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36. Schlesinger, The Battery.

37. Tretkoff, “This Month.…”

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39. Kevin Desmond, Innovators in Battery Technology: Profiles of 95 Influential Electrochemists (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016), 73.

40. Alan J. McComas, Galvani’s Spark: The Story of the Nerve Impulse (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 17–19.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Ibid.

44. Ibid.

45. Tretkoff, “This Month.…”

46. Schlesinger, The Battery.

47. Ibid.

48. Ibid.

49. Desmond, Innovators.

50. Desmond, Innovators.

51. Ziyad Salameh, Renewable Energy System Design (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2014), 203.

52. Carl Gassier, Patent US373064-Gael Gassier, November 15, 1887. Retrieved from

53. American Chemical Society, “The Columbia Dry Cell Battery: National Historic Chemical Landmark,” ACS. Retrieved from

54. Allen J. Bard, Gyorgy Inzelt, and Fritz Scholz, eds., Electrochemical Dictionary. 2nd ed. (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2012), 523–524.

55. Schlesinger, The Battery.

56. Bard et al., Electrochemical Dictionary, 523–524.

57. Murat Yukselir, Katherine Scarrow, Paula Wilson, and Tonia Cowan, “Meet the Canadian Who Invented the Modern-Day Battery,” The Globe and Mail. April 24, 2012. Retrieved from

58. Steve LeVine, The Powerhouse: Inside the Invention of a Battery to Save the World (New York: Viking Press, 2015).

59. Steve LeVine, “The Man Who Brought Us the Lithium-Ion Battery at the Age of 57 Has an Idea for a New One at 92” (Quartz), February 5, 2015. Retrieved from

60. Isidor Buchmann, “BU-204: How Do Lithium Batteries Work?” Battery University, May 3, 2016. Retrieved from

Chapter Two

1. Don Reisinger, “iPhones In Use in US Rise to 94M, New Study Suggests,” cnet, May 15, 2015. Retrieved from

2. Christopher Helman, “How Much Electricity Do Your Gadgets Really Use?,”, September 7, 2013. Retrieved from

3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, October 23, 2015. Retrieved from

4. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Magnets and Electricity, October 27, 2015. Retrieved from

5. Sara Barnowski and Kevin Jones, Courting a Response to FERC’s Authority Over Demand Response, October 2015. Retrieved from

6. Richard P. Feynman, Robert B Leighton, and Matthew Sands, Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher (New York: Basic Books, 2011).

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid.

10. Catherine Drennan and Elizabeth Vogel Taylor, “5.111 Lecture Summary #5,” MIT OpenCourseWare, Fall 2008. Retrieved from

11. Physics Department Faculty, Lecturers, and Technical Staff, “8.02 Summary of Class 2,” MIT OpenCourseWare, Spring 2005. Retrieved from

12. John Zavisa,, April 1, 2000. Retrieved from

13. Physics Department Faculty, Lecturers, and Technical Staff, “8.02 Summary of Class 14,” MIT OpenCourseWare. Spring 2005. Retrieved from

14. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Net Generation by Energy Source: Total (All Sectors), 2006–December 2016. Retrieved from

15. Physics Department Faculty, Lecturers, and Technical Staff, “8.02 Summary of Class 12,” MIT OpenCourseWare. Spring 2005. Retrieved from

16. Energy Storage Association, Energy Storage Technologies, 2016. Retrieved from

17. How A Car Works, How the Starting System Works, 2016. Retrieved from

18. Physics Department Faculty, Lecturers, and Technical Staff, “8.02 Summary of Class 4,” MIT OpenCourseWare, Spring 2005. Retrieved from

19. Physics Department, Class 12.

20. Catherine Drennan and Elizabeth Vogel Taylor, “5.111 Lecture Summary #25,” MIT OpenCourseWare, Fall 2008. Retrieved from

21. MIT Electric Vehicle Team, A Guide to Understanding Battery Specifications, Brief, Cambridge: MIT Electric Vehicle Team, 2008, 1–3.

22. Ibid.

23. Battery University, Learn how certain discharge loads will shorten battery life, April 28, 2016. Retrieved from

24. Ibid., supra note 21.

25. Kendra Redmond, Charging Ahead: The Future of Battery Technology, American Physical Society, 2016. (accessed June 3, 2016), and MIT Electric Vehicle Team, 1–3.

26. E.g., Aquacell, Magnevolt, and NoPoPo—No Pollution Power.

27. E.g., Arotech, Fluidic Energy, and Phinergy.

28. Darrell M West and Jack Karsten, Five emerging battery technologies for electric vehicles, September 15, 2015. Retrieved from, and Nitta et al., Li-ion battery materials (see note 32).

29. Toyota, Features and Specs: Mechanical Performance, 2016. Retrieved from

30. Energy Storage Association, Energy Storage Technologies, 2016. Retrieved from

31. Greg Satell, Why Energy Storage May Be the Most Important Technology in the World Right Now, April 1, 2016. Retrieved from

32. Donald Chung, Emma Elgqvist, and Shriram Santhanagopalan, Automotive Lithium-ion Battery (LIB) Supply Chain and U.S. Competitiveness Considerations. Presentation, Washington, DC: Clean Energy Manufacturing Analysis Center, 2015, 7, and Nitta, Naoki, Feixiang Wu, and Jung Tae Lee, “Li-ion battery materials: present and future,” Materials Today 18.5 (June 2015): 7.

33. West and Karsten,

34. Ibid.

35. Also: Sakti3 and Seeo.

36. Yan Wang et al., “Design principles for solid-state lithium superionic conductors,” Nature Materials, August 17, 2015. Retrieved from

37. David L. Chandler, “New manufacturing approach slices lithium-ion battery cost in half,MIT News, June 23, 2015. Retrieved from

38. E.g., Amprius, Alevo, CODA Energy, Orison, and Valence.

39. Dana Hull, Inside the Gigafactory That Will Decide Tesla’s Fate, May 6, 2016. Retrieved from

40. Satell, Why Energy Storage,; Allan Chen, Berkeley Lab, Holistic Cell Design by Berkeley Lab Scientists Leads to High-Performance, Long Cycle-Life Lithium-Sulfur Battery. November 2013. Retrieved from

41. Joel Hruska, “Sony plans to boost battery performance 40 percent by 2020,ExtremeTech, December 18, 2015. Retrieved from

42. Gaenor Howells, Oxis Energy Battery Systems Headed for China, June 8, 2016. Retrieved from

43. Joshua Buck and Chris Rink, NASA Selects Proposals to Build Better Batteries for Space Exploration, August 12, 2015. Retrieved from

44. Energy Storage Association, Energy Storage Technologies, 2016. Retrieved from

45. E.g., EnerVault and Imergy Power Systems.

46. Frances White, Upgrading the vanadium redox battery, March 17, 2011. Retrieved from

47. Frances White, New flow battery offers lower-cost energy storage, December 21, 2015. Retrieved from

48. E.g., ESS, Inc., Primus Power, and ViZn Energy.

49. Energy Storage Association, Energy Storage Technologies.

50. Aquion Energy, Redefining Energy Storage, 2016. Retrieved from

51. David Bradwell, Infocast’s Energy Storage Week, March 2014. Reproduced by Greentech Media, September 10, 2015. Retrieved from

52. GroupSadoway, Liquid Metal Batteries, October 19, 2015. Retrieved from

53. Yiying Wu, Eco-friendly Battery and Solar Cell All-in-One, October 1, 2015. Retrieved from

54. Recall that voltage measures the difference in electric potential energy between two points, whereas amperage measures the current in a system or the flow of electrons from one point to another.

55. Battery University, Series and Parallel Battery Configurations, May 4, 2016. Retrieved from

56. Ibid.

57. Ibid.

58. Daniel H. Doughty, Paul C. Butler, Abbas A. Akhil, Nancy H. Clark, and John D. Boyes, “Batteries for Large-Scale Stationary Electrical Energy Storage,” The Electrochemical Society Interface (Fall 2010): 49–52.

59. E.g., Qnovo, Sendyne, and Spider9.

60. ARPA-E, ARPA-E’s 19 New Projects Focus on Battery Management and Storage. August 2012. Retrieved from

61. E.g., 3 Sun and Maxwell.

62. Henry Sanderson, “Supply Chain Scrutiny Intensifies for Battery Materials,” Financial Times, January 29, 2016. Retrieved from

63. Donald Chung, Emma Elgqvist, and Shriram Santhanagopalan, Automotive Lithium-ion Battery (LIB) Supply Chain and U.S. Competitiveness Considerations. Presentation, Washington, DC: Clean Energy Manufacturing Analysis Center, 2015, 10.

64. Ibid.

65. Ibid., 11.

66. Ibid.

67. Ibid.

68. Amnesty International, Human Rights Abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Power the Global Trade in Cobalt. Report, London: Amnesty International Ltd., 2016, 6. Retrieved from

69. Ibid.

70. Steve LeVine, The story of the invention that could revolutionize batteries—and maybe American manufacturing as well, June 22, 2015. Retrieved from

71. Ibid.

72. Chandler,, and Steve LeVine, supra note 70.

Chapter Three

1. Technical Committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management & Subcommittee SC 5, Lifecycle assessment. ISO 14040. International Standard, International Organization for Standards, 1997, iii.

2. International Organization for Standardization, Environmental management: The ISO 14000 Family of International Standards. Report, Geneva: ISO Central Secretariat, 2009, 6.

3. Ibid., 2.

4. ISO/TC 207, 4.

5. Ibid., 8.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid., 5.

8. Ibid.

9. The terminology used in this section and the description of the various phases and calculations for LCA studies will be further defined below through additional explanation and examples.

10. Ibid., 7.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid., 8.

13. It would be difficult at this point for an average consumer to know which apple is better for the environment because the answer would depend upon many variables (e.g., how the conventional apple was grown, how the organic apple was transported, and how many organic apples were transported together). This is why professionals conduct LCAs.

14. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, Application of Life- Cycle Assessment to Nanoscale Technology: Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles, 2013, 22.

15. Ibid., 32.

16. Ibid., 25.

17. Ibid., 64.

18. Ibid., 23.

19. Ibid., 25.

20. Ibid., 46.

21. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, eGRID, January 4, 2016. (accessed September 22, 2016).

22. Troy R. Hawkins et al., “Comparative Environmental Lifecycle Assessment of Conventional and Electric Vehicles,” Journal of Industrial Ecology 17, no. 1 (2012): 58.

23. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 81 and Hawkins et al., 58.

24. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 79 and Yajuan Yu, Bo Chen, Kai Huang, Xiang Wang, and Dong Wang, “Environmental Impact Assessment and End-of-Life Treatment Policy Analysis for Li-Ion Batteries and Ni-MH Batteries,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2014): 3190.

25. Hawkins et al., 56 and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 71.

26. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper 8.

27. Hawkins et al., 58; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 63; and Yu et al., 3190.

28. Hawkins et al., 58; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 74; and Yu et al., 3190.

29. Hawkins et al., 58; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 76; and Yu et al., 3190.

30. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 8.

31. Ibid.

32. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 87 and Yu et al., 3190.

33. Hawkins et al., 58.

34. Ibid.

35. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 95.

36. Hawkins et al., 58–60; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 11–12; and Yu et al., 3195.

37. The specific information provided about lithium-ion batteries in this chapter has been based on an aggregation of life-cycle assessment studies conducted between 2012 and 2015 in both the United States and the European Union by government agencies, universities, and other academic researchers. All of the studies comply with ISO standards.

38. Hawkins et al., 56.

39. Linda Gaines and Jennifer Dunn, “Lithium-Ion Battery Production and Recycling Materials Issues,” Project ID: ES229. Washington, DC: Argonne National Laboratory, 2015, 10.

40. J. B. Dunn, L. Gaines, J. C. Kelly, C. James, and K. G. Gallagher, “The significance of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicle life-cycle energy and emissions and recycling’s role in its reduction,” Energy & Environmental Science (2015): 158.

41. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, What are the harmful effects of SO2? August 16, 2016. (accessed September 15, 2016).

42. Hawkins et al., 58.

43. Gaines and Dunn, 17–20 and Dunn et al., 158.

44. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 11.

45. Hawkins et al., 56–57.

46. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 7.

47. Ibid.

48. Hawkins et al., 56.

49. Ibid and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 11–12.

50. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency White Paper, 11.

51. Rachael Nealer, David Reichmuth, and Don Anair, Cleaner Cars from Cradle to Grave: How Electric Cars Beat Gasoline Cars on Lifetime Global Warming Emissions, Union of Concerned Scientists, November 2015, 1.

52. Hawkins et al., 56.

53. Gaines and Dunn, 14.

54. Ibid.

55. Nealer, Reichmuth, and Anair, 2.

56. Ibid., 1.

57. ISO/TC 207, 4.

58. Steve LeVine, The story of the invention that could revolutionize batteries—and maybe American manufacturing as well, June 22, 2015. (accessed July 8, 2016) and Gaines and Dunn, 10.

59. Gaines and Dunn, 10.

60. Henry Sanderson, “Supply Chain Scrutiny Intensifies for Battery Materials,” Financial Times, January 29, 2016. (accessed July 8, 2016).

61. Ibid.

62. Amnesty International, Human Rights Abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Power the Global Trade in Cobalt. Report, London: Amnesty International Ltd., 2016, 6.

63. Ibid.

64. H.R.4173, “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,” Public Law No: 111–203, July 21, 2010: § 1502.

65. Securities and Exchange Commission, 75 FR 80947, Federal Register, December 23, 2010: 80950.

66. Ibid., 80961–80962.

67. Angelo Young, “Tesla Motors Outlines Difficulties in Tracking Conflict Minerals in Its Supply Chain,” International Business Times, June 3, 2014, 1–2.

68. One way of accomplishing this level of transparency is through laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. This procedure involves a plasma emission spectrum that provides a “chemical fingerprint” which has been identified as a “a convenient and low-cost means for rapidly determining a mineral’s geographic origin,” Amnesty International (January 2016).

Chapter Four

1. Callie Taintor, “Chronology: Technology and the Music Industry,” Frontline. May 27, 2004. Retrieved from

2. Stefan Heck and Matt Rogers, Resource Revolution: How to Capture the Biggest Business Opportunity in a Century (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014); Amory B. Lovins, Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011).

3. Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 9, 2016. Retrieved from

4. U.S. Public Interest Research Group, New Federal Data Show Transportation Sector Now the Largest Source of Carbon Pollution in the United States, First Time in Nearly 40 Years, August 4, 2016. Retrieved from

5. Ibid.

6. About Transportation & Climate Change: Transportation’s Role in Climate Change: Overview—DOT Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse, U.S. Department of Transportation. Retrieved from

7. Reduce Climate Change, U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from

8. Ibid.

9. Tony Dutzik and Alana Miller, “A New Way Forward Envisioning a Transportation System without Carbon Pollution,” Frontier Group, May 2016. Retrieved from Group—A New Way Forward—May 2016 (digital).pdf.

10. David L. Chandler, “Can Today’s EVs Make a Dent in Climate Change?,” MIT News, August 15, 2016. Retrieved from

11. Ibid.

12. Bradley Berman, “Here’s Why You Might Be an Electric Car Owner a Decade from Now,” MIT Technology Review, March 30, 2016. Retrieved from

13. Mike Orcutt, “The 2020s Could Be the Decade When Electric Cars Take Over,” MIT Technology Review, February 26, 2016. Retrieved from

14. “Timeline: History of the Electric Car,” NOW on PBS, October 30, 2009. Retrieved from

15. Ibid.

16. Alex Madrigal, “The Electric Taxi Company You Could Call in 1900,” The Atlantic, March 15, 2011. Retrieved from

17. Sarah Pruitt, “Ferdinand Porsche’s First Car Was Electric,”, January 29, 2014. Retrieved from

18. “Timeline: History of the Electric Car,” supra note 14.

19. “Electric Vehicles Attract Attention,” New York Times, January 20, 1911. Retrieved from

20. Ibid.

21. “Timeline: History of the Electric Car,” supra note 14.

22. Tom Tietenberg and Lynne Lewis, Environmental & Natural Resource Economics. 10th ed. (New York: Routledge, 2016).

23. Joel K. Goldstein, “Edmund S. Muskie: The Environmental Leader and Champion,” Maine Law Review. Retrieved from

24. James F. Van Orden, “National Emissions Standards Act (1965),”, 2004. Retrieved from

25. 42 United States Code (U.S.C.) 1521(a)(1).

26. 42 U.S.C. (b)(1)(A)(a).

27. “Timeline: History of the Electric Car,” supra note 14.

28. Ibid.

29. Tietenberg and Lewis, supra note 22, 427–428.

30. “Timeline: History of the Electric Car,” supra note 14.

31. Ibid.

32. What Is ZEV? Union of Concerned Scientists, September 15, 2016. Retrieved from

33. Thayer Watkins, The True Story of GM’s Electric Car of the 1990’s, the EV1. Retrieved from

34. Ibid.

35. Owen Edwards, “The Death of the EV-1,” Smithsonian Magazine, June 2006. Retrieved from

36. Ibid.

37. U.S. Department of Energy, Key Federal Legislation, Alternative Fuels Data Center, June 4, 2014. Retrieved from

38. Clarke Bowling, “Toyota Prius Turns 16: How the Hot Hybrid Has Changed over the Years,” NY Daily News, June 28, 2013. Retrieved from

39. Caroline Tremblay, “15 Things You Didn’t Know About Mitsubishi,” January 30, 2015. Retrieved from

40. InsideEVs, “Monthly Plug-In Sales Scorecard,” September 2016.

41. Ibid.

42. Julia Pyper, “How to Accelerate the Electric Vehicle Market: Create Allure,” Greentech Media, October 7, 2016. Retrieved from

43. “Current Events,” Electric Vehicle Magazine, May/June 2016, 42.

44. InsideEVs. “Monthly Plug-in Sales Scorecard.”

45. Pyper, October 7, 2016.

46. Ibid.

47. Consumer Federation of America, New Data Shows Consumer Interest in Electric Vehicles Is Growing, Press Release, September 19, 2016. Retrieved from

48. Ibid.

49. Charles Fleming, “Chevy Bolt EV Range Is 238 Miles: Prime Time for the Electric Car?,” Los Angeles Times, September 12, 2016. Retrieved from

50. Ibid.

51. Ibid.

52. Angus MacKenzie, Chevrolet Bolt EV is the 2017 Motor Trend Car of the Year, November 14, 2016. Retrieved from

53. Ibid.

54. Kirsten Korosec, “The Chevy Bolt EV Range Is Blowing Away Expectations—and Even Tesla’s Model 3,” Fortune, September 13, 2016. Retrieved from; Katie Fehrenbacher, “Tesla’s Model 3 Reservations Rise to Almost 400,000,” Fortune, April 15, 2016. Retrieved from

55. “The World’s Largest Electric Vehicle Maker Also Has a US Presence,” BusinessWire, December 23, 2015. Retrieved from’s-Largest-Electric-Vehicle-Maker-Presence.

56. “BYD Sees Electric-Car Sales Tripling in Market Coveted by Tesla,” Bloomberg News, March 29, 2016. Retrieved from

57. Ibid.

58. Philip Reed, Electric Car Battery Basics: Capacity, Charging and Range, January 25, 2011. Retrieved from

59. Ibid.

60. Brad Berman, “Ford’s Electric Car Battery Breakthrough from 45 Years Ago,”, October 27, 2011. Retrieved from’s-electric-car-battery-breakthrough-45-years-ago-109417.html.

61. Ibid.

62. Ibid.

63. Christian Ruoff, “Improving Aerodynamic Modeling: Combining Airflow Dynamics with Vehicle-Handling Models,” Charged Electronic Vehicles Magazine, June 5, 2016. Retrieved from

64. Ibid. Drag coefficient is a dimensionless parameter used to quantify aerodynamic efficiency in the horizontal (drag) plane.

65. Ibid.

66. Ibid. The all-new Chevrolet Bolt is expected to have a coefficient of drag of 0.32, while the Kia Soul EV’s is 0.35. Tesla reports that it expects to be an industry leader by achieving a coefficient of drag of 0.21 for its Model 3.

67. James Ayre, “Chevy Bolt Drag Coefficient Is 0.32, Says Lead Designer,” CleanTechnica, August 14, 2016. Retrieved from

68. Omar Sohail, “Tesla Model 3 Is the Most Aerodynamic Car That Has Ever Been Produced,” wccftech, April 2016. Retrieved from

69. Darrell M. West and Jack Karsten, “Five Emerging Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles,” Brookings Institution, September 15, 2015. Retrieved from

70. Mike Ramsey, “Auto Industry’s Ranks of Electric-Car Battery Suppliers Narrow,” Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2015. Retrieved from

71. “Electric Vehicle Batteries: Lithium Ion Batteries for Hybrid, Plug-In Hybrid, and Battery Electric Light Duty Vehicles, Market Analysis and Forecasts,” PR Newswire, January 14, 2013. Retrieved from

72. Travis Hoium, “4 Battery Companies Not Named Tesla Motors to Watch in 2016,” The Motley Fool, January 23, 2016. Retrieved from

73. Danny King, “GM Says Li-Ion Battery Cost per KWh Already Down to $145,” Autoblog, October 8, 2015. Retrieved from

74. Charlie Osborne, “Samsung Reveals Long-Lasting Electric Vehicle Battery Prototype,” | ZDNet, January 14, 2016 (accessed March 16, 2016).

75. Charlie Osborne, “Tesla Confirms Nevada as Host for Electric Vehicle Battery Gigafactory,” ZDNet, September 5, 2014. Retrieved from

76. Ibid.

77. David Gilbert, “Apple Car Battery: Behind the Technology That Will Power Tim Cook’s Revolutionary Electric Vehicle,” International Business Times, September 26, 2015. Retrieved from

78. Vehicle Technologies Office: Batteries, U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from

79. Ibid.

80. Phil Berg, “8 Potential EV and Hybrid Battery Breakthroughs,” Popular Mechanics, February 29, 2012. Retrieved from

81. Emily Gosden, “New Battery Could Power Electric Car from London to Edinburgh on Single Charge,” The Telegraph, October 29, 2015. Retrieved from

82. Berg, supra note 80.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. West and Karsten, supra note 69.

86. Julie Chao, “Goodbye, Range Anxiety? Electric Vehicles May Be More Useful Than Previously Thought,” Berkeley Lab News Center, March 30, 2015. Retrieved from

87. Ibid.

88. Tina Casey, “Your EV Battery Lifespan Might Last Longer Than You Think,” CleanTechnica, March 31, 2015. Retrieved from

89. Don Sherman, “When Electric-Car Batteries Die, Where Will They End Up?,” The New York Times, June 11, 2010. Retrieved from

90. Jeff McIntire-Strasburg, “The Electric Vehicle Battery ‘Can And Should Be Recycled’,” CleanTechnica, July 23, 2015. Retrieved from

91. Ibid.

92. “Renault to Recycle Used EV Batteries for Energy Storage Systems,”, February 5, 2016. Retrieved from

93. Seth Weintraub, “BMW unveils new repurpose battery storage system and grid offset ‘ChargeForward’ solutions at EV29,” electrek, June 21, 2016. Retrieved from

94. Stephen Edelstein, “BMW electric-car batteries to be used as home energy-storage devices,” Green Car Reports, June 24, 2016. Retrieved from

95. Sherman, supra note 89.

96. Peter Kelly-Detwiler, “Building Out the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Greenlots Advocates for Open Standards,” Forbes, March 13, 2014. Retrieved from

97. Electric Vehicle Charging Station Locations, U.S. Department of Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center. Retrieved from

98. Kevin B. Jones and David Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014), 106–107.

99. Ibid., 107–108.

100. Ibid., 109.

101. R. G. Pratt, P. J. Balducci, C. Gerkensmeyer, S. Katipamula, M. C. W. Kintner-Meyer, T. F. Sanquist, K. P. Schneider, and T. J. Secrest, The Smart Grid: An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits, U.S. Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.

102. Jones and Zoppo, 96–103.

103. Mindy Blank and Kevin Jones, “Electric Vehicle Charging: Tariffs and Tradeoffs,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, March 2015, 44.

104. Jones and Zoppo, 76–82.

105. Jones and Zoppo, 103.

106. Battery University, “BU-401a: Fast and Ultra-Fast Chargers,” June 13, 2012. Retrieved from

107. Khosrow Khy Vijeh, “Current, Voltage and Temperature Govern Li-Ion Battery Charging,” EETimes. May 28, 2003. Retrieved from

108. Ibid.

109. Ibid.

110. Ibid.

111. Joachim Skoy Johansen, “Fast Charging Electric Vehicles Using AC,” Master’s thesis, Technical University of Denmark, September 2013 (accessed November 9, 2015). Retrieved from

112. Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, U.S. Light-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Sales (20112016). Retrieved from

113. Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, ZEV Mandate Timeline. Retrieved from

114. Nancy Bardertscher, “Electric car sales hit the brakes as tax credit axed and fee added,” Politifact, November 2, 2015. Retrieved from

115. Michael Murray, “$4 Gas Might Be Here to Stay,” ABC News, May 4, 2011. Retrieved from

116. U.S. Department of Energy, Clean Cities. Retrieved from

117. Stephanie Searle, Nikita Pavlenko, and Nic Lutsey, Leading Edge of Electric Vehicle Market Development in the United States: An Analysis of California Cities, International Council on Clean Transportation, September 2016. Retrieved from

118. Ibid.

119. Stephen Edelstein, “California Ends Electric-Car Rebates for Wealthy Buyers, Boosts Them For Poorest (UPDATED),” Green Car Reports, July 21, 2015. Retrieved from

120. Center for Sustainable Energy, California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project. Retrieved from

121. Searle, Pavlenko, and Lutsey, iii.

122. “The Blueindy Technology,” Retrieved from

123. John Tuohy, “BlueIndy Tops 1,000 Memberships in Four Months,” Indianapolis Star, January 15, 2016. Retrieved from

124. Ibid.

125. David Jolly, “Norway Is a Model for Encouraging Electric Car Sales,” The New York Times, October 16, 2015. Retrieved from

126. Leigh Phillips, “Norway’s Electric Vehicle Revolution: Lessons for British Columbia,” Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, October 26, 2015. Retrieved from EV Briefing Note October 2015.pdf.

127. Ibid.

128. Ibid.

129. Jeff Cobb, “Norway Aiming For 100-Percent Zero Emission Vehicle Sales By 2025,”, March 8, 2016. Retrieved from

130. “EV Norway.” Retrieved from

131. Petter Haugneland, Christina, Bu, and Espen Hauge, “The Norwegian EV Success Continues,” EVS29 Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, June 19−22, 2016, p. 3. Retrieved from

132. Keith Barry, “World’s First Electric Car Ferry Recharges in 10 Minutes,” Wired, February 1, 2013. Retrieved from

133. Ibid.

134. Ibid.

135. Jon Hurdle, “Use of Public Transit in U.S. Reaches Highest Level Since 1956, Advocates Report,” The New York Times, March 10, 2014. Retrieved from

136. Ibid.

137. Michael Linse and Zach Barasz. “Urban Transportation Will Go All-Electric Sooner Than You Think,” TechCrunch, May 29, 2015. Retrieved from

138. Ibid.

139. Christian Ruoff, “Proterra CEO on the Economics of the Electric Bus Business,” Charged Electric Vehicles Magazine, July 20, 2015. Retrieved from

140. Global Mass Transit Report, Regenerative Braking: Gaining Acceleration, November 1, 2014. Retrieved from

141. Ibid., 48.

142. Ibid., 449.

143. Ibid., 450.

144. Ibid.

145. Ibid., 51–52.

146. Ibid., 52.

147. Ibid., 52–53.

148. Charles Morris, “Going Electric for Less,” Charged Electric Vehicles Magazine, January/February 2016, 46

149. Ibid., 47.

150. Ibid., 47.

151. Ibid.

152. Ibid., 48.

153. Ibid., 49.

154. Ibid., 51

155. Ibid., 51.

156. Ibid., 50.

157. Ventura Systems, “Copenhagen Is Introducing the First Full-Size Pure Electric Buses from BYD.” Retrieved from

158. Ibid.

159. Mihai Andrei, “All of China’s Buses Might Be Electric by 2025.” ZME Science, January 19, 2016. Retrieved from

160. “Chinese Electric Bus Charges In 10 Seconds, Fastest In World.” EV Obsession, August 05, 2015. Retrieved from

161. Ibid.

162. Paul A. Eisenstein, “If You Think Electric Cars Save Gas, Think about Electric Trucks,” NBC News, August 14, 2016. Retrieved from

163. Ibid.

164. Michael Reilly, “Here Come the Electric Garbage Trucks,” MIT Technology Review, August 4, 2016. Retrieved from

165. Stephen Edelstein, “Nikola Unveils How Its Electric Truck Works: Custom Hydrogen Fuel Cell,” Green Car Reports, August 31, 2016. Retrieved from

166. John Siciliano, “Obama Gives Electric Trucks a Big Bump in New Climate Rules,” Washington Examiner, August 18, 2016. Retrieved from

167. Ibid.

168. Mark Kane, “BYD Awarded $9 Million To Deliver 27 Electric Trucks In Southern California,” Inside EVs, July 2016. Retrieved from

Chapter Five

1. Dana Hull and Mark Chediak, “Tesla Launches Batteries for Home, Businesses, Utilities,” Bloomberg Technology, May 1, 2015. Retrieved from

2. David Savenije, “All you need to know about Tesla’s big battery announcement,” Utility Dive, May 1, 2015. Retrieved from

3. Amory B. Lovins et al., Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011), 166.

4. Amory B. Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins, Brittle Power: Energy Strategy for National Security (Andover: Brick House Publishing Company, 1982), 123–124.

5. Abbas A. Akhil, Georgianne Huff, Aileen B. Currier, Benjamin C. Kaun, Dan M. Rastler, Stella Bingqing Chen, Andrew L. Cotter, Dale T. Bradshaw, and William D. Gauntlett, DOE/EPRI Electricity Storage Handbook in Collaboration with NRECA, SAND201 5–1002, Albuquerque, NM: Sandia National Laboratories, February 2015. Retrieved from

6. Tesla soon discontinued its 10-kWh battery, citing “difficulties with the economics of a storage option designed for self-consumption and with a relatively short lifespan.” Retrieved from

7. Savenije, “All you need.…”

8. Ibid.

9. Tesla Press Kit. Retrieved from

10. Savenije, “All you need.…”

11. Tesla Press Kit.

12. Ivan Penn, “German company plugs into L.A. area for its electricity storage operation,” Los Angeles Times, July 31, 2016. Retrieved from; Jason Deign, “Sonnenbatterie Launches Solar-Plus-Storage Storage System for $10,645,” Greentech Media, November 25, 2015. Retrieved from

13. Julia Pyper, “Sonnen Launches a Home Battery for Self-Consumption at a 40% Reduced Cost,” Greentech Media, July 7, 2016. Retrieved from; Michelle Mapel, “Sonnen reduces U.S. residential energy storage system cost by 40% with new sonnenBatterie eco compact,” Sonnen, July 7, 2016. Retrieved from

14. Pyper, “Sonnen Launches a Home Battery.”

15. Julia Pyper, “Sonnen Ships Its 10,000th Battery, Putting Pressure on Tesla and Utilities,” Greentech Media, February 17, 2016. Retrieved from

16. Pyper, “Sonnen Ships Its 10,000th Battery.…”

17. Deloitte, Energy Storage: Tracking the Technologies That Will Transform the Power Sector, 2015, 25. Retrieved from

18. International Renewable Energy Agency, Battery Storage for Renewables: Market Status and Technology Outlook, January 2015, 7–8. Retrieved from

19. Kevin B. Jones and David Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014), 51–56, 68–72.

20. Adam Cooper, Electric Company Smart Meter Deployments: Foundation for a Smart Grid, The Edison Foundation, Institute for Electric Innovation, October 2016, 2. Retrieved from

21. Jones and Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid, 48–51.

22. Garrett Fitzgerald, James Mandel, Jesse Morris, and Hervé Touati, The Economics of Battery Energy Storage: How multi-use customer-sited batteries deliver the most services and value to customers and the grid. Rocky Mountain Institute, October 2015. Retrieved from

23. Ibid., 70.

24. EUROBAT, Battery Energy Storage for Smart Grid Applications, 2013, 12. Retrieved from

25. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, The Great Battery Race: Framing the Next Frontier in Clean Technology—Electrical Energy Storage, October 18, 2015, 17.

26. Jim Lazar, “Use Great Caution in Design of Residential Demand Charges,” Regulatory Assistance Project, February 2016. Retrieved from

27. Ibid.

28. U.S. Department of Energy, Net Metering, North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center. Retrieved from

29. Honda Generators, Honda. Retrieved from

30. Julia Pyper, “Tesla Discontinues 10-kilowatt-hour Powerwall Home Battery,” Greentech Media, March 18, 2016. Retrieved from

31. Stephen Lacey, “Survey: Batteries Still Can’t Give Consumers What They Expect for Backup Power,” Greentech Media, September 15, 2016. Retrieved from

32. Tesla Press Kit.

33. Jones and Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid, 174–194.

34. John Chamberlin and Timothy Lyons, Review of Proposed Adjustments to Salt River Project’s Standard Electric Price Plans, Sussex Economic Advisors, December 12, 2014, 5. Retrieved from

35. Herman K. Trabish, “Why SRP’s Controversial Demand Charge Unlocks a Huge Opportunity for Solar-Plus-Storage,” Utility Dive, March 12, 2015. Retrieved from

36. Chamberlin and Lyons, 5−6.

37. Ryan Randasso, “SRP Board Oks Rate Hike, New Fees for Solar Customers,” The Arizona Republic, February 27, 2015. Retrieved from

38. Ibid.

39. Ibid. It should be noted that since SolarCity’s business model is to strip the renewable energy credits from the net metering credits provided to their rooftop solar customers and sell the RECs to a third party, SolarCity does not legally enable their rooftop solar customers to “go solar” in the first place.

40. Patrick O’Grady, “SolarCity Sues Salt River Project Over New Rate Hikes on Potential Solar Customers,” Phoenix Business Journal, March 3, 2015. Retrieved from

41. Julia Pyper, “Arizona Court Advances SolarCity Lawsuit Against Salt River Project Over Solar Fees,” Greentech Media, November 10, 2015. Retrieved from

42. Herman K. Trabish, “Why SRP’s Controversial.…”

43. Julia Pyper, “Arizona Court.…”

44. Herman K. Trabish, “Why SRP’s Controversial.…”

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Ibid.

48. Ibid.

49. Bobby Magill, “New Fees Seen to Weaken Demand for Rooftop Solar,” Climate Central, November 10, 2015. Retrieved from

50. Ibid.

51. Mark Dyson, “How Demand Flexibility Can Help Rooftop Solar Beat Demand Charges in Arizona,” RMI Outlet, September 14, 2015. Retrieved from

52. Ibid.

53. Ibid.

54. Ryan Randazzo, “Solar Firm’s Home Battery Systems Target SRP Fees,” The Arizona Republic, April 22, 2015. Retrieved from

55. Ibid.

56. Ibid.

57. Ibid.

58. Ibid.

59. Ibid.

60. Jones and Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid, 137, 195; Samantha Ruiz, Katie R. Thomas, and Kevin B. Jones, “Promoting Clean Reliable Energy through Smart Technologies and Policies: Lesson from Three Distributed Energy Case Studies,” San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law 6 (2014–2015): 61.

61. Jeff St. John, “Sacramento’s Path to Battery-Backed Solar Homes,” Greentech Media, October 16, 2013. Retrieved from

62. ADM Associates, Inc., 2500 R Street Integrated Energy Management Use Case Report, submitted to SMUD, December 22, 2014, p. 6

63. Ibid., 4.

64. Jeff St. John, “Will Utilities Control Behind-the-Meter Solar Batteries?” Greentech Media, April 17, 2014. Retrieved from

65. Jones and Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid, 75-76.

66. Jeff St. John, “How Solar, Batteries and Time-of-Use Pricing Can Add Up to Value,” Greentech Media, October 21, 2015. Retrieved from

67. Ibid.

68. Herman K. Trabish, “From Theory to Practice: The Challenges in Moving to ‘Utility 2.0,’ ” Utility Dive, October 27, 2015. Retrieved from

69. ADM Associates, Inc, 56.

70. Jeff St. John, Greentech Media, April 17, 2014.

71. Ibid.

72. “Sunverge Announces Next-Generation Energy Storage System,” Utility Dive, February 9, 2016. Retrieved from

73. Ibid.

74. SMUD Board of Directors Resolution No. 14-09-02, adopted September 4, 2014.

75. SMUD, SMUD AB2514 Storage Procurement Report, August 29, 2014, 40-41.

76. Ibid., 41.

77. Ibid., 29.

78. Ibid., 41.

79. SMUD News Release, SMUD Cancels Iowa Hill Project, February 5, 2016. Retrieved from

80. Ibid.

81. Ibid.

82. Ibid.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. Josh Castonguay, Letter to Vermont Public Service Board Re: GMP—Tesla Powerwall Innovative Pilot, December 2, 2015

86. Jeff St. John, “What’s the Value of a Tesla Powerwall? $50 per Month, Bets Green Mountain Power,” Greentech Media, December 8, 2015. Retrieved from

87. Jeff St. John, “How Tesla’s Energy Storage Play Could Take Flight—or Flop,” Greentech Media, May 1, 2015. Retrieved from

88. Jeff St. John, “California Passes Huge Grid Energy Storage Mandate,” Greentech Media, October 17, 2013. Retrieved from

89. Marianne Boust, “AES, AMS and Stem largest contract winners of SCE’s energy storage procurement plans in 2016,” IHS Markit, September 16, 2016. Retrieved from,

90. Eric Wesoff and Jeff St. John, “Stem Wins Big With 85MW of Energy Storage in SCE Procurement,” Greentech Media, November 5, 2014. Retrieved from

91. Ibid.

92. Ibid.

93. Ibid.

94. Jeff St. John, “California Picks Winners for First-Ever Auction of Distributed Energy as Demand Response,” Greentech Media, January 12, 2016. Retrieved from

95. Ibid.

96. Ibid.

97. Ibid.

98. Ibid.

99. Herman Trabish, “What to expect from California utilities’ new aggregated demand response offerings,” Utility Dive, January 26, 2017. Retrieved from

100. Peter Maloney, “Stem secures $100M in financing to fuel battery deployment,” Utility Dive, August 12, 2016. Retrieved from

101. Stephen Lacey, “SunPower Broadens Its Commercial Reach by Offering Battery Services from Stem,” Greentech Media, May 12, 2015. Retrieved from

Chapter Six

1. Harold L. Platt, The Electric City: Energy and Growth for the Chicago Area, 1880–1930 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991), 23–25.

2. G. Smith, Storage Batteries: Including Operation, Charging, Maintenance and Repair (London: Pitman Publishing Limited, 1980), 139.

3. Platt, 84.

4. Aaron Bloom et al., Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study, U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August, 2016. Retrieved from

5. Kevin B. Jones, Taylor L. Curtis, Marc de Konkoly Thege, Daniel Saur, and Matthew Roche, “Distributed Utility: Conflicts and Opportunities Between Incumbent Utilities, Suppliers, and New Market Entrants,” in Future of Utilities, Utilities of the Future: How Technological Innovations in Distributed Energy Resources Will Reshape the Electric Power Sector, ed. Fereidoon P. Sioshansi (London: Academic Press, 2015), 412–412.

6. Kevin B. Jones, David Clarke, and James Parmelee, “The LMP Model: Bottlenecking Merchant Transmission,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, April 15, 2003, 35.

7. Sandia National Laboratories, DOE/EPRI Electricity Storage Handbook in Collaboration with NRECA, July 2013, 1–3.

8. Ibid., 3–4.

9. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, The Great Battery Race: Framing the Next Frontier in Clean Technology—Electrical Energy Storage, October 18, 2015, 23.

10. Eric Wesoff, “FERC’s Energy Storage Ruling Could Jump-Start Big Batteries,” Greentech Media, August 12, 2013. Retrieved from

11. Sandia National Laboratories, 2013, 9.

12. Deloitte, “Energy Storage: Tracking the Technologies That Will Transform the Power Sector,” 2015, 12.

13. U.S. Department of Energy, Electricity Advisory Committee, Bottling Electricity: Storage as a Strategic Tool for Managing Variability and Capacity Concerns in the Modern Grid, December 2008, 5. Retrieved from

14. KEMA, Inc., for the California Energy Commission, Research Evaluation of Wind Generation, Solar Generation, and Storage Impact on the California Grid, June 2010, 3. Retrieved from

15. Fitzgerald et al., The Economics of Battery Energy Storage, 21. See Chapter 5, note 22.

16. Sandia National Laboratories, Energy Storage for the Electricity Grid: Benefits and Market Potential Assessment Guide, February 2012.

17. Mike Munsell, “US Energy Storage Market Grew 243% in 2015, Largest Year on Record,” Greentech Media, March 3, 2016. Retrieved from

18. Ibid.

19. Stephen Lacey, “The Second Coming of Storage in America,” Greentech Media, March 10, 2016. Retrieved from

20. “PJM leads the US fast-frequency regulation market,” Energy Storage Update, April 20, 2015. Retrieved from

21. AES Energy Storage, “Advancion Energy Storage: Building the Clean, Unbreakable Grid,” August 2016; Katie Fehrenbacher, “Long Before Tesla Made Grid Batteries Cool, There Was AES,” Fortune, June 19, 2015. Retrieved from

22. “PJM leads,” supra note 20.

23. Advancion Energy Storage, Advancion Case Study: AES Alamitos Energy Storage. August 2016.

24. Marianne Boust, “AES, AMS and Stem largest contract winners of SCE’s energy storage procurement plans in 2016,” IHS Markit, September 16, 2016. Retrieved from

25. Jeff St. John, “California Utilities Are Fast-Tracking Battery Projects to Manage Aliso Canyon Shortfall,” Greentech Media, August 18, 2016. Retrieved from

26. Jeff St. John, “How EnerNOC Is Building Tesla’s Batteries into Its Demand Response Plans,” Greentech Media, May 11, 2015. Retrieved from

27. Eric Wesoff, “E.ON Joins AEP in $18M VC Investment in Greensmith to Grow Grid-Scale Energy Storage,” Greentech Media, December 11, 2015. Retrieved from

28. Stephen Lacey, “How Distributed Battery Storage Will Surpass Grid-Scale Storage in the US by 2020,” Greentech Media, March 10, 2016. Retrieved from

29. Herman K. Tabish, “How Storage Can Help Solve the Distributed Energy ‘Death Spiral’,” Utility Dive, June 21, 2016. Retrieved from

30. Ibid.

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid.

33. Robert Walton, “The non-wire alternative: ConEd’s Brooklyn-Queens pilot rejects traditional grid upgrades,” Utility Dive, August 3, 2016. Retrieved from

34. Robert Walton, “ConEd virtual power plant shows how New York’s REV is reforming utility practices,” Utility Dive, June 21, 2016. Retrieved from

35. Eric Wesoff, “New York’s Con Ed Is Building a Virtual Power Plant from Sunverge Energy Storage and SunPower PV,” Greentech Media, June 12, 2016. Retrieved from

36. Ibid.

37. Walton, June 21, 2016.

38. Anya Breitenbach, Battery Second Use Offsets Electric Vehicle Expenses, Improves Grid Stability, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), June 22, 2015. Retrieved from

39. Julia Pyper, “Automakers on Second-Life Batteries for the Grid: ‘We Want a Foot in the Door of this Market,’ ” Greentech Media, November 9, 2015. Retrieved from

40. Ibid.

41. Ibid.

42. Ibid.

43. Fred Lambert, “BMW and Bosch open new 2.8 MWh energy storage facility built from batteries from over 100 electric cars,” electrek, September 22, 2016. Retrieved from

44. Jeff St. John, “Nissan, Green Charge Networks Turn ‘Second-Life’ EV Batteries Into Grid Storage Business,” Greentech Media, June 15, 2015. Retrieved from

45. Ibid.

46. Ibid.

47. Anya Breitenbach, June 22, 2015.

48. Ibid.

49. Ibid.

50. Executive Office of the President, Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages, August 2013, available at

51. U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Energy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Extreme Weather, July, 2013. Retrieved from

52. Ibid., 35.

53. Ibid.

54. Alexandra von Meier, Electric Power Systems: A Conceptual Introduction (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2006), 152.

55. Ibid., 153.

56. Michael Montoya et al., “Islands in the Storm: Integrating Micro-grids into the Larger Grid,” IEEE Power & Energy Magazine (July/August 2013), 33–36.

57. Z. Ye, R. Walling, N. Miller, P. Du, and K. Nelson, Facility Microgrids, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, May 2005, iii. Retrieved from

58. Ibid.

59. Montoya, 35–36.

60. Jones and Zoppo, 131.

61. Ibid.

62. Walton, June 21, 2016.

Chapter Seven

1. Joyce McLaren, “Batteries 101 Series: How to Talk about Batteries and Power-to-Energy Ratios,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Solar STAT Blog, April 13, 2016. Retrieved from

2. Carl Christiansen and Ben Murray, Energy Storage Study: Funding and Knowledge Sharing Priorities (Sydney, Australia: AECOM Australia, July 13, 2015). Retrieved from

3. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Hydropower—Pumped Storage Projects, August 5, 2014. Retrieved from

4. Department of Energy, DOE Global Energy Storage Database. Retrieved from

5. American Society of Civil Engineers, Rocky River Pumped Storage Hydraulic Plant. Retrieved from

6. Richard Baxter, Energy Storage: A Nontechnical Guide (Tulsa, OK: PennWell Corp., 2005).

7. Joseph Truini, “The Guide to Sump-Pump Problems: DIY Guy,” Popular Mechanics, February 19, 2009. Retrieved from

8. Susannah F. Locke, “How It Works: Protecting New Orleans with the World’s Largest Flood Pump,” Popular Science, August 18, 2009. Retrieved from

9. “A 10-Mile Storage Battery,” Popular Science Monthly,” July, 1930. Retrieved from

10. Surface Reservoir Pumped Hydroelectric Storage, Energy Storage Association, 2016. Retrieved from

11. Willie G. Manuel, Energy Storage Study 2014, n.p.: Turlock Irrigation District, 2014. Retrieved from

12. L. D. Mears, H. L. Gotschall, T. Key, and H. Kamath, EPRI-DOE Handbook of Energy Storage for Transmission & Distribution Applications, EPRI PEAC Corporation; EPRI ID 1001834, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 2003. Retrieved from

13. International Energy Agency, Technology Roadmap: Hydropower, 2012. Retrieved from

14. Peter Fairley, “A Renaissance for Pumped Storage Hydro,” IEEE Spectrum (April 2015): 9.

15. Ibid., 10.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. Ibid.

21. Eric Wesoff, “Solar Star, Largest PV Power Plant in the World, Now Operational,” Greentech Media, June 26, 2015. Retrieved from

22. Ibid.

23. Federal Register, “Bison Peak Pumped Storage, LLC; Notice of Preliminary Permit Application Accepted for Filing and Soliciting Comments, Motions to Intervene, and Competing Applications,” April 28, 2015. Retrieved from

24. Matthew Shapiro, “Pumped Storage Peaks in the US,” Water Power and Dam Construction, February 13, 2012. Retrieved from

25. Herman K. Trabish, “Beyond Batteries: The Diverse Technologies Vying for the Bulk Storage Market,” Utility Dive, September 14, 2015. Retrieved from

26. SMUD, SMUD Cancels Iowa Hill Project, News Release, February 5, 2016. Retrieved from; Mark Glover, “SMUD Cancels $1.45 Billion Hydro Project in El Dorado County,” The Sacramento Bee, February 5, 2016 (accessed September 22, 2016). Retrieved from

27. ARES North America, Electricity and Power Storage—ARES Nevada. Retrieved from

28. ARES North America, Electricity and Power Storage—Pumped Storage Vs ARES Performance. Retrieved from

29. ARES NW Power and Conservation Council Presentation, ARES North America, February 13, 2013.

30. Peter Maloney, “First-of-Its-Kind Rail Energy Storage Project Targets Role in CAISO Ancillary Services Market,” Utility Dive, April 26, 2016. Retrieved from

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid.

33. U.S. Department of Energy, Compressed Air Energy Storage, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, April 2013. Retrieved from

34. Ibid.

35. Department of Energy, DOE Global Energy Storage Database, Sandia National Laboratories. Retrieved from

36. Jeff St. John, “LightSail’s Secret Plan to Slash the Costs of Compressed Air Energy Storage,” Greentech Media, April 28, 2015. Retrieved from

37. Miles O’Brien, “How Building a Better Battery Would Change the Game for Renewable Energy,” A Better Battery, the Holy Grail of Renewable Energy, PBS NewsHour, 2015. Retrieved from

38. “Lightsail-Tech.” Retrieved from

39. Jeff St. John, “LightSail’s Secret Plan.…”

40. Haisheng Chen, Thang Ngoc Cong, Wei Yang, Chunqing Tan, Yongliang Li, and Yulong Ding, “Progress in Electrical Energy Storage System: A Critical Review,” Progress in Natural Science 19, no. 3 (March 2009): 303. doi:10.1016/j.pnsc.2008.07.014.

41. Peter Taylor, Ronan Bolton, Dave Stone, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Chris Martin, and Paul Upham, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage: Factsheet to Accompany the Report ‘Pathways for energy storage in the UK’,” The Centre for Low Carbon Futures, 2012. Retrieved from

42. Ibid.

43. Peter Taylor, Ronan Bolton, Dave Stone, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Chris Martin, and Paul Upham, Pathways for energy storage in the UK, The Centre for Low Carbon Futures, 2012, 307. Retrieved from

44. Mairaj ud din Mufti, Shameem Ahmad Lone, Shiekh Javed Iqbal, Muzzafar Ahmad, and Mudasir Ismail, “Super-Capacitor Based Energy Storage System for Improved Load Frequency Control,” Electric Power Systems Research 79, no. 1 (January 1, 2009): 226–233. Retrieved from

45. Taylor et al., Pathways for energy storage in the UK.

46. Josie Garthwaite, “How Ultracapacitors Work (and Why They Fall Short),” GigaOm, July 12, 2011. Retrieved from

47. Jeff St John, “Ultracapacitors Provide Solar-to-Grid Smoothing in San Diego,” Greentech Media, June 21, 2013. Retrieved from

48. Energy Storage Association, Flywheels. Retrieved from

49. NASA Glenn Research Center, Flywheel Program. Retrieved from

50. Department of Energy, DOE Global Energy Storage Database, Sandia National Laboratories. Retrieved from

51. Jeff Postelwait, “Beacon Power Emerges from Bankruptcy with New Energy Storage Project,” Renewable Energy World, June 26, 2013. Retrieved from

52. Ibid.

53. Beacon Power, “Modular Design.” Retrieved from

54. Robert Walton, “Alaska Co-Op to Install Hybrid Storage for Renewables Integration,” Utility Dive, June 5, 2015. Retrieved from

55. Isentropic, “Isentropic Technology,” 2015. Retrieved from

56. Ibid.

57. Energy Storage Association, Highview’s 5MW Liquid Air Energy Storage Demonstrator Starting Operations This Winter. August 19, 2015. Retrieved from

58. Energy Storage Association, Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES), 2016. Retrieved from

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60. Ibid.

61. Knvul Sheikh, “New Concentrating Solar Tower Is Worth Its Salt with 24/7 Power,” Scientific American, July 14, 2016. Retrieved from

62. Mark Mehos, Craig Turchi, Jennie Jorgenson, Paul Denholm, Clifford Ho, and Kenneth Armijo, On the Path to SunShot: Advancing Concentrating Solar Power Technology, Performance, and Dispatchability (Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2016). NREL/TP-5500-65688. Retrieved from

63. Ibid.

64. Kevin Bullis, “Molten Salts Might Provide Half-Price Grid Energy Storage,” MIT Technology Review, February 27, 2014. Retrieved from

65. Concentrating Solar Power Projects: Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, March 9, 2016. Retrieved from

66. Peter Fairley, “A Tower of Molten Salt Will Deliver Solar Power After Sunset,” IEEE Spectrum, October 21, 2015. Retrieved from

67. Ibid.

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70. GreenCE Sustainable Design Education, “Thermal Energy Storage: A Vital Ingredient to a Low Carbon Future.” Retrieved from

71. Hart et al., “Small Thermal Energy Storage.…”

72. Ice Energy, “Technology: A Smart Ice Battery,” 2016. Retrieved from

73. Jeff Brady and Leigh Paterson, “Solar and Wind Energy May Be Nice, but How Can We Store It?,” NPR All Things Considered, April 5, 2016. Retrieved from

74. Ibid.

75. Brian Eckhouse, “Energy Storage Costs Expected to Slide 41% by 2020, GTM Says,” Bloomberg News, January 4, 2016. Retrieved from

Chapter Eight

1. Richard Martin, Coal Wars: The Future of Energy and the Fate of the Planet (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 3.

2. Frances Cairncross, Costing the Earth: The Challenge for Governments, the Opportunities for Business (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1992), 8.

3. Dieter Helm, Carbon Crunch How We’re Getting Climate Change Wrong—and How to Fix It (Cumberland: Yale University Press, 2014), 214.

4. William R. Cline, The Economics of Global Warming (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1992), 43–77.

5. Kevin B. Jones and David Zoppo, A Smarter, Greener Grid: Forging Environmental Progress through Smart Energy Policies and Technologies (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014).

6. Record: 177 Parties Signed the Paris Agreement. UN Climate Change Conference, Paris, 2015. Retrieved from

7. Paris Agreement, Art. 7 (2015). Retrieved from

8. Paris Agreement, supra note 7, Art. 25.

9. Ibid., Art. 10.

10. Jason Deign, “Paris Climate Deal Expands Opportunities for Energy Storage,” Green Tech Media, December 21, 2015. Retrieved from

11. Paris Agreement, supra note 7, Art. 7.

12. John D. Sutter, “Hooray for the Paris Climate Agreement! Now What?” CNN, December 14, 2015. Retrieved from

13. Grace Wallack, “Comments on the EPA’s Clean Power Plan Reveal Both Consensus and Partisan Divide.” Brookings, May 27, 2015. Retrieved from

14. As noted previously, EIA data suggest that transportation carbon emissions exceeded utility emissions in 2015 for the first time.

15. Fact Sheet: President Obama to Announce Historic Carbon Pollution Standards for Power Plants. The White House, August 3, 2015. Retrieved from

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Kiran Kumaraswamy, “The Solution for the Clean Power Plan? Energy Storage.” AES Energy Storage, September 16, 2015. Retrieved from

23. Fact Sheet, supra note 15.

24. Eric Wesoff, “These States Are the Early Leaders in the US Energy Storage Market,” Green Tech Media, March 25, 2015. Retrieved from; Kevin B. Jones, Taylor L. Curtis, Marc de Konkily Thege, Daniel Sauer, and Matthew Roche, “Distributed Utility: Conflicts and Opportunities between Incumbent Utilities, Suppliers, and Emerging New Entrants,” in Future of Utilities, Utilities of the Future: How Technological Innovations in Distributed Energy Resources will Reshape the Electric Power Sector, ed. F. P. Sioshansi (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2016), 399, 405–412.

25. Jeff St. John, “California Passes Huge Grid Energy Storage Mandate,” Greentech Media, October 17, 2013. Retrieved from

26. Julian Spector, “California Enacts 4 New Laws to Promote Energy Storage,” Greentech Media, September 26, 2016. Retrieved from

27. Wesoff, “These states are.…”

28. Spector, September 26 2016.

29. Ibid.

30. California SB-350 Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015. Retrieved from

31. Jeff St. John, “The Reality of Energy Storage Policy Is Different from What Solar-Storage Vendors Expect,” Greentech Media, July 20, 2015. Retrieved from

32. Kevin B. Jones, Taylor L. Curtis, Marc de Konkily Thege, Daniel Sauer, and Matthew Roche, “Distributed Utility: Conflicts and Opportunities between Incumbent Utilities, Suppliers, and Emerging New Entrants,” in Future of Utilities, Utilities of the Future: How Technological Innovations in Distributed Energy Resources Will Reshape the Electric Power Sector, ed. F. P. Sioshansi (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2016), 399, 405–412, 7.

33. Eric Wesoff, “New York’s Con Ed Is Building a Virtual Power Plant from Sunverge Energy Storage and SunPower PV,” Greentech Media, June 12, 2016. Retrieved from

34. Jones et al., “Distributed Utility,” supra note 32, 408–410.

35. Samantha Ruiz, Katie R. Thomas, and Kevin B. Jones, “Promoting Clean Reliable Energy through Smart Technologies and Policies: Lessons from Three Distributed Energy Case Studies,” San Diego Journal of Climate and Energy Law 6 (2014–2015): 66–67.

36. Peter Maloney, “Leading Edge: Hawaii Utilities Push Storage, Solar Integration for 100% Renewables Mandate,” Utility Dive, March 21, 2016. Retrieved from

37. Ibid.; Gavin Bade, “Hawaii co-op signs deal for solar+storage project at 11¢/kWh,” Utility Dive, January 10, 2017. Retrieved from

38. Herman K. Trabish, “Oregon Saddles Up to Implement Trailblazing Energy Storage Mandate,” Utility Dive, November 17, 2015. Retrieved from

39. Ibid.

40. Ibid.

41. Peter Maloney, “Puerto Rico Energy Storage Project Tests Load Shifting Capabilities of Hybrid Batteries,” Utility Dive, May 3, 2016. Retrieved from

42. Ibid.

43. Peter Maloney, “Massachusetts State Report Recommends 600 MW Energy Storage Target,” Utility Dive, September 19, 2016. Retrieved from

44. Ibid.

45. Julian Spector, “New York City Sets the First Citywide Energy Storage Target,” Greentech Media, September 27, 2016. Retrieved from

46. Eric Wesoff, “3 Big Energy Storage Trends, 3 Important Energy Storage Projects.” Greentech Media, December 7, 2015. Retrieved from

47. Barbara Grady and Laura McCamy, “The Demise of Utilities as We Know Them Could Be 15 Years Away,” GreenBiz, April 7, 2015. Retrieved from