

1 Theory Before Theory, 1915–1960

I. Early American Theorists and the Quest for Legitimacy

II. France, Film Culture, and Photogénie

III. Soviet Russia and Montage Theory

IV. Germany and the Frankfurt School

V. Post-War France: From Neorealism to the New Wave


References and Suggested Readings

2 French Theory, 1949–1968

I. The Linguistic Turn

II. Lacan and the Return to Freud

III. Althusser and the Return to Marx

IV. Cinema and Semiotics

V. May 1968 and Afterward


References and Suggested Readings

3 Screen Theory, 1969–1996

I. Screen and Theory

II. Feminist Film Theory

III. Postcolonial Theory

IV. Queer Theory

V. Postmodernism: Fervor and Despair


References and Suggested Readings

4 Post Theory, 1996 – Present

I. Debate, Polarization, and New Directions

II. From Historical Poetics to Media Archaeology

III. Cognitive Film Theory

IV. Film and Philosophy

V. To Sleep or Dream: Film Theory’s Future


References and Suggested Readings

5 Theory After Film Theory

I. Digital Technologies, New Media, and Post-Cinema

II. Cinema and the Anthropocene

III. Critical Race Theory


References and Suggested Readings

General Sources for Film Theory

Appendix I: Glossary of Key Terms

Appendix II: Glossary of Key Theorists
