
Chapter Two


In order to help the Earth, we must first look after our own physical body, and (importantly) our own subtle energies. Staying calm, protected and centred in your body puts you in the best “space” to help others. Having a filter system in place to ensure that only beneficial energy reaches you means that you function more effectively in your everyday world. You can achieve all this if you keep your chakra system cleansed so that it is working optimally. There is a power source – the dantien (see page 29) – that you can call on to boost your overall healing ability and raise your own energy level. And there are additional chakras that you can open up to assist your connection with higher dimensions and the Earth.


Like the Earth, our bodies have a subtle energy system that enables us to function effectively on many levels when it is healthy and in balance. This system comprises the chakras, the endocrine glands and the body’s subtle energy meridian systems. If negative energies, toxic thoughts or repressed emotions pervade the subtle energy system, dis-ease results.

Accentuate the positive

Your thoughts create an energy field that may be positive and constructive or negative and destructive. If you want to heal the Earth, avoid toxic thoughts – and toxic people. If you constantly focus on the negative or on fear, that is what you attract. Keeping your thoughts focused on the positive is one of the simplest ways to keep your own energy clear and also that of the space around you. Building a positive energy field keeps subtle energies high and enables you to emit positive, healing thoughts for the Earth.


Holding a Carnelian over your dantien recharges your energy.

Wear a crystal programmed to protect your energies from invasion from toxic people (hold the crystal with this intention): Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz or Brandenberg are ideal. Cleanse the crystal thoroughly each evening.

The powerpoint: the dantien

A small, slowly revolving sphere about two fingers breadth below your navel, the dantien links to the autonomic nervous system and sits atop the sacral chakra. This is where power – or Qi – is stored in your body. If the dantien is empty or depleted, your creative energy cannot function and you feel ill at ease. The dantien may be drained if you use your own energy during healing rather than channelling that of the crystals or if people or places draw on your energy. Tape crystals over your dantien to nourish and activate it, or place your hands over it and breathe deeply into it. Amplify your dantien’s power by holding a highly energetic crystal, such as Carnelian, Golden Healer or Bumble Bee Jasper, over the spot.

The dantien provides an anchor that connects you to the earth. Before commencing Earth healing, stand for a few moments with your feet slightly apart and knees relaxed and somewhat bent, and your hands over your dantien. Consciously make a connection from the dantien across to your hips, down each leg and out through your feet to the root and earth star chakras beneath. Here the connections twine together in a cord that goes deep down into the earth to anchor itself at the planet’s core. Earth energy can travel up this cord and healing energy can go down through it.


Hold a protective crystal such as Black Tourmaline or Purpurite on your palm chakra. Feel the crystal energy growing large until it envelops you in a big bubble. Picture the edges of this bubble crystallizing so that you are within the crystal. Wear the crystal to remind you of your protective shield.


A lemiscate (figure-of-eight) layout placed on and around your body purifies and harmonizes your psyche, gently grounding you and bringing together your mind, emotions, body and spirit. This layout is particularly helpful if you find events in the outside world disturbing – it restores your equilibrium, calming you so that you can take remedial action and set healing in motion.


Crystals: Preseli Bluestone; Golden Healer, Golden Herkimer or Golden Quartz; Smoky Elestial or Smoky Quartz

A lemiscate draws energy downward from the highest source and upward from the earth, synergizing the two. You can achieve this synergy with only three key crystals placed as shown. If you wish, add further high-vibration crystals (see pages 148–53) above your waist to raise your consciousness, and earthy vibration crystals (see pages 136–47) below it to fully anchor the harmonized energy.

1  Choose a time and place in which you will not be disturbed.

2  Hold the crystals in your hands, stating your intention that they harmonize your psyche and calm your mind.

3  Sit down with your legs out in front of you and with enough space behind you so that you can lie down. Place the Smoky Elestial or Smoky Quartz below and to the left of your feet.

4  Now lie down. Place the Golden Healer, Golden Herkimer or Golden Quartz over your dantien.

5  Place the Preseli Bluestone above and to the right of your head.

6  Visualize a figure of eight going from the Preseli Bluestone round and down through the golden stone, crossing over and moving down to the Smoky Quartz, then returning up the other side. (You could also ask a friend to do this connection for you using a crystal wand.)

7  Lie quietly for ten to 15 minutes or until you no longer feel the energy moving around the lemiscate. Allow the energy to settle itself into a shield around you – this shield filters the energies you pick up from the external world.

8  Sit up slowly. Remove the crystals in the opposite order to the one in which you laid them. Feel the energetic shield around you. Stand up and feel your feet connecting with the earth.


For an instant cleanse, sweep a piece of AnandaliteTM from your feet up to your head, over your head and down your back returning to your feet. For instant calm, hold a Rose Quartz or an Eye of the Storm over your heart.



Your chakras provide a filter between your inner energies and the energies of the outside world. Cleansing them is essential if you are to carry out personal, space or Earth healing effectively.

The chakras link the physical body with the subtle energies of the etheric body. They keep the physical and subtle bodies in harmony. To an intuitive eye, they spin and whirl, and blockages show up as dark spots or as “wobbles” as each chakra turns.

In crystal healing we often use the body’s seven major chakras (see diagram), plus the root (earth) chakra beneath your feet, which keeps you gently grounded and helps you to sense the energy of place. The table opposite lists each of the everyday chakras, its position, function and associated crystals. This table can help you when choosing which crystals to use in a healing.


The seven traditional chakras are positioned along the midline of your body, from your crown to your perineum. Each is associated with a specific colour in the rainbow spectrum. The root (earth) chakra lies beneath your feet.


Crystals: Dowse, intuit or draw upon the traditional chakra-colour associations (see below) for appropriate stones. Or, place Halite over each chakra for a fast cleanse and Golden Healer for a rapid recharge. Cleanse the crystals before you begin.

1  Lie down comfortably in a place where you will not be disturbed. Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention that they cleanse and rebalance your chakras.

2  Place a Smoky Quartz or other appropriate crystal between and slightly below your feet. Picture energy radiating out from the crystal into the root (earth) chakra for a minute or two. Become aware that the chakra is being cleansed and its spin regulated. Leave the crystal in place.

3  Place a suitable crystal on your base chakra. Picture energy radiating out from the crystal into this chakra, as before.

4  Place an appropriate crystal on your sacral chakra, just below your navel, and again feel the cleansing process.

5  Repeat for the remaining chakras: place an appropriate crystal on your solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras in turn, each time feeling the cleansing process.

6  Lie still for a few moments and feel the crystals re-energize your chakras and this energy radiate through your being.

7  When you’re ready, move your attention slowly from the soles of your feet up the midline of your body, feeling the balance and harmony of each chakra as your attention reaches it.

8  Gather your crystals, starting at the crown. As you reach the root chakra, be aware of a cord anchoring you to the earth.

9  When you have finished, cleanse your stones thoroughly.

The everyday chakras

Chakra Position Function Crystal
Root (earth) Beneath the feet Grounding and protection Flint / Smoky Quartz
Base Perineum Energizing and survival Malachite / Menalite
Sacral Below navel Creating and activating Bumble Bee Jasper / Tangerine Dream
Solar plexus Above navel Nurturing, feeling Citrine / Golden Healer
Heart Over heart Healing emotional distress, radiating love Rose Quartz / Rhodochrosite
Throat Adam’s apple Communication, expressing yourself Golden Herkimer
Third eye Centre of forehead Metaphysical attunement and inner sight AnandaliteTM / Preseli Bluestone
Crown Top of head Opening intuition and higher awareness Selenite / Spirit Quartz


This simple exercise instantly connects you to the planet. Use this exercise whenever you begin a healing session to maximize healing energy and keep you grounded.

Focus on the soles of your feet. Breathe deeply, into your toes. Slowly exhale. Imagine that you have a root growing from each of your feet into the earth. Below your feet the two roots twist together to form one strong bond. Where they meet is your root (or earth) chakra. This root goes on down into the earth, passing through the stone beings who breathe only every 100 years or so. It passes through the fiery molten magma that powers the planet, until finally it anchors itself around a huge crystal at the centre of the Earth. This root holds you gently in incarnation. When your root chakra is open, energy can pass up it to you and you can send energy down it to the Earth.


Two little-known chakras – the spleen chakra and the past-life chakra – can radically affect how well your energies function.

Spleen chakra

Positioned under the left armpit, the spleen chakra is the place where energetic hooks lodge from “psychic vampires” – needy people who wittingly or unwittingly pull on your energies. In balance, this chakra is self-motivated and full of power.

Past-life chakra

Found behind the ears along the bony skull ridge, this chakra offers wisdom, skill and instinctive knowing. It is also where your own unfinished business, unfulfilled promises, emotional baggage and ingrained beliefs cause energetic interference. Restoring this chakra to pristine functioning speeds up the opening of the high-vibration chakras (see page 36).


To cleanse the spleen chakra, position Eye of the Storm, Green Aventurine, Green Jade or Bloodstone a hand’s breadth under your left armpit. Wind the crystal anticlockwise to pull out energetic hooks. Lay the crystal flat against the chakra to heal and seal it.

To cleanse the past-life chakras, massage along the ridge of your skull with your crystal (Brandenberg, Stromatolite, Kambaba Jasper, Preseli Bluestone or Golden Healer) or fingers. Place one crystal behind each ear and one at the base of your skull. Hold the intention that the crystals dissolve the negative effects of the past.


High-vibration chakras act like higher octaves of the basic chakras. They open up to connect you with multi-dimensions and expanded consciousness and are usually activated with high-vibration stones. Open and cleanse one higher chakra at a time, allowing it to settle in before opening the next. When you have finished a healing, close your chakras: if the higher chakras are left open, they can be subject to subtle interference that can hamper your attempts to deal with the everyday world. When they open and close appropriately, these chakras harmonize the energetic vibrations for positive effects. (At times they open spontaneously.)

Earth star chakra

Position: below the feet beyond the root chakra

Quality: material connection

Positive effect: grounding, practical; helps you to operate well in reality and connect to the soul of the planet

Negative effect: ungrounding; causes you to pick up negativity easily, or become overly influenced by spirits of place, lost souls or traumatic events

Regulating crystals: Aragonite, Black Tourmaline, Elestial Smoky Quartz, Eye of the Storm, Flint, Granite, Halite, Rhodozite, Smoky Quartz


Heart seed chakra

Position: base of the breastbone

Quality: reminds you that you are an eternal soul

Positive effect: connecting you to the divine plan; raising awareness of the reason for your incarnation; enables you to manifest potential

Negative effect: feeling rootless, purposeless or affected by outdated unfinished or karmic business; leaves parts of your soul in other lives or dimensions

Regulating crystals: AnandaliteTM, Brandenberg, Eye of the Storm, PerumarTM, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz

Higher heart chakra

Position: midway between the heart and the throat

Quality: unconditional love

Positive effect: makes you more forgiving, accepting, spiritually connected and autonomous

Negative effect: increases spiritual disconnectedness, grief and neediness; you feel overly attached to guides and mentors and influenced by “lost souls” or “walk-ins” who take over your physical body

Regulating crystals: AnandaliteTM, Eye of the Storm, Spirit Quartz

Soma chakra

Position: above the brow, at the hairline

Quality: spiritual connection

Positive effect: you feel more spiritually aware and fully conscious of your soul connection

Negative effect: cuts you off from spiritual connection

Regulating crystals: Herkimer Diamond, Preseli Bluestone, Purpurite, Trigonic Quartz

Soul star chakra

Position: above the head

Quality: spiritual enlightenment or illumination

Positive effect: gives you the ultimate soul connection and an objective perspective on the past; mystical awareness, humanitarian service

Negative effect: brings spiritual arrogance, soul fragmentation or a messiah complex (using your power to control others); you may feel overwhelmed by ancestral or other spirits

Regulating crystals: AnandaliteTM, Brandenberg, Spirit Quartz, Tangerine Dream Lemurian, Trigonic Quartz

Stellar gateway chakra

Position: above the soul star

Quality: cosmic doorway to other worlds

Positive effect: offers you multi-dimensional access and expanded consciousness; enables communication with enlightened beings

Negative effect: disintegration; you are open to cosmic disinformation and unable to function in the world

Regulating crystals: AnandaliteTM, Brandenberg, Fire and Ice, Trigonic Quartz

Alta major chakra

Position: inside the skull

Quality: cosmic consciousness

Positive effect: activates your lightbody that carries expanded consciousness and connects to multi-dimensional worlds

Negative effect: holds ancient and ancestral memories that may be projected onto others in the current life; the chakra may contain memories of the traumatic disintegration of former civilizations

Regulating crystals: AnandaliteTM, Green Ridge, Golden Healer, Herkimer Diamond, Preseli Bluestone, Purpurite, Rainbow Mayanite, Smoky Elestial, Trigonic Quartz

Note: Activating and clearing this chakra may well bring up old angers and resentments. However, you need to feel, acknowledge and let these go so that you can anchor a new energy frequency here on Earth.

Before undertaking any healing work, consciously open the higher chakras. (If you are clearing a past life in a particular place, you’ll need to open the past-life chakra – see page 35 – too.) When you have finished the healing, close the chakras again, but leave the earth star open as an anchor that keeps you grounded.


Carry out this layout in small stages until you have cleansed, regulated and opened all the higher chakras, and you have control over them. Dowse or use your intuition to choose which of the regulating crystals to use. Cleanse your crystals before you begin.

1  Lie down in a place where you’ll be undisturbed. To activate the earth star, place one of its crystals 12in (30cm) or so below your feet; for your heart seed chakra, place a crystal at the base of your breastbone; and to activate your higher heart chakra place one of its crystals between your physical heart and your throat.

2  Feel the three-chambered heart chakra opening and integrating as the heart, heart seed and higher heart merge.

3  To activate the soma chakra, place a stone on the centre of your hairline where it meets your brow. Open the soul star by placing a regulating crystal point downward above your head.

4  To activate the stellar gateway, reach as far as you can above your head and place one of its crystals point downward.

5  Finally, to open the alta major, place a crystal in the hollow at the back of your skull, or one on either side of your skull.

6  Lie quietly allowing the energies to shift and fizz as they cleanse and activate the higher chakras.

7  Practise opening and shutting the chakras so that they come under your conscious control. You could do this simply by picturing flower petals opening and closing. However, at first, you may need to remove a crystal and place your hand over the spot in order to close that chakra down.