Picture credits

Line illustrations by Miles Smith-Morris.
Hieroglyphs reproduced by kind permission of British Museum Press.
Linear B characters reproduced by kind permission of Cambridge University Press.

1.1 Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh;
1.2 Ibrahim A. Al-Kadi and Mohammed Mrayati, King Saud University, Riyadh;
1.3 Public Record Office, London;
1.4 Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh;
2.1 Cliché Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, France;
2.2 Science and Society Picture Library, London;
2.3 The Beale Treasure-History of a Mystery by Peter Viemeister;
3.1 David Kahn Collection, New York;
3.1 Bundesarchiv, Koblenz;
3.2 National Archive, Washington DC;
3.3 General Research Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations;
3.4 Luis Kruh Collection, New York;
3.5 David Kahn Collection;
3.6 Science and Society Picture Library, London;
4.1 David Kahn Collection, New York;
4.2 Imperial War Museum, London;
4.3 Private collection of Barbara Eachus;
4.4 Godfrey Argent Agency, London;
4.5 Imperial War Museum, London;
4.6 Telegraph Group Limited, London;
5.1 National Archive, Washington DC;
5.2 British Museum Press, London;
5.3 Louvre, Paris © Photo RMN;
5.4 Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati;
5.5 Private collection of Eva Brann;
5.6 Source unknown;
5.7 Private collection of Joan Chadwick;
6.1 Sun Microsystems;
6.2 Stanford, University of California;
6.3 RSA Data Security, Inc.;
6.4 Private collection of Brenda Ellis;
6.5 Private collection of Clifford Cocks;
6.6 Private collection of Malcolm Williamson;
7.1 Network Associates, Inc.;
8.1 Penguin Books, London;
8.2 Thomas J. Watson Laboratories, IBM.