
Falling action The time in your story after the climax and before the
resolution. This usually happens quickly.

Feedback When somebody reads your graphic novel and offers their

Finishes Inking is considered “the finishes” or final phase. However, if
you are adding color, that is the last part in completing your graphic

Flashback When writing a script, the direction used to cut to a story
from a past storyline.

Font A letter style.

Foreground The front of your panel where the most important action is

Freedom in your lines Your pencils or ink lines have a fluid flow. A
great compliment!

FX (sound effects) POW! CRASH! BANG! KE-POW! POP! Great tools to
use for action and to make something pop on your page. Used often for
fight scenes in superhero comic books.

Getting in the door A connection that enables you to meet somebody
who can help advance your career. It may be an interview for a job. “I
don’t know if I’ll get the job or not, but at least I’m getting in the door.”

“Go-to Louie” (go to person) Somebody that you know or met or who
has left a lasting impression on you that you “go to” in your head to
conjure up your character. It can be just one person or a combination of
several people. Going there allows you to capture the essence of your