(first lines are in italics, subtitles in SMALL CAPITALS)
- A beautiful girl said something in your praise, 29
- A Byron-Shelley Conversation, 231
- Afterword on Rupert Brooke, 171
- A Last Attachment, 187
- All the winter I have lain here, 91
- And so we too came where the rest have come, 91
- And we are two, but neither tall nor short, 99
- An Epistle to a Patron, 13
- Apollo and the Sibyl, 65
- At Beaulieu, 118
- Autumn Journey, 115
- Barj made all things, the wild, 299
- Because of the memory of one we held dear, 36
- Call out, celebrate the beam, 19
- Campanella, 104
- Canterbury thought, 297
- Cefalù, 42
- Chaka, 44
- Chapel-at-Ease, 44
- Coeur de Lion, 86
- Coming across a letter, 31
- Coming to write my letter, overcast, 88
- Counting the heavy days and heavy hours, 98
- Creation Myth, 299
- Dark hollow faces under caps, 149
- Dark steel, the muffled flash, 107
- Drypoints of the Hasidim, 149
- Ecumenical Exchange, 1989, 297
- Eight times the autumn weather, 197
- False Bay, 33
- Family Mottoes, 281
- February is the shortest month, and good, 58
- Finis Coronat Opus, 301
- Forbecause a prisoner lies, 86
- For Fugitives, 39
- For the Deserted, 38
- For Thieves and Beggars, 40
- For you who loved me too, 39
- Handfast Point, 117
- Her Majesty, 302
- His Dog and Pilgrim, 211
- Hither, where tangled thickets of the acacia, 34
- I am not lodged in such and such a street, 94
- If I could conjure shapes for you and me, 95
- If I could seize that castle, hill and plain, 95
- I have come back, and find the empty street, 99
- I’ll take some wax and mould your likeness there, 97
- In a Province, 36
- In the Wood, 18
- I said that you should stint your wit, 30
- I sat down, my requirement, 294
- I saw from the gliding train, 115
- I think they came, 292
- I took my pen and added up the days, 98
- I wish there were a passage underground, 95
- I would never have sold, 294
- Keeper’s Wood, 32
- Kings and Bishops murder law, 88
- Last Poem, 302
- Les Congés du Lépreux, 89
- LETTER, 99
- Love and good luck breathed on the builder’s hand, 97
- March has flooded meadows, 93
- Memoirs in Oxford, 121
- ‘Mine dear old enemy, 255
- More beautiful than any gift you gave, 25
- Mortimer, 93
- ‘Moult sond Prud’hommes les Templiers’, 88
- Must then all human love, 60
- My lord, hearing lately of you opulence in promises and your house, 13
- Not a Paris Review Interview, 245
- Now that few people need, 245
- Now wars and waters, stars, 61
- On a Cold Night, 23
- On a report that in some Rest Homes Residents who are Depressed will be Charged at a Higher Rate, 296
- One thing we have, but maybe as the seeds, 96
- Only the Arab Stallion will I, 17
- On the plain is a tower, 40
- Pale cliffs and sky, 117
- Plague and sores beyond relief, 89
- Paternis suppar, 281
- Renouncing an Epigram, 306
- Sea View, 116
- She has decided that she no longer loves me, 22
- She I love leaves me, and I leave my friends, 33
- Soldiers Bathing, 55
- Sometimes the light falls here too as at Florence, 73
- Spenser has Britomart on guard in the enchanter’s house, 187
- Stand at the grave’s head, 302
- Strafford, 107
- Strambotti, 94
- Such were the gifts inflicted upon us who trembled, 51
- Sunlight catches a wall, 116
- Sweet everlasting Love, daughter of God, 101
- Tall oaks are, 118
- That at last the illustrious child, 24
- The afternoon fills the grey wood, 18
- The air cool and soft, 44
- The Babiaantje, 34
- The Book, 61
- The ceiling is carried on corbels laid, 37
- The Diamond, 60
- The Dice, 59
- The dungeon where they keep me is of rock, 104
- The eyelid severed from its terrible schemes, 48
- The god of lovers chose you of his race, 94
- The Inn, 58
- The Intention, 24
- The kingdom of our love is like a tree, 96
- The Letter, 31
- The lover who could wear you like a cross, 97
- The mind, an irremediable virgin, 38
- The Moonflower, 35
- The Old Age of Michelangelo, 73
- The Question, 63
- There would come up many idle men to sit with the strangers, 46
- The sea at evening moves across the sand, 55
- The secret drops of love run through my mind, 35
- These softs and solids, this clear, that rough, 42
- The Stolen Heart, 91
- The sun shines on the gliding river, 121
- The Tears of a Muse in America, 19
- The Token, 25
- The Two Beggars: A Reminiscence, 298
- The villains and fools, 295
- The way in is to pause and look again, look back, 171
- The Wind in the Tree, 22
- The Yüan Chên Variations, 197
- Think, if at seventy the news is, 301
- Thyme, tufa, sage, anemone, 65
- To a Friend on his Marriage, 29
- To a Granddaughter on one of her Suggestions for a Christmas Present, 295
- To a Man on his Horse, 17
- To My Sister, 30
- To the vigilance of my exertions a lax pause, 28
- Van Gogh’s old pensioner, [On a report that in some Rest Homes …], 296
- Vivat, 302
- Walks in Rome, 255
- Watching Song, 83
- Watch, I warn you, 83
- Wanting more courage than a wandering knight, 96
- We never rode out so, 231
- Were we not then, before we were, 59
- What mind lying open to my mind, 23
- What thoughts could ride or hover in my mind, 94
- Who made this palace of so rare a stone, 98
- Wings rise, the shrubs flutter, 50
- Within these dusky woods, 32
- Words from Edmund Burke, 26