
Introduction: The Young and the Digital

1: Digital Migration

Young People’s Historic Move to the Online World

2: Social Media 101

What Schools Are Learning about Themselves and Young Technology Users

3: The Very Well Connected

Friending, Bonding, and Community in the Digital Age

4: Digital Gates

How Race and Class Distinctions Are Shaping the Digital World

5: We Play

The Allure of Social Games, Synthetic Worlds, and Second Lives

6: Hooked

Rethinking the Internet Addiction Debate

7: Now!

Fast Entertainment and Multitasking in an Always-On World

8: “May I have your attention?”

The Consequences of Anytime, Anywhere Technology

Conclusion: A Message from Barack

What the Young and the Digital Means for Our Political Future

The Making of This Book

Research, Methods, and Acknowledgments

