Page numbers in italic type refer to photographs.
access, site 191
altitude 55
annuals 231
arbours 133, 134, 138, 171, 175–6
mirrored 152
presentation plan 76
architectural salvage 179
art, garden 138–9
atmosphere, controlling 171–2
autumn effects 217
avenue-channelled space 98
axonometric projections 249, 263–73
backdrops 140–1
background planting 238
balls, ornamental 180
balustrades 180
bark chippings 121, 122, 123, 150
digging 274
raised 239
biodiversity 222
birdbaths and feeders 112, 180
block paving 126
background planting 167–8, 170, 214
planning 120
service paths 120
boundary ownership 59
brick 121
broad-brush effects 231
core plant list 286
buildings 133, 136–8, 155, 176–7
green (living) roofs 137–8, 205, 206
presentation plan 73
softening outlines 49
see also house
core plant list 286–7
call-before-you-dig 60
cellular paving 126
cement 120–1
chalky soil 58
checklists 17–18
play areas and equipment 15, 122, 130, 135, 136, 186–7, 239
chimney pots 179
circular themes 78–9, 91, 93, 95, 96, 150, 200
circulation, directing 113, 156
cisterns 180
clair-voyées 181
clay soil 32
clearance, site 191
change 54–5
hardiness-zone system 54
core plant list 285–6
supports 274
climbing frames 187
colour 145, 209, 214–15, 241–6
foliage 214, 242, 244, 245, 246
garden furniture 185
hard landscaping 214
and light 214–15
owner’s requirements 16
spatial tricks 214
compasses 37
cellular paving 126
containers 206
conservation areas 58
construction and maintenance 272, 274–5
construction details 197
contractors, hiring and using 274
coping 159
copyright 70
cottage gardens 220
covenant communities 59
crazy paving 127
critical curve 119
curves 130
measuring 28
curvilinear patterns 79, 95, 96
paths 119
damp-proof courses (DPCs) 117–18
deciduous plants 214, 217, 224, 225, 226
decorative planting 229–30
designer’s role 275–6
desire lines 119
diagonal themes 78, 90, 91, 94, 97, 118
disclaimers 70
dock 59
scale and proportion 101
dovecotes 181
drains 30
basic skills 35–8
full size 38
orientation 40
perspective 254
photographic overlays 249, 254–5
plant notebooks 279
planting plan 233–7
plants 76–7
presentation plan 69–77
thumbnail sketches 267
tone 250
walls, fences and hedges 74, 77
dry stone walls 120–1
dummy windows and doors 156–7, 182
dustbins 16
electricity supply 195
evergreen plants 217, 224, 225, 226
existing plants, using 18, 218, 225, 238
experimental theme plans 95
extrovert gardens 47
chain-link 165
closeboard 164
concealing 50
larchlap 164
log-filled gabions 165
measuring 24–5
mesh 165
metal 165
ownership 59
presentation plan 74
representation on plans 25
timber 165
filler plants 218–19
final garden layout plan 155–99
back-up drawings 197
colour 199
drawing up 196–200
finials 180
fleeting effects 231
core plant list 286–7
focal points 138–9, 155, 172, 183, 210, 227
structural planting 284
colour 214, 238–9, 242, 244, 245, 246
shape 245
foreshortening 108
formal gardens 147, 219, 238, 244
framework, underlying 82
framing 47, 48, 100, 148, 152, 181
French drains 192
friends, designing for 275
garages 136
future changes 15
paths 118–19
glass chippings 122
graphic language 69
graphic symbols 73–5
grass 130–3
mown paths 130
rough grass and wildflower meadows 131, 133–4, 222
green (living) roofs 137–8, 205, 206
grids, designing with 80, 83–95
diagonal 90
directing ground plane 95
grid size 84–90
moving and turning grid 91, 94, 95, 97
paths 118
paving 118
paving patterns 118
ground plane 115–33
choice of materials 120–33
directing 95
see also surfacing materials
ground surfaces 75
see also surfacing materials
grouping plants 212
half-hardy annuals 231
colour 214
enhancing 209–10
estimating quantity 195
hardiness-zone system 54
hedges 115, 140–1, 148, 168–9, 209, 238
backgrounds to decorative planting 170
clair-voyées 181
cutting 170–1
decorative 170–1
green walls 168–70
removal 18
rose hedging 230
structural planting 167–71
tapestry 170
herbaceous planting 18, 218, 230–2
core plant list 286–7
historic districts 58
hot tubs 106
damp-proof course 117–18
doors and windows 23, 24, 30, 48, 82, 87, 118
linking garden with 16, 82, 83, 115, 117, 145–7, 156, 168, 172, 200
presentation plan 73
reflected light 113
informal gardens 220
information panels 72
introvert gardens 47
irrigation 193–5
jacuzzis 136
key planting 227–8
core plant list 285
lap pools 106
lawns 130–2
layers, planting in 213
legal considerations 58–9
length, increasing apparent 80, 97, 161
lettering 71–2
level, changes in 134, 163, 201
measuring 29
terraces 115–18
see also steps
liability for accidents 25
disclaimer 70
and colour 214–15
intensity 99
mirrors 152
neighbours’ right to 59
quality 99
rendering on plans 250
seasonal considerations 52–5
silhouettes 100
and texture 213
water features 103–5
water features 106
maintenance considerations 16, 275
manhole covers 30
mass and void 81, 97–9, 115, 139, 148
materials, choice of
climate affecting 54
estimating quantity 195
ground plane 120–33
local materials 121
surfacing see surfacing materials
measuring 19–22
baseline 20
changes in level 29
curves 28
estimating measurements 26–7
fences etc 24–5
heights and widths of features 24–6
house and buildings 23–4, 26–7
running dimensions 23
sloping sites 29
steps 24–6
trees 27–8
measuring tapes 19
microclimates 54
modern-style gardens 220
mood boards 256–7
moonlighting 188
movement, water features 105, 111–12
native plants 222
natural gardens 220
optical illusions 80, 156–7, 182–3
overhead elements 133–41, 171–8, 204
role 171–2
sections and elevations 249, 258–62
owner’s requirements
checklist 17–18
mood boards 256–7
panoramic views, photographic records 46
parallel motion rule 35
parking and turning spaces 16
parterres 147
changing direction 201
critical curve 119
curved 28
edging 133
lighting 188
linking house and garden 146
mown 130
surface materials 121–33
patterns and shapes 78–83
brick and paver patterns 125
paving materials 123–33
permeable materials 115, 117, 118, 128, 239
presentation plan 75
pavers (paviours) 124–6
imitation paving 127–8
pea shingle 123
pebbles 122
perennials 231
core plant list 286
pergolas 15, 101, 133, 138, 171, 172–4, 200
presentation plan 76
permeable materials 115, 117, 118, 128, 239
perspective drawings 254
axonometric projections 249, 263–73
panoramic views 46
photographic overlays 249, 254–7
plant notebooks 279
recording site 45–6
pinch points 98
plan sheets 70
planning regulations 58–9
plant information sheets 280–1
plant list
core 284–7
planting plan, accompanying 223, 236
plant notebook, keeping 209, 278–82
background planting 167–8, 214, 238
climatic conditions 217–18
decorative planting 229–30
drawing up 223–37
existing plants, using 18, 218, 225, 238
filler plants 218–19
focal points 210
garden surroundings, relating to 210
herbaceous planting 218, 230–2
key planting 227
layers, planting in 213
non-visual plant qualities 210–11
principles of planting design 211–15
role 209–11
scale and proportion 211–12
seasonal changes 210, 216–17, 224
shade 215
shape and form 212–13
spacing plants 218
stages involved in 223–4
structural planting 167–71, 209, 224–7
planting styles 219–23
buying 274–5
categories 279–80
established 18
grouping 212
local, harmonizing with 49–50
owner’s requirements 16
soil indicators 57–8
spacing 218–19
specific conditions, for 282
specific purpose, for 282
water 112
see also planting plan
play areas and equipment 15, 135, 136, 186–7, 239
pleached trees 169
ponds see pools and ponds; water features
pools and ponds 75, 103–14, 150, 191
angle of sides 114
blanket weed 109
climate 113
location 112–13
naturalistic 109–10
overflow 114
planting schemes 244
plants 112
raised 109
Roman style 109
size 112
sun and shade 113
underwater lighting 188
see also water features
pre-excavation responsibilities 60
preliminary garden layout plan 141–4
ragwort 59
rectilinear themes 78, 91, 92, 95
recycled materials 120, 150, 206, 239
water features 103–4, 106, 113
repeat effects 210, 213, 219, 224, 227, 231
reproduction ornaments 179
research and preparation 11
resin bonded aggregate 123
romantic style 220
rooftop gardens 54
root pruning 218
roses 230, 238, 242, 243, 245, 246
changes in ground level 117–18, 163
disclaimer 70
hedge-cutting 119
paths 119
ramps 163
sandpits 186
choosing a scale 39–40
scale and proportion 101–2, 211–12
controlling scale 171–2
screening 47, 49, 155, 166–7, 169–71
sculpted terraces 136
sculpture 133, 138–9, 155, 179
lighting 187
seasonal considerations 52–5, 210, 216–17, 224
shrubs as seasonal features 285
seating 133, 134, 138, 183–5, 205
presentation plan 76
security lighting 188–9
septic tanks 193
setting and surroundings 15
character 47
choice of materials 120–1
outward views 47–8
relating garden to 49–50, 156, 210, 227
zone of visual influence 46, 50
creating 53–4
pools and ponds 113
providing 155–6, 171, 172, 175
umbrellas 185
shelterbelts 55–6
shingle 122
shrubs 133
accenting with 238
core plant list 284–5
decorative planting 229–30, 285
presentation plan 76–7
as seasonal features 285
site survey 30
spacing 218–19
structural planting 167–71, 209, 224–7, 284–5
silhouette lighting 188
silhouettes 100
site appraisal 11, 64, 69, 115
altitude 55
climate 54–5
drainage 56–7
drawing up 62–3
legal considerations 58–9
light and shade 52–4
recording existing conditions 52–9
site inventory 11, 44–61, 64, 69
checklist 44–5
drawing up 60–1
photographic record 45–6
recording existing conditions 52–9
aspect 52–3
changes in level 29
curves 28
drawing 35–43
full size drawing 38
light and shade 52–3
making 18–34
orientation 40
pools 108
shrubs 30
sketch plan 30–1
slopes 29
soil, testing and recording 32–4
sloping sites 135–6
construction and maintenance 136
drainage 56–7
measuring 29
snow cover 54
organic matter 58
site assessment 57–8
site survey 32–3
substrata 58
temperature 58
testing and recording 32–4
soil indicators 57–8
solar-powered water features 106
plants 210
water features 103
space 97–9
avenue-channelled 98
and colour 214
dynamic 98
foreshortening 108
increasing apparent 47, 51, 80, 151, 181
outdoor 97
static 98
subdividing 51, 90, 115, 148, 166–8
swirling 98
spas, outdoor 136
spotlighting 187–9
spring effects 217
sprinkler systems 194
square as basis of design 78–9, 96
statuary see sculpture
stepping stones 104
steps 82, 101–2, 133, 135, 150, 163, 201, 204
balustrades 180
building materials 163
changing direction 201
handrails 25
measuring 25–6
tread overhang 25
stone paving slabs 127, 128, 150
stone walls 162
storage 16
streams 240
structural planting 167–71, 209, 224–7, 238
colour 214–15
core plant list 284–5
evergreen and deciduous plants 225
existing plants, using 225, 238
plant size 226
repeat planting 227
shrubs 227
substrata 58
summer effects 217
sunlight see light
surfacing materials 120–33
sustainable gardens 220–1, 222
swimming pools 106
swirling space 98
tactile plants 211
telephone wires 49
terraces 115–18
balustrades 180
changes in level 117–18
decking 128–9
planting 117
sculpted 136
thorny plants 46
thumbnail sketches 267
tile drainage 192–3
timber edging 122
title blocks 70–2
tone, drawing on plans 250, 253
topiary 138–9, 145, 147, 148, 170, 182, 238, 244
traffic pollution 217
tree houses, swings and ropes 186–7, 239
accenting with 238
axonometric projection 265
buying and ordering 227
choosing 226
core plant list 284–5
dangerous 59
deciduous 214, 217, 224, 225, 226
existing, using 18, 218, 225, 238
fast-growing 284
harmonizing with local 49–50
measuring 27–8
overhanging neighbouring land 59
overhanging a water feature 113
planting 274
pleached 169
presentation plan 76–7
pyramid 77
root pruning 218
shade, provision of 53–4
size 226
spacing 219
structural planting 167–71, 209, 224–7, 284–5
tree preservation orders (TPOs) 59
tree screens 169–70
weeping 226
trelliswork (treillage) 166–7, 182
turf banks 120–1
uplighters 187
urns and vases 133, 138, 151, 172, 183, 242
use see garden use
vegetable gardens 211, 221, 239
vertical elements 133–41, 155–61
axonometric projections 249, 263–73
materials for 162–3
presentation plan 76
role 155–61
sections and elevations 249, 258–62
trees 284
blending in with 49
clair-voyées 181
directing and screening 155
framing 47, 48, 100, 148, 152, 181
Japanese gardens 220
light and shade 100
linking garden with surroundings 156
photographic records 46
building materials 162–3
buttressing 149
clair-voyées 181
climbers and wall shrubs 224, 274, 285–6
dry stone 120–1
dummy windows and doors 156–7, 182
freestanding 159–60
green 168–70
height 159
house 156–7
ownership 59
retaining 133, 134, 148, 159–60
water features 69, 103–14, 202–3, 240
blanket weed 109
boreholes 107
cascades 112
decking with 129
directing circulation 113
historical 103
light, reflected 103–5
lighting 106
location 112–13
overhanging trees 113
presentation plan 75
size 112
solar-powered 106
sound 103
sustainable and biodiverse gardens 222
underwater lighting 188
using grey water 111
water restrictions 106
see also pools and ponds
water points, siting 193
irrigation 193–5
rainwater 193–4
watering systems 193–5
legal requirements 59
widening apparent space 61, 80
wildflower meadows 131, 133–4, 222
wind 55
fountains 105
wind tunnels 55–6