
  • A
  • AAUW. See American Association of University Women
  • Achievement gap, 472
  • Acid rain, 91
  • Ackoff, R., 94
  • ACT. See American College Test
  • Action-research project, 424
  • Activating prior knowledge, 427, 462; anticipation guides in, 377; application of, 374–386; background knowledge in, 375, 378; benefits of, 373; Blind Kahoot! and, 377–382; critical thinking, 374; defining, 373; for diverse learners, 386; effective communication for, 374; for ELLs, 386; misconceptions in, 382–386; NGSS connections for, 374; research for, 373–374; skills for intentional scholars and, 374; student handouts and examples, 386; technology connections for, 387; videos for, 382
  • Adams, John Quincy, 269
  • Adaptation, 211, 244, 432
  • Advertising, 124
  • Age, student research and, 37
  • Air pressure, 37
  • Air quality, 265
  • Airports, 264–265
  • Alim, H. Samy, 395
  • All About Me! Form, 401–402, 418
  • Alternative Teaching, 504–505
  • Altitude, 384
  • Altitude Pretest for Misconceptions, 392
  • American Anti-Vivisection Society, 95–96
  • American Association of University Women (AAUW), 412
  • American College Test (ACT), 34
  • American Federation of Teachers, 400
  • American Heritage Month, 415
  • American Revolution, 270
  • Amplification, of text, 191–192
  • Analogies, 332, 478
  • Analysis: by advanced students, 99–100; of carbon footprint, 117; of data, 263–264; diverse learners and, 48; of experiments, 44–45; of graphs, 44–45, 263–265; of inquiry process, 97; meta-analysis, 89; NGSS on, 45; results of, writing about, 45; statements, 264. See also Dimensional analysis
  • An Anatomy of the World (Donne), 339
  • Anderson, Conner, 193
  • Android phones, 352
  • Animoto, 122
  • Annotation, skills, 183–184
  • Annotations Model Think Aloud Example, 184, 194
  • Anticipation guides, 377, 426–428
  • Apple Numbers, 278
  • Application: of activating prior knowledge, 374–386; of art, 332–350; beginning and ending of class, 424–433; of content review, 436–448; of co-teaching, 502–508; of cultural responsiveness, 397–415; of engineering process, 136–149; of formative assessments, 456–470; of inquiry process, 89–98; of kinesthetic movement, 350–353; lab procedures, teaching, 18–29; of lab safety activities, 4–7; of math teaching strategies, 259–282; of PBL, 117–126; of reading comprehension, 182–192; of scientific method, 35–49; of summative assessments, 470–479; of vocabulary, teaching, 162–170; of writing, teaching, 206–220
  • Ardinger, Cherish, 410
  • Are the Winners Losers? Game Cards, 451
  • Argument Essay Organizer, 235
  • Argument Essay Peer Editing Checklist, 237
  • Argument Essay Prewrite Graphic Organizer, 248–249
  • Argument essays, 217
  • Art: application of, 332–350; benefits of incorporation of, 331; common problems with, 353–354; critical thinking and, 332, 344; defining, 331; NGSS for, 332; research on, 331–332; skills for intentional scholars for, 332; student handouts and examples, 353; technology connections for, 354–355; visual arts, 346–348; website design, 350. See also specific types
  • Artificial intelligence, 250
  • AsapScience, 341
  • Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, 410, 415
  • Asimov, Isaac, 482
  • Assessments, diagnostic, 453
  • Assessments, formative, 453; anxiety differentiation in, 461; application of, 456–470; Beginning and Ending of Class, 423–424; benefits of, 454–455; common problems in, 479–480; creative problem solving in, 455; discussions, 239; of diverse learners, 478–479; Lab Safety Rules Story, 4; NGSS connections for, 455–456; practice tests, 461; skills for intentional scholars for, 455–456; student handouts and examples, 479; technology connections, 480–481; Think-Pair-Share, 245
  • Assessments, performance-based, 475–478
  • Assessments, summative, 453; anxiety differentiation in, 461; application of, 470–479; benefits of, 454–455; board game, 7; common problems in, 479–480; creative problem solving in, 455; of diverse learners, 478–479; lab safety hero, 6–7; news articles, 7; NGSS connections for, 455–456; oral tests, 6; performance-based, 475–478; Science Lab Safety Quiz, 7; skills for intentional scholars for, 455–456; student handouts and examples, 479; technology connections, 480–481
  • Assets, students as, 396
  • Assignments: shortening, 38, 40, 43; in vocabulary teaching, 166
  • Asthma PSA Comic Strip, 231–232
  • Astronomy, 164–165, 211, 377, 461
  • Astronomy Anticipation Guide, 380
  • Atkins, Anna, 348
  • Attributions, 8
  • Authentic audiences, 354; presenting to, 123
  • Authentic Data Ideas, 265
  • Automatic stress response, 27
  • Autonomy, 6
  • Awareness, in cultural responsiveness, 398–400
  • B
  • Background knowledge, 375, 378, 462; warm-ups and, 428
  • Backwards design, 471
  • Bad ideas, 143
  • Balance beams, 271
  • Bar Graph Example for Teaching Graphing to Fourth Grade Students, 285–286
  • Bar graphs, 285–286
  • Barney, the dinosaur, 21, 30
  • Batalha, Natalie, 346
  • Bath, Patricia, 410
  • Because statement, 40
  • Beck, Isabel, 161
  • Beginning of class: application, 424–433; classroom management during, 425; common problems with, 433; creative problem solving for, 424; critical thinking, 424; diverse learners during, 433; effective communication in, 424; formative assessments during, 423–424; research on, 424; student handouts and examples, 433; technology connections, 433
  • Bell-to-bell instruction, 27, 423
  • Bias, 400; implicit, 412; minimization of, 34; racial, 398–399
  • BINGO, 436–437
  • Biogeochemical cycles, 187
  • Biology, 164, 268; topics, 163
  • Biomes, 385–386
  • Birds, 94
  • Black, Paul, 455
  • Black History Month, 409, 415
  • Blackburn, Barbara, 399
  • Blank BINGO Card, 450
  • Blank Project-Based Learning Task Manager, 120, 129
  • Blind Kahoot!, 387; activating prior knowledge and, 377–382
  • Blind Kahoot! Nervous System Notes, 390–391
  • Blind Kahoot! Teacher Notes - Nervous System, 390–391
  • Blind questions, 379, 380
  • Blogs, 46
  • Bogaert, Nick, 143
  • Bortz, Brian, 151, 152
  • Bottlenecks, 23
  • Box Game, 437–439
  • Brahe, Tycho, 476
  • Brainstorming, 94; bad ideas in, 143; continuation of, 145; documentation in, 144; in engineering process, 134, 142–144; hybrid, 144; ideation in, 142; individual time in, 142; in PBL, 118; round robin discussion in, 142–143; for Rube Goldberg machines, 347
  • Bridge inspections, 265
  • A Brief History of Time (Hawking), 337
  • Broad concepts, 90
  • Brown, M., 118
  • Brown University, 413
  • Brunelleschi, Filippo, 334, 335
  • Buddy students, 252
  • Business letters, 124
  • C
  • Cadavers, use of, 345
  • Calculators, Excel as, 279
  • Call and response strategies, 19
  • Calling on students, randomly, 242
  • Capitalization, in measurement, 273
  • Carbon cycle, 339
  • Carbon Cycle Story, 187, 198
  • Carbon footprint, 117, 127, 128
  • Careers, in science, 348
  • Carrillo, Faith, 222
  • Carson, R., 337
  • Cartoons, as lab safety tool, 5
  • Carver, George Washington, 409
  • Castle, Stephanie, 387
  • Catalysts, 277
  • Catapults, 139–140
  • Cause and effect, Crosscutting Concepts, 116
  • Cause and effect organizers, 116, 186, 188
  • Celebrating Pi Day in the Sky, 324
  • Celebrating Pi Day in the Sky - Answer Key, 326
  • Cell City Models - Student Examples, 494–496
  • Cell organelles, 351, 478
  • Cell theory, 342, 360–362
  • Centrifugal force, 168
  • CER structure, 215–217
  • Change, 117
  • Chase, Brittany, 100
  • Checklist for Cell City Models, 497
  • Checklist for Verifying Online Resources, 113
  • Checklists: for discussion strategies, 243; in Socratic seminars, 246–247; in teaching writing, 207
  • Chemical bonds, 148, 350
  • Chemical safety, in lab safety, 9–10
  • Chemistry, 268, 397, 457; classes, 258; units, 409, 427–428
  • Chiari Malformation, 27
  • Chicken Pox PSA Comic Strip, 230
  • Children's books, 209
  • Chocolate chip cookies, 51
  • Chromebooks, 352
  • Chromosome Poem, Said the Little Stone (Lewis, J. P.), 339
  • Chunking: for anxiety differentiation, 27; for differentiation, 191; in IEPs, 98; for reading comprehension, 191
  • Circuits, 351
  • Clarification statement, 347
  • Class blogs, 46
  • Class Dojo, 40
  • Class meetings, lab reports and, 46
  • Classroom games, 168
  • Classroom management: beginning and ending of class, 425; in engineering process, 149–150
  • The Classroom Management Book (Wong, H., & Wong, R.), 404
  • Cleaning procedures, 20; communication in, 21; music during, 21; responsibilities in, 21
  • Climate change, 384, 385, 393
  • Climate Change Pretest for Misconceptions, 393
  • Climax, in writing, 210
  • Close reading, 182–186; of complex texts, 183; first impressions in, 185; first read in, 185; steps in process of, 185–186; teacher read in, 185
  • Cloze, reading strategy, 169–171
  • Coffee, 94
  • Comic Strip PSA Checklist, 228–229
  • Comic strips, student created, 212
  • Common Core Math Standards, 257, 260, 278; on Imperial system of measurement, 268; on metric system of measurement, 268
  • Common Core Standards, 205, 240
  • Common Core State Standards, 271
  • Common List, 241
  • CommonLit, 193
  • Communication. See Effective communication
  • Concept maps, 186–188
  • Concepts, broad and specific, 90
  • Conceptual misunderstandings, 383
  • Conclusions: diverse learners and, 48; in experiments, 45–46; handouts on, 76–79, 109–110; in inquiry process, 97; in scientific method, 45–46
  • Conferences: parent-teacher, 46; student-led, 46; writing, 213–214
  • Constructive, 349, 366
  • Contact hypothesis, 414
  • Content review: application of, 436–448; benefits of, 435; common problems with, 448–449; creative problem solving for, 436; for diverse learners, 447–448; NGSS on, 436; research, 436; skills for intentional scholars, 436; student handouts and examples, 447–448; technology connections for, 449
  • Content-related dimensional analysis, 268
  • Contributors to Science, 421
  • Controls: in experiments, 43–44; handouts on, 68–72
  • Conversion: between Imperial and metric systems, 276–277; in Imperial system of measurement, 271–272; in metric system of measurement, 272–276
  • Converting Within the Metric System, 308–309
  • Converting Within the Metric System - Answer Key, 310–312
  • Cool downs, 423–425; common problems with, 433; Crosscutting Concepts and, 432–433; examples, 457–458; ideas for, 430–433; new connections with, 430–431; newly taught material review, 431; procedures, 456–457
  • Coordinated learning activities, 49
  • Copernicus, Nicolaus, 346
  • Coriolis Effect, 351
  • Corrective instruction, 468, 505
  • Co-teaching: application of, 502–508; benefits of, 501; common problems in, 508; diverse learners, 507; effective communication in, 502; with ELLs, 508; enrichment from, 505; models, 502–506; NGSS connections for, 502; research on, 502; skills for intentional scholars and, 502; technology connections for, 508; tips for, 506–507
  • Cotton, 136
  • Creative problem solving: for beginning and ending of class, 424; for content review, 436; cultural responsiveness and, 397; in discussion, 240; in engineering process, 136; in formative and summative assessments, 455; in math teaching, 371; teaching lab procedures, 18; using PBL, 118
  • Creativity, diversity and, 26
  • Crick, Francis, 346
  • Critical thinking: activating prior knowledge, 374; art and, 332, 344; beginning and ending of class, 424; cultural responsiveness, 397; discussions, 240; in engineering process, 136; in inquiry process, 89, 96–97; in math teaching, 259; for PBL, 116; prompting, 264; scientific method and, 35, 39, 43; vocabulary, 169; for writing, teaching, 206
  • Crosscutting Concepts, 35, 187–188; cause and effect, 116; cool downs and, 432–433; for Earth and Space Science, 432; energy and matter, 116; for Life Science, 432; NGSS, 432–433; patterns, 116; PBL, 116–117; for Physical Science, 432; scale, 116; structure and function, 116; systems and system models, 116; for Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science, 432
  • CRT. See Culturally Relevant Teaching
  • Crum, George, 51
  • CSP. See Culturally sustaining pedagogy
  • Cultural Eutrophication Cause and Effect, 196
  • Cultural responsiveness: additional strategies for, 413; application of, 397–415; awareness in, 398–400; benefits of, 396; common problems with, 415; community and environment in, 414; creative problem solving and, 397; critical thinking, 397; defining, 395; discrimination, 412; dissections with Native American students, 96; for diverse learners, 414–415; diverse role models in, 408–411; effective communication and, 397; information processing and, 405–413; learning partnerships and, 400–405; in lessons, 411; NGSS connections for, 397; oral traditions and, 408; research on, 396–397; skills for intentional scholars and, 397; student handouts and examples, 415; technology connections for, 415–417; women and people of color, 346, 411–412
  • Culturally Relevant Teaching (CRT), 395, 413
  • Culturally responsive teaching, 88–89
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain (Hammond), 397
  • Culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP), 395
  • Cunitz, Maria, 346
  • Curiosity, student, 426
  • Currents, water and wind, 351
  • Cutting paper, 23
  • D
  • da Vinci, Leonardo, 348
  • Daily writing activities, 218
  • Dale, Tara, 19, 23–24, 26, 28–29, 93, 117, 123, 167, 242, 245, 398, 404, 506
  • Dalton, John, 346
  • Dams, effect of, 349, 366–367
  • Dams! Are They Constructive or Destructive, 366–367
  • Dance, 340–341
  • Darwin, C., 337
  • Data, 506; analysis of, 263–264; authentic, 265; for graph practice, 50; handouts, 102–105; in inquiry process, 90; interpretation of, 44, 263; observational, 95; qualitative, 94, 95, 102–105; quantitative, 94, 95, 102–105; reliable, 34
  • Data tables: in experiments, 43–44; handouts on, 68–72
  • Deadlines, 98
  • Debates: agreement statements in, 40; disagreement statements in, 40; discussion strategies for, 248–249; Earth and Space Science topics, 250; facilitating, 248–249; Life Science topics, 250; NGSS topics for, 250; Physical Science topics, 250; sentence starters, 40; sentence starters for, 242; Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science topics, 250
  • Decision-making, 426
  • Dependent variables, 38–39, 55–60, 506
  • Design, 349–350
  • Destructive, 349, 366
  • Details, highlighting, 207
  • Differentiation: buddy to work with, 282; chunking, 191; extra time, 251; fair treatment and, 408; multiplication charts, 282; oral tests, 6–7, 466; shortened assignments, 38, 40, 43; test retakes, 8, 466; word bank, 6; writing frames, 433. See also Diverse learners; English language learners
  • Differentiation, for advanced students: analysis by, 99–100; inquiry process and, 27, 97–98
  • Differentiation, for anxiety: buddies for, 252; chunking for, 27; class participation and, 446; in experiments, 51; failure and, 50–51; in formative and summative assessment, 461; research strategies, 47; selective mutism, 168; triggers of, 215; vocabulary, 168
  • Differentiation, for physical disabilities: handwriting challenges, 220; moving students, 26; playing review games, 447–448; videos for, 126
  • Dimensional analysis, 258; content-related, 268; in math teaching, 265–268; multi-step, 267; process of, 266–267
  • Dimensional Analysis Practice, 267, 299–300
  • Dimensional Analysis Practice - Answer Key, 267, 301–302
  • Directions and Scoring Guide for Rube Goldberg Cartoon, 347, 364
  • Discrimination, 412
  • Discussion Ground Rules, 254
  • Discussion of Results, 45, 74–77, 109–110
  • Discussion of Results and Conclusion, 109
  • Discussion of Results and Conclusion Modified Version, 79
  • Discussion strategies: activities for, 244–250; application of, 240–251; benefits of, 239; checklists for, 243; common problems with, 251–253; creative problem solving in, 240; critical thinking and, 240; for debates, 248–249; defining, 239; for diverse learners, 250–251; effective communication in, 240; for ELLs, 250–251; in engineering process, 141; formative assessments and, 239; four corners, 249–250; ground rules for, 240–241, 254; NGSS connections, 240; research for, 239–240; round robin, 142–143, 246; rubrics for, 243; sentence starters as, 241; skills for intentional scholars, 240; skits in, 241; snowball, 244–245; Socratic seminars, 245–248; student handouts and examples for, 251; student participation in, 242–243; technology connections, 253–254; Think-Pair-Share, 245; wait time and, 251
  • Dissections: handouts, 106–107; observations during, 95–97; online, 101
  • Diverse learners: activating prior knowledge for, 386; analysis by, 48; in beginning and ending of class, 433; conclusion writing and, 48; co-teaching, 507; cultural responsiveness for, 414–415; engineering process for, 148–149; formative and summative assessments of, 478–479; graphic organizers for, 381; grouping strategies for, 29; high school, 48–49; hypothesis writing by, 48; IEPs for, 406; inquiry process for, 97–98; math teaching for, 282; moving students, 26–27; PBL for, 126; reading comprehension of, 191–192; research and, 47; reviewing content for, 447–448; scientific method and, 47–49; student attention, 27; student monitoring and, 29; teaching writing to, 219–220; time management for, 27–29; vocabulary teaching for, 170
  • Diversity: creativity and, 26; enrichment and, 396
  • Documentaries, 98
  • Donne, John, 339
  • Drafting, 207
  • Drama, 342–345
  • Drawing, 163–164
  • Drawing the Atmospheric Layers - Answer Key, 187
  • Drawing the Atmospheric Layers - Elementary and Junior High, 201
  • The Dreamkeepers (Ladson-Billings), 395
  • Dress Code, Science Safety Contract, 8–9
  • DRY MIX, 260
  • Dua Lipa, 341
  • Dweck, Carol, 138
  • Dyer, F. L., 137
  • E
  • Earth and Space Science: astronomy topics, 164, 211, 377, 461; Crosscutting Concepts for, 432; debate topics for, 250; diverse contributors to, 410; ecology topics, 217, 264, 409, 477; environmental science topics, 47; geology topics, 117–118; kinesthetic movement and, 351; measurement in, 277; NGSS and, 337; PBL for, 125; storytelling in, 345; website design and, 350
  • Earthquakes, 91, 93, 167, 350
  • Eclipses, 166, 350
  • Ecology: units, 217, 264, 409, 477; vocabulary, 163
  • Ecology Essential Questions Argument Essay, 233–234
  • Ecology Example Argument Essay Organizer, 236
  • Edison (Dyer & Martin, T. C.), 137
  • Edison, Thomas, 136–138
  • EDpuzzle, 28
  • Edublog, 52
  • Education World, 127
  • Effective communication: for activating prior knowledge, 374; beginning and ending of class, 424; for classroom procedures, 19; in cleaning procedures, 21; in co-teaching, 502; cultural responsiveness and, 397; in discussions, 240; of engineering process results, 134, 147; of information, 88; in inquiry process, 89; in math teaching, 259; in time management, 23; for vocabulary teaching, 162; for writing teaching, 206
  • Egg drop challenge, 139, 151
  • Eight-Year Study, 471
  • Elementary and middle school: graphs for, 259–261; humanities studies in, 336–337
  • ELLs. See English language learners
  • Emdin, Christopher, 408
  • Empathy, 474
  • Encyclopedia Brittanica, 269
  • Ending of class: application, 424–433; classroom management during, 425; common problems with, 433; creative problem solving for, 424; critical thinking, 424; diverse learners during, 433; effective communication in, 424; formative assessments during, 423–424; research on, 424; student handouts and examples, 433; technology connections, 433
  • Endothermic, 148, 361
  • Energy: conservation, 116; kinetic, 268; potential, 402
  • Engineering Is Elementary, 151
  • Engineering process: advantages of, 135; application of, 136–149; brainstorming in, 134, 142–144; class discussion in, 141; classroom management in, 149–150; common problems in, 149–150; communication of results in, 134, 147; creative problem solving in, 136; critical thinking in, 136; current solutions in, 140; for diverse learners, 148–149; documentation of, 149; of Edison, 136–138; for ELLs, 149; failure in, 137–138; growth and fixed mindsets in, 137–138; for light bulbs, 136–137; main concepts in, 140; NGSS on, 133–136, 148; problem definition in, 140; project ideas for, 148; prototypes in, 134, 146; questions in, 139; redesigning, 134, 146–147; research in, 135–136, 139–142; restarting, 147; results in, 146–147; scientific method compared with, 135; skills for intentional scholars and, 136; solution choice in, 144–145; steps in, 133–134, 335; technology connections for, 150–151
  • Engineering Process: A Case Study in Inventions, 356–357
  • Engineering projects, grading, 147–148
  • English Language Arts Standards, 240
  • English language learners (ELLs), 28; activating prior knowledge for, 386; buddies for, 29; calling on, 242; co-teaching with, 508; discussion strategies for, 250–251; engineering process for, 149; graphic organizers for, 381; math teaching strategies for, 282; online translators for, 8; question stems and, 97; reading comprehension of, 98, 190, 192; research performed by, 47; sentence frames for, 149; sentence stems for, 149; teaching writing to, 219; videos for, 382; vocabulary teaching and, 168; word banks for, 170; writing frames for, 219
  • Enrichment: on assessments, 469; from co-teaching, 505; diversity and, 396; folder activities, 214; 4X4 reading strategy, 188–190, 203; learning goals and scales, 458, 460; online review games, 445; online scavenger hunts, 28; peer tutor, 468; student learning and, 27; videos and, 28; webquests, 214
  • Environmental racism, 411
  • Environmental science, 47
  • Enzymes, 36
  • Equitable use, 144
  • Equity Institute, 399, 406
  • Erosion, 148, 277
  • Error, tolerance for, 145
  • Escherichia coli, 263
  • ESS3.C, 337
  • Essay topic ideas, 218
  • Essays: argument, 217; in authentic presentations, 122; in PBL, 124
  • Evolution, 90, 92
  • Example and Checklist - Making Graphs, 73
  • Example of a Text-dependent Question and Answer, 183, 195
  • Example of a Unit's First Practice Test, 483
  • Example of Graphing Pretest, 289
  • Example of Graphing Pretest - Answer Key, 290
  • Example of PBL Rubric - Location of the Next Wind Farm in the U.S., 127, 131
  • Example of PBL Scoring Guide - Restaurant Project, 130
  • Example of PBL Task Manager - Carbon Footprint of a Restaurant, 127, 128
  • Example of Project-Based Learning Task Manager, 128
  • Example of Ten Items to be Measured, 314
  • Example of the Carbon Cycle, 199
  • Example of the First Rewritten Stanza for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, 359
  • Example Scale, 482
  • Excel, Microsoft, 45; as calculator, 279–281; graph construction in, 281–282; setting up, 278–279; vocabulary, 279
  • Excel - Calculating Radius, 325
  • Excel - Graph for Celebrating Pi Day in the Sky, 329
  • Excel - Pop-up Box, 323
  • Excel - Rows vs. Columns, 323
  • Excel - Screenshot of the Formula Bar, 325
  • Excel - Screenshots of Before and After Cell Fix, 325
  • Excel - Selecting All Cells in a Spreadsheet, 323
  • Excel - The Sun's Surface Area, 325
  • Exit tickets, 447, 458
  • Exothermic, 148, 361
  • Expectations, teacher of student, 406–408
  • Experimental questions: content connected with, 36; in hypothesis writing, 38
  • Experiments: analysis of, 44–45; anxiety in, 51; conclusions in, 45–46; controls in, 43–44; data from, 36; data tables in, 43–44; lesson planning for, 42; materials list in, 42; performing, 36, 41–45; published results of, 46; questions unanswered by, 88; Science Buddies on, 42; in scientific method, 41–45; setting up, 41–45; step-by-step, 42–43. See also Scientific method
  • Expertise: in PBL, 117; resources for finding experts, 123
  • Explanatory writing, 211–215
  • Exposition, in writing, 210
  • “An Extremely Abbreviated History of Engineering Design” (Salustri), 334
  • F
  • Fact, fiction and, 37
  • Factual misconceptions, 383
  • Failure: anxiety and, 50–51; in engineering process, 137–138
  • Falling action, in writing, 210
  • Fast Facts, in vocabulary teaching, 169–170
  • Fault lines, 265
  • Feedback: anonymous, 253; student to student, 217–218, 241, 252, 430, 456; student to teacher, 120, 469; teacher to student, 24, 41, 208, 213–214, 246, 453, 455
  • Ferlazzo, Larry, 30, 47, 52, 151, 171, 193, 221, 222, 253, 254, 354, 387, 417, 449
  • Fertilizer, 43
  • Feynman, Richard, 94
  • Fiction, fact and, 37
  • Final Day Cool Down Activity, 482
  • Finding Controls and Making Data Tables, 68–69
  • Finding Controls and Making Data Tables - Answer Key, 70–72
  • First aid, lab safety, 9
  • First Day of School Student Survey, 419
  • The First Days of School (Wong, H., and Wong, R.), 30
  • Fission, 185, 345
  • 5-PS2-1, 347
  • Five-point scale, 24
  • Fixed mindsets, 137–138
  • Flashing lights, 27
  • Flexibility in use, 144
  • Flint, Michigan, water quality, 411
  • Florence Cathedral, 334–335
  • Folder Activity - Outside and Inside - Thermal Power Plant, 28, 31
  • “Formulas and Functions in Apple Numbers 2017” (Nabtech), 284
  • Fossils, 337
  • Four corners, 249–250
  • 4X4 reading strategy, 188–190, 203
  • Fracking, 476
  • Franklin, Rosalind, 346
  • Free Online Graph Paper, 284
  • Fullan, Michael, 479–480
  • Funds of knowledge, 397
  • Fusion, 345
  • G
  • Gallery walks, 5
  • Games, classroom, 168
  • Garbage, 337–339; on beaches, 265
  • Garcia, Ruby, 171
  • Gardipe, Carol, 346
  • GCF Global, 284
  • Geology, 117–118
  • Germ theory, 342, 360–362
  • Global Positioning System (GPS), 147, 410
  • GoGuardian, 24
  • Gonzalez, Valentina, 413, 417, 422
  • Google Classroom, 24
  • Google Drive/Google Documents, 46
  • Google Hangouts, 123
  • Google Sheets, 278
  • Google Sites, 350
  • Google Slides, 7, 333; in authentic presentations, 122
  • GPS. See Global Positioning System
  • Grading students: engineering projects, 147–148; rubrics, 124–125; on scientific method, 49; scoring guides, 124–125
  • Graduated cylinders, 23
  • Grant writing, 23
  • Graphic organizers: cause and effect organizers, 116, 186, 188; concept maps, 186–188; for diverse learners, 381; for ELLs, 381; prewriting, 206–207; for reading comprehension, 186; Venn diagrams, 186, 188
  • Graphs: analysis of, 44–45, 263–265; bar, 285–286; checklist for, 73; data for practice on, 50; for elementary and middle school, 259–261; in Excel, 281–282; handouts on, 73; for high school, 261; interpreting, 45, 263–265; line, 287–288; for math teaching, 259–265; pie charts, 262; selection of, 261–263, 291; student created, 45; types of, 261–263
  • Gravity, 347
  • Greenberg, D., 94
  • Greetings, 404–405
  • Ground rules, 254; for discussion strategies, 240–241
  • Group Discussion Ratings Scale, 243, 255
  • Grouping students, strategies for: in classroom procedures, 25–26; for diverse learners, 29; heterogeneous, 26; homogeneous, 26; as management tool, 26
  • Growth mindset, 137–138
  • H
  • Habitat restoration, 163, 473
  • Haiku poems, 339
  • Halsted, William Stewart, 342
  • Hammer, Rebecca, 401, 417
  • Hammond, Zaretta, 397, 400, 405, 408, 409, 417
  • Hands-on learning, 34
  • Hannam, James, 337
  • Hapara, 24
  • Hawking, S., 337
  • Heroes, lab safety, 6–7
  • Heterogeneous groups, 26
  • High school: diverse learners, 48–49; graphs for, 261; humanities studies in, 337; Rube Goldberg machines in, 348
  • High School Student Survey, 402, 420
  • Highlights, 28
  • Hill, Catherine, 412
  • Hints for Drawing the Atmospheric Layers - High School, 187, 200
  • Hip hop, 408
  • Hippocrates, 342
  • Homework, 51, 168, 424, 433, 445
  • Homo sapiens, 164
  • Homogeneous groups, 26
  • Hooke, Robert, 342
  • Hooking students, 209
  • Horizontal, 260
  • The Horrid Voice of Science (Lindsay), 339
  • Horton, Jenn, 355
  • How to Write a Hypothesis, 61–63
  • How to Write a Hypothesis - Answer Key, 64–67
  • HS-PS3-3, NGSS of, 347
  • Hughes, Jadin, 481
  • Humanities, 333–337; elementary and middle school studies, 336–337; high school studies, 337; lesson ideas, 337
  • Humphries, Irelyn, 193
  • “Humpty Dumpty,” 341–342
  • Hunter, John McNeile, 346
  • Hunter, Madeline, 423
  • Hybrid brainstorming, 144
  • Hydrophilic, 36
  • Hydrophobic, 36
  • Hypothesis, writing: because statement in, 40; Class Dojo for, 40; diverse learners and, 48; experimental questions in, 38; guide for, 61–67; handouts on, 61–67; requirements for, 39; research and, 39; in scientific method, 38–41; variables in, 38
  • Hypothesized definitions, 163
  • I
  • “I am thinking…” strategy, 261
  • ICE structure, 215–217
  • Ideas, bad, 143
  • Ideation: Bogaert on, 143; in brainstorming, 142; rules for, 143
  • Identifying Broken Lab Safety Rules, 13, 467
  • Identifying Broken Lab Safety Rules - Answer Key, 14, 467
  • Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables, 55–57
  • Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables - Answer Key., 58–60
  • IEPs. See Individualized Education Programs
  • Imagination, 26
  • Imperial system of measurement: Common Core Math Standards on, 268; conversion between metric system and, 276–277; conversion in, 271–272; grade-level math skills and standards, 268; history of, 269–271; NGSS on, 268
  • Implementation dip, 479
  • Implicit bias, 412
  • Inappropriate class behavior, 149
  • Independent variables, 38–39, 55–60, 506
  • Individual brainstorm time, 142
  • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): chunking in, 98; for diverse learners, 406; for selective mutism, 168
  • Inertia, 429
  • Information: communicating, 88; evaluating, 88; obtaining, 88; perceptible, 145; processing, 405–413
  • Informative/explanatory writing, 211–215
  • Inquiry process: advantages of, 88–89; analysis of, 97; application of, 89–98; common problems with, 99–100; conclusion in, 97; critical thinking in, 89, 96–97; data in, 90; defining, 87–88; differentiation for advanced students and, 97–98; for diverse learners, 97–98; division of, 98; effective communication in, 89; handouts, 111–112; NGSS on, 89; questions, 91; research on, 89; scientific method v., 89–90, 92; skills for intentional scholars on, 89; steps of, 90; student handouts, 99; technology connections, 100; unique resources for, 92–97
  • Inquiry questions, research and, 91
  • Instructional guides, 215
  • Instructional videos, 96, 192, 347, 350
  • Insulators, 148
  • Interactive teaching, 5
  • International Space Station, 246
  • Internet, 98
  • Intervention, for students, 454, 468–469
  • Interviews: as a research tool, 47; student created, 122
  • Intrinsic motivation, 88, 455
  • Invasive species, 163, 265, 396
  • Inventions, 336–337, 356
  • iPhones, 352
  • Is Water Wet?, 434
  • J
  • Jerram, Luke, 347
  • Jigsaw Directions, 203
  • Jigsaw method, for reading comprehension, 190–191
  • Jobs, responsibilities and, 25
  • Journal/learning log, 218
  • Julian, Percy Lavon, 410
  • K
  • Kahoot!, 28, 417, 441–444; scientific method on, 52
  • Kinesthetic movement: application of, 350–353; benefits of incorporation of, 331; common problems with, 353–354; defining, 331, 350–351; Earth Science and, 351; lesson ideas, 333; Life Science and, 351; NGSS for, 332, 351; Physical Science and, 351; skills for intentional scholars for, 332; student handouts and examples, 353; Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science and, 351; technology connections for, 353–354. See also specific types
  • Kinetic energy, 268
  • Kircher, Athanasius, 342
  • Knowledge: background, 375, 378, 428, 462; funds of, 397. See also Activating prior knowledge
  • Koch, Robert, 342
  • Kotey, Samantha, 127
  • Kucan, Linda, 161
  • KWL Chart Example - States of Matter, 374, 388
  • KWL charts, 383, 428
  • KWL-S charts, 376
  • L
  • Lab clean-up procedures: communication in, 21; music in, 20–21; responsibilities in, 21
  • Lab equipment: balance beams, 271; Bunsen burners, 5; microscopes, 23, 504; Vernier probes, 504
  • Lab reports, 205; class meetings and, 46; portfolios, 46; sharing of, 46; starters, 45
  • Lab safety activities: application of, 4–7; board game, 7; broken rules, 13–14; cartoons, 5; chemical safety in, 9–10; for diverse learners, 6–7; first aid, 9; general rules for, 9; handouts, 13–15; heroes, 6–7; implementation of, 3; interactive teaching of, 5; NGSS on, 3; oral tests, 6–7; posters, 5; problems in, 7–8; procedures, 19; quiz, 15; research on, 3–4; rules, 5; Science Safety Contract and, 4; Skills for Intentional Scholars on, 3; skits, 5; Spanish rules for, 11; student handouts and examples, 7; technology connections, 8; videos, 5
  • Lab Safety Quiz, 15
  • Lab scenes, 5
  • Lab stations, resources at, 23
  • Ladson-Billings, Gloria, 395
  • Lakes, 265
  • Language arts, 337–339
  • The Language of Introductory Ecology, 172–173
  • Laptops, 352
  • Lavoisier, Antoine, 346
  • Law of conservation of mass, 338–339
  • Law of conservation of matter, 338–339
  • Learning: log, 218; memorization compared to, 94
  • Learning goals and scales, 458–470; in classroom, 460–468; development of, 459–460; enrichment, 458, 460; introduction of, 461–463; lower-prep version of, 466–467; motivation from, 463–464; reflection and, 464–465; student responses to, 469–470
  • Learning partnerships, cultural responsiveness and, 400–405
  • van Leeuwenhoek, Anton, 342
  • Lemov, Doug, 29
  • Lesson planning, 343; for experiments, 42; time management and, 22
  • Lewis, J. Patrick, 339
  • Lewis, Veronica, 27
  • Lexile levels, 53, 182, 193, 505
  • LGBTQ Pride Month, 409–410
  • Life Science: biology topics, 164, 268, 409, 411; Crosscutting Concepts for, 432; debate topics for, 250; diverse contributors to, 410; kinesthetic movement and, 351; measurement in, 277; PBL for, 125; storytelling in, 345; website design and, 350
  • Light bulbs, engineering of, 136–137
  • A Light in the Attic (Silverstein), 337
  • Lights, flashing, 27
  • Limiting Factors, 177–179
  • Lindgren, Charles, 151
  • Lindsay, Vachel, 339
  • Line Graph Example for Teaching Graphing to Fifth Grade and Beyond, 287–288
  • Line graphs, 287–288
  • Liou, Daniel D., 398–399, 406, 417
  • Liquids, measurement of, 23
  • Lister, Joseph, 342
  • Literacy, scientific, 34
  • Local First Arizona, 409
  • Local invasive species, 265
  • The Loneliest Creature (Lewis, J. P.), 339
  • Loya, Athena, 481
  • Lucas, Treven, 481
  • Lyell, Charles, 346
  • Lyman, Frank, 245
  • M
  • MacMost, 284
  • MacPherson, Erin, 355
  • Maeda, John, 331
  • Making Graphs in Excel, 327–328
  • Mallory, Walter S., 137
  • Management tools, student grouping and, 26
  • Mariana Trench, 90
  • Martin, Colby, 171
  • Martin, T. C., 137
  • Martinez, J. V., 410
  • Marzano, Robert, 24, 374
  • Mass, conservation of, 338–339
  • Materials list: in experiments, 42; handout, 67
  • Math teaching: application of, 259–282; benefits of, 258; common problems with, 283–284; creative problem solving in, 371; critical thinking in, 259; defining, 257; dimensional analysis in, 265–268; for diverse learners, 282; effective communication in, 259; for ELLs, 282; graphs for, 259–265; NGSS connections for, 259; research for, 258–259; skills for intentional scholars, 259; student handouts and examples for, 282–283; technology connections in, 284
  • Math-Aids.Com, 284
  • Matter, 116, 376; conservation of, 338–339; states of, 374–375
  • Mayer, Maria Goeppert, 346
  • Mazanec, Taryn, 355
  • McKeown, Margaret, 161
  • McPeek, Annika, 152
  • McTighe, Jay, 454, 472
  • Measurement, 314; abbreviations for, 274; capitalization in, 273; in Earth Sciences, 277; history of systems of, 269–271; in Life Science, 277; of liquids, 23; NGSS on, 277; standardization of, 269–270; standards per grade level, 258; in Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science, 277; in United Kingdom, 270–271; in United States, 270–271. See also Imperial system of measurement; Metric system of measurement
  • Meiosis, 351
  • Meiosis vs. Mitosis Review, 368–370
  • Melvin, Leland D., 410
  • Memorization, 453–454, 480; learning compared to, 94
  • Merian, Maria Sibylla, 348
  • Meta-analysis, 89
  • Metric and Imperial System Internet Search Lab, 277, 317–319
  • Metric and Imperial System Internet Search Lab - Answer Key, 320–322
  • Metric System Ladder, 307
  • Metric System Ladder and Abbreviations, 309
  • Metric System Measuring Challenge, 276, 313
  • Metric System Measuring Challenge - Answer Key, 315–316
  • Metric system of measurement, 307–313; Common Core Math Standards on, 268; conversion between Imperial system and, 276–277; conversion in, 272–276; grade-level math skills and standards, 268; history of, 269–271; NGSS on, 268
  • Microbes, bacteria and viruses, 247, 342, 348
  • Microscopes, 23, 504
  • Microsoft Excel. See Excel, Microsoft
  • Microwave, 50
  • Miles, S., 118
  • Miller, Brianna, 193
  • Mindset, growth and fixed, 137–138
  • Minerals, 473, 504; classification of, 117–118
  • Mini-whiteboards, 141
  • Misconceptions, identification of: in activating prior knowledge, 382–386; conceptual, 383; factual, 383; inoculation in, 384; refutation of, 384; vernacular, 383
  • Mitosis, 351
  • Mix-and-match activities, 350
  • Mnemonics, 273
  • Models, systems, 116
  • Moirraine, Janica, 222
  • Money problems, 267
  • Monitoring students, 24–26
  • Moran, Nancy A., 346
  • Morse, Samuel, 348
  • Morse code, 348
  • Motivation, 6; intrinsic, 88, 455
  • Mount St. Helens, 93
  • Mousetrap Catapult Challenge, 143, 145; dangers in, 150; T-Chart for, 139, 140, 141
  • Mousetrap Catapult Lab Worksheet, 154–155
  • Mousetrap Catapult Picture, 155
  • Mousetrap Catapult Rubric, 147, 156
  • Mousetrap Catapult Sentence Frames, 157
  • Moving students: diverse learners, 26–27; lab procedures and, 18–19
  • Multilingual videos, 382
  • Multiplication charts, 282
  • Munch, Edvard, 347
  • Music: during cleaning procedures, 21; dance and, 340–341; hip hop, 408; parodies, 341; science songs, 341; song writing, 340; videos, student created, 341, 354
  • Mutism, selective, 168
  • N
  • Nabtech, 284
  • Narrative writing, 209–211
  • NASA, 268, 276, 348
  • National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt), 416
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 271
  • National Geographic Kids, 28
  • National Hispanic Heritage Month, 410, 415
  • National Research Council (NRC), 383
  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), 387; on research, 3–4
  • Native American students, 96
  • Navajo culture, 96
  • NBC Learn, 152
  • NCCRESt. See National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
  • NCTM. See National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • Neal, Kaden, 193
  • New media, 349–350
  • New York Science Teacher, 387
  • Newsela, 193
  • Newton, Isaac, 346
  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), 344; activating prior knowledge and, 374; on analysis, 45; for art, 332; beginning and ending of class, 424; for content review, 436; co-teaching and, 502; crosscutting concepts, 432–433; cultural responsiveness and, 397; debate topics for, 250; discussion strategy connections, 240; Diversity and Equity Team, 397, 415; Earth and Space Science and, 337; on engineering process, 133–136, 148; formative and summative assessments, 455–456; of HS-PS3-3, 347; on Imperial system of measurement, 268; on inquiry process, 89; for kinesthetic movement, 332, 351; lab procedures, teaching, 18; lab safety standards, 4; math teaching strategies, 259; on measurement, 277; on metric system of measurement, 268; PBL and, 116–117; reading comprehension standards of, 182; scientific method and, 35, 87; scientists of color and, 346; for teaching writing, 206; on variables, 38; on vocabulary, teaching, 161; website projects for disciplines of, 350; women scientists and, 346
  • NGSS. See Next Generation Science Standards
  • Nightingale, Florence, 342, 346
  • Nobel Prize, 94
  • Nonpolar molecules, 36
  • Non-scientific beliefs, 383
  • Non-text-dependent questions, examples of, 183
  • Northeastern University, 150–151
  • NRC. See National Research Council
  • NSTA. See National Science Teachers Association
  • O
  • Observations: completion of, 92–93; data and, 95; during dissections, 95–97; of phenomena, 93–95; student performed, 93
  • Ocampo, Adriana, 346, 410
  • Oefner, Fabian, 347
  • Oil spills, 47
  • On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 337
  • One Teach, One Assist, 503
  • One Teach, One Observe, 503
  • Online dissections, 101
  • Online documentaries, 98
  • Online games, 24, 28, 377
  • Online review games, 440–447
  • Online scavenger hunts, 28
  • Online translators, 8
  • Opinion statements, 250
  • Oral tests, 6–7, 466
  • Oral traditions, 408
  • Osmosis, 36–39, 41
  • Ostrow, Alex, 212, 213, 222
  • Outcome-based education, 471
  • Overfishing, effects of, 345, 396
  • Overloaded and Underprepared (Pope, Brown, and Miles), 118
  • Owl Pellet Step-by-Step Procedures and Questions, 106–107
  • P
  • P wave, 167
  • Pacemakers, 50
  • Paper, cutting, 23
  • Paragraph frames, 45
  • Parallel Teaching, 504
  • Parents: parent-teacher conferences, 46; signatures, 46
  • Paris, Django, 395
  • Parodies, 341
  • Participation, student, discussion strategies and, 242–243
  • Pasteur, Louis, 342, 346
  • PBL. See Project-based learning
  • Pedagogy, 395
  • Pedretti, Dominic, 193
  • Peer buddies, 282, 343
  • Peer editing, 217–218
  • Peer Presentation Evaluation, 132
  • Peer tutors, 468
  • People of color, in science, 346, 411–412
  • Perceptible information, 145
  • Perseverance, 115, 137
  • Peterson, Jodi, 193
  • Peterson, Lucas, 481
  • Phenomena, 427; observations of, 93–95
  • Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, 264
  • Photochemical and Industrial Smog Venn Diagram, 186, 195
  • Photosynthesis, 161, 215
  • Physical disabilities. See Differentiation, for physical disabilities
  • Physical effort, 145
  • Physical Science: chemistry topics, 268, 397, 409, 427–428, 457; Crosscutting Concepts for, 432; debate topics for, 250; diverse contributors to, 410; kinesthetic movement and, 351; measurement in, 277; PBL for, 125; storytelling in, 345; website design and, 350
  • Pi Day, 278–282, 324
  • Picture of a Student's Constructed Rube Goldberg Machine, 365
  • Pie chart, 262
  • Pizza boxes, 122
  • Plagiarism, 37
  • Plant growth, 43
  • Plate tectonics, 345
  • Pledge of Allegiance, 453
  • Plenciz, Marcus Antonius, 342
  • Plot Map Outline, 226
  • Poe, Edgar Allan, 339
  • Poetry, 337–339; Haiku, 339; Historical, 339; Tanka, 339
  • Polar molecules, 36
  • Polymers, 148, 409
  • Pope, D., 118
  • Portfolios, lab report, 46
  • Posey, Melissa, 349, 355
  • Positive reinforcement, 252–253
  • Posted answers, 351
  • Posters: lab safety, 5; summative assessments, 475; of women scientists, 412, 416
  • Potato chips, 51, 139
  • PowerPoints, 7, 122
  • Practice Measuring Your Friends and Their Things, 303–304
  • Practice Measuring Your Friends and Their Things - Answer Key, 305–308
  • Practice tests, 461
  • Precipitation, 265
  • Preconceived notions, 383
  • Predator and prey, 166, 264
  • Prefixes, 162–164
  • Presentations, authentic: audience in, 123; essays in, 122; Google Slides in, 122; in PBL, 121–123; press kits in, 122; Prezi in, 122; public service announcement videos in, 122; in student-initiated projects, 122–123; in teacher-initiated projects, 121–122
  • Press kits, 122
  • Pretests, 338; handouts, 80–86; for misconceptions, identification of, 384; scientific method and, 49, 80–86
  • Preview-View-Review, 47
  • Prewriting, 206–207
  • Prezi: in authentic presentations, 122; project-based learning, 122; scientific method, 46
  • Prichard, Jason, 481
  • Pringle Potato Chip Challenge Rubric, 151
  • Pringles, 139
  • Prior knowledge. See Activating prior knowledge
  • Problem and Project-Based Learning Activities, 127
  • Procedures, classroom: advantages of, 17–18; application, 18–29; call and response, 19; cleaning up, 20–21; differentiation for diverse learners and, 26–29; effective communication for, 19; lab safety, 19; moving students, 18–19; NGSS standards, 18; research on, 18; resources in, 23; rules vs., 18; SALAME, 19; shortening, 22–23; Skills for intentional scholars, 18; student attention in, 19–20; student grouping in, 25–26; student monitoring, 24–25; technology connections, 30; time management in, 22–23
  • Project-based learning (PBL): advantages of, 115; application of, 117–126; authentic presentations in, 121–123; brainstorming in, 118; creative problem solving with, 118; critical thinking for, 116; Crosscutting Concepts, 116–117; defining, 115; for diverse learners, 126; for Earth and Space Science, 125; essays in, 124; expertise in, 117; ideas, 125–126; for Life Science, 125; NGSS connections, 116–117; for Physical Science, 125; planning, 117–119; possible problems in, 127; Prezi, 122; questions in, 118–119; research, 116; responsibilities in, 119–120; rubrics for, 124–125; scoring guides for, 124–125; steps in, 117; structured groups for, 119–121; student handouts and examples for, 126; student-initiated projects, 118–119; Task Deadline in, 120; teacher-initiated projects, 117–118; for Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science, 126; technology connections for, 127; To Do List in, 120
  • Prompts, 208
  • Proportion, 116
  • Prototypes, in engineering process, 134, 146
  • PSA. See Public service announcements
  • PTOToday, 481
  • Public school enrollment, in United States, 395
  • Public service announcement videos, in authentic presentations, 122
  • Public service announcements (PSA), 212–213
  • Published results: of experiments, 46; resources, 53; scientific method and, 46
  • Publishing, in writing process, 207
  • Q
  • QR Code Generator, 352
  • QR codes, 352–353
  • QRCode Monkey, 352
  • Qualitative data, 94, 95, 102–105
  • Quantitative data, 94, 95, 102–105
  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative Examples, 102–104
  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative Examples - Answer Key, 104–105
  • Quantity, 116
  • Question stems: ELLs and, 97; handouts, 108
  • Question Stems for Observers, 108
  • Questions, 24; blind, 379, 380; in engineering process, 139; inquiry process, 91; non-text-dependent, 183; in PBL, 118–119; reinforcement, 378–379, 380; scientific method, 91; in scientific method, 35–36; student writing, 90; text-dependent, 183–186
  • Quick, Hailey, 152
  • Quickwrites, 219
  • Quizizz, 28; in scientific method, 52
  • Quizlet, 28, 441, 444–445; in scientific method, 52
  • Quizlet Live, 52
  • Quizlet Match, 52
  • R
  • Racial bias, 398–400
  • Racism, environmental, 411
  • Ramadan, 405
  • Ramseyer, Maryann, 212, 213, 222
  • Randomly calling on students, 242
  • Raps, 408
  • Reader's Digest, 28
  • Reading comprehension: annotation skills and, 183–184; application of, 182–192; benefits of, 181; chunking for, 191; close reading, 182–186; common problems with, 193; of ELLs, 98, 190, 192; 4X4 reading strategy, 188–190; graphic organizers for, 186; jigsaw, 190–191; NGSS standards, 182; research on, 37, 181–182; skills for intentional scholars, 182; student handouts and examples, 192; technology connections for, 193
  • Ready for Rigor Framework, 397
  • Real-time feedback, 24
  • Real-world connections, 408
  • Reardon, Sean F., 472
  • Redi, Francesco, 342
  • Reflecting on My Learning - Blank, 484–485
  • Reflecting on My Learning - Completed Example, 486
  • Reflection, in Socratic seminars, 247
  • Reimer, Peggy, 151
  • Reinforcement questions, 378–379, 380
  • Relationships, greeting students daily, 404–405
  • Reliable data, 34
  • Religion vs. Science, 383
  • Research: for activating prior knowledge, 373–374; age and, 37; for anxious students, 47; art, 331–332; on beginning of class, 424; on co-teaching, 502; on cultural responsiveness, 396–397; directing, 37–38; for discussion strategies, 239–240; diverse learners and, 47; ELL performance of, 47; on ending of class, 424; in engineering process, 135–136, 139–142; fact and fiction discerned in, 37; hypothesis writing and, 39; on inquiry process, 89; inquiry questions and, 91; interviews as, 47; kinesthetic movement, 331–332; on lab safety activities, 3–4; for math teaching strategies, 258–259; PBL, 116; performance of, 92–93; plagiarism and, 37; on procedures, classroom, 18; for reading comprehension, 37, 181–182; resource provision for, 37; resources, 53; reviewing content, 436; in scientific method, 34, 36–37; student research organizer, 54; students performing, 36–37; for teaching writing, 206; technology connections, 53; videos for, 37, 47, 93; on vocabulary, teaching, 161
  • Resolution, in writing, 210
  • Resources: for expertise, 123; handouts on, 113; for inquiry process, 92–97; names for, 92; for published results, 53; for research, 53; for scientific method, 92
  • Responsibilities, 507; in cleaning procedures, 21; jobs and, 25; in PBL, 119–120
  • Restorative circles, 401
  • Results, discussing, 74–75, 78–79; handouts, 109–110
  • Results, publishing, 46
  • Retrieval practice, 434
  • Reviewing Previous Material, 434
  • Revision, 207
  • Rewordify, 192
  • Rewriting a Song, 358
  • Rhode Island School of Design, 331
  • Rigor is NOT a Four-Letter Word (Blackburn), 399
  • Rij, Lindsay, 217, 222
  • Rising action, in writing, 210
  • Rivers, 265
  • Role models, diversity of, 408–411
  • Roots, of words, 162–164; Greek and Latin, 171
  • Round robin discussion, 142–143, 246
  • Rowe, Mary Budd, 251
  • Rube Goldberg machines, 346, 364–365; brainstorming for, 347; for high school students, 348
  • Rubric for Cell and Germ Theories Skit, 360
  • Rubrics: creation of, 208; for discussion strategies, 243; for PBL, 124–125; Pringle Potato Chip Challenge, 151; for student-initiated projects, 125; for teacher-initiated projects, 124–125; in teaching writing, 207
  • Rules, procedures compared with, 18
  • Rumer, Colleen, 96–97
  • S
  • SALAME, a call and response strategy, 19
  • Sallu, Adama, 398–399, 417
  • Salustri, F. A., 334
  • “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out” (Silverstein), 337
  • SAT. See Scholastic Aptitude Test Subject Tests
  • Say Hi With an H strategy, 404
  • Scavenger hunts, online, 28
  • Schleiden, Matthias, 342
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Subject Tests, 34
  • Schwann, Theodor, 342
  • Science and Engineering Practices, 35
  • Science Buddies, 52–53, 481; on experiments, 42
  • Science fairs, 42, 46
  • Science Lab Safety Quiz, 15
  • Science Safety Contract: Dress Code, 8–9; English version, 8–10; handout on, 8–12; lab safety and, 4; rules, 6; Spanish version, 11–12
  • Scientific literacy, 34
  • Scientific method, 33; advantages of, 34; application of, 35–49; conclusion in, 45–46; coordinated learning activities in, 49; critical thinking and, 35, 39, 43; diverse learners and, 47–49; engineering process compared with, 135; experiments in, 41–45; grading students on, 49; hypothesis in, 38–41; inquiry process v., 89–90, 92; on Kahoot!, 52; NGSS, 35, 87; possible problems with, 50–52; practices in, 87–88; pretests and, 49, 80–86; Prezi for, 46; published results and, 46; question asking in, 35–36; questions, 91; on Quizizz, 52; on Quizlet, 52; research performed in, 34, 36–37; resources for, 92; skills for intentional scholars, 35; student handouts and examples, 50; technology connections, 52
  • Scientific Method Pretest - Answer Key, 84–85
  • Scientific Method Pretest Stations, 80–81
  • Scientific Method Pretest - Student Answer Sheet, 82–83
  • Scientists: of color, 346; women, 346
  • Scoring guides: in PBL, 124–125; for student-initiated projects, 125; for teacher-initiated projects, 124–125
  • Scotchgard, 51
  • The Scream (Munch), 347
  • Selective mutism, 168
  • Self-reflection, 455, 464–465
  • Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp, 342
  • Sentence frames, 149
  • Sentence starters: for debates, 242; as discussion strategy, 241
  • Sequence transition words, 212
  • Sesemann, Jeff, 128, 152
  • Severe Weather Book Plot Map Example, 227
  • Severe Weather Book Project Research, 209, 223, 224
  • Severe Weather Book Project Research Example, 209, 225
  • Severe Weather Book Project Scoring Guide, 209
  • Share time, 401
  • Sherman, Patsy, 51
  • Shoebox challenges, 508
  • Show and Tell, 401
  • von Siebold, Karl, 342
  • Significant digits, 457
  • Silent Spring (Carson), 337
  • Silverstein, Shel, 337–338
  • Simple machines, 346–347
  • Simpson, Kristi, 209, 222
  • Sister classes, 46
  • Skills for intentional scholars: activating prior knowledge and, 374; for art, 332; beginning and ending of class, 424; co-teaching and, 502; cultural responsiveness and, 397; discussion strategies, 240; engineering process and, 136; formative and summative assessments, 455–456; on inquiry process, 89; for kinesthetic movement, 332; lab procedures, teaching, 18; lab safety standards, 4; math teaching strategies, 259; reading comprehension, 182; reviewing content, 436; scientific method, 35; teaching writing, 206; on vocabulary, teaching, 161
  • Skits: in discussion strategies, 241; lab safety, 5; storytelling through, 345
  • Skype, 123
  • Slideshows, 46, 147, 170, 213, 475
  • Sling psychrometer, 476
  • Slinky, 50
  • Smartphones, 352
  • Smith, Sam, 51
  • Smithsonian, 28
  • Snowball strategy, for discussions, 244–245
  • Social anxiety, 168
  • Social emotional skills, 119, 145; optimistic thinking, 133; perseverance, 115, 137
  • Social media, 151
  • Society of Women Engineers, 411–412
  • Socratic Seminar Participation Checklist, 252, 256
  • Socratic seminars, 245–248; benefits to, 248; challenges with, 252; checklists in, 246–247; reflection in, 247
  • Socrative, a review tool, 441, 445–447
  • Songs: science, 341; writing, 358
  • Sonnet - To Science (Poe), 339
  • South Mountain, 118
  • Space Race, 446
  • Spady, William, 471
  • Species: extinct, 233, 474; nomenclature, 457
  • Specific concepts, 90
  • Sports Illustrated Kids, 28
  • Stability, 117
  • Stacho, Thomas, 30
  • Station Teaching, 504
  • STEAM certified teacher, 331, 332, 354; lesson ideas, 333
  • STEM fields, 412, 480
  • Step-by-step procedures, 42–43
  • Stereotype threat, 400, 412
  • Stevens, Lisa, 410
  • Storyboard That, 221
  • Storytelling: in Earth and Space Science, 345; in Life Science, 345; in Physical Science, 345; through skits, 345; in Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science, 345
  • Stress response, automatic, 27
  • Structure and function, 117
  • Structured groups: for PBL, 119–121; in student-initiated projects, 120–121; Teacher Comments in, 120; in teacher-initiated projects, 120
  • Student attention, 19–20; diverse learners, 27
  • Student confidence, 252
  • Student conflict, 253
  • Student engagement, 20, 181, 376, 396, 402, 424–425
  • Student Examples of Mousetrap Catapult Designs, 146, 153
  • Student expectations, 406–408
  • Student handouts and examples: activating prior knowledge, 386; art, 353; beginning of class, 433; on conclusions, 76–79, 109–110; on controls, 68–72; cultural responsiveness, 415; data, 102–105; on data tables, 68–72; on dependent and independent variables, 55–60; for discussion strategies, 251; dissections, 106–107; ending of class, 433; formative and summative assessments, 479; on graphs, 73; on hypothesis writing, 61–67; inquiry process, 99, 111–112; kinesthetic movement, 353; for lab procedures, 29; lab safety activities, 7, 13–15; materials list, 67; for math teaching strategies, 282–283; for PBL, 126; pretests, 80–86; question stems, 108; reading comprehension, 192; on resources, 113; on results discussion, 74–75, 78–79, 109–110; reviewing content, 447–448; on Science Safety Contract, 8–10; scientific method, 50; vocabulary teaching, 170–171; writing teaching, 220
  • Student interests, 403
  • Student interface videos, 449
  • Student learning, enrichment and, 27
  • Student monitoring, 24–26; classroom procedures, 24–25; diverse learners and, 29
  • Student preparation, 252
  • Student Research Organizer, 54
  • Student-centered instruction, 89, 247, 396, 413, 472
  • Student-Choice Performance-Based Assessment, 493
  • Student-initiated projects, 118–119; authentic presentations in, 122–123; rubrics for, 125; scoring guides for, 125; structured groups in, 120–121
  • Study strategies for students, 468
  • Suffixes, 162–164
  • Summaries, 219
  • Summative tests, 6
  • Super Glue, 50
  • Surveys, 402–404
  • Swift, Taylor, 341
  • Syllabus, 402, 507
  • Systems models, 116
  • T
  • TAILS, 260
  • Takes the World From Another Point of View (film), 94
  • Tanka poems, 339
  • Task Deadline, in PBL, 120
  • Taylor, Annette, 383
  • T-charts, 95; for Mousetrap Catapult Challenge, 141
  • Teacher Comments, in structured groups, 120
  • Teacher evaluation, five-point scale, 24
  • Teacher involvement, 252–253
  • Teacher proximity, 24
  • Teacher-for-a-day, vocabulary teaching and, 168
  • Teacher-initiated projects, 117–118; authentic presentations in, 121–122; scoring guides for, 124–125; structured groups in, 120
  • TeachThought, 433
  • Team Teaching, 505–506
  • Technology, Engineering, and Applications of Science: Crosscutting Concepts for, 432; debate topics for, 250; kinesthetic movement and, 351; measurement in, 277; PBL for, 126; storytelling in, 345; website design and, 350
  • Technology connections, 20, 23, 123; for activating prior knowledge, 387; for art, 353–354; beginning of class, 433; classroom procedures, 30; for content review, 449; for co-teaching, 508; for cultural responsiveness, 415–417; discussion strategies, 253–254; ending of class, 433; for engineering process, 150–151; for formative and summative assessments, 480–481; inquiry process, 100; for kinesthetic movement, 353–354; lab safety, 8; in math teaching strategies, 284; for PBL, 127; for reading comprehension, 193; research resources, 53; scientific method, 52; teaching lab procedures, 23; for teaching writing, 220–221; for vocabulary teaching, 171
  • Technology Use Agreements, 24
  • Tempe Town Lake, 264
  • Temperature, 265
  • Temperature vs. Number of Escherichia coli Colonies, 294
  • Text: complexity, 182; evidence, 184–185, 207
  • Text-dependent questions, 183; annotation skills and, 183–184; answering, 186; examples of, 183; textual evidence for, 184–185
  • Thinking tests, 470–475
  • Think-Pair-Share, 245
  • 13 Culturally Responsive Teaching Ideas, 422
  • Time management: in classroom procedures, 22–23; communication in, 23; for diverse learners, 27–29; lesson planning and, 22; resources and, 23
  • Time pressure, 20
  • Timeline Graphic Organizer for the Cell and Germ Theories, 344, 361
  • Timeline Graphic Organizer for the Cell and Germ Theories - Answer Key, 344, 362–363
  • To Do List, in PBL, 120
  • Tolerance, 145
  • Tornadoes, 265
  • Toxicology Unit Thinking Test, 487–489
  • Toxicology Unit Thinking Test - Answer Key, 490–492
  • Toxicology Unit Thinking Tests Modified, 498–500
  • Traffic accidents, 265
  • Transfer, 218
  • Trebuchets, 139–140
  • True-false questions, 7
  • Turning Learning Right Side Up (Ackoff and Greenberg), 94
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (song), 340, 357–359
  • Tyler, Ralph, 471
  • U
  • Understanding, 453–454, 472–475
  • Understanding by Design (Wiggins and McTighe), 454
  • United Kingdom, measurement systems in, 270–271
  • United States: measurement systems in, 270–271; public school enrollment in, 395
  • Universal design principles, 144
  • Using the Inquiry Process, 111–112
  • V
  • Valera, Monica, 8
  • Variables: dependent and independent, 38–39, 55–60, 506; handouts on, 55–60; identification of, in hypothesis, 38; manipulated and responding, 260; NGSS on, 38
  • Vectors, 350
  • Venn diagrams, 186, 188
  • Vernacular misconceptions, 383
  • Vernier probes, 504
  • Vertical, 260
  • Victor Atiyeh Leadership for Education Awards, 331
  • Videos: for activating prior knowledge, 382; closed captioning of, 126; for ELLs, 382; enrichment and, 28; instructional, 96, 192, 347, 350; as lab safety tool, 5; multilingual, 382; music, 341, 354; public service announcement, 122; for research, 37, 47, 93; student created, 341; student interface, 449
  • Virchow, Rudolf Carl, 342
  • Visual arts, 346–348
  • Vocabulary, teaching: anxiety differentiation and, 168; application of, 162–170; assignments in, 166; basic word list, 163; benefits of, 161; common problems in, 171; critical thinking, 169; definition worksheet, 174; for diverse learners, 170; ecology, 163; effective communication for, 162; ELLs and, 168; Excel, 279; Fast Facts, 169–170; hypothesized definitions in, 163; interdisciplinary examples, 164–165; NGSS standards on, 161; prefixes, 162–164; research on, 161; roots, 162–164; skills for intentional scholars on, 161; student handouts and examples, 170–171; suffixes, 162–164; teacher-for-a-day, 168; technology connections for, 171; word exposure and, 164
  • Vocabulary Definition Worksheet, 174
  • von Stumm, S., 89
  • W
  • Wait time, discussion strategies and, 251
  • Wakefield, Ruth, 51
  • Walker, C. J., 410
  • Warm-ups, 423–425; background knowledge and, 428; common problems with, 433; ideas for, 426–430; previewing material for, 426–428; previous material review, 430
  • Washington, George, 269
  • Water Cycle, 187
  • Water Cycle Concept Map, 197
  • Water recycling, 246
  • Watson, James, 346
  • We Are Teachers website, 284, 355
  • Webquests, 28
  • Website design, 350
  • West, Gladys, 410
  • Where the Sidewalk Ends (Silverstein), 337
  • Which Type of Graph Should I Use?, 291
  • Which Type of Graph Should I Use? - Answer Key, 293–294
  • White, Mandi, 20, 117, 167, 209, 217, 222, 241, 242, 479, 501, 506
  • Wiggins, Grant, 454, 472
  • Wildlife Strike Data Analysis and Interpretation, 265, 295–296
  • Wildlife Strike Data Analysis and Interpretation - Answer Key, 265, 297–298
  • Wildlife strikes, 429
  • William, Dylan, 455
  • Wind farms and turbines, 127, 131, 382
  • Women, in science, 346, 411–412
  • Women's History Month, 409–410
  • Wong, Harry, 19, 30, 404
  • Wong, Rosemary, 30, 404
  • Woody, Caroline, 387, 390
  • Word banks, 6, 170
  • Word Wall Challenge, 165–169
  • Word Wall Challenge Rubric, 166, 175
  • Word Wall Examples, 176
  • Word Wall Wall, 165, 167
  • Words in a Sentence, 165, 171
  • Writing: bad, 208; CER structure, 215–217; effective, 208; essays, 122, 124, 217; frames, 219, 433; grants, 23; ICE structure, 215–217; informative/explanatory, 211–215; journal/learning log, 218; narrative, 209–211; quickwrites, 219; summaries, 219
  • Writing, teaching: application of, 206–220; argument in, 215–218; benefits of, 205; checklists in, 207; climax, 210; common problems in, 220–221; critical thinking for, 206; daily writing activities in, 218; defining, 205; for diverse learners, 219–220; drafting in, 207; essay topic ideas in, 215–218; exposition, 210; falling action, 210; feedback in, 214; models, 208; NGSS for, 206; prewriting in, 206–207; process of, 206–207; publishing in, 207; research for, 206; resolution, 210; revision in, 207; rising action, 210; rubrics in, 207; skills for intentional scholars and, 206; student handouts and examples, 220; technology connections for, 220–221
  • Writing teaching, effective communication for, 206
  • Wylie, Emma, 194
  • Y
  • Year vs. Number of Deer and Wolves, 294
  • YouTube, 21
  • Z
  • Zicafoose, Hannah, 194