- Afterward 64
- The American Poet 97
- Apotheosis 73
- Apparitions 47
- The Bedroom of the Poetess 104
- Beginnings 106
- Bell 65
- Blind Fire 19
- Ceremonies 76
- Compact 80
- Death 62
- Deserted Space 30
- Desire 67
- Distant 12
- Elegy 14
- End 77
- The Enemy Within 89
- Evening 78
- Exile 70
- Facts and Morals 95
- Fate 58
- A Gentleman in Majorca 114
- The Gloaming Hour 71
- I am Still Learning 84
- Land of Antoni Tàpies 46
- Landscape 61
- Lay 81
- Le Carré and Simenon 108
- Light of Velintonia 45
- May 22
- Memories 59
- Midday 66
- Morn 79
- The Mulatta and the Dandy 101
- Musil, the Spectator 120
- Night in April 28
- Now the Poet Undertakes a Practical Act 11
- The Only Emperor 110
- Philistines 63
- The Pistol and the Drawing Rooms 99
- Plaint 72
- The Poet and the Dictator 83
- Poetic Art 56
- A Russian in Paris 87
- Sculpture 57
- Second Vision of March 4
- The Secrets of Plagiarism 116
- Sign 68
- Simulacra 93
- Snares 1
- Solstice 23
- A Sorcerer’s Disappearance 85
- Spectacle 69
- Stalking 74
- A Sunday in April 112
- Systems 3
- Testament 75
- Time 54
- A Toast 91
- Tropic of Capricorn 7
- Twilight 118
- Unity 27
- Vigil 60
- Vision 24
- Vlad Drakul 16
- Winter 55
- Witches in Venice 122