- abstinence violation effect (AVE), 268
- acetaldehyde, 77
- acetone, 29
- action stage, 202–203, 206
- acupuncture, 188–189
- addiction. See also distorted thinking
- to alcohol, 156
- biological factors, 20
- to coffee, 76
- defined, 18
- evaluating, 27, 28, 29
- myths regarding, 18, 19
- overview, 8, 9, 17
- predisposition to, 24
- psychological factors of
- behavioral associations, 22, 23, 137
- distorted thinking, 22, 136
- feelings, 136
- function of mind, 21
- overview, 8–9
- triggers, 136
- reinforcement in, 24
- reward system and, 8
- social factors in, 24, 25, 26, 27
- tolerance and, 18
- vaping and, 329
- discussion, 76, 90–91
- gateway to other addictions, 86, 91
- adolescents. See also parenting
- experimentation by, 1, 59
- modeling by, 24, 25, 26
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 121
- pod systems and, 67
- secretiveness of, 89, 108
- vaping and, 327–331
- addiction, 90, 91, 92
- contaminated supplies, 91
- statistics, 87, 88
- targeted marketing, 88,89adrenaline, 20
- advanced personal vaporizers. See vaping devices
- advertising. See marketing
- affirmations, of self-acceptance, 313–314
- agoraphobia, 256
- airplanes, 20, 34, 54
- alcohol, 156, 239
- alternative strategies, overview, 183–184
- American Association of Poison Control Centers, 121, 127
- American Cancer Society, 34, 324
- American Heart Association
- fiber and, 281
- website for, 326
- American Lung Association
- quitting app by, 168
- website for, 324
- American Psychological Association, 325
- anger, 234. See also emotions
- anticipating triggers, 251–252
- anxiety, 217. See also emotions
- causing insomnia, 240
- medications for, 184–185
- reducing with breathing, 250
- as side-effect, 254
- smoking habit caused by, 189
- treatment for, 255–256
- appearance, 40, 41
- apps
- choosing, 218
- evaluating, 164–165
- privacy, 165
- recommendations regarding, 169
- arsenic, 29
- arteriosclerosis, 44
- ashtrays
- cleaning, 224
- in different locations, 223
- hiding, 224
- repurposing, 318
- asiansmokersquitline website, 162
- assertiveness, 305–307
- associating
- bed with sleep, 239
- triggers and, 217
- vaping and smoking, 178
- weakening habits with, 223
- asthma
- smoking and, 46, 52
- vaping and, 80
- atomizers, 62, 64
- AVE (abstinence violation effect), 268
- behavioral associations. See also distorted thinking; feelings; triggers
- overview, 22, 23
- psychological role of, 136–137
- Better Business Bureau (BBB), vape shops and, 179, 328
- binge eating, 277
- birth defects, 41, 42, 83
- body mass index (BMI), 39, 40
- body scan, 299–300
- bone problems, 50
- boosting metabolism, 285–287
- Bowen, Adam, 67
- brain, effects of vaping on, 329
- breaking cigarettes, 225
- breathing
- breath awareness, 299
- controlling anger with, 234
- filters and, 174
- techniques for, 249–250
- tightness in chest, 241
- bupropion (Zyban), 132, 133
- cadmium, 29, 78
- caffeine. See coffee
- California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP), 55, 56
- calmness, 319. See also emotions
- calories, reducing, 282–283
- cancer
- diagnosing, 324
- indirect smoking and, 52
- lung, 9, 34, 48
- mouth, 38, 39
- nicotine and, 172
- oral, 177
- reducing risk of, 43, 174
- smokeless tobacco and, 176
- in young people, 328
- cannabidiol (CBD)
- defined, 70
- purported benefits of, 71, 72
- risks of vaping, 84, 85
- cannabis plant, 70
- cardiac disease, 9
- cardiovascular disease, 44, 285
- cataracts, 50
- causation and correlations, in research, 194–195
- CBD. See cannabidiol
- CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), 137, 257. See also distorted thinking; feelings; triggers
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 47, 75, 92
- vaping and, 178
- website for, 325
- celebrating success, 322
- cerebrovascular disease, 44, 45, 46
- Chantix (varenicline), 130–132, 216
- Cheat Sheet, 3
- chemicals, 77, 78
- chewing tobacco, 32–33
- children. See also young people
- e-liquids and, 84, 121
- nicotine poisoning and, 121
- smoking and risks to, 52–53
- chronic bronchitis, 47, 80
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 47, 48, 172, 325
- Chron's disease, 50
- cigarettes, 30, 31, 48. See also quitting
- breaking, 225
- buying different brand of, 223
- discarding, 225
- holding, 223
- light vs. ultra-light, 174
- in mouth, position of, 223
- reducing damage from
- overview, 171–172
- smokeless tobacco, 176–177
- while smoking, 173–175
- cigarillos, 31
- cigars, 31, 44
- cleaning
- ashtrays, 224
- as distraction, 235
- room for sleeping, 239
- smoking environment, 224, 318
- cloud chasing, 66, 90
- Cochrane Reviews, 324
- coffee. See also triggers
- addiction to, 76
- instead of smoking, 38
- nicotine inhalers and, 128
- as trigger, 23, 136, 159
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 137, 257. See also distorted thinking; feelings; triggers
- cold turkey. See willpower
- committing to quitting
- increasing chance of, 210
- overview, 220
- competence. See confidence
- competitions, as strategy for quitting, 186–188
- concentration
- confidence. See also emotions
- controlling, 252
- improving, 290–295
- resilience and, 290
- in smoker
- after lapse, 268
- contemplation stage, 201
- maintenance stage, 203
- constipation, 241
- contemplation stage
- overview, 201
- questions about, 206
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), 47, 48, 172, 325
- correlations and causation, in research, 194–195
- cost-benefit analysis
- of fear of failure belief, 110, 111
- of fear of loss belief, 113
- of inability to quit belief, 116
- of powerlessness belief, 108, 109
- of procrastination, 114, 115
- coughing, 43, 46, 47, 241. See also chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- cravings, 19, 146, 147. See also triggers; urges
- criticism, 42, 320, 321
- CT scan, 324
- CTCP (California Tobacco Control Program), 55, 56
- cue cards, 226–227, 250
- cytisine, 185
- daily affirmations, 250–251
- Daily News Report, 295–296
- damage from cigarettes
- reducing
- overview, 171–172
- smokeless tobacco, 176–177
- while smoking, 173–175
- DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), 284–285
- decisions
- regarding health, thoughts affecting, 277–280
- resilience and, 290
- decreasing cognitive load, 253
- depression, 137, 149, 156. See also emotions
- causing insomnia, 240
- medications for, 184–185
- overview, 256–257
- as side-effect, 254
- treatment for, 257–258
- diabetes, 50, 79
- diacetyl, 77, 81, 82
- DiClemente, Carlo C., 200
- diet
- choosing, 280–285
- distorted thinking and, 277–280
- eating out and, 284
- fiber in, 281–282
- nutrients in, 280–281
- on quit day, changing, 228–229
- recommended, 284–285
- reducing calories from, 282–283
- tracking food intake, 276–277
- Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), 284–285
- dietary supplements, 184–185
- discarding cigarettes, 225
- dissolvable tobacco, 33
- distorted thinking, 280. See also feelings; triggers
- catastrophizing in, 140, 141
- challenging
- extremes in, 144
- feelings and, 138
- letting go of, 153, 154
- mental filtering in, 143, 144
- negative predictions in, 141, 142, 143
- obligatory evaluations in, 146
- overlapping in, 147
- overview, 22, 140
- personalizing in, 145
- psychological role of, 136–137
- distractions
- cleaning as distraction, 235
- controlling anger with, 236
- planning with smoker, 320
- dizziness
- in panic disorder, 256
- as withdrawal symptom, 241
- Doctor on Demand, 168
- dopamine, 20, 144
- drinks
- dropout rate, 192
- ear infections, 52, 53
- eating out, 284
- e-cigarettes. See vaping
- Electronics for Dummies (Shamieh), 65
- e-liquids. See also vaping; vaping devices
- chemicals in, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
- contaminated, 80, 85, 91
- defined, 62, 67
- diacetyl in, 81, 82
- flavoring of, 69, 75, 79
- nicotine in, 68, 75
- overview, 10, 31, 75
- regulation of, 67
- toxicity of, 83, 84, 121
- types, 68, 69
- emotions. See also distorted thinking; triggers
- anger, 234–236
- controlling
- with breathing exercises, 249–250
- confidence, 252
- with daily affirmations, 250–251
- distorted thinking and, 146, 147
- empathy
- defined, 296
- towards smoker, showing, 319–320
- frustration, 330
- guilt, 309–310
- invulnerability, 252
- negative
- anxiety, 255–256
- causing relapses, 258
- depression, 256–257
- managing, 298
- overview, 254–258
- tolerating, 298
- treatment for, 257–258
- psychological role of, 136–137
- self-observation of, 154, 155, 156
- self-rewards and, 160
- shame, 309–310
- sharing, 296
- thoughts vs., 138
- triggers and
- anticipating, 251–252
- confronting, 248
- overview, 248–252
- emphysema, 47
- encouragement, 42, 321
- entertainment, 294–295
- environment, cleaning, 318
- environmental pollution, 53, 54
- Etscorn, Frank, 13
- EVALI (vaping product use-associated lung injury), 178
- evaluation, of self, 312–313
- excuses
- harm reduction and, 172
- lapses and, 262
- overcoming, 242–243
- rationalizing and, 263–265
- exercise, 36, 37
- for breathing, 249–250
- controlling anger with, 235
- counteracting urges, 258
- for determining stage of quitting, 208–210
- monitoring, 286–287
- sleeping and, 238
- triggers and, 258
- willpower and, 258
- false beliefs
- defined, 105
- fear of failure
- family, support from
- asking for, 218–219
- telling others about quitting, 220–223
- Farm Bill (2018), 70
- FAST acronym, 44, 45
- fatigue, 241
- FDA (Food and Drug Administration). See also nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
- approving flavors for vaping, 328
- cannabidiol (CBD) approval by, 70
- Chantix and, 216
- prescriptions approved by
- bupropion (Zyban), 132–133
- varenicline (Chantix), 130–132
- prohibiting lobelia, 184
- regulation of e-liquids by, 67
- snus marketing and, 33
- vaping research and, 75
- view of nicotine, 173
- fear of failure
- fear of loss
- feelings. See also distorted thinking; triggers
- anger, 234–236
- controlling
- with breathing exercises, 249–250
- confidence, 252
- with daily affirmations, 250–251
- distorted thinking and, 146, 147
- empathy
- defined, 296
- towards smoker, showing, 319–320
- frustration, 330
- guilt, 309–310
- invulnerability, 252
- negative
- anxiety, 255–256
- causing relapses, 258
- depression, 256–257
- managing, 298
- overview, 254–258
- tolerating, 298
- treatment for, 257–258
- psychological role of, 136–137
- self-observation of, 154, 155, 156
- self-rewards and, 160
- shame, 309–310
- sharing, 296
- thoughts vs., 138
- triggers and
- anticipating, 251–252
- confronting, 248
- overview, 248–252
- fiber, 281–282
- filters, 174
- flavoring, 69, 75, 79
- food
- choosing, 280–285
- distorted thinking and, 277–280
- eating out and, 284
- fiber in, 281–282
- monitoring intake of, 276–277
- nutrients in, 280–281
- on quit day, changing, 228–229
- recommended diet, 284–285
- reducing calories from, 282–283
- Food and Drug Administration. See FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
- forgiveness
- guilt vs. shame, 309–310
- improving
- identifying cause of habit, 310–311
- overview, 310
- past mistakes, 311
- writing letter of self-compassion, 311–312
- overview, 307–312
- perfectionism and, 308–309
- formaldehyde, 29, 77
- Franken, Al, 250
- friends, support from
- asking for, 218–219
- telling others about quitting, 220–223
- frustration, 330. See also emotions
- generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 255
- Gilbert, Herbert, 60
- goals
- confidence and, 290–291
- daily affirmations and, 250
- fitness, 286
- health, 276
- perfectionism as, 291
- on quit day, 230
- government programs, 323–326
- gratitude journal, 302
- Great American Smokeout, 219, 324
- guilt, 309–310. See also emotions
- gum, 124, 125, 169, 226
- Gwynn, Tony, 39
- habits
- changing, 223–224
- triggers and, 223
- weakening, 223
- harm reduction
- controversy of, 173
- defined, 171–172
- excuses and, 172
- overview, 171–172
- smokeless tobacco as method for, 176–177
- health. See also diet; exercise; weight
- benefits from mindfulness, 298–299
- boosting metabolism, 285–287
- distorted thinking and, 277–280
- with harm reduction, improving, 171–172
- lifestyle improving confidence, 293–294
- monitoring intake of food, 276–277
- motivation and, 287
- nicotine affecting, 172
- obesity and, 281
- overview, 275
- risks of vaping, 329
- setting realistic goals regarding, 276
- healthcare providers. See also nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
- prescriptions from
- bupropion (Zyban), 132, 133
- clonidine, 133–134
- inhalers, 127, 128
- nasal sprays, 126, 127
- nortriptyline, 133
- varenicline (Chantix), 130, 131, 132
- heart attack, 45, 78, 79, 180. See also cardiovascular disease
- heart disease
- nicotine and, 172
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 121
- smoking and, 43, 44
- heat not burn (HNB), 31–32
- heated tobacco products (HTPs), 31–32, 48
- hemoglobin A1C, 79
- hemp, 70
- heredity, 310
- hiding
- history of quitting
- harm reduction and, 172
- reviewing, 214–215
- HNB (heat not burn), 31–32
- holding cigarettes, 223
- Hon Lik, 60
- HTPs (heated tobacco products), 31–32, 48
- hydrogen cyanide, 29
- hypertension
- smoking and, 44
- vaping and, 78, 79
- hypnosis, 185–186
- inability to quit
- indirect costs, 10
- inhalers, 127, 128
- insomnia. See also sleeping
- alcohol causing, 239
- anxiety causing, 240
- combating, 239
- depression causing, 240
- medications causing, 240
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) causing, 259
- on quit day, 232
- insurance
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 122
- smoking and, 9, 10
- vaping and, 10
- Internet, as resource for quitting, 325
- invulnerability, 252
- IQOS devices, 32
- kindness, 304–305
- Kwit app, 167
- lapses
- avoiding criticizing smoker regarding, 321
- benefiting from, 263–265
- caused by stress, 204
- learning from, 268
- myths regarding, 265–266
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 260
- occasional, 215, 266
- overcoming, 271
- overview, 261–271
- Quit and Win programs and, 187
- reasons for, 262
- recovering from, 269–271
- relapses vs., 262–263
- Stages of Change model and, 205
- lead, 29, 77
- legislation
- California, 55, 71
- flavoring, 69
- on medical marijuana, 70, 71, 72
- minimum age, 55
- public areas, 54, 55
- vaping, 75, 84
- letters, of self-compassion, 311–312
- lighters, hiding, 226
- lobelia, 184
- losing weight
- choosing diet, 280–285
- eating out, 284
- fiber in diet, 281–282
- nutrients in diet, 280–281
- recommended diets, 284–285
- reducing calories from diet, 282–283
- lozenges, 125, 126
- L-tryptophan, 185
- lung cancer, 9, 34, 48
- lungs
- diacetyl and, 81–82
- mining metals and, 78
- vaping and, 80, 83, 86
- macular degeneration, 50
- magnets, 188
- maintenance stage
- overview, 203–204
- questions about, 206
- Major League Baseball (MLB), 39
- mantra-focused meditation, 300
- marijuana, 329
- purported benefits of, 70, 71, 72
- risks of vaping, 84, 85
- vaping leading to, 91
- marketing
- overview, 34
- as reason for smoking, 311
- regulation of, 7
- scams
- promises made by, 190–191
- skepticism towards, 191
- targeting meditation, 301
- of snus, 33
- of tobacco, 9
- of vaping to youths, 88–90
- massages, 190
- medications
- for anxiety, 184–185
- causing insomnia, 240
- contraindications in, 134
- for depression, 184–185
- discussion, 12, 19
- for insomnia, 237
- on-label prescribed
- bupropion (Zyban), 132–133
- varenicline (Chantix), 130, 131, 132
- in personalized quit strategy, 216–217
- side-effects of, 217
- success rate and, 119
- meditation, 299–301
- Mediterranean Diet, 285
- MedlinePlus, 326
- melatonin, 237
- metabolism
- boosting, 285–287
- nicotine interacting with, 275
- mind, clearing, 240–241
- mindfulness, 12, 15
- benefiting from
- concentration, 299
- health, 298–299
- managing negative emotions, 298
- developing, 299–301
- overview, 298
- MindTools website, 169
- mining metals, 78
- Minnesota Heart Health Program, 186
- MLB (Major League Baseball), 39
- modeling, 24, 25, 26
- monitoring
- exercise, 286–287
- intake of food, 276–277
- progress, 164, 254
- smoking before quitting, 212–214
- Monsees, James, 67
- Monthly News Report, 296
- motivation
- health and, 287
- self-criticism and, 308
- mouth, position of cigarettes in, 223
- mouth cancers, 38, 39
- moving meditation, 300
- nasal sprays, 126, 127
- National Health Service, 326
- National Health Service (NHS), 75
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 325
- National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines, 15, 122
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 149, 257
- National Youth Tobacco Survey, 87
- negative reinforcement, 24
- neighborhood watch program, 301
- neurochemicals, 20
- New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 13
- NHS (U.K. National Health Service), 75
- nicotine. See also quitting
- addiction to, 8, 35, 76, 120
- benefits of, 120, 122
- biochemical effects of, 20, 76, 120
- cancer and, 172
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and, 172
- discussion, 1, 2
- dopamine activation by, 144
- exercise and, 38, 39
- heart disease and, 172
- interacting with metabolism, 275
- levels of, 174
- pod systems and, 67
- products, 169
- promoting perfectionism, 308
- tobacco and, 29, 172–173
- vaping and, 10, 76, 90, 91, 93
- weight and, 39, 40
- withdrawal from, 120, 144
- Nicotine Anonymous website, 170
- nicotine poisoning, 13, 83, 84, 121
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). See also medications
- chances of quitting with, 181, 216
- combining, 128, 129
- costs associated with, 259
- insomnia, 259
- insurance and, 122
- as method for harm reduction, 173
- myths regarding, 259
- not recommended for active smokers, 175
- over-the-counter
- reducing use of, 258–260
- side-effects of, 259
- snus and, 177
- success of, 120, 135
- supply of, 226
- urges and, 259
- using, 121, 122
- vaping vs., 178
- nicotine salt, 69
- NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), 325
- nitrosamines, 177
- no-smoking zone, 318
NRT. See nicotine replacement therapy
- obesity, 281
- obstacles, identifying, 215–216
- odor, 10, 40
- ohms, 65
- olfactory sense, 40, 43
- PAD (peripheral artery disease), 46
- panic disorder, 256
- parenting
- preventing youth vaping, 92, 93
- signs of youth vaping, 93, 94, 95
- strategies for
- patches, 123, 124
- peer pressure, 24
- assertiveness and, 305–307
- rationalizing and, 263
- as reason for smoking, 311
- vaping and, 331
- perfectionism
- forgiving and, 308–309
- as goal, 291
- periodontal disease, 50
- peripheral artery disease (PAD), 46
- Personal Finance for Dummies (Tyson), 11
- Personal Pattern Tracker, 212–214
- pesticides, 54
- Pfizer, 168
- pharmacy, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126
- phobias, 256
- physical appearance, 40, 41
- pilot study, 192
- pipes, 31, 44
- placebos
- in acupuncture, 189
- used in research, 193
- planning
- distractions, 320
- implementing, 225–227
- for quitting
- pod systems, 66, 67, 69, 89
- poisons, 54
- popcorn lung, 81, 82
- positive reinforcement, 24
- positivity
- confidence and, 252
- when helping smoker, 319
- powerlessness
- precontemplation stage, 200–201, 206
- pregnancy
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 121
- smoking and, 41–42
- vaping and, 83
- preliminary studies, 192
- preparation stage, 201–202, 206
- prescriptions
- for bupropion (Zyban), 132, 133
- for clonidine, 133–134
- nicotine inhaler, 127, 128
- nicotine nasal spray, 126, 127
- for nortriptyline, 133
- for varenicline (Chantix), 130, 131, 132
- prevention
- by keeping youths busy, 99, 100
- by setting limits, 100, 101
- signs of vaping and, 93–95
- through communication, 95–96
- through support, 98–99
- tips for, 92–93
- privacy, in quit apps, 165
- problem solving, 292–293
- Prochaska, James O., 200
- procrastination
- productivity
- on quit day, 229–230
- of smokers, 244
- products
- different brand of tobacco, 223
- nicotine gum, 169
- smokeless tobacco, 214
- for vaping
- containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 178
- illegal, 328
- progress, monitoring, 164
- propylene glycol, 68, 70, 77
- psychological factors. See also distorted thinking; false beliefs; triggers
- in addiction, 8–9
- behavioral associations, 22, 23, 137
- feelings, 136
- function of mind, 21
- reinforcement, 24
- pulmonary inflammation, 80
- purpose, sense of, 301–302
- QBBs (quit-busting beliefs). See false beliefs
- Quit and Win program, 186–187
- quit day
- avoiding triggers on, 230–231
- changing morning routine on, 227–228
- diet on, 228–229
- going to sleep on, 232
- on Great American Smokeout, 219, 324
- implementing plans prior to, 225–227
- overview, 225
- productivity on, 229–230
- rewarding oneself on, 231
- quit-busting beliefs (QBBs). See false beliefs
- QuitGuide app, 165–166
- quitlines, 15, 122, 162–163, 325
- QuitNow! app, 166
- QuitStart app, 166
- Quitter’s Circle app, 168
- quitting
- asking for support from others, 218–219
- assessing readiness for, 207
- benefits of, after first month, 244
- chances of
- increasing, 216
- with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), 181
- with vaping, 181
- changing habits before, 223–224
- cleaning smoking environment before, 224
- commitment to, 220
- declaring decision to others about, 220–223
- difficulties in, 11, 12
- emotions and, 247–260
- financial incentives for, 187
- life before and after, 244–245
- monitoring problem before, 212–214
- overcoming excuses after, 242–243
- overview, 211
- planning, 13, 19
- preparation for, 223
- research on, correlations and causation, 192–195
- resources for
- evaluating apps as, 164–165
- government programs, 323–326
- Internet, 169–170
- Kwit app, 167
- overview, 161–162
- QuitGuide app, 165–166
- quitlines, 162–163
- quitlines, state specific, 325
- QuitNow! app, 166
- QuitStart app, 166
- Quitter’s Circle app, 168
- recommendations regarding apps as, 169
- Smoke Free app, 167–168
- texting, 163–164
- reviewing history of, 214–215
- rewards in, 10, 11
- savings from, 10
- scams targeting, 190–191
- six months after, 260
- with snus, 177
- stages of
- action, 202–203
- contemplation, 201
- determining, 206–207
- exercise for determining, 208–210
- maintenance, 203–204
- overview, 199–200
- precontemplation, 200–201
- preparation, 201–202
- termination, 204–205
- techniques for, 12
- using vaping to quit smoking, 180–182
- vaping, 164
- vigilance after, 14, 15
- willpower and, 18
- withdrawal symptoms of
- overview, 233
- sleeping, 236–241
- temper, 234–236
- tolerating with, 241–242
- RA (rheumatoid arthritis), 50
- radioactive elements, 29
- randomized controlled study (RCT), 192–193
- rationalizing, 263–265
- Reader's Digest, 34
- recovering from relapses, 269–271
- reducing
- anxiety, with breathing, 250
- calories from diet, 282–283
- cardiovascular disease, 285
- chance of cancer, 174
- damage from cigarettes
- overview, 171–172
- smokeless tobacco, 176–177
- while smoking, 173–175
- nicotine level, 182
- number of cigarettes, 173, 223
- secondhand smoking, 176, 318
- stress, 320–321
- use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), 258–260
- regulation
- of e-liquids, 67
- of tobacco, 7
- of tobacco marketing, 7
- of vaping, 75, 84
- relapses, 11, 14, 15
- after six months of quitting, 260
- avoiding criticizing smoker regarding, 321
- caused by stress, 204
- chances of, 233
- increased due to depression, 254
- relationships decreasing, 296
- drifting into, 267
- factors causing, 268–269
- identifying, 267
- lapses vs., 262–263
- learning from, 268
- negative emotions causing, 258
- overcoming, 271
- overview, 261
- Quit and Win programs and, 187
- recovering from, 269–271
- seasonal, 215
- Stages of Change model and, 205
- relationships
- being honest in, 296
- decreasing chances of relapse, 296
- improving
- Daily News Report, 295–296
- disclosing emotions, 296
- helping others, 297–298
- overview, 295
- reproductive system, 41, 42, 43
- research
- correlations and causation in, 194–195
- on e-liquids, 67, 77, 78, 79, 80
- on medical marijuana, 70, 71, 72
- on mindfulness, 298–299
- need for more, 80
- on nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), 128
- placebos used in, 193
- preliminary studies and, 192
- on quitting, number of attempts, 176
- randomized controlled study (RCT) and, 192–193
- replication of, 193
- on tobacco products, 36
- on twins, 40
- on vaping, 75
- resilience, strengthening, 289–302
- resources for quitting
- evaluating apps as, 164–165
- government programs, 323–326
- Internet, 169–170
- Kwit app, 167
- overview, 161–162
- QuitGuide app, 165–166
- quitlines, 162–163
- QuitNow! app, 166
- QuitStart app, 166
- Quitter’s Circle app, 168
- recommendations regarding apps as, 169
- Smoke Free app, 167–168
- texting, 163–164
- respiratory infections, 52, 80
- reward system
- discussion, 8, 12
- neurochemicals in, 20
- rewards, on quit day, 231
- rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 50
- risks
- of relapses, 233
- of smokeless tobacco, 176
- of vaping, 328
- Robinson, Joseph, 60
- role models, vaping and, 330
- routine
- changing, 217–218, 227–228
- for sleeping, creating, 237–238
- Royal Academy of Physicians, 180
- rumination, 299
- Ruyan, 60
- Sam-E, 184
- scams
- promises made by, 190–191
- skepticism towards, 191
- targeting meditation, 301
- secondhand smoke
- on airplanes, 54
- children and, 24, 25, 26, 52
- defined, 51
- exposure to, 311
- protection from, 52, 53
- reducing, 318
- smokeless tobacco and, 176
- secondhand vapor, 84
- seizures, 83, 134
- self-acceptance, 312–314
- self-care, 293–295
- self-compassion, 15
- assertiveness and, 305–307
- developing, 303–314
- forgiveness and, 307–312
- kindness and, 304–305
- as resource for quitting, 169–170
- self-acceptance and, 312–314
- writing letter of, 311–312
- self-criticism
- motivation and, 308
- relapses and, 270
- self-indulgence, 305
- self-rewarding, 160
- sense of purpose, 301–302
- shame, 309–310. See also emotions
- side-effects
- anxiety, 254
- depression, 254
- of medications, 217
- of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), 259
- SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), 52
- sleeping. See also insomnia
- aids for, 238
- associating bed with, 239
- avoiding stimulants before, 240
- cleaning room for, 239
- clearing mind for, 240–241
- exercise and, 238
- importance of, 236–237
- medications for, 237
- preparing room for, 238–239
- on quit day, 232
- routine for, 237–238
- willpower and, 253
- SMART Recovery website, 170
- smells, as triggers, 230, 318
Smoke Free app, 167–168
- smoke juice. See e-liquids
- Smokefree.gov, 163, 325
- smokeless tobacco
- cancer and, 176
- discussion, 1, 8
- exercise and, 38
- as method for harm reduction, 176–177
- mouth cancers and, 38, 39
- olfactory sense and, 40
- physical appearance and, 41
- risks of, 176
- tracking usage of, 214
- types of, 32–33
- smokers
- in action stage, 202–203
- aggressive, controlling anger towards, 319
- avoiding company of, 248
- celebrating success with, 322
- confidence in, 201, 203, 268
- in contemplation stage, 201
- criticizing, avoiding, 320, 321
- encouraging, 321
- helping quit, 317–322
- improving health, 172
- in maintenance stage, 203
- observing, 244
- in precontemplation stage, 200–201
- in preparation stage, 201–202
- productivity of, 244
- showing empathy towards, 319–320
- showing interest in, 321–322
- in termination stage, 204–205
- as trigger, 248
- weight of, 275
- smoking. See also quitting; vaping
- advertising and, 311
- associations triggering, 22, 23
- bad odor and, 10, 40
- caused by anxiety, 189
- chemicals ingested in, 75
- coffee instead of, 38
- combining vaping and, 180
- costs of, 9, 10, 187, 244
- in different locations, 223
- discussion, 1, 2
- environmental pollution and, 53, 54
- exercise and, 36, 37
- with filter, 174
- health effects of
- asthma, 46, 52
- cardiovascular disease, 44, 46
- cerebrovascular disease, 44, 45, 46
- chronic bronchitis, 47
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 47
- coughing, 47
- death, 9, 74
- ear infections, 52, 53
- emphysema, 47
- heart attack, 44–45
- heart disease, 43–44
- illnesses overview, 43
- lung cancer, 48
- lung health, 46
- mouth cancers, 38–39
- other cancers, 33, 34, 48, 49
- other problems, 50
- peripheral artery disease (PAD), 46
- respiratory infections, 52
- stroke, 9
- indirect, 52
- insurance and, 9, 10
- monitoring, 212–214
- negative emotions and, 9
- olfactory sense and, 40, 43
- overcoming excuses for, 242–243
- peer pressure as reason for, 311
- physical appearance and, 40, 41
- public ban on, 7, 34, 54, 55, 56
- quitting
- difficulties, 11, 12
- planning, 13, 19
- rewards, 10, 11
- savings, 10
- techniques, 12
- vigilance after, 14, 15
- willpower, 18
- reducing damage from, 173–175
- reproductive system and, 41, 42, 43
- risks associated with, 7, 9
- risks to children, 52
- risks to family, 52
- versus vaping
- Smoking/Quitting Clarifier, 208–210
- snuff, 33
- overview, 177
- tracking usage of, 214
- snus, 33
- social anxiety disorder, 255
- social contributors, 24
- social media, support in, 169–170
- St. John’s Wort, 184
- Stages of Change model, 199–210
- stigmas, 18, 19
- stimulants
- in drinks, 229
- before sleep, avoiding, 240
- stress
- avoiding, 220, 229
- causing relapse, 204
- reducing with mindfulness, 298
- relievers of, 226
- stroke
- reducing risk of, 43
- smoking and, 9
- symptoms of, 44, 45
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), 52
- suicidal thoughts, 131, 132, 133, 149, 257
- support, 12, 42, 119. See also healthcare providers
- from apps, 218
- from others
- asking for, 218–219, 331
- declaring decision about quitting, 220–223
- from quitlines, 218
- in social media, 169–170
- Surgeon General, 34
- tea, 238
- teens. See young people
- termination stage, 204–206
- Terry, Luther, 34
- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 329
- defined, 70
- purported benefits of, 71, 72
- risks of vaping, 84, 85, 86
- vaping leading to, 91
- vaping products containing, 178
- vitamin E acetate and, 80
- texting, 163–164
- thinking, distorted, 280. See also feelings; triggers
- catastrophizing in, 140, 141
- challenging
- extremes in, 144
- feelings and, 138
- letting go of, 153, 154
- mental filtering in, 143, 144
- negative predictions in, 141, 142, 143
- obligatory evaluations in, 146
- overlapping in, 147
- overview, 22, 140
- personalizing in, 145
- psychological role of, 136–137
- thirdhand smoke, 51, 52, 53
- throat, 241
- tightness in chest
- after quitting, 241
- in panic disorder, 256
- tobacco. See also quitting; specific tobacco products
- chemical composition of, 29
- combustion of, 29, 30, 74
- cultivation of, 29
- discussion, 1, 2
- flavoring of, 32–33
- history of, 28, 30
- marketing and, 9
- nicotine vs., 172–173
- products from, 29
- public perception of, 33–34
- regulation of, 7
- risks associated with, 7
- smokeless
- as method for harm reduction, 176–177
- tracking usage of, 214
- smokeless forms of, 32–33
- vaporizing, 31–32
- Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (Australia), 56
- tolerance, 18
- treatment
- for anxiety, 184–185, 255–256
- based on correlation, 195
- for depression, 184–185, 257–258
- for difficulty sleeping, 185
- dropout rate and, 192
- treatment as usual, 192
- triggers. See also distorted thinking; feelings
- alcohol as, 215
- analyzing causes of, 138–139
- anticipating, 251–252
- avoiding, 230–231, 248
- changing responses to, 157, 158
- coffee as, 23, 136, 159
- confronting, 158, 159, 160, 248
- defined, 217–218
- development of, 22, 23
- drinks as, 229
- emotions and, 248–252
- exercise and, 258
- habits and, 223
- minimizing exposure to, 156, 157
- other smokers, 248
- psychological role of, 136–137
- smells as, 230, 318
- Truth Initiative
- texting and, 164
- website for, 326
- two-chair technique. See distorted thinking
- U.K. National Health Service (NHS), 75
- ulcers, 50
- upbringing, 311
- urges
- breathing through, 249–250
- driven by emotions, 243
- before eating, 253
- exercise counteracting, 258
- myths regarding, 265–266
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 259
- triggers and, 252
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 47, 75, 92
- vaping and, 178
- website for, 325
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See also nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
- approving flavors for vaping, 328
- cannabidiol (CBD) approval by, 70
- Chantix and, 216
- prescriptions approved by
- bupropion (Zyban), 132–133
- varenicline (Chantix), 130–132
- prohibiting lobelia, 184
- regulation of e-liquids by, 67
- snus marketing and, 33
- vaping research and, 75
- view of nicotine, 173
- U.S. National Cancer Institute, 165
- U.S. National Library of Medicine, 326
- vape oil. See e-liquids
- vaping. See also e-liquids; quitting; smoking
- addiction to, 329
- asking support to quit, 331
- asthma and, 80
- Better Business Bureau (BBB) and, 328
- California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) and, 55
- cannabidiol (CBD), 70, 71, 84
- chances of quitting with, 181
- combining smoking and, 180
- companies promoting, 323–324
- dangers of
- addiction, 76, 90, 91, 92
- cannabidiol (CBD), 85
- contaminated supplies, 80, 85, 91
- device explosion, 82
- diseases, 78, 79, 80
- gateway to other drugs, 86, 91
- irritated lungs, 80, 81, 82
- mining metals, 78
- overview, 75, 76
- pregnancy, 83
- safety, 80
- secondhand vapor, 84
- seizures, 83
- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 84, 85, 86
- toxic chemicals, 77, 78
- discussion, 1, 2
- effects of, 329, 331
- FDA approving, 328
- flavoring in, 69
- health risks of, 329
- history of, 59, 60
- illegal products for, 328
- insurance and, 10
- legislation of, 75
- marijuana and, 329
- nicotine and, 68, 69, 330
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) vs., 178
- overview, 177–179
- peer pressure and, 331
- preventing youth
- to quit regular smoking, 64, 68, 69, 75, 79, 180–182
- regulation of, 75, 84, 179
- risks associated with, 7, 8, 328
- role models and, 330
- savings by quitting, 10
- vs. smoking
- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 71, 72
- young people and, 327–331
- vaping devices
- explosion of, 82
- first generation, 63, 64
- fourth generation, 66
- ohms and, 65
- overview, 60, 61, 63, 75
- pod systems, 66, 67, 89
- second generation, 64
- third generation, 64, 65
- vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI), 178
- vapor juice. See e-liquids
- varenicline (Chantix), 130–132, 216
- vegetable glycerin, 68, 70, 77, 90
- Veteran’s Administration, 162
- vitamin E acetate, 80
- WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), 39
- wait-list control group, 192
- waterpipe, 31
- websites, for quitting, 163, 323–326
- Weekly News Report, 296
- weight
- effect of smoking on, 39–40
- losing
- choosing diet, 280–285
- distorted thinking and, 277–280
- eating out and, 284
- fiber in diet, 281–282
- nutrients in diet, 280–281
- recommended diets, 284–285
- reducing calories, 282–283
- tracking food intake, 276–277
- willpower, 252–254
- addiction and, 18
- exercise and, 258
- false beliefs regarding, 107, 108
- role in quitting, 18, 119
- sleeping and, 253
- withdrawal symptoms
- dizziness, 241
- dopamine depletion, 144
- fatigue, 241
- impaired concentration, 241
- increased coughing, 241
- overview, 120–121, 233
- sleeping, 236–241
- sore throat, 241
- temper, 234–236
- tightness in chest, 241
- tolerating with, 241–242
- World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), 39
- writing
- cue cards, 226–227, 250
- distorted thinking, 280
- in food journal, 276
- in gratitude journal, 302
- increasing chance of commitment to quit, 210
- letter of self-compassion, 311–312
- plan for quitting, 220
- Smoking/Quitting Clarifier, 208
- young people. See also parenting
- experimentation by, 1, 59
- modeling by, 24, 25, 26
- nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and, 121
- pod systems and, 67
- secretiveness of, 89, 108
- vaping and, 327–331
- addiction, 90, 91, 92
- contaminated supplies, 91
- statistics, 87, 88
- targeted marketing, 88, 89