

About the Author



The Supernatural

The Little People

Seeing Is Believing

‘Aye, We’re Flitting’

The Farmer and the Bogle

Jeanie, the Bogle of Mulgrave Wood

Visions of Fairies

The Weardale Fairies

The White Cap

The Devil

St Dunstan and the Devil

The Black Monk’s Curse

The Devil’s Armful

Old Nick Is a Gentleman

Omens, Warnings and Fetches

The Wild Huntsman

The Phantom Coach

The Mysterious Cannon Ball

The Fairy Fetch


The Ghost of Lady Hobby

Herne the Hunter

‘Gold, Ezekiel! Gold!’

Unquiet Spirits and Spectral Beasts

John Tregeagle

Dick o’ Tunstead

The White Rabbit


A Yorkshire Giant

Bolster and Jecholiah

Place Memory

Time to Think

The Phantom Army of Flowers Barrow

Knight to Knight

The Legend of Lyulph’s Tower

The Relics of History

Saints and Martyrs

England’s First Martyr

Edmund the Holy

St Eustace’s Well

Ednoth’s Relics, and Thurkill’s Beard


The Witches of Tring

Lynching a Witch

Possessed by the Devil

Ways of Getting a Living

The Vicar of Germsoe

The Wrecker of Sennen Cove

Bury Me in England

‘A beautiful lady whose name it was Ruth’

The Smuggler’s Bride

Jack o’ Both Sides or The Biter Bit

The Hand of Glory

The Religious

O Horrid Dede!

Good Sir Thomas and Friar John

Causes Célèbres, High and Low

The Gilstone Ghost

Truth, and Murder, Will Out

Localities, Origins and Causes

Etiological Tales

The Rollright Stones

The Hurlers

The Parson and the Clerk

The Wedding at Stanton Drew

Notable Characters

Jack o’ Legs

William Wake of Wareham

Old Mother Shipton

God on Our Side

Sir Andrew Barton

Nine Days’ Wonders

T’Girt Dog of Ennerdale

The Campden Wonder

The Boar of Eskdale

Fabulous Beasts

The Devil’s Own

The Laidley Worm of Spindlestone Heugh

Mathey Trewella

Domestic and Simpleton Tales

The Last Word

‘Get up and bar the door’

Wise Men Three

The Twelfth Man

Numbskull’s Errand

Moral Tales

Belling the Cat

Simmer Water

Wild Darrell

The Marriage of Sir Gawaine