
List of Illustrations



Part 1: Origins

1. Eusebius’ Canon Tables as a Paratext for Ordering Textual Knowledge

Canon Tables as a Paratext

Defining Paratextuality

The Development of Paratexts in Greco-Roman Book Culture up to the Fourth Century ce

Canon Tables and Tabular Presentation

Tables as Information Visualization

Tabular Presentation in Babylon and Rome

Tabular Presentation in Ptolemy and Eusebius


2. The Origins of Scholarship on the Fourfold Gospel: From Alexandria to Caesarea

The Diatessaron-Gospel of Ammonius of Alexandria

Who was Ammonius?

Eusebius’ Description in the Letter to Carpianus

Alexandrian Scholarly Traditions and Ammonius’ Work

Eusebius’ Continuation of Ammonius’ Scholarly Project

Tabular Methods in Eusebius’ Broader Corpus

What did Eusebius Take from Ammonius?

Eusebius’ Modus Operandi

From Formlessness to Polymorphic Diversity

3. Reading the Gospels with the Eusebian Canon Tables

The Canonizing Effect of the Canon Tables

Hypertextual Reading within a Bounded Corpus

The Indeterminate Quality of Eusebius’ Parallels

Case Studies in Eusebius’ Parallels

Case Study 1: Divine and Human Origins

Case Study 2: Jesus’ Passover Journeys to Jerusalem

Case Study 3: The Cleansing(s) of the Temple

Case Study 4: Jesus’ Body as Bread

Case Study 5: Peter’s Confession

Case Study 6: The Petrine Commission


Part 2: Receptions

4. ‘The Diversity of Agreement among the Four Evangelists’: Augustine’s Usage of the Canon Tables

Augustine’s Access to Jerome’s Vulgate

Methodological Clarifications

Augustine’s Dependence upon the Canon Tables in De Consensu Evangelistarum

Memoria Rerum, Memoria Verborum, and the Truth of the Gospel


5. Canon Tables 2.0: The Peshitta Version of the Eusebian Apparatus

The Syriac Version of Eusebius’ Letter to Carpianus

Marginal Concordance Tables in Syriac Manuscripts

The Peshitta Revision of Eusebius’ Sectioning and Parallels


6. Scholarly Practices: The Eusebian Canon Tables in the Hiberno-Latin Tradition

Ailerán of Clonard, Canon Evangeliorum

Pauca de Libris Catholicorum Scriptorum in Evangelia Excerpta

The Irish Reference Bible

Sedulius Scottus


7. Seeing the Salvation of God: Images as Paratext in Armenian Commentaries on the Eusebian Canon Tables

Artistic Adornment of Canon Tables in Late Antique and Medieval Gospelbooks

Two Armenian Interpretations of Canon Table Decoration

Introduction to Step‘anos of Siwnik‘ and Nerses Šnorhali

The Function of Architecture and Ornamentation according to Step‘anos and Nerses

Interpretations of Specific Motifs in the Decorative Scheme

Image and Symbol: Canon Table Decoration as a System of Loci and Imagines

Image and Text: Armenian Canon Tables as Bildeinsätze



Appendix 1: A Translation of Eusebius’ Letter to Carpianus

Appendix 2: Eusebian Parallels in Augustine’s De consensu evangelistarum

Appendix 3: The Gospel Synopsis in Codex Climaci Rescriptus and its Possible Connection to Ammonius’ Diatessaron-Gospel

Appendix 4: Theophanes the Grammarian’s Note about Canon Tables


Index of Ancient Sources

Index of Manuscripts and Papyri

Index of Modern Authors

Subject Index