Music Index

Each song title is followed by its key, origin, and page number. Each listening selection (LS) is followed by its composer or origin and page number. Music titles in boldface are recorded and linked on the companion website.


A Paris, 366

A Ram Sam Sam, F (Morocco), 245

model experience 28, 185

A Tisket, A Tasket, C pentatonic (USA), 245

Al citrón, G pentatonic (Latin America), 246

instrumental ensemble, 246

Ala Da'lona, Dm (Arabic), 246

Amazing Grace, G (USA), 247

America, C, 248

America the Beautiful, A (Ward), 249

Archduke Trio (excerpt) (Beethoven), LS

model experience 43, 232

Arirang, G pentatonic (Korea), 250

Au clair de la lune, 363

Aviary, The (Saint-Saëns), LS

model experience 9, 134


Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks (Mussorgsky), LS

model experience 7, 126

Barcarolle (excerpt), (Offenbach), LS

model experience 17, 158

Barong Dance (excerpt) (Bali), LS,

model experience 38, 216

Bata Drums (excerpt) (Nigeria), LS

model experience 13, 144

Battle Hymn of the Republic, G (Steffe), 251

Bingo, G (USA), 252

Bobby Shaftoe, C pentatonic, 252

Boogie-Woogie Walk, (Spencer), LS

model experience 5, 122

Bow, Belinda, D (USA), 253

Bye, Baby Bunting, C pentatonic, 253


Candles of Hanukkah, 369

Canzona (excerpt) (Gabrieli), LS

model experience 26, 177

Carillon (Bizet), LS

model experience 33, 202

Charlie Over the Ocean, G pentatonic, 254

Chatter with the Angels, F pentatonic (African American), 255

instrumental ensemble, 255

model experience 23, 171

Chinese Dance (Tchaikovsky), LS

model experience 19, 162

Cielito Lindo (excerpts) (Mexico), LS

model experience 22, 168

Circle Right, G pentatonic (USA), 256

Clap Your Hands, F (USA), 256

Classical Quintet Ngu Tuyet (excerpt) (Vietnam), LS

model experience 38, 216

Corn Grinding Song (USA: Navajo), LS

model experience 37, 212


Dayenu, C (Hebrew), 257

Devil’s Dance (Stravinsky), LS

model experience 17, 158

Do as I'm Doing, C (USA), 257

Don Gato, Dm (Mexico), 258

Down by the Bay, G (USA), 259

Down Came a Lady, 366

Down in the Valley, G (USA), 260

Dragon Song, The, C pentatonic (China), 261

model experience 29, 187

Duerme Pronto, D (Hispanic), 262


Ebeneezer Sneezer, C (Olson), 262

model experience 27, 181

Eena, Deena, C pentatonic (England), 263

Eency, Weency Spider, F (USA), 263

Elephant, The (Saint-Saëns), LS

model experience 9, 134

Erie Canal, F (USA), 264


Fais DoDo, F (France), 265

Five Angels, C (Germany), 266

model experience 10, 136

Five Fat Turkeys, F (USA), 266

Flower Drum Song, C (China), 267

Four on the Floor (excerpt) (Larsen), LS

model experience 43, 232

Frog in the Millpond, 364

Frère Jacques! F (France), 268


Galway Piper, D (Ireland), 268

Get on Board, F (African American), 269

Go a Tin, (Taiwan), 269

Golden Gate Chant (USA), 114

model experience 1, 114

Go Tell Aunt Rhody, 368

Good Morning Song, F, 270

Grandma Grunts, 364


Ha, Ha, This-a-Way, F (USA), 270

Haiku sound piece

model experience 32, 200

Hanukkah, C (Hebrew), 271

Hanukkah Song, Dm (Hebrew), 272

Hawaiian Rainbows, F (USA), 273

model experience 31, 196

Head-Shoulders, Baby, F (African American), 274

model experience 12, 142

Hello, There! C, 275

He's Got the Whole World, D (African American), 275

Hey, Ho, Nobody Home, Dm (England), 276

instrumental ensemble, 276

Hey, Lidee, C (USA), 277

Hickory, Dickory, Dock, C (Eliot), 277

Ho Jamalo (excerpt) (India), LS

model experience 36, 210

Hop, Old Squirrel, G (USA), 365

Hop Up, My Ladies, C (USA), 278

Hot Cross Buns, 279, 363

instrumental Ensemble, 279

Hush Little Baby, F (USA), 280


I Love the Mountains, F (USA), 280

If You're Happy, F, 281

In and Out, C (USA), 281

It's Raining! C pentatonic (Mexico), 282


Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (excerpt), G (Bach), LS model experience 25, 175

Jim-Along, Josie, C (USA), 283

Jingle Bells (refrain), G (Pierpont), 284

Joe Turner Blues, C (USA), 284

John the Rabbit, Dm (USA), 285

model experience 8, 130

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, G, 286

Juba, 366


Kangaroos (Saint-Saëns), LS

model experience 21, 166

Kum Ba Yah, C (African American), 287

Kye Kye Kule, F (Ghana), 288


La Piñata, C (Mexico), 289

Let us Chase the Squirrel, 367

Lightly Row, 368

London Bridge, D, 290

Lone Star T rail, F (USA), 291

Long-Legged Sailor, F, 292

Looby Loo, C, 293

model experience 6, 124

Los Pollitos, C (Latin America), 294

Lost Your Head Blues (USA)

model experience 40, 222

Love Somebody, C (USA), 294

Lovely Evening, C (Germany), 295

Lucy Locket, 368


Mai Wakaringano (excerpt) (Zimbabwe), LS

model experience 36, 210

Make New Friends, E♭, 295

Mango Walk, F (Jamaica), 296

model experience 35, 208

Mary Had a little Lamb, 367

Matarile, D, (Mexico), 297

model experience 15, 148

Michael Finnegan, F, 298

Michael, Row the Boat Ashore, C (African American), 298

Miss Mary Mack, F (African American), 299

Mos', Mos'!, C (USA: Hopi), 299

Munomuno (excerpt) (Mulondo, Uganda), LS

model experience 13, 144

My Dreydl, C (Goldfarb), 300


Obwisana, C (Ghana), 301

Ode to Joy, 369

Oh, Susanna, F (Foster), 302

Old Brass Wagon, G (USA), 303

Old Texas, E (USA), 304

Oliver Twist, C pentatonic (England), 305

Orange Blossom Special (Rouse), LS

model experience 39, 220

Over My Head, D (African American), 305

Over the River and Through the Wood, C (USA), 306


Parade (Ibert), LS

model experience 3, 118

Pease Porridge Hot, C pentatonic, 307

Pele (USA), 307

Pianists (Saint-Saëns), LS

model experience 30, 194

Piffle Rag (Yelvington), LS

model experience 41, 226

Pipe Dance Song, F (USA: Sauk Fox), 308

Punchinella, G (African American), 309


Rain, Rain, 368

Riding in the Buggy, C (USA), 310

model experience 2, 116

Rig-a-Jig-Jig, C (England), 310


Sakura (Japan), 311

Salamanca Market, C (Goetze), 311

Sally, Go’Round the Sun, C (USA), 312

instrumental ensemble, 121

model experience 4, 120

Sandy Land, F (USA), 312

Sarasponda, C (Netherlands), 313

Scotland's Burning, F, 313

Serenade for Wind Instruments (excerpt) (Mozart), LS

model experience 26, 177

Shalom, Chaverim, Dm (Israel), 314

Shoo, Fly, D (USA), 315

model experience 18, 160

Silent Night, A (Gruber), 316

Simple Gifts, F, (USA), 317

Sing About Martin! F (Weissman), 318

model experience 16, 156

Sing, Sing Together, G (England), 319

Skip to My Lou, D (USA), 319

St. Paul's Steeple, C (England), 320

Starlight, Starbright, 369

Stars and Stripes Forever, The (excerpt) (Sousa), LS

model experience 24, 173

Star-Spangled Banner, The, A, (Smith/ Key), 321

Stomp Dance (excerpt) (USA: Cherokee), LS

model experience 36, 210

Suo Gan, 363

Swing a Lady, C, 320


Take Five (excerpt) (Desmond), LS

model experience 42, 230

Take Time in Life, F (Liberia), 322

Teddy Bear, C pentatonic (USA), 322

The Old Oak Tree, 367

This is Halloween, Gm (Wood), 323

This Little Light of Mine, G (African American), 324

This Old Man, C, 324

Three Sailors, G, 325

Tideo, C pentatonic (USA), 326

instrumental ensemble, 326

Tinga Layo, D (West Indies), 327

Toccata (excerpt) (Chávez), LS

model experience 26, 177

Trout Quintet (excerpt) (Schubert), LS

model experience 26, 177


Up on the Housetop, D (Hanby), 328

Üsküdar, Em (Turkey), 329


Viennese Musical Clock (Kodály), LS

model experience 34, 204

Viva la Musica, G, 329


Wabash Cannon Ball, G (USA), 330331

model experience 39, 220

Wake Me! F pentatonic (USA), 331

model experience 14, 146

Wedding Music (excerpt) (Tunisia), LS

model experience 38, 216

We Gather Together, C (Netherlands), 332

We're All Together Again, F (England), 333

We Shall Overcome, C (USA), 333

We Wish You a Merry Christmas, G (England), 334

When the Saints Go Marching In, C (African American), 335

Who's that Yonder, 364

Willowbee, C pentatonic (USA), 336

instrumental ensemble, 336

model experience 20, 164

Wishy Washy Wee, C (USA), 337

model experience 11, 140


Yankee Doodle, F (USA), 338

Yankee Doodle Boy, G (Cohan), 339

You're a Grand Old Flag, F (Cohan), 340


Zum Gali Gali, Dm (Israel), 341