ding bat

the challengers

Challenges of the Otherworld

Throughout the Arthurian romances we encounter a theme that reoccurs again and again. It takes the form of numerous challenges offered to Arthur and his knights by the denizens of the otherworld. For those of us who choose to work with these archetypal forces today, this may represent in part our own struggle to find our way to deeper truths. The clearest and most detailed account of the challenges faced by the fellowship comes from two great medieval stories: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnall. It should not surprise us that Gawain features in both these since he is recognized as possessing strong personal association with Lady Sovereignty, the Goddess of the Land, who, as we saw in chapters 5 and 6, represents the personification of the land over which Arthur rules (and by extension over all lands where such figures are recognized as sacred).

In both these texts, as well as several others which are explored in Gawain, Knight of the Goddess,281 we see representatives of Sovereignty challenging the Arthurian court to deal with the deep breakdown between the human and natural world, as well as their shadowy echoes in the otherworlds of Avalon, the lake, and the Lands Adventurous.

The following rites and meditations were designed to enable a direct and personal experience of these challenges and to find answers both in a mythic context and as they may relate to problems arising in our everyday lives. In each instance the challenges come at a high point of the year: the heart of winter and the opening into the world of summer.

The Tapestry of Winter


This tapestry of winter is a silent, frozen landscape. It has the sound of snow crunching beneath boots and the crackle of burning wood. Winter smells of pine and frankincense. Winter has a cold burn that can often be felt and even enjoyed, but for most it is the wrapping of one’s self in comfort and holding winter at bay that is practiced during this season.

As is the balance of things, winter hosts love and rebirth; as well, winter brings loneliness and longing. Traditionally it is a time of quiet and contemplation. Most magical traditions use the winter to go within. Winter in the world of Arthur, though, challenges one to leave the comfort of home and take a journey outside.

The challenger of this season is not gentle: he invades the hearth fire, puts forth what is seemingly an impossible task, then dares the seeker to leave home and all that is familiar in order to prove their honor, loyalty, and faith—faith in themselves and in the path they have chosen to travel.

The seeker will recognize this landscape as a pathway to spiritual growth and an even deeper connection to the otherworld of Arthur. We begin this magical journey in the winter court of King Arthur, where the challenger appears. We cross the threshold and leave Camelot to traverse the wilds in search of a place that we do not know; we find Castle Bercilak deep within the wilds, and then we face the Green Knight after crossing the threshold that leads to the Green Chapel itself. Finally, we are welcomed home as we return to the feasting hall of King Arthur.

For this Arthurian winter tapestry we begin in Arthur’s Yuletide court. We imagine a refuge from the depths of winter complete with roaring fires, roasting meats, warm beds, and the company of the lords and ladies of Camelot.

Recognizing Camelot as the safe point for the Arthurian seeker during the time of winter is the first step in preparing for the challenges that are to come. Connecting with the idea of refuge and the building of that connection is paramount to the successful journey into the wilds of the Lands Adventurous.

The Lords and Ladies of Winter

The challengers, guides, and companions within the tapestry of winter are all archetypes from the stories. Through our interaction with them we progress through the story and connect with the energies. Through that energy we answer the call to become part of the Arthurian tapestry. Through the tapestry we learn to travel from one world to the other, experience that otherworld, and then find our way safely back to the here and now. We travel between the written words of the Arthurian world and through liminal space. By interacting with the visuals and symbols that are present in the tapestry, we enter the myth, following the path of the many who have gone before.

The Winter Court of Camelot

The winter court of Camelot, where the journey begins, finds the seeker in the warm feasting hall of Arthur himself, complete with the Knights of the Round Table, the honored bards, and the ladies who represent the divine feminine.

It is a merry season indeed, where magic abounds! Singing, dancing, feasting, and story, all are alive and well in the Yuletide hall of Arthur, and everything here tingles with energy. To begin the connection or the reaffirming of a connection that already exists, the Arthurian seeker should spend some quiet time during the early days of this season recalling and perhaps even reading the winter tales of Arthur and his court, such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the early chapters of Malory’s Morte d’Arthur where the king-to-be draws the sword from the stone during a deep London winter.

Through story and imagery, the energetic links between our world and the world of Arthur are strengthened. As the energy begins to flow, the thresholds begin to appear and bridges become accessible for the seeker to cross into the otherworld.

It would be good practice for the seeker to invoke the guardians and guides that will accompany them on the upcoming journey, and perhaps make an offering to the challengers before the threshold is approached.

Arthur and Gawain

The tale that draws us closest to the Arthurian winter court is Gawain and the Green Knight, which features the strong relationship between King Arthur and his nephew, Gawain. Of the Yuletide court, perhaps these two are the most easily accessible go-betweens for guidance through the winter threshold. (The quotations in this section are from the 1898 translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Jessie L. Weston.)

Arthur is the guide that will welcome the challenger and support the seeker as the challenger disrupts this court. Likewise, it is Arthur that will welcome the seeker home when the quest is complete. Here, in the deep of winter, Arthur is strong and wise; he recognizes the challenge and welcomes the sacred game of the beheading contest to his feast hall.

Arthur stood watching adventure advance and answered quickly as honor bid, neither awed nor afraid, saying,Wanderer, know you are welcome here. Dismount, if you may; make merry as you wish, and we may learn in a little while what you would like.”

Young, loyal Gawain is the seeker’s twin; it is through Gawain’s experiences and choices that the seeker, too, will be transformed and victorious in their quest.

The Green Knight

The Green Knight is winter’s challenger. He is the Green Man, the Holly King, the one who will dare the seeker not only to the beheading contest, but also to seek the mystery of the Green Chapel. Leave your home is his message, and all that is familiar and comfortable. Seek what you are sure is your doom, and seek it where you have never been before. This rite of passage is a mighty test of courage, truth, and loyalty—loyalty to what we believe is good and true as well as a test of our loyalty and commitment to spiritual growth.

Gringolet the Companion

Gawain seems to be alone on his journey, as we all sometimes think that we are, but he is not quite so alone as he imagines: with him every step of the path, at every threshold and gateway, is Gringolet, his trusty horse with magnificent trappings:

The bridle was embossed and bound with bright gold;

So were the furnishings of the fore-harness and the fine skirts.

The crupper and the caparison accorded with the saddle-bows,

And all was arrayed on red with nails of richest gold,

Which glittered and glanced like gleams of the sun.

Gringolet is no ordinary horse, and it is a comfort and support, in a very magical sense, that Gawain has this horse for his companion. Gringolet is one of the few named animal companions of the Arthurian world, and when one imagines Gawain on his adventures, it is always with Gringolet.

Gringolet’s earliest appearance in the Arthuriana is in Chrétien de Troyes’s Eric and Enid.282 In the Lancelot-Grail story, Gawain wins the horse from a Saxon enemy.283 In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival 284 Gringolet is a horse from the stables of the Grail Castle itself. Clearly, this is no ordinary animal.

He carries Gawain on his back, which symbolizes what Gringolet does as a magical companion and why he can and should be seen as an otherworldly go-between for the seeker. Many of the journeys through the Arthurian landscape are long and perilous; companions will be found and lost again, but in Gringolet we find a mighty archetype for safe passage that is steadfast and true.

The Green Knight Meditations

These four meditations are based on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. All quotations are from the prose rendition by E. J. B. Kirtlan.285 They should be performed in a sacred space, if possible over four consecutive nights followed by feasting and storytelling. The meditations and elements thereof were designed as a celebratory path to a deeper understanding and connection with the Yuletide season.

The first is designed to ground the seeker in the court of Arthur. It is this root connection that will bond the seeker to Arthur, very much as a metaphor for home, before the challenger arrives. Incense and sacred oils are suggested to enhance your vision. Recipes for these will be found in Part Three.

Meditation 1: The Challenge of the Green Knight

Incense: Frankincense and myrrh

Oil: Frosted holly or other mint-based oil

Before you, upon a wall of clean and polished white stone, hangs a tapestry. The thread is polished and shining. The tapestry is simple: a wooden door with an ornate handle of gold. The tapestry seems alive with movement and magic, and you reach towards it, focusing on the golden latch. You are not surprised to feel the cool touch of the precious metal. You turn the knob slowly to the right and hear a satisfying click as the door begins to open…

You venture out from your safe and warm abode into the chilled and frosty outdoors. It is twilight, and to the west the winter sun settles beneath the horizon amidst a tapestry of fiery red, orange, and white wispy clouds. To the east you can see distant lights twinkling as the darkness of night approaches. Silvery starlight dances in the sky as a crisp wind brings the faint sound of plucked strings and raised voices from the north. You turn and begin to walk towards the music as the aroma of roasting meats and the sound of hearty laughter join the revelry. A path upon the frozen earth beneath your feet becomes clear after your first few steps. Within seconds, it seems, a walled city as magnificent and brilliant as the night sky itself unfolds on a hill before you. As you step forward once more, you feel a slight shift in the earth beneath you and behold, you stand at the magnificent gates of Arthur’s winter court at Camelot.

The strings of the harp are sweet and sharp and the aromas of the night’s feast are tantalizing. You raise your arm to knock upon the doors when silently they begin to swing open, revealing a miraculous scene before you. In the center of the massive room sits the wondrous Round Table. Greenery of pine, holly, and mistletoe adorns the hall in the form of wreaths and decoration. At their seats at the magnificent Round Table, drinking and feasting in delight, are Arthur’s knights. Allow your eyes to survey the knights: Sir Percival, young and fair to look upon; Sir Bors, strong and worthy of the quest; Sir Bedivere, loyal and sworn to his king; Sir Lancelot, devoted and driven; Sir Galahad, Knight of the Siege Perilous—virtue and purity are his; Sir Gawain, nephew to Arthur, a fiery red-haired impetuous youth who hungers for the quest; and Arthur himself, regal and strong. His gray eyes come to rest upon yours for what is only a brief moment, but you sense an acknowledgement deep within…

Elsewhere in the room are tables with other festival merry makers, guests of Arthur and his court. The tables are piled high with roasted meats, fruits, nuts, and warm sweet breads. On the west and east walls of the room massive winter fireplaces have hot fires burning, the wood crackling and singing its own winter song. Though you see no servants, it seems that the food and drink never diminish from the tables or plates. This is a place of plenty and a haven from the winter cold.

You find your way to an empty seat near one of the fireplaces. The aromas, warmth, and drink soon have you intoxicated with the holiday cheer. Dancers and acrobats emerge from a door nearby, and with much leaping and laughter, they begin to tumble and dance as the guests, and even you, clap and cheer them on.

And then, with a startling silence, all movement and sound ceases within the hall. You ground yourself as a dazzling anticipation settles upon the room. The anticipation manifests into a hum as all eyes turn to the doors of the Great Hall. You breathe slowly in and out, noticing a new smell of earth, leaf, and moss.

The hum becomes an inhalation of expectancy and surprise. With the solid clip-clop of hoof upon stone, a massive figure clad completely in intense green, shining and bold, enters the hall upon an equally green warhorse. The entrance of the bold figure is overlaid with the sound of twinkling bells, and you notice that the warhorse is adorned more for celebration than for battle, its bridle glistening with the gold and silver of Yuletide bells. The figure upon the horse’s back is smiling impishly, and his eyes twinkle with what seems to be merriment. And yet the room remains silent with no one, not even Arthur, offering the stranger greeting or good cheer.

Let us take a closer look at the green figure:

The knight was thus gaily dressed in green, his hair falling around his shoulders; on his breast hung a beard, as thick and green as a bush, and the beard and the hair of his head were clipped all round above his elbows. The lower parts of his sleeves were fastened with clasps in the same wise as a king’s mantle…(He) bore no helm nor hauberk, neither gorget nor breast-plate, neither shaft nor buckler to smite nor to shield, but in one hand he had a holly-bough, that is greenest when the groves are bare, and in his other an axe, huge and uncomely, a cruel weapon in fashion, if one would picture it. The head was an ell-yard long, the metal all of green steel and gold, the blade burnished bright, with a broad edge, as well shapen to shear as a sharp razor. The steel was set into a strong staff, all bound round with iron, even to the end, and engraved with green in cunning work. A lace was twined about it, that looped at the head, and all adown the handle it was clasped with tassels on buttons of bright green richly broidered.

As the silence of Arthur, his knights, and guests becomes more and more tangible, the Green Knight finally speaks.Where is the ruler of this folk? I would gladly look upon that hero and have speech with him.”

Arthur and his knights still do not reply. You keep reminding yourself to breathe, slowly in and out, and your heartbeat is smooth and strong within your breast. You feel strong and ready to answer the Green Knight with your own voice, but another voice precedes yours.Although I am the weakest, least gallant, and unworthy of such a quest, I will speak with you. What is your task, Sir Knight?”

It is Gawain, Arthur’s nephew, and he is standing before the Green Knight looking bold. Axe and holly still in hand, the Green Knight dismounts from his horse and stands face to face with Gawain. The Green Knight speaks.I ask in this court but a Christmas jest, for that it is Yule-tide and New Year, and there are here many fain for sport. If anyone in this hall holds himself so hardy as to dare strike me one stroke for another, I will give him as a gift this axe and I will abide the first blow, unarmed as I sit…Then shalt thou give me the right to deal him another; the respite of a year and a day shall he have.”

Then, as if in the slow motion of a long rehearsed dance, the Green Knight hands Gawain the axe and kneels. Gawain, with deliberate steps and determined hands, steels himself to deliver what must surely be a fatal blow to the kneeling figure in green. You are disbelieving that the gaiety of the feast has been transformed into a duel of strength and wit that at once seems like a game and yet carries with it the taste and smell of danger.

Gawain’s stroke is swift and sure. The head of the Green Knight falls to the stone floor and comes to rest near Gawain’s feet. Before anyone can move or speak, the Green Knight’s body stands again, retrieves its own head, and then mounts his dancing steed with grace and ease. To the amazement of all, the head speaks.Seek me at the Green Chapel, where the return blow must be given and received for the cycle to be complete. You know well the way, and guides await you along the path. Seek the Green Chapel to finish the game.”

With sparks flying from his burnished hooves, the green warhorse, bells ringing, departs the Great Hall in haste, the Green Knight with him, head still in hand.

With a gesture of his hands, Arthur encourages everyone to return to the feasting.Make merry and enjoy the feast that the gods have sent to us this night!” With a hearty laugh, the king clasps Gawain within a warm embrace.The game is yours if you so wish to take it. Will you seek the Green Chapel?”

And as he asks the question, Arthur’s eyes once again seek and meet with your own. His gaze is friendly and yet piercing, and you almost think that the question he asks is more for you than Gawain…

Before you can answer, the lights within the hall begin to dim. The fires within the great fireplaces diminish to glowing coals, and the guests begin to fade from the room. You find yourself at the doors once again, this time facing the world outside. You silently thank the Lordly Ones, the Folk of the Lake, for this vision.

At the edge of the courtyard you see a path—the same path cut into the hard, cold earth that led you to the feast. With a step you are once again upon it and walking towards your own safe haven. With a few more deep breaths and strong beats of your heart you are safely within your own world and in your own time.

The Winter Court of Castle Bercilak

The seeker will next encounter a second winter court as they follow along with Gawain and Gringolet through the magical thresholds. This is the court of Lord and Lady Bercilak, which is hidden deep within the Perilous Forest. It is yet another place of testing for Sir Gawain, although he will find it to also be a place of rest and preparation for what will be his final challenge (in this adventure) at the Green Chapel.

At the Bercilak’s winter court, Gawain finds a feasting hall that is as merry and warm as Arthur’s and, unbeknownst (perhaps) to him upon arrival, it is just as magical. In fact, it is yet another threshold that Gawain must champion; it is a comfortable and inviting gateway, but it is a challenge nonetheless.

Lord and Lady Bercilak

Gawain’s hosts for this part of his journey are mysterious and tantalizing; they are familiar and yet completely unknown to him. Lord Bercilak is a mighty hunter; indeed, he is at the forefront of Gawain’s quickening. First entering Arthur’s court as the Green Knight, Bercilak is clearly a Forest Spirit, a face of the Green Man that both frightens and excites. Gawain, the seeker, now meets the Green Knight in the guise of Lord Bercilak and is granted a short time of what he hopes is a respite from the challenge that awaits him at the Green Chapel.

Within the walls of Castle Bercilak, the lord and lady are poised to continue their testing of Gawain. Lord Bercilak will do so in a game of gift exchanges, and Lady Bercilak will tempt Gawain’s sense of chivalry.

The Gifts of the Forest

Thegift” exchanges between Gawain and his hosts are vital clues as to how to champion this magical threshold and proceed onward to the Green Chapel for the final test.

Between Gawain and Lady Bercilak, exchanges are made ofsweet” kisses (although Gawain resists his more primal sexual urges), and he is rewarded with a magical talisman that will protect him from the Green Knight’s axe blade.

In stark contrast, Lord Bercilak offers the fruits of his daily hunts to Gawain, while Gawain playfully offers the innocent kisses of his game with Lady Bercilak to his host. The specific animals that Lord Bercilak offers to Gawain are worthy of note, with some recognition of the symbolism as well:

The Hind: Fast, quick, and alert with a certain shyness and elusiveness, this creature is almost a mirror of Lady Bercilak and her approaches to Gawain while he is at Castle Bercilak.

The Fox: Clever trickster of the forest, Gawain will have to become like the fox in order to survive the final challenge with the Green Knight.

The Boar: Mighty and strong, the boar should be respected and the hunter must be cautious in order to champion this beast. Gawain will do well to heed all wisdom as he faces the Green Knight again.

Meditation 2: The Castle of Lord and Lady Bercilak

Incense: Musky forest scents

Oil: Dark forest, pine, or white pine

Before you, upon a wall of clean and polished white stone, hangs a tapestry. The thread is polished and shining. The tapestry is simple: a wooden door with an ornate handle of gold. The tapestry seems alive with movement and magic, and you reach towards it, focusing on the golden latch. You are not surprised to feel the cool touch of the precious metal. You turn the knob slowly to the right and hear a satisfying click as the door begins to open…

You venture out from your safe and warm abode into the chilled and frosty outdoors. It is near dawn with a crisp wind from the north, and in the east the winter sun is rising above the horizon in a fountain of magnificent red, orange, and pink. The sun slowly climbs into the sky as the distant lights of Camelot are soon enveloped and fade in the morning light. The silvery starlight that was dancing in the sky is gone in the blink of an eye when the sound of raised voices reaches your ears. You pause to listen more closely and then begin to walk towards the voices.

A path upon the frozen earth beneath your feet becomes clear after your first few steps. Within moments, it seems, a walled city as magnificent and brilliant as the morning sky itself unfolds on a hill before you. As you step forward once more, you feel a slight shift in the earth beneath you and behold, you stand at the gates of Arthur’s winter court at Camelot.

The gates are open wide with many folk gathered close by. A tall, sturdy youth in polished armor sits astride a mighty warhorse that stamps and snorts, shaking its head with anxious energy. The young knight places his gloved hand upon the horse’s neck, whispering soothing words that you cannot quite hear, and the beast responds with a sigh and a shudder, stilling his restless hooves.

The crowd parts slightly as you see Arthur approach the young knight, and as the two speak quietly, you now recognize the youth as Gawain.

Then they brought him his shield, which was of bright red, with the pentangle painted thereon in gleaming gold…a sign that Solomon set ere-while, as betokening truth…a figure with five points (where) each line overlaps the other, and nowhere hath it beginning or end…Therefore he bare the pentangle on shield and surcoat as truest of heroes and gentlest of knights.

Taking the bright red shield in hand, Gawain bows his head first to Arthur and then to his fellow knights. You realize with a tinge of sadness that this is a time of departure and farewell. But before you can dwell too long upon the emptiness of goodbyes, Gawain’s voice speaks sharply to his steed:Away, Gringolet!” The warhorse responds with a leap through the winter gates as sparks dance around his hooves…

As Gringolet gallops away from the gates, you feel a slight tremor in the earth beneath your feet and the scene before you shifts and transforms…you watch from a distance as Gawain travels onward and on, over brook and field, through bog and brush, in frozen rain and snow, always onward with a raised head and fiercely searching eyes…

You follow Gawain and Gringolet into a dark forest that looms before you and become aware

of a dwelling within a moat, above a lawn, on a mound surrounded by many mighty trees that (stand) round the moat…’Twas the fairest castle that ever a knight owned; built in a meadow with a park all about it, and a spiked palisade, closely driven, that encloses the trees for more than two miles…

Gawain lifts off his helmet and you find your voice joined with his as you and he cry together,I beseech you, grant me fair hostel.”

Silence is the reply from the castle, but then you hear a distant ringing of bells and the image of a chapel gently touches your mind. Gawain clucks to his steed, pricks Gringolet with his golden spurs, and rides gaily towards the great gate, bringing you swiftly to the bridge end.

The bridge is drawn up and the gates closed shut; the walls are strong and thick, so that they might fear no tempest. The walls are set deep in the water, and rise aloft to a wondrous height…the gate drops with barely a sound and within you behold a high hall, with its tower and many windows with carven cornices, and chalk-white chimneys on the turreted roofs that shine fair in the winter sun. And everywhere, thickly scattered on the castle battlements, are pinnacles, so many that it seems as if they are all wrought out of paper, so white is it.

You see Gawain and Gringolet ride into the courtyard, where the young knight dismounts and the steed is led away…you follow, taking deep breaths of the crisp, pine-scented air. You are led into a Great Hall, festively decorated, where many folk are feasting and dancing.

Before the hearth, where the fire burns, they have made ready a chair for Gawain, and you are seated close by. Your chair is hung about with cloth and fair cushions. Serving men set up a table on trestles, cover it with a fair white cloth, and set thereon salt-cellar and napkin and silver spoons. The folk serve both you and Gawain courteously with many dishes seasoned of the best, a double portion…

An older lady approaches your table holding a silver platter. She is wrinkled with age, her mouth showing many ages of laughter whilst her brow is lined with the passing of many Yuletides. Her deep eyes twinkle as she places the platter on the table before you and speaks in a melodic voice.Partake of the sustenance and life of the forest. The hind for speed and quickness, and the mighty boar for strength and will.”

She nods to the platter. Upon it are generous portions of boar and venison surrounded by nuts, berries, fruits, and baked breads,some broiled on the embers, some sodden, some stewed and savored with spices, with all sorts of cunning devices to (your) taste.”

You partake of the feast, the food filling your mind, body, and spirit, the warmth of the fire and festival raising your spirits high.

A man now approaches your table. A large and gallant man, he is dressed in deep reds and greens and around his shoulders is a cloak of magnificent fur. Upon his brow is a crown of holly, thinly woven, and among the leaves are stars of silver.

He bows to you and you see now in his hands is a mantle made of deep reddish fur.The pelt of Reynard, for wiliness and cunning on your path.” He steps behind your chair and drapes the mantle of warm, soft fox fur upon your shoulders. A tingling begins in your neck and then spreads to your arms…hands…torso…and in the distance, you hear a bell once more, ringing and ringing as the image of a chapel again forms in your mind…

The hunter leaves you with another bow and encourages you to continue your feasting. The music changes into a slow, almost sad tune, with the steady beating of a drum in the distance.

You see before you now a beautiful lady, tall and stately, dressed in the finest of dresses, her brow draped with a circlet of holly and silver, much like the hunter lord’s. She bows to you and you see in her hands a girdle of deep green. She steps behind you and gently ties the girdle around your waist, encouraging you to rise from your chair with a gesture of her hands. You do so and she kneels before you, belting the girdle securely.

“The girdle of the lady, for courage and protection on this journey,” she says to you as she stands.Sit, eat, be merry; you are safe here.”

After you have eaten and drunk your fill, the lights within the hall begin to dim. The fires within the great fireplaces diminish to glowing coals, and the guests begin to fade from the room. You find yourself at the doors once again, facing the courtyard that is now dusted in a light snow. You silently thank the Lordly Ones, the Folk of the Lake, for this vision.

At the edge of the courtyard you see a path. With a step you are once again upon this familiar path and walking towards your own safe haven. With a few more deep breaths and strong beats of your heart, the path shifts slightly beneath your feet, and you are safely within your own world and in your own time.

The Green Chapel

The final place of reckoning, the Green Chapel now looms before the seeker. He or she has traveled the long road through the Perilous Forest and gained wisdom and strength from Castle Bercilak; now the Green Knight and his mighty axe awaits.

And yet, as perilous as the Green Chapel might seem, the setting and the word chapel bring forth visions of soft green grass upon a gentle hill. The vision is both deception and complete truth: this point of reckoning, this place of becoming, like birth and death, is all that and more. Here the seeker will kneel in a solemn act of submission, but he will arise as a champion.

Meditation 3: The Green Chapel

Incense: Frankincense, myrrh, and a drop of mistletoe tincture

Oil: Green chapel or oak moss

Before you, upon a wall of clean and polished white stone, hangs a tapestry. The thread is polished and shining. The tapestry is simple: a wooden door with an ornate handle of gold. The tapestry seems alive with movement and magic, and you reach towards it, focusing on the golden latch. You are not surprised to feel the cool touch of the precious metal. You turn the knob slowly to the right and hear a satisfying click as the door begins to open…

You venture out from your safe, warm room and into the frozen, wintry outdoors. It is near dawn with a crisp wind from the east, yet the winter sun is still hiding beyond the horizon. The silvery starlight is dancing in the sky, and all is silent in this white winter world when the distant sound of grinding metal reaches your ears. You pause to listen more closely, and then you begin to walk towards the sound.

A path upon the snow frozen earth beneath your feet becomes clear after your first few steps. There are

hedges where the boughs are bare, and climb the cliffs where the cold still clings. Naught falls from the heavens, but…mist broods over the moor and hangs on the mountains; each hill has a cap, a great cloak, of mist. The streams foam and bubble between their banks, dashing sparkling on the shores where they shelve downwards. Rugged and dangerous is the way through these woods…till it is time for the sun rising.

Then you are on a high hill; the snow lays white beside you, and you notice beside you Gawain sitting proudly astride his mighty warhorse, Gringolet.

“Before you lies a dangerous path,” says Gawain, turning to meet your gaze.Should you choose to turn aside, you will bear no shame. Should you choose to proceed, you will do so alone, for I can go no further with you. Walk the path until you come to the rock and then the bottom of the valley. There look you to your left hand and you shall see the vale of the chapel and the Green Man who keeps it. Fare well; know that you take the gifts of the Lordly Ones with you…”

You look to your waist and see the green girdle still fastened securely, latched together now with the golden likenesses of a hind and a boar. Upon your shoulders sits the flaming red fur of Reynard the fox. The sun is rising now as you take your first step forward down the path…through the rough thicket, right into the dale, and you halt, for it seems wild enough here with high and burnt banks on either side and rough, rugged crags with great stones above.

There, on a mound on a level space of land by a bank, beside the stream where it runs swiftly, the water bubbles within as if boiling. You go close to examine the strange mound: it has a hole at the end and at either side, and it is overgrown with clumps of grass and as hollow within as an old cave or the crevice of a crag.

Standing just outside of the mound is a tall, massive figure in green. His arms are crossed on his chest and over them hangs a thick, curly beard of leaf and moss. His eyes twinkle at you as he nods towards the ground near his boot-clad feet.

Your eyes follow the gesture and see a mighty axe lying on the emerald moss. It glistens in the brilliant morning light, its edge keen and quick. Runes dance and glow within the metal and the handle, and in the distance you hear bells, chimes, and rings. You breathe deeply and feel your heart beating strongly within your breast…

The green giant strides to the axe, grasps it in his meaty hands, and stands before you.I am the green bough within the deepest white of winter,” says the Green Man as he raises the axe high above his leafy head.

“I am the red berry upon the greenest bough at dawn,” you hear yourself say slowly as you kneel and bow your head.

You place one hand over the golden boar and hind upon your belt while the other grasps the fox fur tightly to your shoulders. You feel a rush of wind that smells of moss, mud, and leaf, and then a tiny prick on your neck…

Firm hands help raise you to your feet. Deep breaths fill your lungs. Your heart beats steadily and strongly.

“Behold the promise of life in the depths of winter,” says the Green Knight,for the days will now become longer and winter must soon sleep.”

A warm wind caresses you with the smell of salt and sea, and you close your eyes, relishing the moment.

You silently thank the Lordly Ones, the Folk of the Lake, for this vision.

At the edge of the green mound you see a path. With a step, you are once again upon this familiar path and walking towards your own safe haven. With a few more deep breaths and strong beats of your heart, the path shifts slightly beneath your feet, and you are safely within your own world and in your own time.

The Return to Arthur’s Court

The journey is almost complete. The seeker has triumphed, and now is the time for them to return home and begin the celebration that is richly deserved. There should be an acknowledgement of the seeker’s journey, this initiation across the thresholds into the Lands Adventurous, and in acknowledgement, before setting forth again, there should be a glance backwards at where you have been…

Meditation 4: The Return to Arthur’s Court

Incense: Holly chips, cranberry leaf, and raspberry leaf

Oil: White pine

Before you, upon a wall of clean and polished white stone, hangs a tapestry. The thread is polished and shining. The tapestry is simple: a wooden door with an ornate handle of gold. The tapestry seems alive with movement and magic, and you reach towards it, focusing on the golden latch. You are not surprised to feel the cool touch of the precious metal. You turn the knob slowly to the right and hear a satisfying click as the door begins to open…

You venture out from your safe and warm abode into the chilled and frosty outdoors. It is twilight, and to the west the winter sun settles beneath the horizon amidst a tapestry of fiery red, orange, and white wispy clouds. To the east you can see distant lights twinkling as the darkness of night approaches. Silvery starlight dances in the sky as a crisp wind brings the faint sound of plucked strings and raised voices from the north. You turn and begin to walk towards the music as the revelry is joined by the aroma of roasting meats and the sound of hearty laughter. A path upon the frozen earth beneath your feet becomes clear after your first few steps. Within seconds, it seems, a walled city as magnificent and brilliant as the night sky itself unfolds on a hill before you. As you step forward once more, you feel a slight shift in the earth beneath you and behold, you stand at the magnificent gates of Arthur’s winter court at Camelot.

The strings of the harp are sweet and sharp, and the aromas of the night’s feast are tantalizing. You raise your arm to knock upon the doors when silently they begin to swing open, revealing a familiar scene. In the center of the massive room sits the wondrous Round Table. Greenery of pine, holly, and mistletoe adorns the hall in the form of wreaths and decoration. In their seats at the magnificent Round Table, drinking and feasting in delight, are Arthur and his magnificent knights.

You enter the hall, feeling the warmth of the roaring fires, your senses alive with the smells and sounds of the New Year revelry. Laughter rings from the rafters as the wine flows freely and you find a place at a table close by.

You see Gawain rise from his place at the Round Table and approach you, holding a silver platter. He is smiling and seems content as he nods in greeting to you.Welcome home, traveler. Drink to the New Year and partake of the glory of the season!”

You look to the platter and see a generous cup of sweet white wine. You take it and drink deeply.

Arthur next approaches your table. He bears a platter of roasted meats, nuts, and berries, which he places before you. Arthur speaks.Well done, seeker. Be welcome and share in our good cheer.”

You see before you now a beautiful lady, tall and stately, clad in silver and ivory, her brow draped with a circlet of silver stars. She greets you.Greetings of the lake to you, valiant one. Eat, be merry; you are safe here.”

The lights dim as a bard moves to the center of the hall. A hush falls upon the room as the plucked strings of a harp are heard and a crystal voice soars into the room.

Where wonders, wars, misfortune, and troubled times have been,

Where bliss and blind confusion have come and gone again.

A story pinned in patterns

Steadfast, steady, strong:

Aligned in linking letters

As folk have loved so long.

So drink and eat with pleasure,

And be of mirth and of good cheer:

Three platters piled past measure,

Bright wine, and foaming beer.
(lyrics by VC)

After you have eaten and drunk your fill, the lights within the hall begin to dim. The fires within the great fireplaces diminish to glowing coals and the guests begin to fade from the room. You find yourself at the doors once again, facing the courtyard that is dusted in a light snow.

You silently thank the Lordly Ones, the Folk of the Lake, for this vision.

At the edge of the courtyard you see a path. With a step, you are once again upon this familiar path and walking towards your own safe haven. With a few more deep breaths and strong beats of your heart, the path shifts slightly beneath your feet, and you are safely within your own world and in your own time.

Gawain and Ragnall: A Celebration


With the preceding journey you have taken a step deeper in the world of the Arthuriad. Now, though the season of work is still winter, we open the door to summer with a story that mirrors Gawain’s encounter with the Green Knight, but this time pits him against the power of a lord of summer.

Like the Yuletide adventure with the Green Knight, where riddles, journeys, and women contribute to the young knight’s ascension to the role of Holly King, the following tale reveals to us the journey of Gawain as he crosses the threshold to become the Summer (or Oak) King. Again, he acts as Arthur’s champion and must answer a riddle that involves much interaction with women of all kinds, and he must pass the final test by again surrendering his will and trust in the Goddess. Here is a modern adaptation of the The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnall, based on original sources.

Incense: Red rose petals (dried), white oak bark (shaved and dried), white willow bark (shaved and dried), frankincense resin, Egyptian arabic resin, dragon’s blood resin, sage (dried)

Oil: Combine rose oil and dragon’s blood oil in equal parts and add

The Hallows of Gawain and Ragnall

In this ritual earth is represented by a black-and-white chessboard. It is processed three times around the ritual area/temple/grove, beginning in north and ending in north. Bow to each quadrant as it is passed, symbol held in hand.

Air is represented by a sword. It is processed once around the circle, beginning in the east and ending in the east. Bow to each quadrant as it is passed, symbol held in hand.

Fire is represented by a spear or other fire symbol. It is processed once around the circle, beginning in the south and ending in the south. Bow to each quadrant as it is passed, symbol held in hand.

Water is represented by a chalice containing blessed water and three drops of salt. It is processed once around the circle, beginning in the west and ending in the west. Bow to each quadrant as it is passed, symbol held in hand.

Hallows keepers all gather at the altar and then walk to their quadrants, still holding the hallows. Personal staff or other spirit symbol is used by primary celebrant (priestess, archdruid, etc.) to join the elements. It is processed once around the circle.

Calling in the Arthurian Guardians

The celebrant, earth hallows keeper (chessboard), and summoner (sometimes called the caller, trumpeter, or bell steward) all walk to the north. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Powers of the Stone: we ask that you join this ritual and add your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Quarter candle or torch is lit. Bell, chime, or trumpet is sounded. All bow.

The celebrant, water hallows keeper (chalice), and summoner (sometimes called the caller, trumpeter, or bell steward) all walk to the west. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Powers of the Grail: we ask that you join this ritual and add your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Quarter candle or torch is lit. Bell, chime, or trumpet is sounded. All bow.

The celebrant, fire hallows keeper (spear), and summoner (sometimes called the caller, trumpeter, or bell steward) all walk to the south. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Powers of the Spear: we ask that you join this ritual and add your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Quarter candle or torch is lit. Bell, chime, or trumpet is sounded. All bow.

The celebrant, air hallows keeper (sword), and summoner (sometimes called the caller, trumpeter, or bell steward) all walk to the east. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Powers of the Sword: we ask that you join this ritual and add your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Quarter candle or torch is lit. Bell, chime, or trumpet is sounded. All bow.

Hallows keepers, celebrant, and summoner approach the north, bow, and then the hallows are placed so that

Invocation of the Lady of the Lake

The Lady of the Lake candle is lit.


Argante, Nimue, Morgan: you who are known by many names—Sword Priestess, Grail Keeper, Far-Seeing Queen of Avalon—we ask that you join this ritual and add your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Bell, chime, or trumpet is sounded. All bow.

Invocation of Merlin

The Merlin candle is lit.


Stone Raiser, King Maker, Prophet: you who are known by many names—Sage, Far-Seeing Merlin—we ask that you join this ritual and add your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Bell, chime, or trumpet is sounded. All bow. The celebrant, bard, or designated storyteller then tells the tale of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnall.

One day King Arthur went hunting in the forest of Inglewood with his retainers. At length he and his companions became separated and he found himself in an unfamiliar part of the forest. Abruptly, he found that his body was quite frozen and he could not move a muscle. A menacing figure dressed in pitch-black armor approached him, saying,Arthur, I have you in my power. You have wrongfully given my lands to Sir Gawain, and for that you will die unless you find the answer to a question I put to you.”

Arthur found that he could speak and asked,Who are you, and what is this question you wish me to answer?”

“I am Gromer Somer Jour. If you would win your life, return here in a twelvemonth with an answer to this question: What is it that every woman desires most?” As suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone, and the king found that he could move freely again. He returned to his court with a heavy heart.

Of all his retainers, only Sir Gawain asked King Arthur what sorrow he bore, and Arthur related the tale of his discomfiture in the forest. Sir Gawain then proposed that they ride forth and ask every woman they found what she most desires and collect the answers in a book.

They set out and asked women what they desired, and soon they had a huge book of answers. But as many as they had found, they were still uneasy that any of the answers they had were the true one.

Shortly before the king had to meet with Gromer Somer Jour, he rode again through the forest of Inglewood and came upon a hideously ugly woman. She stopped him, saying that she had the right answer and could save his life if he agreed to her terms. He asked what these were, and she replied,I am Dame Ragnall, and I want to marry one of your knights—Sir Gawain and no other.”

King Arthur was horrified and told her that he could not promise her Gawain without his consent, but that he would return to her after speaking with Gawain. He returned to court and explained the situation to Gawain. Without hesitation, Gawain answered that he would marry her in a minute, even if she were a devil, if it would help the king.

Arthur returned to the forest where Dame Ragnall was waiting. He told her that Gawain had agreed to marry her if her answer was the one sought, but if one of the others they had collected was the one, the deal was off. Satisfied with this, she gave Arthur the answer.

On the appointed day Arthur rode to meet with Gromer Somer Jour. Again Gromer appeared suddenly, demanding the answer to his question. Arthur gave him the book with the answers they collected. Gromer looked it over, laughed, and told Arthur to prepare to die. Arthur said,Wait, I have one more answer” and gave him that of Dame Ragnall.

Gromer roared in frustration.Only my sister could have told you that, may she be burned to ashes for her treachery! Go where you will, King Arthur, I will bother you no more.” So Arthur returned to Ragnall and brought her back with him to court.

Upon seeing her for the first time, Gawain looked stunned but bravely assented to be married the next day. The ladies of the court wept to see such a kind and handsome knight be married to such a hideous woman; the knights were glad it wasn’t any of them who had to marry her.

Ragnall demanded to be married publicly and to have a great feast with all the nobles attending. She was decked out in the most costly array, but her manners repulsed everyone there. Great was the pity felt for Gawain that day!

At last it was over and the couple was led to their chamber. There Gawain gazed at the fire, reluctant to touch his bride until she requested a kiss. Bravely, he acceded, only to find a most radiant woman in his arms. He stared speechless in wonder and, finally finding his voice, asked her how could this be.

“I have waited in that shape until I found a man gentle enough to marry me. Now I offer you a choice: I can be fair by night and foul by day or foul by night and fair by day. Decide which you want.”

Gawain thought for a while, pondering the events that had led to this moment, and then it dawned on him what answer he must give.I cannot make such a choice; that is for you to decide.”

She cried out in joy,My lord, you are as wise as you are noble and true, for you have given me what every woman genuinely desires: sovereignty over herself. You will never see that hideous old hag again, for I choose to be fair from this time on.”

At this point in the ritual, couples may renew their commitment vows or others are encouraged to share their stories, poems, and songs concerning marriage and love.

Farewell and Thanks to Merlin


Stone Raiser, King Maker, Prophet: you who are known by many names—Sage, Far-Seeing Merlin—we thank you for joining this ritual and adding your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Silence. All bow.

Farewell and Thanks to the Lady of the Lake


Argante, Nimue, Morgan: you who are known by many names—Sword Priestess, Grail Keeper, Far-Seeing Queen of Avalon—we thank you for joining this ritual and adding your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

Silence. All bow.

Farewell and Thanks to the Arthurian Guardians

The celebrant, earth hallows keeper (chessboard), and summoner all walk to the north. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Powers of the Stone: we thank you for joining this ritual and adding your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

The quarter candle or torch is extinguished. Silence. All bow.

The celebrant, water hallows keeper (chalice), and summoner all walk to the west. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Powers of the Grail: we thank you for joining this ritual and adding your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

The quarter candle or torch is extinguished. Silence. All bow.

The celebrant, fire hallows keeper (spear), and summoner all walk to the south. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Powers of the Spear: we thank you for joining this ritual and adding your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

The quarter candle or torch is extinguished. Silence. All bow.

The celebrant, air hallows keeper (sword), and summoner all walk to the east. All salute the direction.


Ancient and mighty ones, elders and guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Powers of the Sword: we thank you for joining this ritual and adding your wisdom, power, and protection to this rite.

The quarter candle or torch is extinguished. Silence. All bow.


Our rite has ended. Let us thank the Folk of the Lake for this time of communion. Let us thank the elders for their wisdom. Let us thank our companions for their insight.

The Challenge of the Green Knight Ritual

(JM and CM)

Building upon what has gone before, we offer the following ritual designed to bring you into the presence of the Green Knight, who is related to the even older primal figure of the Green Man, the personification of nature itself in its many aspects. Here, combining elements from both the stories featured above, you may choose to follow the adventures of Sir Gawain in his twofold quest to discover the answer to an ancient ritual question posed by Dame Ragnall and to face the challenge of two fearsome knights who stand for the deepest challenges we must all at some time meet.

Dramatis Personae

The Steward


Guinevere/Lady Gaynor




Green Knight

Gromer Somer Jour

Priest of Spring

Priestess of Summer

Priest of Autumn/Fall

Priestess of Winter

Ritual Equipment

Incense and candles, green baldric (a strip of green braid or ribbon) for the exchange between the Green Knight and Gawain, and sufficient extras for the rest of the company. Sword and axe (these do not have to be real; small representations will serve just as well).

Plan of the Ritual of the Green Knight

figure 9:
Plan of the Ritual of the Green Knight

Part 1: The Setting Up and Establishment of the Four Courts

At the opening the company are seated, with the exception of the Green Knight, who is outside the door. Gawain and Gromer both carry swords, Ragnall and Morgan wands.


See before you the Wheel of the Year. In ancient times, as the cold and darkness of winter gave way to the warmth and light of summer, there took place a battle between the gods of these two seasons for the possession of the Maiden of Spring. And sometimes it was given to an earthly hero to take part in that struggle, and thus to earn the title Champion of the Goddess. Assist us now to enact again that timeless struggle. In the name of the Goddess of Sovereignty, whose presence fills the land in every hill and vale, in every tree and bush, in every river and stream, season in season, year in year out, throughout all time, Lady, we ask your blessing:

Holy Goddess of the Land, who generates all things, who turns the Wheel of the Year; O guardian of heaven and sea, arbiter of the gods, shepherdess of kings, by whose influence nature is wrapped in silence and slumber—you are she who restores the day, who puts the darkness to flight, who governs the shades of night in all security, restraining at your will the mighty winds, the rain and storms, or again letting them loose.

You churn the deep to foam and put the sun to flight, or again at your pleasure you send forth the glad daylight. You give us food in safety by perpetual covenant, and when our souls flee away, it is in your deep bosom that we find rest.

Grant that these acts may be pleasing to you, and send your blessing upon all who are gathered at this time and in this place. May the priests and priestesses of the seasons each bring the gifts of the year to the lady who turns the Wheel of the Year.


I bring the gift of the spring, the enlivening element of air. (circulates west and places the censer on the western altar) By the mercy of the Goddess, may the season of spring be accorded its place upon the Wheel of the Year. (returns to southeast)


I bring the gift of the summer, the warming element of fire. (circulates west and places the candle upon the western altar) By the mercy of the Goddess, may the season of summer be accorded its place upon the Wheel of the Year. (returns to southwest)


I bring the gift of autumn, the cleansing element of water. (circulates west and places the bowl of water upon the western altar) By the mercy of the Goddess, may the season of autumn be accorded its place upon the Wheel of the Year. (returns to northwest)


I bring the gift of winter, the fertile element of earth. (circulates west and places the bowl of earth upon the western altar) By the mercy of the Goddess, may the season of winter be accorded its place upon the Wheel of the Year. (returns to northeast)


May the four seasons find their harmony and balance on the Wheel of the Year. May all men and women find themselves at the still, unturning center of life’s wheel. (pause) Let us now enact the ritual drama of the knight of the Goddess, he who represents all people who serve the Goddess and who seek to preserve the treasures of the earth.


In the eastern quarter it is spring. Amid the flowering trees and plants, under a bright sun, stands a great castle amid green meadows. Tall knights and beautiful ladies walk there, and the sunlight sparkles from brightly polished armor and shines upon rich silks. Here is the court of Camelot, where rules the great King Arthur with his queen, Guinevere. Here is the Round Table, where only the bravest and best of the knights may sit and from where many great adventures have started.


In the southern quarter it is summer. Mighty oaks stand sentinel in verdant woodland, and fields of standing corn grow golden and ripe in the sun. A river runs between deep banks and at a ford waits Gromer Somer Jour, the Man of the Summer’s Day, a mighty figure clad in white and gold. Nearby, within a palisade of sharpened stakes, sits Ragnall, the Green Lady, her face hidden by a mask. These are the rulers of the court of summer.


In the western quarter it is autumn. The leaves on the trees grow golden and begin to fall. The sky is tinged with a mellow light. A thin mist wraps itself about the trunks of mighty trees, hiding from our sight the figure that walks in this landscape. For here is set the court of the Sovereign Goddess of the land of Britain, who chooses not to reveal herself to us at this time.


In the northern quarter it is winter. Snow blankets the land and ice grips the river with talons of iron. In the side of a low mound the dark mouth of a cave gapes. Before it to one side stands a mighty figure dressed in a cloak of green leaves, while to the other is a tall woman dressed in a robe of red with a cloak of deepest black thrown over it. Here is the court of winter with its guardians, the Green Knight and the Lady Morgan.


But all is not well in the court of Arthur. The Green Man reaches out his hand to touch the hearts of all at Camelot. For as the court sits down to the feast of Christmas…

Part 2: The Challenge of Winter

The Green Knight enters, swinging his axe, circulating the hall and finishing in the east during the next three speeches.


There came into the hall a most fearsome and terrible figure. He was clad all in green, the color of Faery: green hose and green coat, green mantle and green shoes…


And the color of his flesh was green as grass, and his hair likewise, and he carried in his hand a great axe, threatening and terrible.


And its head measured a foot in length and was sharp as the wind that cuts the skin on a cold morning. And the haft was of green wood, strong and stout as a holly tree. He stood before all the court and spoke:


Who is the governor of this gang? I would speak with him.


I am Arthur, rightwise king born of this land by the power of its sovereign goddess. Who comes to disturb our peace this Christmas morning?


I am the Green Knight, and my home is at the back of winter’s iron breath, in the house of Morgan the Goddess. Even in that far place I have heard of the fame of Camelot’s knights. So I come here to test your courage, to offer you a Christmas game. Who now will play with me?


Silence fell in the hall. Not a man stirred hand or foot. Slowly the Green Knight turned about, looking each man there in the face.


None could find the courage to meet his red-eyed gaze but shrunk in their seats as though the breath of winter held them in chains of ice.


Then, when it seemed that Arthur himself, the high king, must come forward to accept the challenge, one man stood forth…


Gawain the Golden, the Hawk of May, Arthur’s true nephew and strong right arm, rose in his place.


I am Gawain, called by some Golden Tongue. Never have I yet set forth upon any quest from which I failed to return triumphant. I will accept your challenge.


Then, Gawain, bravest of the knights of Arthur, this is my winter game. See, here is my trusty axe; its blade would cut the wind. With this you may strike one blow at my neck. But when you have done, I shall strike one in return. Do you agree to follow this rule?


Strange is this game to me, but I will do as you ask.

The Green Knight hands the axe to Gawain, then kneels on one knee and bends his head. Gawain strikes him and the Green Knight crumples to the floor. After a moment of silence, the Green Knight rises. While this is happening, the following words are spoken:


And the Green Knight gave the great axe to Gawain, who hefted it in his hands and tested its worth. Then as the Green Man knelt…


And bared his neck and stretched forth his hands…


Gawain struck him with such force that the axe sheared through flesh and bone and continued on until it struck the floor, shivering the stones…


The Green Knight’s head flew from his shoulders…


And fell…


And rolled…


And was kicked by the feet of the knights and ladies beneath the table…


The Green Knight fell and lay still. But as all there sighed like the soughing of a summer wind, he stirred…




Bent to retrieve his head…


Placed it back on his shoulders…


And spoke.


One blow have you struck, Gawain. When the Wheel of the Year has made one full circle, you must seek me out at the court of winter, there to take your own blow according to our bargain. Until then I give you leave to walk in the lands of winter. Take care that you do no evil while you are there. (moves to sit in the north)


With these words the Green Knight left the hall of Camelot the Golden, and all who were there wept aloud for the fate of Gawain. Then Arthur said:


I feel the season already begin to turn. The Wheel of the Year revolves. Go with my blessing, good Gawain, and may you return to us again.


Take my blessing also, Gawain, until we meet again. And remember, wherever Fortune leads you, you carry our honor in your heart like a rumour of spring.

Gawain starts his journey, continuing around the circle while the following is said:


Thus Gawain left the halls of Camelot the Golden and rode through the land in search of the house of Morgan the Goddess, where dwelled the terrible Lord of Winter…


And all about him the season ripened, the woodlands assumed again their green garments, rivers ran swiftly between their banks, rain fell gently on the fields, and birds built their nests and boldly sang of summer’s solace now that winter was gone…


Right through the season of summer Gawain passed, unto the time when the Zephyrs blew the leaves from the trees and the harvests, waxing great, were cut down and carried home…


And the dust of drought was driven about the face of the fields, and the fierce winds of the Welkins wrestled with the sun and wrested the last stubborn leaves from the trees…


No companion had Sir Gawain save only his horse; he climbed many a cliff in strange countries, far removed from friend or foe, until the weather began to bite and the cold winds screamed from rock and cliff. Then truly he was in the wasteland of winter.

Gawain continues round the circle until he is arrives in the north. Here Morgan comes forward to challenge him.


Who walks abroad in the lands of winter?


I am Gawain the Golden, the Hawk of May.


And I am Morgan, by some called goddess, by others enchantress. By what right do you seek to pass this way?


I come to fulfil my promise to the Lord of the Green Mound, with whom I must play the beheading game.


Who would pass this way must first give me a kiss. (Gawain kisses her)

Thus are you sealed in my service and shall carry my token. While you wear it no harm may befall you. Take also my blessing and my leave to walk unscathed in the lands of winter.

She gives Gawain a green baldric, which he places around his neck. Then he proceeds around the circle until he reaches a point between west and north, where the Green Knight comes forward again to challenge him.


So you are come, Sir Gawain. Are you ready to take my blow?


I am. But strike swiftly and sure, for no man’s courage lasts forever.

Gawain kneels and the Green Knight pretends to strike him on the neck. Gawain springs up.


Enough! I have played this game to no good end if you can do no more than play with me!


Peace, Gawain. The game is over. You have proved your courage through the year. The blow I struck was for the green baldric you accepted from my lady. Because you took the blow without cringing or crying, you shall keep it and wear it with pride. Go now from the lands of winter with the blessing of their lord and lady.

Part 3: The Challenge of Summer


And so Gawain returned to the court of Camelot the Golden. But there he found only sadness and sorrow….

Gromer circulates east and abducts Guinevere.


For in his absence had come out of Faery the Man of Summer, Gromer Somer Jour…


And holding all enthralled…


Stole away Arthur’s lady, Guinevere the Bright…


Carried her off on his horse’s crupper to dwell within the Land of Summer.


And Arthur said…


Good Sir Gawain, bravest of knights, we welcome you and glad we are of your sight. But now you find us in deepest sorrow for the loss of our lady. Will you venture forth again to right this wrong in my name?


Sire, I will. As I have striven with winter’s lord, so shall I strive with summer.


So Gawain set forth again…


And as before he rode through the seasons, leaving cold winter and seeking the promise of spring…


Spring burgeoned throughout the land, unlocking the hard grip of snow and ice…


But in Camelot the golden sun shone not, and mournful were the faces of king and commons…


Then Gawain came at last to the land of summer, where waited its lord.

Gawain proceeds around the circle until he arrives at the south, where Gromer comes forward to challenge him.


Who seeks entry to the lands of summer?


I am Gawain; I seek the lord of the summer lands.


Him you have found. What would you with him?


You hold prisoner in your land the lady Guinevere the Bright. I stand as her champion.


Then defend yourself, brave Gawain, for my strength is the strength of summer, which none may defeat. (they fight; Gromer easily unarms Gawain and stands over him) The day is mine; your life forfeit. But I will not slay you upon one condition: that you find for me the answer to this question: What is it women most desire? You must return one year from now with the answer or give up your life. Do you agree to this condition?


I do.

Gawain makes one full circuit until he arrives in the south, where Ragnall comes forward to challenge him. While he does so, the following is said:


And so again Sir Gawain set forth, treading the Wheel of the Year. Long leagues he went through the sunny paths of forest and valley…


And everywhere he asked the question…


Asked it of men and women both…


And many an answer, good and bad, received…


Until he came full circle, back to summer’s lands.


And there he met a woman sitting beneath a holly tree…


Whose face was as dark as winter…




And creased….


Who said…


By what right do you wander in the lands of summer?


In the name of the lady of this land, and of the lord and lady of winter, from the castle of Morgan the Goddess and the deep green mound.


Then you are Gawain, and I know of your quest. I am Ragnall, the owl who passes across the face of the moon and causes all who see me to shiver. Yet I know the answer to the question you seek, and if you meet my conditions you shall know it.


What condition would you make for me, lady?


Though I am fearful in the eyes of men, yet I would take a husband. Be that husband to me, fair Gawain, and I shall make you my consort for all time.


To this will I agree.


Then go with my blessing from the lands of summer. The answer you seek is thus. (she bends close to whisper) Now take up your quest again, for another awaits you.

Gawain proceeds around the circle until he arrives in the south. There Gromer awaits him.


Well, Gawain, have you the answer to my question?


I have, and gladly will I give it. What every woman desires most is the gift of sovereignty—to be heard and respected and loved for herself.


You give the right answer, though I think you could not have found it without help. Thus as I promised is the Lady Gaynor set free. Now go in peace from my lands; our bargain is at an end.

Gawain escorts Gaynor back to the east. He then makes another circuit until he arrives again at the south. There Ragnall awaits him.


But as Gawain passed through the Summer Lands…


The Lady Ragnall came to him again and said:


I see that you have fared well, and that you have now passed two of my tests. Are you ready for the third?


I am.


You have looked upon my face and yet have declared yourself willing to take me as your bride. Do you still so wish?


I do.


Then let us stand before the Lord of Summer and the Lady of Winter.

Gromer and Morgan move to stand at the west. When they have arrived, Gawain and Ragnall move to stand before them.


Gawain, you have passed my tests and received my blessing. What have you to say
to me now?


I offer you my sword in token of true service.


(receives sword and lays it on altar) One gift deserves another. What more do you ask of me?


I ask that you and the Lord of Summer marry this lady and I.


Lady Ragnall, is that your wish?


It is.


Then let the knot be tied. Let Summer and Winter be united.

Together they take the green baldric and place it around the wrists of Gawain and Ragnall. Gromer and Morgan then give an appropriate blessing and retire to their original places.


And when they were alone, Ragnall turned to Gawain and said:


Now that we are one, it is only right that you should see me as I can be. (she throws back her veil, revealing her face)


And the lady was transformed, her dark and wintry face replaced by the full beauty of summer. And she smiled upon Gawain, who said:


My lady, thus my heart knew you to be.


But Ragnall, with sorrow on her fair cheeks, said:


Be not so glad, Gawain. One test yet awaits you. I can be thus fair by night or by day. As the moon of winter I may look or as the sun of summer, but the choice is one that you must make.


Nay, lady, the choice must be yours.


Then I rejoice in your wisdom, for thus have you passed the final test! Giving me the freedom to choose, thus am I able to be as you see me now and for all time. You have given me sovereignty over myself, such as all should have.

Gawain and Ragnall stand together at the west, and first Morgan, then Arthur and Guinevere, come forward bearing the basket to the center and saluting them.


Now you have travelled the Wheel of the Year, felt Fortune’s breath on your neck and endured the challenge and trials of winter and summer. You have set free the imprisoned lady of the land, whose blessing you now receive.


My blessing be upon you this day, Sir Gawain, and upon all this company. Remember what you have learned and go in peace to serve the light.


This quest is ended. But in token of the mysteries of truth and love, let all receive a baldric in remembrance of these things.

Arthur and Guinevere pass the basket to Gawain and Ragnall, who pass together around the circle, giving out a green baldric to each of the company. Ragnall stays in the west. Gawain stands in the center, facing the Green Knight, who steps forward.


Be forever blessed, Gawain. Wear this baldric with pride in your heart. Never forget what you have learned this day.

Mediation of the Court to the Outer World

The company now brings to mind the state of the world, the earth itself, and all created life forms. The giving of the green baldric is symbolic of our commitment to the greening of the earth. During this, Ragnall takes the sword about the circle and finally gives it to Gawain, who drapes the baldric on it.


(sings to the medieval tune ofLully Lullay” or speaks if preferred)

God keep me true

That I may do

For to deserve always

This life gift mine

Deeds to assign

To Thee my lifelong day. (kneels)

Guinevere and Morgan come forward and make a ring with Ragnall about the kneeling Gawain. They are now the three queens, aspects of the Goddess. The three queens face inwards with hands raised, palms outward, around Gawain, and step clockwise to music.


O sisters two, how may we do

For to preserve this day

This poor youngling for whom we do sing

By, by, lully lullay.

The three queens turn to face outwards with hands raised, palms outwards, and step anticlockwise about Gawain.

Herod the King, in his raging

Chargéd he hath this day

His men of might in his own sight

All young children to slay.

The three queens turn inwards again and form a crescent behind Gawain. Their arms laid on each other’s shoulders, they sway to the music.

That woe is me, poor child for thee!

And ever morn and day

For thy parting neither say nor sing

By, by, lully lullay.

Gawain rises and passes from the hall with the three queens behind him. Arthur goes to the center and draws the Green Knight and Gromer together, who step forward to the center and salute each other before passing from the hall together, Arthur leading.


This ritual drama of the knight of the Goddess is ended. Let us give thanks now to the powers that have guarded and guided us this day: to the power of winter in the north, to the power of spring in the east, to the power of summer in the south, to the power of autumn in the west. Above all these, we give thanks to the Sovereign Goddess of this land, with whose blessing these our rites have taken place. Join now, on this winter’s day, in celebration of light eternal.


(all raise their right hands in blessing and speak together)

Five points of blessedness; five joys to heal the wounds of the world:










Integrity. May we be found faithful in our five wits so that the endless knot of life may endure! There is a blessing upon all who serve.

Officers depart, to be followed by the rest of the company in their own time.

Thus you have taken the next steps on your journey to become fully part of the fellowship. Now, because none who answer the call of Arthur may pass the vigilant gaze of Merlin, we move to the mage’s tower and begin to uncover the starry mysteries that mirror those of the earth.


281. Matthews, J. Gawain: Knight of the Goddess (Aquarian Press, 1990).

282. de Troyes, C. Arthurian Romances, trans. C. Carroll (Penguin Classics, 1991).

283. Lancelot-Grail (formerly Vulgate Cycle): The Old French Arthurian Vulgate and Post Vulgate in Translation, ed. N. J. Lacy (5 vols; Garland Publishing, 1993–1999).

284. von Eschenbach, W. Parzival, trans. A. T. Hatto.

285. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, rendered into English by E. J. B. Kirtlan (London: Charles H. Kelly, 1912).