In order to spend on one side, nature is forced to economise on the other side.
—Goethe, quoted by Darwin74
Tradeoffsset the basis for design. To grow faster, it would seem that resources must be taken away from some other function. If there were no cost, why would the organism not already have achieved faster growth?
But focusing solely on tradeoffs will fail to reveal design. Suppose, for example, that growth rate, yield, and defense trade off against each other. Changed conditions may reduce allocation to defense, allowing both growth rate and yield to rise.300 If we do not measure defense, the rise in rate and yield would seem to contradict the rate-yield tradeoff.
There will always be another tradeoff not measured. One cannot win solely by collecting more data. There has to be a proper method behind the effort (Chapter 3).
Another problem is that organisms are not perfectly adapted. A cell might evolve a more efficient catabolic enzyme, capturing more free energy without costly reduction in another function. Some improvements can happen without tradeoff.
If the study of tradeoffs often fails to reveal design, then why focus on them? Because tradeoffs do play the central role in design. The problem is not the importance of tradeoffs in shaping design. The problem is our ability to infer the causes of design.
I have argued that comparative hypotheses provide the only approach to inferring the causes of design. Tradeoffs are the building blocks of comparative hypotheses. Before turning to comparative hypotheses in the following chapters, it is useful to consider in this chapter the potential tradeoffs that may be important in different situations.
We will never guess all of the important tradeoffs when developing theory. And we will never measure all of them in empirical study. But the more tradeoffs we know about and the more of those tradeoffs that we use to develop comparative predictions, the closer we will come to understanding the forces that shape organismal design.20,104,209,379
Typically, one assumes that a tradeoff exists and then considers what predicted consequences follow from that assumption. How does one test for the tradeoff itself? As always, attempting direct measurement provides a limited signal about the forces of design.
Testing a comparative hypothesis provides the way forward. How do changing environmental conditions alter the likelihood that a particular tradeoff influences design? To develop such comparative hypotheses, one must have a good sense of the possible tradeoffs.
This chapter lists some tradeoffs for metabolic traits. These examples encourage thought about what might be important. The examples also provide the basis for developing broader lists, which would help to locate the boundaries for possible explanations of design. The actual is always a subset of the possible.
How do physical limits, such as membrane surface area, impose tradeoffs between alternative functions? How do cells split investment between the structures needed for growth, such as ribosomes, and productive investment in actual growth, such as making new proteins?
Cells allocate their limited membrane surface area and their limited cellular volume to alternative functions. Those biophysical limits impose particular tradeoffs.
Cells must acquire various nutrients. Tradeoffs occur between finding, uptake, and efficiency.247 Tradeoffs also arise between the uptake of different nutrients.
Tradeoffs occur between growth-related functions.156,240,440,464
Molecular storage includes glycogen, trehalose, polyphosphates, polyhydroxyalkanoates, various lipids, and occasionally polypeptides.208,378
When lack of essential nutrients limits current growth, microbes may gain by storing available nutrients and free energy for future benefits. Alternatively, tradeoffs between current and future benefits may favor storage. Possible future benefits include the following.
The microbiology of human-engineered water purification treatment provides a good example of such cycles.72,88,297
Figure 15.1 shows a common process. Waste often contains common products of glycolytic fermentation, such as acetate. The first purification step begins with anaerobic bacterial activity. In the absence of oxygen or other strong electron acceptors, the bacteria cannot use acetate to generate a free energy gradient for growth.
Instead, cells draw on internal stores to generate usable free energy. They may derive glucose from stored glycogen or cleave phosphate bonds in stored polyphosphate. The free energy from those reactions drives uptake and transformation of acetate into polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) stores (Figs. 15.2a and 15.3b).
After an anaerobic period, the treatment process aerates the waste. Cells derive usable free energy by oxidizing the PHA stored during the anaerobic phase. The free energy from PHA drives growth and biomass production. Cells also use the free energy from PHA to replenish their stores of polyphosphate or glycogen (Figs. 15.2b and 15.3b).
The bacterial biomass can be removed as waste sludge after one or more anaerobic-aerobic cycles. Sludge removal discards any stored carbon or phosphate, purifying the water.
One practical challenge concerns competition between bacteria that build polyphosphate stores and bacteria that build glycogen stores. The phosphate-accumulating bacteria provide efficient removal of phosphorus from waste. The glycogen-accumulating bacteria leave much of the phosphorus in the waste (Fig. 15.3). Tuning of the purification process requires finding the steps and environmental setpoints that favor phosphate-accumulating over glycogen-accumulating species.351
This system provides an excellent model for the study of metabolic design.383 Although artificial, it captures the essence of alternating environments, the benefits of storage, the thermodynamic constraints imposed by varying electron acceptors, and the shaping of long-term fitness over a full demographic cycle.
Several tradeoffs likely influence the fitness of particular genotypes and the competition between genotypes and species.383
Tradeoffs between alternative allocations often depend on context. Accounting for context improves comparative tests.
Cells explore their environment to gain information and exploit their environment to gain resources. Cells use information obtained from exploration to regulate exploitation. Tradeoffs arise between exploration, exploitation, and regulation.
Genome size, cell size, and limited resources impose tradeoffs.
Cells explore by moving through the environment and by using sensors of internal and external environmental states. Costly exploration reduces exploitation efficiency.
Cells adjust by altering regulatory controls. Faster and more extensive regulation may reduce exploitation efficiency and growth rate.
A membrane uptake receptor may also act as an information sensor.67 In general, dual function reduces tradeoffs if a molecule can be tuned simultaneously for alternative actions.
Dual function does not contradict the central role of tradeoffs. Instead, the forces of design favor simultaneous improvement over tradeoffs, until further dual improvement cannot be achieved. At that point, improvement in one dimension often demands loss in another dimension. The tradeoff has returned (Fig. 3.1).
Thermodynamic driving force and resistance to chemical transformation determine flux. The mechanisms that modulate driving force and resistance impose tradeoffs between components of success.
Various cellular mechanisms influence flux.100 Gain from modulating flux may trade off against loss in other components of success.
This subsection lists a few examples.
Two commonly discussed tradeoffs arise.
When reaction products build up in concentration, thermodynamic driving force declines. In other words, reaction products thermodynamically inhibit flux.
Cells maintain ratios of reducing and oxidizing compounds. Perturbed redox ratios interfere with regulation of biochemical processes.
Oxygen is a strong electron acceptor that provides powerful thermodynamic driving force to catabolic cascades. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) also cause uncontrolled oxidative damage. Cells use various mechanisms to mitigate ROS damage.
Life history analysis separates long-term success into fitness components. Components include reproduction, survival, and dispersal.393 In microbes, we typically equate reproduction and growth. By contrast, multicellular growth usually describes size increase from birth.
Life history emphasizes tradeoffs. Faster reproduction reduces survival. More dispersal lowers reproductive rate.
Fitness components may be divided into subcomponents by habitat, age, or other factors. Survival in food-limited habitats may trade off against reproduction in food-rich habitats. Dispersal out of old resource patches may trade off against reproduction in young resource patches.
Age-specific tradeoffs are important in life history. For example, reproduction early in life often trades off against reproduction late in life. In microbes, a lineage’s reproductive age is relatively younger at present and relatively older at a later time.
Lineages vary reproductively over time by accumulating damage or by intrinsic fluctuations, causing variation in age-specific fitness.330 Senescence occurs when age-specific fitness declines with age.3,345
The following examples highlight tradeoffs between current reproductive rate and various fitness components. Typically, current reproductive rate associates with a lineage’s metabolic traits and growth rate.
A faster rate of cell division trades off against the biomass yield per unit of food intake. Prior sections described many examples of this tradeoff and possible underlying mechanisms.65,97,103,104,207,246,257,326,343,369,463
Greater current reproduction may trade off against lower survival. Reduced survival decreases future reproduction.
Faster growth may trade off against maintenance and stress resistance. Such mechanistic links may explain the tradeoff between growth and survival.
Senescence occurs when survival or other fitness components decline with age. Lineage age can be measured as a particular amount of time or a particular number of cell divisions. The aging rate is the rate of decline in age-specific fitness.
Most resource patches eventually disappear. New ones open up. A lineage’s long-term success depends on colonizing new locations.
In a stable habitat, a lineage gains by dispersing a fraction of descendants to compete with others, reducing competition with itself.111,169
Dispersal may occur over time rather than across space. For example, dormant spores reduce activity and protect themselves to survive the journey to a later time.229
The benefits of colonizing different locations or later times trade off against various costs.
Microbes attack competitors and defend against assault. Attack and defense trade off against productive growth, survival, and dispersal.
Analyses of metabolic design typically focus on the success of a clonal lineage. How fast does the lineage grow? How efficiently does the lineage transform resources into biomass?
However, many studies identify microbial traits that reduce a lineage’s success while enhancing the success of other lineages.441 The tradeoff between growth rate and biomass yield provides a good example.317
A lineage that reduces its growth rate leaves more resources for neighboring lineages, including itself. We must weigh a lineage’s cost for reduced growth against the yield benefit provided to neighboring lineages.
Ultimately, natural selection can favor traits that directly reduce the success of a lineage and indirectly increase the success of similar traits in other lineages. Hamilton’s166 classic tradeoff compares a lineage’s direct cost, c, to the benefit for other lineages, b, weighted by the genetic similarity between lineages, r.
When a lineage is by itself, then all neighbors are the lineage itself, and r = 1. As neighbors become increasingly different from the focal lineage, r declines.
A cooperative trait is favored when the similarity-weighted benefit outweighs the direct cost, rb > c. For example, when considering slower growth, cooperation depends on how the similarity-weighted yield benefit trades off against the direct growth cost.
An alternative aspect of similarity can also be important.122,405 Instead of measuring how a lineage’s cooperative trait benefits genetically similar neighbors, we can measure how a lineage’s cooperative neighbors provide benefit to the focal lineage (Section 5.2).
In this second case, a lineage that enhances group success has similarly cooperative neighbors in proportion to r. We once again get the condition rb > c for a cooperative trait to be favored. The distinction is that, in the first case, benefits flow from our focal cooperative lineage to genetically similar neighbors, whereas in the second case, benefits flow from phenotypically similar neighbors to our focal cooperative lineage.
The distinction is important because, in the second case, the cause of similarity between neighbors does not have to be genetic. For example, a lineage could have cooperative neighbors of a different species.113 Thus, similarity does not necessarily depend on kinship or pedigree, although common ancestry can be one cause of similarity.
Cooperative traits may also gain by payback through an ecological loop.73 For example, a lineage may excrete a useful metabolic product, the loss of which directly reduces the lineage’s success.
That costly excretion may ultimately be favored by a synergistic feedback loop. Suppose an excreted product enhances the growth of another lineage that, in turn, excretes a product beneficial to the first lineage. In that case, the initial secreting lineage trades off an immediate cost for a later return benefit.
Cooperative tradeoffs have been widely discussed in the microbial literature, with many examples. The point here is that we must consider such tradeoffs when trying to understand the design of metabolic traits. In essence, sociality shapes biochemical and metabolic design.
A lineage may trade the lost success from expressing cooperative traits for the benefits received from similar neighbors.
A lineage may trade its direct immediate success for a later return benefit through an ecological feedback loop.
A beneficial trait on one evolutionary timescale may be a costly trait on another evolutionary timescale. Timescale tradeoffs pose one of the great challenges in the study of design.133
Consider a canonical problem of microbial life. A patch opens up with a fixed amount of resources. A colonizing microbe lands on the patch and begins to grow. A mutant arises that grows faster than its progenitor lineage but is less efficient at converting resources into biomass.
The mutant overgrows its competitors, dominating the population. Growth depletes local resources, ending the patch life cycle. Over the life cycle, some cells disperse and colonize new patches.
Over the short timescale of a cellular generation within the patch, direct competition favors rapid growth.236 Over the long timescale of the full life cycle, dispersal typically favors greater biomass production in a patch to increase the potential number of dispersing cells.
This tradeoff between growth rate and biomass yield expresses a design conflict between short and long timescales. Short-acting processes favor rapid growth to outcompete neighbors.236 Long-acting processes favor efficient yield to increase colonization of new patches. Different conditions cause different timescales to dominate (Section 5.9).129,130
Various timescale tradeoffs arise in the study of design. A few examples follow.
A rapidly growing mutant lineage that outcompetes neighbors is similar to cancerous overgrowth.135 The short-term reproductive benefit favors highly competitive design.
Over longer timescales, a growth-enhanced cancerous design loses to yield-efficient designs tuned to increase dispersal success over the full demographic cycle of local growth and subsequent dispersal.
The particular design that is ultimately favored depends on the balance between short-term gains by local competitive growth versus long-term gains by dispersal.
The following list summarizes a few of the timescale tradeoffs.
Natural selection can act at multiple levels. The different levels of selection associate with different timescales.133,446
For example, growth rate affects relative success against neighbors within a locally competing group. Growth rate competition within groups happens over shorter timescales.
Biomass yield affects the productivity of a lineage or group when competing against other groups for dispersal and colonization of new resource patches. Biomass yield competition between groups happens over longer timescales.
Selection can also happen on a lower level, between genomic subsets within an individual. That low-level genomic competition happens on a shorter timescale than competition between individuals.
For example, plasmids may compete within cells over short timescales while lowering the success of host cells over relatively longer timescales.
At a higher level, selection can act more slowly between species or clades. A clade can outcompete other clades ecologically over broad spatial and temporal scales.
A clade can also reproduce in the sense of splitting into descendant lineages. On a relatively slow timescale, we can consider species births and deaths, determining the relative dominance of genera in terms of numbers of species.
The designs that we see in nature depend on the balance between selective success acting at these different timescales. In general, the lower levels and faster timescales dominate because selection almost always happens more quickly and intensely at lower levels.446
Selection at a lower, faster level may trade off against selection at a higher, slower level.168
Organisms continually face new challenges. Long-term success demands the ability to adapt. Organisms gain by exploring alternative designs. Greater exploration speeds the rate of adaptation to new challenges and lowers the chance of lineage extinction.311,436
Mechanistically, higher mutation rates and more mixing of genomes to create new gene combinations increase exploration of alternative designs.267,308 Other variation-generating mechanisms may also speed adaptation.443
Mechanisms that generate variation and improve exploration often reduce efficiency in exploiting current resources. Long-term evolvability trades off against short-term fitness.
For example, most mutations are deleterious in the short term. Greater mutation rate reduces short-term exploitation success. However, as the environment changes, a higher mutation rate may allow faster adaptation to changing conditions by exploring a wider range of alternative designs.
Bet-hedging is another form of exploration versus exploitation. Bet-hedging describes alternative states for a trait.131,144,370
The different states may be alternatives for a single individual. For example, an individual may feed in different locations to hedge its bets against settling in a lower quality patch.
Or the states may be alternatives for different individuals from the same genetically identical clonal lineage. For example, some cells may stay and exploit a good patch, whereas other cells may disperse.
The clone’s overall success is the aggregate performance of its different bets on local versus distant gains. If the local patch disappears suddenly, the clone persists through its dispersers.
Bet-hedging may increase the success of a lineage by trading off the potential gains of exploration against the losses of reduced exploitation.
Exploration may occur spatially through motility and dispersal or temporally through persistence, dormancy, and sporulation.
In the classic diauxic shift, cells first feed on a preferred carbon source until it is depleted. A lag period follows during which cells shift gene expression to prepare the catabolic system for feeding on a second, less preferred carbon source (p. 214).
Control adjusts traits to internal and external conditions. Linking metabolic control to demography and life history poses a challenge for future work. Here, I briefly repeat a few key tradeoffs developed in Chapter 7.
This chapter emphasized broad conceptual issues and common tradeoffs. That general scope provides a sense of the potential challenges of design faced by organisms.
In practice, tradeoffs can be very specific. Consider the title: “Evolutionary trade-off between vocal tract and testes dimensions in howler monkeys.”91
For microbial metabolism, nearly every biochemical and physiological detail could be associated with some tradeoff. In spite of that specificity, it is important to retain a broad sense of the main forces and tradeoffs that shape all of life.
Combining a wide conceptual approach with the specific understanding of natural history in each particular application emphasizes the many biological challenges and the many different tradeoffs faced by organisms.
The shifting dominance by different tradeoffs as conditions change raises a common difficulty in the study of design. As an example, I mentioned previously the complexity of analyzing tradeoffs between rate, yield, and antitoxin defense.
In a lab study that excludes interspecies toxin warfare, one may observe both rate and yield increasing. That joint increase may arise because rate trades off against antitoxin defense, and yield also trades off against defense. In the absence of attack, investment in defense declines, and both rate and yield increase.
One cannot test whether a tradeoff between two traits is important simply by measuring how the two traits change. Instead, one must develop comparative hypotheses about partial causation. For example, how does preventing attack alter the rate versus yield tradeoff in shaping design?
Comparative hypotheses do not solve all problems. But if observations tend to support a comparative prediction under a variety of conditions, then one may be on the right track. Further progress follows by adding additional partial causes to improve the success rate for predictions.
Finally, there remains a gap between the biochemical detail of prior chapters and the emphasis on fitness components in this chapter. Bridging that gap remains a central challenge in the study of design. The following chapters make a start.