Leghorn is a Mediterranean breed that originates from Italy, although it was further developed by a number of countries during the late 19th century, most notably the US. It was exported from there to the UK in 1870. Its wide distribution has led to a number of standards of perfection being developed, within which there are some marked differences buyers should be aware of when purchasing stock.


The Leghorn hen should weigh around 4.5 lb. (2 kg). Her feathering is tight to her body and her tail is carried at a slight angle. She comes with either a rose or single comb, which in the latter case should fall elegantly over the side of the head but not so much so as to obstruct the hen’s vision.

The Leghorn has contributed significantly toward the development of commercial and hybrid egg-laying breeds over the last 60 years. Its capacity to produce high volumes of eggs from such a relatively light frame, together with its instinctive ability to forage for food, thus keeping feed costs down, make it a very economical breed to own.


The Leghorn is very much a lightweight breed, with early examples weighing as little as 3.5 lb. (1.5 kg). Crossing Leghorns with Malay and Minorca birds (see here) has increased their weight, but their spritely and alert appearance—coupled with a long back and lengthy, tilted tail—means they remain lean-looking. There are 16 accepted colors in the American standard, and while exhibition breeding has had an impact on productivity, many strains are quite capable of laying in excess of 200 eggs per year.


The Leghorn cock is an attentive and active-looking bird. Unlike in the female, the single comb is large and stands erect, and is joined by long, thin wattles hanging from the underside of the head. The ideal weight is around 6 lb. (2.7 kg).


The Leghorn is not known for taming easily. They are fast, flighty birds and cautious of any keeper, but by the same measure they are very curious and make inquisitive members of any flock.


This is a robust breed suitable for almost any weather conditions, although additional care should be taken to protect the large comb and wattle in freezing conditions. The Leghorn is an excellent forager and hence best suited to a free-range lifestyle. The birds are quite capable of short flight, so high fencing or roofing is required if they are to be contained within a run area.


The Leghorn egg is white. The hens are prolific layers, generally producing an egg a day without a break when in lay. They rarely become broody, but if they do, they will be fiercely protective of their young.



The Marans takes its name from the town of the same name on the midwestern coast of France. Its ancestry lies with a number of breeds, including Faverolles, Langshans, Coucou de Malines, and Plymouth Rock.


The Marans hen weighs 6.5 lb. (2.9 kg). As with the male, she has white legs, red or bright orange eyes, and a medium-sized white or horn-colored beak. She has a compact stance with neat, medium-sized wattles and a single comb.

The Marans is probably the best-known breed of chicken originating from France, primarily because of its ability to lay incredibly dark brown eggs. It is also suitable as a table bird and is widely used for both meat and eggs in some regions. It is, however, for its egg color that many breeders keep the Marans, and today the birds are not as widely exhibited for their looks as for their eggs.


In their native country and in the US, Marans with feathered legs are favored, whereas in other countries, such as the UK, featherless legs are selected for within the breed. Depending on which country’s standards of perfection are used as reference, various plumage types can be seen, with black, dark cuckoo, silver cuckoo, and golden cuckoo being the more common.


The Marans cock has an active-looking posture. Weighing 8 lb. (3.6 kg), he has a medium-sized, solid-looking body, a strong neck, and a relatively long, upright tail. With the reasonable width and depth of frame of the male, it is possible to see the underlying table qualities of the breed.


As a breed, Marans chickens exhibit a high level of curiosity and will actively seek out their keeper. They do, however, rarely become tame, preferring instead to remain at arm’s length. They are friendly among themselves and with most other breeds, seldom showing aggression.


Being effective foragers, Marans are well suited to a free-range environment, although they will also perform well in a more confined run. They are a vigorous breed capable of coping with any climate. The feathering on the legs of the French and American strains of the breed is less profuse than in most other feather-legged breeds, so they cope sufficiently well in wet or muddy conditions without need for special care.


The Marans egg is extremely dark brown, and its actual color quality can be assessed using an agreed and accepted points scale. The pores on the egg surface are smaller than in eggs of other breeds and the membrane can be very thick, particularly in darker eggs. This can lead to hatching problems.



The Minorca is a development of the common black fowl of Spain known as the Castilian. Its name is believed to have been derived from the port of Ciutadella de Menorca on the western end of the Balearic island of Minorca, from where many of the birds were exported to other European countries such as the UK and Germany.


The Minorca hen weighs 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg), and has an upright carriage and a graceful appearance. This is accentuated by the lop of the single comb, which drops down over one side of the face but not so much as to obscure the bird’s vision.

The Minorca is a striking-looking Mediterranean breed of chicken that is well known for its prominent white earlobes, surpassed perhaps only by those of the White-Faced Black Spanish breed. It is a typical-looking southern European laying bird, with a dedicated following on the exhibition circuit.


The Minorca is one of the heaviest of the light breeds and is popular on the show bench. Although it is predominantly seen with black plumage, white and buff colors are also seen, and there is even a blue version in the UK.. The main characteristics of exaggerated lobes, combs, and wattles remain significant in the remarkable appearance of the bird.


The Minorca cock weighs up to 9 lb. (4.8 kg) and shares the same alert and graceful appearance as exhibited by the hen. However, the single comb stands upright and has six even points. Rose combs are acceptable as well.


As with most light breeds, the Minorca is capable of short flight and can easily fly quite high. The birds can be a little skittish, but a keeper who remains relaxed and patient with them will be rewarded with a friendly flock.


The Minorca is a hardy breed that can cope with most climates, but care must be taken with the bird’s headgear during the winter months. The exposed skin of the large lobes, wattles, and combs should be treated with petroleum jelly to protect them from frostbite, and drinkers need to be adapted so that these features stay dry. As the Minorca is a light breed capable of flight, a roof will be required if the birds are contained within a run. If they are free-range, then suitable boundary fencing may be needed.


The Minorca is famous, and highly prized, for its ability to produce extra-large white eggs. However, the hens seldom go broody, and therefore eggs need to be hatched by another breed or in an incubator.

New Hampshire


The New Hampshire was developed in the 1930s in the state of New Hampshire using predominantly Rhode Island Red birds from the neighboring state (see here). It is believed that Wyandottes (see here) also played a small part in its development. The New Hampshire was admitted to the American Standards of Perfection in 1935, making it one of the most recent pure breeds to be recognized. Although popular in the United States, it is frequently considered a rare breed elsewhere.


The New Hampshire hen has a fairly consistent shade of chestnut red throughout her plumage, with the lower neck feathers tipped in black. With a neat five-point single comb, medium-sized wattles, and a broad, well-rounded body, she ideally weighs around 6.5 lb. (3 kg).

As its name suggests, the New Hampshire is closely related to the Rhode Island Red (see here), not just in terms of geography but also in genetics. It’s a great laying breed, which, like its neighbor, can also deliver good table qualities.


The New Hampshire shares a lot of the qualities of its neighbor, the Rhode Island Red. It is a fast-maturing, quick-feathering, weighty breed that will lay a good number of eggs. The plumage ranges from chestnut red to reddish bay, with beetle-green-tinted black coloring in the tail feathers. In some countries the tail can also be seen in an attractive blue color.


The New Hampshire cock weighs 8.5 lb. (3.9 kg), and is alert in posture and well balanced in appearance. His plumage ranges from a brilliant reddish bay on the head to a deep chestnut red on the wings and saddle, grading to black within the tail.


The New Hampshire is a friendly and tolerant breed. The cocks are not known for aggression, and both sexes can easily be tamed. Broodiness does occur in the hens, although it is not a strong behavioral trait in the breed.


New Hampshireare vigorous, healthy-looking birds that are well suited to either a free-range existence or being confined within a run. They are heavy and quite stocky, so are not good flyers and as such can be secured behind a 5ft-high (1.5m) fence. Adaptable to many climates, they are capable of handling most weather conditions with ease.


As is true of its neighbor, the New Hampshire lays a good number of tinted to brown eggs.



The origins of the Orpington are well documented, the breed having been developed in the village of Orpington in Kent in the UK. Its creator, William Cook, wanted a breed of poultry that could produce large clutches of brown eggs during the winter months and ample meat from a plump breast. He also wanted a breed of fowl that was “of handsome appearance.”


The Orpington hen is a graceful bird with a short back that gives way to a wide but almost flat cushion and a compact tail.

The Orpington has an impressive pedigree and is well known as a majestic breed. Originally, however, its purpose was slightly different, with much more focus on the livestock values of egg production. In its day, it served both functions very well, in particular as a winter egg-layer.


The Orpington is a large, broad-looking bird, its immense size being further enhanced by an abundant and profuse mass of feathers. Its bulky appearance is instantly recognizable, such that the shape and outline of the bird plays a significant part in the standard of perfection for the breed. The breed is seen in black, white, buff, and blue color varieties, with buff being the most popular.’ The broad feathers should fit smoothly to the body.


The large, bold eyes of the Orpington and its neat, medium-sized comb and wattles give the breed a distinctive face. Standard weight for the cock is 10 lb. (4.5 kg).


Big, soft, and docile, Orpingtons can make very rewarding pets. They are easy to tame and very quick to trust their keeper.


Due to their large size, Orpingtons do require suitably proportioned housing. They are equally comfortable living in a fixed run as they are with free-range setups. They will cope in most climates, but as they can easily get soaked in wet weather, it is important to provide them with sheltered areas.


Primarily the Orpington was developed with a brown egg in mind, but a number of strains is now tending toward tinted eggs, particularly when compared with true brown-eggers like the Welsummer (see
here) and Marans (see here). Orpington hens can be very productive if managed correctly, although they also have a propensity to broodiness.

Plymouth Rock


The first Plymouth Rocks were bred in the US in the 1870s and were named after the Massachusetts town. The barred plumage variety was the first to be created, and the breed was among the first admitted into the American standard. It is believed the breed was developed from many others, including the Java, Brahma, Minorca (see here), Dominique, and Cochin.


The Plymouth Rock hen should weigh around 7.5 lb. (3.4 kg). She should have a deep, full-looking abdomen as if to show off her laying prowess. The breast should be broad and well rounded, in contrast with the small, compact comb and wattles.

The Plymouth Rock appeared on the breed map quite early on and is frequently linked, in its barred form, with the creation of a wide range of other breeds. It is a vigorous bird that lays a good number of eggs, but despite this, its popularity has ebbed and flowed outside of its home country since its initial fortunes.


The Plymouth Rock is a fairly large breed of chicken, and as such it can easily be bred with a dual-purpose function in mind. It has both good laying and table qualities, and is raised in a variety of colors beyond the classic barred, black, white, and buff. Silver-penciled, partridge, Columbian, and blue are also seen.


The Plymouth Rock cock should be a large bird, weighing a hearty 9.5 lb. (4.2 kg). He has a bold, upright appearance that exhibits his solid, well-curved frame. His head is topped with a medium single comb, and he has medium wattles and large, lively, richly colored eyes.


Placid and friendly, the Plymouth Rock is easily tamed and makes a pleasant addition to a mixed flock. Among themselves, the cocks are tolerant, and given sufficient hens and space they will get along without any aggression.


As is the case with many of the laying breeds, the Plymouth Rock will thrive in a free-range environment but can also cope perfectly well within a fixed run. The birds are capable of short flight, although it is usually the lighter hens rather than the much heavier cocks that are seen perched on a fence or roof. A robust and healthy breed, it copes with most weather conditions and extremes.


The Plymouth Rock lays tinted to cream-colored eggs in good numbers, putting the breed among the top in laying trials. The hens can become broody and make good mothers if allowed to rear a clutch.

Rhode Island Red


The Rhode Island Red is an American breed and takes its name from the state in which it was formally created. Originally developed as a breed in the late 19th century from a wide selection of Asiatic fowl, it eventually had its Standard of Perfection documented and accepted by the American Poultry Association in 1904.


The Rhode Island Red hen weighs in at 6.5 lb. (2.9 kg) and is a solid, attractive-looking bird with a broad back that runs smoothly into the tail. The latter is carried low, giving the bird an apparently longer appearance.

The Rhode Island Red is one of the most well-known breeds of chicken in the world. It is also one of the most influential chicken breeds within poultry farming, having made a significant contribution toward many hybrid types used within the commercial sector.


Also known as the “Rhodie,” the Rhode Island Red is well known for its strong mahogany-red plumage. The breed was originally developed with a rose comb but is seen today with single and rose combs, depending on the variety; both types are acceptable in the Standard of Perfection. It is a reliable layer that also has good table qualities. There is also a lesser known, less populous white-plumaged variety known as the Rhode Island White.


The Rhode Island Red cock exhibits the underlying table qualities of the breed by weighing in at 8.5 lb. (3.9 kg). With an alert, active, and well-balanced appearance, the males clearly display the hardiness of the breed.


Rhode Island Reds tend to be calm around their keepers. Unlike a number of the other laying breeds, they also can become quite trusting, with little desire to take to the wing.


A hardy breed that is well adapted to extremes of climate, the Rhode Island Red works well within an enclosed run but is equally effective in a free-range setup as it has good foraging skills. Young birds grow fast and pullets come into lay quickly, with their first eggs being laid at around 20 weeks of age. Their combination of temperament, high egg production, and ease of care make the Rhodie an excellent breed for the beginner, although roosters can sometimes become aggressive.


The eggs of the Rhode Island Red are light brown in color and, as befitting this influential laying breed, the hens are capable of producing up to 300 eggs in a year. Their egg production will remain high for a number of years, making them an excellent investment for both large-and small-scale poultry keeping.



The Welsummer takes its name from the village of its origin, Welsum, which sits on the River IJssel in the Netherlands. The exact chicken breeds that make up its parentage are not fully known, but there is evidence of Cochin, Wyandotte (see here), and Leghorn (see here), among others, in its makeup. Standardized by the Dutch in the mid-1920s, it was exported to other countries from the 1930s onward but not added to the American Standard of Perfection until 1991.


The Welsummer hen weighs 6 lb. (2.7 kg). A medium-sized, neat single comb adorns her head, and equally well-ordered wattles hang from her face. She exhibits her laying prowess with a full, deep rear.

The Welsummer is renowned for the speckled, dark-colored eggs it lays, along with the very typical rich, warm “jungle fowl” plumage it exhibits. Well known as a prolific egg-layer, the breed includes some strains that are also capable of supplying a reasonable amount of meat for the table.


Present mainly in red partridge coloration but also seen in silver duckwing and gold duckwing, Welsummer sits at the heavier end of the light breed scale. A well-balanced, solid stance, married with a long, broad back, full breast, and moderately sized wings, provide the makings of a good example of a country or farmyard fowl.


The Welsummer cock should weigh 7 lb. (3.2 kg) or more. His plumage is markedly different from that of the hen, and although his headgear is larger, it remains in balance with the overall look of the bird.


An upright, active, alert breed, the Welsummer is also admired for its friendly, gentle character.


Welsummers are best suited to a free-range environment as they have the excellent foraging skills befitting of a country fowl. They will cope with the confinement of a fixed run, but suitable fencing or roofing will be required as they are quite capable of short flight. They are good layers, but they are known to be less productive during the winter months than some of the other breeds in the category.


The eggs of the Welsummer can vary from a light brown through to a rich terra-cotta color that is prized by breeders. Some eggs display darker brown speckling on the surface.



The precise makeup of the Wyandotte is difficult to ascertain. It is an American breed that was first reported in 1860s, but little is known about the breeds that were involved in its creation. The first variety to be seen was the silver laced, and this sits well with the widely held belief that a breeder had initially set out to create a Sebright-plumaged Cochin. The breed was standardized in 1883 and additional color varieties emerged over the following decades, further serving to diversify the parentage of the breed.


The Wyandotte hen when fully grown should change to weigh around 6.5 lb. (2.9 kg). She has a graceful appearance and complements the alert presence of the male within the flock. This is heightened by the soft-looking plumage and slightly shorter stance. Hens are, however, prone to going broody, so if a high level of egg production is required, then appropriate management techniques are needed (see

The Wyandotte is a very popular breed, notable now particularly for its wide range of available colors. Its large size and rounded shape, coupled with its full and profuse feathering, make it immediately recognizable. Some say it was named after a tribe of Native Americans, while others say the name came from a boat that belonged to the father of one of the Wyandotte’s first breeders, Fred Houdlette of Boston, Massachusetts.


The profile is characteristic. The body is short and deep but also well rounded, accentuated by the short back, broad saddle, and full breast. The Wyandotte is an alert and active-looking bird with mildly abundant, but not overly fluffy, plumage. A wide range of color is seen in the breed, including white, buff, black, blue, partridge, Columbian, silver penciled, silver laced, gold laced, and blue laced red.


The Wyandotte cock is a proud-looking bird with a full breast lifted high, a neat rose comb upon the head, and medium-length wattles hanging from a clean, smooth-textured face. When fully grown, he should weigh around 8.5 lb. (3.8 kg).


Wyandottes are trusting birds that will soon become friendly toward their keeper. This makes them an excellent breed for the beginner or for someone looking to keep chickens as pets.


As a strong and vigorous breed, the Wyandotte copes well in all climates and most husbandry environments. The birds are not known to be keen flyers, and although they capable of taking to the wing, they can be contained by a low fence if kept in a closed run. It is worth noting that the housing provided for these birds needs to be in proportion to their slightly larger frame.


The Wyandotte lays eggs that range from tinted to light brown. While primarily a laying breed, it is not as productive as some due to the heavier breeding focus on plumage variety. That said, certain strains are capable of producing more than 200 eggs a year.