Abram, David, 46, 85

Affluence Without Abundance (Suzman), 24

agni, 119

apex predators, 11

apples, 155–56

attention, 20–23, 28, 38–40, 45

    fascination attention, 87–89

Audubon Society, 87, 178

awareness, 102, 104–5, 107, 191–97, 201

barefoot walking, 7–8, 22, 194

bears, 12–13, 20, 56–58

beauty, 100–101

Berry, Thomas, 9, 65

Bhagavad Gita, x, 58

biophilia, 11

bird watching, 81–82

Black Elk, 30, 80

blueberries, 154–55

bodhi tree, 48

boredom, 17–20

brain, 27

breath and breathing, 28–29, 45–50, 181–83, 192

    BRFWA (breathe, relax, feel, watch, allow), 58–62

    Buddhist techniques, 47–49

    Centering (practices), 40–41, 181

    Guided Breath (practice), 183

    Long Exhale (practice), 76–77

    pranayama, 52

    spanda, 88

    Sun Breaths (practice), 190–91

BRFWA (breathe, relax, feel, watch, allow), 58–62

Brown, Jr., Tom, 15, 75, 103, 193, 201

Buddha and Buddhist traditions, 48–49, 52, 81, 95, 99, 191

bushcraft, 203–5

Bushman, San, 200

candles, 120

centering, 40–41, 178–81

char cloth, 126–27

conservation groups, 178

contentment, 49–50

council practice, 205–7

Crowfoot, 87

dandelions, 147–48

diseases, 92

Earth (planet), 31–34

    See also nature and the outdoors

ecological boredom, 17–20

ecological rewilding, 10–14

equipment and gear, 113–17

fear, 28–29, 53–54, 175, 180

Feral (Monbiot), 11

fiddleheads, 150–51

field guides, 115

fire, 15, 109, 116, 119

    artificial/screen fires, 120

    basics (fire 101), 122–23

    bow drill method, 130–32, 204

    candles, 120

    char cloth, 126–27

    ferro rod method, 125–26

    fireplaces, 120

    flint and steel method, 126–27

    hand drill method, 132–34

    meditations/practices: Fire Meditation, 128–29; Gratitude for Birthing Fire, 134–36; Smoke Meditation, 121–22

    tinder, 123–26

    tipi method, 123–25

fireplaces, 120

First Nation peoples, 158–59, 177, 183–84

    Iroquis/Haudenosaune Confederacy, 160–61, 183–84

    Lakota, 46, 71, 93, 121

focus, 88–89

food, 143–62

foraging for food, 145–62

forest bathing, 89, 91–94

Fox Walk (practice), 195–96

garlic mustard, 149–50

gear and equipment, 113–17

gratitude, 49, 75–79, 106, 134–36, 144, 183–85, 197

the Great Spirit/Wakan Tanka, 46, 93

Greylock (mountain), 90–91

Hanami (Cherry Blossom Festival), 95

Haudenosaune Confederacy, 160–61, 183–84

hemlock trees, 52–53, 73–74, 86, 97, 151–52

hickory nuts, 156–58

impermanence, 95–98

incense, 120–21

Inner-Space and Outer-Space Meditation (practice), 50–51

interbeing, 67–70, 93

interconnection, 67–70, 93

Iroquis/Haudenosaune Confederacy, 160–61, 183–84

Jerusalem artichokes, 158–59

Joint Rotations (practice), 186–88

kami (spirit of place/sacred essence), 98–99

Kaplan, Rachel and Stephen, 89

Katha Upanishad, 185

Kimmerer, Robin Wall, 11, 49, 170

Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, 19, 36, 52, 68, 146

Lakota traditions, 46, 71, 93, 121

Leopold, Aldo, 10

living earth. See nature and the outdoors

loneliness, 107, 173–75

Louv, Richard, 83

Luther Standing Bear, 18, 71

McKibben, Bill, 11

meditation, 36–37, 65

    attention, 20–23, 28, 38–40, 45, 87–89

    distinction from mindful rewilding, 179

    sit spot, 201

    See also breath and breathing; mindfulness; practices for rewilding; rewilding

mindfulness, 3, 21, 24, 35–37

    brain, 27

    contentment, 49–50

    discipline of, 25–26

    living in the moment, 24

    natural mindfulness, 21–27; practice of, 27–29

    walking barefoot on grass, 7–8, 22

    See also breath and breathing; meditation; practices for rewilding; rewilding

Mitchell, Edgar, 31–34

Miyazaki, Yoshifumi, 89, 91

Monbiot, George, 8, 11, 17

Muir, John, 75, 178, 192–93, 198

nature and the outdoors, 58, 64, 66, 101

    being prepared, 111–13

    confidence when exploring, 175–76

    equipment and gear, 113–17

    fear, 175, 180

    forest bathing, 89, 91–94

    gratitude, 49, 75–79, 106, 134–36, 144, 183–85, 197

    impermanence, 95–98, 144

    interconnection and interbeing, 67–70, 93

    kami (spirit of place/sacred essence), 98–99

    life power, 93

    place blindness, 83–84, 201

    place, intimacy with, 177–78

    safety, 175

    seasons of the year, 95–98

    senses, 85–87, 198–200

    separation from, 8–9, 67–68, 80

    solitude, 173–75

    species connection, 80–83

    trees, 72–74, 91, 95–96, 100–101, 125; bodhi tree, 48; hemlock, 52–53, 73–74, 86, 97, 151–52; hickory, 156–58; maple, 72, 96, 100–101

    use and meaning of the term, 70–71

    vibrations of life, 88

    wabi (transient beauty), 100–101

    wisdom of, 54–55

    wonder, 65–66, 75, 88, 185

    See also rewilding; practices for rewilding; survival skills

Nature Meditation (practice), 41–43, 82

The Nature Principle (Louv), 82–83

Nonuke, the husky, 15–16

office environments, 9

onions, 148–49

outdoors. See nature and the outdoors.

overview effect, 32–34

photography, 82

pine needles, for tea, 160–61

place blindness, 83–84, 201

Plant Connection (practice), 197–98

poison ivy and other poisonous plants, 85–86

practices for rewilding

    Animal-Track Mandala Meditation, 167–68

    BRFWA (breathe, relax, feel, watch, allow), 60–62

    Centering, 40–41, 181

    Engaging and Expanding the Senses, 199–200

    Entering the Wild, 118–19

    Fire Meditation, 128–29

    Forest Bathing, 93–94

    Fox Walk, 195–96

    Giving Thanks, 78–79

    Gratitude, 184–85

    Gratitude for Birthing Fire, 134–36

    Guided Breath, 183

    Inner-Space and Outer-Space Meditation, 50–51

    Interbeing, 69–70

    Joint Rotations, 186–88

    Long Exhale, 76–77

    Nature Meditation, 41–43, 82

    Natural Mindfulness, 27–29

    Noticing and Thanking, 79

    Observing the Earth, 201–3

    Plant Connection, 197–98

    Push-ups, 189–90

    Reanimating, 72–73

    Smoke Meditation, 121–22

    Sun Breaths, 190–91

    Walking with Awareness, 104–5, 191–97

    Witness in the Woods, 43–44

    See also rewilding flow (ten steps)

prana, 46, 66, 71, 93

pranayama, 52

pratyahara, 52

prayer, 106

predators, 11

Push-ups (practice), 189–90

Pyle, Robert Michael, 6

Quest for Fire (film), 122

Quinzhees, 139–40

Ramayana, 54

Reanimating (practice), 72–73

reinspiriting, 37


    concept/definition, 1, 8–10, 66, 75, 100

    ecological rewilding, 10–14

    food, 143–62; foraging for food, 145–62

    mindful rewilding, 21–23

    personal rewilding, 14–15

    rewilding flow (ten steps), 175–207

    tracking, 15, 75, 87, 99, 115, 163–68

    See also mindfulness; nature and the outdoors; practices for rewilding; survival skills

rewilding flow (ten steps), 175–207

    step 1, intimacy with place, 177–78

    step 2, centering, 178–81

    step 3, breath, 181–83

    step 4, gratitude, 183–85

    step 5, embodiment, 185–91

    step 6, walking with awareness, 191–97

    step 7, engaging all the senses, 198–200

    step 8, nature meditation and observation, 200–203

    step 9, bushcraft, 203–5

    step 10, share circle, 205–7

Sagan, Carl, 33

santosha, 49

Satipatthana Sutta, 48

screen time, 84

seasons of the year, 95–98, 144, 147–62

self-observation. See witness consciousness

senses, 85–87, 198–200

share circle, 205–7

shelter (building of), 117, 136–41

Shintoism, 99

Shiva Samhita, 51

shinrin yoku, 91

sit spot, 201

slingshot effect, 35

solitude, 173–75

sorrel, 153

space exploration, 31–34

spanda, 88

The Spell of the Sensuous (Abram), 46

Stalking Wolf, 173

sumac, 154

survival skills, 107–11

    being prepared, 111–13

    bushcraft, 203–5

    equipment and gear, 113–17

    fire (making fire), 15, 109, 116, 119; basics (fire 101), 122–23; bow drill method, 130–32, 204; char cloth, 126–27; ferro rod method, 125–26; flint and steel method, 126–27; Gratitude for Birthing Fire (practice), 134–36; hand drill method, 132–34; tinder, 123–26; tipi method, 123–25

    shelter (building of), 117, 136–41; debris huts, 137–38; quinzhees, 139–40

Suzman, James, 24

svadhyaya, 43

thanksgiving. See gratitude

Thich Nhat Hanh, 45, 47, 67, 93, 181, 191

Thoreau, Henry David, ix–xi

The Thunder Tree (Robert Michael Pyle), 6

tinder, 123–26

topophilia, 83

Tracker School, 15, 193

tracking, 15, 75, 87, 99, 115, 163–68

trees, 72–74, 91, 95–96, 100–101, 125

    bodhi tree, 48

    hemlock, 52–53, 73–74, 86, 97, 151–52

    hickory, 156–58

    maple, 72, 96, 100–101

universe, 68

wabi (transient beauty), 100–101

Wakan Tanka/the Great Spirit, 46, 93

walking, 84, 103, 194

    barefoot walking, 7–8, 22, 194

    forest bathing, 89, 91–94

    fox walk, 193–96

    walking with awareness, 104–5, 191–97

White, Frank, 33

Whitman, Walt, 64–65

wild spaces, preservation of, 11

Wilson, E.O., 11, 110

Wintergreen, 159–60

    witness consciousness, 21, 38–39, 43

Witness in the Woods (practice), 43–44

Wohlleben, Peter, 74

wonder, 65–66, 75, 88, 185

World Health Organization (WHO), 92

yoga traditions, x–xi, 24, 26, 32, 38, 43, 46–48, 51–52, 88, 185

Young, John, 179, 201

Yudhishtara, 75