Figure B-1 shows the pinout for the micro:bit’s edge connector. See Chapter 10 for more information on using the edge connector.
Figure B-1 The micro:bit edge connector pinout.
The micro:bit is available from many suppliers worldwide, so for a micro:bit itself, your best starting point is probably an Internet search. There are also manufacturers and retailers that supply micro:bits and also various add-ons and kits for the boards. Some of the most popular companies are listed in Table B-1.
Table B-1 Manufacturers and Suppliers of micro:bit-Related Products
This section contains lists of the various parts and modules used in this book along with some ideas on where to get them.
It’s a little unfair of me to single out certain products, especially because new products for the micro:bit are being released all the time. What I list in Table B-2 are items that I see as particularly useful. I suggest a thorough Internet search to see the full range of options before you buy anything.
Table B-2 Hardware for the micro:bit
Buying a starter kit is a good way to get started with the basic hardware that you need with electronics on a micro:bit. Table B-3 lists some of the kits I am aware of, although I am sure that other kits also will be available by now.
Table B-3 micro:bit Electronics Kits
Getting hold of basic components such as LEDs and resistors can be surprisingly difficult if you visit a large component supplier such as Farnell, Mouser, or Digi-Key. Minimum order values and the sheer range of choices can be confusing. If you are new to buying electronic components, then it is easier to either buy a kit that includes a basic set of components or use a component supplier such as Adafruit or SparkFun that specialize in the hobby market. eBay is also a great source of low-cost components. Table B-4 lists the few basic components used in this book.
Table B-4 Basic Electronic Components
The micro:bit has a lively “ecosystem” with many interesting add-on boards available. Table B-5 lists those used in this book, as well as other interesting boards.
Table B-5 Modules and Expansion Boards for the micro:bit