about the artists

Artist photos supplied by the artists.


JG Jones is one of the most exciting and influential cover artists working in comics today. His art has appeared on countless covers, including DC’s 52, Wonder Woman and Y: the Last Man; Marvel’s Marvel Boy; and Wizard magazine. The depth, texture and energy that he brings to his artwork are simply stunning. His use of color brings power and impact to every image. I’ve been fortunate enough to know JG many years, so I’ve seen his work develop and mature. He is a true gentleman and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in this business. I’m incredibly proud that JG’s artwork is featured on the cover of this project. Check out the progression of his cover to see how he works his magic.


Terry Moore is an accomplished and revered comic writer-artist. His award-winning series Strangers in Paradise stands as one of the finest stories ever to be published in the discovered medium. I’d first Terry’s work when SiP was bubbling up as an underground sensation. Even then, his art and writing could steal your breath away. As you read his lesson on Think 3-D, you will understand why Terry is a modern master of the art form. He reveals how he not only draws the model but actually thinks about her as a person. I’ve known Terry for many years, and I’m thrilled and honored to have him be part of this project.


When I first discovered his work, Jamal Igle was a young kid breaking in on a respected indie comic called Blackjack. Even then, he had an incredible sense of energy and motion. Jamal is known for his influential art Nightwing and his on Green Lantern, New Warriors, Firestorm, own co-created book, Venture. He’s drawn hundreds of pages for Marvel, DC and Image, yet he remains accessible to his fans. indie comic Early in his career, I tried to snag Jamal for a small, I Fortunately wanted to publish, but our schedules didn’t cooperate. we got to work together on the lesson on Team of Heroes, Collage-Style, where you’ll see Jamal go above and beyond the call of duty. I asked for a drawing of one woman, and Jamal gave me an entire superteam.


Josh Howard stormed the indie comic scene with his creator-owned Dead@17, in which he skillfully blended modern horror, action and gorgeous women all in one fun story. Everything Josh draws is so fluid and natural—cartoony, yet rooted in realism. It’s amazing what he accomplishes with a few well-placed lines. He seamlessly meshes several art styles to produce a look that is unique and exciting. I’d never met Josh prior to this project, but I jumped at the chance to see how he would interpret my photographs. Check out his lesson on Teen Action Hero to see how he combines fun and danger in one subtle illustration.