Subject Index

Adam Theology, 215

Adams, Jay E., 27, 45, 211

agapē, 224

agrypneō, 142

aischros, 77

akatharsia, 19

Albigenses, 35; persecution of, 36

Alexander, Archibald, 97

Allen, Roland, 44

America: Judeo-Christian heritage, 124

Anabaptists, 27, 297; and free church thinking, 38; characteristic of the church, 41; history of, 41; on the invisible church, 41

Andover Seminary, 10

anengklētos, 67

anepilēmptos, 67

Anglicanism, 37

antechō, 207

apistos, 73

Apostolic succession, 32

asōtia, 73

ataktōs, 223

Augustine of Hippo, 27; contributions to pastoral ministry, 33–34; introduction of error by, 34

Baby boomers, 184

Baptism, *291–97; and salvation, 294–95; history of, 293–94; in the New Testament, 292–93; infant, 296; modern neglect, 291; necessity for believers, 297; practice of Catholicism, 296; practice of Mormonism, 296; practice of Reformed church, 296–97; reasons for neglect, 291–92; spectrum of views, 295–96; theological significance, 294–95

baptizō, 292; as not passive, 292

baptō, 292

baptou, 292

Barnhouse, Donald Grey, 300

Baxter, Richard, 27, 42, 211; on pastoral self-examination, 19–20

Believer’s armor, 137, 140–41

Believers’ church, 27–28

Biblical knowledge, *97–101

Biblical theology, 99–100

Blaike, William Gordon, 82

Blamires, Harry, 277

Bolton, Robert, 43

Book of Pastoral Rule, 35

brephos, 72

Bridges, Charles, 27, 44, 275–76

Brooks, Phillips, 90

Brooks, Thomas, 43

Bucer, Martin, 38, 39

Bullinger, E.W., 296

CALL, 84

Call to the ministry: and abilities, *86–89; confidence in the ministry, 82–83; confirmation by God, 85–86; external call, 83; external confirmation, 84–85; internal call, 82; personal desire, 89–90; questions, 86

Calvin, John, 27, 83; as a magisterial reformer, 38; on church tradition, 38; on the church, 39; views on church and state, 38

Calvin’s Geneva, 40; and civil intolerance, 40; as a theocracy, 40

Calvinism, 37

Cartwright, Thomas, 210

Cathari, 27, 35

cheirotonesantes, 109

Chrysostom, John, 27, 33

Church: as a building project, 272; as a priesthood of believers, 52; as a witnessing community, 53–54; as a working community, 54–58; as a worshiping community, 51–53; building programs, 304; current status, 3; doctrinal purity, 68; first-century characteristics, 32; improper methods for growth, 303; membership, 60; metaphors for, xii; ministry of fellowship, 59–60; ministry of Lord’s Supper, 60–61; ministry of missions, 62; ministry of outreach, 61–62; ministry of prayer, 61; ministry of the Word, 59; ministry with other churches, 62–63; monastic movement, 34; music, 309; need for corporate prayer, 148–49; new programs in, 149; purpose of, 50–51; schismatic movements, 35; scriptural balance, 13; single purpose view, 48; staff development, 375; view of, xi; volunteers, 242

Church growth, 303

Church leaders, xii

Church planting, 252, 311

Clement of Alexandria, 32–33

Communion, *284–91; abuses in Corinth, 286; and the new covenant, 289; as a memorial, 287; as the love feast, 286; biblical development, 284–86; biblical exercise of, 290–91; false views of, 288; importance of, 60–61; structured after the Passover, 287–88

Corinthian Syndrome, 123

Craddock, Walter, 17

Cultural accommodation, 6

Cyprian, 33

David, 70

De Regno Christi, 39

Delegation, 244

diabolous, 125

didachē, 210

didaskalia, 88

didaskalos, 30

Dining with the Devil, 7

Discipling, *261–71; apostolic instruction, 263–64; biblical mandate, 263; careful selection, 265–66; four features of, 248; in the New Testament, 262–64; in the Old Testament, 26162; methods of Jesus, *264–70; powerful proclamation, 270; prayerful meditation, 264–66; purposeful association, 268–70

Dockery, David, 10

Donatists, 34

Ecclesiology, 55

Edwards, Jonathan, 27, 44

ekklēsia, 217, 271

Elder, 95; as synonymous with bishop, 30

en logō, 88

episkopos, 30, 177, 274, 281

epithumeō, 89, 94

epoiēsen, 109

etethēn, 109

etheka, 109

ethetō, 109

Eucharist, 288

eucharisteō, 288

Evangelicalism, 3–4

Evangelism, 53, 248; definition, 248; methodology,*257–60; motivation, *253–57; ongoing discipleship, 250; pastor as model, 310–11; preaching the gospel, 248; priority, 310; proactive nature, 249; role of the local church, 259–60; transforming lives, 249–50; types of outreach, *250–53

exousian, 270

Faith, 139

Family, 121–122; as validation of pastor’s ministry, 123; biblical standards, 122–23; demise in America, 123–24; need for, 124; Puritan example, 124

Feinberg, Charles, 300

First Baptist Church of Dallas, 134

Fosdick, Henry Emerson, 7; ministry philosophy of, 7

Fourth Maccabees 6:19, 218

Free Church, 37; as a restitutio, 38

Free Church Movement, 34

Fruit of the Spirit, 127–28

ginesthai, 220

Godliness, 94

Goodwin, Thomas, 43

Gordian Knot, 108

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 7

Grace Community Church, viii, xiii, 311; affirmation of doctrinal statement, 311; ordination procedure of, *113–17

Great Commission, 53

Grebel, Conrad, 40, 41

Gregory the Great, 35

Guinness, Os, 7

Gurnal, William, 43

gymnaz, 224

Henry, Carl F. H., 97

hina osin meta autou, 268

Historical theology, 99

Hubmaier, Balthasar, 41

hugiainō, 209

Humility: and God’s glory, 22; and God’s omniscience, 21; and God’s power, 18; and God’s will, 21; and Scripture, 18; marks of, 16–17

hupēretēs, 16

Huss, John, 37

Hybels, Bill, 7; ministry philosophy of, 7

Image of God in man, 215–17; different views, 215; extent in fallen man, 216–17

imago Dei, 216

Irenaeus, 277

Jefferson, Charles, 23, 275

Jefferson, Thomas, 274

Jeremiah, 86

Jesus Christ: as Chief Shepherd, 30; example of love, 128–29; example of prayer, 131–32; incarnation, 194; on leadership in the church, 288–89; on prayer, 132; view of the modern church, 11

Judson, Adoniram, 86

Kaiser, Walter, 213

kapeleuō, 19

katakrinō, 290

katartizō, 87

katastēsēs, 109

kathistatai, 109

kathos, 221

Keiper, Ralph, 300

Keller, W. Phillip, 24, 275

kerdos, 77

kērugma, 210

kērussein, 270

kērux, 30

Keys to Spiritual Growth, 96

Knox, John, 38, 40

krima, 290

latreuō, 200

Laziness, 301

Leadership, 60; ability to inspire, 238; and conviction, 102; as ministry, xiii; as oversight, 155; authority, 155; biblical basis, 230–32; biblical guidelines for, 232–35; by administration, 181–82; by cultivating maturity, 183–84; by example, 179–81; by guarding, 184; by nurture, 184–86; communication, 236–37; compromise in, 232; decision making, 236; decline of, 228–29; definition, 229; dissemination of, 158; improper view, 156; in the church, 231; motivation, 225; necessity of, 228; need for prayer by, 148; New Testament examples, 230–31; of God in the church, 157; Old Testament examples, 230; pastoral role, 230; people skills, 238; practical qualities, *235–40; sacrifice in, 240; self-check for, 23; self-management, 235; servant, 156; Spirit-led, 234; spiritual, xii; spiritual nature, 94; styles of, 237; views of, 229

Lectures to My Students, 82

Licensing, 113

Licensing/commissioning, 113

Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn, 27, 45, 300

Luther, Martin, 27, 296; as a magisterial reformer, 37; on church tradition, 38; on pastoral care, 39; views on church and state, 38

Lutheranism, 37–38

Lyman Beecher Lectures, 273

MacArthur, John, Jr., viii, 27, 45, 96, 116, 162; advice to young pastors, 299; as a theological preacher, 167; defining worship, 51; example of his father, 164; importance of church history, 166; importance of languages, 165; importance of systematic theology, 165–66; influence of Feinberg on, 169; love for the ministry, xiv; ordination candidate letter, 116–17; pastoral integrity, 170; primacy of study, 172–73; seminary experience, 164; use of time, 171–72; view of the church, 46; view of the modern church, 7

MacArthur, Patricia, 300

Maclaren, Alexander, 206

Magisterial Reformation, 37

mania, 152

Manton, Thomas, 43

Marriage, 129–30

Marriage quiz, 126–27

Marsden, George, 7

Martyn, Henry, 91

Mayhue, Richard L., 96

McCheyne, Robert Murray, 95

memētai egenēthēte, 226

Metropolitan Tabernacle, 82

Miller, Calvin, 242

Miller, S., 97

mimeisthai, 223

mimētēs, 214, 217; etymological study of, 219–20

Minister. See Pastor.

Ministry: market-driven approach, vii; marks of an effective, 22; models of, 3–4; modern tensions, 11; scriptural view of, 4; timeless factors, 5; unscriptural tendencies, 13; unscriptural view of, 4–5

Ministry dropout, 176

Ministry training, 105–06

ml’ yd, 108

Modeling: apostolic role, 221; believer’s role, 223, 226; theological development, 220

Montanists, 34

Morgan, G. Campbell, 27, 44

Motivation, 245

nēphalious, 125

New Evangelicalism, 44–45

New American Standard Version, 72

No God but God, 7

noutheteō, 45

Novak, Michael, 124

Novatians, 34

oi kopiontes en logo, 88

On the Pastoral Office, 36

Ordination, 85, 107–08; and women, 108–09; defined, 113; essence of, *109–12; examination council, 114–16; in the New Testament, 109; in the Old Testament, 108–09; objective aspect, 111; of Aaron, 108–09; practice of, *112–16; purpose of, 110; subjective aspect, 110

Ordination Facilitating Group (OFG), 113

oregomai, 89

orgē, 75

Origen, 33

Owen, John, 21–22, 43

parakaleō, 209

Parker, Joseph, 206

Passover, 287–88

Pastor: accountability, 300; and his books, 101; and humility, 15; and sexual morality, 68–70; and spiritual gifts, 56; as a man of vision, 241; as a preacher of Scripture, 59; as a watchman, 279; as a workman, 280; as administrator, 89; as an elder, 93; as an example, 255–56; as delegator, 243; as discipler, 270–71; as head of his household, 122–23; as a husband of one wife, 68, 122; as instructor in prayer, 146; as leader, 58; as motivator, 245; as preacher, 31; as preacher and teacher, 87–88; as recruiter, 242; as shepherd, 22–23, 58, 88, 103, 273–74; as spiritual leader, 232; as teacher, 31; being above reproach, 68, 111; being devout, 79; being generous, 78; being hospitable, 78; being husband of one wife, 68, 122; being just, 79; being not addicted to wine, 75; being not greedy, 77; being not pugnacious, 77; being not quick-tempered, 74; being not self-willed, 74; being self-controlled, 79; being sensible, 79; being single, 71; biblical commands for, 31; biblical development, *28–32; call to ministry, *81–91; character of, 11; conduct of, 11; criticism, 302; danger of isolation, 62–63; definition, xii; diversity of role, 178; equipping believers, 55; example in prayer, *144–61; family life of, *70–73; his secretary, 307; improper motivation, 94; longevity, 309–10; loving what is good, 79; marriage problems of, 121; maturity, 96; ministerial burnout, 50; ministry philosophy, 48–50; moral life, 96; necessity for evangelistic zeal, 254; need for facility in Greek and Hebrew, 98; need for theological understanding, 100; need for training, 101–02; personal capabilities, 111; personal character, *67–80; personal conduct, 111; personal integrity, 90–91; prayer life of, *131–43; pressures on, 121–22; reputation, 96–97; responsibility of oversight, 274; role of, 8; scriptural definition, 8; spiritual passion, 185; trained to lead, 102; trained to preach, 103; trained to teach, 102; training of, 9–11; working with people, 177

Pastor’s children, 123; as adults, 72; being obedient, 123; necessity of salvation, 71, 93–94

Pastor’s home, *121–30; as a refuge, 126; benefits, 126

Pastor’s wife, 72, 302; personal qualities, 125

Pastoral ministry: biblical philosophy, 48–50; current status, 3; exclusion of laziness, 212; from A.D. 100–476, *32–35; from A.D. 476–1500, *35–37; from A.D. 1500–1648, *37–42; from A.D. 1649–present, *42–46; Modern era, *42–46; Reformation era, *37–42; spiritual nature of, 146–47; views in history, 28

Pastoral office, 30

Pastoral theology, 28–29

Pastoral training, 92–93; phases of, 93

Paul: as role model, 221–22; example of prayer, 131; example of preaching, 211; humility of, 21; instruction to the Corinthian church, 11; on discipling, 92; philosophy of ministry, 25; teaching on prayer, *136–43; view of Scripture, 11

Paulicans, 27, 35; view of pastoral ministry, 36

Peale, Norman Vincent, 7

peripateite, 221

Perkins, William, 27, 43

Personal evangelism, 250

Philosophy of ministry: and accountability, 50; and efficiency, 49; biblical goals, 49; practical goals, 49

phroneō, 79

pista, 73

pistis, 224

planē, 19

poimen, 30

Polycarp, 276; on elders, 32

Practical theology, 45

Prayer: and crisis, 152; and fruitfulness, 134; content of, 150–51; daily, 154; family, for all seasons, 153–54; for all situations, 142; importance of, 61; in public services, 160; in the Old Testament, 151–52; in the Spirit, 142; its importance, *145–53; its scope, 142; meetings, 154; men, 149; perseverance, 142; personal, 153; priority of, 133; purpose of, 151; small groups, 149, 159; staff meetings, 160

Prayer meetings, 148, 158

Preaching: and the Great Awakening, 206; and the Puritan revival, 206; and the Reformation, 206; as instruction, 210; as proclamation, 210; as the source for spiritual power, 213; commitment to, 210–11; decline of, 207; foundation, 206–07; most important aspect of pastoral ministry, *204–13; passion, 103; sound teaching, 210; sufficiency of Scripture, 208

prebyteros, 30, 177

Primitivism, 27

Princeton Theological Seminary, 10, 97

proskarterēsis, 142

Public evangelism, 251–52

Purtianism, 42

Puritans, 42–43, 300

Quakers, 295

Radical reformation, 37

Righteousness, 138

Salvation, 139

Salvation Army, 295

Sanders, J. Oswald, 96, 233

Sattler, Michael, 41

Schaff, Philip, 34

Schuller, Robert, 7

Scripture: as a sword, 140; as foundation for seminary education, 11; as guide in ministry, 91; definition, 5–6; sufficiency, 4

Scriven, Joseph, 145

Seel, John, 3

Seminary, 105; areas of training, *98–101; etymology, 92; influence of teachers, 97; instructors in, 105; language training, 98; restructuring of, 9; training in ministry skills, *101–06; training mandate, 92

semnas, 125

Sexual sin, 70

Shepherd: as a watchman, 275; as synonymous with elder and bishop, 30; described, 177; true versus hireling, 273

Shepherding: animals, xiii; care, 104; church, xiii; improper view of, 24; proper view of, 24

Shepherdology, 45

Sibbes, Richard, 43

Simons, Menno, 41

skopos, 281

Sola Fide, 97

sola Scriptura, 97, 195

ṣôpeh, 281

sozō, 79

Spiritual gifts, 56; and ministry, 87

Spiritual growth, 96

Spiritual Leadership, 96

Spiritual Maturity, 96

Spurgeon, Charles H., 82, 142, 206, 211, 256; doctrinal content of sermons, 209; Downgrade Controversy, 46; on call to the ministry, 82, 87; on desire to minister, 90; on pastoral suffering, 17; on preventing heresy, 210; pastoral duties, 44

Sunday morning sermon, 162–63

symmimētēs, 220

Systematic theology, 100

Talbot Seminary, 300

Teaching, 102

teknon, 72

Tennent, William, 44

The Atlantic, 9

The Culture of Disbelief, 6

The Gravedigger File, 7

The Key of Truth, 35

The Log College, 44

The Lord’s Table. See Communion.

The Master’s College, 312

The Master’s Seminary, 162, 173, 174, 312; importance of church connection for, 173; training in preaching, 174

The Reformed Pastor, 19, 42

The Soul Winner, 256

The Training of the Twelve, 267

Theology, 7

Third Maccabees 3:30, 218

Thomas, Robert L., 162

Timothy: as a model, 222; pastoral struggles, 25; Paul’s commands to, 26

Truett, George W., 134

Truth, 138

tupos, 214, 217; etymological study of, 217–20; New Testament usage, 218

Tyndale, William, 37

typon, 222, 223, 225

typos, 224

Ultradispensationalists, 295

United Methodist Church, 8

Vision, definition, 241

Vocational ministry, 82

Waldenses, 27, 36; and primitive Christianity, 36

Warfield, Benjamin B., 44

Watchman. See Pastor or Shepherd.

Wells, David F., 7, 278

Westminster Theological Seminary, 45

Whyte, Alexander, 206

Wine: and communion service, 76–77; in the New Testament era, 76

Worship: as a course of life, 199–200; as sine qua non, 202; Catholic tradition, 189; Eastern Orthodox tradition, 189; example of Angels, 201; example of Enoch, 200; example of Mary, 202; example of Moses, 201; example of Noah, 200; heart attitude, 190; indifference, 203; inward dimension, 199; need for understanding of, 197; of false gods, 192; of God improperly, 193, 195; Old Testament examples, 190–92; outward dimension, 198; proper, *197–202; upward dimension, 199; wrong attitude, 195

Wycliffe, John, 36

Yale University, 273