Table of Contents
Foreword by R. James Woolsey
Introduction by David Steinman
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
1. What is Global Warming?
2. Is There a Solution?
3. But I’m Just One Person.
Why Should I Participate?
4. What is Green Patriotism?
5. What Do I Need To Begin?
6. I’m an Overachiever. What About Me?
50 Simple Steps
1. Determine Your Carbon Footprint
2. Check Your Tire Pressure
3. Change Your Lighting
4. Go Vegetarian for a Day
5. Buy Organic Foods
6. Buy Locally Grown Foods
7. Adjust Your Thermostat
8. Unplug Your Chargers
9. Buy an Organic Mattress
10. Buy Recycled Paper Products
11. Buy Organic Fair Trade Coffee
12. Give Your Car a Rest
13. Wear Organic Clothing
14. Use Petrochemical-Free Household Products
15. Use Petrochemical-Free Cosmetics
16. Compost Your Food Waste
17. Be a Carbon Neutral Gardener
18. Use Less Hot Water
19. Drink Organic Wine
20. Tread on Retreads (Recycled Tires)
21. Use Electric Transportation
22. Adopt a Panda
23. Plant a Rooftop Garden
24. Use Green Building Materials
25. Green Your Office
26. Give Green Gifts
27. Clean Up Your Indoor Air
28. Be an Energy Star Consumer
29. Buy Organic Supplements
30. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
31. Have your Groceries Delivered
32. Take an Eco-Vacation
33. Look for Fair Trade
34. Turn off Your Air Conditioner
35. Join an Environmental Group
36. Raise Your Voice for the Environment
37. Invest in the Solution
38. Support Green Businesses
39. Buy Green Energy
40. Do It Online
41. Send an E-mail a Day
42. Run Your Car on Vegetable Oil
43. Say Yes to the U.S
44. Plant a Tree
45. Take a Local Hike
46. Recycle Your Shoes
47. Green Your Parties
48. Buy Carbon Offsets
49. Know the Green Side of God
50. Teach Your Children
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