1. Author Note
  2. Foreword
  3. Introduction
  4. Chapter 1: Punk Messiah
  5. Presence
    1. Chapter 2: The Time of Our Lives
    2. Chapter 3: Encounter Culture
    3. Chapter 4: The Presence Paradigm
  6. Prayer
    1. Chapter 5: All Hell
    2. Chapter 6: Super Bowl
    3. Chapter 7: Blue Camp 20
  7. Mission
    1. Chapter 8: Strange Angels
    2. Chapter 9: Porky the Pirate
    3. Chapter 10: Word On the Street
  8. Justice
    1. Chapter 11: Boy’s Town
    2. Chapter 12: The Foundery
    3. Chapter 13: Dirty Dancing
  9. Joy
    1. Chapter 14: Let Us Begin
  10. Study Guide
  11. Disclaimer about Miracles
  12. A Note to My American Friends
  13. Notes
  14. Index of Bible References
  15. About the Author
  16. Acknowledgments