Series Editors’ Introduction
1. Ardently Desired Boy: Young Boas and His Family
2. Student Life into Its Deepest Depths: Boas at University
3. In Heaven, in Love, and Separation: Preparing for the Arctic Voyage
4. Creating a Future for Us: To Baffin Land and Back
5. Divided Desires: Pulled between New York and Germany
6. West to the Indians: Northwest Coast Fieldwork, Employment by Science, and Marriage
7. All Our Hopes Came to Such a Disgrace: Boas at Clark University
8. The World’s Columbian Exposition: Boas and Frederic Ward Putnam
9. Your Orphan Boy: Struggling to Find a Place
10. The Greatest Undertaking of Its Kind: The Jesup North Pacific Expedition
11. Taking Hold in New York: From the AMNH to Columbia University