Page references in italic indicate illustrations.


Academy of Marseilles, 14

African karite butter, as a nutrient, 67–68

Air bubbles, problem with, 129, 131

Alfalfa meal, as a nutrient, 66–67

Alkalies, caustic, 31–32

Allergies, 50

All-vegetable soaps, 3–4

cost and availability of, 11

Almond oil. See Sweet almond oil

Aloe vera

as a nutrient, 59

American palm kernel oil

characteristics of, 25, 27

cost and availability of, 27

lather ability of, 27

Animal soaps, vegetable versus, 7

Arvidson, Patricia, 26, 165

Avocado oil

characteristics of, 18

cost and availability of, 18

moisture absorption and, 11

as a nutrient, 59

Avocado Soap, 114–17


Babassu oil, 25, 27

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

Balsam copaiba, as a nutrient, 60

Bar soaps, liquid versus, 6–7

Bases for soaps, 31–32, 148–49

Bentonite, 62

Bobo, Barbara, 38, 165

Borage Bar, 125

Borage oil

as a nutrient, 63–64

Bramson, Ann, 26, 29, 146

Brookside Soap Co., 10, 165


Calendula oil

as a nutrient, 60–61

Calendula Soap, 122–23

Camille Le Doux’s Handmade

Soaps & Toiletries, Ltd., 51, 165

Carcinogens, 53, 71

Carrot root oil

as a nutrient, 61

as a preservative, 74–75

Carrot seed oil

as a nutrient, 61

suppliers of, 159

Castile soap, 24

Castor oil

caution when using, 19

characteristics of, 18–19

cost and availability of, 8, 19

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

moisture absorption and, 11

as a nutrient, 61–62

Chemistry, basic, 148–49


as a colorant, 55


caution when using, 63

as a nutrient, 62–63

types and availability of, 62

Coal tar, 52

Coconut oil

characteristics of, 19–20

cost and availability of, 8, 19–20

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

lather ability of, 11, 19, 20

Cold-process method, 3, 14

colorants in, 53


ground spices and herbs as, 53–54

herbal infusions and decoctions, how to make, 54–55

mineral pigments as, 53, 56

pearlescent pigments as, 56–57

plant oils and extracts as, 55

synthetic versus natural, 52–53

vegetable compounds as, 55

Copra Soaps, 124, 165

Cornmeal, as a nutrient, 66–67

Cottonseed oil, characteristics of, 20–21

Cracks in soap, problem with, 130

Curing, 133


how to do, 132–33

when to do, 132


Detergent, soap versus, 15

Dyes. See Colorants


Ecodermine, 68

Emollients, 58

Equipment and supplies

list of, 78

materials to avoid, 79

molds, 80–81

safety, 82

scales, 79–80

suppliers, 158–61

wooden trays for bars, 81–82

Essential fatty acids, 64, 65

See also Fatty acids

Essential oils

allergies and, 50

blending, 43, 45

chemical solvents in, 39

as colorants, 55

cost and availability of, 37, 39

determining amounts to use, 42–43

family and types of, 46

list of specialty scents, 47–49

obtaining, 40–41

scent characteristics of, 44

storage and handling of, 41–42

synthetic oils versus, 39–40

Evening primrose oil

as a nutrient, 63–64

Exfoliants, 66


Failor, Catherine, 124, 165


fatty-acid makeup of, 150

iodine value of, 152

mixing oils and, 149–50

SAP chart for, 153

Fatty acids, 20, 148, 149

makeup of common fats and oils, 150

molecular weights of, 151

soap characteristics produced by, 151

Flax seed meal

as a nutrient, 66–67

Fragrance oils, 40

Free-fatty acids, 29, 149


Glycerin, 149

Glycerol molecule, 29, 148, 149

Goat Milk Soap, 110–14

Gourmet Bar, 106–10

Grapefruit seed extract, 73–74


Hampton, Aubrey, 72, 131

Hand-cut soap, milled versus, 13–14

Hawley, Jane, 69, 165

Herbal infusions and decoctions, how to make, 54–55

Herbs as colorants

list of, for dyeing, 54

use of ground, 53–54

Homemade soaps, store-bought versus, 13

Humectant, 64, 67



See also under type of

cost and availability of, 8, 11

Iodine value of fats and oils, 152

Island Soap, 26, 165


Jojoba meal

as a nutrient, 66–67

Jojoba oil

cost and availability of, 8

moisture absorption and, 11

as a nutrient, 64–65

Juniper berry meal

as a nutrient, 66–67


Kaolinite, 62, 63

Kukui nut oil

as a nutrient, 65


Lard, 7

characteristics of, 21

cost and availability of, 21

effects of, on the skin, 9, 11

history of, 6

lather ability of, 11, 21

scent, 12

Lather, ability to, 11–12

molecular weights of fatty acids and, 151

Lauric acid, 25

Le Blanc, Nicholas, 31

Le Doux, Camille, 51, 165

Ledray, Sandie, 10, 165

Liebig, Justus von, 6

Lime-soap dispersants, 15

Linoleic acid, 28, 63, 65

Liquid versus bar soaps, 6–7


buying, 32

defined, 31

equipment for working with, 34

measuring and testing, 35

mixing, 33–34, 36

safety procedures, 32–33


McIssac, Mary, 10, 165

Maine, Sandy, 146–47, 165

Maple Hill Farm, 141, 165

Measuring, note about, 80

Milled soap

colorants in, 53

hand-cut versus, 13–14

Mineral pigments, 53, 56

Mixed Nuts Bar, 123

Mixture, diagnosing problems with, 127–28

Mizuhiki cord, 140

Molding, decorative, 133–34

Molecular weights of fatty acids, 151


Natural Organic Hair and Skin

Care (Hampton), 72, 131

Natural soap, synthetic versus, 16

Nature’s Acres, 69, 165


See also under type of

defined, 58


Oatmeal/honey, as a nutrient, 66–67

Oatmeal/Honey Soap, 122


See also under type of

cost and availability of, 8

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

iodine value of, 152

mixing fats and, 149–50

SAP chart for, 153

Oleic acid, 28, 148

Olein, 148

Olive oil

caution when using, 22

characteristics of, 22–24

cost and availability of, 8, 22–23

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

grades of, 22–23

lather ability of, 11, 24

moisture absorption and, 11

pomace, 22, 23

One-Stop Soap, 102–6


Palm Christi oil. See Castor oil

Palm kernel oil

characteristics of, 25, 27

cost and availability of, 27

lather ability of, 27

Palm oil

characteristics of, 24–25

cost and availability of, 8, 24–25

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

lather ability of, 25

Peanut oil

characteristics of, 27–28

cost and availability of, 8, 27

lather ability of, 11

Pearlescent pigments, 56–57

pH, testing for, 127, 131

Plant oils and extracts

as colorants, 55

Potassium hydroxide, 31


carrot root oil, 74–75

defined, 70

grapefruit seed extract, 73–74

natural, 71–72

selecting, 72–73

synthetic, to avoid, 70

tocopherols, 74

Problems, diagnosing, 127–31


Rancidity, 61

reasons for, 73

Ricinoleic acid, 19

Rosa Mosqueta rosehip seed oil

as a nutrient, 63–64


Saponification, 3

Saponification (SAP) value

calculating amounts of sodium hydroxide and, 152–55

chart for common fats and oils, 153

for a combination of oils, 155–56

Scents, 12

See also Essential oils

family and types of, 46

list of specialty, 47–49

Seaweed, as a nutrient

algae, 67

flaked, 66–67

Sederma, 68

Seizing, problems with, 128

Separation, problem with, 129


rinse, 96

Tropical Shampoo Bar, 99–102

Vegetable Shampoo Bar, 94–99

Shea butter

as a nutrient, 67–68


defined, 2–3

discovery/history of, 4, 31

how it cleans, 4–5

Soap Essentials Bar, 91–94


basic chemistry of, 148–49

basic steps of, 86–90, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90

secrets of, 14

Soapmaking businesses, addresses for, 165

Soap Making It, Enjoying It (Bramson), 26, 29, 146

Sodium carbonate, 94

Sodium hydroxide

buying, 32

calculating amounts of, 152–56

chemistry of, 148–49

equipment for working with, 34

forms of, 32

measuring and testing, 35

mixing, 33–34, 36

safety procedures, 32–33

use of the term, 31

Southwest Soap, 123, 125

Soybean oil (vegetable shortening)

characteristics of, 28

cost and availability of, 28

fatty-acid makeup of, 150

lather ability of, 11, 28

suppliers of, 161

Spices as colorants, use of ground, 53–54

Store-bought soaps, homemade versus, 13

Streaking, problems with, 128–29

Suet, rendering, 8

SunFeather Herbal Soap Co., 146–47, 165

Superfatted soap, 58, 67, 121–22, 154–54


addresses for, 161–64

list of product, 158–61

Supplies. See Equipment and supplies

Surfactant, 4

Sweet almond oil

cost and availability of, 8

moisture absorption and, 11

as a nutrient, 58–59

Syndet bars, 15

Synthetic oils, essential versus, 39–40

Synthetic soap, natural versus, 16


Tallow, 7

characteristics of, 28–30

cost and availability of, 11, 28–29

effects of, on the skin, 9, 11, 29

fatty-acid makeup of beef, 150

grades of, 28–29

lather ability of, 11, 29

rendering, 29

scent, 12

texture of, 12

Temperatures, processing, 85

Texture, 11–12

Tocopherols, 74, 161

Touch of Tallow Bar, 118–21

Triglycerides, 29, 148

Tropical Shampoo Bar, 99–102


Unsaponifiables, 18, 22–23, 59, 67–68

Unscented soaps, 41, 50


Vegetable compounds, as colorants, 55

Vegetable dyes, 53

Vegetable oils, cost and availability of, 8

Vegetable Shampoo Bar, 94–99

Vegetable shortening. See Soybean oil

Vegetable soaps

all-, 3–4, 11

animal soaps versus, 7

scent, 12

texture of, 12

Vitamin Soap, 125–26

Voigts, Karen, 141, 165


Washi paper with mizuhiki cord, 140

Water, role of, 34, 35, 36

Wheatgerm oil

as a nutrient, 61

White powder, problem with excessive, 129

Woodspirits Ltd., Inc., 38, 165

Work area, 82, 83–84


accordion, 139, 139

furoshiki, 142–45, 142, 143, 144, 145

making a strand of soapballs, 140, 140

suggestions for, 136–40, 136, 137, 138, 139, 139, 140

washi paper with mizuhiki cord, 140