
AAUs. See Alpha acid units

Activated carbon filters, 199, 200

Adjuncts, 62, 144, 309; availability of, 69; chill haze and, 161; cooking, 162; flavor from, 162; six-rowed malts and, 145; using, 60, 61–62, 135, 160–65

Adnam Best Bitter, 278

Adnam Broadside, 278

Adnam Extra, 278

Aging, 207–11. See also Maturing

AHA. See American Homebrewers Association

AK Bitter, 67

Ale, 309; development of, 11

Allied Breweries, 76, 79

Allsopp, 23, 39, 42; bankruptcy for, 57; export by, 29; India ale by, 27–28; pale ale by, 41; production by, 37; pub purchases by, 57

Allsopp, Samuel, 26

Alpha acids, 21, 48, 49, 182, 310; bitterness and, 166, 168, 179; estimating, 178; in hop flowers/pellets, 174; IBUs and, 176, 177

Alpha acid units (AAUs), 179, 310

Altbier, 3

Alton, pale ale from, 40

Amber (term), 52, 93, 122

Amber ales, 98; AHA on, 123; bitterness of, 118; bitters and, 93–94; carbonation in, 218; OG of, 116, 117; malts for, 139, 152, 154; pale ale and, 92–93; real ale and, 94; storing, 209. See also American amber ales

Amber Ale, 282, 283

Amber Waves of Grain, recipe for, 265–66

American amber ales, 104; classifying, 122–25; color of, 123; malts for, 153; OG of, 123; profile of, 128 (table); recipe for, 265–66

American Homebrewers Association (AHA): on amber ales, 123; on American pale ales, 119; on IPAs, 114; style guidelines from, 108–9, 112

American Homebrewers Association (AHA) 1998 Competition Style Guidelines, on ordinary/ best/strong OG, 108–9

American India pale ales, 50, 82–95, 98, 104; bitterness of, 121; Cascade hops for, 121; classifying, 120–21; gravity of, 114, 120; IBUs of, 119; OG of, 119; profiles of, 128 (table); recipes for, 271–74

American pale ales, 83, 104, 166, 180; AHA on, 119; bitterness of, 118; carbonation in, 218; classifying, 119–20; English bitters and, 123; English pale ales and, 119–20; gravity of, 119; hops for, 120, 169, 173; malts for, 152; occurrence of, 115 (fig.); OG of, 116; profile of, 128 (table); recipes for, 267–70; serving, 244; storing, 209

American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC), standards by, 150

America’s Best Brews (Johnson), 115, 276

Analysis of Brewing Techniques, An (Fix and Fix), 147, 191

Anchor Brewing Company, 88, 122

Anchor’s Liberty Ale, 281

Anheuser-Busch, pale ale by, 102

Anvil, bitters from, 280

Aroma, 120, 185. See also Hop aroma

Aroma hops, 132, 178; adding, 138, 180, 183; low alpha acid, 171, 172; selection of, 169; using, 172, 179, 181. See also Hop aroma

Aroma unit (AU), 169

ASBC. See American Society of Brewing Chemists

ASBC Methods of Analysis Malt-4, 150

Atlantic Coast Brewing, real ale by, 94

Attenuation, 135, 146, 191, 192, 196, 311; apparent, 310; flocculation and, 186

AU. See Aroma unit

Austin, Peter, 91

Autolysis, 208, 311

Avon Company, suit against, 41

Back to the Fuchsia IPA, recipe for, 261–62

Bacteria, 75, 133, 198; controlling, 10; wood chips and, 238

Ballantine, Peter, 84, 89

Ballantine Ale, 84, 85

Ballantine IPA, 84, 210, 281; maturing for, 85; modern version of, 87; oak flavor of, 237; pale ales and, 88; Prohibition and, 85

Banker’s Bitter, 283

Bank Street Brewery, 283

Barclay, Perkins, 82

Barley growers, brewing sugar and, 60

Barley wines, 100; adjuncts for, 161

Barnsley Brewery, IPA by, 279

Barrels, 37; size of, 241

Bass, M. A.: on running beer, 56

Bass, Michael, 56

Bass, 109, 260, 279; ales/porters by, 48; Baltic trade and, 25–26; Carlsberg-Tetley and, 78–79; expansion by, 26, 29, 36, 42; exports by, 24, 29, 38, 41; hops for, 48, 49, 59, 89, 121; IPA by, 31 (photo), 56; pale ale by, 13, 37, 41, 46–47, 56, 65; production by, 15, 29, 32, 37–38, 65; pub control by, 76; taxation on, 62–63; trademark for, 41; union system and, 31, 44

Bass Ale, 56

Bass “Export Pale Ale,” 51

Bass Museum, 29; glasses at, 12; union system at, 44 (photo)

Bass Red Triangle label, protecting, 41

Batham, Daniel: dark mild by, 66

Baverstock, James: hydrometers and, 11

BB, 67

Beechwood chips, 238

Beer engines, 226, 229, 231, 243 (photo); dispensing through, 242–45

“Beer from the Wood” (Dunson-Todd), 237

Beer Orders (1989), 78, 79

“Beer Styles: An International Analysis” (Thomas), 104

Belgian ales, 100; pale ales and, 105

Benjamin Wilson, 23, 28; export by, 24; production by, 15; Russian trade for, 25, 26

Best bitters: IBUs of, 112; OG of, 107–8; recipes for, 253–56

Big Six: problems with, 76–77; traditional brew and, 78

Bishops Brewery, bitters by, 9, 277–78

Bitter ales, 83; color of, 68; distribution of, 107 (fig.), 116 (fig.), 117 (fig.); mild ales and, 70; rise of, 67–68

Bittering: calculating, 178; color and, 111; extraction of, 141

Bittering hops, 142, 169, 171, 172, 174, 178; adding, 138

Bitterness, 19, 20, 33, 68, 84, 87, 90; alpha acids and, 166, 168, 179; difference in, 111; flavor from, 165; from hops, 3, 10, 101, 117, 166–69, 171, 173, 176, 209, 210, 217, 228, 294; IBUs and, 177; post-fermentation, 175; style and, 101, 117; sulfate and, 199

Bitters, 3, 73, 81, 90, 280; amber ale and, 93–94; bittering levels of, 70; cask-conditioned, 275; color of, 112–13, 122–23; designation of, 106; draught, 66, 70, 106–7; dry hopping, 111; flavor of, 113, 237; glasses for, 245–46; light ales and, 109; malts for, 93, 137, 139, 148, 152, 153, 154; OG of, 67–68, 72, 104, 107–8; origin of, 66; pale ales and, 67, 99, 104, 110; popularity of, 65; profiles of, 126 (table); storing, 207, 209; strengths of, 71; substyles of, 98, 114–25; survey of, 105–6. See also Best bitters; English bitters; Extra special bitters; Ordinary bitters; Special bitters; Strong bitters

Blair, Tony, 79

Blow-off system, 311; blockage of, 182, 187

Boddington’s, 40, 79, 280; Burton breweries for, 39; color of, 113

Boiling, 200; malt extract, 141–42; removing carbonate/iron from, 201

Boot’s, yeast from, 192

Boston Burton Ale, 282

Bottle conditioning, 30, 104, 109, 110; availability of, 221; rediscovering, 222; sediment from, 208; sugar priming of, 135

Bottling, 17, 40, 221–28; counter-pressure, 223; mechanization of, 58

Bottom-fermenting, 72, 122, 132, 184–185

Bradford, IPA from, 40

Brains, 281

Brakspear’s of Henley, 276–77

“Breeding and Parentage of Hop Varieties, The” (Lemmens), 171

Brettanomyces, 312; flavor from, 51–52, 53

Brewer’s Guardian, 18, 85

Brewers Market Guide, consulting, 190–91

Brewing: all-grain, 143, 310; chemistry of, 131–32; concentrating on, 99; instrumentation and, 133; scientific knowledge of, 101; techniques for, 132–33, 135–36

Brewing (Lewis and Young), 99, 189

Brewing Science and Practice (Hind), 98

Brewing sugars. See Sugars

Brewing unit processes, 134 (fig.)

Brewing water. See Water

Brewpubs, 2, 284; increase in, 1, 95; production by, 34

British Guild of Beer Writers, IPA and, 20

Brooklyn Brewing East India Pale Ale, 283

Brown, Horace, 40

Brown ales, 82; pale ales and, 12

Brown beers, 13, 37, 42; pale ales and, 14; porters and, 23

Brown malt, 69, 137, 157; using, 159–60; yield from, 25

Budweiser/Bud: in English pubs, 73; beechwood chips for, 238; production of, 78

“Build a Beer Engine” (Emma), 242

Bull’s Eye Bitter, recipe for, 257–58

Burton Ale, 13, 85, 88; trademark for, 41

Burton Bitter, 67

Burton brewers, 15, 56; ales by, 32, 68; bitters by, 67, 68; expansion by, 32, 33, 37; exports by, 24, 25, 38, 42; hops for, 59; IPAs by, 26, 31; oak casks for, 87; pale ales by, 13, 22–29, 32, 41, 46, 67, 71, 279; porters by, 68; production by, 22; railroads and, 36; taxation on, 41; union system and, 44

Burton India Export Pale Ale, 279

Burton IPAs, 84, 146; color of, 52; defining, 43–53; flavor of, 50–51, 52; hops for, 50; style of, 52–53

Burton Mild, OG of, 66

Burton snatch, 50

Burton Union system, 30, 31, 44 (photo), 50, 186, 187, 189; invention of, 43–44; oaky character from, 236, 237

Burton water, 32, 33, 39, 197; analysis of, 201, 201 (table); complexity of, 204; sulfates/yeast in, 50

Busch, Jim: on choosing hops, 171

Caffreys bitter, 31

Cain’s, bitters from, 280

Calcium carbonate, 200, 205; adding, 202, 203

California Steam Beer, 122

Calverley, Charles Stuart, 15

Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), 1, 227; bottle-conditioned beers and, 222; carbon dioxide and, 94; on casks, 234; protest by, 71, 77–78; real ale and, 81; serving and, 226

CAMRA Beer Guide 1997 (CAMRA Books), 275, 276

CAMRA Guide to Real Ale in a Bottle (Evans), 275

Cane sugar, 163, 221; fermentability and, 161; priming with, 220

Caramelization, 153, 160, 248

Caramel malts, 93, 153–57; function of, 137; producing, 153–54

Carbonate, 202, 312; removing, 200, 201

Carbonation, 312; artificial, 226, 227; determining amount of, 220 (table); forced, 133; kegs and, 224; purpose of, 217–21

Carbonation stone, 219

Carbon dioxide, 75, 104, 133, 226, 227, 229; adding, 218, 219; level of, 74; measuring, 218; real ale and, 94, 233

Carboys, 312; inversion of, 188; yeast and, 187

Carlsberg-Tetley, Bass and, 78–79

Carlton United Breweries, 73

Carrageenan, 211, 216

Cascade hops, 172, 270, 274; flavor of, 128; using, 88, 89, 90, 91, 121, 169, 173, 205

Cask breathers, 233, 234

Cask conditioning, 74, 75, 94, 102, 104, 109, 110, 113, 123, 210, 223, 227, 228–34; dry hopping and, 111, 181–82; fining and, 208; hops and, 181; isinglass and, 214; secondary fermentation during, 228; sugar priming and, 135; yeast in, 192

Cask Marque, 232

Casks, 209, 215, 229–30; coopered, 235; cost of, 240–41; equipment for, 241; oak, 87, 235–36; stainless steel, 234–35, 235 (photo), 236, 239–42, 240 (photo); steam cleaning, 86; suppliers of, 245; treating, 87, 239; wooden, 87, 132, 234, 235, 235 (photo), 239–42

Castlemaine XXXX, 73

Catamount Amber Ale, 92, 282

Catamount Brewing Company, 122 (photo)

Cathedral Bitter, 278

Cellars, temperature in, 231, 232

Cereal cooker, 162

Cereals, 62, 160, 161

Character, 101, 102; fermentation and, 185; malt, 140, 157; oaky, 236, 237. See also Hop character; Malt character

Charles II, taxation by, 59

Charrington, 39

Cheriton Brewhouse, 167 (photo); bitter from, 277

Chill haze, 61, 74, 160, 213, 217, 313; problems with, 145, 161

Chloramines, 200

Chlorine, removing, 200

Christmas ales, 11

Clarification, 196, 225; finings and, 211–17; Irish moss and, 212

Co-humulone, 168

Coke, using, 12–14

Collagen, 212, 214

Color, 68, 69, 125; bittering and, 111; malts and, 142, 155–56; style and, 112

Commercial brewers, 34, 82; pub buying spree by, 35; style definitions and, 101

Commonwealth Brewery, 282

Competition, 39, 65; intensification of, 56–57, 58

Conditioning, 74, 75, 223; dry hopping and, 181–82; secondary, 207. See also Bottle conditioning; Cask conditioning

Conditioning tanks, 94

Conical fermenters, 186–87, 188

Consumption, per capita, 34, 64

Coopers, 86, 234; apprenticeships/guild for, 235; oak casks by, 236

Copper finings, adding, 211

Copper kettles, color from, 52

Corn, 162, 164–65

Corn sugar, 163, 220, 221

Counter-pressure bottling, kegging system and, 223

Country brewers, 87; pale ales by, 11, 58

Country House Brewing in England (Sambrook), 87

Courage: bitter by, 222; pub control by, 76; Watney’s and, 78

Courage Russian Imperial Stout, 24

Craftbrewers: malts for, 149; pasteurization and, 135–36; pub-owning companies and, 79; yeast for, 191, 193, 194

Cream style ales, 88, 122

Crossman, 39

Crystal malt, 69, 71, 93, 141, 159, 160; adding, 142; amber ale and, 92; American pale ales and, 147; analyses for, 156, 156 (table); color from, 155–56; flavor from, 154, 155; function of, 137; lightly roasted, 112; malt extract and, 158; using, 120–21, 153–57

Cultures, 196, 323

Customs and Excise, brewing sugar and, 47

Daniels, Ray, 125; on color/malt, 155

De Clerck, Jean: on pale ale/bitter, 98–99

Derbyshire, coke-dried malt for, 13–14

Designing Great Beers (Daniels), 125, 155

Deuchars IPA, 281

Devon White, gruit flavoring for, 10

Dextrose, 163, 221

Director’s Bitter, 222

Dispensing: beer engines and, 242–45; methods of, 125, 133, 207–46; with mixed gas, 81, 133, 227, 228

Double Pride Bitter, recipe for, 253–54

Draught Bass, 279; OG of, 112

Dreher, Anton: English ale by, 42

Dry hopping, 50, 85, 88, 111, 208, 230; conditioning and, 181–82; hop oils and, 175

Dunson-Todd, Jason, 237

Durden Park Beer Circle, recipes from, 264

East India trade, 65; Baltic trade and, 32; exports to, 16–17, 38

East India Company, 26, 27

Eckhardt, Fred, 125

Edinburgh brewers: bitters by, 67; IPA by, 40

Edinburgh-Leith Brewery, 28

Electric pumps, 229, 231, 243

Eliot, John, 15; IPA by, 16; pale ale by, 14

Emerald Isle, 283

Emma, Sal: beer engines and, 242

English bitters: American pale ales and, 123; carbonation in, 218; hops for, 169; IPAs and, 123

English India pale ales, 31 (photo); gravity of, 114; hops for, 169; profiles of, 127 (table); recipes for, 261–64

English National Yeast Culture Collection, 191

English oak: casks with, 235–36; flavors from, 51

English pale ales, 106 (fig.), 276–81; American pale ales and, 119–20; malts for, 152; profiles of, 127 (table); recipe for, 259–60

Enzymes, 146, 159, 314; adding, 145; water and, 197

Equipment, 132, 133; hop considerations and, 173; limitations of, 150

ESBs. See Extra special bitters

Essentials of Beer Style, The (Eckhardt), 125

Esters, 185, 189, 191, 192, 314; yeast and, 120

Evans, Jeff, 275

Exports, 17, 21, 24, 25, 29, 32, 38, 41, 42; hopping rates for, 49

Extracts, 249–50, 315; all-grain brewing and, 143; apparent, 311; dry, 142; grain, 247; hop, 175

Extra special bitters (ESBs), 92, 104, 115; bitterness of, 118; bitters and, 111; OG of, 116, 117

Falstaff group, 85

FAN. See Free amino nitrogen

Felinfoel Double Dragon, 281

Fermentation, 46, 72, 135, 146, 220, 249; character from, 185; controlling, 55, 132, 194; finishing, 43; malt and, 136; primary, 187, 207, 208, 320; reproducible, 143; secondary, 74, 208, 227, 228, 230, 233, 322; SG at, 141; stuck/incomplete, 139; temperature at, 133, 178, 185, 190; warm, 181; yeasts and, 183, 185, 186, 194

Fermentation lock, 188, 315

Fermenters: open, 188–89; types of, 186–87

Filtration, 74, 133, 221, 223

Finings, 208, 221, 315; auxiliary, 216, 222; clarifying beer with, 211–17; copper, 211; liquid, 215; storing, 216; yeasts and, 214

Finishing gravity, 46–47, 53, 315; OG and, 219–20; yeast management and, 210

Firestone Walker Brewing Company, 237

Firkins, size of, 241

5-gallon grain mash, 247, 248–49

Fix, George and Laurie: three-step mash and, 147; on yeast, 191

Flaked maize, 162, 164–65

Flavor, 69, 185; adjuncts and, 162; hops and, 165, 171, 172, 179; malts and, 155, 156; microflora and, 234; packaging and, 104; serving and, 104; style and, 101; temperature and, 129; wood and, 86, 236–38; yeast and, 143, 193

Flocculation, 191, 192, 203, 315; attenuation and, 186

Flower Pots Inn, 277, 277 (photo)

Flowers brand, 77

Foam, 136; stability of, 213

Ford, Henry, 101

Foster’s, IPA by, 38–39

Frane, Jeff, 163

Free amino nitrogen (FAN), 139, 141, 163

Free Mash Tun Act, 60; impact of, 64–65; taxation provisions of, 61, 62

Free Mash Tun Association, adjuncts and, 60

Fremantle History Museum, 39

Friary, 67

Fuggles hops, 169, 182; using, 91, 121, 173

Fuggles Imperial IPA, 172

Fuller’s ESB, 92, 111, 276

Fuller’s London Pride, 254, 276

Full Sail, IPA by, 282

Gale’s, 237

Garetz, Mark, 178; on hop extracts, 175

Geary’s, pale ale by, 282

Gelatin, 212–13

George and Horn pub, 280 (photo)

George’s Porter Brewery, 27

Gibbs Mew, 79, 80 (photo)

Gladstone, Sir William: beer taxation and, 60, 63

Glasses, 12, 36, 245–46

Go-between, The (Hartley), 7

Golden bitters, 142

Goldings hops, 53, 169, 182, 260; East Kent, 48, 282; Kent, 18, 19, 20, 21, 49; using, 91, 121, 173; Whitbread, 173, 252

Goodhead, Job, 27

Graham, Charles, 67, 70; on Burton Mild, 66

Grant, Bert: IPA by, 89–90, 281; on original IPAs, 121

Gravity, 151, 315. See also Finishing gravity; Original gravity; Specific gravity

Gray’s Inn Lane, 13

Green beer, 135, 228

Greene, King, pale ale by, 56

Grists, 61, 162, 165

Grits, 164–65

Gruit, 10, 316

Guest beers, 79

Guinness, 56; nitrokeg and, 81; “pub beer” cans by, 227

Gum arabic, 216

G. W. Kent, yeasts from, 192

Gypsum, 197, 205–6; adding, 198, 202–3; mash water and, 58

Halcyon, malt from, 148

Hales Ales, real ale by, 233

Hall, Michael, 178

Hampstead Heaths, 278

Handbook of Brewing (Hardwick), 99

Hand pumps, 231, 243 (photo), 244; suppliers of, 245; types of, 243

Hansen, Emil: yeasts and, 58

Hardwick, William: on pale ales/bitters, 99

Harpoon Brewery, IPA by, 90

Harrison, John: on Burton IPAs, 52; Hodgson’s Indian Ale and, 21; old English beers by, 18–20

Hartley, L. P., 7

Haze formation, 61, 74, 160, 213, 217, 313; problems with, 145, 161

HBUs. See Hop bitterness units

Henry VIII, hops and, 10

Herbs, 10

Hind, H. Lloyd: on pale ales, 98

History of Brewing, A (Corran), union system in, 45

Hodgson: brewing sugar and, 47; export by, 17, 21, 29

Hodgson, George, 15, 16, 28; India trade and, 26

Hodgson’s India Ale, 27; strong ale and, 21

Hodgson’s IPA, 16, 17, 21, 114; recreation of, 20

Holden’s, bitter by, 67

Holt’s, bitter by, 280

Homebrewing, 84, 89; advances in, 223–24; malts for, 149; pasteurization and, 135; revival for, 61; taxation on, 60; yeasts for, 191, 193, 194

Hook Best Bitter, 277

Hop aroma, 50, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172, 244; achieving, 180–81, 183. See also Aroma hops

Hop back, 180

Hop Back Summer Lightning, 277

Hop bitterness units (HBUs), 18, 179

Hop character, 50, 84, 120, 160, 166, 168, 209, 228, 244; loss of, 210; in pale ales, 179–83

Hop Exchange, 9, 9 (photo), 278

Hop flowers, 9, 139, 165, 230; alpha acids in, 174; late/dry hopping with, 182; storing, 174; using, 173–74

Hop oils, 169, 174, 175, 181; chemistry of, 167–68

Hop Ottin IPA, 121

Hop pellets, 165, 316; alpha acids in, 174, 175; late/dry hopping with, 174, 182; Type 45/Type 90, 175; using, 139, 174–75

Hoppiness, 90, 140

Hopping rates, 18, 21, 48–49, 52, 70, 71, 87; pale ale, 162

Hops: American, 49, 89, 90; bittering, 138, 142, 169, 171, 172, 174, 178; Bramling Cross, 89; Centennial, 172; chemistry of, 169, 171; Challenger, 172, 256; Chinook, 172; choosing, 166, 171; determining amount of, 176–79; English, 49, 89, 121; Eroica, 31; flavor from, 165, 166, 167, 171, 172, 179, 183; Fuggles, 91, 121, 169, 173, 182; functions of, 165–69, 171–83; Goldings, 18, 19, 20, 21, 49, 53, 91, 121, 169, 173, 182, 260; Hallertauer, 182; high alpha acid, 171, 172; introduction of, 8–9; noble, 169, 182; Northern Brewer, 31, 89, 172; for pale ales, 143, 170 (table); Phoenix, 168; preservative effect of, 10; Progress, 168; Saaz, 182, 258; SG and, 178; Target, 258; taxation on, 59; using, 173–75; varieties of, 132, 166; Willamette, 268

Hop utilization rates, 49, 178, 247; decreasing, 142

“How Sweet It Is: Brewing with Sugar” (Frane), 163

“How to Master Hop Character” (Busch), 171

Humulene/caryophylline ratio, 169

Hydrolysis, 164, 316

Hydrometers, 11, 316

IBU” (Hall), 178

IBUs. See International bitterness units

I Could’ve Been a Contender Beer, recipe for, 255–56

Ind Coope, 23

India pale ales (IPAs), 26, 40, 67, 87, 98, 100, 104, 166, 282 (photo); AHA on, 112, 114; attenuation for, 209; bitterness of, 118; brewing sugar in, 47; carbonation in, 218; decline of, 38, 58, 60, 65; defining, 113–14; English bitters and, 123; export of, 17, 29; French oak chips for, 238; hops for, 49, 89, 90, 91, 173; malt for, 47, 137, 152, 154; modern, 8; original, 19, 82, 102, 109, 121, 210, 263–64; OG of, 68, 104, 116, 117; pale ales and, 54, 98; popularity of, 15–16, 66; recipe for, 53; serving, 244; yeasts for, 186. See also American India pale ales; English India pale ales

Industrial beers, 3, 7, 73, 88

Industrial Midlands, mild from, 66

Industrial Revolution, 22, 31, 42; disposable income and, 33

Infections, 193, 194

Ingredients, 135; availability of, 69; selecting, 131

Inland Revenue, 59, 60

International bitterness units (IBUs), 18, 48, 49, 53, 85, 111, 112, 118, 210, 316; alpha acids and, 176, 177; bitterness and, 177

Invert sugar, 139, 163

Ion exchange treatment, 199, 200, 201

IPAs. See India pale ales

Irish ale, 191

Irish moss, 211, 212

Isinglass, 192, 249, 317; cask conditioning and, 214; haze formation and, 217; using, 212–15, 222, 225; yeasts and, 214

Jackson, Michael, 111; on amber ales, 122; on bitters, 66, 109; on IPA/American brewers, 85; on pale ales, 109, 110

Jennings, dark bitters from, 280

Johnson, Steve, 276; on ESBs, 115, 118; on hop bitterness, 117; on pale ales, 115–16, 119

Kaiser Brewery, exports by, 41

Kegging, 209, 215, 221–28; cost of, 224; counter-pressure bottling and, 223

Kegs, 229; advantages of, 224–26; English, 75; suppliers of, 245. See also Soda-keg system

Keystones, 229, 230, 241

Kilderkins, size of, 241

Kilning, 153, 317

King & Barnes, 109

Kit beers, 184; disadvantages of, 138; dry yeast in, 192

Klages, malt from, 148

Kölsch, 3, 104–5

Kraeusen, 135, 193, 317

Kunze, W.: on pale ales/bitters, 99

Lactic acid, 53; flavor from, 51–52

Lactobacilli, 75, 317; flavor from, 52

Lager beers, 83, 317; criticism of, 72; pale, 70, 72, 78, 84

Lallemand, yeast from, 192

Lamb, the, 57 (photo)

Lambic beers, horse blanket flavor of, 51–52

“Last Wort, The” (Moen), 104

Late hopping, 174, 180, 182

Lauter tuns, 148, 318

Lemmens, Gerard W. Ch.: on choosing hops, 171

Lewis, Michael J., 99, 189

Liberty Ale, 88, 89

Light ales, 98, 104; designation of, 106; draught bitters and, 109

Maillard browning reactions, 52, 153

Maize, flaked, 162, 164–65

Malt, 318; amber, 69; American, 152; analysis of, 149–53; Belgian, 160; black, 69, 113, 159; British, 152; brown, 25, 69, 137, 157, 159–60; caramel, 93, 137, 153–57; CaraMunich, 154; carastan, 154; CaraVienne, 154; changing, 149; chocolate, 113, 159; coke-dried, 13–14; dextrin, 154, 313; fermentation and, 136; flavor from, 69, 156; green, 157, 316; moisture content of, 151; multistep mashing with, 145; Munich, 137, 157, 158–59; for pale ale brewing, 137; preground, 151–52; reduced usage of, 59; roasted, 71, 136, 137, 141, 142, 157, 159; six-rowed pale, 144–45; Special B, 154; storing, 151–52; substitutes for, 59, 60, 62; taxation on, 59; two-rowed pale, 132, 144–45, 146, 161; undermodified, 145; wheat, 157, 158; white, 48. See also Crystal malt; Pale malt

Malt extract, 69, 136, 184, 198, 247, 248, 318; color and, 142; composition of, 140; crystal malt and, 158; dry, 142; high-gravity/high-quality, 140; liquid, 142; over-boiling, 141–42; pale ales and, 137–43; sugar and, 138, 139; types of, 139–40; using, 140–43

Malting and Brewing Science, Volume I, on pale ales, 99

Malting barley, importing, 59

Manhattan Brewery, IPA by, 91

Mann, 39

Maris Otter, malt from, 148

Marjoribanks, Mr., 26, 27

Marston’s, 31 (photo), 278–79; Burton Unions for, 44, 236

Marston’s Pedigree, 50, 279

Mashing, 318; efficiency of, 150; partial, 141, 165; steps for, 250

Mash pH, 197, 205; adjusting, 198, 199, 202, 203; predicting, 200

Mass Bay Brewing Harpoon IPA, 282

Maturing, 85, 86; controlling, 55; freshness and, 209; oak flavor and, 237

Maytag, Fritz: Burton Ale and, 88

McMaster, Charles: IPA and, 28

Mendocino’s Red Tail Ale, 92

Meux, 15, 67

Microbreweries, 102; ale production by, 91; increase in, 1, 35, 72, 90–91, 95; pale ales by, 92, 95; pub-owning companies and, 79

Microflora, flavors from, 234

Mild ales, 55, 68, 71, 82; bitter ales and, 70; dark, 39; draught, 70; pale ale and, 69–70

Miller, 73

Mixed gas, dispensing with, 81, 133, 227, 228

Moen, Alan, 104

Monopolies and Mergers Commission on Beer Supply, Beer Orders and, 78

Mortlake, Bud from, 78

Napoleonic Wars, economic problems from, 24, 25, 26

New Amsterdam Amber, 92

Newcastle: IPA by, 40; mild ale by, 67; pub control by, 76

New Edition IPA, recipe for, 271–72

New England Brewing Company, 2 (photo)

Newman’s Albany Amber Ale, 92

New World Guide to Beer, The (Jackson), 66, 109

Nitrogen, 104, 227, 233, 280

Nitrokeg, real ales and, 81

Noonan, Greg, 150

Norwegian Brewery Ringnes, 46

Nottingham, 14, 192; pale ale from, 13

Oak chips, 238; maturing over, 209–10

Oak flavor, 51, 84–87, 209–10; maturing and, 237; pale ales and, 210; role of, 235–38

OG. See Original gravity

Old British Beers and How to Make Them, 18

Old Burton, 92

1-barrel grain mash, 249

“On Lager Beer” (Graham), 66

On Tap Guide to North American Brewpubs (Johnson), 276

On Tap New England (Johnson), 276

Ordinary bitters: IBUs of, 112; OG of, 107–8; recipe for, 251–52

Original gravity (OG), 19, 48, 60, 87, 90; average, 72; changes for, 62–63; decrease in, 70, 72; tax rate on, 61, 62, 63; terminal gravity and, 219–20

Original IPA, 82, 102, 109, 121, 210; recipe for, 19, 263–64

Oxidation, 75, 319

Packaging: flavor and, 104; methods of, 207–46

Pale (term), 12

Pale ales, 4, 87, 104, 282 (photo); amber ale and, 92–93; analysis of, 115–16; Belgian ales and, 105; bitterness of, 70, 118; bitters and, 67, 99, 104, 110; bottling, 65, 109; brewing, 58, 95, 131–32; brown ales and, 12, 14; cask-conditioned, 275; character of, 129–30; commercial, 275–84; cultures for, 196; defining, 98, 106; development of, 8, 12–13, 22–29, 32–42; draught, 65–66; export of, 17; family of, 124 (fig.); fermentation of, 189; glasses for, 36, 245–46; hops for, 170 (table), 172, 179–83; ingredients for, 135; IPAs and, 98; Kölsch and, 104–5; lager beers and, 83; malts for, 137, 139, 143, 148, 154; mild ale and, 69–70; oak flavor for, 236, 237; original, 90, 238; OG of, 46, 104, 108–9, 110, 117, 119; porters and, 14–15; racking, 207–8; recipes for, 247–74; Scottish ales and, 105; serving, 245–46; substyle of, 88–89; summary/ profile of, 125–26, 129–30; water for, 197, 206; yeast for, 129, 183, 191. See also American pale ales; English pale ales

Pale beers: demand for, 69; IPAs and, 54; middle classes and, 71; popularity of, 36, 66

Pale Brewhouse, 14

Pale lagers, 70, 84; popularity of, 72, 78

Pale malt, 69, 136, 141, 151, 155, 160, 197; analysis of, 149 (table); brewing with, 143–49; choosing, 144, 152; IPAs and, 47; making crystal malt from, 157; types of, 144–49; using, 120–21; variety of, 148; yield from, 25

Pasteur, Louis: yeasts and, 58

Pasteurization, 58, 74, 94, 102, 133, 135–36, 221

Paulin, 39

Peacock Inn, 13

Perkins, IPA by, 16

Pike Brewing Company, IPA by, 90

Pike Place: cask conditioning by, 233; IPAs/French oak chips and, 238

Pilsen, 42, 102; soft water for, 197

Pilseners, 73, 84, 100, 102; development of, 42; industrial, 88

Pins, size of, 241

Pitching, 193, 222, 223, 319

Polysaccharides, 211, 216, 320

Polyvinylpyrrolidone treatment, 145

Pope, 79

Porter brewers, 54–55; Burton breweries for, 39; mechanization by, 83

Porters, 32, 33, 36, 70, 82; brown beer and, 23; decline of, 66; development of, 14–15; export of, 17; pale ales and, 14–15; popularity of, 22, 24, 25; refermentation of, 55; water for, 197

Pots Ale, 277

Primary fermentation, 187, 207, 320; racking after, 208

Priming, 223, 229, 320; adding, 216, 221; determining amount of, 220–21, 220 (table); purpose of, 217–21; at racking, 135. See also Sugars

Private Brewer’s Guide to the Art of Brewing Ale and Porter (Tuck), 48

Private house brewers: coke-dried malt for, 13; decline of, 34–35

Prohibition, 65, 70; ales and, 88; Ballantine IPA and, 85

Protein rest, 145, 147, 148

Publicans, 78, 80; brewer loans to, 57; decline of, 35; production by, 34; storing problems for, 232

Pub-owning companies: increase in, 1; power of, 79

Pubs, 2, 73; buying/concentration of, 57, 76; English/American compared, 124–25; sell off of, 79

Quarter Session Bitter, recipe for, 251–52

Racking, 188, 207–8, 225, 321; primary fermentation and, 208; sugar priming at, 135

Railroads, impact of, 35–36

Real ales, 73, 75, 321; amber ale and, 94; American-brewed, 94–95; carbon dioxide and, 94, 233; cask-conditioned, 61–62; decline of, 77; defending, 71, 81; handling, 232; nitrokeg and, 81; popularity of, 82; serving, 231; symposium on, 94–95; traditional, 73–82

Recipes: style and, 100; versions of, 247–48

Red Barrel, keg, 77

Redhook ESB, 283

Regional brewers: competition for, 58; keg beer by, 77; pub-owning companies and, 79

Reinheitsgebot, 59

Resin glands, 173–74, 187

Richardson, John, 11

Ringwood brewery, 91, 186

Roasted malts, 71, 141, 157; using, 142, 159

Rogue American Amber Ale, 282

Running beers, 55, 64, 86

Saccharification, 145, 146, 322; temperatures for, 147

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 184

Saccharomyces uvarum, 184

Salt content, 32; adjusting, 197, 200, 202–3

Sambrook, Pamela, 87

Samuel Smith, 234

Samuel Smith Old Brewery Bitter, 279

Samuel Smith Pale Ale, 279

Scotch Bitter, 67

Scottish ales, pale ales and, 105

Secondary fermentation, 74, 208, 227, 230, 233, 322; cask conditioning and, 228

Sedlmayer, Gabriel: technology and, 42

Serving, 231, 244, 245–46; flavor and, 104; temperature at, 125, 129, 218; top-pressure, 226–27

Session beers, 124–25

SG. See Specific gravity

Sherlock’s Home, real ale by, 94

Ship Inn, 284 (photo)

Shipyard Brewing, IPA by, 91

Shive holes, 229, 230, 241

Shives, 230, 241; keystone, 230

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, 90, 120, 185

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, 185, 281

Single-temperature infusion mash, 132, 146; benefits of, 148; two-rowed pale malts and, 147

Six-rowed pale malt, 144–45; adjuncts and, 145

Smack packs, 194

Smooth ales, 3

Sneck Lifter, 280

Snob screens, 57

Soda-keg system, 240; advantage of, 224–25; cost of, 224

Sodium chloride, 202, 203, 205

Sparging, 40, 205, 322

Sparklers, 231, 232, 243–44, 245

Spears, 229

Special bitters, recipe for, 257–58

Specific gravity (SG), 151, 322; fermentation and, 141; hops and, 178

Spice, disappearance of, 10

Spiles, 231, 241

Squeaky Clean, recipe for, 267–68

Stag Brewery, 14, 16

Stainless steel casks, 234–35, 235 (photo), 236, 240 (photo); and wood casks compared, 239–42

Starch conversion, 159, 197, 323

Starter cultures, 196, 323

Statical Estimates (Richardson), 11

Steelhead Brewery, IPA by, 90

Sterile membrane filtration, 136

Stillage, 230, 241

Stock ales, 56, 87

Storage, 51, 232; temperatures for, 222

Stouts, 36, 100; water for, 197

Strong (term), 11–12

Strong beers: decline of, 64; taxation rate on, 63

Strong bitters, 111; gravity of, 118; IBUs of, 112; OG of, 107–8

Styles: attributes of, 97; bitterness and, 117; color and, 112; defining, 98–104; history of, 7–8, 101–2; limits of, 103; recipes and, 100; rules for, 104–13

Substyles, 114–25

Sugars, 59, 62, 69, 74, 320; adding, 137–38, 163–64, 219, 222; malt extract and, 138, 139; taxes on, 47; using, 60, 61, 160, 162. See also Cane sugar; Corn sugar; Priming

Sulfate, 202, 204, 205; bitterness and, 199; mash pH adjustment with, 203

Summer beers, 112

Sun, 74 (photo)

Sutcliff, John H.: suit against, 41

Swan necks, 43, 44, 243, 244, 245

Syrups: barley-based, 162, 164; corn, 139, 162, 164; fermentability and, 161; invert sugar, 139

Tadcaster, pale ale from, 40

Take the Ball and Run IPA, recipe for, 273–74

Tannins, 86, 323

Taps, 188, 241

Taxation, 41, 61; increases in, 62–63; strength and, 64–65; timing of, 63–64

Technology Brewing and Malting (Kunze), 99

Temperature: adjuncts and, 162; ambient, 190, 222, 310; cellar, 231, 232; fermentation, 133, 178, 185, 190; flavor and, 129; mash, 133, 220; serving, 125, 129, 218; storing, 222; strike, 323; yeast and, 185, 189–90; wooden casks and, 234

Textbook of Brewing, A (De Clerck), 98–99

Theakston’s Best Bitter, color of, 113

Thomas, Keith, 104

Thomas Hardy Ale, 79

Thrale, 15, 16

Tied-house system, 75–76

Tierra Bravado Pale Ale, recipe for, 269–70

Timothy Taylor Landlord, 279

Top-fermenting, 3, 72, 184–85, 188

Trademarks, protecting, 41

Trub, 133, 173, 211, 323

Truman, 39

Tuck, John, 48

Two-rowed pale malts, 132; color from, 146; described, 144–45; enzymes from, 146; flavor from, 145; starch and, 161

Type 45/Type 90 hop pellets, 175

Underhopping, 111, 138

Using Hops (Garetz), 175, 178

Vanillins, 86, 238

Victoria Bitter, 73

Volume alpha acid units (VAAUs), 179

Wadworth Brewery, 38 (photo)

Wagner, John: lager yeast and, 83

Wahl-Henius, 46

Walker, Peter: Burton Union System and, 43, 45

Water: analysis of, 132, 199, 206, 324; distilled, 201; function of, 197–206; mash acidity and, 198; for pale ales, 204 (table), 206; quality of, 58, 197, 198; spring, 206; treating, 132, 199. See also Burton water

Watney’s, 14, 16, 39; Courage and, 78; pub control by, 76; real ale and, 77

Weak (term), 11–12

Weix, Patrick: on yeast, 191

Wendell, Abraham Q.: suit against, 41

Wharf Rat, real ale by, 94

Wherry Best Bitter, 278

Whitbread, 15, 40, 77, 280; IPA by, 172; pale ale by, 39; pub control by, 76; union system and, 44

White Flag Pale Ale, recipe for, 259–60

White Hart, 130 (photo)

Wilson, Richard, 20

Wood: fermenting in, 237; flavor and, 236–38; maturing in, 237

Wood chips, boiling, 238

Wooden casks, 235, 235 (photo); cleaning, 239; controlling temperature with, 234; maturing in, 209–10; problems with, 239; and stainless steel casks compared, 239–42

Woodforde brews, 278

Wort, 132, 324; cooling, 133; separation, 150; sugars, 186

Worthington’s Brewing, 32, 109

Worthington White Shield, 31, 31 (photo), 32, 109, 221, 222–23, 260; brewing of, 30; classifying, 114

Yakima Brewing Company, IPA by, 89–90

“Yeast Directory” (Brewers Market Guide), consulting, 190–91

Yeast pouches, 194

Yeasts, 58, 213; bottom-fermenting, 184–85; Burton, 46; choosing, 132, 190–94, 196; culturing, 193–94; dry, 190, 192–93; English, 123, 185–86; esters from, 120; fermentation and, 183, 185, 186, 194; flavors from, 143, 193; finings and, 214; finishing gravity and, 210; function of, 183–96; handling, 133; high-/low-flocculating, 186; isinglass and, 214; liquid, 190; London, 192; pale ales and, 129, 183, 191; pitching and, 193, 222; slant, 190; suggestions on, 195 (table); temperatures and, 185, 189–90; top-fermenting, 74, 129, 132, 184–85, 187, 188; types of, 183–86, 190; Whitbread, 192

Yorkshire stone square system, 189

Young’s, x (photo), 234; pub by, 57 (photo); real ale by, 77

Young’s Ram Brewery, 77

Young’s Ramrod, 110

Young’s Special Bitter, 276

Young, Tom, 99, 189

Younger’s, exports by, 41