- Accountability framework
- about, 77, 78
- assessing, 150
- autonomy and alignment and, 81–92
- as building block, 120
- creativity and, 78, 79
- DBS Bank and, 137
- developing, 92–99
- getting right, 99, 100
- importance of, 140
- living assets and, 79–81
- new habits and, 128
- PI Chile and, 123–127
- Royal Philips and, 134, 135
- Schneider Electric and, 131, 132
- Agile methodologies, 14, 74, 80, 92, 95–99, 115, 124, 125, 134
- Agility, business, 4, 15, 18, 43, 57, 128
- Amazon, 7, 8
- API (application programming interface), 59, 68, 103, 104, 107–110, 124, 127
- Apple, 101–103
- Architecture, business or enterprise, 5, 10
- Artificial intelligence (AI), 144–148
- AUDI AG, 4, 95, 96
- Autonomous vehicles, 145
- Autonomy and alignment, 79–95, 140
- Berkshire Hathaway, 155, 156
- Building blocks for digital transformation, 16–18
- Business complexity, 34–36, 51, 52
- Business components, 60–62
- Buying a digital platform, 73–75
- CarMax, 90–92, 121
- CEMEX, 30, 44, 153
- Cloud services, 54, 61, 62
- Coaching roles, 79, 82–88, 91, 93, 96–98, 100, 124, 125, 137
- Collaboration, 84, 89
- Commitment, 151
- Communication, 151
- Componentization, 57–63, 68–72, 75, 76, 115, 116, 148
- Component owners, 80–82, 89
- Component reuse, 14, 61, 62, 64, 67, 72, 109, 112, 128, 140
- Continuous release, 83, 89
- Coordination, 154–158
- Creativity, 78, 79
- Cross-functional teams, 34, 84
- Customer experience, 2, 32, 33
- Customer insights
- about, 21
- assessing, 150
- as building block, 119
- creating culture for, 37
- DBS Bank and, 135–137
- designing for, 29–37
- digital platform development and, 139, 140
- experimentation and, 24–29
- getting right, 38
- PI Chile and, 125, 126
- Royal Philips and, 133, 134
- Schneider Electric and, 131, 132
- viable digital offerings and, 22–24
- Customer journey, 24, 32, 37, 90, 136, 137
- Customer relationship management systems (CRMs), 45, 65
- Customer value proposition, 1–6, 11, 12, 18, 31, 34, 36, 100
- Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) solution, 26, 27
- Data components, 59
- Data requirements, 66, 67
- DBS Bank
- accountability and, 97, 98
- AI and, 148
- coaching roles and, 97
- experimentation and, 31, 32
- external developer platform and, 105–109, 115
- knowledge sharing mechanisms and, 37
- metrics and, 150
- as roadmap example, 135–138
- working across silos and, 96
- Developer portal, 15, 104, 108, 115
- DevOps environment, 83, 87
- DHL Express, 155
- Digital business design, 5–15, 143–152
- Digital offerings
- customer co-creation of, 35, 36
- new habits and, 128
- as part of digital platform, 61, 62
- role of, 3–5
- test-and-learn process for, 24, 37, 38, 91, 110, 128, 137, 144
- viable, 22–24
- Digital platform
- about, 57
- assessing, 150
- building, 69–75
- as building block, 120
- buying, 73–75
- customer insights and, 139, 140
- DBS Bank and, 137
- description of, 59–63
- design requirements for, 64–68
- getting right, 75, 76
- importance of, 139
- new habits and, 128
- operational backbone and, 58, 63, 64, 68, 69
- PI Chile and, 125, 126
- Royal Philips and, 133, 134
- Schneider Electric and, 131, 132
- Digital Services Factory (DSF), 27, 28
- Digital transformation roadmap
- about, 119–122
- to-do list for, 149–151
- examples of, 122–138
- recommendations for, 138–141
- Digital vision, 2, 8, 11, 15, 30, 31, 38, 74, 92, 123, 131, 133, 135
- Digitization, 39, 40, 48–56, 75
- Discovery-driven planning, 29
- Diversification, 154–157
- Ecosystems, 102, 103
- Empowerment, 77–80, 88, 95, 99, 100
- End state, lack of, 10, 11
- Enterprise resource planning (ERPs), 5, 6, 45, 54, 65
- Enterprise standards, resistance to, 49
- Evidence-based culture, 38
- Experimentation, 24–26, 31–33, 38, 83, 89, 126
- External developer platform (ExDP)
- about, 101, 102
- Apple and, 101–103
- assessing, 150
- assessing need for, 114, 115
- as building block, 120
- DBS Bank and, 138
- designing and developing, 115, 116
- extending digital platform with, 103–113
- getting right, 117
- new habits and, 128
- PI Chile and, 125–127
- Royal Philips and, 134
- Schneider Electric and, 131, 132
- taking time with, 140
- Goals, vague, 49
- Governance, rethinking, 97–99
- Hackathon, 24, 32, 108, 111–114, 131
- Haier, 92, 93
- HealthSuite Labs, 35, 36
- Hui, 61–63
- Implementation, gradual, 94
- Incremental approach, 70–73
- Industry platform, 103, 111–113, 116, 117
- Infrastructure components, 60–62
- ING Direct Spain, 34, 52, 155
- Integration, 34, 41, 153–158
- IT architecture, x, 11, 67–76
- Kaiser Permanente, 44, 48
- Knowledge sharing mechanisms, 88–92
- Learning, formalized sharing of, 36
- LearnVest, 74, 122
- Legacy systems, messy, 50, 73
- LEGO Group, 45–48, 53, 58
- Living assets, 79–81
- Lyft, 58
- Massive automation, 143
- Massive processing power, 1, 5
- Matrix structures, 9
- Metrics, 83, 89, 149
- Minimum viable product (MVP), 24, 98
- Missions, 82, 83, 87–91, 98–100
- Modular architecture, 86–91
- Narrowing focus, 52, 53
- Netflix, 96, 97
- Nordstrom, 43, 44, 53
- Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, 73, 74, 95, 121, 122
- OneBankAssure (1BA), 146, 147
- Operating model, 153–159
- Operational backbone
- about, 39
- assessing, 150
- building, 153–159
- as building block, 119
- business transformation and, 48–50
- DBS Bank and, 135, 136
- digital business and, 42–48
- digital platform and, 58, 63, 64, 68, 69
- digitized versus digital and, 39, 40
- getting right, 55, 56
- importance of, 139
- new habits and, 128
- operational excellence and, 40–42
- PI Chile and, 123, 124
- responsibility for, 94
- Royal Philips and, 133, 134, 138
- Schneider Electric and, 130–132
- shortcuts to, 50–55
- Operational excellence, 40–42, 56, 65
- Organizational learning, 100
- Ownership for building blocks, 150, 151
- People requirements, 67, 68
- Power structures, misaligned, 50
- Principal International Chile (PI Chile), 122–127, 149
- Process requirements, 67
- Product development, accelerating, 28, 29
- Product lifecycle management (PLM), 47, 65, 66
- Rapid change, 76
- Replication, 154–158
- Responsibility for internal processes versus for new offerings, 93–99
- Restructuring, 10
- Royal Philips
- accountability and, 94, 99
- AI and, 147, 148
- building blocks and, 16, 17
- business complexity and, 51
- customer co-creation and, 35, 36
- digital platform and, 71, 72
- external developer platform and, 105, 106, 111–114
- high-level vision and, 30
- metrics and, 149, 150
- operating model of, 158, 159
- operational backbone and, 48, 49, 121
- as roadmap example, 133–135
- transformation and, 12–15
- Schneider Electric
- accountability and, 94
- AI and, 147, 148
- customer insights and, 25–32, 35, 36
- digital platform and, 70–72
- external developer platform and, 105, 106, 114
- metrics and, 150
- operational backbone and, 54, 121
- as roadmap example, 130–132
- transformation and, 2
- Servco Pacific Inc., 61–63
- Siloed organizations, 9
- “Single source of truth,” 42, 66
- SMACIT, 1, 18, 27, 39, 48, 55, 66, 143
- Spotify, 85–89, 92, 96
- Standardization, 153–158
- Standards, lowering, 53–55
- Structure
- limitations of, 152
- reliance on, 8–10
- Synchronization, 6–9
- Technology requirements, 65
- “Techquisition,” 73–75
- Toyota Motor North America (TMNA), 2, 32, 33, 61–63, 70, 94–98
- Tribes and squads, 86–88, 90, 92
- Trust, 84, 85, 89
- Uber, 1, 2, 105, 106, 109–111
- Ubiquitous data, 1, 5, 143
- Unification, 154–158
- Unlimited connectivity, 1, 5, 143
- Updates, 79, 80
- UPS, 53
- business complexity and, 51, 52
- customer insights and, 121
- digital offerings and, 3
- high-level vision and, 30
- metrics and, 150
- operating model of, 155
- transformation and, 2