Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
abacus, xxi, 4, 104
abolition of the han (domain) , 123
Africa, 6, 20
America, 6, 20, 97
Asano Naganori (Asano Takumi-no-kami , 1667–1701), 46, 46n
Ashikaga Takauji (1305–58)
Asia, xxvii–xxviii, 17, 20, 80, 110
assassination, 17, 47–48, 95, 98, 136
Bakin, Kyokutei (a.k.a. Takizawa Bakin; , 1767–1848), 126, 126n
Britain: Great Britain 92; British Parliament, xx
Buddhism, Buddha, xxiv, 17, 109–10, 115
capacity, of men, 5, 9, 12, 32, 60, 73, 136
care , 105
Charles I, 137
Charles II, 137
China, Chinese, the: xxiv, xxviii–xxix, 6, 64, 69, 71, 80–82, 104
Chinese Learning , xiv–xv, 31, 76
Chōya shinbun (Chōya Times), 135n, 138
Christianity, xxv, 115, 143–44
civilization: in India, 91; and enlightenment , 19, 62; definition of, xxiii, xxv, 57; in France, 130; Japanese, xxiv, 27, 30, 32, 38, 71; modern, 9, 28–29, 38–39, 72, 138–40; progress of, 30, 70, 109, 142; and scholars role, 41–42; spirit of, 39–40; in Turky, 92; Western, xiv, xviii, xxiii–xxv, 74, 109–113, 116, 138
Clarkson, Thomas (1760–1846), 110
company, 51–53, 97
credulous, credulity (wakudeki ), 110
deception, 29, 94
despotism, 33, 82, 84, 143–44
Diet, the, xxvii, 70, 76, 97
duty : as citizens 46, 51; of the government 43; of scholars 27, 89;
economics, the, xxi, xxix, 5, 41, 73, 89, 107, 11–13
education, 5, 31, 63, 68, 102, 117
England, 6, 22, 27, 97, 107, 110, 116, 142
envy , 93
equal rights, 32, 77, 144
equality, 16
Europe, xiii, xviii–xix, 20, 138
feudalism, 13–15, 47, 71–73; feudal censors (metsuke ), 125; feudal lords, 13–15, 83, 96
foreign relations (), 5–6, 19, 24, 111, 140, 143
foreigners 27, 38, 53, 75, 81, 140; expulsion of (Jōi ), xix, 6; intercourse with, 23–25, 71
Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90), 102, 102n
free trade, 92, 140
freedom: and independence: xxi, xxiv, 5, 12, 74, 85, 137, 199; of the nation xxii, 8, of press 97
Fudō Myō-ō , 109
Galileo (1564–1642), 109
Galvani (1737–98), 109
gentlemen: pseudo gentlemen , 33
government: Japanese, 6, 33; officials 3, 15, 28, 30–32, 48, 53, 68, 131; service xx, 8, 41, 104; tyrannical 17, 54–56, 82, 136. See also Tokugawa shogunate
Guizot, François (1787–1874), 144
Heaven , xx, 3–4, 12–13, 19, 47, 58; the principle of, xxi, 6–7, 55–56, 60, 62
Hōjō clan , 137, 139, 142
human rights, 13–16,
human sentiment, 56, 96, 139
Hyōgo , 141
Imagawa Yoshimoto (1519–60), 22–23
Imperial House , 139–41
independence: of Britain, 27; of Japan, 27–28, 34, 38, 42; national, xxiii, xxv, xxii, 6, 32, 41; personal, xxi, 20; spirit of, 22, 39, 42
Inoue Kakugorō (1860–1938), xxviii
international law, 6, 70
Itagaki Taisuke 退 (1837–1919), 87n
Japan, Japanese: foreign relations, 5–6. 19, 24, 111, 140, 143; independence, 27–28, 34, 38, 42
Jitsugo-kyō , 3, 3n
Jōdo sect (Pure Land Buddhism), 95
Keio-gijuku (Keio University), xiii, xx, xxv, 10, 38, 42, 48–49, 135
Kim Ok–kyun (1851–94), xxviii
Kira Yoshihisa (Kira Kōzukeno-suke , 1641–1702), 46, 46n, 47
Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters), 11, 11n
Korea, xxviii, 71
Kōshū , 129
lawsuits, 16, 44, 46
learning: practical learning , xxi, 74. See also Chinese Learning, Japanese Learnig, Western Learning
Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 110
martyrdom, 136–37
master, and guest , 51, 57–59
Meiji government, 40, 45n, 136
Mencius , 64–65
middle class, 32–33, 41, 112: women, xxix
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 110
Ministry of Education , 49
monarchy, 143–44
Mongol Court, the, 142
moral subservience (meibun ), 84–85
Nakatsu , xv–xvii, 9–10, 67, 71, 77
Napoleon III, 23
national seclusion , 5–6
newspaper, xiv, xxvii–xxviii, 32, 76, 111, 127, 142
Newton (1642–1727), 109
observation, 88
Oda Nobunaga (1534–82), 22, 22n
Okehazama , 22, 22n
Onna daigaku (Great Learning for Women), 62
opening of the ports, xvi–xix, 5, 111
Ōshū Highway , 131, 131n
pagans, 114
parliament, 87
patriotism, 9, 22–23, 47, 83, 104, 136, 142, 144
peasant, 4, 8, 13–16, 47, 61, 104
physics, xvii, 4, 11, 73
political enermy, 46–47
popularity , 125
private punishment , 44–47
Protestantism, 115
Prussia, xxvi, 23
publication, 32, 42
reasoning, 88
reciprocity, 16
reformer, 33
relief laws (England), 107
religion, 115, 143; Roman, 110, 115
retainer: forty-seven retainers of the Akō , 46, 84, 138; loyal retainer, , 57–58, 83, 136–38
samurai: ex-samurai , xxv, 8, 23, 123. See also retainer
scholars, 11, 42, 72, 76, 88–89; belonged to the middle class, 41; of Chinese Learning, 31, 62; of Confucian Learning, 4; and government, 31, 35, 49; of Japanese Learning, 4, 31, 62; of Western Learning, 31–32, 73–74, 88, 144
science, xv, xxiv, 4–5
Shinran , 115–16
slaves, 6, 110
Smith, Adam (1723–90), 41
society, 14, 16, 76–77, 93–96, 125, 127: classes of, 4, 8, 28; in Japan, xxix–xxx; and nation, 19; and people, 68–69, 98, 119; reforms in, 32; uncivilized, 57
Spain, 138
speech , 87, 123, 128–30
spirit: of civilization, 38–40; of independence, 22, 39, 42; of the times, 41–42
statistics, 97
Stephenson, George (1781–1848), 41
Sugita Genpaku (1733–1817), 71, 71n
Suruga 駿, 22, 22n, 23
Takeda clan, the , 137–38
terakoya (temple school), xxi, xxiv, 3n
Tōkaidō , 7, 7n, 88
Tokugawa shogunate , xx, xxiv, 7, 14–15, 24–25, 46
Tokyo prefecture, the, 49
townsfolk , 4, 14–16, 24, 33, 47, 83, 85
trend of the times, x, 41
Uesugi clan, the , 137–38
Watt, James (1736–1819), 41
Wayland, Francis (1796–1865), xxn, 59, 136
Western Learning, xvi, 31–32, 71–74, 88–89, 104, 144; Fukuzawas commitment to, xix, xxiv
women: Fukuzawa on, xiv, xxvii, xxix, 5, 62–63, 114–16; Mill on, 110
Yokohama , xviii, 24
Zen, 59, 89
Zhou dynasty , 62, 81