Entries in boldface refer to photos and illustrations.
Acorns, 128
Aftel, Mandy: quote from, 265
Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse, 42, 179
Agave, aroma/flavor from, 205
Agrarian Ales Brewing Company, 98, 99, 101, 274
Agricultural Conference of America, 104
Akerboom, Jasper, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147
Alaskan Brewing Company, xi, 5, 6
Alaskan Brewing Company Smoked Porter, 5
Alaskan Brewing Company Winter Ale, 5, 23
Albany Imperial Cream XX Ale, 34
Albany Imperial XX Ale, 34
Albany XX Ale, 34
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), 155, 158, 313
pale, 71
Alecost, aroma/flavor from, 205
All About Beer (Mosher), 48
Almond, aroma/flavor from, 180
Altbier, 129
Amari, 129
American Beekeeping Federation, 104
American Brewer, The, 70
American Brewing Academy, 45
American Distilling Institute, 104
American Farm Bureau, 104
American Handy-Book of the Brewing, Malting, and Auxiliary Trades, 32, 42, 45, 50, 51
American Malting Barley Association, 104
American Philosophical Society, 55
American Practical Brewer and Tanner, The (Coppinger), 65
American Primitive, 128, 129, 130
American Primitive Guitar, 128, 129
American Sour Beers (Tonsmeire), 130, 137
Americans Drink Beers with Their Eyes (Casey), 72
Anaheim, 100
described, 258
Ancho, described, 258
Anchor Brewing Company, xvii, 10, 47, 48, 49, 67, 155
Anderson, Christian, 19
Anderson, Dave, 102
turbine of, 103
Angelica, aroma/flavor from, 205-206
Anheuser-Busch, 11, 74, 81, 145
advertisement for, 73
Anheuser-Busch In bev, 68
Anise/anise seed, 128
aroma/flavor from, 206
Anise Hyssop, aroma/flavor from, 206
Apocalypse Brew Works, 36, 37, 41, 43, 270
aroma/flavor from, 181
aroma/flavor from, 181
Arctic kiwi, 139
herb, 160
Aronia, 139
Art of Fermentation, Art (Katz), 146
August Schell Brewing Company, xix, xx, 63-64, 76, 77, 82
Autumnal Dichotomous, 15
Avery Brewing, 102
Baas Becking, Lorens, 137
Balling, Karl, 70
Balsam, 156
Bannatyne, Phil, 57
Barley, xxi, 11, 39, 68, 69, 74
Bay Brewing six-row, 46
described, 169
Manchurian-type, 71
Midwest six-row, 46
Bartholomae & Leight Brewing, 75
aroma/flavor from, 207
Bates, Todd: hops and, 93, 94, 95
Baylor, Roger, 42
Bayou Teche Brewing, 105, 106, 109
Bayou Teche Records, 106
Bayouliner weisse, 106
Beaujolais Nouveau, 95
Bee balm/wild bergamot, 12
aroma/flavor from, 207
Beekeepers, terroir and, 9
Beer faucets, 47
Beer History (magazine), 37
Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP), 33, 34, 37, 41
Beerhouse Act (1930), 51n
Beers Made by Walking Festival, 15, 16, 17, 21
Beet, aroma/flavor from, 239
Beet Berliner Weisse, recipe for, 298-299
Beets, Rhymes, and Life, recipe for, 300-301
Berg, Dave: on Grain Belt, 80
Berliner weisse, 73, 106, 121, 129
Betony, aroma/flavor from, 208
Birch, 23
aroma/flavor from, 182
Birch Sap Black Bière de Garde, recipe for, 290-291
Bitters, 129
BJCP. See Beer Judge Certification Program
Black currant, aroma/flavor from, 208
Black Swan Cooperage, 120
Black Trumpet, described, 250
Black Walnut Wheat, 109
Blackberry, 139
aroma/flavor from, 208
Blessed thistle, aroma/flavor from, 209
Block 15 Restaurant & Brewery, 143
Blood root, 116
Blue Grass Brewing Company, 42
Blue Hubbard squash, 58
Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale, 56
Blue Stallion Brewing Company, 43
Blueberry, aroma/flavor from, 182
Bluegrass Brewing Company, 42
Boca Brewing Company, 44
Boera, Todd Steven, 115, 119, 120
aroma/flavor from, 209
Bohemian Brewery, 126
Bone Duster Amber Ale, 140
Bonny Doon Vineyard, 6
Bootleg Biology, xx, 136, 147, 149
Borage, aroma/flavor from, 209
Boyer, Cyrilla, 109
Bread, Wine, Chocolate: The Slow Loss of Foods We Love (Sethi), 9
Brew Farm, 102
Brewed in America (Baron), 27, 56
Brewers Association, xvi, 68, 155
Brewers Gold, 93
Brewing cultivation and, 7
resources for, 311
Bright Yeast Labs, 140
Broadleaf plantain (and narrowleaf), aroma/flavor from, 210
Brooklyn Brewery, 19
BRU handbuilt ales & eats, 282
Buckwheat, described, 170
Buffalo Bill’s Brewery, 56
Burdock, aroma/flavor from, 240
Busch, Adolphus, 74
Byrn, M. L., 66
Calagione, Sam, xviii
California Bay/Oregon Myrtle/Spicebush, aroma/flavor from, 182-183
California Brewing, 45
California Cluster, 92
California Steam Beer, 45
Cambridge Brewing Company, 57, 58, 127, 276
Cantillon Brewery, 138
Caraway, 128
aroma/flavor from, 210
Cardamom (Cardamon), 156
aroma/flavor from, 210
Carey, Dan, xiv
Carrot, aroma/flavor from, 240
Carver, George Washington, 95
Casey Brewing & Blending, 163
Cassia cinnamon, 156
Catarina, described, 258
Cathey, David, 52
Cedar, aroma/flavor from, 183
Chamomile, 14
aroma/flavor from, 211
Chanterelle, 115
described, 250
Cherry bark, 159
Cherry bomb chiles, 100
Cherry plum, 139
Cherry (Wild Cherry), aroma/flavor from, 183
Chestnut, 57
aroma/flavor from, 184
Chestnut Mild, 57
Chez Panisse, 96
Chicago Home Salon, 50
Chicha beer, xvii
Chicory, xi
aroma/flavor from, 241
Chile pequin, 257
brewing with, 99-100
Chimayo, described, 258
Chimichurri, 14
Choc beer, xix, 52, 53, 54, 55
Choc Beer Company, 54
Chokeberry, 139
Chokecherry, aroma/flavor from, 184
Christ in the Desert monastery, 94
Chromosome fingerprinting, 145
Cincinnati Enquirer, on Bishop’s beer, 50
Cincinnati Gazette, 39
Cinderella squash, 58
Cinnamon, aroma/flavor from, 185
Citra beer, 160
Citronellol, 160
City beer, 70
Clary sage, aroma/flavor from, 211
Cleavers, aroma/flavor from, 211-212
Clove, 156
Clover, aroma/flavor from, 212
CLS Farms, 94
Cochran, Thomas: on Pabst beer, 75
Coffee, xi
Coleman, Ornette, 129
Coleman, Zach, 15
Colonial Tavern, The, 31
Community supported farm (CSA), 102
Complete Practical Brewer (Byrn), 66
Conn, Denny, 304
Coolship beers, 144
Coriander/cilantro, 69
aroma/flavor form, 212-213
described, 270
discovery of, 64
malting, 65
Cornell Cooperative Extension, 91
Country Common, 101
Country Western Volume 3, xv
Cow parsnip, aroma/flavor from, 213
Crabapple, aroma/flavor from, 185
Craft Brewers Conference, xviii
Craft Maltsters Guild, 104
Craftsman Brewing Company, 20, 21, 22, 68, 122
Craftsman Brewing Company Orange Grove Ale, 21
Craftsman, The (magazine), 19
Cranberry, aroma/flavor from, 213
Crane, June, 149
Crane, Michael, 135, 136,149, 151
Crane Brewing Company, 135, 136, 150-151, 298
Crane Saison, 151
Creech, Ceilidh, 95
CSA. See Community supported farm
Cucumber, aroma/flavor from, 214
Cucumber Crush, recipe for, 296-297
Culinary History of Pittsburg County (Cathey), 52
Cumin, 128
Currant, aroma/flavor from, 214
Daily Missouri Republican, The, 39
Dampfbier, 44
D.A.M.’s Bloom BRU Kölsch, recipe for, 282-283
Dandelion, xxi
aroma/flavor from, 214
Daniels, Ray, 179
Dark Old Ale, recipe for, 308-309
Date palm, aroma/flavor from, 185
Dave’s Brew Farm, 102
Davis, Mark: on terroir, xix-xx
De Proefbrouwerij, 129
Dead Leaves & Burdock, recipe for, 288-289
Deer Brand, 63, 64, 80, 81, 83
Delavan, Edward, 69
Denton, Harry, 48
Derby City Brewfest, 42
Desmarais, Eric, 94
D.G. Yuengling & Son, 68
Dill, Scott, 110
Dinner Bell Hour, The (KNUJ), 81
Dinnsen, Wynn, 96
Documentary History of the United States Brewers Association, 38
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, xi, xviii, 266
Donnelly, Kore, 43
Dunham, Maitreya, 148
Durham, Brian, 107, 108, 109, 110
Eagle Brewery, 49
Eckhardt, Fred, 48
1835 Albany Ale, recipe for, 268-269
80 shilling with coffee, described, 124
Elder, 155
aroma/flavor from, 185
Elecampane, aroma/flavor from, 241
Ellington, Duke, 130
Emmer, described, 271
English Brewery, 33
Estate Series Gentleman Farmer Fresh Hop Ale, 97
Estate Series Short Pump Rosemary Saison, 98
Eucalyptus, aroma/flavor from, 186
Experimental Homebrewing (Conn), 304, 306
Fahey, John, 129
Fair State Brewing Cooperative, 137, 139
Family Values, xii
Farm Brewery, 91
Farmhand session beer, 98
FDA. See Food and Drug Administration
aroma/flavor from, 215
Fermentation, 14, 29, 44, 46, 51, 53, 56, 69, 72, 101, 119, 122, 137, 160
community, 146
native, 147
spontaneous, 138
tanks, 120
top, 33, 38, 39, 43, 45, 49-50, 140
Fiddler & Taylor, 33
Field Bier, 98
Fig, aroma/flavor from, 187
Finkel, Robert, 156
First Frost, brewing, 96
(512) Brewing, 294
Fix, George, 67
Flanders Institute for Biotechnology, 142
Flemish Primitive Wild Ale, 129
Fletcher, Harrell, 17
Float Trip Ale, 108
Fonta Flora Brewery, 115, 119, 120, 300
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 155, 156, 158, 159, 313
Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina, 120
For the Love of Hops, xvii, 90
Forager Brewing Company, 119, 120, 121
Foraging, x, 115, 116, 119, 126
resources for, 312
respect during, 118
Forbidden Fruit, 156
Forbidden Root, 156
Forest Park Conservancy, 16
Forest Porter, described, 15
Four Roses Bourbon, 42
Fragrant: The Secret Life of Scent (Aftel), quote from, 265
Framboise du Nord, 82
Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, 130-131
sugar and, 159
Fruit beer, balance of, 164
Fuller’s Brewery, 141
Fullsteam Brewery, xvii, xx, 89, 95, 96, 292
Fulton, Hamish, 17
GABF. See Great American Beer Festival
Galleries of Contemporary Arts, 16
Garcia, Favio, 141
Garlit, Aimee, 266
Genepi, 129
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), 158
Genome sequencing, 142-143, 148
Gentian, aroma/flavor from, 241
Geobacter, 137
Geraniol, 160
Geranium, flavor from, 215
Geronimo: Leadership Strategies of an American Warrior (Leach), 28
Gessner, William, 38-39
Gessner Family Brewery, 38
Ghost peppers, described, 259
Gin, 129
aroma/flavor from, 242
Ginseng, 116
aroma/flavor from, 242
Glacier Hops Ranch, 90
Gnomes, 77
Golden Grain Belt Old Lager, 79
Golden Shroomy, recipe for, 306-307
Goldenseal, 116
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), 157
Gooseberry, aroma/flavor from, 216
Government regulations, recipes for, 313
Grahm, Randall, 6
Grain Belt, 63, 78-79, 81, 82, 83
bottle cap, 78
brewing, 79
recipe for, 80
Schmidt and, 80
Grain Belt Golden, 79
Grain Belt Premium, 79
Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle (Larousse), 7
Granger, William, 35
Granger Brewing, 34
Grant, Bert, xi
Grapefruit, aroma/flavor from, 187
Grapes, 139
aroma/flavor from, 216
Gray water, 29
Great American Beer Festival (GABF), xiii, xx, xxi, 48, 106, 115, 125, 144, 179
Great Pumpkin Ale, The, 57
recipe for, 276-277
Grissette, 129
Grossman, Ken, xi
Gruit, modernization of, 127-131
Grundy tanks, 100
Guajillo, described, 259
Guava, aroma/flavor from, 188
Guinness, 49
Habanero, 100
described, 259
Haberman (marketing agency), 78
Handy-Book, The, 40
Hansen, Emil Christian, 81
Harth, Constant: beer faucet by, 47
Hartmann, Joseph, 49
Hartshorne Sun, The, 54
Hatch, described, 259
Hauenstein Brewery, 77
Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), 157
Hazelnut, aroma/flavor from, 188
Heather, 127
aroma/flavor from, 216-217
Hedgehog, described, 251
Hemlock, 158
Hen-of-the-wood, described, 251
Henius, Max, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 50, 70, 73
Henning, John, 8
Herbal beers, 12
Herbs, 12, 70, 129-130, 157, 160
Hermosillo Club, 123
Hesseltine, Clifford, 146
HGA. See Hop Growers of America
Hibernal Dichotomous, 15
Hibiscus, 121
aroma/flavor from, 217
Hickory, aroma/flavor from, 188-189
Hickory IPA, described, 124
Highland Park Brewing, 122
Hippy Moses, 149
History of the Brewing Industry and Brewing Science in America (Arnold and Penman), 38, 70
Holiday, Frank, 130
Holly berries, xviii
Homebrewer’s Almanac, A, 119
resources for, 312
Honeyberry, 139
Hop Growers of America (HGA), 90, 104
Hop jack, 46
Hops, xxi, 6, 51, 67, 72, 89, 99, 100, 159
Amalia, 95
aroma/flavor from, 217
bran, 30
Centennial, 129
Chinook, 129
Fuggle, 92
Ivanhoe, 92
malted, 91
Large Gray American, 46
Simcoe, 93
Spalt Spalter, 7
Spalter, 8
wet, 101
wild, 95
Hops-Meister, 92
Hopworks Urban Brewery, 16
Horehound, aroma/flavor from, 218
Hornbeam, 31
Horseradish, aroma/flavor from, 218
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 140
Huckleberry, aroma/flavor from, 218
Huerea, 18
Humulus, origins of, 92-93
Humulus cordifolius, 93
Humulus lupuldoides, 93
Humulus lupulus, 93
Humulus neomexicanus, 90, 92, 93, 94
Humulus pubescens, 93
Hyssop, aroma/flavor from, 219
Idiot’s Guide: Foraging (Vorderbruggen), 118
Idle, Eric, x-xi
India Pale Ale (IPA), xx, xxi, 13, 98, 101, 136
Indigenous: All American Chile Corn Lager, recipe for, 274-275
Indigenous beer, xiii, 101, 274-275
Institute of Brewing Studies, 68
Internal Revenue, 73
International Cyclopedia, a Library of Universal Knowledge, 40
International Gruit Day, 128
IPA. See India Pale Ale
Ironwood, 31
Jackson, Michael, 7, 10, 31, 32
Jacob Schmidt Brewing, 79-80
Jacobs, Irwin, 79
Jalapeño Smoked Porter, xvi
described, 259
Janelia Farm Research Campus, 140
Jasmine, aroma/flavor from, 219
Jester King Brewery, 12, 13-14, 15, 302
Jilg, Mark, 20, 21, 22, 68, 122
on constraints, 23
John Wieland Brewing Company, 45
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company, 11, 38
Josephson, Marika, 18, 19, 20, 115, 117, 160
Terroir and, 125
Journal of the American Temperance Union, 33
Juneberry, 139
Juniper, aroma/flavor from, 189
Kansas City Art Institute, 150, 151
Kansas City Biermeisters, 150
Katz, Sandor Ellix, 146
Kentucky Common, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 101
recipe for, 270-271
Kentucky Department of Agriculture, xv
Kentucky Proud program, xv
King Bolete, described, 251
Kissmeyer, Anders, 19
Kleidon, Aaron, xx, 20, 23, 115, 116, 117, 125, 126, 127, 158
Knuddeln, Kame, 42
Kølster, Per, 19
Kombucha drink, 149
Koontz, Adriane, 125
Kral, Jeremy, 82
Krebs Banner, 54
Kudzu, 96
Kummerlander, Charles, 45, 46, 49
Kumquat, aroma/flavor from, 189
Kunz, Bob, 122-123
Kutzky Market, 121
Kvass, 31
LA-31 Bière Pale, 106
Lactobacillus, 42, 101, 121, 130, 137, 138
adjunct, 73
draught, 75
pale, 67
regular, 38
Lambic, 138
Lamb’s quarters, aroma/flavor from, 219
Larousse, Pierre: on terroir, 7
Laurel leaves, 128
Lavender, aroma/flavor from, 220
Lawrence, Rachel, 129
Le Pamplemousse Enorme, recipe for, 266-267
Leach, Mike, 28
Lemon, 121
aroma/flavor from, 190
Lemon balm, aroma/flavor from, 220
Lemon verbena, aroma/flavor from, 221
Lemongrass, aroma/flavor from, 221
Levar, Caleb, 18, 137, 138, 139, 145
Levar, Sam, 139
Lewis, Michael, 11
Lickinghole Creek Brewing, 97, 98
Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery, 278
aroma/flavor from, 243
Lill & Diversey, 33
Lill’s Cream Ale, 33
Lill’s Cream Ale Brewery, 33
Live Oak Brewing, 138-139
Loesch, Levi, 18, 137, 138, 139
Logsdon, Dave, 98
London Porter, 33
Lonesome Whistle Farm, 101
Long Island Cheese pumpkins, 121
Lost Rhino Brewing, xx, 140, 141
Lost Rhino Brewing Native Son, 141
Louisville Anzeiger, The, 36, 40
Louisville Breweries (Selle), 36
Louisville Courier, 40
Louisville Metcalfe & Grainger, 33
Lovera, Sam, 55
Lovera’s Handcrafted Foods, 55
Maize. See Corn/maize
Mallett, John, 90
availability of, 90
barley, 46
Crystal, 48
diastatic, 71
importing, 6
Midnight Wheat, 109
replacement rates for, 73
Riverbend, 119
six-row, 71
Malt: A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse (Mallett), 90
Malt beers, 41, 55, 64, 73, 74
Malt liquors, 70
Mango, aroma/flavor from, 190
Maple, aroma/flavor from, 191
Maple syrup, xi
Marigold, aroma/flavor from, 221
Marionberry, 104
Marionberry Braggot, 104
aroma/flavor from, 221
Marshmallow, aroma/flavor from, 222
Marti, Emma Schell, 64n
Marti, George, 64n
Marti, Jace, 82
Marti, Ted, 63-64, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83
cooker, 72
jump, 80
main, 71-72
malt, 71
Mash Tun (magazine), 18
Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA), 140, 143
Mauric, Jimmy, 8
Maxwell, David, 68
Mayapple, 158
Maypole, 76
Maytag, Fritz, xvii, 10, 48, 155
McGunnigle, Nora, 106
McLeod, Alan, 34
McMurtry, Larry, 55
Mead, 127
Meadow sweet, aroma/flavor from, 222
Mell, Erik, 121
Mello, Jeff, xx, 136, 147, 149
Mesquite, aroma/flavor from, 191-192
Messrs. Schmidt & Glade, 75
Meyer, Claus, 18-19
Microorganisms, 146
Miel Sauvage, 107
Milk thistle, aroma/flavor from, 222
Minneapolis Brewing and Malting Company, 79
Minnesota Department of Resources, 121
Minnesota Zoo, 139
Mint, 128
aroma/flavor from, 223
Minton, Ben, 43
Mr. Beer Home Microbrewery Kit, 150
Molson Coors, 68
Moonlight Artemis, 12
Moonlight Working for Tips, 12
Morel, described, 252
Motherwort, aroma/flavor from, 223
Muehlman, Doug, 11
Mugwort, 12
aroma/flavor from, 223
Mulberry, 139
Murphy, Thomas, 47
Mushrooming Without Fear, 249
Mushrooms, x, 6, 115, 117, 147, 249
Nasturtium, aroma/flavor from, 224
National Arboretum, 129
National Herb Garden, 129-130
National Honey Board, 9
National Science Foundation, 148
National Turkey Federation, 104
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM), 93-94
Nettles, aroma/flavor from, 224
New Albanian Brewing Company, 42-43
New Albion Brewing, 11
New Carnegie Brewery, 19
New Glarus Brewing Company, xi, xiii, xiv, xv
bottle cap from, xiv
New Mission Organics, 92
New Nordic Cuisine, 18
New Nordic Yeast Blend, 142
New Ulm, xix, 63, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83
New York Brewery, 47
New York Public Library, 29
New York State Senate, 69
New York Temperance Society, 69
New York Times, The, 105
Newark cider, 33
Nielsen, Tom, 94
Nixon, Pamela, 102
No Depression, 129
Noble Star beers, 82
Noma (restaurant), 18
NORMS. See Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
North American Mycological Association, 249
Northern Brewer, 48
Nutmeg, 156
Oak, aroma/flavor from, 192
Oak extract, 156
Oakhold Farmhouse Brewery, 18, 138, 139
Oakland Tribune, The, 47
Oats, xii
described, 171
Obama, Michelle, xiv
Oberjehr, 39
Oehne, Theodore, 64
Oertel’s Cream Ale, 40
Offbeat magazine, 106
Old Joe’s Steam Beer, 49
Old Mines, 109
Old Whippoorwill Dairy Farm, 120
Oliver, Garrett, 19
One Hundred Years of Brewing, 36
Orange, 21
aroma/flavor from, 192
Oregano, aroma/flavor from, 224
Origin and History of Beer and Brewing (Arnold), 128
Ostrya virginica, 31
Osvald, Karel: hybridization and, 8
Our Mother the Meadow, recipe for, 284-285
Owades, Joe, 81-82
Owens, Bill, 56
Oxeye daisy, aroma/flavor from, 225
Oxford Companion to Wine, The, 6
Oyster, described, 252
Pabst Brewing Company: The History of an American Business (Cochran), 75
Pacific Coast Steam Beer, 45
Paradise, 69
Parasol, described, 252
Parsley, xxi
aroma/flavor from, 225
Parsnips, x
Pasilla, described, 260
Passionfruit, aroma/flavor from, 225
Pat-Rye-ot, xi
Patchouli, 156
Pattinson, Ron, 37
Paw Paw, recipe for, 292-293
Pawpaw, aroma/flavor from, 193
Pawpaw French Saison, 107
Pawpaws, xvii, 96, 107, 109, 110, 155
aroma/flavor from, 193
Peanut, aroma/flavor from, 193
aroma/flavor from, 194
Peas, 104
Pecan, aroma/flavor from, 194
Pecan Porter, recipe for, 294-295
Penman, Frank, 38
Pepper Distillery, 42
Peppers, 257
Pep’s Packing, 23
Percello, Chris, 130
Perfumists, 160
Perkins, Jason, 144
aroma/flavor from, 195
Persimmon Pointe, 107
Petro, Amanda, 266
Phoenix, Jeremy, 117
Phoenix Brewery, 40-41
Phoenix Kentucky Komon, 42-43
Pichman, BJ, 156
Piegari, Pietro, 54
Pierce, David, 42
Pignut, described, 124
Pine, aroma/flavor from, 195
Pine ale, described, 124
Pineapple, aroma/flavor from, 226
Pineapple weed, aroma/flavor from, 226
Piney River Brewing Company, 107, 108, 280
sign for, 108
Pirmann, Kris, 125
Place, 10
beer and, 21
taste of, 6
Plato, 19
aroma/flavor from, 196
Poblano, 100
described, 260
Polytechnic Institute of Prague, 70
Pomegranate, aroma/flavor from, 196
Pool Hall, 130
Popular Science, 140
Porter, 39
Potato, aroma/flavor from, 244
Practical Brewer, The, 70
Prairie Artisan Ales, 54
Preserved Gose, 121
Pretty Boy Floyd (McMurtry), 55
Prickly pear, aroma/flavor from, 226-227
Prignon, Dany, 14
Prohibition, ix, x, 32, 33, 36, 37, 41, 48, 54, 75, 79
Puck, 73
Pulque, 28
Pumphrey, Lisa, 97
Pumphrey, Sean-Thomas, 97
Pumpkin, 55-58, 96, 98, 101, 121, 155
aroma/flavor from, 227
Pumpkin Ain’t Easy, 98
Pumpkin beer, case of, 55-58
Pumpkin seed ale, described, 124
Pumpkinhead Ale, 56
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 69, 70
Pure Food Movement, 69
Purple coneflower, 106
aroma/flavor from, 227
Queen Anne’s lace, aroma/flavor from, 228
Rabbitbrush, aroma/flavor from, 228
Radical Brewing, 164
Ragin’ Cajuns Genuine Louisiana Ale, 106
Raisins, xi
aroma/flavor from, 228
Raspberry Hefeweizen, 57
Read, Thomas, 69n
Read & Sons, 69n
Red Sage, 31
Red Sea Matzoh Tonic, 149
Reinheitsgebot, ix, x, xi, xxi, 21, 63
Resources, 311-313
Rhubarb, aroma/flavor from, 229
Rhubarb saison, 102
described, 172
Rich O’s Public House, 42
Right Proper Brewing, 128, 129, 130, 284
Riley, Steve, 106
River to River Farm, 125
Riverbend Malthouse, 119
Robertson, T. Brailsford, 45
Rochester Country Club, 121
Roggenbier, described, 124
Rogue Ales, 104
Rogue Farms, success for, 104
Rose, aroma/flavor from, 229
Rose hips, 155
Rose root, 116
Rosemary Pumpkin Belgian Ale, recipe for, 278-279
Rye, described, 173
Saccharomyces, 13, 14, 15, 143
Saccharomyces arlingtonesis, 147
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 136, 142, 143
Saccharomyces distaticus, 143
Sacramento Daily Union, 44
Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers (Buhner), 127, 158
Safale 04, 149
Safrole, 156
aroma/flavor from, 230
Saint John’s Wort, aroma/flavor from, 230
St. Lawrence River Valley, 64
Saison beers, 14
Salmon, Ernst S., 93
San Francisco Call, The, 35, 47
San Francisco Chronicle, xvii, 10, 43, 44, 46, 47
San Jose Evening News, The, 49
Sandalwood, 156
Sang Yoon, 122
Santa Fe grande, described, 260
Sassafras, aroma/flavor from, 245
Savory, aroma/flavor from, 230
Schell, August, 63, 68, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83
on beer, 78
brewing logs of, 64
death of, 64n
Grain Belt and, 79
Schenkbier, 40
Scherrer, George, 49
Schlafly Brewing Company, 82
chiles and, 99
farmhouse beer and, 98
hops and, 98
temperature and, 100-101
Schuppert, Adam, 43
Schwartz, George, 37
Schwenke, 51
Science of Wine, The, 6
Scientific American, 140
Scoville, Wilbur, 257
Scoville unit, 253
Scratch Brewing Company, xx, 18, 20, 23, 116, 122, 123, 125, 127, 160, 179, 286, 288, 290
formulas/recipes of, 158
Scratch Brewing Single Tree: Birch, 23
Selin’s Grove Brewing, 102
Selle, Conrad, 36, 37, 40, 43, 270
Sentry Suckey, 31
Sethi, Simran, 9
“She Brews Good Ale” (blog), 125-126
Shelton Brothers, 13
Shiner Bock, 8
Shipyard Brewing, 56
Sierra Nevada Brewing, 11, 42, 92, 94
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, 23
Sierra Nevada’s Beer Camp, xi
Sinamar syrup, 109
Single Tree: Hickory, recipe for, 286-287
Sitka spruce tips, 101
Sligo Creek, 128
SLO Brewing Company, 82
Slow, 7
Small beer, 38
Small Growers’ Council, 90
Smith’s Sacramento Cream Ale, 33
Smoked Beers (Daniels and Larson), 179
Sorghum, described, 173
Sorrel, aroma/flavor from, 231
Sour Ale, 144
Sour ginger, described, 124
Southern Living, 106
Spanish Peaks Brewing Company, 82
Sparrow, Jeff, 137
Spelt, described, 174
Spicebush, aroma/flavor from, 196
Spicebush saison, described, 124
Spices, x, 38, 56, 121, 127, 128, 157
Spoetzl Brewery, 8
Spotted Cow, xiv
Spruce, aroma/flavor from, 197
Squash, 58
aroma/flavor from, 231
Star anise, 156
aroma/flavor from, 197
State Department of Environmental Quality, 105
State of Origin Festival, 119
Statement of Process, elements of, 156
Statement of the Arts and Manufacturers, A, 32
Steam ale, 34-35
described, 49
production of, 47
trademarking, 49
Steffing, Michael, 12
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 127
Stickley, Gustav, 19-20
Storz Brewing Company, 79
Stoudt, Carol, xi
aroma/flavor from, 231
Stroughmatt, Dennis, 109
Stuffings, Jeffery, 12, 13, 14, 15
Sugar content, 164
corn/glucose/grape, 73
fruit and, 159
Sugarcane syrup, 70
Sulindine, 31
Sumac, aroma/flavor from, 198
Sunflower, aroma/flavor from, 232
Sweet cicely, aroma/flavor from, 232
Sweet potato, aroma/flavor from, 232-233
Sweet Potato Ale, recipe for, 280-281
Sycamore, aroma/flavor from, 198
Taboro (N.C.) Press, 33
Tamarind, aroma/flavor from, 198
Tangerine, aroma/flavor from, 199
Tarragon, 156
Taste of Place: A Cultural Journey into Terroir, The (Trubek), xviii, 6, 7
Tasting Ornithology, 131
Teeth of Lions Rule the Devine, 129
Temperance Beer, 50
mashout, 71
pitching, 51
Temperine, 50
10 Barrel Brewing, 296
Tennis, Brian, 92
Teosinte, 65
Terroir, xii, xviii, xx, 10, 11, 104, 125
beekeepers and, 9
expressing, 19
Theory and Practice of the Preparation of Malt, 68
Thoreau, Henry David, 63
3 Floyds Brewing Company, 82, 141
Thunder Island Brewing Company, 16
Thyme, xxi
aroma/flavor from, 233
Tiger Brewery, 33
Tiger! Tiger!, event at, 20
Tilley, Ben, 99
Tilley, Nate, 99
Tisane, 129
Tockstein, Ryan, 115, 117, 125, 126, 160
Torulaspora delbrueckii, 142
Tree bark, 128
Tree beers, 115
Trubek, Amy, xviii, 6, 9-10, 11
TRVE Brewing Company, 15
TTB. See Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
Tuborg, 81
Tulapai, 28
Tulpi, 28
Turbine, 103
Turbulent Consequence: Peche, 144
Turkey Hill Apiary, 120
Turkey tail, described, 253
2015 Hibernal Dichotomous, recipe for, 302-303
Tygh Ranch, 104
Umami flavor, 249
United States Association of Cidermakers, 104
United States Brewers’ Academy, 70
United States Department of Agriculture, 8
United States Department of the Treasury, TTB of, 155
United States Small Business Administration, Carey and, xiv
Upper Hudson Valley Beer, 268
Upper Hudson Valley Beer (Gravina and McLeod), 34
Vagabund Brauerei, 121
Valerian, aroma/flavor from, 233
Vanilla extract, 156
Verstrepen, Kevin, 142
Violet, aroma/flavor from, 233
Virginia Gazette, 65
Vorderbruggen, Mark “Merriwether”: foraging and, 118
Wahl, Robert, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 50, 70, 73
Wahl-Henius Institute, 70
Walnut, 109
aroma/flavor from, 199
Watermelon, aroma/flavor from, 234
Waters, Alice, 96
Watson, Bart, xvi
Wee Shroomy, recipe for, 304-305
described, 174-175
Whiskey wash, 101
White, Chris, 137, 138, 144, 146
White button, described, 253
Wichita Beacon, 51
Wild Brews, 137
Wild rice, aroma/flavor from, 234
aroma/flavor from, 23
WildCraft Soda, 129
Willow/red willow/white willow, aroma/flavor from, 200
Wilson, D. Gay, xviii
Wilson, Sean Lilly, xx, 89, 90, 95, 96
Wintergreen, 156
aroma/flavor from, 235
World Guide to Beer, The (Jackson), 31
aroma/flavor form, 235
Wyeast Laboratories, 98
Yard Beer, 122
aroma/flavor from, 235
Yeast, 6, 50, 72, 81, 100, 101, 135, 160
BLY146-Protocetid Ale, 140
cake, 149
English, 141
gathering, 146-147
hybrid, 149
lager-beer, 46
native, 136
pure strains of, 145
steam-beer, 46
Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation (White and Zainasheff), 137, 138, 144, 146
Yerba santa, 156
Young, Neil, 106
Your Father’s Mustache, recipe for, 272-273
Zainasheff, Jamil, 137, 138, 144, 146
Zeender, Fhinn, 129