CHÁNG, to repay; to meet, fulfill [C]

偿还 chánghuán to pay back [D] L6

血债血偿 xuèzhàixuècháng an eye for an eye

CHĚ, to pull; to tear; to gossip [C]

扯淡 chědàn to talk nonsense, nonsense

CHĒNG, to prop up; to move with a pole; to keep up, keep on; to open up; to fill to bursting [C]

撑船 chēngchuán to punt a boat

撑腰 chēngyāo to back up, to support

CHÍ, spoon; SHI, see 钥匙 yàoshi under yào, p. 271a [C]

匙子 chízi spoon

CHǓN, be stupid, clumsy; (bookish) to wriggle [C]

蠢笨 chǔnbèn be stupid

蠢货 chǔnhuò blockhead

, porcelain [C]

“tile” for meaning; for sound.

瓷器 cíqì chinaware

瓷砖 cízhuān (ceramic) tile

CŌNG, hastily [C]

匆忙 cōngmáng hastily [C] L5

匆匆 cōngcōng hastily [D]

CÓNG, to crowd together; thicket; crowd L6

丛林 cónglín jungle

, phrase, phraseology; take leave of

修辞 xiūcí rhetoric

辞职 cízhí to resign L5

CHUÀN, to string together [C] L6

A pictogram—things strung on the downstroke.

CUÀN, to scurry; to kick out; to alter (e.g., the wording of a text) [C]

窜逃 cuàntáo to flee, to escape

窜改 cuàngǎi to tamper with, falsification

HUÀN, trouble; disaster; worry; to suffer from [C]

Distinguish from (next character).

患者 huànzhě a patient [D] L6

ZHŌNG, be loyal [C]

Distinguish from the preceding character.

忠诚 zhōngchéng loyal [C] L6

忠实 zhōngshí faithful [C] L6

CHÓU, a toast; to propose a toast; a reward; to fulfill [C]

酬金 chóujīn remuneration

酬劳 chóuláo reward

CHÓU, enemy; enmity; QIÚ, a family name [C]

仇恨 chóuhèn hostility [C]

报仇 bàochóu to revenge L6

CUŌ, to rub with hands [C]

搓手顿脚 cuōshǒu dùnjiǎo rub hands, stamp feet: get impatient, anxious

CUÒ, to defeat; to frustrate; to subdue [C] L6

挫折 cuòzhé setback [C] L6

DǍI, to capture; DÀI, (bookish) to reach [C]

逮捕 dàibǔ to arrest (a criminal) L6

逮捕令 dàibǔlìng an arrest warrant

DĀN, to delay; (bookish) to give oneself over to, to indulge in [C]

耽误 dānwù to impede, to delay L5

DÀN, birth; birthday; be absurd [C]

诞辰 dànchén (formal) birthday L6

DÀNG, shelves; files, archives; grade [C]

档案 dǎng’àn files, records, archives L6

DǍO, (bookish) to step on; to skip (i.e., movement—not omission) [C]

舞蹈 wǔdǎo to dance [C] L6

DĒNG, to tread on; to press down with the foot; a pedal, to pedal [C] L6

Compare with (798, p. 160).

DÈNG, to look bug-eyed at; to stare; to glare at [C]

瞪眼 dèngyǎn to stare

DIÀN, to remember and worry about; be concerned about [C]

惦记 diànjì to worry over; to keep thinking of [C] L6

DIÀN, to settle; to make offerings (to spirits of the dead) [C]

奠定 diàndìng to establish [C] L6

祭奠 jìdiàn obit; to hold a memorial ceremony for


DIÀN, palace; hall; to be at the rear [C]

殿后 diànhòu to bring up the rear

殿下 diànxià Highness; Serenity

DIĀO, to carve, to engrave [C]; eagle

雕刻 diāokè to carve, to engrave; a carving [C] L6

(“eagle” only)

DIÉ, butterfly: see 蝴蝶 under (p. 257a) [C]

DǑU, be steep; abruptly [C]

陡峭 dǒuqiào steep L6

陡崖 dǒuyá precipitous cliff

, to supervise, direct [C]

督导 dūdǎo to supervise, supervisor

DUŌ, in 哆嗦 duōsuo, p. 262b [C] L6

FĀN, a measure for kinds (), times (), or positions in a sequence () [C] L6

番薯 fānshǔ sweet potato

番茄 fānqié tomato

FÈI, to boil [C]

沸点 fèidiǎn boiling point

沸水 fèishuǐ boiling water

FÉN, grave, tomb [C]

坟墓 fénmù grave, tomb [D] L6

坟地 féndì graveyard

FĒNG, be insane [C]

疯子 fēngzi madman [D]

疯人院 fēngrényuàn lunatic asylum

FĚNG, to satirize; (bookish) to chant [C]

讽刺 fěngcí sarcasm, to satirize L5

, see below [C]

包袱 bāofu cloth used as a wrapper; bundle in cloth wrapper; burden [C] L6

, to tie up [C]

GÀI, see below [C]

灌溉 guàngài to irrigate [C] L6

, pigeon, dove [C]

信鸽 xìngē homing pigeon

, thigh; measure for puffs, whiffs, skeins, bands, gangs, surges, and shares of stock [C]

股市 gǔshì stock market

股票 gǔpiào stocks L5

GUĀI, be well-behaved (of a child); be clever [C] L5

乖巧 guāiqiǎo clever/cute

乖孩子 guāiháizi well-behaved child

GUÌ, cabinet; cupboard [C]

柜台 guìtái counter, bar [C] L5

柜子 guìzi cabinet, cupboard [C]

GUǑ, to bind, to wrap [C]

裹足不前 guǒzúbùqián to hesitate to proceed

HÀN, regret [C]

憾事 hànshì a regrettable matter

HÀN, to weld, to solder [C]

“fire” for meaning, hàn for sound.

焊接 hànjiē to weld

, to puff (blow out air); to scold [C] L6

呵斥 hēchì to berate

呵呵 hēhē laughing sound

, pit, fruitstone; nucleus; to check up on [C]

核武器 héwǔqì nuclear weapon [D]

核电站 hédiànzhàn a nuclear power plant

, be cut off from; not be communicating with [C]

HĚN, be ruthless; to suppress your feelings; be resolute [C]

狠毒 hěndú vicious

狠心 hěnxīn heartless, cruel L6

HÉN, mark, trace, scar [C]

痕迹 hénjì trace, vestige [C]

疤痕 bāhén scar

HÉNG, scale (weighing device); to weigh [C]

平衡 pínghéng balance L5

HÓNG, be great, be magnificent [C]

宏伟 hóngwěi be magnificent [C] L6

宏图 hóngtú great plan, grand prospect

, see below [C]

蝴蝶 húdié butterfly [C] L5

HUÀN, be illusory; be magical, changeable [C]

幻想 huànxiǎng illusion [C] L5

幻觉 huànjué hallucination

HUÁNG, be brilliant, to shine brightly [C]

辉煌 huīhuáng be brilliant, be glorious [C] L6

HUÀNG, to bedazzle; to flash past; HUǍNG to shake, to sway [C]

晃眼 huǎngyǎn dazzling

晃动 huàngdòng to sway, to shake

HUÌ, be intelligent [C]

慧心 huìxīn enlightened mind, wisdom

HÚN, be muddy; be a little stupid; be unsophisticated; whole, entire [C]

浑浊 húnzhuó muddy, turbid L6

, muscle; flesh [C]

肌肉 jīròu muscle [C] L5

肌体 jītǐ human body; organism

, to edit; to compile; volume; part (e.g., of a book or film) [C]

编辑 biānjí editor, to edit L5

辑要 jíyào summary, outline

, record; registry; native place [C]

, sickness; suffering; to hate; be fast [C]

疾病 jíbìng disease L6

疾步 jíbù to trot, to walk fast

, be quiet, be lonely [C]

寂寞 jìmò be lonely, quiet, deserted [C] L5

寂灭 jìmiè nirvana; to fade out

JIĀ, be beautiful, be excellent [C]

佳节 jiājié festival

JIĀN, to wipe out [C]

歼灭 jiānmiè to annihilate

歼击机 jiānjījī a fighter plane

JIǍN, alkali; soda; to be alkaline [C]

“Rock” (for “minerals”) + “be salty” = alkaline.

碱性 jiǎnxíng alkalinity

JIÀN, to recommend; (bookish) straw, straw mat [C]

荐举 jiànjǔ to recommend

荐引 jiànyǐn to recommend

JIÀN, old-time mirror (of bronze); to reflect; warning; to look over [C]

鉴别 jiànbié to distinguish L6

鉴赏 jiànshǎng to appreciate

鋻, 鑑

JIÀN, naval vessel [C]

舰长 jiànzhǎng captain of a warship

舰队 jiànduì naval fleet

JIÀN, to splash; to splatter [C] L6

JIĀNG, be stiff; be numb; be deadlocked [C]

僵局 jiāngjú deadlock, stalemate

僵硬 jiāngyìng stiff/rigid L6

(“be stiff”)

JIĀNG, boundary [C]

疆土 jiāngtǔ territory

边疆 biānjiāng frontier, borderland L6

JIĀO, hot pepper [C]

胡椒 hújiāo pepper

椒盐 jiāoyán spiced salt

JIǍO, to stir; to disturb [C]

搅拌 jiǎobàn to mix, to stir L6

JIĒ, to tear off; to uncover; (bookish) to hoist [C]

揭露 jiēlù to expose [C] L6

揭竿而起 jiēgān ér qǐ to rise in rebellion

JIÉ, to use up [C]

竭力 jiélì to do your best

JIÉ, victory; be nimble, be quick [C]

捷报 jiébào news of victory

捷豹 jiébào Jaguar (car)

捷径 jiéjìng shortcut

JIÉ, be clean [C]

洁白 jiébái be pure white [C]

洁身 jiéshēn to preserve one’s purity L5

JǏN, be circumspect; sincerely [C]

谨慎 jǐnshèn be prudent [C]

JĪNG, whale [C]

鲸鱼 jīngyú whale [C]

鲸仔 jīngzǎi whale calf

JÌNG, path; means; without delay; diameter [C]

捷径 jiéjìng “quick path,” i.e., shortcut


JIŪ, to hold tight; to tug [C]

揪心 jiūxīn anxious, agonizing

JIǓ, moxibustion (Chinese medical term) [C]

针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion

, shell (e.g., egg, nut); (engineering) housing; QIÀO, shell [C]

贝壳 bèiké shell fish, seashell L6

地壳 dìqiào (geology) the Earth’s crust

, hole, cave, den [C]

窟窿 kūlong a hole

, be cruel; very; cool [C]

酷寒 kùhán be very cold

酷似 kùsī be just like

酷爱 kù’ài to love ardently

真酷 zhēnkù cool!

, storehouse [C]

库存 kùcún reserve (D)

库房 kùfáng storehouse (D)

KUĪ, to lose (e.g., money); be deficient; to treat unfairly; luckily [C]

亏本 kuīběn to lose one’s capital

亏心 kuīxīn to have a guilty conscience

KUÌ, be ashamed [C]

惭愧 cánkuì ashamed [C] L5

愧恨 kuìhèn shamed and remorseful

KŪN, (bookish) older brother; (bookish) progeny [C]

昆虫 kūnchóng insect [C] L6

KUÒ, be extensive; an outline [C]

轮廓 lúnkuò an outline L6

, see below [C]

喇叭 lǎba brass, brasses (category of musical instrument); loudspeaker [C] L6

, wax; candle; polish [C]

蜡烛 làzhú candle [C] L5

蜂蜡 fēnglà beeswax; propolis

LÁN, orchid [C]

兰花 lánhuā orchid

LÁNG, corridor; veranda [C]

走廊 zǒuláng corridor L6

LǍO, see below [C]

姥姥 lǎolao maternal grandmother L5

LÈNG, be distracted, be stupefied; (colloquial) be reckless [C] L6

愣头愣脑 lèngtóulèngnǎo blockhead

, multitude; family name Li; people [C]

黎明 límíng dawn, daybreak L6

黎民 límín the common people

, be subordinate to; servant, slave [C]

隶属 lìshǔ be subordinate to

奴隶 núlì slave L6

LIÁN, flag hung out to identify a shop; curtain [C]

LIÁO, bureaucrat; colleague [C]

幕僚长 mùliáozhǎng chief of staff

LIÁO, to treat; to cure [C]

疗养院 liáoyǎngyuàn a sanatorium

LIÈ, to hunt; hunting [C]

猎人 lièrén hunter

LÍNG, hill; imperial tomb [C]

陵墓 língmù mausoleum

LÓNG, see below [C]

喉咙 hóulóng throat [C] L6

LÓNG, basket; cage; steamer for food [C]

笼鸟 lóngniǎo caged bird

LǑNG, ridge in a field; raised path in a field [C]

垄断 lǒngduàn to monopolize; monopoly L6

壟, 壠

LǑNG, to arrive at; to sum up; to hold together; to comb your hair [C]


LÓNG, (dialect) gallery (in a mine)

窟窿 kūlòng cavity; deficit, debt [C]

, donkey [C]

, aluminium [C]

铝矿 lǚkuàng aluminum ore

LÜÈ, to pillage; to sweep past [C]

掠夺 lüèduó to pillage [C] L6

掠影 lüèyǐng sketch; glimpse

LUÓ, a bird-net; to catch birds; silk gauze; to collect; to display; surname [D]

罗曼蒂克 luómàndìkè romantic (also 浪漫)

LUÓ, to patrol

逻辑 luóji logic [C] L5

巡逻 xúnluó to patrol L6

LUÓ, gong [C]

锣鼓 luógǔ gongs and drums; percussion band [C]

LŌU, to rake together; to tuck up; to extort money; LǑU, to hug [C] L6

搂抱 lǒubào to embrace

LOU, “as soon as (I’ve done this, I’ll do that…)”; “Look, now…” [C]*

MÁN, to hide the truth from somebody [C]

瞒骗 mánpiàn to deceive

MÀN, to overflow; to be everywhere [C]

漫长 màncháng be endless [C] L6

漫画 mànhuà manga, comics L6

MÁNG, be blind [C]

盲目 mángmù blind; blindly [C] L6

盲人 mángrén blind person

MÁNG, see below; MÉNG, common folk [C]

流氓 liúmáng hoodlum; hooliganism [C] (for MÉNG) L6

MÁO, (botany) a kind of grass; a family name [C]

茅台酒 máotáijiǔ Maotai (Chinese aquavita) [C]

MÉI, mildew, mould [C]

霉菌 méijūn mould

MIÁN, to sleep [C]

冬眠 dōngmián to hibernate [C]

失眠 shīmián insomnia L5

MIÈ, 1) to disrespect; to denigrate; 2) paltry; nothing

蔑视 mièshì to despise, to look down upon

污蔑 wūmiè to slander L6

(1st meaning only)

MǏN, be quick, agile [C]

敏捷 mǐnjié be agile [C] L6

敏感 mǐngǎn sensitive, delicate L6

, path between fields; road [C]

陌生 mòshéng strange, unfamiliar L5

NÍNG, to congeal, coagulate [C]

凝思 níngsī to get lost in thought

凝视 níngshì to gaze fixedly; to stare L6

NÍNG, to twist; to pinch or tweak [C]

Ō, oh (exclamation indicating understanding, comprehension) [C]

Ó, Is that right?; Really? (= surprise, disbelief); Ò, oh! (= enlightenment, comprehension) [C] L6

, to lie prone; to bend over; to lean on [C] L6

PĀN, to climb; to seek connections in high places; to implicate [C]

攀登 pāndēng to climb up, to ascend L6

PÉI, to bank up with earth; to train [C]

培养 péiyǎng to cultivate, to bring up, to train L5

培训 péixùn to train L6

PÈI, to wear at your waist; to admire [C]

佩带 pèidài to wear

佩服 pèifú to admire L5

PÉNG, be dishevelled, be fluffy; a bitter plant; a measure for clumps (e.g., of bamboo) [C]

蓬勃 péngbó vigorous

蓬松 péngsōng fluffy

PÉNG, a canopy of reed mats; a shed or hut [C]

PÉNG, to expand, to dilate [C]

膨大 péngdà to expand

PŌU, to cut apart; to analyze [C]

剖析 pōuxī to analyze

, 1st syllable of 葡萄 pútáo grapes [C] L3

: p. 262b, below.

QIĀN, be modest [C]

谦虚 qiānxū be modest L5

QIÁO, to live abroad; a person living abroad [C]

侨居 qiáojū to live abroad

华侨 huáqiáo overseas Chinese [C] L6

QIÁO, to raise your head; be warped; QIÀO, to stick up, hold up, bend upwards [C] L6

翘楚 qiáochǔ outstanding person

翘翘板 qiàoqiàobǎn see-saw, teeter-totter

QIÀO, be pretty, be smart; to sell well [C]

俏皮话 qiàopíhuà witty remark, wisecrack

QǏNG, a unit of area (6.67 hectacres); (bookish) just now; (bookish) a little while [C]

顷刻 qǐngkè in a moment, in an instant

QĪNG, to lean; to bend; to be deviant; to collapse; to turn over and empty; to put your all into something [C]

倾听 qīngtīng to listen attentively to L6

QIŪ, a hillock; a family name [C]

丘陵 qiūlíng hills [C] L6

孔丘 Kǒngqiū Confucius

QUÁN, power, authority; right [C]

人权 rénquán human rights

权力 quánlì power, authority [C] L5

RǍNG, soil, earth; area, region [C]

土壤 tǔrǎng soil

RÓNG, to dissolve, be dissolved [C]

溶洞 róngdòng Karst cave

溶液 róngyè (chemistry) solution [C]

RÓU, be soft, to soften; be gentle or mild [C]

柔软 róuruǎn be soft, be lithe [C]

温柔 wēnróu gentle and soft L5

RÓU, to rub, to knead L6

SĀO, to upset; literary writing; be coquettish [C]

离骚 Lí Sāo famous poem by

屈原 Qū Yuán

SHĀN, to delete [C]

删节 shānjie to abridge

删改 shān’gǎi to revise

SHÀO, guardpost; (birds) to warble, to chirp; a whistle [C] L6

哨兵 shàobīng sentry [C]

SHÈ, to absorb; to take a photo; to take care of your health; to serve as acting of ficer [C]

摄取 shèqǔ to absorb, to ingest L6

摄氏 shèshì Celsius, centigrade

SHÈNG, sage; saint; be holy, be sacred [C]

圣人 shèngrén a sage; a wise man; a saint

圣诞节 Shèngdànjié Christmas [C]

SHǏ, to sail, to drive [C]

驾驶 jiàshǐ to drive (a car, a plane, etc.) L5

SHÌ, to pass; to die [C]

逝世 shìshì (formal) to die L6

SHUÒ, to shine, be bright [C]

烁烁 shuò shuò to glitter [C]

, to watch, watch for; , in

伺候 to serve [C]

伺机 sìjī to wait for an opportunity

, to rear, to raise [C[

饲养 sìyǎng to rear, to raise [C] L6

饲料 sìliào forage

SÒNG, to praise; a song, a paean [C]

颂扬 sòngyáng to extol

颂歌 sònggē song, hymn of praise

SÒNG, to read aloud; to recite, to chant [C]

诵读 sòngdú to read aloud

诵经 sòngjīng to chant or recite scriptures or prayers

SUŌ, see below [C]

哆嗦 duōsuo tremble; shiver L6

罗嗦 luōsuo be long-winded [D] L6

, to collapse; to droop; to calm down [C] L6

塌实 tāshi be dependable; be calm, relieved [C]

TĀN, beach; shoal [C]

海滩 hǎitān beach

TÁO, grapes [C]

葡萄 pútáo grapes [C] L3

葡萄酒 pútáojiǔ grape wine

, be cautious, be alert, watchful

警惕 jǐngtì be vigilant [C] L6

TUÓ, to carry on the back; DUÒ, a load carried by a pack animal; a measure for such loads [C]

驮马 tuómǎ pack horse

TUÓ, camel; hunchback [C]

驼背 tuóbèi hunchback

LUÒ, horse; a family name [C]

骆驼 luòtuo a camel [C]

WĚN, lips; to kiss; animal’s mouth [C] L5

吻合 wěnhé be identical

吻别 wěnbié to kiss goodbye

, to accuse falsely [C]

诬蔑 wūmiè to slander, villify [C]

诬告 wūgào frame; false accusation

, to bully, to insult [C]

外侮 wàiwǔ foreign aggression

侮辱 wǔrǔ to insult; to humiliate

, make a surprise attack on; to continue (a tradition) [C]

袭击 xíjī to raid [C] L6

沿袭 yánxí to carry on as before; to follow

XIÀN, statute; constitution [C]

宪法 xiànfǎ constitution [C] L6

宪兵 xiànbīng military police

XIÀN, pitfall; to get bogged down; to frame for a crime; to fall to the enemy; defect(ive) [C]

陷阱 xiànjǐng a pit, a trap

XIĀNG, wing of a house; railroad carriage; area outside a city-gate; side [C]

厢房 xiāngfáng a wing-room

XIĀO, night [C]

通宵 tōngxiāo all night

宵禁 xiāojìn curfew

XIÁO, to mix up to confuse; to make a mess with

淆乱 xiáoluàn to confuse

XIÉ, upper side of the body (human); to coerce

威胁 wēixiè a threat, to threaten L5

XIǓ, be rotten, be decayed; be senile [C]

朽木 xiǔmù rotten wood; worthless person

, ruins, village, market [C]

废墟 fèixū ruins L6

XUÁN, to hang; be unresolved; to feel anxious; to imagine; be far apart [C]

悬挂 xuán’guà to hang L6

悬崖 xuányá overhanging cliff

XÚN, to follow, abide by [C]

循环 xúnhuán circulation; to circulate L6

XÚN, a period of ten days; (in an older person’s life) a period of ten years [C]

旬日 xúnrì ten days

XÚN, to enquire [C]

询问 xúnwèn to enquire [C] L5

, to pawn; to arrest; to escort; to sign or mark [C]

押金 yājīn a deposit, a cash pledge L6

, cliff, precipice [C]

YĀN, to flood; to tingle from sweat; (bookish) be broad (knowledge) [C]

YǍN, to cover over, to hide; to close; to attack by surprise; (dialect) to get pinched closing a door [C]

掩藏 yǎncáng to conceal, to hide

掩盖 yǎngài to cover up L6

YÀN, be very beautiful; be amorous; (bookish) to admire or envy [C]

艳史 yànshǐ romantic records of personalities, love story

YĀN, northern Hebei (province); a family name; YÀN, swallow (the bird) [C]

燕子 yànzi swallow

YÀN, to blaze [C]

焰火 yànhuǒ (dialect) fireworks

气焰 qìyàn arrogance

YǍNG, oxygen [C]

yáng gives the sound.

氧气 yángqì oxygen [C] L6

氧化 yánghuà to oxidize [C]

YÁO, kiln; coal pit; cave dwelling [C]

The “cave” radical gives the meaning.

窑洞 yáodòng cave dwelling


YÀO, to shine; to dazzle; to praise highly [C]

耀眼 yàoyǎn to be dazzling (D) L6

荣耀 róngyào glory, glorious

, to smelt (metal); to dress sexily [C]

冶金 yějīn metallurgy [C]

冶艳 yěyàn coquettish

, (dialect) he, she; family name [C]

伊斯兰教 Yīsīlánjiào Islam [C]

伊拉克 Yīlākè Iraq

伊朗 Yīlǎng Iran

, to lean on, rely on; (bookish) be biased [C]

倚靠 yǐkào to lean on

倚重 yǐzhòng to rely heavily on sb.’s service

, to restrain; (bookish) or [C]

抑郁 yìyù be depressed, depression

抑制 yìzhì to restrain L6

, be resolute [C]

毅力 yìlì willpower; stamina [C]

毅然 yìrán resolutely, firmly L6

YĪNG, baby [C]

婴儿 yīng’ér baby [C] L6

, Oh! or Ouch! (mild surprise). YO (exhortation, encouragement, at the end of a sentence)

YǑNG, to jump up [C]

踊跃 yǒngyuè to jump; to compete [C] L6

YǑNG, to gush up; to emerge [C]

涌现 yǒngxiàn to emerge in profusion (D) L6

, be stupid; to make/be made a fool of [C]

has “monkey” over “heart-mind.”

, fishing; to take unfairly or illegally [C]

渔民 yúmín fisherfolk [C] L6

渔村 yúcūn fishing village


, islet [C]

岛屿 dǎoyǔ islands and islets L6

, eaves; house; space; manner, bearing; a family name [C]

See 宇宙 (p. 265a).

, to drive (a carriage); be imperial; to resist [C]

御林军 yùlínjūn palace guards

(“to resist” only)

, jail; lawsuit [C]

入狱 rùyù to go to jail

越狱 yùeyù prison break

, be plentiful; (bookish) to make rich (e.g., a country or a people) [C]

丰裕 fēngyù abundant, plentiful

, (bookish) be pleased; comfort; Henan (province) [C]

豫剧 yùjù Henan opera

YUÁN, an ape [C]

猿人 yuánrén ape-man [C]

猿猴 yuánhóu apes and monkeys

YUÈ, be happy; to make happy, to please [C]

The “side-heart” helps with the meaning.

悦目 yuèmù good-looking

, to pound, tramp down; to smash; to get bungled [C] L6

The “rock” radical is here for meaning.

ZÁO, to cut a hole; to chisel; ZUÒ to mortise; (bookish) irrefutable [C]

ZHÁI, residence, house [C]

凶宅 xiōngzhái a haunted house

ZHǍN, a small cup; a measure for lamps [C]

ZHǍN, (bookish) to tower over; (dialect) be excellent [C]

崭新 zhǎnxīn brand-new L6

ZHÀNG, to obstruct; obstruction [C]

孽障 nièzhàng an evil creature; a vile spawn

障碍 zhàng’ài to obstruct; an obstruction [C] L6

ZHĒNG, to struggle to be free; ZHÈNG, to earn [C]

挣钱 zhèngqián to earn money L5

挣扎 zhēngzhá to struggle L6

ZHÌ, (bookish) flag, banner [C]

旗帜 qízhì flag L6

ZHÌ, be young, be childish [C]

稚气 zhìqì childishness

ZHŌNG, inner feelings; heart [C]

衷心 zhōngxīn be heart-felt, be wholehearted [C] L6

言不由衷 yánbùyóuzhōng to speak insincerely

ZHÒU, in finite time [C]

宇宙 yǔzhòu [space + time =] the cosmos, the universe [C] L5

宙斯 zhòusī Zeus

ZHÒU, (of a horse) to trot; be abrupt, sudden [C]

骤然 zhòurán suddenly

ZHǓ, to urge, to exhort [C]

嘱咐 zhǔfù to tell, to order L5

ZHUÀNG, a measure for houses [C] L6; CHUÁNG, streamer; stone pillar with Buddhist carvings

, that; the other [C]

彼此 bǐcǐ each other [C] L5

彼此彼此 bǐcǐbǐcǐ You, too!

CÁI, to cut out; to reduce; to dismiss; to judge [C]

Distinguish from , , below.

裁缝 cáifeng tailor L6

裁判 cáipàn (law) judgment; (sports) referee, umpire L6

ZĀI, to plant, to grow; to insert; to impose; to fall [C]

Distinguish from , above; and , below.

栽种 zāizhòng to plant

ZǍI, a year; to record [C]; ZÀI, be loaded with.

Compare with , above; , below.

载重 zàizhòng load, carrying capacity

JIÉ, to cut, sever; measure for sections, chunks, lengths; to stop, to check; up to [C]

Distinguish from the preceding three characters.

截止时间 jiézhǐshíjiān deadline

CÁN, silkworm [C]

蚕丝 cánsī natural silk

蚕子 cánzǐ silkworm egg

CÁN, be deficient; remnant [C]

残酷 cánkù be cruel [C] L6

残疾 cánjí a disability; a handicap

CǍN, be pitiful; be savage; disastrously [C]

惨杀 cǎnshā massacre

惨无人道 cǎnwúréndào be brutal and inhuman

CHÉN, dust; the world [C]

“Small”+ “earth” = “dust.”

尘土 chéntǔ dust [C]

红尘 hóngchén the world of mortals; human world

CHÉN, to display; to explain; be stale; surname [C]

陈列 chénliè to set out [C] L6

陈旧 chénjìu outmoded; obsolete L6

CHÚN, be pure; be simple; be skilled [C]

纯爱 chún’ài pure love

纯洁 chúnjié be pure; be honest [C] L6

CÒU, to collect; to happen by chance; to draw near [C]

凑巧 còuqiǎo luckily [D]

CUĪ, to break [C]

摧残 cuīcán to devastate L6

DĀN, unlined (clothes); be single; be odd (not even); sheet; list [C]

单独 dāndú alone, solo L5

单车 dānchē bicycle

DÈNG, stool, bench [C]

Distinguish from (798, p. 160).

长凳 chángdèng bench

板凳 bǎndèng wooden chair or stool

, dyke [C]

堤岸 dī’àn embankment

堤防 dīfáng dyke, embankment

, to prop up; to withstand; to compensate for; mortgage; be equal to [C]

抵达 dǐdá to reach, to arrive L6

抵抗 dǐkàng to fight back L6

DIÀN, to shim; to pad, to cushion; to pay for a person, expecting L6 repayment [C]

床垫 chuángdiàn mattress

DIĒ, (colloquial) dad [C]

爹爹 diēdie daddy

É, forehead; horizontal tablet; a definite amount [C]

额外 éwài additional, extra, especially L6

, to punish [C]

罚款 fákuǎn to fine; a fine (D) L5

罚酒 fájiǔ be made to drink as a forfeit

FÈN, shit, dung [C]

朽木粪土 xiùmùfèntǔ rotten wood, dung, dirt—worthless stuff

GĀNG, crock, vat [C]

茶缸子 chá gāngzi tea mug

GĒNG, to plow, farm [C]

耕地 gēngdì to plow; cultivated land [C] L6

耕牛 gēngniú farm cattle

GŌNG, palace, temple, hall; a family name [C]

宫殿 gōngdiàn palace [C] L6

子宫 zǐgōng womb

, be orphaned; be alone, solitary [C]

孤立 gūlì be isolated [C] L6

孤单 gūdān be alone L4

, to hire [C]

雇员 gùyuán employee [C]

雇主 gùzhǔ employer

GUǍ, be few; be tasteless; be widowed [C]

寡妇 guǎfu widow [C]

寡人 guǎrén I (the sovereign only)

GUĪ, to return (home, or where you belong); to give back; a family name [C]

归程 guīchéng a return journey

归还 guīhuán to return, to give back to L6

GUǏ, rail (as in “railroad”), path [C]

轨道 guǐdào track [C] L6

脱轨 tuōguǐ to derail, to deviate from the normal course of state

HÁO, a very talented person; be unrestrained, bold [C]

Distinguish from (p. 246a).

豪华 háohuá luxurious L5

豪门 háomén rich and powerful family

HÀO, to use up; to waste time; bad news [C]

耗费 hàofèi to use up (D) L6

噩耗 èhào very bad news

HǑU, to roar [C] L6

吼叫 hǒujiào to roar


HUÁI, to hug; bosom; heart; to cherish; to conceive (a child) [C]

怀抱 huáibào bosom; to embrace

怀疑 huáiyí to doubt, doubt L4

HUǏ, to break apart; to destroy [C]

摧毁 cuīhuǐ to smash [C]

撕毁 sīhuǐ to rip to shreds

HUÌ, 1) to converge; to collect; a collection; 2) to remit [C]

汇报 huìbào to report L6

HÚN, soul; mood [C]

神魂 shénhún state of mind; mind

神魂颠倒 shénhúndiāndǎo to be fascinated, head over heels; to be infatuated

, be hungry; famine [C]

饥饿 jī’è starvation [C] L6

饥寒 jīhán cold and hunger

飢, 饑

JIǍ, fingernail; carapace; armor; 1st of heavenly stems; “A,” first of a series [C] L5

甲骨文 jiǎgǔwén oracle bone script

甲子 jiǎzǐ a cycle of sixty years

JĪN, muscle; (colloquial) tendon, sinew, prominent vein; tendon-like thing [C]

橡皮筋 xiàngpíjīn a rubber band, an elastic band

JIÙ, uncle (mother’s brother); wife’s brother [C]

舅舅 jiùjiu uncle (mother’s brother) [C] L5

, to get together [C]

聚集 jùjí to gather [C]

聚精会神 jùjīnghuìshén to concentrate on [C]

KUĀNG, basket [C] L6

筐子 kuāngzi small basket

篮筐 lánkuāng basket (as in basketball)

KUÁNG, be insane, violent, wild, arrogant [C]

疯狂 fēngkuáng insane [C] L5

狂风 kuángfēng gale [C]

, be hot (spicy); to sting (e.g., antiseptic); be ruthless [C] L4

辣椒 làjiāo hot pepper [C] L5

火辣 huǒlà very hot (taste); very sexy

LÁO, pen, fold (for animals); jail; sacrifice [C]

牢固 láogù be firm [C] L6

牢骚 láosāo grievance [C] L6

LÍN, to pour, to drench [C]; LÌN, to filter L6

淋淋 línlín be dripping

淋病 lìnbìng gonorrhea

LIŪ, to slide; be smooth; to sneak off [C]; LIÙ, rain runoff; rain gutter; row; fast current; neighborhood L6

溜走 liūzǒu to leave stealthily, to sneak away

LIǓ, willow; a family name [C]

柳树 liǔshù willow tree [C]

花柳病 huāliǔbìng a venereal disease (lit. flower and willow disease)

, stove, furnace [C]

炉子 lúzi oven, stove, furnace [C]

炉灶 lúzào kitchen stove L6

LUǍN, egg, ovum [C]*

卵白 luǎnbái egg white

卵黄 luǎnhuáng egg yolk

LUÒ, net-like thing; to hold with a net; string; to wind [C]

经络 jīngluò meridian (Chinese medicine)

网络 wángluò network, (often) Internet L6

MÉI, plum; family name [C]

梅花 méihuā plum blossom [C]

梅毒 méidú syphilis (lit. the poison of the plum)

MÉI, eyebrow; margin at the top of a page [C]

眉毛 méimáo eyebrow [C] L5

眉头 méitóu brows [C]

MĒN, be tightly closed; be stuffy; be muffled [C]; MÈN, be tightly closed; be depressed

闷闷不乐 mènmènbúlè be depressed

闷热 mēnrè muggy, hot and windless

MĒNG, to dupe; guess wildly; be unconscious [C]; MÉNG, to cover; to meet; MĚNG, Mongol

蒙古 měnggǔ Mongolia

MÉNG, alliance; league; (sworn) brothers [C]

盟国 méngguó allied country

盟友 méngyǒu ally

MĚNG, be fierce; be energetic; abruptly [C]

猛烈 měngliè be fierce [C] L6

猛然 měngrán abruptly [C]

MIǍN, to strive; to exhort [C]

勉强 miǎnqiǎng to do with difficulty; reluctantly; to force to do; inadequate [C] L6

勉励 miǎnlì to encourage; to urge L6

MÍNG, birdsong; bug or animal sounds; to ring [C]

鸣笛 míngdí to whistle, to honk

鸣谢 míngxiè to express one’s thanks formally

, to apply, smear on; to wipe; to cross out, erase [C]

抹杀 mǒshā to obliterate (D)

抹茶 mǒchá Matcha, fine powder tea

, to herd [C]

“cow” is for meaning.

牧场 mùchǎng pasture [C]

牧民 mùmín herdsman [C]

NÀI, see

奈何, below [C]

奈何 nàihé how can it be that... (it can’t, of course)

NÈN, be delicate; be light (in color); be inexperienced [C] L5

seems to be for meaning here.

老牛吃嫩草 lǎoniúchīnèncǎo to rob the cradle

NIĒ, to hold between your fingers; to knead; to fake (e.g., a report) [C] L6

捏造 niēzào to trump up [C]

NÍNG, be tranquil [C]; NÌNG, rather; could there be...?; a family name

宁静 níngjìng peaceful

宁愿 nìngyuàn would rather L6

ǑU, image, idol; be even (not odd); be in pairs; spouse; by accident, occasionally [C]

偶然 ǒurán accidental, by chance L5

偶数 ǒushù even numbers

PĀO, to throw; to discard [C]

抛弃 pāoqì to throw away (D) L6

抛锚 pāomáo to drop anchor; to break down (car, etc.)

PÍNG, to lean on, to depend on; proof [C] L5

凭据 píngjù evidence, proof

, lacquer; to paint with lacquer; a family name [C]

漆黑 qīhēi pitch-black

油漆工 yóuqīgōng painter (not the artist)

QIÀ, be proper; exactly [C]

恰当 qiàdàng be proper [C]

恰好 qiàhǎo just right [C]

恰恰 qiàqià exactly [C]; cha-cha-cha (dance)

QIĀNG, cavity; tune; accent; speech [C]

腔调 qiāngdiào tune, accent

口腔 kǒuqiāng the oral cavity L6

QÍN, a traditional musical instrument (“Ch’in”) [C]

钢琴 gāngqín piano (D)

小提琴 xiǎotíqín violin

QÍN, be hardworking; frequently; attendance [C]

勤劳 qínláo be hardworking [C] L5

勤俭 qínjiǎn hardworking and thrifty L6

, to be bent; a bend; be wronged; a family name; , verse for singing (“Ch’ü”); tune; music [C]

曲调 qǔdiào melody

, a bend; to subdue, to be subdued; an injustice; be in the wrong; a family name [C]

屈从 qūcóng to submit to

, to take a wife, to get married [C] L5

娶亲 qǔqīn (of a man) to get married

, dishonor; to bring dishonor to, insult [C]

侮辱 wūrǔ to force indignities on, humiliate [C] L6

RÙN, be sleek, be moist; to moisten; to embellish; profit [C]

润色 rùnsè to embellish, embellishment

RUÒ, be like; seem [C]

若干 ruògān a certain number or amount; how many? how much? [C] L6

若是 ruòshì if

SĀI, to stuff in; a stopper; SÀI, strategic place [C]

塞外 sàiwài north of the Great Wall

塞车 sāichē traffic jam

SĀNG, funeral; mourning; SÀNG, to lose [C]

丧礼 sānglǐ funeral service

丧气 sàngqì to feel disheartened; be unlucky

SHĀ, yarn; gauze [C]

纱布 shābù gauze

SHÈ, to ford; to wade/go through; to involve [C]

涉及 shèjí to involve (D) L6

涉外 shèwài concerning foreign affairs

SHÈN, very; more than ... SHÉN, in 甚么 (= 什么) [C]

日甚一日...rì shèn yírì …more so every day

SHÈNG, to flourish; to be vigorous; be grand; popular; surname; CHÉNG, to fill; to contain [C]

盛开 shèngkāi full bloom L6

SHÍ, to lose; to erode [C]

日蚀 rìshí solar eclipse

月蚀 yuèshí lunar eclipse (also 日食, 月食)

SHÌ, decorations, adornment; to put decorations on, to dress up [C]

饰物 shìwù decoration, ornament


SHÒU, long life; age; a family name [C]

寿命 shòumìng lifespan [C] L5

寿险 shòuxiǎn life insurance

SHÒU, to sell; (bookish) to carry out, pull off [C]

售货 shòuhuò to sell goods [C]

售票员 shòupiàoyuán ticket seller

SHÒU, animal; beastly [C]

人面兽心 rénmiànshòuxīn be a beast in human form

美女与野兽 měinǚ yú yěshòu Beauty and the Beast

SHUǍ, to play; to wave around; to play tricks [C] L6

耍滑 shuǎhuá to “play slippery,” i.e., to dodge work

耍赖 shuǎlài to act shamelessly; be perverse

SHUĀI, to decline, to get weak [C]

衰弱 shuāiruò be weak [C]

衰退 shuāituì to decline L6

SHUĀN, plug, cork [C]

枪拴 qiāngshuān rifle bolt

栓塞 shuānsè embolism

SŪN, grandson; family name [C]

孙女 sūnnǚ granddaughter [C]

孙悟空 Sūnwùkōng the Monkey King

SUǑ, lock; to lock up [C] L5

锁上 suǒshàng to lock up

锁眼 suǒyǎn keyhole

, to step on; to go make an on-the-spot inspection; , see below [C]

踏实 tāshí = 塌实 (p. 262b) [C] L6

TĀN, to spread out; vendor’s booth; to fry in a thin layer; a measure for puddles, pools, etc. [C]

摊位 tānwèi a stall (in the market, etc.)

摊贩 tānfàn street vendor

TǍN, be flat, level; be calm; be candid [C]

坦白 tǎnbái frank, honest, to confess L6

坦克 tǎnkè tank (armored military vehicle) [C]

TÀN, to sigh; to exclaim in admiration; praise [C]

叹气 tànqì to sigh L6

TÁO, peach [C] L5

桃花 táohuā peach blossoms [D]

桃花运 táohuāyùn luck in love affairs

, disciple; apprentice; bloke, guy; be on foot; be empty; be in vain; merely; prison sentence [C]

学徒 xuétú apprentice, trainee

徒劳 túláo a futile effort

TŪN, to swallow; to take possession of [C]

吞并 tūnbìng merger, to annex

吞吞吐吐 tūntūntǔtǔ to hem and haw, to babble

TUǑ, be appropriate, be proper; (after a verb) settled, done [C]

妥当 tuǒdàng be proper [C] L6

不妥 bùtuǒ not proper, wrongly

WÁN, be insensate; be stubborn; be poorly behaved [C]

顽固 wángù hardheaded, stubborn L6

顽疾 wánjí chronic and stubborn disease

WǍN, to pull; to roll up [C]

挽救 wǎnjiù to save [C] L6

挽回 wǎnhuí to retrieve, redeem L6

WǍNG, to bend, be bent; to wrong a person; in vain [C]

枉然 wǎngrán be futile

冤枉 yuānwǎng to treat unjustly; not worthwhile

WĒI, awesome strength; by force [C]

威胁 wēixié to threaten [C] L5

威尼斯 Wēinísī Venice

WÉN, mosquito [C]

蚊子 wénzi mosquito [C]

蚊香 wénxiāng mosquito-repellent incense

WÉN, veins (as in marble); grain (as of wood), pattern, lines [C]

纹丝不动 wénsībúdòng absolutely still, motionless

WĒNG, old man; father; father-inlaw; a family name [C]

, to lie down; (of animals) to crouch [C]

卧室 wòshì bedroom (D) L5

卧车 wòchē sleeping car

, tin [C]

锡纸 xīzhǐ tinfoil

, be rare; be sparse; be thin [C]

稀罕 xīhàn in short supply, rare; to treasure

, to cherish; to stint; to feel sorry for [C]

爱惜 àixī to cherish [D] L5

惜别 xībié be reluctant to part

, daughter-in-law [C]

媳妇 xífù son’s wife; daughter-in-law; wife [C] L6

XIĀ, be blind; to no purpose [C] L5

瞎话 xiāhuà a lie

瞎子 xiāzi blind person

XIĀ, shrimp [C]

对虾 duìxiā prawn

龙虾 lóngxiā lobster

XIĀO, to pare; XUĒ, to pare, whittle [C]

剥削 bōxuē to peel and pare, i.e., to exploit [C] L6

XIÉ, be joint; to assist [C]

协作 xiézuò to cooperate [C]

协助 xiézhù to help [C] L6

XIÈ, to unload; to remove; to shirk [C]

卸货 xièhuò unload cargo

卸任 xièrèn to get fired, to leave one’s office

, duck [C]

鸭子 yāzi duck [C]

母鸭 mǔyā female duck

公鸭 gōngyā drake

YÁN, rock; cliff [C]

岩石 yánshí rock [C] L6

岩洞 yándòng grotto

YÀO, see 钥匙 below; YUÈ, key [C]

钥匙 yàoshi key [C] L4

, to lose; a lost thing; to omit; to bequeath [C]

遗留 yíliú to hand down [C] L6

遗言 yíyán will, last words

YǏN, to drink; to nurse (a grievance); YÌN, give (an animal) to drink [C]

饮食 yǐnshí diet, food and drink L6

YÓU, be just like; still [C]

犹豫 yóuyù to hesitate [C] L5

犹大 yóudà Judas, traitor

犹太人 Yóutàirén Jewish person

YÒU, be young; children [C]

幼稚 yòuzhì be childish [C] L6

幼儿园 yòuéryuán kindergarten L5

, to amuse; amusement, pleasure [C]

娱乐 yúlè entertainment, recreation [C] L5

, territory, region [C]

区域 qūyù region, area, district L6

, to bathe; bath [C]

浴室 yùshì bathroom [C]

淋浴 línyù shower (bath)

, to reside; residence; to contain [C]

公寓 gōngyù apartment L5

寓言 yùyán allegory, parable, fable [C] L6

YUĀN, injustice; resentment, grievance; loss [C]

冤枉 yuānwang to wrong; to be not worthwhile [C] L6

YUÁN, reason; fringe; along [C]

缘故 yuángù cause [C] L5

缘木求鱼 yuánmùqiúyú to do the impossible as one who climbs a tree to catch fish

YUÀN, resentment; to blame [C]

怨恨 yuànhèn to hate; enmity

怨偶 yuàn’ǒu unhappy couple

YŪN, be dizzy; to faint; YÙN, be dizzy; halo [C] L5

晕车 yùnchē carsickness

光晕 guāngyūn halo

ZÈNG, to give as a present [C]

赠送 zèngsòng to give as a present [C] L6

赠阅 zèngyuè given free by the publisher

ZHĀ, dregs; sediment; broken bits (e.g., crumbs) [C] L6

ZHÀNG, curtain, canopy; account, account book [C]

帐篷 zhàngpéng tent, camp L6

ZHÀNG, to expand; bloated [C]

膨胀 péngzhàng to swell up, distend [C]

ZHÀO, to cover; a cover; a bamboo fish-trap [C]

胸罩 xiōngzhào bra

ZHĒ, to cover, hide from view; to obstruct; to keep out [C]

遮瞒 zhēmán to conceal, hide [C]

遮阳 zhēyáng visor; sunshade

ZHĚN, a pillow; to rest one’s head on; (engineering) block [C]

枕头 zhěntóu pillow L5

枕套 zhěntào pillowcase

ZHĒNG, to evaporate; to steam [C]

蒸发 zhēngfā to evaporate L6

蒸汽 zhēngqì steam, vapor

ZHŌU, congee; gruel (of rice, millet, etc.) [C] L6

ZHÒU, wrinkles [C]

皱纹 zhòuwén wrinkles L6

皱巴巴 zhòubābā wrinkled

ZHŪ, tree trunk; plant stem; tree, plant; a measure for trees [C] L6

株守 zhūshǒu (bookish) to stick stubbornly to

ZHÙ, casting [C]

铸造 zhùzào casting; to cast (metal) L6

铸模 zhùmó mold

ZHUĀNG, stake; a measure for matters [C]

树桩 shùzhuāng stump (tree)

ZÒNG, be vertical; north to south; to set free; to let yourself go; to jump into the air [C]

纵欲 zòngyù lecherous, to indulge in sensual pleasures

ZUÌ, crime; guilt; fault; suffering; to blame [C]

罪恶 zuì’è sin, crime, guilt

ZHÀO, a family name [C supplement]

赵州桥 zhàozhōuqiáo Zhaozhou Bridge

LIÚ, a family name [C supplement]

, family name; (historical) name of an ancient kingdom in China [C supplement]

SHǍN, Shaanxi Province (陕西 Shǎnxī) [C supplement]

SÒNG, family name; name of one major dynasty (960–1279) and one minor dynasty (420–479) [C supplement]

MÈNG, family name; first month (of a season); elder (brother) [C supplement]

孟子 Mèngzi Mencius

ŌU, family name; short for Europe [C supplement]

欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe L6

欧盟 ōuméng EU, European Union

, (botany) kudzu; , family name [C supplement]

SHĚN, a family name; short for Shenyang Province (沈阳 Shěnyáng) [C supplement]

ZHÈ, short for Zhejiang Province (浙 江 Zhéjiāng) [C supplement]


yúlèi 余类, the 227th category in Han-Ying Cidian, “leftovers”: following characters.

LÍNG, zero. (Same as

; usually used for numerals.)

五 九号 wǔlíngjiǔhaò No. 509

TÚN, to collect; to station (troops); village [D]

屯兵 túnbīng to station troops

, to protrude, stick up [D]

凸面 tūmiàn be convex

ĀO, be concave [D]

凹凸不平 āotūbùpíng be full of holes and bumps

PÀN, to rebel [D]*

叛卖 pànmài to betray

叛逃 pàntáo to defect

叛徒 pàntú traitor

, last part; end; dust, powder

末尾 mòwěi the end

末代皇帝 mòdàihuángdì the last emperor


* Fu Yi loved the blue mountains and white clouds. He died drunk, alas! (Fu’s epitaph, written by Fu himself (555–639 A.D.))

* 四端: the four beginning points of social order in Confucianism, according to Mencius: (450), (1020), (591), and (1023).

* , pronounced lóu, may be seen in 喽罗 lóuluo “lackey; low-ranking member of a gang.”

* In Han-Ying Cidian, is one of eleven “leftover” characters that have no radical. See p. 272b.

* Also in the Han-Ying Cidian category of 余类 yúlèi, “leftovers,” are five characters which the student has already learned: dōng “east” (210), “the open hand” (302), xiāng “country” (462), mín “folk” (715), and “to lift” (1017).