1:42:08–A Man and His Car (film), 49
6.18.67 (film), 54
501st Legion, 28–35, 255, 257, 396, 401, 409
633 Squadron (film), 16
2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 93, 96, 97, 99
Abrams, David, 277
Abrams, J. J., 354n, 356, 392, 394, 400, 405
The Abyss (film), 298
Acomba, David, 224
Across the Zodiac (Greg), 3
The Adventures of Captain Marvel (movie serial), 24, 47
Ainsworth, Andrew, 36–39
Alderaan, 117, 120, 121, 127, 140, 142
Aldiss, Brian, 9n
Allen, Woody, 77
Allnutt, Frank, 60
Alphaville: A Strange Adventure of Lemmy Caution (film), 52
Amazing Stories (magazine), 6–7
American Graffiti (film), 1n, 13, 84, 85, 87–91, 103, 108, 109, 214n
Amidala, Queen Padmé, 303–305, 333, 335, 340, 341, 344, 361, 381
Amis, Martin, 212–213
Anderson, Bob, 268
Anselmi, Guido, 334
Antilles, Captain, 177
Anyone Lived in a Pretty [How] Town (film), 53
Apocalypse Now (film), 79, 80, 81, 88, 89, 124–125, 210, 242
Apogee Productions, Inc., 221
The Approaching Storm (Foster), 295
Argo (film), 217
Arkyd, 401
“Armageddon 2419 AD” (Nowlan), 7
Arnold, Alan, 243
Arnold, Edwin Lester, 3
Arnold, Gary, 281
Aronica, Lou, 288–290
Artoo Detoo. See R2-D2
Asher-Perrin, Emily, 360
Astromechs, 350–351
Atkinson, Michael, 337
Attack of the Clones. See Episode II: Attack of the Clones
AWOL Sports Car Competition Club, 44
Baez, Joan, 99
Baker, Kenny, 150
Bald (film), 20
Bantha Tracks (newsletter), 283, 326
Barbot, 353
Barks, Carl, 22
Barryte, Michael, 362–364
Bart, Peter, 14
Barwood, Hal, 76, 94, 96, 100, 111, 114, 119, 177, 239, 259, 383, 399
Bass, Saul, 55
Bateman, Paul, 143
Batman comics, 20
Battle Beyond the Stars (film), 216
Battle for Endor (film), 276
Battlestar Galactica TV show, 220–222, 374
Bechtle, Nancy, 403–404
Besson, Luc, 98n
Bester, Alfred, 99
Beth (Chris Giunta’s girlfriend), 323, 326, 327
Bies, Don, 352
Binks, Jar Jar, 303–304, 306, 366, 374, 379
Biskind, Peter, 99
Black Falcon Ltd., 202, 210, 241
The Black Hole (film), 213, 214
Blacker, Irwin, 46
Blade Runner (film), 215–216, 315
Blessed, Brian, 219
Bogan force, 115, 116, 117, 122, 144, 236, 364
Bond, James, 218
Borgnine, Ernest, 213
Bowman, Frank, 96
Brackett, Leigh, 6, 230–231, 234–235, 238, 240, 263, 288
Brandywine Productions, 214–215
Briggs, Austin, 11
Brooks, Mel, 135
Brooks, Terry, 368
Brown, Jeffrey, 138
Bulloch, Jeremy, 253–255
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 4–6, 110
Burtt, Ben, 144–145, 173, 175, 322, 406, 411
Bush, George W., 342
C-3PO (Threepio), 115–118, 121–122, 173, 175, 176, 178, 235, 304, 340, 348
Calrissian, Lando, 235, 236, 242, 246, 288
Cameron, James, 173, 216, 298, 306, 317n
Campbell, Jean, 278
Campbell, Joseph, 18, 63, 126, 237, 277–279
Canby, Vincent, 250
Cannes Film Festival, 85
Captain EO (film), 279
Carauddo, Matthew, 65–67
Caravan of Courage: The Ewok Adventure (film), 276
Carr, Pat, 152
Carrasco, Michael, 255–257
Carroll, Diahann, 225
Carter, Captain John, 4
Castaneda, Carlos, 123
Cellini, Mel, 18, 19–20, 26, 42
Centives (blog), 130, 132, 141
Cetin, Ates, 395–397
CGI. See computer-generated imagery
Chad Vader, Day Shift Manager (film), 137
Chaplin magazine, interview with Lucas, 111
Chapter II Company, 210
Chau, Micheline, 371
Chee, Leland, 339, 389, 393, 409
Chew, Richard, 174
Chewbacca, 113, 116–119, 124, 174, 181, 202, 222–224, 235, 262, 294, 340
A Child’s Guide to the Cosmos (film), 94
Christensen, Hayden, 336, 344, 345, 367
The Cinema of George Lucas (Hearn), 299
Clarke, Arthur C., 96
Clean Cut Cinema Club, 47
Clerks (film), 133–134
Clone Troopers, 31, 334, 340, 412
Clone Wars, 122, 124, 231, 280, 288, 291–292, 302, 338, 340, 376
The Clone Wars (film), 377–378
The Clone Wars TV show, 373–380, 408
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (film), 100, 154, 213
Coleman, Rob, 354
Comic books, Star Wars, 160, 279, 280–281, 288, 292, 317
Computer-generated imagery (CGI), 136, 297–298, 309, 311, 312n, 314, 317, 320, 328, 338, 375, 378, 409
The Conversation (film), 81
Coppola, Eleanor, 85
Coppola, Francis Ford, 18, 20, 51, 55–57, 73, 76–85, 109, 111, 119, 124, 191, 210, 242, 273, 277, 279, 326, 343
Coppola, Gian-Carlo, 125
Coppola, Roman, 125
Coppola, Sofia, 85
Corliss, Richard, 375
Coronet Theater, 162, 164, 323–326, 370
Course of the Force relay race, 70–71
The Courtship of Princess Leia (Wolverton), 293
Crabbe, Larry “Buster,” 10, 11, 24
“Crash Course in the Force,” 410–413
Crews, Tom, 27–29
Crichton, Michael, 298
Crittenden, Diane, 145
Crockett, Davy, 196–197
Crowder, Khari “Krazy K,” 324
Cukor, George, 199
Cummings, E. E., 53
Curtis, Bryan, 381
Daffy Duck, 74
Dali, Salvador, 98
The Dam Busters (film), 16
Daniels, Anthony, 96, 120, 150, 152, 173, 179, 252, 330, 386
Darabont, Frank, 319
Dark Empire comics, 292
Darklighter, Biggs, 179–180
Darth Plagueis (Luceno), 368
Darth Vader and Son (Brown), 138
DaSilva, Ed, 34
Davies, Russell, 374
Davis, Warwick, 285
De Bartolo, Dick, 135
Death Star, 29, 58, 117, 118, 120, 127, 140–142, 150, 155, 174, 261–262, 266, 270–271, 371, 396, 407
Death Star White House petition, 130–133
Deering, Wilma, 7
Del Rey, Judy-Lynn, 159
The Demolished Man (Bester), 99
Den of Geek website, 358
Dewbacks, 312
Dia Noga, 310
Disney (The Walt Disney Company), 18, 107, 166n, 202–203, 213, 217–218, 279, 371, 384–385, 389–394, 406, 407, 410
Dolan, Anthony, 282
Dolby stereo sound, 189–190
Douglas, Kirk, 212–213
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 5
Drucker, Mort, 135
Duel of the Fates, 329
Duncan, Jody, 332
Duncan, Tracy, 293
Dune Messiah (Herbert), 95
Dunham, Duwayne, 270
Duvall, Robert, 78
Dykstra, John, 122, 147–148, 154–155, 172, 209, 221
Dykstraflex, 148, 154, 172–173, 213, 221
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls (Biskind), 99
Ebert, Roger, 136, 214, 331, 378
EC Comics, 21
Edison, Thomas, 2n
Edlund, Richard, 173
Ellenshaw, Harrison, 218
Ellison, Harlan, 221
Emanuel, Rahm, 404
The Emperor (film), 53
Empire of Dreams (film), 362n
The Empire Strikes Back. See Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
The Empire Strikes Out (film), 135
Engler, Hib, 66
Enron, 339–340
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
3-D version of, 382
cast-and-crew screening of, 326–327
draft of, 303–305
fan reaction to, 327
financial success of, 331
first screening of, 321–322
London, filming in, 319–320
Lucas’s opinion of, 331–332
release of, 328–329
reviews of, 331
secrecy surrounding, 319–321
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
3-D version of, 382
release of, 337
reviews of, 337–338
secrecy surrounding, 336
writing of, 332–336
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 501st Legion in, 31
success of, 372
writing of, 340–344
Episode IV: A New Hope. See Star Wars
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
draft of, 236
financing of, 241–242
New York Times review of, 250
plot twist in, 228–230, 236–238, 248–249
post-release scenes, addition of, 251
release of, 251
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
conferences about, 265–267
London, filming in, 268
novelization of, 272
rerelease of, 316–317
success of, 272
title change, 271
writing of, 262–264
Episode VII
Abrams as director of, 394
Chewbacca in, 294n
fan reaction to, 406
Lucas’s comments on, 345, 381–382
R2-D2 in, 354n
release date of, 406–408
secrecy about, 405–406
special effects in, 409
Escape from Tatooine (film), 137
The Essential Reader’s Guide to the “Star Wars’” Universe (Hidalgo), 390, 411
Evans, Todd, 176, 324, 326, 327
Everett, Dave, 350
Expanded Universe, 286, 309, 317
Family Guy TV show, 139
Fanboys (film), 355–356
Fancher, Hampton, 215
Fans, Star Wars
camping out for tickets, 323–326, 372
demand for Episodes I, II, and III, 299–300
“despecialized editions” by, 316
fan films, 136
fan-made ephemera, 203–204
fanzines, 186
Lars homestead, restoration of in Tunisia, 397
official Star Wars fan club, 186, 272, 283, 330
Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards, 136
prequels, reaction to, 327, 355–357
reediting by, 359–360
501st Legion, 28–35, 255, 257, 396, 401, 409
Star Wars Celebrations, 35, 330, 345, 350, 352, 397, 409
Wookiepedia, 339
FAO Schwartz, 329
Fardardo, Gerard, 351
Feige, Kevin, 385
Ferdowski, Bobak (Mohawk Guy), 400
Fett, Boba, 225, 226, 253–255, 311, 341
Fett, Jango, 334
Fierlinger, Philip, 175–176
The Fifth Element (film), 98
The Film Director as Superstar (Gelmis), 104
The Films of Akira Kurosawa (Ritchie), 104
Filoni, Dave, 376, 379–380, 408, 409
The First Men in the Moon (Wells), 2
Fisher, Carrie, 140, 145–146, 153, 177, 188, 206, 225–226, 246–247, 252, 267, 287, 388
Flash Gordon (comic strip, movie serial), 8–11, 22–25, 46, 83, 86, 87, 110
Flash Gordon (film), 219
Flesh Gordon (film), 84n
Forbidden Planet (film), 26, 95, 99
The Force, 57–60, 69–71, 112, 115, 116, 132, 142, 164, 187, 189, 237, 264, 267, 290, 339, 341, 369, 375, 407
The Force of Star Wars (Allnutt), 60
Ford, Harrison, 90, 146, 215, 245–246, 252, 262, 268, 311, 388
Ford, John, 50
Fordham, Crickette, 33
Fordham, Mark, 32–33
Foster, Alan Dean, 159, 181, 209, 218, 263, 267, 286–287, 295
Frankenstein, George, 18
Fraternal Order of Bounty Hunters, 323
Frazer, James George, 109
Frazetta, Frank, 5
Freeborn, Stuart, 153, 240, 398
Frees, Paul, 134
Freiheit (film), 49
Friedkin, William, 211–212
From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 2
Frost, Nick, 356
Gaines, William, 21
Ganis, Sid, 250
Garcia, Jerry, 77
Garrett, Maureen, 186
Geller, Barry, 217
Gelmis, Joseph, 104
George Lucas in Love (film), 136
Giler, David, 215
Gilmore, Henry, 376
Gingrich, Newt, 300
Girls, appeal of Star Wars to, 203n, 377, 380, 397
Glenville, Peter, 179
Gleiberman, Owen, 378
Glut, Don, 24, 46–47, 159, 179, 238, 279
Godard, Jean-Luc, 47, 49, 52, 158
The Godfather (film), 82
Gods of Mars (Burroughs), 5
The Golden Bough (Frazer), 109, 114
Golden Gate Knights, 64–67, 69–70
Golding, Paul, 49
Goldman, Carrie, 203n
Goodwin, Sean, 130–132
Gordon, Flash. See Flash Gordon
Grace, Topher, 360
Graffiti Productions, 84n
Grant, Allen, 41
The Great Movie Serials (Glut), 24
Greber, Bob, 275
Green, Seth, 139–141
Guinness, Alec, 147, 150–153, 197, 232, 321
Guinness, Merula, 150
Gunray, Nute, 303
Gupta, Anjan, 130–132
Gurland, Robin, 318
Hadfield, Chris, 400
Hailey, Oliver, 73
Hales, Jonathan, 320, 332, 336
Hamill, Mark, 124, 129, 146, 155, 161, 186, 209, 225, 228, 232n, 233, 248, 252, 263, 287, 321, 367, 373, 388, 401
Hamilton, Edmond, 6
Hardware Wars (film), 134–136
Harrison, Harry, 110
Hasbro, Inc., 202, 205–206, 329
Hasselhoff, David, 212
Hauer, Rutger, 216
Hefner, Hugh, 182
Hefter, Laurence, 283
Heinlein, Robert, 95
Heir to the Empire (Zahn), 289–290, 292
Hemion, Dwight, 222
Herbie (film), 49
The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 126, 237, 277, 278
Hey, Jerry, 317
Hidden Fortress (film), 82, 104, 105
Hilton, Rod, 358
The Hobbit (Tolkien), 123
Hobson, Mellody (Lucas’s second wife), 386, 402
Hodges, Mike, 219
Home Free (film), 94, 95, 99, 100
Horn, Alan, 390, 406, 407, 411
Hornbeck, William, 103
Horton, Cole, 16
Howard the Duck (film), 284, 297
Hubbard, L. Ron, 57
Hudson, Bob, 53–54
Huyck, Willard, 84, 111, 113, 126, 153, 187, 191, 284
Hyper Space fanzine, 186
I Vitelloni (film), 84
Iger, Bob, 299, 384–387, 389–391, 393, 407, 411
Imperial Star Destroyers, 115, 122, 172
Indiana Jones movies, 192, 234, 244, 258, 260, 276, 285, 381
Indiana (Lucas’s dog), 77, 124, 294
Industrial Light and Magic (ILM), 122, 147–149, 154–155, 162, 172–173, 221, 239, 247, 260, 270, 297–298, 322, 337, 338, 354, 393
Item 72-D: The Adventures of Spa and Fon (film), 98
Ives, Burl, 276
Izzard, Eddie, 137
Jabba the Hutt, 117, 306, 310–312
Jackson, Michael, 279
Jackson, Samuel L., 318, 341, 348
JAK Enterprises, 373
James, Chris, 349–353
James, Tammy, 350
Japan, Star Wars fans in, 397–398
Jedi, 237, 263, 290, 292–294, 302, 304, 306, 318, 334, 339, 340, 344, 368, 380
Jedi Code, 69–70
Jediism, as religion, 61–64
Jerrjerrod, Grand Moff, 267
Jobs, Laurene Powell, 394, 404
Jobs, Steve, 384–385
Jodorowsky, Alejandro “Jodo,” 97–98, 214, 265
Johnson, Albin, 27–32, 60, 130, 257, 353
Johnson, Brian, 209
Johnson, Katie, 353
Johnson, Patrick Read, 86
Johnston, Joe, 149, 236, 240, 261, 311
Jones, Chuck, 74
Jones, Daniel, 63
Jones, James Earl, 175, 177, 248
Jones, Sam, 219
Journey to Mars (Pope), 3
Jurassic Park (Crichton), 298
Kaminski, Michael, 228, 238, 263
Kane, Tom, 379
Kaplan, Mike, 158
Kasdan, Lawrence, 58, 71, 234, 240, 265, 294, 320, 388, 405
Katz, Gloria, 84, 111, 113, 126, 153, 187, 191
Katz, Stephen, 156
Kazanjian, Howard, 24, 25, 46, 55, 233, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267
Keitel, Harvey, 212
Kelly, Grace (Princess Grace), 126–127, 209
Kennedy, Kathleen, 260, 354n, 387–389, 391–392, 406–409
Kennedy, Ted, 282
Kenner Products, 200–201, 208, 225, 241, 250, 254, 271, 280
Kenobi, Obi-Wan, 58, 60, 121, 123, 129, 140, 150, 181, 208, 248, 253, 263, 267, 302–305, 334, 379
Kershner, Irvin, 234, 239, 241–243, 245–246, 264
Kim, Dong-Won, 398
Kinnard, Roy, 8
Kleiser, Randall, 47, 48, 49, 233
Klosterman, Chuck, 251
Knight, Arthur, 46
Knightly, Keira, 343
Kosower, Herb, 47
Kriegspiel, 94
Krugman, Paul, 131
Kurosawa, Akira, 50, 77, 104, 106
Kurtz, Gary, 24, 60n, 80, 86, 87, 89, 90, 92, 98, 104, 115, 118, 119, 126, 144, 153, 154, 156, 169, 177, 183, 189, 190n, 209, 223, 225, 229, 233–234, 239, 241–243, 261, 299, 312
Labyrinth (film), 284
Labyrinth of Evil (Luceno), 368
Ladd, Alan “Laddie” Jr., 107, 108, 113, 125, 127, 135, 153, 154, 178, 184, 188–190, 192, 215
Lamb, Irene, 145
Lang, Fritz, 46
Lars homestead, restoration of in Tunisia, 397
Lawson, Denis, 318
Lee, Liz, 357
Lego, 329
Leia, Princess, 98n, 105n, 113, 121, 140, 174, 178, 179, 186, 206, 224–225, 232, 235–236, 245–247, 262–264, 267, 286–287, 293, 341, 366
Lennon, John, 60
Leone, Sergio, 172
LeParmentier, Richard, 406
Lessig, Lawrence, 360
Levine, Al, 184
Lewicki, Chris, 401
Lewis, Chris, 46
Lieutenant Gullivar Jones: His Vacation (Arnold), 3
Lightsabers, 64–72, 112n, 132, 183, 202, 228, 235, 236, 248, 287, 318, 326–327, 333, 338, 356, 371, 375, 379, 401, 411, 414
Lindelof, Damon, 360
Lippincott, Charley, 24, 49, 53, 54, 126, 128, 135, 143, 158–162, 179n, 183, 185, 186, 200–201, 215, 219
Lisberger, Steve, 217
Lloyd, Jake, 318, 321, 365–366
Look At Life (film), 48
Lord of Light (Zelazny), 217
The Lost World (Doyle), 5
Lowe, Rob, 155
Lowell, Percival, 3
Lucas, Amanda Em (daughter), 258, 274
Lucas, Dorothy (mother), 17, 18, 42
Lucas, Everest (daughter), 402
Lucas, George Walton Jr., early years of
American Zoetrope, incorporation of, 79
automobile accident, 42–43
cars, interest in, 40–42
childhood, 15–20
diabetes and, 50–51
fantasy/fantasia, preference for, 1n
films and filmmaking, early interest in, 43–45
Flash Gordon, attempt to acquire film rights to, 83
as grand marshal of Tournament of Roses Parade, 31
influences on, 6–11, 16–18, 20–22, 24–26, 110
interview of, 52–53
Lucasfilm, Ltd, incorporation of, 88
marriage to Marcia Griffin, 76
as millionaire at thirty, 109
at Modesto classic car parade, 13–14
at Modesto Junior College, 43
personality of, 84
philosophy of, 57–58, 60–61, 71
on pleasure and joy, 71–72
student films of, 48–49, 52–53
US Information Agency, work at, 51
Warner Brothers and, 54–56, 73, 77, 82
writing, struggle with, 73–74
Lucas, George Walton Jr., Star Wars era
3-D versions of Star Wars, interest in, 375, 382
actors, difficulty with, 373
Artoo as favorite Star Wars character, 354
as Baron Papanoida, 343
biography, reaction to, 272–273
on “bringing balance to the Force,” 369n
on changing Star Wars movie-viewing order, 359
computer animation, preference for, 373
computer-generated imagery (CGI), fascination with, 309
Darth Vader, empathy with, 362n, 383
digital cameras, use of, 337
digital manipulation of films, 344–345
divorce from Marcia, 269, 274, 277
Episode I: The Phantom Menace, as vindication, 331–332
on Episodes VII–IX, 382
fame, attitude toward, 259
fan stories, standards for, 186
with fans at Coronet Theater for Episode I, 325, 326
future, plans for, 194–195, 372, 375–376, 394
on fan generation gap, 357
interviews with, 14, 46, 61, 84, 111, 223, 301, 391–392, 399
Leia and Luke as siblings, decision about, 262
as mentor, 392
outer space missions, interest in, 399
in PBS documentary, 84
prequels, motivation for production of, 300
retirement from Star Wars, announcement of, 381–382
sale of Lucasfilm to Disney, 389–394
Star Wars, despair over, 152, 154–157
Star Wars contract with Twentieth Century Fox, 118–119
at Star Wars convention, 283–284
Star Wars Holiday Special, opinion of, 223
testimony before Congress, 314–315
See also names of specific films; Twentieth Century Fox
Lucas, George Walton Sr. (father), 16, 17–18, 20, 41, 42, 45, 109
Lucas, Jett (son), 31n, 140, 309, 388
Lucas, Katie (daughter), 343
Lucas, Marcia Griffin (first wife), 26, 51, 76, 77, 80, 82, 85, 91, 109, 150, 157, 174, 258, 269, 274–275, 311
Lucas, Wendy (sister), 13, 17, 18, 20, 42
Lucas Books, 338–339
Lucas Cultural Arts Museum, 402–405
LucasArts, 285, 348, 370, 383–384, 408
Lucasfilm Animation, 140
Lucasfilm Ltd.
American Graffiti, earnings from, 109
copyright violations, 359
fanzines and, 186
incorporation of, 88
licensing by, 70, 202–203, 210, 233
problems in, 383–384
relationship with 501st Legion, 30, 34–35
sale of to Disney, 389–394
San Francisco headquarters of, 370–371
Lucasfilm Story Group, 409–410
Lynch, David, 264
MacGregor, Ewan, 66
Machete Order, 358
Maclean’s magazine, interview with Ghyslain Raza, 67
Magazines, pulp, 4–6
The Making of “Return of the Jedi” (Rinzler), 229, 261
Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand comic book, 317
Marginal Revolution blog, 131, 133
Marquand, Richard, 265, 267–269, 317
Mars, popular fascination with, 3–4, 11
Marshall, Frank, 388
Marvel Comics, 160, 280–281, 288, 385
Masters of the Universe media franchise, 279
Mattel, 279
Maul, Darth, 304–305, 317–318, 321, 350, 380
Mayer, Kevin, 390
Mayhew, Peter, 252, 255, 294n, 340, 401
Maysles, Albert, 79
McCaig, Ian, 317–318
McCallum, Rick, 299, 314, 319, 320, 326, 327, 332, 336, 354, 361, 373–374
McCarthy, Brian, 389
McClintock, Barbara, 277
McDiarmid, Ian, 281, 316, 318, 344
McDowell, Roddy, 213
McFarlane, Seth, 139–140
McGaw, Hugh, 62
McGregor, Ewan, 318, 319, 334, 367
McKinney, Grant, 352
McOmie, Maggie, 78
McQuarrie, Ralph, 100–101, 119–120, 124, 143, 162, 172, 209, 221, 223, 230, 261, 409
Melies, Georges, 2n
Merchandise, Star Wars, 190–191, 199–203, 206, 241, 271, 280, 329–330
Metropolis (film), 46
Meyer, Gary, 162
Midi-chlorians, 58–59, 341, 364
Milennium Falcon, 148
Milius, John, 49–50, 79, 125, 211, 259
Miller, Craig, 186
Mitchell, Elvis, 331
Mitchell, Stephen, 59
Modesto Bee, interview of Lucas by, 14
Modesto Junior College, 43
Moebius (Jean Henri Gaston Giraud), 98
Moore, Liz, 38
Moore, Ronald D., 374
Morgenstern, Joe, 306
Morrison, Temuera, 380
Morrow, Vic, 213
Mos Eisley, 116, 140, 159, 310, 312
Motti, Admiral, 407
Mulholland, Declan, 310
Murch, Walter, 49–50, 51, 54, 74, 76, 80, 91, 94, 299
Murdoch, Rupert, 309
Napper, AJ, 325
NASA, 400–402
Neil, Chris, 343
Neimodians, 306
Nelson, Gary, 213
Neuman, Alfred E., 22
Neumann, Anne, 198
The New Gods comics, 110
A New Hope. See Episode IV: A New Hope
Newman, Alfred, 165
Newsweek, profile of Lucas, 84
Nichols, Mike J., 359
Nimoy, Leonard, 218
Novelizations, 47n, 159–162, 186, 209, 238, 272, 288–290, 293–295, 368
Nowlan, Philip, 7
Nussbaum, Joe, 136
Obama, Barack, 132, 141, 349, 400
O’Bannon, Dan, 97, 98, 214–215
O’Brien, Conan, 129n
Offee, Bariss, 380
Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards, 136
Ohnaka, Hondo, 379
Once Upon a Galaxy (Arnold), 243
Oswalt, Patton, 406
Padmé. See Amidala, Queen Padmé
Palpatine, 318, 333, 341, 343, 344
Papanoida, Baron, 343
Parazynski, Scott, 401
Pelosi, Nancy, 404
Penn, Arthur, 308–309
Peppard, George, 216
Pepsi, 329–330
Percy, Greg, 3
Perri, Dan, 167
The Phantom Edit (film), 359
The Phantom Menace. See Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Pickens, Slim, 213
Pitching Lucas (film), 137
Pitfield, Bernadette, 36–37
Planet of the Apes (film), 96–97
Pleasance, Donald, 78
Plummer, Christopher, 212
Plummer, John, 18, 20, 42, 43, 45
Pollock, Dale, 17, 18, 58, 60, 268–270, 272–274, 345
Pope, Gustavus, 3
Portman, Natalie, 318, 321, 343
The Power of Myth TV series, 279
Prequel grief, stages of, 357–369
A Princess of Mars (Burroughs), 4, 110
Prinze, Freddie Jr., 408
Prowse, Dave, 175–177, 227–229, 251, 252, 268
Pugh, Casey, 138
R2 Builders Club, 349, 350–351
R5-D4, 353
R2-D2 (Artoo Detoo), 91, 115, 120, 173, 175, 178, 179, 340, 349–354
Raboy, Mac, 11
Radioland Murders (film), 107n
The Rain People (film), 55, 73
Ramos, Vic, 145
Rancho Obi-Wan, 197–199
Raza, Ghyslain, 67–69
Reagan, Ronald, 281–282
Red Letter Media, 360
Reed, Jamie, 63
Remix (Lessig), 360
Replica Prop Forum, 351
Return of the Jedi. See Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith. See Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Rice, Suzy, 167–168
Richie, Donald, 104
Riefenstahl, Leni, 108n
Robbins, Matthew, 52, 76, 94, 100, 111, 177, 259, 308
Robot Chicken TV show, 139–140, 223
Roddenberry, Gene, 86, 87, 156, 184, 284
Roddenberry, Gene Jr., 86
Rodrigues, Amy, 275
Rodrigues, Thomas, 269–270, 275
Roffman, Howard, 37, 135, 284, 288–289, 294, 377, 391
Rogen, Seth, 406
Ronstadt, Linda, 277
Rontos, 312
RS Prop Masters, 39n
Rubio, Kevin, 136
Saber Project, 65
Sagan, Carl, 400
Sagan, Nick, 400
Salt Lake Comic-Con, 229
Salvatore, R. A., 294
San Diego Comic-Con, 71, 136, 161, 205, 206
San Francisco Chronicle, profile of Lucas in, 84
Sandberg, Sheryl, 404
Sanjuro (film), 106
Sansweet, Steve, 31, 197–199, 202–204, 330, 396
Scanlon, Paul, 193–194
Schafer, Jerry, 217
Schell, Maximilian, 213
Schiaparelli, Giovanni, 3
Schifman, Ed, 201
Schweikart, Rusty, 277
Science fiction
on TV, 23, 86–87, 97, 148, 220–222, 276, 378–380
Scorcese, Martin, 51, 93, 98, 99, 109
Scrooge comic book, 22
Seigel, Shanti, 323–324
Seiniger Advertising, 167
Semple, Lorenzo, 219
Senreich, Matthew, 140
Shapiro, Shelly, 293–294
Shawcross, Paul, 132
Shepperton Design Studios, 36–37
Shusett, Ronald, 214
Sidious, Darth, 303
Silent Running (film), 99, 100
Skager, Mona, 74
“Skylark of Space” (Smith), 6
Skywalker, Anakin, 61, 206, 228, 237–238, 267, 301–302, 304–305, 335, 341, 343, 344, 367–369
Skywalker, Luke, 31, 58, 105, 112–113, 151, 155, 160, 161, 179–180, 224, 228–232, 235–237, 243, 248, 262–264, 266–268, 270, 280, 286–287, 291–293, 367
Skywalker Ranch, 22, 238–239, 260, 272, 275, 299, 374, 402
Skywalker Sound, 393
Skywalker Vineyards, 15
Skywalking (Pollock), 272
Slavicsek, Bill, 285
Sloan, Mel, 45
Smith, Bud, 211
Smith, Charlie Martin, 91
Smith, Kevin, 133
Snootles, Sy, 317
Society for Creative Anachronism, 30n
Solo, Han, 58, 116, 117, 118, 124, 181, 186, 187, 223, 235, 246, 262, 288, 293–294, 310, 312–313, 361
South Korea, Star Wars fans in, 398
Soylent Green (film), 110
Space: 1999 TV show, 148
Space fantasy and space fiction, defined, 1–2
Space opera, early use of term, 9n
Space Opera (Aldiss), 9n
Space Soldiers TV show, 25
Spaceballs (film), 136
Spaced TV show, 356
Spiegelman, Art, 191
Spielberg, Steven, 53, 93, 100, 137, 154, 170, 191–192, 213, 234, 244, 258, 260, 264, 298, 315, 344, 388
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (Foster), 287
Stamp, Terence, 321
Stanfill, Dennis, 156
Star Dancing. See Home Free
Star Tours Disney ride, 279, 386, 397–398
Star Trek: The Motion Picture, 218, 260, 356, 400
Star Trek TV show, 86–87, 184–186, 400
Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (Foster), 161, 209
Star Wars 1313 game, 373, 383, 408
Star Wars Celebrations, 35, 330, 345, 350, 352, 354, 397, 409
Star Wars Corporation, 109, 156, 192, 387
Star Wars Detours (film), 140–141
Star Wars Encyclopedia (Sansweet et al.), 197
Star Wars Episodes IV, V, and VI (DVD), 344
Star Wars Holiday Special TV show, 222–226, 325
“Star Wars” Insider magazine, 330, 336, 380, 391
“Star Wars Kid” video, 68
Star Wars (later Episode IV: A New Hope)
action figures, 200–201, 205–206, 241, 280
birth of, 85
Buddhism and, 61
casting, 145–147
changes in through the years, 315–316
Christianity and, 60–61
as collaborative effort, 142–143
concept paintings, 119–120
“despecialized editions” of, 316
drafts of, 111–119, 121–126, 142, 150–151
drug culture and, 184
fanfare, Twentieth Century Fox, 165–166
fast pace of, 178
fiction fanzines, 186
girls, appeal to, 203n, 377, 380, 397
as global phenomenon, 397–398
humor in, 128–129
imitators of, 211–219
London, filming in, 144, 152–153
merchandise, 190–191, 199–203, 241
novelization of, 159–162, 181, 209, 288–290, 293–295
on-screen logo, 167
opening credits, absence of, 171
props and sets for, 149–150
release of, 182–183
repeat viewers of, 183
review of San Francisco opening, 164
sound mixing, 155–156
Special Edition of, 309–314, 317
special effects production difficulties, 147–149, 155
synopsis of, 121
theme music, 168–169
Tunisia, filming in, 150
TV show concept, 221
underground cabal of Charles Lippincott, 158–162, 183
See also fans, StarsWars; Twentieth Century Fox
Star Wars missile defense system (Strategic Defense Initiative), 281–282
Star Wars Rebels TV show, 408, 409
Star Wars role-playing games, 285, 383–384
Star Wars TV shows, 372–375, 378–380
Star Wars Uncut (film), 138
Star Wars Underworld TV show, 373
Starburst magazine, 249
Starkiller, Annikin, 111–115
Starkiller, Deak, 111–112, 115–117, 120, 121
Starkiller, Kane, 111–113, 122
Starkiller, Luke, 116–118, 121, 122, 151
Starlog magazine, 46, 185, 210, 223, 229n, 258, 283, 399
The Stars My Destination (Bester), 99
Steeples, Oliver, 354n
Stelling, Suzy, 34
Stewart, Jon, 129, 357, 382, 399
Stewjon, 129
Stoklasa, Mike, 360–362
Stone, Oliver, 308
Stormtroopers, 28–32, 34, 115, 120, 129–130
Stover, Matthew Woodring, 368
Stradley, Randy, 294
Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 95
Sugarland Express (film), 100
Sullivan, Jack, 138
Summer, Edward, 22–24, 95, 98, 99, 157, 193, 241
Superman (film), 213
Supersnipe Art Gallery, 157
Supersnipe Comic Euphorium, 22, 98, 157
Survivor’s Quest (Zahn), 31
Tales of Power (Castaneda), 123
Tales of the Jedi comic, 318
Tartakovsky, Genndy, 375
“Tatooine” (Kepler 16(AB)-b), 402
Taylor, Chris, as Boba Fett, 255–257
Taylor, James Arnold, 197, 208, 378
Teller, Edward, 282
Templeton, Mary Ann, 13
Terminator 2 (film), 298
Thomas, Roy, 160
Thrawn, Grand Admiral, 291, 292
The Three Musketeers (film), 108
Threepio. See C-3PO
THX, theater sound company, 338
THX 1138 (film), 1, 20, 52, 57, 73–82, 85, 104, 214n, 344
TIE fighters, 118
Time magazine, interview with Lucas, 52–53, 61
Titleman, Carol, 238
TK-421, 29n
Tolkien, J. R. R., 123
Tommy Tomorrow of the Planeteers, 21
Tora! Tora! Tora! (film), 16
Toshiro Mifune, 146
Towersey, Lee, 354n
Toys “R” Us, 329
Trade Federation, 300–301, 303, 306
Travers, Peter, 331
A Trip to Mars (film), 2n
A Trip to the Moon (film), 2n
Triumph of the Will (film), 108n
Tron (film), 217–218
Troops (film), 136
Trumball, Douglas, 93, 99, 122
Tucker, Larry, 95
Turkey, Star Wars movies in, 395–397
Turner, Ted, 315
Twentieth Century Fox, 97, 107, 113, 118–119, 154, 156–158, 159, 183–184, 189–190, 209–210, 221–222, 242, 259, 313–314
Tyranus, Darth, 334
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 400
Ultimate Guide to Star Wars Action Figures (Sansweet), 197
United Artists (UA), 85, 86, 89, 106, 107, 213
Universal Studios, 89, 99, 100, 103, 106, 107, 108, 214n, 221–222
Used universe, concept of, 149, 213, 351, 368, 378
Vader, Darth, 32–33, 58, 113, 115, 118, 120, 123, 137–138, 149–150, 175–178, 205–206, 209, 231–232, 235–238, 248–249, 267–268, 270, 287, 302, 340, 342–345, 350, 358, 407
Vader, Gary Rex, 17
The Vader Sessions (film), 137n
Vader’s Little Princess (Brown), 138
Vaughn, Robert, 216
Vector Prime (Salvatore), 294
Verne, Jules, 2
Vilanch, Bruce, 224
Wall-E (film), 378
Walter, Richard, 88
War of the Worlds (Wells), 3, 26
Ward, Jim, 383
Warner Brothers, 73, 77, 82, 213, 214n, 377
Warren, Bill, 229n
Wasserman, John, 164
Watto, 305–306
Wedge Antilles, 318
Weintraub, Fred, 165
Welch, Ken, 224
Welch, Mitzi, 224
Welles, Orson, 98
West End Games, 285
“What If Episode I Were Good?” video, 363–364
“What If Episode II Were Good?” video, 363
Why Man Creates (film), 55
Wiese, Michael, 134
Williams, Billy Dee, 243, 252–253
Williams, John, 168, 213, 317, 329, 377, 406
Williams, Robin, 325
Winfrey, Oprah, 43
Wolfman Jack, 90
Wookey, Bill, 80–81
Wookiees, 81, 91, 124, 133–134, 145, 222–225, 231
World War II, 15–16
Yoda, 58, 123, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240–241, 262, 263, 266, 267, 305, 333, 338, 360, 363, 369, 380, 408
Yojimbo (film), 106
Young, Maggie, 202
Young, Neil, 233
Young Indiana Jones TV series, 298–299
Young Sherlock Holmes (film), 297–298
YouTube, 137
Yves Saint Laurent, 329
Zaentz, Saul, 83
Zahn, Timothy, 31, 173, 289–292, 338, 364, 410
Zelazny, Roger, 217
Zemeckis, Robert, 98