Chapter 12. Color Management

The need for color management

That in a nutshell is a problem which has bugged many of us throughout our working lives, and it is one which will be familiar to anyone who has ever experienced the difficulty of matching colors on a computer display with the original or a printed output. Figure 12.1 shows two versions of the same photograph. One shows how the Photoshop image looks previewed on the display and the other is an example of how a printer might interpret and reproduce those same colors if no attempt is made to color manage the image.
So why can there sometimes be such a marked difference between what is seen on the display and the actual printed result? Well, digital images are nothing more than just bunches of numbers, and good color management is all about making sense of those numbers and translating them into meaningful colors at the various stages of the image making process.

The way things were

Sixteen or more years ago, most photographers only used their computers to do basic administration work and there were absolutely no digital imaging devices to be found in a photographer's studio (unless you counted the photocopier). If you needed a color print made from a chrome transparency, you gave the original to the printer at a photographic lab and they matched the print visually to your original. Professional photographers would also supply chrome transparencies or prints to the client, and the photographs then went to the printer to be digitized using a high-end drum scanner, which would be configured to produce a CMYK file ready to insert in a specific publication. That was probably about the limit of the photographer's responsibilities, and if color corrections were required, the scanner operators would carry this out themselves working directly on the output file.

RGB devices

Why not all RGB spaces are the same

Go into any TV showroom and you will probably see rows of televisions all tuned to the same broadcast source, but each displaying the picture quite differently (Figure 12.2). This is a known problem that affects all digital imaging devices, be they digital cameras, scanners, monitors or printers. Each digital imaging device has its own unique characteristics, and unless you are able to quantify what those individual device characteristics are, you won't be able to communicate effectively with other device components and programs in your own computer setup, let alone anyone working outside your own system color loop.
Some computer displays have manual controls that allow you to adjust the brightness and contrast (and in some cases the RGB color as well) and the printer driver will also allow you to make color balance adjustments, but is this really enough? Plus, if you are able to get the display and your printer to match, will the colors you see on your display appear the same on another person's display?
Color vision trickery
They say that seeing is believing, but nothing could be further from the truth, since there are many interesting quirks and surprises in the way we humans perceive vision. There is an interesting book on this subject titled Why We See What We Do, by Dale Purves and R. Beau Lotto (Sinauer Associates, Inc). There is also a website at where you can have a lot of fun playing with the interactive visual tests, to discover how easily our eyes can be deceived. What you learn from studies like this is that color can never be properly described in absolute mathematical terms. How we perceive a color can also be greatly influenced by the other colors that surround it. This is a factor that designers use when designing a product or a page layout. You also do this every time you evaluate a photograph, often without even being aware of it.

The versatility of RGB

A major advantage of working in RGB is that you can access all the bells and whistles of Photoshop which would otherwise be hidden or grayed out in CMYK mode, and if you use Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB, you will have a larger color gamut to work with. These days there is also no telling how a final image may end up being reproduced. A photograph may get used in a variety of ways, with multiple CMYK separations made to suit several types of publications, each requiring a slightly different CMYK conversion (because CMYK is not a ‘one size fits all’ color space). For example, high-end retouching for advertising usage is usually done in, RGB mode and the CMYK conversions and film separations are produced working directly from the digital files to suit the various media usages.
Photographers are mainly involved in the RGB capture end of the business. The proliferation of Photoshop, plus the advent of high quality desktop scanners and digital cameras, means that more images than ever before are starting out in, and staying in, RGB color. This is an important factor that makes color management so necessary and also one of the reasons why I devote so much attention to the management of RGB color, here and elsewhere in the book. So, if professional photographers are more likely to supply a digital file at the end of a job, how will this fit in with existing repro press workflows that are based on the use of CMYK color? Although digital capture has clearly taken off, the RGB to CMYK issue still has to be resolved. If the work you create is intended for print, the conversion of RGB to CMYK must be addressed at some point, and so for this important reason, we shall also be looking at CMYK color conversions in detail later on in this chapter.

Output-centric color management

Profiled color management

The Profile Connection Space

If an ICC profile is embedded in the file, Photoshop will recognize this and know how to correctly interpret the color data. The same thing applies to profiled CMYK files. Photoshop uses the computer display profile information to render a color correct preview on the computer display. It helps to understand here that in an ICC color managed workflow in Photoshop, what you see on the display is always a color corrected preview and you are not viewing the actual file data. So when the RGB image you are editing is in an RGB workspace, such as Adobe RGB, and color management is switched on, what you see on the display is an RGB preview that has been converted from Adobe RGB to your profiled display RGB via the PCS (see Figure 12.6). The same thing happens when Photoshop previews CMYK data on the display. The Photoshop color management system calculates a conversion from the file CMYK space to the display space. Photoshop therefore carries out all its color calculations in a virtual color space. So in a sense, it does not really matter which RGB workspace you edit with. It does not have to be exactly the same as the workspace set on another user's Photoshop system. If you are both viewing the same file, and your displays are correctly calibrated and profiled, a color image should look near enough the same on both.
The ideal RGB working space
If you select an RGB workspace that is the same size as the display space, you are not using Photoshop to its full potential and more importantly you are probably clipping parts of the CMYK gamut (see Figure 12.7). For many years I would have advised you to choose Adobe RGB as your workspace, because it appeared to offer the best compromise between encompassing most of the CMYK gamut but without being so large as to be unwieldy. However, a few years ago I was in conversation with the late Bruce Fraser and he convinced me that cautionary warnings against ProPhoto RGB were perhaps a little overstated (even if you are going to end up converting a file from 16-bit to 8-bit RGB). So following Bruce's advice I mostly now use ProPhoto RGB as my principal RGB workspace, although I would still strongly advise making the big tone edits in 16-bit before converting to 8-bit. The only other thing I would caution you about is to never supply clients with ProPhoto RGB master files. If I am sending a file to someone who I believe is ICC color management savvy, I'll send them a profiled Adobe RGB version. If I am sending a file by email or to someone who may not understand color management, I always play safe and send them an sRGB version instead.

Choosing an ideal RGB workspace

Although I highly recommended that you should switch on the color management settings in Photoshop, you cannot assume that everyone else will be doing the same. There are many other Photoshop users and color labs operating from the Jurassic era, who are running outputs from files with Photoshop color management switched off and who are not bothering to calibrate their displays properly either.
If you are using Photoshop 6.0 or later it does not matter so much which RGB color space you choose in the RGB setup, as long as you stick to using the same space for all your work. RGB to RGB conversions are not as destructive as RGB to CMYK conversions, but the space you plump for does matter. Once chosen you should not really change it. Plus whichever color workspace you select in the RGB color settings, you will have to be conscious of how your profiled Photoshop RGB files may appear on a non- ICC savvy Photoshop system. What follows is a guide to the listed RGB choices.

Apple RGB

This is the old Apple 13" monitor standard. In the early days of Photoshop, Apple RGB was used as the default RGB editing space where the editing space was the same as the monitor space. If you have legacy images created in Photoshop on a Macintosh computer using a gamma of 1.8, you can assume Apple RGB to be the missing profile space.

sRGB IEC-61966-2.1

sRGB was conceived as a multipurpose color space standard that consumer digital devices could all standardize to. It is essentially a compromise color space that provides a uniform color space which all digital cameras and inkjet printers and displays are able to match (since sRGB aims to match the color gamut of a typical 2.2 gamma PC display). Therefore, if you are opening a file from a consumer digital camera or scanner and there is no profile embedded, you can assume that the missing profile should be sRGB. It is an ideal color space for Web design but unsuitable for photography or serious print work. This is mainly because the sRGB space clips the CMYK gamut quite severely and you will never achieve more than 75–85% cyan in your CMYK separations.

Adobe RGB (1998)

Adobe RGB (1998) has become established as a recommended RGB editing space for RGB files that are destined to be converted to CMYK. For example, the Photoshop prepress color settings all use Adobe RGB as the default RGB working space. Adobe RGB was initially labeled as SMPTE-240M, which was a color gamut once proposed for HDTV production. As it happens, the coordinates Adobe used did not exactly match the actual SMPTE- 240M specification. Nevertheless, it proved popular as an editing space for repro work and soon became known as Adobe RGB (1998). I have in the past used Adobe RGB as my preferred RGB working space, since it is well suited for RGB to CMYK color conversions.

ProPhoto RGB

This is a large gamut RGB space that has the advantage of preserving the full gamut of raw capture files when converting the raw data to RGB. It is also suited for image editing that is intended for output to photographic materials such as transparency emulsion or a photo quality inkjet printer. This is because the gamut of ProPhoto RGB extends more into the shadow areas compared with most other RGB spaces, resulting in better tonal separation in the shadow tones.

Profiling the display

If you don't have a display calibration device you can always build a profile for your display using a visual calibration method. You could, for example, use the Display Calibration Assistant that comes with the Mac OS X system. However, the problem with relying on visual calibration is that because our eyes are so good at adapting to light, our eyes are poor instruments to use when calibrating a device like a computer display. In Chapter 2 I mentioned some of the equipment and software options that you can buy these days and showed a quick run-through of how to calibrate a computer display with a calibration device. I would strongly urge you to purchase a proper measuring instrument and use this to calibrate the display on a regular basis. A hardware calibration device combined with a dedicated software utility is the only way that you can guarantee getting good color from your system, as this will enable you to precisely calibrate your display and build an accurate display profile. At the time of writing, I have found four basic display profiling packages, which include a colorimeter and basic software program, all for under $300. Highly recommended is the basICColor Display and Squid combination. Then there is the X-Rite Eye-One Display 2 that comes with Eye-One Match 2 software, the Monaco Optix XR system and lastly the ColorVision Monitor Spyder and Spyder2 Pro Studio. Of these I would probably recommend the X-Rite Eye-One Display 2, since I am very familiar with the (more expensive) Eye-One spectrophotometer system, which I use to calibrate and profile the display in my office (Figure 12.8). It is also an emissive spectrophotometer so I can use it to build custom printer profiles as well. The other units I have listed here are all colorimeters so these can only be used for building monitor profiles, but they are usually regarded as being equally as good as the more expensive spectrophotometers for this type of task.

Calibration and profiling

As was explained in Chapter 3, Camera Raw uses data accumulated from two sets of profiles which have been produced using daylight balanced and tungsten balanced lighting. This method of profiling works really well with most normal color temperature settings, but the data gathered is based on a small sample of cameras (sometimes just one!) and cannot be regarded as offering absolute accuracy. It may be helpful to follow the calibration procedure (described in the same chapter) to obtain the most accurate colors.

Profiling the input

Input profiling is possible, but it's easier to do with a scanner than it is with a digital camera. To profile a scanner you'll need to scan a film or print target and use profile creation software such as X-Rite's ProfileMaker Pro™ program to read the data and build a custom profile based on readings taken from the scanned target (Figure 12.9). The target measurements are then used to build a profile that describes the characteristics of the scanner. This profile should be saved to the Macintosh Library/ColorSync/Profiles folder, or, on a PC, saved to the Windows/System32/Spool/Drivers/ Color folder. It can then be incorporated into your color managed workflow to describe the image data coming into Photoshop (refer back to Figure 12.6). This can be done by selecting the profile in the scanner software or by assigning the profile in Photoshop as the file is opened.
Camera profiling is a lot trickier to do and few photographers feel this is something worth bothering with. This is because the camera sensor will respond differently under different lighting conditions and you would therefore need to build a new profile every time the light changed. This is not necessarily a problem if you are using a digital camera in a studio setup with a consistent strobe lighting setup. In these circumstances it is probably very desirable that you photograph a color checker chart and take measurements that can be used to create a custom input profile for the camera. For example, the X-Rite Eye-One Photo system offers a camera profiling option.
Overall, I would not stress too much about input profiles unless it is critical to your workflow that you have absolute color control from start to finish. For example, a museum photographer who is charged with photographing important works of art would absolutely want to profile their camera, but is it always necessary or desirable? In Figure 12.10 I suggest that the correct white balance and input profiling is sometimes irrelevant, as it is more important to trust what you see on your monitor display and obtain good color management between the image seen on the computer display and what you see in the print.

Profiling the output

Successful color management also relies on having accurate profiles for each type of media paper that's used with your printer. The printer you buy should come with a driver on a CD (or you can easily download one) and the installation procedure should install a set of canned profiles that will work when using the proprietary inks designed to be used with the printer and for a limited range of branded papers. The canned profiles that ship with the latest Epson printers, for their Epson papers, tend to be of a very high quality and these are all you really need for professional print results. However, it is recommended that you carry out custom profiling to build profiles for other types of print/paper combinations. This can be done by printing out a test target like the one shown in Figure 12.11 without color managing it. Once the test print has been allowed to stabilize, it can be measured the following day with a device like the X-Rite Eye-One spectrophotometer (Figure 12.12). The patch measurement results can then be used to build a color profile for the printer. The other alternative is to take advantage of Neil Barstow's remote profiling service special offer which is available to readers (see the back of the book). If you wish to use custom printer profiles, you'll need one to be built for each printer/media combination. You can use a profiled printer to achieve good CMYK proofing, even from a modestly priced printer, which comes close to matching the quality of a recognized contract proof printer.

Photoshop color management interface

By now you should be acquainted with the basic principles of Photoshop ICC color management (see Figure 12.13). It is relatively easy to configure the Photoshop system and at the simplest level all you have to do is calibrate and profile your display and then go to the Photoshop Color Settings (Figure 12.14) and select an appropriate prepress setting (don't use the default). A prepress setting will correctly enable the Photoshop color management policies and should be enough to get you up and running in a color managed workflow. But if you want to discover more about how color management works, then do read on.
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Figure 12.14
All the Photoshop color settings can be managed from within the Photoshop Color Settings dialog. Photoshop conveniently ships with various preset settings that are suited to different Photoshop work flows. Unfortunately, the default setting is not an ideal choice for a color managed workflow, so use the Settings menu shown in Figure 12.15 to switch to a prepress setting such as the one shown here. As you move the cursor pointer around the Color Settings dialog, help messages are provided in the Description box area below – these provide useful information which will help you learn more about the Photoshop color management settings and the different color space options.

The Color Settings

The Color Settings are located in the Edit menu. The first item you will come across is the Settings pop-up menu (Figure 12.15). Photoshop provides a range of preset configurations for the color management system and these can be edited to meet your own specific requirements. In Basic mode, the default setting will be some sort of General Purpose setting and the exact naming and subsequent settings list will vary depending on the region where you live.
I would recommend that you follow the advice in Figure 12.15 and change this default to one of the prepress settings. So if Photoshop was installed on a European computer, you would select the ‘Europe Prepress Defaults’ setting from this or the ‘More Options’ list shown in Figure 12.16. If a preset color setting says ‘prepress’, this will be the ideal starting point for any type of color managed workflow, especially if you are a photographer. That is all you need to concern yourself with initially, but if you wish to make customized adjustments, then you can make custom changes in the Working Spaces section. For help selecting an ideal RGB workspace, refer back to the section on RGB spaces on pages 640– 641 (where I recommend using ProPhoto RGB). I'll be covering the CMYK and Grayscale settings later.

Color management policies

The first thing Photoshop does when a document is opened is check to see if an ICC profile is present. The default policy is to preserve the embedded profile information. So whether the document has originated in sRGB, Adobe RGB or ColorMatch RGB, it will open in that RGB color space and after editing be saved as such. This means you can have several files open at once and each can be in an entirely different color space. A good tip here is to set the Status box to show ‘Document profile’ (on the Mac this is at the bottom left of the image window; on a PC it is at the bottom of the system screen). Or, you can configure the Info panel to provide such information. This allows you to see each individual document's color space profile.

Preserve embedded profiles

The default policy of ‘Preserve Embedded Profiles’ allows you to use the ICC color management system straight away, without too much difficulty. So long as there is a profile tag embedded in any file you open, Photoshop gives you the option to open that file without converting it. So if you are given an sRGB file to open, the default option is to open it in sRGB and save it using the same sRGB color space. This is despite the fact that your default RGB workspace might be ProPhoto RGB or some other RGB color space. The same policy rules apply to CMYK and grayscale files. Whenever ‘Preserve Embedded Profiles’ is selected, Photoshop reads the CMYK or Grayscale profile, preserves the numeric data and does not convert the colors, and the image remains in the tagged color space. This is always going to be the preferred option when editing incoming CMYK files because a CMYK file may already be targeted for a specific press output and you don't really want to alter the numbers for those color values.

Profile mismatches and missing profiles

The default prepress color management policy setting is set to ‘Ask When Opening’ if there is a profile mismatch (Figure 12.17). This means you will see the warning dialog shown in Figure 12.18 whenever the profile of a file you are opening does not match the current workspace. This offers you a chance to use the embedded profile (which is recommended), convert the document colors to the current workspace or discard the profile.
B9780240522005500128/f12-18-9780240522005.jpg is missing
Figure 12.18
If the ‘Preserve Embedded Profiles’ color management policy is selected and the ‘Ask When Opening’ box is checked in the Profile Mismatches section (Figure 12.17), you will see the dialog shown here whenever there is a profile mismatch between the image you are opening and the current working space. You can then open using the embedded profile, override the policy and convert to the working space, or discard the embedded profile. Whatever you do, select one of these options and click OK, because if you click ‘Cancel’ you'll cancel opening the file completely. I usually prefer to use Preserve Embedded Profiles and deselect ‘Ask When Opening’, so that I am not constantly shown this dialog.
A newcomer does not necessarily have to fully understand how Photoshop color management works in order to use it successfully. When ‘Preserve Embedded Profiles’ is selected this makes the Photoshop color management system quite foolproof and the color management system is adaptable enough to suit the needs of all Photoshop users, regardless of their skill levels. Whichever option you select – convert or don't convert – the saved file will always be correctly tagged.

Convert to Working space

If you select the Convert to Working space policy, Photoshop automatically converts everything to your current RGB or CMYK workspace. If the incoming profile does not match the workspace, then the default option is to carry out a profile conversion from the embedded profile space to the current workspace, as shown in Figure 12.19 (when the incoming profile matches the current RGB, CMYK or grayscale workspace, there is of course no need to convert the colors). Or, you will see the dialog shown in Figure 12.20, if the ‘Ask When Opening’ box is checked in the Profile Mismatches section. Convert to Working space can be a useful option for RGB mode because you may wish to convert all your RGB images to your working space (but not the CMYK files). For batch processing work I sometimes prefer to temporarily use the Convert to Working space RGB setting because this allows me to apply a batch operation to a mixture of files in which all the images end up in the current RGB workspace.

Color Management Off

The other option is to choose ‘Off’. When this option is selected Photoshop appears not to color manage incoming documents and it will assume the default RGB or CMYK workspace to be the source. If there is no profile embedded, then the document stays that way. If there is a profile mismatch between the source and the workspace, the dialog shown in Figure 12.21 points out that if you click OK the embedded profile will be deleted. Or, you will see the dialog shown on Figure 12.22, if the ‘Ask When Opening’ box is checked in the Profile Mismatches section. If the source profile matches the workspace, there is no need to remove the profile. In this instance the profile tag will not be removed (even so, you can still remove the ICC profile at the saving stage). Therefore, Photoshop is still able to color manage certain files and strictly speaking is not completely ‘off’. Turning the color management off is not recommended for general Photoshop work, so do check the Color Settings to make sure Photoshop's color management hasn't been disabled, especially if working on an unfamiliar computer.

Profile conversions

Convert to Profile

Even if you choose to preserve the embedded profile on opening, it can be useful to convert non-workspace files to your current workspace after opening. This is where the Convert to Profile command comes in, because you can use it to carry out a profile conversion at any time, such as at the end of a retouch session, just before saving. Let's suppose you want to open an RGB image that is in Adobe RGB and the current working space is sRGB. If the ‘Preserve Embedded Profile’ option is selected then the default behavior would be to open the file and keep it in Adobe RGB without converting. You could carry on editing the image in the Adobe RGB color space up until the point where it is desirable to carry out a conversion to another color space. To make a profile conversion, go to the Edit menu and choose ‘Convert to Profile…’. The Source space shows the current profile space and in ‘Basic’ mode, there will be a single Destination Space menu that will most likely default to ‘Working RGB’ (which in this case would be sRGB). This menu lists all of the available profiles on your computer system (see Figure 12.24). However, if you click on the Advanced button, you will see the Convert to Profile Advanced dialog (Figure 12.23) where the Destination Space options are broken down into color mode types, such as: Gray, RGB, Lab and CMYK, plus other more esoteric options such as Multichannel and Abstract profile modes. Because the color modes are segmented in this way, this makes it easier for you to access specific types of profiles when carrying out a conversion.
The Convert to Profile command is also useful when you wish to create an output file to send to a printer for which you have a custom-built profile but the print driver does not recognize ICC profiles. For example, one of the printers I used to use was the Fuji Pictrograph. I had built a custom profile for this printer, but unfortunately there was no facility within the File Export driver to utilize the output profile. Therefore, I used the Convert to Profile command to convert the color data to match the space of the output device just prior to sending the image data to the printer.
Whenever you make a profile conversion the image data will end up in a different color space and you might see a slight change in the on-screen color appearance. This is because the profile space you are converting to may have a smaller gamut than the one you are converting from. If an opened image is not in the current working color space, or has been converted to one that is not, Photoshop appends a warning asterisk (*) to the color mode in the title bar (Mac) or status bar (PC) to indicate this.

Assign Profile

When an image is missing its profile or has the wrong profile information embedded, the color numbers become meaningless. The Assign Profile command (Figure 12.25) can be used to correct mistakes as it allows you to assign correct meaning to what the colors in the image should be. So, for example, if you know the profile of an opened file to be wrong, you can use the Edit B9780240522005500128/u12-50-9780240522005.jpg is missing Assign Profile command to rectify this situation. Let's suppose you have opened an untagged RGB file and for some reason decided not to color manage the file when opening. The colors don't look right and you have reason to believe that the file had originated from the sRGB color space. Yet, it is being edited in your current ProPhoto RGB workspace as if it were a ProPhoto RGB image. By assigning an sRGB profile, you can tell Photoshop that this is not a ProPhoto RGB image and that these colors should be considered as being in the sRGB color space. Most of the time, assigning sRGB will bring the colors back to life and if that doesn't work, then try one of the other commonly used RGB workspaces such as Adobe RGB or Colormatch.

Profile mismatches when pasting

One problem with having images in multiple color spaces open at once concerns the copying and pasting of color data from one file to another. Whenever you copy and paste image data, or drag copy an image with the move tool, it is possible that a profile mismatch may occur; although this will very much depend on how you have the Color Management policies configured in the Color Settings (see Figure 12.26). If the Profile Mismatches: Ask When Pasting box is unchecked in the Color Settings and a profile mismatch occurs, you will see the dialog shown in Figure 12.27. This asks if you wish to convert the color data to preserve the color appearance when it is pasted into the new destination document. If the Profile Mismatches: Ask When Pasting box is checked in the Color Settings, then you will see instead the dialog box shown in Figure 12.28. This dialog offers you the choice to convert or not convert the data. If you select ‘Convert’, the appearance of the colors will be maintained when you paste the data and if you choose ‘Don't Convert’ the color appearance will change but the numbers will be preserved.

Reducing the opportunities for error

When you adopt an RGB space such as ProPhoto RGB as the preferred workspace for all your image editing, you must take into account how this might cause confusion when exchanging RGB files between your computer (which is operating in a color managed workflow) and that of someone who is using Photoshop with the color management switched off. When sending image files to other Photoshop users, the presence of a profile can help them read the image data correctly, so long as they have the Photoshop color settings configured to preserve embedded profiles (or convert to the working space) and their computer display is calibrated correctly. They will then see your photographs on their system almost exactly the way you intended them to be seen. The only variables will be the accuracy of their display calibration and profile, the color gamut limitations of the display and the environment in which it is being viewed. Configuring the Color Settings is not so difficult to do, but the recipient does have to be as conscientious as you are about ensuring their display is set up correctly. The situation has not been helped either by the way the default color settings have shifted about over the last nine versions of the program. The default settings in Photoshop CS5 use Preserve Embedded Profiles, but prior to that we had settings like ‘Web Graphics’ in which color management was switched off. Consequently, there are a lot of Photoshop users out there who have unwittingly been using sRGB as their default RGB workspace and with color management switched off. Even where people do have the color management switched on, the displays they are using may not have been profiled in months or are being viewed in a brightly lit room!
Figure 12.30 shows a comparison of how a photo that was edited using different RGB workspaces would look on a Photoshop system configured using a Color Management ‘Off’ setting and where the person receiving the file ignores the embedded profile. If the photo was delivered as an Adobe RGB file, the gamma would match, but because Adobe RGB has a larger gamut than sRGB the colors would appear slightly desaturated. If supplied as a ColorMatch RGB file, sRGB would interpret this as a darker image because ColorMatch has a lower gamma of 1.8. If supplied using ProPhoto RGB, the colors would appear even more muted when brought into sRGB without any color management. This is because ProPhoto RGB has a much larger color gamut. The bottom right example shows how the photo would look if the supplied image was in sRGB and opened in Photoshop with color management switched off, but with sRGB as the default RGB workspace. In this instance this is the most correct version. Of course, I am certainly not advocating you use sRGB as your standard RGB workspace, because it is still a poor space to use for photographic work, but it can be a useful ‘dumbed down’ space to convert to when communicating with unknown users.

Working with Grayscale

Advanced Color Settings

The advanced settings are normally hidden, but if you click on the More Options button, you'll see the expanded Color Settings dialog shown in Figure 12.31. These advanced settings unleash full control over the Photoshop color management system. However, don't attempt to adjust any of these expert settings until you have fully understood the intricacies of customizing the RGB, CMYK, Gray and Spot color spaces. I suggest you read through the remaining section of this chapter first before you consider customizing any of these settings.

Black Point Compensation

This maps the darkest neutral color of the source RGB color space to the darkest neutrals of the destination color space. Black Point Compensation plays a vital role in translating the blacks in your images so that they reproduce as black when printed. As was explained in Chapter 3, there is no need to get hung up on setting the shadow point to anything other than zero RGB values. It is not necessary to apply any shadow compensation at the image editing stage, because the color management will automatically take care of this for you and apply a black point compensation obtained from the output profile used in the mode or profile conversion. If you disable Black Point Compensation you may obtain deep blacks, but you will get truer (compensated) blacks if you leave it switched on.
You will want to use Black Point Compensation when separating an RGB image to a press CMYK color space. However, in the case of a conversion from a CMYK proofing space to an inkjet profile space, we must preserve the (grayish) black of the press and not scale the image (because this would improve the blacks). For this reason Black Point Compensation is disabled in the Print dialog when making a proof print to simulate black ink.

Use Dither (8-bit per channel images)

Banding may occasionally occur when you separate to CMYK, particularly where there is a gentle tonal gradation in bright saturated areas. Any banding which appears on the display won't necessarily always show in print and much will depend on the coarseness of the screen that's eventually used in the printing process. However, the Dither option can help reduce the risk of banding when converting between color spaces.

Blend RGB colors using gamma

Custom RGB and workspace gamma

Expert users may wish to use an alternative custom RGB workspace in place of one of the listed RGB spaces. If you know what you are doing and wish to create a customized RGB color space, you can go to the Custom… option in the pop-up menu and enter the information for the White Point, Gamma and color primaries coordinates (Figure 12.33). My advice is to leave these expert settings well alone. Avoid falling into the trap of thinking that the RGB workspace gamma should be the same as the monitor display gamma setting. The RGB workspace is not a display space.
Adobe RGB is considered a good choice as an RGB workspace because its 2.2 gamma provides a more balanced, even distribution of tones between the shadows and highlights, while others, like myself prefer the 1.8 gamma ProPhoto RGB space for its wide color gamut. Remember, you do not actually ‘see’ Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB and the RGB workspace gamma has no impact on how the colors are displayed on the screen (so long as Photoshop ICC color management is switched on). In any case, these advanced custom color space settings are safely tucked away in Photoshop and you are less likely to be confused by any apparent discrepancies between the display gamma and the RGB workspace gamma.


Creating a custom CMYK setting

Figure 12.34 shows the Custom CMYK dialog, which is better known as the familiar ‘classic’ Photoshop CMYK setup. Here, you can enter all the relevant CMYK separation information for a specific print job. Ideally you will want to save each purpose-built CMYK configuration as a separate color setting for future use and label it with a description of the print job it was built for.

Dot gain

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Figure 12.36
If you select ‘Dot Gain: Curves…’ from the CMYK setup shown in Figure 12.34, this opens the Custom Dot Gain Curves dialog. If your printer is able to provide dot gain values at certain percentages, then you can enter these here. You can make the dot gain curves the same for all channels, but since the dot gain may vary on each ink plate, you can enter dot gain values for each plate individually. Note that when you select ‘Custom Dot Gain…’ from the Grayscale workspace menu, a similar dialog appears. If you are preparing to save a color setting designed for separating prepress CMYK and grayscale files, you will want to check that the black plate dot gain setting is consistent.

Gray Component Replacement (GCR)

The default Photoshop setting is GCR, Black Generation: Medium, Black Ink Limit 100%, Total Ink Limit 300%, UCA Amount 0%. If you ask your printer what separation settings they use and they quote you these figures, you'll know they are just reading the default settings from an unconfigured Photoshop setup. They either don't know or don't want to give you an answer. The black ink limit should typically be around 95% for most separation jobs, but in the region of 85–95% for newsprint. The total ink limit should roughly be in the region of 300–350% for Sheetfed coated and Web press coated jobs, 260–300% for Sheetfed uncoated and Web uncoated jobs, and 260–280% for newsprint. If you prefer, you can just stick to using the prepress CMYK setting that most closely matches the output (such as US Sheetfed/Web Coated/Uncoated, or one of the European FOGRA settings).

Black generation

This determines how much black ink is used to produce the black and gray tonal information. A light or medium black generation setting will work best for most photographic images. I would therefore advise leaving this set to ‘Medium’ and only change the black generation if you know what you are doing.
You may be interested to know that I specifically used a maximum black generation setting to separate all the dialog boxes that appear in this book. Figure 12.37 shows a view of the Channels panel after I had separated the screen grab shown in Figure 12.35 using a Maximum black generation CMYK separation. With this separation method only the black plate is used to render the neutral gray colors. Consequently, this means that any color shift at the printing stage has no impact whatsoever on the neutrality of the gray content. I cheekily suggest you inspect other Photoshop books and judge if their panel and dialog box screen shots have reproduced as well as the ones shown in this book!
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Figure 12.37
Here is a view of the Channels panel showing the four CMYK channels after I had separated the screen grab shown in Figure 12.35 using a Maximum black generation CMYK separation. Notice how all the neutral gray information is contained in the Black channel only. This is a good separation method to use for screen grabs, but not so good for other types of images.

Choosing a suitable RGB workspace

Rendering intents


Perceptual (Images) rendering is an all-round rendering method that is sometimes suitable for certain types of images. Perceptual rendering compresses the out-of-gamut colors into the gamut of the target space in a rather generalized way (so that they don't become clipped), while preserving the visual relationship between those colors. More compression occurs with the out-of-gamut colors, smoothly ramping to no compression for the in-gamut colors. Perceptual rendering provides a best guess method for converting out-of-gamut colors where it is important to preserve tonal separation (such as in the shadow detail areas), but it is less suitable for images that happen to have fewer out-of-gamut colors.

Saturation (Graphics)

The Saturation rendering intent preserves the saturation of the out-of-gamut colors at the expense of hue and lightness. Saturation rendering preserves the saturation of colors making them appear as vivid as possible after the conversion. This rendering intent is best suited to the conversion of business graphic presentations where retaining bright bold colors is of prime importance.

Relative Colorimetric

Relative Colorimetric is the default rendering intent utilized in the Photoshop color settings. Relative Colorimetric rendering maps the colors that are out of gamut in the source color space (relative to the target space) to the nearest ‘in-gamut’ equivalent in the target space. When doing an RGB to CMYK conversion, an out-of-gamut blue will be rendered the same CMYK value as a ‘just-in-gamut’ blue and out-of-gamut RGB colors are therefore clipped (see the example over the page in Figure 12.41). This can be a problem when attempting to convert the more extreme out-of-gamut RGB colors to CMYK color, but if you are using View B9780240522005500128/u12-50-9780240522005.jpg is missing Proof Setup B9780240522005500128/u12-50-9780240522005.jpg is missing Custom (Figure 12.40) to call up the Customize Proof Condition dialog you can check to see if this potential gamut clipping will cause the loss of any important image detail when converting to CMYK with a Relative Colorimetric conversion.

Absolute Colorimetric

Absolute Colorimetric maps in-gamut colors exactly from one space to another with no adjustment made to the white and black points. This rendering intent can be used when you convert specific ‘signature colors’ and need to preserve the exact hue, saturation and brightness (such as the colors in a commercial logo design). This rendering intent is seemingly more relevant to the working needs of designers than photographers. However, you can use the Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent as a means of simulating a target CMYK output on a proofing device. Let's say you make a conversion from RGB to CMYK using either the Relative Colorimetric or Perceptual CMM and the target CMYK output is a newspaper color supplement printed on uncoated paper. If you use the Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent to convert these ‘targeted’ CMYK colors to the color space of the proofing device, the proof printer can reproduce a simulation of what the printed output on that stock will look like. Note that when you select the ‘Proof’ option in the Photoshop print dialog, the rendering intent menu appears grayed out. This is because an Absolute Colorimetric rendering is selected automatically (although the Print dialog doesn't actually show you this) in order to produce a simulated proof print.
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B9780240522005500128/u12-45-9780240522005.jpg is missing

Fine-tuning the CMYK end points

Let's now run through the basic steps for assigning the end points via the shadow point and highlight point tools. Before you do anything else, I suggest you select the eyedropper tool in the Tools panel and go to the eyedropper Options panel and set the Sample Size to 3 × 3 Average (or perhaps higher, such as 5 × 5 Average). Now open the Levels or Curves dialog. The default values for the shadow point and highlight point tools are 0% and 100%, but if you want to set the shadows and highlights in a grayscale or CMYK image for repro output, you will need to set these differently. The shadow point should obviously be higher than 0% (in order to take into account the dot gain) and may typically need to be set to 4%, while the highlight point for the non-specular highlights should be slightly darker than 100% (this ensures that the highlight detail will hold on the press) and should be set to around 96% or lower. This method of assigning the end points allows you to decide exactly where the highlight and shadow points should be. Bear in mind here that when setting the highlight clipping point it is only important to set the highlight clipping point to the value suggested here for the non-specular highlight areas, as was discussed earlier in Chapter 3 on pages 180–183. In the case of specular highlights, such as highlight reflections off metal surfaces, there is no need to worry about these being clipped to pure white.

Lab color

The Lab color mode is available as a color mode to convert to via the Image B9780240522005500128/u12-50-9780240522005.jpg is missing Mode menu and the Convert to Profile command, but note that the Lab color space does not use embedded profiles since it is assumed to be a universally understood color space. It is argued by some that converting to Lab mode is one way to surmount all the problems of mismatched RGB color spaces. You could make this work, so long as you didn't actually do anything to edit the image while it was in Lab mode, but I wouldn't really advise this. In fact, these days I see less and less reason to use the Lab color mode in Photoshop. Now, a few people have taken me to task over not covering Lab mode image editing in this book, so let me clarify why I don't see editing in Lab mode as being so useful now for high-end image editing. In the early days of Photoshop I would sometimes use the Lab color mode to carry out certain tasks, such as sharpening the Lightness channel separately. This was before the introduction of layers and blending modes, where I soon learnt that you could use the Luminosity and Color blend modes to neatly target the luminosity or the color values in an image without having to convert to Lab mode and back to RGB again. While it is true that Luminosity blend mode sharpening is not exactly the same as sharpening the Lightness channel, such arguments have been further superseded by the latest improvements to Camera Raw sharpening, where it is now possible to filter the luminance sharpening using the Detail and Masking sliders (see Chapter 4).
Let's just say that there are no right or wrong answers here. If you can produce good-looking prints using whatever methods work best for you, and you are happy with the results, well who can argue with that? However, I would hope by now that having learnt about optimizing tones and colors in Camera Raw, followed by what can be achieved using Photoshop, you'll realize that these are all the tools you'll ever need to process a photograph all the way through to the finished print stage. My response to the Lab color argument is that it is simply adding complexity where none is needed. There are good reasons why in recent years the Adobe engineering teams have devoted considerable effort to enhancing the Camera Raw image editing for Photoshop and Lightroom. Their aim has been to make photographic image editing more versatile, less destructive and above all, simpler to work with.

Info panel

Given the deficiencies of typical computer color displays, such as their limited dynamic range and inability to reproduce certain colors like pure yellow, color professionals may sometimes rely on the numeric information to assess an image. Certainly, when it comes to getting the correct output of neutral tones, it is possible to predict with greater accuracy the neutrality of a gray tone by measuring the color values with the eyedropper tool. If you use the eyedropper tool to measure the colors in an image that's in a standard RGB space, such as sRGB, Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB, and the RGB numbers are all equal, it is unquestionably a gray color (see Figure 12.42). Interpreting the CMYK ink values is not so straightforward. This is because a neutral CMYK gray is not made up of an equal amount of cyan, yellow and magenta. If you compare the Color readout values between the RGB and CMYK Info panel readouts, there will always be more cyan ink used in the neutral tones, compared with the yellow and magenta inks. This is because a greater proportion of cyan ink is required to balance out the magenta and yellow inks to produce a neutral gray color in print (if the CMY values were equal, you would see a color cast). This is due to the fact that the process cyan ink is less able to absorb its complementary color – red – compared with the way magenta and yellow absorb their complementary colors. This also explains why a CMY black will tend to look reddish/brown, without the help of the black plate being present to add depth and neutrality.
When you are retouching a portrait (such as in Figure 12.43), you can use the Info panel CMYK readout numbers to help judge if the skin tones are the right color. Set the panel options to display RGB and CMYK readouts. Then use the eyedropper to measure the skin tone values. Caucasian skin tones should have roughly a third or a quarter as much cyan as magenta and slightly more yellow than magenta. Black skin tones should be denser, have the same proportion of cyan to magenta, but usually a higher amount of yellow than magenta and also some black.

Keeping it simple

Congratulations on making it through to the end of this chapter. Your head may be reeling from all this information about Photoshop's color management system, but successful color management doesn't have to be complex. Firstly, you need to set the Color Settings to the prepress setting for your geographic region. This single step configures the color management system with the best defaults for photographic work. The other thing you must do of course is to calibrate and profile the display. As I have said before, if you want to do this right, you owe it to yourself to purchase a decent colorimeter device and ensure the computer display is profiled regularly. Do just these few things and you are well on your way to achieving a reliable color management workflow.