- account
- adding users to, 60–61
- creating new Zoom account, 48–52
- creating personal Zoom account, 339
- deactivating existing accounts, 61–62
- deleting existing users from, 62–63
- management of, 59–67
- unlinking users from, 63–64
- account admins, reporting for, 185
- account owners, reporting for, 182–185
- acquisitions and partnerships, potential for in Zoom's future, 332
- Active Hosts, as type of usage report, 183
- Active Speaker layout, 81
- Add Call, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- add-ons
- audio conference options, 37
- cloud recording, 37
- costs of, 39
- large meetings, 37
- webinars, 37, 38, 44, 208
- Zoom Phone, 44, 294
- Zoom Rooms, 37
- admin, as default user role, 67
- Adobe Connect, 19
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 38
- advanced features, exploration of, 340
- Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 12
- AI (artificial intelligence), 327–328
- Allow Participants to Rename Themselves, as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- Allow Participants to Unmute Themselves, as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- alternative hosts, 73, 218
- Amazon
- Amazon Alexa, 330
- Amazon Chime, 18
- AmazonBasics laptop stand, 93
- as benefitting from network effects, 317
- as confronting security and privacy challenges, 274
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- on facial recognition, 333
- as fixated on cutting-edge technologies, 326
- as having to manage double-edged sword of sudden, massive growth, 247
- troubles of in meeting customer demand, 249
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- uptime percentages with, 41
- Zoom's hosting of cloud computing via, 21
- animated gifs, adding of to messages, 144–145
- annotating/annotation tools
- disabling attendee annotation in webinar, 230–231
- more information about, 114
- in webinars, 228–229
- whiteboarding, 11, 34, 40–41, 105, 107, 108, 112–113
- with Zoom, 40–41
- AnyMeeting (Intermedia), 19
- Apple
- apps of as connecting with those of third-party, 204
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- as fixated on cutting-edge technologies, 326
- iPhones, 250
- Siri, 329
- application programming interfaces (APIs), 20, 192
- application-layer service quality, Zoom's use of, 21
- apps. See also specific apps
- browsing for Zoom apps, 194–195
- as compared to integrations, 223
- email as killer business app of last 25 years, 320
- enhancing Zoom with third-party apps, 189–192
- extensions, as diluted apps, 191
- installing Zoom app, 196–197
- limiting apps that members can install, 200–202
- managing your Zoom apps, 195–202
- recommendations for, 202–203
- restricting of in Meetings & Chat, 199–200
- searching for specific Zoom app, 193
- treading lightly with, 204
- uninstalling Zoom app, 197–198
- viewing your organization's installed apps, 199
- Zoom App Marketplace, 192–195, 202, 348, 351, 353
- Zoom as outsourcing app development, 191
- AR (augmented reality), 326
- ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 12
- ARPANET, 12–13
- artificial intelligence (AI), 327–328
- Ask to Start Video, as meeting participant action, 100
- attendee
- allowing attendees to upvote others' questions in webinar, 232–233
- answering questions of in webinar, 231–232
- Attendee Report for webinars, 239
- dismissing questions of in webinar, 231
- interacting with in webinars, 230
- options for in webinars, 227
- reopening dismissed questions of in webinar, 232
- responding when attendees raise their hands in webinar, 233–234
- specifics of role of in webinars, 222–223
- Attendee Report, for webinars, 239
- Audio, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- audio conferencing, as communication service, 11
- Audio Settings, description of icon for attendee (on webinars), 227
- audio transcriptions
- conditions for viewing, 330
- enabling of, 77–78
- as feature for augmenting meetings, 75
- options for, 96–97
- viewing of, 116–117
- audio/visual (A/V) system, using Zoom with, 41
- augmented reality (AR), 326
- authentication
- two-factor authentication (2FA), 260–264, 338
- of user profiles, 264–267
- away, as Meetings & Chat status, 131
- AWS (Amazon Web Services)
- uptime percentages with, 41
- Zoom's hosting of cloud computing via, 21
- background
- recommendation for, 94
- virtual backgrounds, 97–99, 352
- backup communications tool, importance of, 341
- bad actors, 49, 74, 245–246, 264, 274. See also hackers; trolls
- Bailenson, Jeremy (author)
- WSJ op-ed on nonverbal overload, 342
- Ballmer, Steve (CEO of Microsoft), 250
- Baran, Paul (computer scientist), 12
- Barrenechea, Mark (CEO of OpenText), 98
- Barrett, Kerry (media expert), 94
- Basic plan, 34, 52–53, 60, 67, 164, 208
- BlackBerry, 20, 43, 250, 325
- Blackboard, Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Block Contact, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- blog, on Zoom, 348–349
- Bluejeans, 17, 18
- Botwin, Andrew (business owner), 14
- Box file sharing option, 146, 189
- breakout rooms
- enabling of, 76–77
- as feature for augmenting meetings, 75
- use of, 102–105
- Brightline, cMe2 Huddle Room Light, 291, 292
- bring your own device (BYOD), 319
- bug fixes, 257
- business hours, setting of on Zoom Phone, 305
- Business Meetings & Chat plan, 34, 35–36, 39, 235
- calls
- accessing recorded calls, 310–311
- caller ID option, 312
- display of missed calls, 311
- making calls with Zoom Phone, 293–312
- performing in-call actions, 307–308
- placing outbound calls with Zoom Phone, 306
- receiving inbound calls with Zoom Phone, 306–307
- as separating inbound and outbound calling numbers, 301
- viewing call history and returning calls, 311
- Zoom as not defaulting outbound calling plans to users, 301
- Canvas, Zoom as integrating with, 27, 348
- CAPTCHA, Zoom's use of, 255
- Captus Systems, 290
- Carlyle, Thomas (philosopher and writer), 192
- Carr, Nicolas (author)
- The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, 322
- Carter, Rebekah (reporter for UC Today), 312
- cellphone market, history of, 250
- Chambers, John (former CEO of Cisco Systems), 260
- channels
- browsing and joining existing public channels, 165–166
- compared to group chats, 164, 174
- comparison of to similar Zoom features, 174
- converting channel types, 168–169
- creating new channel, 165
- deleting channels, 167–168
- getting started with, 173
- inviting other members to existing private channel, 169–170
- leaving channels, 168
- posting messages in, 172
- quickly setting notifications for, 176–177
- referencing channels in messages, 170–171
- searching specific channels, 172–173
- setting keyword-specific notifications, 177–178
- setting specific notifications for, 174–177
- starring a channel, 167
- starting quick channel meetings, 171
- turning group chats into proper channels, 171–172
- types of, 164
- understanding of, 163–168
- viewing information about specific channels, 166–167
- Chat. See also Meetings & Chat
- description of icon for attendee (on webinars), 227
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 226
- as meeting participant action, 100
- chat, as other name for instant messaging (IM), 11
- chatting
- allowing participants to as security-related option, 252
- comparing channels to group chat, 164, 174
- with individual contacts, 134–136
- inviting others to existing group chat, 128, 138–139
- leaving group chat, 137–138
- referencing a specific member in group chat, 142–143
- setting specific notifications for group chats, 174–176
- starting new group chat, 59, 136–137
- turning group chats into proper channels, 171–172
- Cheat Sheet, 5
- choices, people as struggling when faced with too many choices, 193
- Christensen, Clayton (author)
- The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, 247
- ciphertext, 253
circuit-based networks, 12
- Cisco Systems
- acquisition of Webex by, 10
- TelePresence, 280–281, 283
Cisco TelePresence Fundamentals, 280
- Cisco Webex, 18
- Clear
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 229
- Clear All Feedback, as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- Clear Chat History, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- cloud computing, Zoom's use of, 21
- Cloud Recording, as type of usage report, 183
- cMe2 Huddle Room Light (Brightline), 291, 292
- code changes, 257
- code snippets
- creating, 179–181
- enabling of, 179
- sharing of, 178–181
- co-host
- adding and managing, 222
- benefits of experienced co-host, 221–222
- specifics of role of in meetings, 73, 219–221
- collaboration tools. See also Microsoft Teams; Slack
- built-in ones in Zoom, 32–33
- examples of, 18–19, 128, 221
- Microsoft as supporting bevy of, 18
- resistance to adoption of new technology, 316
- support of wildcards with, 155
- comedy, performing of via Zoom, 357
- “Communication is 93% Nonverbal: An Urban Legend Proliferates” (Lapakko), 25
- communications
- having backup communications tool, 341
- protecting yours in Zoom, 245–276
- why employees often resist adopting new work-related communication tools, 316–317
- Zoom as not replacing need for in-person communication, 345
- computer app, use of term, 55
- Conference Room Connectors (Zoom Rooms), 289
- confidence monitor, use of, 286
- contacts
- adding external contacts, 123–124
- adding internal contact to existing meeting, 126–127
- adding internal contacts, 123
- importing or syncing third-party contacts, 125
- inviting existing contact to new meeting, 126
- managing your Zoom contacts, 122–128
- performing contact-specific actions, 127–128
- removing an existing contact, 125–126
- content distribution, Zoom's integrations with, 223
- contingency plans, importance of for important meetings, 340–341
- cooking classes, via Zoom, 355
- Copy, as message-specific action, 149
- coronavirus, 15, 249. See also COVID-19
- Corsair, Elgato Green Screen, 99
- costs
- Basic plan, 34, 338
- Business Meetings & Chat plan, 35–36
- Enterprise Meetings & Chat plan, 36
- Enterprise Plus Meetings & Chat plan, 36–37
- Pro Meetings & Chat plan, 35
- Zoom as affordable, 26
- Zoom as requiring minimal up-front cost, 347
- Zoom Phone, 44
- of Zoom Room, 41–42, 284
- of Zoom Room software license, 285
- Zoom Webinar add-on pricing, 39
- Covey, Stephen (author)
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 230
- COVID-19
- history of, 15
- impact of on Zoom, 14–16, 22, 249, 344
- Zoom as helping to alleviate critical business and social problems during, 245, 314–315
- creative destruction, understanding of, 246–251
- Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (author)
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, 132
- customer-relationship management (CRM), 27, 28, 38, 203, 223, 348
CVent, as third-party app, 223
- Daily, as type of usage report, 183
- daily active users (DAUs), 15–16
- dashboard
- My Dashboard, 199, 200
- reporting dashboard for Business and Education plans, 184
- UI as, 59
- Zoom account dashboard, 54
- Zoom dashboard, 35
- Zoom Phone dashboard, 44
- data, Zoom's intelligent use of, 21
- data sharing, as communication service, 11
- data storage
- staying within plan's limit of, 241
- today's cheaper costs of, 20
- viewing current level of, 119–120
- dating, via Zoom, 356
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World (Newport), 132
- Delete Contact, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- desktop client
- defined, 55
- downloading and installing, 54–56, 191
- signing in to, 56–57
- use of term, 55
- desktop sharing, as communication service, 11
- developer forums, 353
- developer guides, for Zoom, 353
- directory, Meetings & Chat directory, 122–128
- distributed architecture, Zoom's use of, 21
Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution (Vogelstein), 250
- do-not-disturb (DND), as Meetings & Chat status, 131–132
- downgrades, 26, 52, 54, 67
- Draw
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 228
- Drew University, use of Zoom Rooms by, 290–291
- DTEN All-in-One Video Conferencing Device, 286, 287
- Dunbar, Robin (anthropologist), 122
- E2EE (end-to-end encryption), 253, 254
- eBay, as benefitting from network effects, 317
- Education Meetings & Chat plan, 35, 37, 39, 67, 77, 96, 117, 184, 268, 330
- educators. See teachers/educators
- Elgato Green Screen (virtual background), 99
- email
- as killer business app of last 25 years, 320
- myth that Zoom eliminates need for, 346
- emojis, adding of to messages, 144–145
- empty white circle, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- Enable Waiting Room
- as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- as security-related option, 252
- encryption, enhancement of, 253–255
- Encrypt.me, 255
- End
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 227
- description of icon for (in meetings), 79
- ending meeting, 115–116
- endpoints, 289
- end-to-end encryption (E2EE), 253, 254
- end-user license agreements (EULAs), 41, 205
- Enterprise Meetings & Chat plan, 35, 36, 67, 77, 96, 268, 330
- Enterprise Plus Meetings & Chat plan, 35, 36–37, 39
- Epic, as popular Zoom app, 203
- Eraser
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 229
- Evans, Benedict (venture capitalist), 250
- Eventbrite, as third-party app, 223
extensions, as diluted apps, 191
- Facebook
- as benefitting from network effects, 317
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- Facebook Live, 38
- Facebook Messenger Rooms, 19
- as fixated on cutting-edge technologies, 326
- as having to manage double-edged sword of sudden, massive growth, 247
- as option when creating new Zoom account, 48
- purchase of Oculus by, 326
- security and privacy challenges of, 274
- sharing webinar on, 214, 236–237
- using 2FA for, 263
- WhatsApp, 253
- Zoom on, 352
- facial recognition
- current status of in marketplace, 333
- potential for in Zoom's future, 333
- fatigue
- tool fatigue, 322
- Zoom fatigue, 342
- files
- quickly accessing, 147
- storing of, 36
- uploading and sharing of, 146–147
- fitness, via Zoom, 357
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Csikszentmihalyi), 132
- Follow Message, as message-specific action, 149
- Format
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 229
- formatting, applying different formats to text in messages, 144
- framing, recommendation for, 94
- Free Conference Call, 341
- freemium business model, 337
- friction, potential additions to in Zoom's future, 333
- Friedman, Thomas L. (author)
- The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century, 280
- Fuze, 19
- game playing, via Zoom, 356
- Gartner 2019 Magic Quadrant for Meeting Solutions, Zoom's leader award from, 16
- GitHub
- as popular Zoom app, 203
- Zoom's publication of its cryptographic design on for peer review, 254
- Glassdoor Best Place to Work in 2019, Zoom's second place award from, 16
- Gmail
- using Zoom instead of, 28
- using Zoom with, 33
- Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Google
- apps of as connecting with those of third-party, 204
- as confronting security and privacy challenges, 274
- as fixated on cutting-edge technologies, 326
- Google Assistant app, 331
- Google Authenticator app, 262, 263
- Google Calendar, 83, 203
- Google Docs, 221, 340
- Google Drive, 57, 146, 189, 190–191, 321
- Google Home, 330
- Google Meet, 19
- Google Sheets, 188
- Google Trends' searches for Zoombombing, 248
- as having to manage double-edged sword of sudden, massive growth, 247
- importing and syncing contacts from, 125
- meteoric growth of Google Classrooms during pandemic, 315
- as option when creating new Zoom account, 48
- Pixel Buds, 331
- search capabilities of, 32
- as supporting bevy of related collaboration tools, 18
- uptime percentages with, 41
- GoToMeeting, 18
- graduations, via Zoom, 357
- gray circular clock, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- green outlined rectangle, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- green solid circle, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- group chat
- comparing channels to, 164, 174
- inviting others to existing group chat, 128, 138–139
- leaving group chats, 137–138
- quickly setting notifications for, 176–177
- referencing a specific member in, 142–143
- setting specific notifications for, 174–177
- starting new group chat, 59, 136–167
- turning group chats into proper channels, 171–172
- group meetings, taking them to the next level with Zoom Rooms, 279–292
- growth, companies having to manage double-edged sword of sudden, massive growth, 247
- H.323, 13, 289
- hackers, 205, 246, 255, 257, 260, 264, 270, 332, 339
- Hafner, Katie (author)
- Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet, 12
- Halo Collaboration Center (HCC) (HP), 281
- Halo Collaboration Studios (HCS) (HP), 281
- Hanlon's Razro, 319
- happy hour, via Zoom, 356
- help center, 350
- Hewlett-Packard (HP)
- Halo Collaboration Center (HCC), 281
- Halo Collaboration Studios (HCS), 281–282
- Hold, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- host
- annotation options for in webinars, 228–229
- managing and interacting with participants, 99–100
- mid-meeting actions of, 95–115
- other meeting options for, 114–115
- recording options, 95–97
- restricting who can attend meetings by, 264–265
- specifics of role of in meetings, 73
- specifics of role of in webinars, 217–218
- in-webinar controls for webinar hosts, 226–227
- http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 13
- HubSpot, as CRM and marketing automation tool, 223
- huddle rooms, 284
- IBM, on facial recognition, 333
- iCal, using Zoom with, 33
- icons
- in book, explained, 4–5
- Meetings & Chat status icons, 129–130
- Zoom In-Meeting menu icons, 79
- IDs
- increasing length of, 255
- Personal Meeting ID (PMI), 35, 74–75, 86–87, 90–91, 268, 272
- removal of meeting ID from title toolbar as security-related measure, 252
- IM (instant messaging), as communication service, 11
- IM groups
- adding new group, 161
- adding users to, 161
- comparing channels to, 174
- types of, 161
- understanding need for, 160–162
- immersive telepresence
- author's experience with, 282
- defined, 280
- early days of, 280–282
- Inactive Hosts, as type of usage report, 183
- in-call options on Zoom Phone, 308–309
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Christensen), 247
- Instant Meetings, use of term, 78
- instant messaging (IM), as communication service, 11
- integrations, apps as compared to, 223
- Intermedia AnyMeeting, 19
- Internet Protocol (IP) telephony, 11
- Invite Others, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- iPhones
- as not instant hit everywhere, 250
- user numbers, 250
- Johns Hopkins University, on deaths from coronavirus, 15
- Johnson, Jim (founder and chairman of The Standish Group), 159
- Johnson-DeBaufre, Melanie (Associate Dean of Drew Theological School), 290
- Join.Me, 19
- Kafka, Franz (novelist), 340
- Kaltura, 223
- Katz, Kathy (managing partner at Brightline), 292
- Keybase, Zoom's acquisition of, 254
- Keypad, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- Kondo, Marie (author)
- ADD ACCENT IN RTF The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, 322
- Kranzberg, Melvin (professor), 246
- language translation, potential for in Zoom's future, 331
- Lapakko, David (academic), 25
The Lawnmower Man (film), 327
- learning management systems (LMS), Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Leave, description of icon for attendee (on webinars), 227
- leaving meeting, 115–116
- Lenin, Vladimir (former premier of Soviet Union), 249
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Kondo)
- Lifesize, 283
- lighting
- recommendation for, 94
- for Zoom Rooms, 291–292
- LinkedIn
- as benefitting from network effects, 317
- Zoom on, 352
- LMS (learning management systems), Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Lock Meeting
- as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- as security-related option, 252
- LogMein, 19
- machine learning (ML), 327–328
- Magic Quadrant, 16
- Make Co-Host, as meeting participant action, 100
- Make Host, as meeting participant action, 100
- Malcolm, Ian (fictional character in Jurassic Park), 272
- Mark as Unread
- as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- as message-specific action, 149
- Marketo
- as CRM and marketing automation tool, 223
- using Zoom with, 38
- MCU (Multipoint Control Unit), 21
- Meet, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 309
- Meet Now, use of term, 78
Meet with Video, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- Meet without Video, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- Meeting
- as type of member report, 185
- as type of usage report, 183
- meeting ID, removal of from title toolbar as security-related measure, 252
- meetings, use of term, 47
- Meetings & Chat
- Active Speaker layout, 81
- audio transcriptions. See audio transcriptions
- augmenting, 75–78
- background. See background
- channels. See channels
- collecting participant input through polls, 85–87
- contact-specific actions, 127–128
- creating threads, 139–145
- directory, 122–128
- editing scheduled meeting, 84–85
- enabling default passwords and waiting rooms for, 255
- ending meeting, 115–116
- getting more out of, 159–188
- getting started with, 72–78
- handling registration for, 87–89
- hosting Zoom meetings, 78–95
- IM groups. See IM groups
- inviting existing contact to new meeting, 126
- inviting others to current meetings, 80
- joining others' meetings, 90–91
- keeping privacy in mind during, 275–276
- leaving meeting, 115–116
- letting others in to yours, 89–92
- limiting who can control main screen, 273
- locating your version of, 257
- main features and benefits, 32–33
- other in-meeting layouts, 82
- performing mid-meeting actions, 95–115
- planning future meeting, 82–89
- plans and costs, 33–37
- polling. See polling
- putting bow on, 115–120
- as ready-to-go tool, 30
- recording. See recording
- requiring more complex passwords for, 270–272
- restricting of apps in, 199–200
- rich-text message formatting options in, 143
- scheduling meeting, 82–84
- screen-sharing. See screen-sharing
- sharing content on, 105–114
- specifications of, 26
- uploading and sharing of files, 146–147
- user interface (UI), 58
- user numbers, 283
- uses of, 31
- version 5.0, 259, 276
- webinars as add-on to, 208
- webinars as special types of, 229
- Zoom channels. See channels
- Mehrabian, Albert (author)
- member(s)
- as default user role, 67
- reporting for, 185
Message Not Received: Why Business Communication Is Broken and How to Fix It (Simon), 24, 345
- messages
- adding flair to, 143–145
- creating, 139–145
- editing and deleting, 141–142
- performing message-specific actions, 149–150
- referencing other Zoom members in group discussion, 142–143
- saving drafts, 141
- Messenger Rooms (Facebook), 19
- Meta View (formerly Meta), 327
- metadata
- defined, 21
- Zoom's intelligent use of, 21
- microphones, Yeti Blue, 94
- Microsoft
- acquisition of Skype by, 18
- apps of as connecting with those of third-party, 204
- as benefitting from network effects, 317
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- on facial recognition, 333
- as fixated on cutting-edge technologies, 326
- Microsoft Access, 188
- Microsoft Authenticator, 262
- Microsoft Azure, 41
- Microsoft Cortana, 330
- Microsoft Excel, 188, 320
- Microsoft Exchange, 125
- Microsoft Office, 189, 321
- Microsoft Office 365, 57, 125
- Microsoft OneDrive, 146
- Microsoft Outlook, 27, 28, 33, 83, 193, 195, 348, 351
- Microsoft PowerBI, 188
- Microsoft Project, 321
- Microsoft Teams. See Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Word, 107
- as serious player in cellphone market, 250
- as supporting bevy of related collaboration tools, 18
- Zoom Phone as competing with, 312
- Zoom's rise as carving out market share from, 22
- Microsoft Teams
- as collaboration tool, 19, 128, 189, 221, 276, 302, 320, 321, 323
- cynics as dismissive of, 317
- as having functionality to create channels, 163
- as popular Zoom app, 203
- as supporting wildcards, 155
- Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Minimize, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 309
- monetization, of webinars, 223
- Mouse, description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 228
- movie watching, via Zoom, 357
- multi-bitrate encoding, Zoom's use of, 21
- multichanging, vs. multitasking, 132
- multimedia routing, Zoom's use of, 21
- Multipoint Control Unit (MCU), 21
- Mute
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 226
- description of icon for (in meetings), 79
- description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- Mute Participants upon Entry, as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- myths, about Zoom, 343–348
- Neat, Neat Bar, 286
- Netflix, as benefitting from network effects, 317
- network effect, Zoom as benefitting from, 317–318
- Newport, Cal (author)
- Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, 132
- nonverbal cues, how much they matter, 25
- nonverbal overload, 342
- notifications
- don't be a slave to, 132
- refining yours, 174–177-8
- setting keyword-specific ones, 177–178
- setting ones for all channels and group chats, 176–177
- setting specific ones for channels and group chats, 174–176
- staying current with, 133–134
- Notify Me When Available, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- online tastings, via Zoom, 355
- OpenText, videoconferencing backgrounds, 98
- Operation Logs, as type of user-activity reports, 183
- Otter.ai, as popular Zoom app, 203
- Ovide, Shira (writer)
- “Zoom is easy. That's why it's dangerous.,” 333
owner, as default user role, 67
- packet switching, 12
- panelist
- options for, 221
- specifics of role of in webinars, 218–219
- Panopto, 223
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (Schwartz), 193
- Pardot, as CRM and marketing automation tool, 223
- participants
- adding internal contact to existing meeting, 126–127
- allowing them to chat, as security-related option, 252
- allowing them to rename themselves, as security-related option, 110, 115, 252
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 226
- description of icon for (in meetings), 79
- display of Participants panel, 99
- joining meeting using PMI, 90–91
- joining meeting via URL, 92
- letting meeting participants control your screen, 109–111
- looking your best in Zoom, 93
- managing and interacting with, 99–100
- notification to in Zoom Meetings desktop client, 90
- premeeting entry prompt, 92
- preventing removed ones from rejoining, 272–273
- putting your best foot forward, 93–95
- sharing content with, 105–114
- specifics of role of in meetings, 73–74
- waiting for hosts to begin meeting, 92
- Participants tab, 99
- parties, via Zoom, 357
- partnerships and acquisitions, potential for in Zoom's future, 332
- passwords
- enabling default passwords for all meetings, 255
- intelligent use of, 267–272
- 100 worst ones from 2018, 270
- requirement for, 338
- requiring more complex meeting and webinar passwords, 270–272
- setting one for individual upcoming meeting, 268
- setting other password-related options, 268–269
- use of, 91
- PayPal, for monetization of webinars, 223
- Performance Report, for webinars, 239
- personal appearance, recommendations for, 94
- personal information, locating your personal Zoom information, 74–75
- Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
- creating and distributing of in Pro plan, 35
- joining a meeting using, 90–91
- keeping it private, 272
- as key to Personal Meeting Room (PMR), 74–75
- polls as tied to specific ones, 86–87
- requirement for, 268
- Personal Meeting Room (PMR), 74
- Phone System, as type of usage report, 183
- Phone System Operation Logs, as type of user-activity reports, 183
- phones
- plans
- adding Zoom Phone to your existing plan, 294–296
- Basic plan. See Basic plan
- Business Meetings & Chat plan. See Business Meetings & Chat plan
- canceling of, 52, 53–54, 67
- downgrading of, 26, 52, 54, 67
- Enterprise Meetings & Chat plan. See Enterprise Meetings & Chat plan
- Enterprise Plus Meetings & Chat plan. See Enterprise Plus Meetings & Chat plan
- modifying yours, 52–54
- Pro Meetings & Chat plan. See Pro Meetings & Chat plan
- upgrading of, 26, 34–35, 37, 52–53, 60, 67, 338
- Play Enter/Exit Chime, as additional meeting option for hosts, 115
- playing games, via Zoom, 356
- PMI (Personal Meeting ID)
- creating and distributing of in Pro plan, 35
- joining a meeting using, 90–91
- keeping it private, 272
- as key to Personal Meeting Room (PMR), 74–75
- polls as tied to specific ones, 86–87
- requirement for, 268
- PMR (Personal Meeting Room), 74
- Poll Report, for webinars, 239
- polling
- collecting participant input through polls, 85–87
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 227
- launching live polls, 100–102
- Poll Report for webinars, 239
- setting up on webinars, 216–217
- as Zoom In-Meeting Menu icon, 79
- Poly Studio, X Video Bars, 286
- Polycom, 283
- premium plans, 34–35, 60, 64, 67, 85, 124, 161, 164, 181, 194. See also Business Meetings & Chat plan; Education Meetings & Chat plan; Enterprise Meetings & Chat plan; Enterprise Plus Meetings & Chat plan; Pro Meetings & Chat plan
- presence information, as communication service, 11
- privacy. See security and privacy controls/settings
- Private
- as type of IM group, 161
- as type of Zoom channel, 164, 169–170
- Pro Meetings & Chat plan, 14, 34, 35, 37, 39, 52–53, 67, 208, 241, 295
- profile
- adding personal note to, 133
- authenticating user profiles, 264–267
- completing Zoom profile, 57–58
- protection, of communications in Zoom, 245–276
- protocols
- defined, 13
- H.323, 13
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 13
- Public, as type of Zoom channel, 164, 169
- Pulver, Jeff (founder of Vonage), 18
- Put in Waiting Room, as meeting participant action, 100
- Q&A
- allowing attendees to upvote others' questions in webinar, 232–233
- answering questions of in webinar, 231–232
- description of icon for attendee (on webinars), 227
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 227
- dismissing attendees' questions in, 231
- handling of in webinar, 235–236
- Q&A Report for webinars, 239
- reopening dismissed attendee questions of in webinar, 232
- Q&A Report, for webinars, 239
- Raise Hand/raising hand
- as attendee action, 222, 227
- description of icon for attendee (on webinars), 227
- as panelist action, 218
- responding when webinar attendees use this feature, 233–234
- reactions, description of icon for, 79
- Record
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 227
- description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- recording
- accessing, 117–120, 236–237
- deleting recorded webinars, 241
- description of icon for, 79
- downloading recorded webinar, 238
- sharing of, 119, 236–237
- of Zoom meetings, 33, 95–97
- red calendar, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
red circle with telephone symbol, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 309
- red circle with white exclamation point, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- red circle with white horizontal line in center, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- red telephone, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- red video camera, as Meetings & Chat status icon, 129
- Redo
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 229
- Reeder Music Academy, adoption of Zoom by, 14
- refactoring, 257
- registration
- for meetings, 87–89
- registering for future meeting, 88
- Registration Report for meetings, 183, 185
- Registration Report for webinars, 239
- requiring others to register for your meeting, 87
- viewing registrant data, 88–89
- for webinars, 210–212, 214–215
- Registration Report
- Remote Support, as type of usage report, 183
- Remove, as meeting participant action, 100
- Rename/renaming, as meeting participant action, 100, 115, 252
- Report, as meeting participant action, 100
- reporting
- customizing of, 186–188
- exporting raw report data, 188
- role-based reporting, 182–185
- running simple report, 185–186
- running webinar-related reports, 239–240
- with Zoom, 38, 181–188
- resources
- for everyday users, 350–352
- for software developers, 353
- Restricted, as type of IM group, 161
- RingCentral, 18
- roles
Running Engaging Online Events, 223
- safeguards, 38, 246
- Salesforce
- as customer-relationship management (CRM) system, 27, 38, 217, 223
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- as enterprise system, 321
- as popular Zoom app, 203
- using Zoom with, 27, 38
- Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Save
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 229
- Sayre, Wallace Stanley (political scientist and professor), 328
- Scheck, Justin (journalist), 281
- Schumpeter, Joseph (economist), 246–247
- Schwartz, Barry (author)
- The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, 193
- screen captures, sending, 148–149
- screen-sharing
- allowing participants to share screen as security-related option, 252
- basics of, 105–108
- cautions with, 110
- letting meeting participants control your screen, 109–111
- limiting who can control main screen, 273
- performing different tasks while, 109
- regaining control of your computer, 111
- requesting control of host's screen, 111
- in webinars, 228–229
- on Zoom Rooms, 283
- SDKs (software development kits), 192
- searching
- performing advanced searches, 153–155
- performing basic searches, 150–153
- performing searches with wildcards, 155–156
- security
- addition of icon for, 252
- description of icon for, 79
- enhancements to, 257
- taking it seriously, 338–339
- of Zoom meetings, 33, 38
- security and privacy controls/settings
- applying different security options to different user groups, 269–270
- authentication, 260–267
- bringing Zoom's to the forefront, 252–253
- configuring zoom for maximum privacy and security, 256–276
- exhibiting healthy skepticism, 274–275
- following Zoom's best security practices, 272–273
- importance of using your brain regarding, 274
- keeping privacy in mind during meetings, 275–276
- looking toward the future, 276–277
- myth that Zoom is fundamentally insecure, 344
- need for understanding of, 246
- password-related, 267–272
- potential increases to in Zoom's future, 332
- Select
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 228
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 13, 289
- setting up Zoom
- completing Zoom profile, 57–58
- creating new Zoom account, 48–52
- downloading and installing Zoom desktop client, 54–56
- getting to know Zoom's UI, 58–59
- modifying your plan, 52–54
- reviewing Zoom account management, 59–67
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 230
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (Carr), 322
- Share Message., as message-specific action, 149
- Share Screen
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 227
- description of icon for (in meetings), 79
- Shared, as type of IM group, 161
- Sign In/Sign Out, as type of user-activity reports, 183
Silent Messages (Mehrabian), 25
- SIM (subscriber identification module), 264
- SIM swap, 264
- single sign-on (SSO), 56, 57
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 13, 289
- Skype
- business version, 18
- consumer version, 18
- Slack
- apps of as connecting with those of third-party, 204
- author's experience with, 17
- as collaboration tool, 19, 27, 41, 57, 128, 221, 276, 321, 323, 340
- cynics as dismissive of, 317
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- as having functionality to create channels, 163
- as not including screen-sharing, 28
- as popular Zoom app, 203
- as supporting wildcards, 155
- as trailing Meetings & Chat when it comes to user statuses, 133
- 2019 application rewrite, 257
- uptime percentages with, 41
- using Zoom with, 27, 28
- Zoom as integrating with, 348
- Zoom Phone as resembling communications products of, 302
Slack For Dummies (Simon), 17, 332
- snippets, 178–181
social networks, Zoom on, 352
- socializing, via Zoom, 355–357
- software development kits (SDKs), 192
- software licenses, 36
- sound quality, optimizing of, 93–95
- Spaventa, Shawn (Director of Instructional Technology of Drew Theological School), 290, 291
- Splain.io Google Drive, 190–191
- Spotlight
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 228
- SSO (single sign-on), 56, 57
- Stamos, Alex (former security chief at Facebook), 251, 252
- Stamp
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 228
- stand-up comedy, performing of via Zoom, 357
- Star Message, as message-specific action, 149
- Star/Unstar this Contact, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- status icons, 129–130
- Stop Video
- description of icon for host (on webinars), 226
- description of icon for (in meetings), 79
- storing/storage
- data storage, 20, 119–120, 241
- in Pro and Business plans, 241
- unlimited file storage in Enterprise Meetings & Chat plan, 36
- upgrading of for cloud recording, 37
- on Zoom, 33
- subscriptions. See plans
- support from Zoom, help center, 350
- system uptime, 41
- teachers/educators
- Blackboard, Canvas, and other popular learning management systems (LMS) as integrating with Zoom, 348
- NYC Department of Education's recommendation about Zoom, 248, 277
- possibilities of AR and VR capabilities for, 327
- use of Zoom by, 2, 15, 315
- using channels with, 163
- waiver of 40-minute limit for, 34
- Teams (Microsoft). See Microsoft Teams
- tech support, help center, 350
- technology
- resistance to adoption of new technology, 315, 316
- statistic on use of available features of, 159
- Telehealth Meetings & Chat plan, 37
- TelePresence (Cisco), 280–281
Terms and Conditions May Apply (documentary), 205
- Text
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 228
- ThinkingPhones, 19
- third-party apps
- benefits of using, 190–192
- encouraging employees to use Zoom's, 320
- enhancing Zoom with, 189–192
- perils of, 205
- potential for more robust ones in Zoom's future, 331–332
- taking Zoom webinars up a notch with, 223
- understanding rationale behind, 190–192
- third-party sites, broadcasting to from Zoom, 38
- tool fatigue, 322
- Touch Up My Appearance, 93
- training, 321, 341
- transcribing, of Zoom meetings, 33. See also audio transcriptions
- Transfer, description of icon for in-call options for Zoom Phone calls, 308
- trial runs, importance of, 340
- trolls, 222, 230, 246, 248, 257
Turk, Melissa (Carnegie Mellon University Associated Director of Alumni Engagement), 221–222, 235, 340
- TV watching, via Zoom, 357
- Twitter
- as benefitting from network effects, 317
- as confronting security and privacy challenges, 274
- as encouraging third-party developers to create their own apps, 191
- as having to manage double-edged sword of sudden, massive growth, 247
- poll about individuals' preferred work-from-home (WFH) tools on, 22–23
- sharing webinar on, 214, 236
- use of 2FA for, 263
- Zoom on, 352
- 2019 Inc., Zoom's placement on 5000 list of America's fastest growing private companies, 16
- two-factor authentication (2FA)
- activating it at organizational level, 261
- enabling of, 338
- overview, 260–261
- remaining vigilant, even with it enabled, 263–264
- turning it on for yourself, 261–263
- UberConference, 19
- UI (user interface)
- getting to know Zoom's, 58–59
- Zoom's changes to, 256
- Undo
- as annotation option, 113
- description of icon for host-annotation options (on webinar), 229
- Unified Communications (UC), 11
- unified messaging, as communication service, 11
- Upcoming Events, as type of usage report, 183
- updates
- dealing with forced upgrades, 259
- importance of, 339
- locating your version of Meetings & Chat, 257
- process for updating, 258–259
- types of, 256
- upgrades, 26, 34–35, 37, 52–53, 60, 67, 259, 338
- Urben, Urben Immersive Datapresence (ID) product, 288, 289
- Usage, as type of member report, 185
- user authentication, 264–267
- user groups
- applying different security options to different user groups, 269–270
- changing, 66–67
- comparing channels to, 174
- creating new user group, 65
- overview, 64
- populating, 65–66
- user interface (UI)
- getting to know Zoom's, 58–59
- Zoom's changes to, 256
- user management, 35
- user roles
- changing an existing user's role, 69
- creating new ones, 68
- default user roles, 67
- importance of, 67–69
- user status
- changing yours, 130–133
- understanding of, 128–134
- users. See also specific user groups
- adding of to your Zoom account, 60–61
- deleting existing users, 62–63
- ensuring privacy of, 253
- managing of via IM groups, 160–162
- types of, 60
- unlinking of, 63–64
- Valera, Richard (analyst), 16
- vanity web addresses, creation of, 35
- video
- pinning of in Zoom Rooms, 283
- spotlighting of in Zoom Rooms, 283
- video conferencing/video conference tools
- advantages of today's breed of, 20
- as communication service, 11
- Meetings & Chat. See Meetings & Chat
- Video Webinars. See Video Webinars
- Zoom as de facto standard for, 317
- Zoom Rooms. See Zoom Rooms
- Zoom's main competitors in, 18–19
- Zoom's rating as video conferencing app, 17
- video games, playing of via Zoom, 356
- video meetings, role of, 121
- Video Webinars. See also webinars
- as add-on to Meetings & Chat plan, 44, 208
- calling as not available via, 23
- as easy to set up, 25
- main features and benefits of, 37–38
- more information about, 208
- plans and costs, 38–39
- as ready-to-go tool, 30, 31
- as special types of Zoom meetings, 208
- Viera, Javier (Vice Provost and Dean of Drew Theological School), 290
- View Profile, as Meetings & Chat contact action, 128
- virtual backgrounds, 97–99, 352
- virtual private network (VPN), 254–255
- virtual reality (VR), 326–327
- visiting, via Zoom, 356
- Vogelstein, Fred (author)
- Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution, 250
- Voice, as communication service, 11
- voice capabilities, current limitations of on Zoom, 329
- voice commands
- future of, 330
- use of in Zoom Rooms, 283
- Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 18, 289, 294
- voicemail
- listening to, 309–310
- setting up on Zoom Phone, 304
- Vonage, 18
- VPN (virtual private network), 254–255
- VR (virtual reality), 326–327
- waiting room
- attendees' view of meeting while in, 89
- Enable Waiting Room, 115
- enabling default waiting rooms for all meetings, 255
- enabling of, 76, 338
- as feature for augmenting meetings, 75
- options for, 90
- Put in Waiting Room description, 100
- use of as security practice, 272
The Wall Street Journal, article on telepresence, 281
- web conferencing, as communication service, 11
- webcams
- Logitech BRIO, 93
- placement of, 94
- Webex, 10, 18, 325
- webhooks, 192
- Webinar, as type of member report, 185
- webinars
- accessing and sharing recording of, 236–237
- as add-on to Meetings & Chat plan, 37, 38, 44, 208
- allowing attendees to upvote others' questions in, 232–233
- answering attendees' questions in, 231–232
- canceling yours, 224–225
- concluding, 236–241
- for content distribution, 223
- creating your first webinar, 209–210
- for CRM and marketing automation, 223
- deleting recorded webinars, 241
- disabling attendee questions, 216
- dismissing attendees' questions, 231
- downloading recording of, 238
- interacting with attendees on, 230
- inviting others to yours, 212–213
- launch screen, 226
- launching, 225–227
- main features and benefits, 37–38
- monetization of, 223
- overview, 208–209
- performing other attendee-related actions, 234
- plans and costs, 38–39
- preparation of, 212–217
- requiring more complex passwords for, 270–272
- responding when attendees raise their hands, 233–234
- running of, 225–236
- running webinar-related reports, 239–240
- setting registration options, 210–212
- setting up polls on, 216–217
- sharing and annotating screen on, 228–229
- sharing link to yours with others, 213–215
- as special types of Zoom meetings, 229
- taking first steps with, 208–225
- viewing and removing registrants, 215–216
- webinar-specific roles, 217–223
- WhatsApp, E2EE feature of, 253
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet (Hafner), 12
- whiteboarding, 11, 34, 40–41, 105, 107, 112–113
- wireless sharing of content, 41
- Witherspoon, Reese (actress), 22
- work-from-home (WFH) tools, poll on, 22–23
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century (Friedman), 280
- Worthen, Ben (journalist), 281
- X Video Bars (Poly Studio), 286
- Yoon, Esther (Zoom's Product Marketing Lead for Room Solutions), 173
- YouTube
- on using Webex, 26
- Zoom on, 341
- Yuan, Eric, 10
- Yuan Eric (CEO of Zoom), 251, 252, 277, 332
- Zapier
- as automation tool, 223
- as popular Zoom app, 203
- Zendesk, as popular Zoom app, 203
- Zimmermann Telegram, 254
- Zoho Meeting, 19
- Zoom
- add-ons. See add-ons
- affordability of, 26. See add-ons costs
- author's experience with, 17
- awards and recognition for, 16
- car-related analogy to, 251
- competitive landscape of, 17–23
- as conceived as enterprise service, not consumer one, 332
- core services of, 30–31
- costs. See costs
- customers of, 13, 14, 15. See add-ons Zoom, user numbers
- enterprise-grade services, 39–44
- feature freeze (April 2, 2020), 252, 276, 277
- flexibility of, 26–27, 344
- forced adoption of during pandemic, 316
- frequency of new versions of, 256
- getting everyone to Zoom together, 313–323
- importance of keeping up to date with, 256–260
- individual techniques for getting Zoom to take root, 321–323
- intelligent choices in design of, 21–22
- interoperability of, 26–27
- introduction to, 9–23
- lack of friction of, 333
- looking toward future of, 325–333
- market capitalization/market share of, 16, 22, 332
- Meetings & Chat as flagship service, 72
- myths about, 343–348
- network effects of, 317–318
- nonprofessional purposes for, 28
- as not supplanting other apps, 27–28
- notifications. See notifications
- organizational techniques for getting Zoom to take root, 318–321
- origins of, 10–11
- overall benefits of, 23–28
- overcorrection to Zoombombing by, 251
- overusing of, 346–347
- profile. See profile
- rapid ascent of, 13–14, 314
- as relying on external developers, 191–192
- resistance to adoption of at mature firms, 341–342
- rock-solid performance of, 20
- security council at, 252
- socializing via, 355–357
- storage. See storing/storage
- training in, 321
- trajectory of and role of during COVID-19 pandemic, 14–16, 22, 110, 245, 249, 314–315, 344
- trying of before you buy, 337
- understanding relative ease of adoption of, 314–318
- user numbers, 13, 15–16, 249, 314, 332, 344
- version 5.0 of Meetings & Chat, 259, 276
- website, 5
- what it does, 11
- Zoom App Marketplace, 192–195, 202, 348, 351, 353
- Zoom Conference Room Connectors, 42–43
- Zoom Download Center, 55
- Zoom fatigue, 342
- Zoom for Doodle, 203
- Zoom Meetings & Chat. See Meetings & Chat
- Zoom Phone
- adding of to existing plan, 294–296
- basic features of, 302–312
- as compared to competition, 312
- configuring and tweaking of before giving out number, 303–305
- costs, 44
- getting started with, 294–301
- main features and benefits, 44
- making calls with, 293–312
- overview, 43
- as part of Zoom's suite of tools, 31
- performing in-call actions, 306–307
- performing other call-related actions, 309–312
- placing outbound calls, 306
- plans and costs, 44
- receiving inbound calls, 306–307
- setting up Zoom to receive inbound calls, 296–301
- some assembly as required for, 30
- talking to people via, 306–312
- Zoom Rooms
- all-in-one appliances for, 286–287
- bundles for, 288
- Conference Room Connectors, 289
- cost and functionality of, 41–42, 284, 285
- deployment options, 289
- features of, 283–284
- hardware for, 286
- individual components for, 288–289
- introduction to, 283–285
- lighting for, 291–292
- main features and benefits, 40–41
- overview, 39–40
- as part of Zoom's suite of tools, 31
- plans and costs, 41–42, 284, 285
- setting up, 285–292
- software for, 285
- some assembly as required for, 30
- supercharging of, 42–43
- taking group meetings to next level with, 279–292
- for Touch, 289
- types of environments that typically benefit from, 284–285
- use of by Drew University, 290
- Zoom Rooms for Touch, 42, 43
- Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
- founding of, 10
- mission of, 9
- Zoom Video Webinars. See Video Webinars
- Zoombombing, 75, 247–251, 344
- Zoomtopia, 326, 352
- Zuckerberg, Mark (CEO of Facebook), 326
- Zylo, as popular Zoom app, 203