Abominable Snowman. See yeti
Abraham, Karl, 181–82
Acehuche (town in Spain), 161
Aeneid, 41–42
Africa, 2–3
Aix-Sainte-Marguerite (town in France), 163
Alien (film), 70–72
Amun (Egyptian monster), 30
Andalusia, 166
Andersen, Johannes, 143
Andriano, Joseph, 6
Apollonius of Tyana, 42
Apophis (Egyptian monster), 29–30
Arabic monsters, 3
Arens, William, 185
Argentina, 111
Aristotle, 9
Arizona, 103–11
Ashurbanipal (Assyrian king), 31
Athabascan people (Canada), 91–96
Atlas Mountains, 3
Australia, 149–54
Ba’al (Ugaritic hero-god), 33, 120
Baron, Carlin, 45
Barrow, Terence, 135–38
Benchley, Peter, 70
Beowulf, 3, 5, 48–50, 144, 191
Berbers, 3
Berga (town in Spain), 164–70
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 60–61
Bettelheim, Bruno, 190
Bhutan, 118
Bielsa (town in Spain), 160
Biurg Saint-Andeol (town in France), 163
Blackfoot Indians, 176
Blemmyae (monstrous race), 61
Blundell, Susan, 43
Bogoras, Waldemar, 125–26
Boleyn, Anne, 167
bonze (Chinese water monster), 130
Bosch, Hieronymus, 56
Botarga de la Candelaria (Spanish Candlemas devil), 160
Breughel, Pieter, 56
Britain, 66
Brown, Paula, 185
Buddhism, Buddhists, 122–25
bunyip (Australian monster), 149–51
Butturff, Douglas, 8
Canaan, 33
Canada: English, 97–98; French, 97; native Indian monsters of, 75–101
Cannibalism, man-eating, 6–7, 93, 123, 133, 139–41, 180–87
Carantonas (Spanish ritual ogres), 161
Carneros (Spanish ritual monsters), 160
Carnival monsters, in Spain, 158–61
Carpenter, Carole, 99–100
Carroll, Noel, 8–9
Celts, Celtic legends, 35
Centaur(s), 39
Chaco people (Argentina), 111
Charchadon megalodon (extinct shark), 70
Charles III (Spain), 167
Cheyenne Indians, 103
Chimera, 39
Chuan-hsü (Chinese culture hero), 129
cinema, monsters in, 69–73, 180
Cohen, Jeffrey, 21
Cohn, Norman, 27–28
commonalities of monsters, 12–13, 36, 112
Corpus Christi, 66, 163, 165–70
Cosimo, Piero di, 40
Crichton, Michael, 70
Crow Indians, 176
cryptozoology, 12
Cynocephalics (monstrous race), 61
Dakota Indians, 103
Doniger, Wendy O., 119
Douglass, Carrie, 158
Dracula, 1, 14, 63–65. See also vam-pire(s)
Dragon(s), 6–7, 50, 65–66, 123, 182
Draguignon (town in France), 163
Dumont, Louis, 163–64
Dunne-za (Beaver Indians, Canada), 92–95
Durga (goddess, India), 119
Eberhart, George, 132
Egypt (ancient), 28–30
Empedocles, 43
Erikson, Erik, 190
Estonia, 66
Ethiopia, 40
Etymology of “monster,” 9–10
Everest, Mount, 133
Fete de la Tarasque, 163
Fiji, 142
film. See cinema; Hollywood
Finn MacCool (Irish hero), 35
fireworks, and ritual monsters, 169–70
Fogelson, Raymond, 113
foreigner, as monster, 129
fossils, and monsters, 44–45
Fra Angelico, Last Judgment, 183
Freud, Sigmund, 15–18, 180–81, 189–90, 194
Frontera (town in Spain), 160
Fuentes de Andalucia (town in Spain), 160, 161
Furies, 42
Garo people (India), 119–21
Garochos (Spanish demons), 159
Geertz, Armin, 107
Girard, Rene, 21–22
Goera (Garo culture hero), 121, 191
Golem (Hebrew monster), 69
Gottlieb, Richard, 178
Granada, 166
Greece, ancient, 37–45
Griffon (Gryphon), 39
Grimm, Joseph, 56
Grünewald, Mathias, 56
Guthrie, W. K. C., 43
Hacinas (town in Spain), 167
Hannya (Japanese she-demon), 137
Hawaii, 141
Hecatoneheires (Greek hundred-headed monsters), 39
Henham (England), 66–67
Henry VIII, 167
Heracles (Greek hero), 37–38, 40
Hero, myth of, 11–12; Anglo-Saxon, 48–50; Chinese,127; Egyptian, 27–30; Garo, 121–22; Greek, 37–38, 41, Hopi, 103–5; Indian (Hindu), 116–17; Maori, 144–49; Mesopotamian, 30–32; Norse, 35; in Oceania, 139–41; Ugaritic, 33–34
Hidatsa Indians, 176
Hitler, Adolf, 6
Hollywood, 69–73
Hopi Indians, 103–11, 115, 178
Hovell, William, 150
Hudson Bay, 100
Hydra, 39–40
Indra (Hindu hero), 116 Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 16–17
Ives, James, 150
Jackson, Rosemary, 15
Jarramplas (Spanish ritual monster festival), 158
Java, 142
Jeffrey, David, 60
Jones, Ernest, 17
Joppa monster, 45
Jurassic Park (film, book), 70–72, 176
Kachina(s) (Hopi masks), 108–11, 178
Kaitabha (Indian demon), 119
Kai-whare (Maori monster), 145–46
Kali, 119
Kapferer, Bruce, 123–24
Das Kapital (Marx), 15
Kenya, 2
Kiau (Chinese river monster), 130
Kiefe, Nikolas, 135–37
Kirtley, Bacil F, 142
Klamath River, 101
Klein, Melanie, 182–83
Kraken, 3
Kung-kung (Chinese monster), 129
Kwakiutl people, 97–98
Labbu (Mesopotamian monster), 31
Lamashtu (Mesopotamian monster), 31
lamia(s), 41
Lascault, Gilbert, 21
Law, John, 14
Leach, Edmund, 19
legaselep (Ulithi ogres), 139–40, 176
Leroi-Gourhan, Andre, 24–26
Lessa, William, 139
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 21
Liber Monstrorum (Book of Monsters), 8, 52–55
liminal, liminality, 17, 156–58
liquidity (water) theme, 55, 72–73, 189
Loch Morar (Scotland), 67
Lucian, 37
Lucretius, 43
lycanthropy (werewolfery), 40. See also werewolf
Madrid, 166
Mahdu (Indian demon), 119
Malaysia, 142
Marcos Arevalo, Javier, 160
Marduk (Babylonian hero), 31, 115
Marseilles, 163
Martha, St., 162
Marxism, 14–15
Mayor, Adrienne, 43–46
McCulloch, J. M., 156
Medusa, 39
Melanesia, 138
Meso-America, 110–11
Mesopotamia, 30–32
Mexico, 110–11
Middle Ages, 51–61
Misogyny, and monsters, 166–67
Mississippi River, 102
Mode, Heinz, 5, 8, 26, 191 moha-moha (Australian sea monster), 152–53
Mokele-Mbembe (African monster), 2, 192
Monster of Troy, 37–38 “monstrous races” (Homo monstrosus), 61–62
Montamarta (town in Spain), 158
Moretti, Franco, 14–15
Mouth, maw, as defining trait of monsters, 176–80
Mulaguita (Spanish ritual monster), 165–70
Murrumbidgee River (Australia), 150
myth, mythology, 11–13
Namtaru (Sumerian monster), 31
Napier, John, 98
narrative, of monster stories, 12–13
Nash, Ogden, 89
Navajo Indians, 103
Neanderthal(s), 24
Neoplatonism, 59
New Hebrides, 142
New Zealand, 142–44
Newfoundland, 97
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 26
Nourri, Jean, 164
Noyes, Dorothy, 167–70
Nubia, Nubians, 2–3
Obisparra (parade in Spain), 158
Oceania, 138–41
Oedipus (myth), 27; theme, 17–18, 36, 184, 193
Ogopogo (Canadian lake serpent), 98–99
oni (Japanese evil spirits), 136
Order of the Knights of the Tarasque (France), 163
Orsini, Vecino, 61
Osiris, 30
Pakistan, 43
Paleolithic: beasts, 187–89; cave art, 24–25
Parco di Mostri (Sacro Bosco) (Italy), 61, 178, 193
Pastinaca (Greek giant weasel), 40
Patum (festival in Spain), 165–70
Pawnee Indians, 176
Pazuzu (Mesopotaman monster), 31–32
Perseus (Greek hero), 40
Piaget, Jean, 190
Piornal (town in Spain), 158
Pitaka (Maori hero), 144, 147–48
Polyphemus (Cyclops), 50
postmodernism, 14–14
Provence, 162–63
Pryde, Duncan, 100
psychoanalysis, 15–18
Pueblo Indians. See Hopi
quinto (Spanish ritual monster), 158
Reed, A. W., 148
Rhone River, 162
Rig Veda (Hindu sacred text), 36, 116
Riofrío de Aliste (town in Spain), 158
Rome, ancient, 45–46
Rongmuthu, Dewan Singh, 120
Sagan, Eli, 184–86
Saint-Mitre (town in France), 163
Sasquatch (Bigfoot), 98
satyr(s), 42
Sciapodes (monstrous race), 61
Scotland, 67–68. See also Loch Ness
Scylla and Charybdis, 41
sea monster(s), 2, 33–34, 97, 129–30, 151–53, 188
Seth (Egyptian hero), 29–30, 115
Seville, 166
Shelley, Mary, 63
shokera (Japense roof devil), 136
Shu Ching (Chinese sacred text), 127
Siberia, 125–26
Sikkim, 118
Sioux Indians, 103
Smith, Malcolm, 150–51
Solomon Islands, 142
Songdu River (India), 120
South America, 111–12
Spatial representations, 12–13, 192–93
sphinx(es), 26–27
Spielberg, Stephen, 70
Sri Lanka, 122–25
Stalin, Josef, 6
Stoker, Bram, 63
stone-clad giants (Iroquois), 1
super-id, 193
Suttles, Wayne, 97–98
Sweden, 65–66
Tahiti, 142
Tamure (Maori hero), 144–45
Tarasca (Spain), 22, 66, 157, 162–64. See also Tarasque
Tarasque (France), 66, 161–64, 178
tarasquillo (Spanish junior Tarasca), 166
Tasmania, 152
Tengu (Japanese aerial demon), 137
Thunderbird, 102–3, 138, 147, 178
Tiamat (Babylonian goddess-monster), 31–31, 115, 192
Toledo (Spain), 167
Tolkien, J. R. R., 48–51
Tonga, 142
Trois-Freres “sorcerer,” 25, 173
Turner, Victor, 16, 20–21, 155–56
Tuzin, Donald, 185
Tyrannosaurus rex, 70–72
Ugarit, 33
Ulithi Atoll (Pacific), 139–41
utkena (Cherokee monster), 2, 99, 178
Vaca Bayona (Spanish ritual Minotaur), 159
vampire(s), 14–15, 179–80. See also Dracula
Vedas (Hindu sacred books), 119
Virgil, 41–42
Von Franz, Marie-Louise, 131–33
Vritra (Indian monster), 116
Walguru (Australian monster), 151
Wechuge (native Canadian monster), 91–95
were-animals, 6, 141–42. See also Dracula; vampire(s)
Wichita Indians, 176
Williams, David, 59
Windigo (native Canadian monster): age of, 81, 87–88; and cannibalism, 82, 84–85; diet of, 80; early reports, 76, 87–89; and human “psychosis,” 81–85; imagery, 77–78; incidence, 76–77; native story of, 86—87; noisiness of, 79–80; powers of, 80; sex of, 80
Wolff, Etienne, 9
wolverine man (native Canadian monster), 95–96
yakku (Sinhalese demons), 122–25
Yam (Ugaritic monster), 33