General Index


abdominal cramps, 31, 32, 45

Accutane, 67, 313

adolescents, 14

aerobic exercise, 59

agave nectar, 314

ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), 13

alcohol, 2, 18, 48, 68, 313, 323

allergies, 24–26, 316

amniotic fluid, 9–10

anemia, 15, 43, 46–48

anencephaly, 20

antacids, 42

anxiety (PPD), 323

aromatherapy, 41

artificial sweeteners, 12, 314

Aspartame, 12


“baby blues,” 319, 321, 322–323

back pain, 335

bananas, freezing, 176

bariatric surgery, 21, 45, 68

barley, cooking instructions and tips, 113

bed rest restrictions, 49

beef, cooking to well-done stage, 38

Bennett, Shoshana, 320–321

beta-carotene, 18

biotin, 22

birth defects, 18, 20, 45


cell development, 20–21

loss, 15, 47

clotting, 14, 19

volume (maternal), 10, 15, 17

blood glucose levels

controlling, tips for, 55

high, effect on fetus, 51

logging levels, 55

magnesium, 16

manganese, 16

stabilizing, with protein, 11, 41, 52

target levels for, 54

testing for, 54

walking to lower, 55

blood pressure, 16

blue light glasses, 326

blurred vision, 45

body mass index (BMI), 7, 337–338

bone development, 14–19

BPA (bisphenol-A), 39

brain development, 10, 13, 20, 22, 71

breakfast, importance of, 52, 332

breakfasts, low-carb, 362


at-a-glance daily nutrients for, 22–23

basic advice for, 313–314

calories needed, 313

challenges, 317

daily nutritional requirements, 314–315

dieting while, 328

extra help for, 312

health benefits, 311–312

ideal nutrition, 311–313

improving milk flow, 315–316

multiples, 315

nutrients for baby’s development, 315

questions and answers, 314–317

for vegetarians and vegans, 314

breathing exercises, 325

brown rice, cooking instructions and tips, 112–113

brunch, low-carb, 362

bulgur wheat, cooking instructions and tips, 113

B vitamins, 20–22, 28, 64, 324. See also specific B vitamins.


caffeine, 68, 69, 70, 314, 323


bioavailability, optimizing, 26

for bones, blood, and nerve transmission, 14

for breastfeeding, 314–315

daily recommended intake, 14, 22, 344

dairy sources of, 344

depletion, 14

effect on iron absorption, 47

health benefits, 14

for leg cramps, 61

maximizing absorption of, 14, 26

nondairy sources of, 25, 26, 344–345

requirements for vegetarian and vegan diets, 26

for teens, 47

calcium supplements, 14, 26


for breastfeeding mothers, 313, 315

counting, 333

daily needs for, 6–8

estimated energy requirement, 7

inadequate, 6

during pregnancy, 10, 50

for multiples, 50

for teens, 47

weight-loss guidelines, 333–334


CARBS, 11, 64

complex, choosing, 11

consuming daily, 64

counting, 53, 64

for fetal development, 11

gluten-free, 25

for PPD, 323

cats, and toxoplasmosis, 28–30

celiac disease, 25

cell development, 12, 13, 16–22, 71–71

Changes in mom’s body month-by-month

bloating, 76, 100, 126, 154, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

blood volume, 284

Braxton Hicks contractions, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

breast changes, 76, 100, 126, 154, 204, 234, 258, 284

cervix dilation, 284

constipation, 76, 100, 126, 154, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

dizziness, 100, 126, 154, 178, 204, 234, 284

fatigue, 76, 100, 126, 154, 234, 284

food aversions and cravings, 100, 126, 154

frequent urination, 76, 100, 126, 154, 178, 203, 234, 258, 284

gas, 76, 100, 126, 154, 178, 203, 234, 258, 284

headaches, 178, 204, 234, 284

heartburn, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

heightened smell, 100, 126, 154, 204

hemorrhoids, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

indigestion, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

leg cramps, 178, 204, 234, 258, 284

lightening, 284

lightheadedness, 100, 126, 154, 178, 204, 234, 284

mood swings, 100

morning sickness, 76, 100, 126

mucus plug, 284

nasal congestion/nose bleeds, 154

nausea, 76, 100, 126

nesting syndrome, 284

placenta brain, 100

shortness of breath, 258, 284

sleep issues, 258, 284

spotting/bleeding, 76, 100, 126

stretch marks, 257, 284

swelling, 178, 204, 258

vaginal discharge, 100, 126, 154

water break, 284

chia seeds, 44

chicken, cooking to well-done stage, 38

cholesterol, 16

choline, 22, 315

chromium, 15, 22, 324

coffee, 69, 70

complete meal ideas, 65

complex carbohydrates, 11

constipation, 23, 43–44

continuous glucose monitors, 54

cooking odors, 41

copper, 15, 22, 315

corpse pose, 336

counting calories for weight loss, 333

counting carbohydrates, 53, 64

couscous, cooking instructions and tips, 112

crash diets, 332

cravings, 43, 324, 330

Crohn’s disease, 21, 45

C-sections, 51, 335


dairy-free recipe symbol, 65

dairy products, 25, 344

dehydration, 24, 60, 323

dental care, 47

depression. See also postpartum depression

consulting a professional about, 330

exercise for, 325

sleep and, 325–326

vitamin D for, 19, 324

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), 13, 38, 324, 341–342

diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

about, 51

blood glucose target levels, 54

complications, 51

defined, 51

dietary guidelines, 52–53

entering pregnancy with, 68

exercise and, 55–56, 69

finger pricking, 52

low-carb recipes for, 351–352

meal planning, 42

menus for, 361–364

pregnancy after 35, 48

pregestational, 51

progression to type 2, 58

questions and answers about, 53–58

reducing risk of, 68

risk factors for, 54

type 1, 51, 57

type 2, 57, 58

diabetes educators, 53

diarrhea, 31, 32

diets and dieting

best way to start, 331

consulting doctor about, 327

deciding when to begin, 329

emotional baggage and, 331–332

getting support for, 330–331

healthy eating tips, 332–333

in teens, 48

dinners, for diabetes during pregnancy, 52

dinners, low-carb ideas for, 364

dizziness, 47, 59

DNA, 19–20doctors

confirming pregnancy with, 2

consulting, about dieting, 327

consulting, about exercise, 69, 328, 335

before you conceive, 67

dopamine, 324, 325

drugs, 2, 48

due date calculations, 72


eating disorder, 69

eclampsia, 46

E. coli, 30–31

eggs, raw, 32–33, 160

emotional baggage, 331–332

emotional support, 326

endorphins, 325

energy needs during pregnancy, 10

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), 13, 38, 341–342

erythritol, 12

essential oils, 41

estimated energy requirements, 7, 10


benefits of, 3, 58–59, 325

consulting doctor about, 69, 328, 335

controlling blood sugar with, 55–56, 59

as a daily habit, 68

with diabetes, 53, 55, 61

to ease constipation, 44

at home, 335–336

with PIH, 61

for PPD, 232

precautions for certain women, 69

for pregnant women over 35, 49

reducing depression with, 325

safety tips, 53

warning signs to stop, 59–61, 336

for weight loss, 334–336

exhaustion, 330

eye development, 13, 18


fad diets, 333

fast food, 333

fatigue, 3, 41, 47, 324

fats, healthy, 12–13, 52, 64. See also omega-3 fatty acids

fertilization, 75

fetal age, 72

fetal alcohol exposure (FAE), 18

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 18

fetal brain development, 10, 12

Fetal development month-by-month

bone, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

brain, 75, 99, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

cell, 75, 99, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

ear/hearing, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

eye/vision, 99, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

fat stores, 233, 257, 283

head-down position, 257, 283

heart, 99, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

hiccups, 177, 203, 233, 283

immune system, 257, 283

kicks, 177, 203, 233, 283

lung, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

muscle, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

nervous system, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

neural tube, 75, 99, 125

organ, 75, 99, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

placenta, 75, 99, 125

sensory, 153, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

sexual organ, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 283

tooth, 125, 153, 177, 203, 233, 283

vernix caseosa, 177, 203, 233, 257, 283

fever, 32, 34

fiber, 23, 44, 52, 348–349

fiber, supplemental, 44

finger pricking, 54, 57

first trimester

calorie requirements, 7

constipation during, 43

heartburn in, 41

month 1 (weeks 1–4), 75–77

month 2 (weeks 5–8), 99–101

month 3 (weeks 9–13), 125–127

progesterone levels in, 3


DHA and EPA content in, 341–342

fish sandwiches, safety of, 37

fish sticks, safety of, 37

high in mercury, risks from, 3, 35–37, 314

low in mercury, 36

omega-3 fatty acids in, 13

raw, avoiding, 36

safe choices in, 13

USDA and EPA guidelines on, 36, 314

fish oil supplements, 37–38

Floradix iron supplements, 44

fluoride, 22flours, gluten-free, 25

fluids. See water

flu-like symptoms, 30, 34

folic acid/folate, 20, 60, 64, 324, 347–348

folic acid supplements, 40, 67

food allergies, 24–26

food aversions, 43

food-borne illnesses

E. coli, 30–31

listeriosis, 33–35

salmonella, 31–33

Salmonella enteriditis (SE), 32–33, 160

Toxoplasmosis, 28

food cravings, 43

food journals, 331

food poisoning, 56

food safety tips

cooking food to “well-done” stage, 38

E. coli, 30–31

listeriosis, 33–35

methylmercury, 35–37

safe plastics, 39

salmonella, 31–33

Salmonella enteriditis (SE), 32–33

toxoplasmosis, 28–30

fourth trimester, 309

fresh air, 41

fruits, 35, 52–53, 85

fussiness, 316–317


gas, 42

gas-producing foods, 42

gastric bypass surgery, 45

genetic material, 20, 70

gestational age, 72

gestational diabetes. See diabetes

gestational hypertension, 3, 45, 46, 48

ginger supplements, 40

gingivitis, 47

glucagon, 58

glucometer, 54

glucose, 51

gluten-free diets, 25

gluten-free recipe symbol, 65

grain-based flours, 265

grains, 112–113

greens, cleaning and storing, 85

gum disease, 47


HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, and tired), 330

head circumference, 13

headaches, 45, 60

heart health, 16, 17, 21

heart rates, 60

heartburn, 41–42

hemorrhoids, 23, 43–44

high blood pressure, 45–46, 48

high blood sugar levels, 51

high-risk pregnancies, 44

hormones, pregnancy-related, 50–51, 55

hot tubs, 3

hyperemesis gravidarum, 40

hypertension, 3, 45–46, 61

hyperthermia, 60

hypoglycemia, 51, 57–58


immune system development, 13, 17

immunity, 16, 18, 19

implantation, 75

increased blood volume, 9

indigestion, 41–42

infertility, 45, 69

insulin, 15, 51, 53, 57, 58

insulin resistance, 51

Internal Family Systems Model (IFS), 331

iodine, 15, 22, 27, 315

iodized salt, 27


anemia, 15, 27

combatting fatigue with, 324

constipation, 43–44

daily recommended intake, 15, 27, 342

health benefits, 15–16

heme, 16, 27

hemoglobin, 15

maximizing absorption of, 16, 27, 47

nonheme, 16, 27

plant-based sources of, 27

for PPD, 324

requirements for vegetarians and vegans, 27

sources of, 342–343

stores, 15

iron-deficiency anemia, 15, 43, 46–47

iron supplements, 27, 44, 47


journaling, 331

junk food, 333


Kegels, 61–62

kidney functioning, 17

king mackerel, 36


labor, 14

lactation. See breastfeeding

lactose intolerance, 14, 25

lancets, 54, 57

lancing devices, 54, 57

laxatives, 43

leg cramps, 61

listeriosis, 33–35

litter boxes, 30

liver, minimizing consumption of, 18

low birth weight, 47–48

low blood sugar, 51, 57–58

low blue light glasses, 326

low-carb recipe symbols, 65

low-carb recipes for diabetes during pregnancy, 351–352

lunches, for diabetes during pregnancy, 52

lunches, low-carb, 363

lymph node swelling, 30


macronutrients, 10–13

macrosomia, 54

magnesium, 16, 22, 61

manganese, 16, 22

massages, 3

meals, skipping, 332

meals, small, 11, 40, 42, 332

meat, undercooked or raw, 30, 31, 32

medications and prescriptions, 2, 42, 313

melatonin, 325, 326

mental clarity, 324


for diabetes during pregnancy, 361–364

for pregnancy for one week, ideas for, 353–356

suggested, on recipe pages, 65

for vegetarian and vegan pregnancies, 357–360

mercury, about, 36

metabolism, 15–19, 21–22

methylmercury, 3, 35–37

milk production, 315–316, 328

minerals, 14–18, 64. See also specific minerals

miscarriages, 20, 45, 48, 68, 118

molybdenum, 16, 22

monounsaturated fats, 12

month 1 (weeks 1–4), 75–77

month 2 (weeks 5–8), 99–101

month 3 (weeks 9–13), 125–127

month 4 (weeks 14–17), 153–155

month 5 (weeks 18–22), 177–179

month 6 (weeks 23–27), 203–205

month 7 (weeks 28–31), 233–235

month 8 (weeks 32–35), 257–259

month 9 (weeks 36–40), 283–285

mood balance, 324

morning sickness, 21, 39–41

MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate

reductace), 20

multiples, pregnancies with, 20, 46, 50, 69

muscle cramping, 16–17, 61, 336

muscle tissue formation, 10–11

mushrooms, cleaning, 85


naps, 3, 316

Narula, Elna, 50

nausea, 32, 39–41, 47

nerve transmission, 14, 16

nervous system development, 20–21, 35

neural tube defects, 20

neural tube development, 22

niacin (vitamin B3), 21, 22

nicotine addiction, 68

nondairy calcium sources, 25

nutrients. See also specific types

to combat depression, 323

consuming daily, 64

essential minerals and vitamins, 14–24

macronutrients, 10–13

prior to conception, 70–72

nutritional information, in recipes, 64

nutrition labels, 53

nuts, toasting and freezing, 281

nuts and nut butters, 52


oat flour, making at home, 265

oats, types of, 183

obese women, 20, 44–46, 53, 317, 330

olive oils, choosing, 141

omega-3 fatty acids

for breastfeeding, 315

for depression, 324

for fetal development, 12–13

health benefits, 13

recommended daily intake, 13, 22, 341

in seafood, 13, 341–342

sources of, 13, 341

omega-3 supplements, 38, 315, 324

oral and facial birth defects, 20

oral hygiene, 47

oral medications for diabetes, 57organic coffee, 35, 69

organic products, 35, 314

overeating, 330

oxalic acid (oxalates), 26


panic disorders, 325

pantothenic acid (vitamin B4), 22

PCB. See polychlorinated biphenyls

pelvic floor exercises, 61–62

phosphorus, 17, 23, 48

physical activity levels, 7, 10, 23

phytic acid (phytates), 26, 27

phytonutrients, 53

pica, 43

placenta, 9, 10, 18

plastics, 39

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), 35

polyunsaturated fats, 12

pork, cooking to well-done stage, 38

postpartum. See also breastfeeding; postpartum depression; weight loss

daily nutrients for, 22–23

Postpartum Assistance for Mothers, 321

postpartum depression (PPD)

compared with “baby blues,” 319

dietary recommendations for, 322–323

Dr. Shosh’s personal story, 320

personal story of, 320–321

prevention, 13

questions and answers, 323–326

special nutrients for, 323–324

symptoms of, 321–322

postpartum psychosis, 322

Postpartum Support International, 321

posture, 59

potassium, 17, 23, 61, 315

PPD. See postpartum depression.


blood glucose control for diabetes, 57

daily nutrients for, 22–23

getting healthy during, 1

healthy weight gain, 67

methylmercury concerns, 37

nutritional guidelines, 70–72

optimal foods for, 71

what you need to know, 67–69

preeclampsia, 24, 45–46, 69

pregestational diabetes, 51


adolescents, 14

after age 35, 48–49

daily nutrients for, 22–23

gingivitis, 47

with multiples, 14

pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), 61, 69

premature birth, 48

premature labor, 47–48, 69

prenatal care, 67

prenatal exercise classes, 59

prenatal vitamins

choosing, 24

with DHA, 13

with iron, 15

and morning sickness, 24, 40

prior to conception, 67

while breastfeeding, 313

prescriptions and medications, 2, 42, 313

preterm delivery, 13, 48

progesterone, 3


balancing blood sugar with, 52

for breastfeeding, 315

consuming daily, 23, 64

daily recommended intake, 11, 315, 339, 340

for fetal development, 10–11

good sources of, 11, 339–340

for morning sickness, 41

for PPD, 323,

requirements for vegetarians and vegans, 26

for pregnant moms, 10–11

for teens, 47

vegan sources of, 340–341

vegetarian sources of, 26

prunes, 44

psychotherapy, 330


quick and easy recipe symbol, 65

quinoa, cooking instructions and tips, 112


rebound scurvy, 19


carb counts (CARBS), 64

low-carb, for diabetes, 351–352

nutritional information, 64

special diet symbols, 65

reflux, 41–42

registered dieticians, 6, 45, 48, 50, 53

resistance training, 59

rest, 3, 41, 316

Retin-A, 67, 313

riboflavin, 23

riboflavin (vitamin B2), 21

rice, brown, cooking instructions and tips, 112–113

rickets, 316

RNA, 20

Rule of Fifteen, 58


saccharin, 12, 314

salad ingredients, shelf life for, 213

salmonella, 31–33

Salmonella enteriditis (SE), 32–33, 160

salt, iodized, 27

saturated fats, 12

saunas, 3

Schwartz, Richard C., 331

scurvy, 19

seafood consumptions recommendations, 36

seaweed, 27

second trimester

calorie requirements, 7–8, 11

month 4 (weeks 14–17), 153–155

month 5 (weeks 18–22), 177–179

month 6 (weeks 23–27), 203–205

seeds and seed butters, 52


good sources of, 17

health benefits, 17

recommended daily intake, 17, 23

self-care activities, 329

serotonin, 324, 325

shark, 36

shellfish, 35–37

shortness of breath, 3, 47, 59, 258, 336

shoulder dystocia, 51

sickle cell anemia, 46

SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 48, 311

simple sugars, 11

skeletal growth, 14

skin health, 12, 18, 24

sleep, 3, 316, 325–326

small meals, 11, 40, 332

smoking, 2, 48, 68


for diet plans, 332

healthy low-calorie, 240

low-carb, ideas for, 361–362

and morning sickness, 41

protein-rich, ideas for, 11

sodium, 17, 23, 46

soy products, phytic acid in, 27

special diets, during pregnancy, 24–26

spina bifida, 20

Splenda, 12, 314

Squatty Potty, 44

stevia, 12, 314

stiff neck, 34

stillbirth, 48

strength training, 59

stress, 3, 55, 325, 329

stretching, 55, 60, 325, 336

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 48, 311

sugar cravings, 324

sunlight, 19, 26, 324

sunscreen, 19

sweeteners, artificial, 12, 314

swelling, 24, 45

swimming, 55, 59

swordfish, 36

synthetic folic acid, 20


talk test, for exercise, 61

tannins, 27

tea, 70

teenagers, pregnant, 47–48

teeth formation, 14, 17–19

test strips, 54

thalassemia, 46

thiamine (vitamin B1), 21, 23

third trimester

calorie requirements, 8, 11

constipation, 43

controlling blood sugar, 55

fatigue, 3

indigestion and heartburn, 41

month 7 (weeks 28–31), 233–235

month 8 (weeks 32–35), 257–259

month 9 (weeks 36–40), 283–285

thyroid functioning, 15–17

tilefish, 36

toothpaste, 47

toxoplasmosis, 28–30

trans fats, 12

traveling, smart eating while, 56

triplets, 50

TUMS, 14

tuna steaks, mercury in, 37

turkey, cooking to well-done stage, 38

twins, 50

type 1 diabetes, 51, 57

type 2 diabetes, 51, 57, 58


underweight women, 67–68

unsaturated fats, 12

UTI, 24

uterus, 9–10


vaping, 48, 68

vegan diets

algae oil supplements for, 38

and breastfeeding, 314

general information, 25–26

macronutrient, mineral, and vitamin needs, 26–28

menus for, 359–360

pantry staples for, 29

vegan recipe symbols, 65

vegetables, 35, 52–53, 85

vegetarian diets

algae oil supplements for, 38

and breastfeeding, 314

general information, 25–26

iron supplements for, 44

macronutrient, mineral, and vitamin needs, 26–28

menus for, 357–358

optimizing nutrients in, 26

vitamin A, 12, 18, 23, 315, 345–346

vitamin B1, 21, 23, 315

vitamin B2, 21, 23

vitamin B3, 21, 23

vitamin B4, 22

vitamin B6

for breastfeeding, 315

daily recommended intake, 21, 23

good sources of, 21, 40, 324

health benefits, 21

for mood balance, 324

for morning sickness, 40

for PPD, 324

vitamin B12

for breastfeeding, 315

daily recommended intake, 20–21, 23

good sources of, 20, 324

health benefits, 20

for low energy and depression, 324

plant-based sources of, 28

for PPD, 324

supplements, 27

for vegetarians and vegans, 28, 314

vitamin C

daily recommended intake, 19, 23, 346

excessive, note about, 19

good sources of, 19, 346–347

health benefits, 19

and iron absorption, 16, 27, 47

rebound scurvy, 19

vitamin D

for breastfed infants, 315–316

combining with calcium, 14

daily recommended intake, 19, 23

good sources of, 19

health benefits, 19

for PPD, 324

from sunlight, 19, 324

supplements, 26

toxic levels, 19

warding off depression with, 324

vitamin E, 19, 23, 315

vitamin K, 19, 23

vitamins. See also prenatal vitamins; specific vitamins

consuming daily, 23, 64

vomiting, 32, 39–41, 47


Wade, Linda, 328

walking, 41, 59, 60, 325


and constipation, 44

daily intake, 23

before exercising, 336

importance of, 23–24

between meals and snacks, 40

for PPD, 323, 325

unsafe, alternatives to, 56

while breastfeeding, 314

while dieting, 333

weight, healthy, 67

weight gain

average, during pregnancy, 9

composition of, during pregnancy, 9

with diabetes, 54

excessive, 9, 54

excessive during pregnancy, 46

inadequate, effect on fetus, 6, 9

obesity, 45

for pregnant teens, 48

recommended rate for, 8

for women with triplets, 50

for women with twins, 50

weight loss postpartum. See also diets and dieting

basic advice for, 327–328

and breastfeeding, 312

calorie guidelines, 333–334

creating a diet plan, 332

HALT, 330

questions and answers, 328–332

setting goals for, 329

weight loss mantra, 327

well-done temperature guide, 38

wound healing, 18–19, 22

wristband, for morning sickness, 41


X-rays, 3, 47

xylitol, 12


yoga, 3, 55, 325, 336

yogurt, for lactose intolerant moms, 25

yo-yo diets, 332



for breastfeeding, 315

daily recommended intake, 18, 23, 27

good sources of, 18

health benefits, 18

requirements for vegetarians and vegans, 27

vegetarian and vegan sources of, 27–28