Chapter 1: HTML and CSS
1.1: Introduction to HTML and DOM
1.2: Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
1.2.1: Internal CSS
1.2.2: External CSS
1.2.3: In-Line CSS
Chapter 2: Introduction to Javascript
2.1: Javascript variable
2.1.1: Difference between Var, Let and Const keyword
2.2: Javascript Data Types
2.3: Javascript Function
2.4: Javascript Events
Chapter 3: How to Mobile Optimize a website
3.1: Three rules to Mobile Optimize a website
Chapter 4: Introduction to Python Programming.
4.1: Python Installation
4.2 : Python variables, Datatypes & Operators
4.2.1 : Python String
4.2.2 : Python List
4.2.3 : Python Tuple
4.2.4 : Python Dictionary
4.2.5 : Python Operators
4.3 : Python Control Statements
4.3.1 : Python If ..Elif ..Else
4.3.2 : Python For Loop
4.3.3 : Python While loop
4.3.4 : Python Break and Continue
4.4 : Python functions.
4.5 : Python class
Chapter 5: Django
5.1 : Django Installation
5.2 : Django App
5.2.1 : Django Architecture
5.2.2 : Hello World Example
5.3 : Django Models
5.4 : Django Admin App
5.5 : How to navigate to different pages of our project using Django
What is {% …. %}?
5.6 : How to load static files like CSS & Images into our Django App
5.7 : Django Form
What is {{ … }}?
5.8 : Django Form with CSS & Rendering form fields manually
5.9 : Log In Page Validation process
5.10 : Displaying data from multiple tables or models into Web Page
5.11 : Django Email Form
What is Django send_mail function?
Important Info & Conclusion: