List of contributors
1 Tourism innovation: the role of technology, sustainability and creativity
Vanessa Ratten, Vitor Braga, José Álvarez-García and Maria de la Cruz del Rio-Rama
2 Pro-environmental culture and behavior to promote sustainable golf courses: the case study of “La Galiana”
Gema Albort-Morant and Antonio Luis Leal-Rodriguez
3 Challenges and dilemmas of tourism studies for the 21st century: is tourism in bias of disappearance?
Seraphin Hugues and Maximiliano E. Korstanje
4 Understanding the role of heritage tourist experience: a netnographic research in Italy
Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini, Giacomo Marzi, Lamberto Zollo and Vanessa Ratten
5 Management of tourism innovation, music and nightlife: case study
José Ramón Cardona, María del Carmen Azpelicueta-Criado, María Abril-Sellarés and María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández
6 Employees’ social capital, self-efficacy, and turnover intention: a study in the context of tourism and hospitality
Dung Hoang, Masoud Karami and Sam Spector
7 Sustainability and tourism: cluster analysis on the effectiveness of the Porter hypothesis in the European aeronautical sector
Esteban Pérez-Calderón, María Pache-Durán and Alicia Galindo-Manrique
8 Tourism in low density areas: a review of coastal and rural development practices
Dina Ramos, Carlos Costa and Filipe Teles
9 Visiting gardens in Portugal: profiling the historic gardens visit and visitors
Susana Silva and Paulo Carvalho
10 Residents’ perception of the impact of and support for three small and medium-scale sporting events as the basis for a tourism strategy
David Parra Camacho, Juan M. Núñez-Pomar, Ferrán Calabuig Moreno and Paloma Escamilla-Fajardo
11 Future trends in tourism innovation
Vanessa Ratten, Vitor Braga, José Álvarez-García and Maria de la Cruz del Rio-Rama